2007-09-11 Power PointCity of Alameda Priority Setting Workshop September 11, 2007 1 Environmental Scan An environmental scan provides data about factors that may affect the City of Alameda in the future. Although not a complete picture of the City of Alameda, these factors help provide a context for priority setting. 2 Environmental Scan Factors • Demographics • City budget • City revenues • Largest property tax payers • Largest employers 3 65 and over 45 -64 a) ca ce 24 -44 a) 0) Q 18 -24 Under 18 Demographics: Age 11% 6% 23% 31% 30% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Percent of Population Source: 2005 American Community Survey 4 Demographics: Ethnicity 4.2% 54.5% D White O African American D Asian D American Indian /Alaska Native • Some other race O Two or more races People of Hispanic origin may be of any race. 15% of the people in Alameda were Hispanic. 48% of the people in Alameda were White non - Hispanic. Source: 2005 American Community Survey 5 Demographics: Per Capita Income $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 co $30,000 a $25,000 c $20,000 cl $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 MEM MUM MENEM MEM MEM MEM MEM 00 6\ C9/ 61) oD' Ooh oOO 0'\ 0)(3)/ �o 11' 11' O Oo 9 93 9O Year Source: American Community Survey Data adjusted for inflation 6 Demographics: Household Income 8,000 -a 7,000 a) 6,000 c 5,000 = 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 ° 0) 0)°'m c°'0 ��3 ��� °��� °�°'0 °�°'0 c� ram o`o °\S ° ) 0 \S) o\S o\S s \ o 0 Q 0, oc' ^ °o ��o ) o �0 00 D 0 00 00 0 c° c`' is '`oo I\<0 Source: 2005 American Community Survey Income 7 Demographics: Geographic Mobility 90% 80% 70% CD 60% AS 50% s_ 40% a) a 30% 20% 10% 0% - 83% 9% 4%-4-% 0% Source: 2005 American Community Survey ❑ Same residence as 2004 ❑ Different residence, same county ❑ Different state ❑ Different county, same state • Abroad 8 Demographics: Year Household Moved to Current Home co 0 20,000 - s N 15,000 0 1 10,000 0 16 5,000 2 0 z Year Moved In Source: 2005 American Community Survey ❑ 2000 or later ❑ 1990 to 1999 ❑ 1980 to 1989 ❑ 1970 to 1979 • 1969 or earlier 9 Demographics: Homeownership in Alameda 60% 40% 20% 0% 48% 44% 8% Ow ner- occupied Renter - occupied Source: 2005 American Community Survey Vacant 10 Total City Budget: FY 2007 -08 Capital Improvement 4% ARRA 4% Enterprise 6% Housing Authority 10% CIC 5% $287.2 Million --*--.\<,/\— General Fund 28% Other Funds 20% AP&T 23% 11 City Budget: General Fund Allocations $80.8 Million Planning & Building Other Rec & Parks 6% 9% General Admin 9% Public Safety Pension 4% Police 29% Public Works 11% Fire 27% 12 City Budget: Top General Fund Revenues, FY 2006 -2007 14 %- Percentage equals percentage of top five revenues Property Tax Sales Tax Property Transfer Tax Utility Users Tax Motor Vehicle In Lieu Tax 13 Top Five G.F. Revenues Trend ($ Millions) Property Tax Utility Users Tax Sales Tax Property Transfer Tax Motor Vehicle In Lien Tax 14 Principal Property Tax Payers Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 Taxpayer Taxable Value Alameda Real Estate Investment $ 218,524,744 KW Alameda, LLC $ 87,291,200 Wind River Systems, Inc. $ 60,593,386 Harsch Investment Realty, LLC $ 50,486,980 Bayport Alameda Associates, LLC $ 49,815,105 Limar Realty Corp #13 and Limar $ 31,469,388 Ballena Village, LLC $ 28,365,760 SRM -PCCP Harbor Associates, LLC $ 26,823,831 South Shore Beach and Tennis Club $ 26,476,524 Woodstock Homes Corporation $ 26,011,914 Source: FY 2006 -07 County Assessor data, MuniServices, LLC 15 Largest Employers 2006 Employer Number of Employees Alameda Unified School District 1,000 Abbott Diabetes Care Inc 671 City of Alameda 626 Alameda Hospital 600 College of Alameda 472 Safeway Stores 345 Wind River Systems 339 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan 252 Ut Starcom Inc. 223 Celera Diagnostics LLC 215 Source (2006 -07): MuniServices, LLC Results based on direct correspondence with city's local businesses 16