2008-01-15 7-A Staff InformationCITY OFALAMEDA Memorandum Date: January 15, 2008 To: Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director From: Barry Bergman Transportation Coordinator Re: Proposed Park-and-Ride Lot Near Posey Tube Entrance Original Concept A park-and-ride lot has been proposed for the land located between Mariner Square Drive and Webster Street, adjacent to the Posey Tube entrance. The lot would use property owned by both the City and the State and include 41 parking spaces for an estimated total cost of $1.3 million (original estimate adjusted to 2007 dollars). The design is estimated to take nine months and cost $100,000. The project is included in the City's unfunded Capital Improvement Program list. The original intent of this facility was to provide parking spaces to encourage carpooling and address drainage concerns on Mariner Square Drive. While the design provided a westbound stop for AC Transit Line 19, which connects to 12t" Street BART and the Emeryville Amtrak station, itwas not considered a transit hub because the eastbound bus stop would remain approximately 1,000 feet to the north. Expansion of Original Concept to Transit Hub The project could be expanded from this original concept to serve as a transit hub. Turning the property into a transit hub would require redesign to meetAC Transit's guidelines that require passengers to be able to access multiple buses on-site, waiting platforms be provided, space be provided for buses to lay-over, and transfers between modes be accommodated. Modifications could include: • Providing additional parking capacity, either by enlarging the site, relocating Mariner Square Drive to the east, entering into shared parking agreements with adjacent property owners (Marina Village or John Beery's property), or a combination of options. • Accommodating directstopsformultipletransitlines, includingtransbayservicesand a future BART shuttle that either operates citywide or serves Alameda Landing. Based on a cursory analysis, in order to accommodate transbay bus service, access from Constitution would need to be modified, requiring the relocation of the existing off-street bike path, constructing a retaining wall, and acquiring additional right-of way. • Improving pedestrian and bicycling connections for intermodal connectivity. Page 2 January 15, 2008 Cost and impacts could be assessed once the design is reviewed in more detail. Funding The modification to the original park-and-ride lot concept will increase the cost of the project, but the amount would need to be more closely evaluated. Potential funding sources could include: • Measure B • Transportation Development Act (TDA) • Transportation System Management/Transportation Demand Management (TSM/TDM) fees from Alameda Landing • Other competitive grant funds Staff will submit the transit hublpark-and-ride lot project to the Congestion Management Agency, in response to the 2035 Transportation Plan Call for Projects. If accepted, the project will become eligible for future grant funds. These funds will not be available until 2012. Impacts to Timeline of Other Projects This project is on the City's unfunded project list. Since staff is currently committed to other projects, making this project a priority would affect the timeline for existing projects in process. The design of the project would take nine months. In order to undertake the design work, the CIP staff that would be assigned to this project would have to defer the work currently being done on the development of the sewer master plan and the design to upgrade existing drainage improvements. In addition to the time required from CIP staff to design the project, alternative transportation mode staffwould be needed to coordinate with AC Transit on the rerouting of multiple bus lines, work with stakeholders to determine the ridership potential at the site, and bring the item to the Transportation Commission for review. It is estimated that this workwould takeapproximatelythree months. The alternativetransportation modestaffthat would be assigned to the project is currently working on the bicycle master plan update, which could be delayed.