2007-08-21 SubmittalTASK FORCE BELTLINE PARK COLLINS ESTUARY PARK The City Council has voted twice to form a task force for park planning that would be community driven, not staff controlled. At the first City Council meeting in October 2006, the Council voted that the advisory task force for the Beltline be community driven. At the second City Council meeting in October, 2006, the Council voted to have the above task force be advisory to the plans for the park on the Collins property as well. Councilman Matarrese's motion was that "begin the community planning process with the recommendation that the process be community driven with a Task Force that would work in conjunction with the Recreation and Park Commission." Submitted by Barbara Kerr at the 08 -21 -07 Council Meeting Re: Agenda Item #4 -F Mayor Beverly Johnson Honorable Members of the City Council Alameda, CA 94501 RECEIVED 1N1 nuc n P 3: 11 CITY Of ALAFIEDA CITY CLERK'S OFFICE August 17, 2007 RE: Proposed Youth Commission Ordinance Dear Mayor Johnson and Members of the City Council: Alternatives in Action (AIA} through the HOME Project has spent time over the last year working with staff from the Alameda Collaborative for Children, Youth and Families, Alameda Point Collaborative and Alameda Recreation & Parks Department on developing a Youth Commission for the City of Alameda. AIA has had a strong commitment to youth leadership in Alameda since it first launched the HOME Project in 1996. While we're happy to be a part of the City's efforts towards inclusion of youth voice in governance, we have concerns about the current proposal and encourage you to look deeper at this issue. As you know, many Bay Area cities and counties have invested in Youth Commissions with some of the earliest efforts dating back to the late 60's. What this provides is a wealth of knowledge on best practices in meaningful engagement of youth in the policy arena. We've spoken with staff from the Marin Youth Commission, the Oakland Youth Commission and the San Francisco Youth Commission to understand what would be the most effective design for establishing a Youth Commission in the City of Alameda. We ask you to consider the following: • Youth Commissions are different than other Commissions and require a different level of support and resources in order to be effective. - Most school -age youth cannot vote and have limited influence in policies that deeply impact their lives. - Youth have limited knowledge and skills necessary to navigate and access policy and decision - making processes. • All Bay Area Youth Commissions have dedicated staff to support development recruitment, skill building and policy research. Successful Youth Commissions have received significant government funding to support the activities of the Commission. The funding has varied depending on the size and funding streams allocated to the Commission's work from as high as $250,000 in the City of San Francisco to support three staff and offices to $25,000 in the County of Marin to support staff efforts (their total Youth Commission budget is over $80,000). • Most Youth Commissions are staffed by experts in high -end youth and leadership development with backgrounds in policy and research. In order for Re: Agenda Item 4-G 08 -21 -07 meaningful engagement, staff must have in -depth knowledge of government systems, policy development and skill in helping youth build their capacity through youth development practices. At this time, we do not have clarification of the resources that will be dedicated to the Youth Commission to adequately support its work. Our recommendation, based on best practices, is that the Commission have dedicated staff (25 hours per week or .60 FTE) with the qualification described above. Based on our experience in youth leadership, we believe the appropriate budget for this is a minimum of $30,000. We encourage the City Council to carefully examine the need for dedicated resources and build this in to the resolution establishing the City of Alameda Youth Commission. We appreciate the efforts by ARPD to move this initiative along and applaud the City of Alameda's commitment to establish a Youth Commission. Sincerely, Patricia Murillo Executive Director Alternatives in Action Franklin Hysten Director, HOME Project r, Is.+crlr, 1"16ibi4,416 I f F•IY! Send to: r uuerl, n. rvuratn r u- a4a -rtMG4. p.01 Mayor Beverly Johnson Council Members: Vice Mayor Lena Tam, Marie Gilmore, Doug deHaan, and Frank Matarrese August 16, 2007 From: Robert H. Follrath, $r. Alameda, CA 94601 Comments: Mayor Johnson Members of the City Council I am opposed to the Alameda City Council taking a position supporting a diplomatic approach to ending the war and bringing our troops home. 1 did not vote for council members to waste the time and energy of both the city council and city employees on issues over which they have no control. Further, the members of the council lack the information required to make decisions effecting national policy. The individuals that should deal with this matter should be the President and those that hold seats in the Senate and Congress. To date both Congress and the Senate have not stepped up to the plate. What gives the Alameda City Council the power or authority to get involved with or manage the health care of our military men and women. Evidently, one member of the council is only concerned about "soldiers" If you read the article in the Alameda Sun dated August 16, 2007. Generally speaking, we assume the soldiers are in the U.$. Army. We have many U.$. Marines and other military representatives in or leaving for Iraq including my Grandson, Adam Follrath, who is a Marine. Alameda and the State of California have sufficient manpower resources to deal with and manage our city and state in the event of a natural disaster. Additional help can also be called if needed. The Alameda Police Department and the Alameda Fire Department are staffed with competent, well trained members. Should they need assistance a mutual aid program is in place. The reservists, National Guard, which also includes the California Air National Guard, have always been in a position to serve overseas. The idea that they should only to be called to service in California is inaccurate. 1 Alameda is important to all of us. Our council members should dedicate their Re: Agenda Item #5 -B 08 -21 -07 • ,.I I k i I. I .1111 .16i 1 V 11�!"w.+irl't efforts to city issues that they can oversee, control, and resolve. If our council members want to influence what occurs at the federal level, they should run for a national office. What gives the council members the idea that they should speak for every citizen of our community on national issues? I did not Vote for any council member to represent me on any national issue. National issues were not addressed during the council campaign; therefore, council members who take stands on national issues are using their council power Improperly. The cost of war has always been expensive, and additionally comes with the loss of some of our brave young men and women. The men and women that gave up their lives for our country were dedicated to the freedom of our country and its citizens. The men and women that are fighting in Iraq should be supported by our government and our citizens in any way that we can. We should pray for their safety and victory in their purpose. 1 do not want the City Council speaking for or embarrassing me with a stance that is obviously politically motivated. The Council should not approve of this resolution. The Alameda City Council should not be involved in this matter. The Council should stick to the issues that they were elected to handle. 1 believe that most Alameda Citizens agree that the Council should stick with City business. The council should not make symbolic gestures to satisfy the whims of Councilman Matarrese or the local or national politicians who subscribe to this resolution. Please remember that council positions are nonpartisan. The matter should be dropped. The proponents and supporters should write to their appropriate representatives in Washington D.C. regarding this matter. Finally, the removal of our troops from Iraq to "pursue a diplomatic approach to resolving the remaining conflict" is not realistic. We tried that, even at the UN level. Robert H. Follrath, Sr. 2 p,ug Lara Weisiger - Fwd : War resolution _ __ _ .._._ _.. �. .�..m� ......_.n�......... "..._.__ ��.�..� µ�..wN.���_. ... �,. ..�.. �nnvvnT' n'.,•::.,. �+ a;e[. fW:::-. �,. �m1?"., �w; n: a: vW.; ed' MGP} xv':::."]•: rn; �. v,[+. aae�s' M? i+ Y,: Y:,,•., v.1' v:>>:-:: �..::.; s': �:: v�ee::::. �. i% ss} i?? T1r+ n" Y.+ i,: .:?nf..:,�.,•.?•.,•.rsassrY^Y/F Yn• "}• "t .,- -: :••s % }}•.?•.v4'- ,.w:- i' ^:1+..»;n'a .,•.,)}„ }•.,•.a•:n•:•:: ti::- �+.vfvxmn,•.4Y- �": :.,n: Pa gel " �^F . .... ... .... �— v,,,y �.v.:�u.•: : :.v.,,,v,y.::vF �:.,•.: "': '- ':.r:?ava??w+„ 11 Y - ...::.. . " .. ..� . � . •r^:-+a+> t- ......y,,•• " "r "" .... ..:..xi..yrr ++ a , "....e �..,v.uy,,},•.y }x�•v v.,mnvv v„ .,..�,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,, , ,,,,, , ,,,,•�.,v...,..,�„�.,w ,�,. S . . From: Debra Kurita To: Weisiger, Lara Date: 8/21/2007 2:45:23 PM Subject: Fwd: War resolution »> Gregg Cevallos <greggcevallos(a�yahoo.com> 8/21/2007 2:36 PM »> I am writing in support of a resolution from the City of Alameda, to tell President Bush to end the war in Iraq immediately. Gregg Cevallos 2814 Lincoln Alameda, CA 94501 Got a little couch potato? Check out fun summer activities for kids. http: / /us.rd.yahoo.com /evt= 482481* http: / /search.yahoo.com /search ?fr=oni on mail &amp;p= summer +activ ities +far +kids &amp;cs =bz Re: Agenda Item #5 -B 08 -21 -07 Lara Weisiger - Fwd: City o ..- J..+::••.•• n... .•.�:._...= [..L'.. } \.n + }•xxwr�i .+..:xH.- x- �;n+r:.+Y:•J+11 ++ ^W %•�wr�.i:�:n'. �.]•:.'m'.+Y.T.r:.s':.:.. .� From To: Date: Alameda Resolution Supporting }rxxr l«n�..+• {+• �v.]�v •:- v. r+ nw: ae 'tan••+anvn}v�.++V•Y�}'•1P•r:.w •..n+����•:{.vn��,r -- .1•-.�.: + +:.f�-r.+� .. r.•f: . {.•W- +Y - \ -1:: Debra Kurita W eis iger, Lara 8/21/2007 2:29:44 PM a Diplomatic Approach to Ending the Iraq■War and Brin in Pa e WA'F{•1 i rf- .-- xw..++•::.•�,nd.+� re.+?�- +•.++•..w+caD'+.+•: + n..: Y}rFAW /FFAYr'YU' : "::.rr»;xeeem:eexaWMx:•- '.rr�: r:xnv...::n• n• ' •- - -+•: f. i• - . .... . .......... - .. ... - - - -� - - -,. < Fi •+'•) ]k� +[-0GWY [{•}1+'F �l-. 1v. fn. n. �, U) Y; M} Y^±±' M±: F! is�-= rr- ,.- ::- +�- >•.w......,....a +...XU•w- Yr -: -- -err -x �..,,. -.., ,,�[ +.r.vlrZV. Subject: Fwd: City of Alameda Resolution Supporting a Diplomatic Approach to Ending the Iraq War and Bringing For the record. »> <robbonta(comcast.net> 8/21/2007 1:49 PM »> Dear Honorable Mayor Johnson and City Councilmembers Tam, Matarrese, Gilmore, and deHaan: 1 write in favor of the "City of Alameda Resolution Supporting a Diplomatic Approach to Ending the Iraq War and Bringing Our Troops Home." I regret that I cannot personally be present at tonight's City Council meeting as I am presently out of state. 1 currently serve as the Co- President of the City of Alameda Democratic Club. While I cannot speak on behalf of every member of the group, I can report that on June 13, 2007, the Alameda Democratic Club voted overwhelmingly in favor of a similar Iraq War resolution sponsored by the Alameda County Democratic Party Central Committee. See http:// resolutionpeace. org /Publishables /ACDPCCREs.doc. While I am sensitive to the argument that local governments should not attempt to govern nationally, I do not see any danger of this occurring here. Certainly, the Iraq War impacts us all and local governments are hardly barred from having an opinion on an issue of such universal importance. In addition, I believe that localities should speak up when, as here, national policies have detrimental impacts on their local sphere of influence. It is this very type of "bottom up" feedback from a local government to the federal government that is such an important part of our governmental system of federalism. I encourage each of you to vote in favor of "City of Alameda Resolution Supporting a Diplomatic Approach to Ending the Iraq War and Bringing Our Troops Home." Respectfully Yours, Robert A. Banta Co- President, City of Alameda Democratic Club Re: Agenda Item #5 -B 08 -21 -07 ara Weis! er - Iraq war resolution :a xa.r +�• ++ e. ++ menroxv r.-u.. +r�c:a� Fri:.:: m-<u:••r• •----- - - - - -- cur: a�.+•.xr.,,,. -•; • „----rr From: "Christine Buck” <christinebuck@alamedanet.net> To: <alamedacitycouncil©gmail.com> Date: 8/1 9/2007 9:04:41 PM Subject: Iraq war resolution Dear City Council Members, I urge you to vote in favor of the Iraq war resolution supporting a diplomatic approach to ending the war presented by Councilmember Matarrese. 1 believe we have compounded the difficulties of both the Iraqi people and ourselves through this unjust war, which was started based in inaccurate and misleading information. Our reputation around the world - and our infrastructure here at home - have suffered mightily as a result of this ongoing conflict. Please let our nation's leaders know that we, the people, want this war to end now. Thank you for your consideration of this important issue. Sincerely, Christine Buck 1131 Bay Street Alameda, CA 94501 510 521 -9892 Re: Agenda item #5 -B 08- 2'1 -07 rrnumr.wrnuwb• :: <K * Page 1 Lara Weis er —. - _ - —..... .-- — .. -. -.. _ - - - -_ � - -. .�.. ..w_ .... � .....__... s on r:... ✓,:+:r+ rave s+ aawa, u.. r-. w: 4,“a-a.-'•: wx ua• r .:reu.a�f•%Wxvi^•:.a':- ;::::e:: n:.+trr.eu.:rSrr::,...r::, From: <Loel.Solomon @kp.org> To: <alamedacitycouncil @gmail.com> Date: 8/19/2007 11:08:23 PM Subject: Please vote Yes on Iraq War Resolution Dear City Council Members: W'S•[ ••[^' w. v:'[. xe: wfee- s 'WW�±fs?!!- "- l�i[..�✓,raee•f:.; W;r-..[rr- :..•.:.+v� +f lam writing to ask you to support the Iraq war resolution that will be before you soon. These are extraordinary times calling for every voice to be sounded to end this war. City government is a n important voice -- not only because you reflect the aspirations and concerns of your citizens, but because we count on the Guard to be there if there is a natural disaster or some other urgent need, and we know that our CA National Guard is stretched far too thin to offer us much comfort. Please lend your voice to concerns about the Guards' deployment, and the need to end the war, and bring our kids home and out of harms way. Thank you. Sincerely, Loel Solomon 1515 Fountain Street NOTICE TO RECIPIENT: If you are not the intended recipient of this e -mail, you are prohibited from sharing, copying, or otherwise using or disclosing its contents. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and permanently delete this e-mail and any attachments without reading, forwarding or saving them. Thank you. Re: Agenda Item #5 -B 08 -21 -07 Page 1 RECE1VED Mayor and Council Members 1001 AUG 2 I A 8: 21-1 CLERK'S OFF CITY CE I'm writing to you about the Valero gas station appeal which you will be hearing tonight. My personnel opinion is that the owners have been treated very poorly by this city, as they are taxpayers and businessmen. However I will try to keep my comments to several issues. I believe that the planning board's duty is not only to enforce the city zoning codes, but to interpret them subjectively. After all we have a staff that is paid to enforce the zoning codes verbatim. The board's job is not only to look at the issues before them but to try and help our citizens through a rather cumbersome process, sometimes this can mean listening to all of the citizens concerns and not just "going by the book ". I always felt that I was appointed to the planning board as a fellow citizen to help my neighbors when they came up against problems that seemed insurmountable. I wasn't there just to enforce rules alone. At the June 11t' planning board meeting the City Attorney's comments dealt with this issue. Rather than my trying to quote her I would ask that you listen to the video of her comments at (1 :41:58) it is only about 2 min. I believe that the board had the ability to make a different decision, however having such a strong planning background they made a decision more as a staff would rather than being "subjective ". Which is why we have a planning board. The second issue which was brought up was that of the Use Permit going with the land rather than the individual. It is certainly something to be looked at; however it should not be the one issue to deny the appeal on. The city has at its command many ways to enforce issue's governing Use Permits. Examples include the Buckhorn now known as the Lucky 13, and the Encinal Lounge now known as Z's. I believe that this council can look at the Appeal "Subjectively" as citizens of Alameda and hopefully come to a decision that is fair to the community who rely on the Valero gas station, and to the neighborhood. There has to be a compromise on this issue for it to be settleled in a fair and reasonable manner. Respectfully John Piziali Re: Agenda Item #5 -C 08 -21 -07 1342 Bay St Alameda CA araaaaaa / San Maas. An 1423 Saint Charles St Alameda CA Scott Dwyer it a ...e4 4'4 ; t 1342 Saint Charles St Alameda CA Ma1.40,1 g 0.007 0,00.1•11 I 1 Oa Me ROOMS* H / "044 H. ji a a Submitted by Joseph Zadik at the 08-21-07 Council Meeting Re: Agenda Item #5-C 1 1412 Saint Charles St Alameda CA Jackie Mirisciotta 2 8 3 gy 1626 Encinal Ave Alameda CA Richard Armstrong 1535 Central Ave Alameda CA Bernice Meager .VET. d 1107 San Antonio Ave Alameda CA Vincent San Nicolas 2 1098 Sherman St Alameda CA Donald Kelley, Jr. •uma'«.cs. 1056 San Antonio Ave Alameda CA Marcia Gill, u 913 San Antonio Ave Alameda CA Elmer Strasser 1007 Grand St Alameda CA Nancy Wakeman Ernie Notar 1246 Hawthorne St Alameda CA And Marcy and Peter Nordberg 834 San Antonio Ave, Apt. B Alameda CA Robed. Lao2 Is x m. .3 A.. 3 1333 Webster St Alameda CA Alliao& Erik Sadauskas a 95=r- 899 Union St Alameda CA Pete Butler te O 4 CITY OF ALAMEDA DELEGATION TRIP TO WUXI CHINA Itinerary 10/22/2007 depart SFO 2:50 pm China Air 986 10/23/2007 arrive Beijing 5:35 pm Hotel: TianTan Hotel 10/24/2007 tour of Tiananmen Square, Palace museum, Summer Palace, After dinner aerobatics show 10/25/2007 Juyongguan Great Wall, Ming Tomb, Wangfujing Street 10/26/2007 Temple of heaven, Hutong Ricksaw Tour, Colored Glaze Cultural Street, outward appearance of National Stadium, National Aquatics Center 10/27/2007 Travel via Air to Shanghai Pudong, The Old City. God's Temple, Nanjing Road Travel to Wuxi via bus Dinner in Wuxi 10/27/2007 Wuxi 10/28/2007 Wuxi 10/29/2007 Wuxi 10/30/2007 Wuxi 10/31/2007 Travel via bus to Shanghai Hotel: On your own for the day 11/1/2007 depart Shanghai 11:30 am China Air 985 Arrive SFO 12:10 pm Expenses The cost of the trip as follows • Official Delegate (double occupancy): $1500 plus $100 visa fee • Official Delegate (single occupancy): $1800 plus $100 visa fee Note: the cost of the official delegates' stay in Wuxi is being paid by the Friends of Wuxi. • Guest (double occupancy): $2000 plus $100 visa fee • Guest (single occupancy): $2300 plus $100 visa fee Deadlines • A deposit of $1000 per participant must be received by 3 PM on Monday August 27, 2007. Please make checks payable to Holiday Travel and Tours. Credit card payments may be made by calling Margaret of Holiday Travel and Tours at (415) 982 -1289. • A current valid passport must be must be received by 3 PM on Monday August 27, 2007. • A check payable to "Chinese Consulate General" in the amount of $100 must be received by 3 PM on Monday August 27, 2007. Each participant must have a passport and each passport must a have a visa stamp. Therefore, each participant must have a check for $100. No combined checks. DELIVER CHECKS AND PASSPORTS TO ROOM 1 AT LONGFELLOW EDUCATION CENTER, 500 PACIFIC AVE BY 3 PM ON AUGUST 27, 2007 Important Phone Numbers Stewart Chen (510) 913 -3828 Cyndy Wasko (510) 459 -0899 Longfellow Room 1 (510) 769 -7205 Other Information • Pre Trip Orientation Meeting with the City Attorney is mandatory. Date: TBA • Official delegate selection will be determined once the list of participants is finalized. Re: Agenda Item #5 -E 08 -21 -04