2008-04-01 Packet~`~~ ~
p r1Ah 7T.44h~ ~~
1. Please file a speaker's slip with the Deputy City
Clerk and upon recognition by the Mayor, approach
the podium and state your name; speakers are
limited to three ~3} minutes per item.
2. Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing
and only a summary of pertinent points presented
3. Applause and demonstration are prohibited during
Council meetings.
TUESDAY--------APRIL I, 20Q8-~----7:30P.M.
[Note: Regular Council Meeting convenes at 7:30 pm, City Hall,
Cot~~~~.~ ~~~er~, corner of Santa Clara Ave and oak St]
The Order of Business for City Council Meeting is as follows:
1. Roll Call
2. Agenda Changes
3. Proclamations, Special Orders of
4. Consent Calendar
5. Agenda Items
G. Oral Communications, Non--Agenda
7. Council Referrals
8. Communications Communications
9. Adjournment
Public Participation
the Day and Announcements
Public Comment}
from Council}
Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items or business
introduced by Councilmembers may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes
per agenda item when the subject is before Council. Please file a
speaker's slip with the Deputy City Clerk if you wish to address
the City Council
1. ROLL CALL - City Council
3-A. Proclamation declaring March 30 through April 5, 2008 as Boys
and Girls Club Meek.
3-B. Presentation by the School Board President on overview of
Alameda Unified School District budget issues.
3-C. Presentation by the Secretary of the California Department of
Food and Agriculture and the Director of the Light Brown Apple
Moth Program on the Apple Moth.
Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be
enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request
for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the
Council or a member of the public
4-A. Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission
Meeting of March 5, 2008; the Special City Council Meeting
held on March 10, 2008; the Special Joint City Council and
Public Utilities Board; Special Joint City Council and
Community Improvement Commission; and Regular City Council
Meetings held on March 18, 2008. City Clerk}
4-B. Bills for ratification. Finance}
4-C. Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by Adding Section 3-53 Claims} to Division VIII Refunds and
Corrections? to Chapter III Finance and Taxation} to
Establish Uniform Requirements and Procedures Applicable to
the Presentation and Processing of Claims for Money or Damages
with the City of Alameda That Are Not Currently Covered by
State Law or Other Provisions of the Alameda Municipal Code.
City Attorney}
4-D. Final Passage of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by Repealing Section 5-30 Filming Activities? in Its
Entirety, and Replacing It with A Successor Section to Article
II Permits} of Chapter V Licenses and Permits} Making
Changes to the Procedures, Regulations and Related Fee
Provisions for Filming Activities Within the City of Alameda.
Alameda. Development Services?
4-E. Final Passage of Ordinance Amending ~Tarious Sections of the
Alameda Municipal Code Contained in Article I, Zoning
Districts and Regulations}, Chapter XXX, Development
Regulations}, Pertaining to Retail and Commercial Uses.
Planning and Building?
5-A. Adoption of Resolution Appointing Cecilia Cervantes and Andrea
M. Leal as Members of the Public Art Commission.
5-B. Recommendation to discuss and finalize the City Council's
priorities for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. City Manager?
Any person may address the Council in regard to any matter
over which the Council has jurisdiction or of which it may
take cognizance, that is not on the agenda
Matters placed on the agenda by a Councilmember may be acted
upon or scheduled as a future agenda item
8. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Communications from Council}
Councilmembers can address any matter, including reporting on
any Conferences or meetings attended
8-A. Consideration of Mayor's nominations for appointment to the
Recreation and Park Commission.
9. ADJOURNMENT - City Council
• For use in preparing the Official Record, speakers reading a
written statement are invited to submit a copy to the City Clerk
at the meeting or e-mail to: lweisige@ci.alameda.ca.us
• Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please
contact the City Clerk at 747-4800 or TDD number 522-7538 at
least 72 hours prior to the Meeting to request an interpreter.
• Equipment for the hearing impaired is available for public use.
For assistance, please contact the City Clerk at 747-4800 or TDD
number 522-7538 either prior to, or at, the Council Meeting.
• Accessible seating for persons with disabilities, including
those using wheelchairs, is available.
• Minutes of the meeting available in enlarged print.
• Audio Tapes of the meeting are available upon request.
• Please contact the City Clerk at 747-4800 or TDD number 522-7538
at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to request agenda
materials in an alternative format, or any other reasonable
accommodation that may be necessary to participate in and enjoy
the benefits of the meeting.
tiV~~R~~4$, the oun eo le of Alameda, Calif ornia, are tomorrow's leaders; and
Y gP P
1~I1#~~R~~[$, man such oun eo le need rofessional outh services to hel
Y Y gP p p Y p
them cope with a wide range of social and financial hardships; and
u1~~R~~l$, the Bo s & Girls Club or anization in Alameda rovides services at
Y g p
this Mme to more than 200 young people annually; and
tiV~f ~R~~l$, the Bo s & Girls Clubs are at the f oref rout of efforts in character ~
leadership development; education ~ career development; health &
life skills; the arts; sports, fitness, & recreation; substance abuse
prevention; delinquency prevention & literacy programs; and
tiV~~R~~l$, the Bo s & Girls Club or anizations in our state hel ensure that our
Y g p
young people stay off the streets, offering them a safe and supportive
place to go and providing them with quality programs; and
LV~f ~R~~4S, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Alameda will celebrate National Boys &
Girls Club Week 2008 along with some 3,700 clubs, serving over 4.5
million kids nationwide.
1VOW, T~f ~R~~OR~, ~~ IT R~SOLVf1~, that I, Beverly j. Johnson, Mayor of the
City of Alameda, do hereby proclaim March 30 through April 5, 2008, as
8oys~F,r Giv~Ls-ClulrWeek.
in the City of Alameda and call on the residents of Alameda to join me in recognizing and
commending the Boys & Girls Club organizations in our state for providing
comprehensive, of f ectrve services to the young people in our communities.
everly j. j City Counci~
May Agenda Item #3-A
WEDNESDAY - - - MARCH 5, 2008 - - - 7:01 P.M.
Mayor/Chair Johnson convened the Special Joint Meeting at 7:14 p.m.
Roll Call - Present: Councilmembers/Board Members/
Commissioners deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese,
Tam, and Mayor/Chair Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
X08 CC/08~- CIC} Recommendation to approve the First Amendment
to the Alameda Point Exclusive Negotiation Agreement between the
City Council, ARRA, CIC and SSC Alameda Point, LLC to extend the
timeline for several mandatory milestones and create a new
Developer Consultant Costs account.
The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager gave a brief
Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed the economy.
Diane Lichtenstein, Housing Opportunities Makes Economic Sense
HOMES, stated that HOMES supports the staff recommendation.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan stated that the
economy has changed; there were concerns regarding the Navy asking
for $108 million for the property; reviewed housing costs and
subsidies; stated the housing market is declining by approximately
200; inquired whether the project is feasible at this period of
Pat Keliher, SunCal, responded that he cannot predict the market;
stated Alameda Point is a special place and is an incredible piece
of land; nothing will be accomplished by hyper-focusing on what is
going on today; some SunCal projects are not doing very well; all
developers are having trouble in certain market segments; SunCal
companies are financed individually; SunCal is still spending a lot
of money on the Oak Knoll project, which is in the inner Bay Area
and does not have the market risk found in Bakersfield or Modesto;
money is still flowing for certain projects.
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and
Community improvement Commission
March 5, 2D08
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner deHaan stated that adaptive
reuse concerns were discussed; sequencing is important; he does not
want to get caught up in homes being the main element.
Mr. Keliher stated housing is only one element of Alameda Point.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Matarrese stated that he is
relieved to have a signed document; he hopes that the City is
notified if any hiccups or disasters occur and does not find out
through newspapers; the next six months are going to be intense; it
is important to know early if there is no chance of attaining the
project; the public needs to know what is going on in the next six
months; the six-month extension is justified given the newly found
technical information.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Matarrese moved approval of
the staff recommendation.
Vice Mayor/Board Member/Commissioner Tam stated that deliverables
are due very soon upon execution of the amendment; inquired whether
the historic preservation and adaptive reuse technical analyses and
market studies would have to be constantly revised; stated the
market is changing and it is hard to capture a scenario in any one
setting in order to develop a Performa in terms of negotiations
with the Navy.
Mr. Keliher responded all documents are dynamic and fluid; stated
status reports would be provided; he does not think that the City
would want to spend $25,000 every fifteen days on a market study.
Vice Mayor/Board Member/Commissioner Tam stated that SunCal has
done a good job in keeping the City informed; more opportunities
will be available to discuss the matter in the next six months.
Councilmember/Board Member/Commissioner Gilmore seconded the
motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
There being no further business, Mayor/Chair Johnson adjourned
the Special Joint Meeting at 7:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Special Joint Meeting
AJ.ameda City Council, Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and
Community Improvement Commission
March 5, 2008
Lora 'Weisiger, City Clerk
Secretary, Community Improvement
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Special. Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, and
Community Improvement Commission
March 5, 2008
MONDAY- -MARCH 10, 2008- -6:00 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the Special Meeting at 6:15 p.m.
Roll Call -- Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore,
Matarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5.
Note: Councilmember Matarrese was present via teleconference from
Novotel Hotel, ~Tia Mecenate 121-20138 Milano.
Absent: None.
The Special Meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider:
X08- } Conference with Labor Negotiators: Agency Negotiators:
Craig Jory and Human Resources
Director; Employee Organizations: All Public Safety Bargaining
Following the Closed Session, the Special Meeting was reconvened
and Mayor Johnson announced that direction was given to Labor
Netotiators on Fire and Police eighteen-month package presented by
staff .
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Special Meeting at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lora Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Special Meeting
Alameda City Council
Marck~ 10, 20~$
TUESDAY- -MARCH 18, 2008- -6:00 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the Special Joint Meeting at 6:05 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore,
Matarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson; Board
Members - Hamm, Holmes, Kurita, McCahan,
and McCormick - 10.
Note: Board Member McCahan was present via teleconference from 78-
6800 Alii Drive # 3 Kailua Kona, Hi 96740
Absent: None.
The Special Joint Meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to
X08- 7 Conference with Real Property Negotiators; Property:
1041 W. Midway and various easements in Alameda, California;
Negotiating parties: City of Alameda and Alameda Power and Telecom;
Under negotiation: Price and terms.
Following the Closed Session, the Special Joint Meeting was
reconvened and Mayor Johnson announced that Council and the Public
Utilities Board received a briefing from Real Property Negotiators;
no action was taken.
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Special Meeting at 6:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the
Brown Act.
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and
Pub11C Utilities Board
March 18, 2D08
TUESDAY- --MARCH 18, 2008- -6:01 P.M.
Mayor/Chair Johnson convened the Special Meeting at 6:55 p.m.
Roll Call -- Present: Councilmembers/Commissioners deHaan,
Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam, and Mayor/Chair
Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
The Special Meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider:
SOS- ~ Conference with Legal Counsel -- Anticipated Litigation;
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision ~b7 of
Section 54956.9; Number of cases: One.
Following the Closed Session, the Special Meeting was reconvened
and Mayor/Chair Johnson announced that Council/Commission received
a briefing from Legal Counsel on a matter of potential litigation;
no action was taken.
There being no further business, Mayor/Chair Johnson adjourned the
Special Meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger, City Clerk
Secretary, Community Improvement
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council and
Community Improvement Commission
March 18, 2DQ8
TUESDAY - - -- - - - MARCH 1S, 200$ - - - - 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the Regular City Council Meeting at 8:03
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese,
Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
Mayar Johnson announced that the Minutes [paragraph no. 08- ];
recommendation to address rent increases and maintenance concerns
[paragraph no. 08- ]; Resolution Approving Amendment to the
Memorandum of Understanding [paragraph no. 08- ]; Resolution
Authorizing the Execution by the General Manager [paragraph no. 08-
]; Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
[paragraph no. 08- ] were removed from the consent Calendar for
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the remainder of the
Consent calendar.
Vice Mayor Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an
asterisk preceding the paragraph number.]
X08- } Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, Alameda Reuse
and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission
Meeting held on February 6, 2008; and the Special and Regular City
Council Meetings held on March 4, 2005. Approved.
Vice Mayor Tam stated that the word "defeated" on Page 12 of the
Regular City Council Meeting minutes should be changed to
Vice Mayor Tam moved approval of the minutes with noted change.
Regular Meeting 1
Alameda City Council
March 18, 2008
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(*08- } Ratified bills in the amount of $3,004,609.80.
(*OS- } Recommendation to accept the work of SpenCon
Construction, Inc. for the first amendment to Agreement for the
Fiscal Year 2005-2006 repair of Portland cement concrete sidewalk,
curb, gutter, driveway, and minor street patching, Phase 7, P.W.
03-06-06. Accepted.
(*08- } Recommendation to approve the Proposition 1B Local
Streets and Roads Funding Proposal for Fiscal Year 2007-2008,
allocate $61,000 in Congestion Management Agency Transportation
Improvement Plan Funds, and authorize the City Manager to execute
all necessary documents. Accepted.
(08- } Recommendation to address rent increases and maintenance
concerns at 101, 123, and 127 Crolls Garden Court.
Vice Mayor Tam inquired what is the status of the code violations.
The Planning and Building Director responded outstanding items
include defective rain gutters, several hairline cracks on two
interior windows, and interior dry rock under the rug of one unit;
fire code issues include patching sheetrock in the water heater
closets; removing storage under the stairways; cleaning lint from
dryer vents; and providing proof of five-year service on private
fire hydrants.
Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether there has been any success in
getting the property owner to the mediation table with the tenants.
The Housing Development Manager responded the Rent Review Advisory
Committee ~RRAC} met on December 3, 2007 and in January 200$ to
review the matter; stated the owner did not attend either meeting
and has not responded to the RRAC's recommendations.
Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether the property owner was here
tonight, to which the Housing Development Manager responded in the
Mandy Olson, Alameda, stated that the mold in her apartment was
never properly cleaned; the soft boards in public walkways have not
been fixed; rain gutters are falling apart.
Winter Ladue, Alameda, stated her heater and stove were replaced
Regular Meeting 2
Alameda City Council
March 18, 2QQ8
after the compliance date; interior repairs have not been made; her
unit has dry rot on the outside.
Keith Ladue, Alameda, stated that he is concerned with security
issues; a homeless person is living outside his gate; the fence is
in disrepair.
Leif Olson, Alameda, submitted pictures? stated that the December
5 rent increase is not justified; the Code Enforcement officer
noted more than a dozen severe code violations; a 7o increase is
twice the annual rate of inflation and is excessive; no
improvements have been made in the last three years; broken windows
and gutters, and Unit 127 entryway are particular areas of concern.
Councilmember Gilmore stated mold is a health and safety violation
and is very difficult to eradicate; inquired whether the issue has
been corrected.
The Planning and Building Director responded the County addresses
mold issues.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether mold issues are addressed on
a complaint driven basis and whether the tenant or City can notify
the County.
The Planning and Building Director responded that she did not know
the County's process.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether people have difficulty getting
inspections, to which the Planning and Building Director responded
in the negative.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether additional ordinances are necessary
to deal with the issue.
The Planning and Building Director responded the City has a
Property Standards ordinance which addresses property upkeep.
Councilmember deHaan stated the pictures show issues that are not
listed in the staff report; inquired whether staff is aware of the
The Planning and Building Director responded that she has not seen
the pictures; stated the Code Enforcement office will follow up on
the matter.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether other properties are having
the same problems.
Regular Meeting 3
Alameda City Council
March 18, 2DD8
The Planning and Building Director responded there are
approximately 800 Code Enforcement cases.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether other properties are having
problems with rent increases, to which the Planning and Building
Director responded that she is not aware of any.
Councilmember deHaan stated the complex has 17 units; inquired
whether other units were inspected.
The Planning and Building Director responded units were inspected
if there was a complaint.
Councilmember Matarrese stated descriptions are reminiscent of the
Harbor Island Apartments' situation; the property owner is
collecting rent and not maintaining the property; he concurs with
the RRAC recommendations; after hours park use demands more
attention than the Planning and Building Department; the Nuisance
Ordinance needs to be invoked; inquired whether the Nuisance
Ordinance has fines that could total thousands of dollars.
The City Attorney responded fines can be imposed each day that a
nuisance continues.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether separate standards can be adopted
for maintenance of rental properties.
The City Attorney responded the issue can be reviewed if there are
rational distinctions between rental properties and owner-occupied
properties; a reason would be needed.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the issue should be pursued
aggressively; ignoring the City should not be tolerated.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the complex has any
vacancies, to which the Planning and Building Director responded in
the negative.
Councilmember deHaan stated the City would have some control if the
complex has Section 8 tenants.
Vice Mayor Tam stated that she concurs with Councilmember Gilmore
regarding being aggressive with the property owner.
Vice Mayor Tam moved approval of authorizing the Mayor to send a
letter to the property owner encouraging compliance with the Rent
Review Advisory Committee's recommendations and listing fines that
Regular Meeting 4
Alameda City Counczl
March 18, 20D$
would be imposed for code violations and health and safety issues
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Matarrese stated the City did not
connect the dots between crime at the Harbor Island Apartments and
the condition of the units and treatment of tenants; requested an
update in a month regarding Section S voucher management and public
safety issues.
Vice Mayor Tam concurred with Councilmember Matarrese regarding
reporting back to Council.
on the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
(Q8- } Resolution No. 14157, "Approving Amendment to the
Memorandum of Understanding Between the International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers and the City of Alameda for the Period Ending
December 31, 258, to Establish Rubber Glove Educational Incentive
Pay." Adopted.
The Human Resources Director gave a brief presentation.
Councilmember deHaan stated that approving the incentive pay is the
right thing to do; he wants the public to understand the reasoning
for the incentive pay.
The Human Resources Director stated the City has had a hard time
attracting Journey Lineworkers.
Councilmember deHaan moved adoption of the resolution.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(08- ] Resolution No. 14185, "Authorizing the Execution by the
General Manager of Alameda Power & Telecom of the First Amendment
to the Power Purchase Agreement with Ameresco Keller Canyon, LLC
for Price Increase of Delivered Power from Landfill Gas
Generation." Adopted.
The AP&T General Manager gave a brief presentation.
Mayor Johnson requested that the General Manager provide an
explanation of landfill gas generation.
Regulax Meeting 5
Alameda City Council
March 18, 2008
The AP&T General Manager stated that landfill gas generation is a
method in which gas that is generated from decomposing waste in a
landfill is captured through a network of pipes and is gathered and
burned within an engine; electricity is generated; the City has
four contracts for landfill gas.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether Ameresco would look to
Alameda and Palo Alto if unexpected cost overruns occur.
The Utility Planning Supervisor responded the Contract has
provisions; stated that he does not think a price increase would be
allowed; the 6o satisfies the City and provides for a project that
is under the projected wholesale market price; the developer would
make a profit.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the Contractor only has the
option to decide whether or not the deal is a go based upon their
financial projections as opposed to the City's financial
The Utility Planning Supervisor responded that the City could back
out of the Contract if the price is too high.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether staff is satisfied with the
Contractor's due diligence; further inquired whether the Contractor
performed due diligence before the City entered into the Contract
or afterwards.
The Utility Planning Supervisor responded some work and evaluation
was done prior to entering into the Contract; stated the Contractor
found out more after digging deeper; permitting and interconnecting
issues were out of the Contractor's control; the Bay Area Air
Quality Board required the additional engines.
Councilmember Gilmore stated that she does not want to be paying
for an increase because the Contractor failed to do due diligence.
The Utility Planning Supervisor stated the Contractor performed a
good study; the City has worked with the Contractor three times;
the Contractor is in the middle of a much larger project in Half
Moon Bay; the Contractor completed the Santa Cruz project without
any problem.
Councilmember deHaan inquired how many landfill gas projects the
City has.
The Utility Planning Supervisor responded the City has four active
Contracts; stated two generators are running and two generators are
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
March ~.8, 208
under construction.
Councilmember deHaan inquired what percentage of the City's
portfolio is gas, to which the General Manager responded between 40
and 5 0 .
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the four Contracts are
The Utility Planning Supervisor responded in the affirmative;
stated prices are more than competitive; Contracts were entered
into at a time when the wholesale market was low.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the City is looking at other
landfill gas projects .
The Utility Planning Supervisor responded Half Moon Bay is under
construction; the City will be partners with Palo Alto again.
Councilmember deHaan moved adoption of the resolution.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether Palo Alto approved the increase, to
which the General Manager responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson stated that Alameda and Palo Alto are on the
forefront of innovative power production.
The General Manager stated that the Environmental Protection Agency
awarded Alameda and Palo Alto with the Landfill Methane Outreach
Program award.
Vice Mayor Tam stated that she appreciates the questions raised by
Councilmember Gilmore; the increase is significant and includes
some escalators.
The General Manager stated the City is still under market price;
the cost would be spread over twenty years.
Cuoncilmember deHaan inquired whether the four landfills are
The General Manager responded Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz are
active; Richmond is not.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the City has options to
continue to draw gas from the landfills.
The General Manager responded in the affirmative; stated the
Regular Meeting 7
Al amcda City Count a. J.
March 18, 2008
Contract is a take-and-pay Contract; the City has renewal rights.
Councilmember deHaan stated that methane gas is worse than carbon
dioxide when the gas leaks into the air.
On the call for the question, by consensus, the motion carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(OS- } Introduction of ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Repealing Section 5-30 Filming Activities} in Its
Entirety, and Replacing It with A Successor Section to Article II
Permits} of Chapter V Licenses and Permits} Making Changes to the
Procedures, Regulations and Related Fee Provisions for Filming
Activities Within the City of Alameda. Introduced.
Dave Ruffin, Film Commission Chair, stated the recommended changes
would help the permitting process.
Councilmember Matarrese moved introduction of the ordinance.
Vice Mayor Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
SOS- } Public Hearing to consider Resolution No. 14189,
"Adopting General Plan Amendment, PLN07-0077, Amending Section Z.5
Retail Business and Services of the Land Use Element of the City of
Alameda General Plan." Adopted.
The Planning Services Manager gave a brief presentation.
Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing.
Proponent ~In favor of resolution}: Patricia Curtin, Harsh
Neutral: Bill Smith, Alameda.
There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public
portion of the hearing.
Councilmember deHaan stated that Alameda Towne Center and Alameda
Landing concerns are reflected in the staff report; inquired how
sales leakage would be controlled through zoning and the Municipal
The Planning Services Manager responded Policy 2.5.k states "pursue
Regular Meeting 8
Alameda City Council
March 18, 2008
and encourage new retail development that is consistent with the
retail policies of the General Plan and Economic Development
Strategic Plan; primarily serves the community or addresses a high
priority local retail or service need; and will not have a
significant long-term deleterious effect on existing retail areas
and/or the local economy"; stated staff wants to provide an
articulated policy that supports and supplements existing retail
areas but daes not compete.
Councilmember deHaan stated sales leakage has not changed; sales
leakage becomes all important.
The Planning Services Manager stated that staff did not lose sight
of sales leakage being the driving force.
Councilmember deHaan stated Policy 2.5.b addresses revitalization
of Alameda's historic Main Street business districts on Park Street
and Webster Street while maintaining small-city scale and
character; inquired why the policy is silent on new shopping
The Planning Services Manager responded said policy is designed to
just deal with Park Street and Webster Street; stated Alameda Towne
Center is addressed in Policy 2.5.f.
Councilmember deHaan stated Policy 2.5.n Ito maintain the historic
urban form and character of Park Street and Webster Street business
districts, limit building heights on Park Street and Webster Street
to three stories above grade, measuring 35 to 40 feet, depending on
roof configuration. Parking structures are to be limited by height
only, regardless of the number of parking levels] is silent on
shopping centers; inquired whether the policy should address height
for shopping center buildings.
The Planning Services Manager responded Policy 2.5.t contains
eleven design criteria.
Councilmember deHaan inquired why said policy does not include size
and scale.
The Planning Services Manager responded historic urban form is the
guide on the issue of design, height, and physical form on Park
Street and Webster Street; stated Alameda Towne Center, Bridgeside,
and Alameda Landing were developed under Planned Development zoning
which allows for the establishment of setbacks and height standards
for the project; heights might vary from one shopping center to
another; shopping centers are designed as complexes; height is
addressed when projects are reviewed.
Regular Meeting g
Alameda City Council
March 38, 2008
Councilmember deHaan stated that the Planning Board struggled with
the issue; Alameda Landing has a different set of rules.
The Planning Services Manager stated that the Planning Board is
willing to address building height on an individual project basis.
Mayor Johnson inquired what was the Planning Board vote on the
matter, to which the Planning Services Manager responded unanimous.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether shopping center height limits
were discussed, to which The Planning Services Manager responded in
the negative.
Mayor Johnson stated the Planning Board's approach is good; having
the same building height for each shopping center does not make
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether there was discussion
regarding neighborhood retail centers; stated the previous policy
aimed at reducing and containing said centers because retail in the
middle of a residential area causes clashes; he hopes to get some
language added regarding preserving the scale of neighborhood
Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether the issue is addressed in Policy
Councilmember Matarrese stated that Policy ~.5.o addreses the size
of stores.
The Planning Services Manager stated a policy could be added.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that Policy 2.5.o should be modified
to not only limit the size of a store but limit the size of the
The Planning Services Manager stated the policy could require
maintenance of the current neighborhood business district size.
Mayor Johnson stated that the same policy should apply to
conversion of residential units as a whole.
Councilmember Gilmore commended staff and the Planning Board for
all the hard work; stated Council has the strike-out and underline
provisions for comparison; the General Plan is a living document;
periodic updates are important; having a document that reflects
that there was community consensus on a particular matter is
Regular Meeting 1 0
Alameda City Council
March 7.8, 2008
Mayor Johnson stated that Councilmember Gilmore makes a good point;
certain General Plan elements are updated on a periodic basis,
others are not.
The Planning Services Manager stated the Transportation Element
update will be the next major element update.
Councilmember Gilmore moved adoption of the resolution.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whet:
off-street parking spaces for each
space is a zoning requirement;
differently in the last couple of
whether any leeway has been given
required spaces.
her the requirement to have five
1, ~oQ square feet of new retail
stated things have been done
developments; further inquired
to dropping down the number of
The Planning Services Manager responded the in--lieu fee process has
been used; stated staff is working on parking ordinance revisions;
more innovated parking approaches will be considered in the Alameda
Landing Master Plan.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the parking exception process
has been used, to which the Planning Services Manager responded in
the affirmative.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether staff is comfortable with
using said process.
The Planning Services Manager responded the process was designed to
be an interim approach until new requirements are in place.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion with direction to
include additional language for maintaining commercial retail uses
within residential neighborhoods.
on the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
SOS- } Public Hearing to consider Introduction of Ordinance
Amending Various Sections of the Alameda Municipal Code Contained
in Article I, Zoning Districts and Regulations}, Chapter ~xx,
Development Regulations}, Pertaining to Retail and Commercial
Uses. Introduced.
The Supervising Planner provided a brief presentation.
Regular Meeting 1 1
Alameda City Council
March 18, 2008
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Planning Board reviewed the
proposed Ordinance and unanimously supports the staff
recommendation, to which the Supervising Planner responded in the
Vice Mayor Tam stated that the staff report makes reference to T.J.
Maxx and Bed Bath and Beyond as being typical large format-type
stores with 30,000 square feet; 30,004 square feet triggers the
need for a Conditional Use Permit; inquired whether there was any
discussion regarding the type of use within a retail site during
the Planning Board or Economic Development Commission
deliberations; stated the United Food Workers have brought up
concerns regarding having a grocery store within a large center;
30,000 square feet would not cover a Target, Walmart, or Ikea type
The Supervising Planner responded the matter did not come up during
discussions; stated the Planning Board viewed the matter as a land
use question.
Councilmember deHaan stated that the July 17, 2007 City Council
Meeting reflects that Councilmember Matarrese discussed nan-taxable
items sold in a superstore; that he [Councilmember deHaan]
discussed wages and health benefits; inquired whether said issues
are addressed in the proposed ordinance.
The Supervising Planner responded that there was no discussion on
the issues.
Mayor Johnson opening the public portion of the hearing.
Neutral: Bill Smith, Alameda.
Proponents ~In favor of Ordinance}: Mike Henneberry, Alameda [in
favor with modification]; Patricia Curtin, Harsh Development.
There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public
portion of the hearing.
Mayor Johnson thanked Ms. Curtin for participating in the process.
Councilmember Matarrese thanked staff and the Planning Board for
working on the issue; stated the 30,000 square foot threshold
surprised him but he understands the reasoning; inquired whether
specific projects would be reviewed by the Planning Board as
Planned Developments instead of a Conditional Use Permits.
The Supervising Planner responded in the affirmative; stated
Regular Meeting 1
Alameda City Council
March ~.8, 208
Planned Developments and Conditional Use Permits require the same
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he is concerned that the
proposed ordinance does not put a cap on the number of square feet;
he understands the unintended consequences that a cap would place
on the reuse of the Fleet Industrial Supply Center warehouse, Del
Monte Building, and Naval Air Station hangers; suggested using the
smallest square footage of historic buildings as the threshold for
not allowing more than 10o non-taxable items; stated that he would
like to have the historic buildings called out because said
buildings require special attention.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether there was any discussion
regarding the superstore issue at the Planning Board level.
The Supervising Planner responded the Del Monte Building is 250,000
square feet; redevelopment plans include a grocery store;
typically, grocery stores are between 30,000 and 50,000 square
feet; additional requirements were put into the findings which
would require reviewing how a project would affect the economic
vitality of existing businesses; the City would have the discretion
to say whether a project is right for Alameda or not; superstores
were addressed in a more general manner.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether Council could approve the
Planned Development Amendment and give direction for the Planning
Board to review the superstore issue and call out the large
historical buildings; stated that she has an interest in the matter
but does not want to hold up the process.
The City Attorney responded in the affirmative; stated
alternatively, additional language could be added to the second
reading of the ordinance.
Councilmember Gilmore stated that the Planning Board has been
involved and connected with the matter; she does not want Council
or staff to craft language without input and discussion from the
Planning Board; the matter could be agendized for a Planning Board
meeting in order to have more public discussion.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he concurs with Councilmember
Gilmore regarding historic buildings; Council gave direction on a
grocery component in a massive store; language was provided to
staff and the Planning Board.
Councilmember deHaan stated that sales leakage should be discussed;
entitlements have been made in various areas; studies have shown
Regul~.r Meeting 13
Alameda Ci~.y Council
March 1$, ZOfl$
that Alameda does not need more than one more grocery store even
with full build-out; a lot of data is available; balancing leakage
is important.
The Planning Services Manager stated a Conditional Use Permit would
be required for anything over 30,000 square feet; suggested
layering Livermore's provision on top of said requirement;
inquired whether there would be an exception for historic
Councilmember Matarrese responded historic buildings could have a
large retailer; stated anything bigger than 90,000 square feet
would not be allowed to have more than 10a non-taxable items.
The Planning Services Manager stated the Del Monte Building would
be limited to approximately 12,000 square feet of non-taxable
retail under the proposal.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the issue runs up against the desire
to preserve historic buildings.
Mayor Johnson stated the proposal is directed at a large retailer
that has 100 of non-taxable within the one retail establishment
The Planning Services Manager stated he thinks that would prevent
the Del Monte project from moving forward.
Councilmember Gilmore stated that she is bothered by the fact that
language could be crafted which might have unintended consequences
for historic buildings; the matter should be sent back to the
Planning Board along with an explanation of Council's concept.
Councilmember Matarrese moved introduction of the ordinance with
direction to have the Planning Board review superstore language
along with consideration for large historic buildings, including,
but not be limited to, the Alameda Landing warehouses, Alameda
Point hangers, and the Del Monte Building; stated that he is
dismayed that the matter was not addressed.
Councilmember deHaan requested that the City Attorney review wages
and health benefit issues for retailers who have over one hundred
Mayor Johnson stated said issue is not a Planning issue.
on the call for the question, by consensus, the motion carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
Regu~.ar Meeting 14
A].ame~~ City Cou:lcil
March 18, 2Q08
Councilmember Gilmore stated that everyone talks about Alameda not
having enough shopping; the staff report states "Bringing
additional retail opportunities to Alameda would be expected to
result in shorter vehicle trips. Traffic levels on regional
roadways and total vehicle emissions would be expected to decline
due to the shorter trips required to shop locally; however, there
may be an increase in local traffic, particularly on streets near
major retail centers in Alameda"; stated that people need to
realize that more retail will result in more local traffic.
(OS~- ~ Public Hearing to consider Adoption of Resolution
Approving Master Plan Amendment, PLN07--0122, to Allow the Marina
Village Shopping Center to Permit up to 25a Office Use ~A Maximum
of 31,070 Square Feet} and to Allow the Future Addition of a 5,000
Square Foot Building Pad, an 800 Square Foot Kiosk, and a 500
Square Foot Kiosk.
The Planning Services Manager gave a brief presentation.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he would recuse himself because
he lives within 300 feet of the project.
Councilmember Gilmore stated that the Planning Board requested that
the current amount of landscaping be preserved; inquired whether
"current" means the current configuration or whether the current
amount of landscaping could be reconfigured somewhere else on the
The Planning Services Manager responded the landscaping could be
Mayor Johnson inquired whether there would be an opportunity to add
landscaping to the parking lot.
The Planning Services Manager responded absolutely; noted that the
applicant concurs.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the 6,300 square foot area is
grass area.
The Planning Services Manager responded in the negative; stated the
area looks like a building pad.
Councilmember Gilmore stated that the area is a perfect spot for
off ice space .
Mayor Johnson stated the proposed amendment is to allow increased
office space; the location can shift over time.
Regular Meeting 1 5
Alameda City Council
March 18, 2008
Councilmember deHaan inquired what is the occupancy rate at the
shopping center.
The Applicant responded the vacancy rate is approximately 30;
stated small office use is in demand.
Mayor Johnson stated that having office space at the shopping
center would relieve the pressure of expanding business and office
space into residential areas; the proposal makes sense.
Councilmember deHaan stated that he concurs with Mayor Johnson;
inquired whether there has been any discussion regarding additional
The Applicant responded landscaping could be put around the future
Councilmember deHaan stated substantial trees are important in
large parking areas.
The Applicant stated that he understands the importance of trees.
Councilmember deHaan moved adoption of the resolution.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether Council is approving [both
25 0 office use and additional square footage] .
Counci lmember deHaan responded both; stated one [ 2 5 0 office use ]
corrects the existing situation.
Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed traffic.
Councilmeml~er deHaan amended the motion to include the caveat of
having the Planning Board review the landscaping.
Vice Mayor Tam stated approximately 170 of the space is leased for
office space; the Applicant is requesting 250 office space in
addition to increasing the square footage by 6,300 square feet;
increasing the square footage by 6,300 square feet would make the
total 130, 000 square feet; 25 ~ of 130, 000 square feet is 32, 00
square feet.
The Planning Services Manager stated the total build out would be
130, 729 square feet; no more than 25 ~, or 31, 070 square feet, of
the shopping center would be devoted to office space.
Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether the 25o allowable office space is
Regular Meeting 16
Alameda City Council
March l8, 2008
before 6, 300 square feet is added or if 25 0 of the entire space
would be allowed for office use.
The Planning Services Manager responded 25a of the current built
space could be office; when the additional 6,300 square feet is
complete, 25Q of everything that is built could be office.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether said proposal works with the
Applicant's plans, to which the Applicant responded in the
The Planning Services Manager stated the resolution will be
corrected to state it is no more than 25~ of the existing space.
Mayor Johnson stated that she does not have a problem with stating
250 of the total entitled amount.
The City Manager inquired whether the 31,070 square feet would be
taken out of the resolution.
Mayor Johnson responded in the affirmative; stated the resolution
should state 250 of the total entitled amount.
Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion with the following
caveats: 17 the current amount of landscaping be preserved or
preferably be increased, 2} no drive--through uses be permitted, and
3} language be clarified to remove square footage and indicate no
more than 250 of entitled space be used for office space.
Councilmember deHaan concurred with caveats added by Councilmember
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following
voice vote - Ayes: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore, Tam and Mayor
Johnson - 4. Abstention: Councilmember Matarrese - 1.
X08- } Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed alternative fuels.
X08- } Consideration of Mayor's nominations for appointment to
the Public Art Commission.
Regular Meeting 1 7
Alameda City Council
March 1$, 200$
Mayor Johnson nominated Cecilia Cervantes and Andrea M. Leal.
SOS- } Councilmember deHaan stated that the recession could last
four or five years; the budget needs to be put in proper content; a
meltdown has started to occur.
X08- } Mayor Johnson stated that more focus needs to be placed
on long-term economic issues; thought should be given to forming a
committee to focus on long-term economic sustainability; the matter
could possibly be placed under Council Referrals.
Nice Mayor Tam inquired whether the Economic Development Commission
could be tasked with the role, to which Mayor Johnson responded
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether there is consensus to have
the matter placed on a City Council agenda.
Mayor Johnson responded the matter could be placed on a City
Council agenda for discussion.
Councilmember deHaan stated that Toyota is in full swing of
building a facility on Hegenberger Road; the facility will be in
place within six months; Alameda cannot back fill anything quick
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 10:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lora weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda zor this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Regular Meeting 1 8
Alameda City Cou~~ci1
March i8, 2008
March 27, 2048
Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers:
This is to certify that the claims listed on the check register and shown below have been
approved by the proper officials and, in my opinion, represent fair and just charges against the
City in accordance with their respective amounts as indicated thereon,
Check Numbers
EFT 508
EFT 549
EFT 510
EFT 511
Vaid Checks:
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela J. Sibley
Council Warrants 041011D8 ~ 4/112448
To: Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
From: Teresa Highsmith
City Attorney
Date: April ~ , 2008
Re: Approval of a Claims Presentation and Processing Ordinance to
Establish Uniform Requirements and Procedures Applicable to the
Presentation and Processing of Claims for Money or Damages With the
City of Alameda That Are Not Currently Covered by State Law or Other
Provisions of the Alameda Municipal Code
Pursuant to the California Government Claims Act the "Act"} found. in Government
Code Sections 900 et. Seq., the general rule is that any party with a claim for money or
damages against a public entity must file a claim directly with the public entity in order
to file a lawsuit. The Act also provides time limits for the claimant to file his or her claim
and for the public entity to reject or deny the claim. Once a public entity rejects a claim
in accordance with the Act's procedures, the claimant must bring his or her lawsuit
against the public entity within six months of the written rejection notice.
Government Code section 905 lists several exceptions to the generally mandated claim
requirements. However, Government Code section 935 provides an overriding
mechanism whereby claims that are excepted under section 905 are subject to the
claims requirements and procedures that are established by ordinances adopted by
local entities, including charter cities.
The overriding purpose of these procedures is to give a public entity the opportunity to
investigate the facts while evidence is fresh and to settle meritorious claims without the
necessity of costly litigation. Additionally, the prompt presentation of claims seeking
money and the shortened time frame for claimants to file suit enables the public entity
to engage in prudent fiscal planning and where appropriate, to #ake corrective
Claim Presentation and Filing Requirements
The proposed ordinance would amend by adding Section 353 Claims} to Division VIII
Refunds and Corrections} of Chapter III Finance and Taxation} to establish a uniform
claims filing procedure for claims for money or damages against the City, except claims
City Council
Agenda item #4-C
Honorable Mayor and ~ April ~ , 2008
Members of the City Council Page 2 of3
for money or damages where a claims filing procedure already exists under State law or
per other provisions in the Alameda Municipal Code. Claims that are currently not
addressed by State law or the Alameda Municipal Code that would become subject to
the claims presentation requirements of the proposed ordinance would include, for
example, claims by another public entity against the City for money or damages.
The new claims filing ordinance would not apply to tax refund claims which are
governed by the claims filing procedures set forth in Divisions VIII andlor IX depending
on the type of tax} of the Alameda Municipal Code.
The claim presentation and filing requirements in the proposed ordinance, which are a
prerequisite to filing suit against the City, do not eliminate the administrative remedies
already in puce in the Alameda Municipal Code for claimants seeking refunds or fee
Claims Presentation Requirements
Consistent with the claims filing requirements of the Act, the claimant will be required to
file his or her claim for money or damages with the City Clerk no later than one year
after the accrual of the cause of action, and to provide the City with the following
information: claimant's name, address and, if different, the claimant's mailing address,
the basis on which the claim is made and information, including supporting
documentation for the amount claimed. in most instances, claims covered by the
proposed ordinance would be subject to a one year filing period.
The claim must be verified by the claimant or the claimant's guardian, executor,
conservator, attorney-in-fact or administrator. A claim that is filed on behalf of multiple
persons must be verified by each claimant or by the claimant's guardian, executor,
attorney-in-fact, conservator or administrator. No claim maybe filed on behalf of a class
of persons unless verified by every member of that class.
Claim Prerequisite to Filing of a Lawsuit
As with claims under the Act, the claimant must follow the claim presentation
requirements in order to be able to file a lawsuit against the City; and must bring suit
against the City within six months of the City's written notice of claim rejection. If the
City fails to provide the written rejection notice to the claimant, then the claimant ma
. .. y
bang the lawsuit within two years of the date on which the claim arose.
There is no direct budgetlfinancial impact to the approval ofthis ordinance.
Honorable Mayor and Aril 1 2008
, p ,
Members of the City Council Pa e 3 of 3
This Municipal Gode change affects Chapter III Finance and Taxation b addin
. }Y g
Section 3-53 Claims}. Each section has been thoroughly anal zed and found to be
. Y
compatible with the proposed amendment to the Municipal Code,
Approval of an amendment to the Alameda Municipal Gode by adding Section 3-53
Claims} to D~vis~on VIII Refunds and Corrections} of Chapter III Finance and
. ~
Taxation} to establish uniform requirements and procedures applicable to the
presentation and processing of claims for money or damages with the City of Alameda
that are not currently covered by State law or other provisions of the Alameda Munici al
The adoption of the proposed ordinance will:
~ . Establish a claims procedure for claims against the City that are not current)
, y
covered by State law or the Alameda Municipal Code;
2. In the case of a rejected claim, limit the time period for the claimant to file a
lawsuit against the City to six months from the date of the City's written re'ecfion
3. Require claimants to file their claims for money or damages within the time
periods specified under State law which provides for a claims period not to exceed
one year of the date of accrual of their causes of action as a prerequisite for filing a
lawsuit against the City.
Respectfully submitted,
Teresa L. Highsmith
G ity Attorney
Farimah Faiz
Assistant City Attorney
New Series
a ~ E
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Alameda that:
Section ~ . The Alameda Municipal Code is amended by adding
Chapter III FINANCE AND TAXATION}, which shall read as follows:
3.53.E Authority
This ordinance is enacted pursuant to Section 935 of the California
Government Code. The purpose of the Ordinance is to establish claims
procedures for those claims against the City for money or lama es not now
governed by state or local laws, including those claims currently exempted
under Government Code Section 905.
3-53.2 Time Barred Claims
Nothing in this Code section revives or reinstates any claim or cause of
action that, on the effective date of this Code section, is barred by failure to
comply with any previously applicable statute, ordinance, or regulation requiring
the presentation of a claim prior to suit, or by failure to commence any action
within the period prescribed by an applicable statute of limitations.
3-53.3 Construction
Nothing contained herein is intended to extend any statute of limitations
or claims filing period provided under other provisions of the Alameda Municipal
Code, State law, or any other applicable law or regulation related to filin a
. .. 9
judicial action or other proceeding far recovery of money or damages against
the City. References in this Chapter to specific sections of the California
Government Code shall refer to those provisions as they now exist or shall
hereafter be amended.
Introduction of ordinance #4-C CC
3.53.4 Claims Required
All claims against the city for money or damages not otherwise governed
by the Government Claims Act, California Government Code Sections 900 et
seq., another state law or applicable Code section thereinafter in this ordinance,
"claims"} including the exceptions contained in California Government Code
Section 965, shall be presented within the time, and in the manner, prescribed
by Part 3 of Division 3.6 of Title 1 of the California Government Code
commencing with Section 900 thereof} for the claims to which that Part applies
by its own terms, as those provisions now exist or shall hereafter be amended,
and as further provided by this ordinance.
3-53.5 Form of Claim
All claims shall be made in writing and verified by the claimant or by his
or her guardian, conservator, executor, attorney-in-fact or administrator. No
claim may be filed on behalf of a class of persons unless verified by every
member of that class as required by this Code section. In addition, all claims
shall contain the information required by California Government Code Section
In accordance with California Government Code Sections 935~b}, 945.4
and 945.6, all claims shall be presented as provided in this section and acted
upon by the city prior to the filing of any action on such claims, and there is a
provision that a rejection of a claim is the prerequisite decision, and no such
action may be maintained by a person who has not complied with the
requirements of Alameda Municipal Code subsection 353.4.
3-53.6 Suit
Any action brought against the city upon any claim or demand shall
conform to the requirements of Sections 940-949 of the California Government
Code. Any action brough# against any employee of the cit shall conform with
the requirements of Section 950-951 of the California Government Code.
Section 2. Should any provision of this Grdinance, or its application to
any person or circumstance, be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction
to be unlawful, unenforceable or otherwise void, that determination shall have
no effect on any other provision of this Ordinance or the application of this
ordinance to any other person or circumstance and, to that end, the provisions
hereof are severable.
Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full fore and effect from and after
the expiration of thirty X30}days from the date of its final passage.
Presiding Officer of the City Council
Lara weisiger, City Clerk
City of Alameda
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly
and regularly adopted and passed by Council of the City of Alameda in regular
meeting assembled on the 1 St day of April, 2008, by the following vote to wit:
IN VvITNESS,11vHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
official seal of said City this day of April, 2408.
Lara Vveisiger, City Clerk
City of Alameda
New Series
~ d
~ ~
~ .~' WHEREAS, in November of 1991, the Council adopted Ordinance No,
o "2570 New Series establishin fees re '
~ ., g , gulations and procedures governing
a filming activities in the City of Alameda; and
d .
WHEREAS, the City's Public Works Department was initially responsible
for coordinating film-related activities; and
WHEREAS, the responsibility of managing the program has been
transferred to the Planning and Building Department; and
UIlHEREAS, the California Film Commission has recommended specific
regulations with regard to film permitting be removed from the AMC and set
forth in administrative regulations; and
WHEREAS, the amendment of those initial provisions appears
appropriate subsequent to the aforementioned departmental reorganization and
the establishment of the Alameda Fifm Commission by the Council in 2006.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Alameda that:
Section 1. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended b
repeating Sections 5-30 through 5-30.19, inclusive, Filming Activities} of Article
II ~Permits~} of Chapter V Licenses and Permits} in its entirel exce t that
Y p
underlying fee resolutions adopted pursuant to Section 5-30.10 shall continue
unchanged in full force and effect pursuant to successor Section 5-30.10 unless
hereinafter modified.
Section 2. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended b
. Y
adding new successor Sections 5-34 through 5-30.19, inclusive, Filmin
. ~ g
Activities} of Article Il Permits} of Chapter V Licenses and Permits to read as
Final Passage of Drdin
once #4-D CC
5-34. ~ Purpose.
The purpose of this section is to provide rules governing the issuance of
permits for filming activities on location within the City. The section is to ensure
that still photographers and motion picture, television, and commercial film and
digital media companies will be encouraged to use Alameda for filming activities
as long as those .activities are consistent with the public safety and the
protection of property.
5-34.2 Defini#ions.
As used in this section:
Alameda Film Commission -1 ~ -member body established by Council
ordinance in 2006 with a mandate of promoting film and digital media activity in
Applicant - the person, organization, corporation, association or other
entity applying for a permit for filming activities in the City of Alameda.
Fire Ch~ef~- the chief of the Fire Department of the City of Alameda
andlor designee.
Permit Center-the office in charge of coordinating and issuing permits
for the City of Alameda.
Polr'ce Chr'ef -~ the chief of Police of the City of Alameda andlor
Camrnercial slit! photography includes all activity attendant to staging
or shooting still photographs for commercial purposes.
Development Services Department (DSD) -- City Department charged
with staffing the Alameda Film Commission.
Filming activity - the staging, shooting, filming, videotaping,
photographing, or other similar process conducted for the making of still
photographs, motion pictures, television programs, cammerciai and
nontheatrical film productions.
Film permit -written authorization from the Permit Center to conduct the
filming activity described in the Permit.
News purposes -filming activity conducted for newspapers, television
news, and other news media for the purpose of reporting on persons, Electronic
News Gathering ~ENG}, events, or scenes which are ~n the news.
Permi#tee ~ the person, organization, corporation, association or other
entity issued a film permit.
Plannr'ng and Building Department Director -the Director of the
Planning and Building Department for the City of Alameda andlor designee.
The Department is charged with coordinating filmlvideo activity and issuing
permits for same through the Permit Center. ~ .
Public properly -any sidewalk, parking area, park or open space,
building or any other property owned, leased or controlled by the City of
Public Street -any street or road maintained by the City and located
within City limits.
Public Works Director -the Director of Public Vvorks for the City of
Alameda andlor designee
Pyrotechnics -special effects involving explosions, fireworks or
anything else which produced light, smoke or noise when ignited.
Stuafent filrnrng activr'ty -filming activity conducted to fulfill a course
requirement by a student enrolled at a public ar private school.
Stuafio - a fixed place of business where filming activities are regularly
conducted upon the premises.
~-30.3 City Cooperation.
The Planning & Building Department Director andlor desi nee shall
coordinate the City's procedures under this section. The Director andlor
designee shall work cooperatively and responsively with other City departments
with significant roles in filming in Alameda, specifically, those other City
departments involved in the processing of film permits such as the
Development Services Department ~DSD}, Police, Fire, and Public Uvorks. The
DSD Director andlor designee shall work with the Alameda Film Commission to
carry out its mandate to promote filming activity in Alameda through marketing
activity and working with various City department to ensure an environment that
while "film-friendly" still protects the high quality of life enjoyed by Alamedans.
5-30.4 Permit Required,
A permit is required by the City far the purpose of filming on City-owned,
leased or controlled real property or streets. This permit does not constitute or
grant permission to use or occupy property not owned, leased or controlled by
the City. An applicant shall obtain the private property owner's permission,
consent, andlor lease for use of property not owned or controlled by the City.
Student produced filmlvideo activity is not exempt from permit requirements.
The permit must be in the possession of the permittee at all times while on
location in the City.
5-30.5 Permit Exceptions.
No permit is required for the following activities as long as the activit will
. y
not require the closure of a publ~~c street, sidewalk, or place nor substantially
impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic thereon:
a. Filming activities conducted for news purposes
b. Filming activities conducted at commercial studios, either inside or
outside, on private property
c. Filming activities conducted for use in a criminal investigation or civil
court proceedings
d. Noncommercial activities
e. Commercial still photography or staging when:
i. No aspect of the still photography is conducted on City
property, and,
ii. No aspect of the still photography will require more than than
two ~2} motor vehicles parked on any public street.
f. Filming activities conducted by or for the City,
5-34.6 Application Form.
The permit application shall be on a form furnished b the Permit
.. Y
Center. Terms and conditions of the permit will be added as needed to the
particular filming activity. Applicants must sign the permit form before
undertaking any filming activity authorized by the permit.
5-30,1 Deadline for Film Permit Applications.
Applications for film permits must be filed with the Permit Center.
Administrative regulations, kept on file within the Center, will set forth maximum
time periods for permit issuance date based on the complexit of the ro osed
Y pp
action in the following categories:
a. applications that include stunts, special effects, including pyrotechnics
or traffic control in excess of three ~3} minutes
b. applications that involve public street closure
c. applications that involve neither of the above, ,
5-30.8 Permit ApprovallDenial.
Film permits shall be approved unless:
a. The proposed filming activity would substantially disrupt the use of a
public street at a time of traffic congestion, or interfere with the o eration of
. p
emergency vehECles andlor interfere with street maintenance work or a
previously authorized excavation permit,
b. The area of proposed filming activity is on Cit ro ert and would
Yp p Y
substantially interfere with:
i. other previously authorized activities, contracts, or the safet of
the public or employees while on City property andlor,
ii. municipal functions or the scheduled maintenance of Cit
.. Y
buildings orgrounds.
c. The proposed filming activity creates a substantial risk of in~u to
persons or property.
d, The applicant fails to complete the application after bein re uested
g q
to do so or the information contained in the application is found to be false in
any material detail.
e. The proposed filming activity would violate Federal, State, or local
law including licensing or permit requirements.
When grounds for permit denial can be corrected b im osin
. .. Y p 9
reasonable permit conditions, the Planning & Building De artment Director
andlor designee in consultation with the Fire Chief, Police Chief andlor Public
VlJorks Director as appropriate, may impose such conditions rather than de
the permit. No late applications will be processed unless the Plannin
Building Department Director andlor desi nee determine that s e '
g p vial
circumstances exist relative to the application which would have recluded its
application on a timely basis. Upon such showing of good cause, a lications
. , , pp
which are filed after the ffl~ng deadline shall be processed if there is sufficient
time to process and investigate the application and for City staff to re are for
. .. p p
the filming activity.
5-30.9 Permit Conditions.
The Planning & Building Department Director andlor designee ma
. Y
condition the issuance of a film permit by imposing reasonable re uirements
concerning the time, place, manner and duration of filming activities. Additional
"Terms and Conditions" attached to the film permit, may include, but not be
limited to, the following requirements or restrictions:
a. Requirements for the presence of City employees at the ap licant's
b. Requirements concerning posting of no parking signs, placement of
traffic control devices, and employment of traffic and crowd control monitors at
the applicant's expense.
c. Posting the outer boundaries of the filming activity and providin
advanced notice to affected ,property owners and businesses.
d. Requirements concerning the clean ,up and restoration of ublic
streets and City property used in the filming activity.
e. Restrictions concerning the use of City employee services, vehicles
and other equipment in the filming activity.
f. Requirements that the applicant pay ail fees and obtain all permits and
licenses required for the filming activity.
g. Restrictions on explosions, noise, or hazardous devices which mi ht
disturb the peace, to be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
h. Restrictions an the use of stunts involving pyrotechnics, o en flames
p ,
vehicle crashes or other hazardous materials.
i. Requirements on the usage of police, fire and other official uniforms
worn by actors when the actors are not on camera.
i. Restrictions on the use of City logos, insignias, badges or decals for
filming purposes.
k. Restrictions on the daily hours the filming activity may be conducted
within the City.
I. Requirements concerning proper acknowledgment of an Cit
assistance provided in making feature, television or commercial productions.
5-30.10 Fees.
The City Council shall establish film permit fees by resolution which are
due and payable at the time their permit application is submitted, in addition to
the film permit fees, the applicant shall pay for any other necessa ermits for
rY p ,
the use of the sites, and for all costs incurred by the Cit in rovidin Cit
Y p 9 Y
employees or equipment to be present during filming activity.
5430.11 Change of Filming Activity Date.
Upon reasonable notice by the permittee in advance of filming activity,
the Planning & Building Department Director andlor designee is authorized to
change the date for which the film permit has been issued without requiring a
newapplication orpermit.
5-34.12 Insurance Required,
The applicant for a filmpermit shall procure and maintain for the duration
of the film activity insurance in the amounts and types required by the City's
Risk Manager.
5-30.13 Liability and Indemnification.
Prior to the issuance of the film permit the ermittee must a ree in writin to
p g g
comply with the "Filming Permit Terms and Conditions."
5-30.14 Duties of Permittee,
The permittee and al! agents, employees and contractors of the permittee at the
filming activity site within the Gity shall comply with the following requirements:
a. The permittee shall not conduct within the City a filming activity not
authorized by the film permit.
b. The permittee shall:
i. Comply with instructions made by the Alameda Police officers
to police the filming activity area,
ii. Comply with instructions made by City employees
assigned to regulate the filming activity site.
iii, Clean and restore all City-owned property utilized
during the filming activity to the same condition as existed prior to
filming activity.
iv. Comply with this Chapter and all Federal, State and local laws.
5-30.15 Street Closures.
The applicant for a film permit may request that the City authorize a
street closure on the film permit application. A short term encroachment permit
shall be granted by the Public Works Director, ~~rd. No. 251o N.S. §1~
5-30.16 Pyrotechnics.
During the filming of any special effect or
pyrotechnics or any material deemed hazardous,
fireworks, open flames or explosives, the applicant
the Fire Department.
stunt requiring the use of
including but not limited to
must obtain a permit from
5-34.1 Permit Revocation or Suspension.
Permit Revocation: The Planning & Building Director and or designee
may revoke a film permit if the permittee or any agents, employees or
contractors of the permittee fail to comply with the applicable requirements of
this section or if the Planning & Building Director andlor designees} determines
after .the permit is issued that the permit application was false in any material
detail, Notice of the grounds for revocation of the film permit shall be provided
in writing by the Planning & Building Director andlor designee to the permit
applicant or person in charge of the location of the filming activity. Appeals of~
the permit revocation shat! be conducted in the manner set forth below. The
Fire Chief, Police Chief, Public Works Director andlor Planning & Building
Department Director andlor their designees} may suspend the film permit when
the filming activity poses an immediate hazard to persons or property and the
location manager will not or cannot prevent the hazard after being instructed to
do so. Notice of the grounds for suspension of the film permit shall be provided
in writing by the applicable Chief or Director andlor designees to all other
Department Directors and Chiefs} with the authorization to suspend} and the
permittee within one ~~ }business day of the suspension. Appeals of the permit
suspension shall be conducted in the manner set forth below.
5-30.~ 8 Appeals.
Any person dissatisfied with a decision of the City or its representative
may file an appeal to the Alameda Film Commission AFC} within the time
specified below. The appeal shall be made in writing and filed with the Permit
Center not later than five ~5} days after the date written notice of the Cit
.. y
decision is made, Failure to file a timely appeal shall result in a ~ravier to the
right to appeal. The appeal shall state in detail the factual basis for the a eal.
The AFC or its designee may appoint a hearing officer to conduct the
hearing, to receive relevant evidence, and to submit to the AFC findings and
recommendations to be considered by the AFC. If appointed, the hearing
officer shall hear the appeal and submit his or her findings and
recommendations to the AFC. The AFG shall render its decision within seven
~7} working days from the date of the hearing, or in the event that a hearin
officer has been appointed, within seven ~7} working days from the date the
AFC receives the findings and recommendations of the hearing officer, The
decision of the AFC shall be final.
5-30.~ 9 Penalties.
The violation of any provision of this section shah constitute an infraction.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and
after the expiration of thirty X30} days from the date of its final assa e.
p 9
Presiding Officer of the City Council
Lara ~lveisiger, City Clerk
City of Alameda
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Qrdinance was duly
and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a
regular meeting assembled on the day of March, 2D08 by the following
vote tv wit:
IN VvITNESS, VvHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
official seal of said City this day of March, 2008.
Lara vlleisiger, City Clerk
City of Alameda
New Series
~ WHEREAS, on July 17, 2007, the City Council directed staff to develo a
,~, P
a big box I large format store definition and to evaluate the potential need for
~ additional regulatory tools to control the location and operation of far a retail
~ g
~ uses; and
WHEREAS, on October 22, 2007, December 10, 2007, January 28, 2008
and February 11, 200H, at publicly noticed hearings, the Planning Board
evaluated various options for regulating large stores; and
~11lHEREAS, after evaluating various regulatory options and acce tin
p g
public comments, the Planning Board adopted a resolution recommendin that
. g
the City Council adopt proposed zoning text amendments that would include: 1
.. }
a definition of large format retail; 2} establ~shfng a use permit requirement for
large format retail in specific zoning districts; 3} enhanced permit findin s to
... 9
ensure compat~bil~ty with existing land uses; and 4} establishing that existin
retail uses would not be classified as nonconforming solely for lack of an
approved use permit; and
WHEREAS, the City Cauncil has made the following findings relative to
the proposed zoning text amendments:
1. The proposed zoning amendment does not affect the integrit of the
General Plan.
The proposed zoning text amendment is consistent with existin
.. g
General Pian policies. Additionally, prior to considering this zanin
. .. g
amendment, the City initiated an update of Genera! Plan retail
development policies. Based on economic studies, input from the
community and various City Boards and Commissions, new and
revised city-wide retail development policies General Plan
Amendment PLNO7-0077} are being considered.by the Cit at this
. Y
time. This zoning amendment has also been considered in relation to
these proposed General Plan policies. The zoning text amendment
will provide a more effective means of implementing these General
Plan policies, if adopted.
Final Passage at Ordinance #4-E CC
2. The proposed rezoning does not adversely affect the general
welfare ofthe community.
This zoning code amendment does not prohibit any specific type of
use or allow new uses not already permitted. It does require
additional review and provides an appropriate mechanism for
regulating larger developments to ensure that these projects will be
compatible with existing land uses and that potentially significant
impacts will be avoided or mitigated to the extent feasible,
3. The proposal is equitable.
This zoning code amendment does not prohibit any specific type of
use or allow new uses not already permitted. It does require
additional review and provides an appropriate mechanism for
regulating larger developments to ensure that these projects will be
compatible with existing land uses and that potentially significant
impacts will be avoided or mitigated to the extent feasible. Existing
retail uses will not be classified as nonconforming solely for lack of an
approved use permit.
4. Environmental Determination
The proposed zoning text amendments would not prohibit any land
use currently permitted under the AMC or authorize additional land
uses currently not permitted by the AMC. Consequently, the
amendments do not have the potential to cause changes to the
physical environment that could result in significant adverse
environmental effects within Alameda or other jurisdictions.
Therefore, the proposed zoning text amendment is Categorically
Exempt from environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines
Section 15305, Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations; Section
15061~b}~3}, Review for Exemption; and Public Resources Code
Section 21065, Project Definition.
BE IT GRDAINED by the City Council of Alameda that:
Section 1. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding
the following definition to Section 30-2 Definitions}:
Section 3~~2 Large Forma! Relarl: A single stand-alone store or
collection of retail uses, developed and or managed within a
single building or shopping center which individually or
cumulatively include over 30,000 square feet of retail sales floor
Section Z. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
adding to Section 30-4.8.c ~C-1 Neighborhood Business District, Uses
Requiring Use Permits} new Subsection ~ 0 as follows:
Section 30-4.8.c.10 Large Format Retail including conversion of
existing multiple retail tenant spaces to a single tenant space
larger than 30,000 square feet cif part of a planned develo meat,
no use permit is required}.
Sectian 3. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
adding to Section 30-4.9.c ~C-2 Central Business District, Uses Requiring Use
Permits} new Subsection 16 as follows:
Section 30-4.9.c.1 fi Large Format Retail including conversion of
existing multiple retail tenant spaces to a single tenant space
larger than 30,000 square feet cif part of a planned development,
no use permit is required}.
Sectian 4. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
adding Large Format Retail to Section 30-4.9A.c.1 ~C-C Community
Commercial, Uses Requiring Use Permits}. Large Format Retail will replace
Laundry and Cleaning Establishments as Subsection 34-4.9.c.1~gg} as shown
below, Laundry and cleaning establishments will become Subsection ~hh} and
all subsequent uses, listed alphabetically, will be relabeled sequentially.
30-4.9A.c.1 egg} Large Format Retail including conversion of
existing multiple retail tenant spaces to a single tenant space
larger than 30,000 square feet cif part of a planned development,
no use permit is required}.
Section 5. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
adding to Section 30-4.10.c. ~C-M Commercial-Manufacturing, Uses Requiring
Use Permits} new Subsection 15 as follows:
30-4.10.c.15 Large Format Retail including conversion of existing
multiple retail tenant spaces to a single tenant space larger than
30,000 square feet cif part of a planned development, no use
permit is required}.
Section 6. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding
to Section 30-4.10.c ~C-M Commercial-Manufacturing, Uses Requiring Use
Permits} new Subsection 15 as follows:
30-4.10.c .15 Large Format Retail including conversion of
existing .multiple retail tenant spaces to a single tenant space
larger than 30,OOO square feet cif part of a planned development,
no use permit is required},
Section 1. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
adding to Section 30-4.11.c. ~M-1 Intermediate Industrial District, Uses
Requiring Use Permits} new Subsection 14 as follows:
30-4.11.c.14 Large Format Retail including conversion of existing
multiple retail tenant spaces to a single tenant space larger than
30,DD0 square feet cif part of a planned development, no use
permit is required}.
Section S. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
adding to Section 3D-4.12.c. ~M-2 General industrial District, Uses Requiring
Use Permits} new Subsection 19 as follows:
Section 30-4.1 Z.c.1 Large Format Retail including conversion of
existing multiple retail tenant spaces to a single tenant space
larger than 30,000 square feet cif part of a planned development,
no use permit is required}.
Section 9. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
modifying Section 30-21.3.b, Use Permit Standards. New text is underlined.
Section 30-21.3.b.
1. The location of the proposed use is compatible with other land
uses in the general neighborhood area and the ro'ect desi n
and size is architecturally, aesthetically~,and operationally
harmonious with the communit and surroundin develo ~ ment.
2. The proposed use will be served by adequate transportation
and service facilities includin edestrian bic cle and transit
3. The proposed use, if it complies with all conditions upon which
approval is made contingent, will not adversely affect other
property in the vicinity and will not have substantial deleterious
effects on,.existin,q business districts o,r the local economy„
4. The proposed use relates favorably to the General Plan.
Section 10. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by modifying
Section 30-4.13.a, Planned Development Combining District, Statement of Purpose,
Deleted text is shown in strikeout and new text is underlined:
30-4.13.a The purpose of the Planned Development District is to
provide more flexibility in fh° ^'°~in~-nf ~~„~~~~°~ site design,
development. ;standards and types of land uses than would
otherwise be allowed in the underlying zoning district; to ensure
project compatibility with_ surraundinq, ,uses; and to ensure ,that
adverse environmental effects are reduced or availed to the
maximum extent feasible.
Section 11. Section 30-4.13.d, Uses Permitted in Planned Developments
The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding the following new
Subsection to Section 30-4.13.d, Uses Permitted in Planned Deveivpments~
Section 30-4.13.d 2 ~d~ Large Format Retail
Section 12. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by modifying
Section 3D-4.13.f.3, Planned Development Procedures and Standards, and adding
new Subsections a and b to Section 30-4.13.f:
3D-4.13.f.3 The Planning Board ~ may approve a PD
application only if it determines: ~~~~ s-a--n~efe
~° rli~~rir~ ~eli~h -erhirh if ie rnrrshinnrl~ '
30-4.13.f. a The development is a more effective use of
the site than is possible under the regulations for which the
PD district is combined, and;
3D-4.13.f b The project meets the requirements of AMC
Section 30-21.3.b. Use Permit Standards, Subsections 1,
2, 3, and 4.
Section 13. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by
modifying subsection 30-4.13:m.2~d} and adding new subsection 30-
30-4.13.m.2~d} Additions to commercial or public uses
which involve more than atwenty-five X25%} increase in the
floor area of existing structures associated with the use; e~,
T,he Planning Board. may place additional requirements on„
individual Planned Develo ment ro'ects that establish
s ecific criteria for evafuatin the need for an amendment.
These may be in addition to or may modify the standard
established in this section.
30-4.13.m.2~f~ Conversion of existing multiple tenant retail
spaces to a single retai! space greater than 3D,D00 square
feet; unless, said conversion is allowed by the existing
Planned Development approval.
Section 14. The Alameda Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding
new Subsection l to Section 30-20, Nonconforming Buildings and Uses:
7. Large Format Retail
Section 3o-2o.a Existing large format retail uses, constructed
and in use prior to March, 208, that are located in
commercial, manufacturing, Planned Development or M-X
zoning districts where large format retail is allowed and that
comply with the development standards of the zoning district
shall not be classified as nonconforming.
Section 15. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the
expiration of thirty X30}days from the date of its final passage.
Section 16. Severability Clause. It is the declared intent of the City Council of
Alameda that if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or provision of this
ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such
invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not be so construed as to render invalid or
unconstitutional the remaining provisions of #his ordinance.
Section 1l. The above amendments shall be known as and referenced to as
Reclassification and Rezoning Amendment No. to ordinance No. 1211, N.S.
Presiding ~fficerof the Council
Lara Weisiger, City Clerk
City of Alameda
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly and
regularly adopted and passed by Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting
assembled on the day of , 2008, by the following vote to wit:
IN v111TNESS, UUHERE4F, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official
seal of said City this day of , Zoo8.
Lara vveisiger, City Clerk
City of Alameda
~ ~
~ ~;
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council ofthe City of Alameda that pursuantto
Section 30-65.7 of the Alameda Municipal Code and Resolution No,13513,and
upon nomination of the Mayor, CEClLIACERVANTES is herebyappointedtothe
office of memberof the PublicArt Commission of the City of Alameda forthe term
commencing on April 1, 2008, and expiring on June 30, 2011, and to serve until
her successor is appointed and qualified.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly
and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular
meeting assembled on the 1 st day of April, 2008, by the following vote to wit:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
official seal of said City this day of April, 2008.
Lora Weisiger, City Clerk
City of Alameda
Resolutions #5-A
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council afthe City of Alameda that pursuant to
E ~~
t/ M V
~a ~
.~ a
~ ~
~ .-
Section 30-65.1 of the Alameda Municipal Code and Resolution No. 13513, and
upon nomination of the Mayor, ANDREA M. LEAL is hereby appointed to the office
of member of the Public Art Commission of the City of Alameda for the term
commencing on April 1, 2008, and expiring on June 30, 2011, and to serve until
her successor is appointed and qualified.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolutian was duly
and regularlyadopted and passed bythe Council of the Cityof Alameda in regular
meeting assembled on the 1 st day of April, 2008, by the following vote to wit:
IN 1NITNESS VIIHERE~F, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
official seal of said City this day of April, 2008,
Lara Weisiger, City Clerk
City of Alameda
To: Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
From: Debra Kurita
City Manager
Date: April 1, 2008
Re: Discuss and Finalize the City Council's Priorities for Fisca! Year 2007-
Last year, the City Council and the Executive Management Team EMT} began a
priority setting process in order to provide an opporkunity for the City Council to give
direction on the City's priorities for departmental work plans for the next budget cycle
and to strengthen the City Council's understanding of staff's current work plans and the
resources available to carry them out. The process was also intended to create mutual
understanding and agreement between the City Council and the EMT on a process of
reporting progress on the work plans and on modifying priorities once adopted. To
facilitate this process, the City Council and the EMT met together in workshops on
September 11 and November 13, 2007.
At the two City CouncillEMT workshops, the City Council reached consensus on the
concept of a purpose statement for the City. That purpose statement is:
the C~fy of Alameda focuses rfs resources on proU~d~ng services that
enhance fbe qualify of !!fe for ifs residents and promote the prosperrfy of ifs
business communlfy.
The City Council also confirmed seven citywide policy objectives, which provide a long-
term framework for determining the focus of the work of the City organization and how
resources will be deployed. The following list of priority objectives also includes an
eighth objective that reflects a continuing commitment to maintaining a safe community.
The eight citywide policy objectives are:
• Continue progress in the redevelopment of the former naval property.
• Identify funding and develop master plans for providing and maintaining
infrastructure improvements.
• Take measures to improve and promote the community's economic health.
City Council
Agenda Item #5-B
Honorable Mayor and April 1, 2008
Members of the City Council Page 2 oft
• Develop or update and implement land use, transportationltraffic, parking and also
environmental sustainability planning strategies, tools, and documents.
• Provide quality youth and senior programs, services, and facilities.
• Recruit, retain, and develop a skilled and responsive workforce.
• Continuously improve internal operations, systems, and management practices in
order to provide high-quality customer service.
• Deliver high-quality services that improve and promote the safety of the community.
In addition to developing the purpose statement and policy objectives during the
workshops, the City Council discussed the departmental work plans, which contain
projects that are funded and in progress. At the first workshop, the Mayor and
Councilmembers were asked to identify their highest and high priority projects from the
list of projects in the work plans. At the second City CauncillEMT workshop on
November 13, the Mayor and Councilmembers requested additional discussion of the
priorities identified on September 11. To facilitate that discussion, the consultant
developed the attached City of Alameda Priorities document, which sets the context for
priority setting and provides a list of the highest and high City Council priorities identified
on September 11. The first eight items are those that received the highest number of
votes on September 11. This document will provide the basis for the City Council's
continued discussion and finalization of these priorities.
There is no impact to the General Fund from this action.
This project does not affect the Municipal Cade.
Discuss and finalize the City Council's priorities for FY 2005-2009.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Goldman
Deputy City Manager
Attachment: City of Alameda Priorities
City of Alameda Priorities
Identifying the City Council's "Highest" and "High" Priorities
March 2008
At the September 1 ~ , 2001, CouncillEMT workshop, staff presented work plans containing
projects that are funded and underway. After the staff presentations, the Council was asked to
identify their "highest" and "high" priority projects from the list of projects in the work plans. The
list of priority projects that resulted is provided in Attachment A.
The reason the Council was asked to do that is that the City has a very ambitious work program
and staff is fully engaged in carrying out on-going City services, as well as implementing a large
list of projects. Knowing which projects are the Council's highest priorities helps staff to
make adjustments in assignments and timelines when emerging issues arise.
At the November 13, 2007, CouncillEMT workshop, the Council indicated its interest in
discussing its priorities to ensure full consideration and public input, A process to assist the
Council has been created and is described below.
Context for Priorities
Priorities are set for the many projects currently in departmental work plans. The projects and
work plans are the means to achieve the City Council's policy objectives. Thus, the framework
for the project priorities can be illustrated in this way:
In order for projects to be implemented, resources are allocated~to them during the budget
process or at other times in the year. ongoing services receive budget allocations as well.
City Council
Attachment to
Agenda Item #5-B
oa-o~ -os
Purpose Statement and Cifywide Policy Objectives
On November 13th, the City Council reached consensus on the concept of a purpose statement,
which is as follows:
The City if Alameda focuses its resources on providing services t>7af enhance the
quality of life for its residents and promote the prosperity of its business
The Council also reached consensus on seven citywide policy objectives, which provide a long-
term framework for determining how staff and other City resources will be focused on behalf of
the community. Specific projects and work plans are the means for implementing these policy
o Continue progress in the redevelopment of the former Naval property.
o Identify funding and develop master plans for providing and maintaining infrastructure
o Take measures to improve and promote the community's economic health.
o Develop or update and implement land use, transportationltraffic, parking and environmental
sustainability planning strategies, tools, and documents.
o Provide quality youth and senior programs, services, and facilities,
o Recruit, retain, and develop a skilled and responsive workforce.
o Continuously improve internal operations, systems, and management practices in order to
provide high-quality customer service.
After reflecting on the City Council's November 13t" discussion about priorities, staff identified
an eighth citywide policy objective pertaining to safety, Staff proposes the following citywide
policy objective be added to the list;
o Deliver high-quality services that improve and promote the safety of the community.
Some Modlfrca~rons Maafe on 11I~3/Ol anal March 2045)
The following projects are listed in order of the number of votes given by Council members at
the 9111101 CouncillEMT Priority Setting Workshop. The bold items are those receiving at least
3 dots on 9111101. All projects receiving at least one dot neither "highest" or "high" priority on
9111107 are listed below. Some of the items have been modified in response to comments
made by Councilmembers at the 11/13101 CouncillEMT workshop. In addition, staff modified
item 1l in light of the City's current budget challenges. Those changes are noted below in
'° 4 h
",~ 2 R Y V ~ S ,
S ~ ~ ~;~
'~ '~,7
1. AP&T Address Telecom financial issue 5 highest
2. Housing Authority Work with the Housing 3 highest
Commission to develop an 1 high
acquisition and development plan
for expanding affordable housing
opportunities using the remaining
Measure A Gu on exemption
3. Development Former Navy Base 3 highest
Services Redevelopment--Secure
Conveyance of Alameda Point
from Navy and negotiate
development entitlements with
4. Planning & Building Transportation Element Update 3 highest
Public Works General Plan
~Nofe: Three projects
nave been combined TransportationlTraffic Planning 2 highest
into oneJ 2 high
Transportation master plan; 2 high
pedestrian plan; Safe Routes to
Schools--implement innovative
approach to encourage
walklbikelcarpool to school
5. Planning & Building Customer Service Improvement 3 highest
Committee work items project
fi. Public Safety Disaster PreparednesslUpdate 1 highest
Disaster Mitigation Plan and the 3 high
EDC Plan
1. Planning & Building Soft-story seismic retrofit 1 highest
Note: fne word program 2 high
"incentive" was
eliminated between
rrprogram "~
j -. " i. ^ a
k 4 ~ tff ,
~' ~~~
~ it ~ f ~ 1
~i;~ weak ' ~ ~
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S. Recreation, Parks Prepare and implement 3 high
and Golf comprehensive operation review
of Golf Course operations
9. Planning & Building Hausing Element Update General 2 highest
10. Recreation, Parks and Renovate Godfrey Field; Rittler 2 highest
Golf Field; Lincoln Park Field
Replace Krusi Park Recreation
11. Library Develop a long range plan for library 1 highest
service includes Measure 0 funds 1 high
allocation for branch im rovements
12. Development Services Former Navy property development 1 highest
Conduct homelesslPBC screening 1 high
for Coast Guard Housing and
related Community Reuse Plan
amendment. Includes lease of ball
fieldlpark area and coast guard
13. AdministrativelSupport Review web hosting, design and 1 highest
Services maintenance services and conduct 1 high
needs assessment of current
14. AdministrativelSupport Review compensation system 1 highest
Services broadened to include review of full 1 high
s stem
15. Planning & Building Prepare Local Action Plan for 1 highest
Climate Protection 1 high
AP&T Enhance EnergylEnvironmental 2 high
Sustainability -evaluate alternatives
for reducing carbon footprint
Public Works Environmental Protection 1 high
jiVofe: Three pro~ecfs
have been combined
info one
16. Public Works Continuous improvement of systems 1 highest
Street tree master plan; sewer 1 high
master plan; storm drainage master
1l. AdministrativelSupport Explore options to generate revenue 1 highest
Services for City operations andlor
jNofe: staff added The infrastructure improvements
words "Cify operations
18. AdministrativelSupport Budget review and tracking ~pro~ect 1 highest
Services ADDS
19. Planning & Building Land Use Element -Retail and 1 highest
Business Services Section Update
General Plan
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20. Planning & Building Develop a Facilities Master Plan: 1 highest
identify funding and prepare master
plans for building infrastructure
21. Library Provide facility and service 2 high
improvements to both Bay Farm
Island and West End Libraries
22. AdministrativelSupport Develop Succession Planning and 2 high
Services Workforce Strategy including youth
~Nofe: "and Workforce outreach component}
Sfrafegy"was added fa
this ro'ecf
23. Fire Conduct Fire Station 3 feasibility 1 high
24. Development Services CDBG-funded project to implement 1 high
the "West Alameda: Woodstock to
Webster Neighborhood
Im rovement Plan"
25. Recreation, Parks and Implementation of a Youth Advisory 1 high
Golf Commission to advise Council on
outh-related issues
26. Recreation, Parks and Review business and financial plan 1 high
Golf of the Alameda Museum
2l. Recreation, Parks and Estuary Park Task Force -initiate 1 high
Golf meetings with Task Force to identify
otential fundin
28. AdministrativelSupport Develop a compliance plan for 1 high
Services GASB-45 regulations by performing
an actual study and reviewing
o tions with Council
29. AdministrativelSupport Labor agreement negotiations with 1 high
Services ublic safet bar ainin units
Lola W. Brown
James R, Currier
Sarah J. Jones
Jennifer J. Koney
Aaron P. Roudabush
Michelle Shelley} M, Russi
Brad C, Shook
Gail Wetzork
Re; Agenda ftem #8-A