2007-09-04 SubmittalAround November of 2006, the City Council decided to create a task
force for the Beltline park development. The City Council also decided
to combine the Beltline and Oak Street Estuary Park projects together in
the same task force.
In March/April time, the City Council directed the City Manager to start
forming the task force. In a recent article in the newspaper, it was
reported that the proposed hiring of a $90,000 consultant was going to
set up that task force but that hire may be delayed up to 2 years waiting
for the final legal decision on the Beltline property.
We are mystified by the need for a very high priced consultant. There
are many capable citizens willing to work with city staff on research for
resources and there are organizations in the Bay Area who have many,
many years of experience helping cities create wonderful active and
passive parks. These organization are available to assist a citizens group
and staff.
Not forming a task force for two years will create an unnecessary delay
in looking for funds to purchase the property for Oak Street Estuary
Park. In the same article mentioned above, Francis Collins is quoted as
saying the city can have a park there but they have to buy the land. That
is a fact. Francis Collin's attorney has also accused the city of not doing
anything to create a park on the property in question since the first plan
was added to 1991 General Plan.
There is no reason to delay work on securing funding for Oak Street
Estuary Park while the Beltline decision continues thru the court system.
We need a task force to be created now so we can get to work. When
the Beltline decision is finally decided, we will have an experienced task
force ready to step in and start to work. And hopefully, we will have
secured the money to purchase land for Oak Street Estuary Park. We
don't need a $90,000 consultant. We need a city government that is
willing to work with the citizens who care about these parks and are
willing to spend their time and effort to create beautiful parks for the
people of Alameda
Dorothy Freeman for EPAC
Submitted by Dorothy Freeman at the
94-07 Council Meeting under
Oral Communications