2008-02-05 5-A Power Point LOCAL ACTION PLAN FOR CLIMATE PROTECTION MonitaMEvaluate Milealane 3. Pr°9nasa Eatahllah Local ANen Plan PREPARED BY THE CITY OF AL4A(EUA .i PL4NSI\G AYD BUILDING DEPARTMEYT Mbemne a, i~'a` i ~s ran ormc c-~cs rorcmuemP on cm~,u',~Ikn Implement Loaal J ~ ` AMlon Plan City Council Appointed Climate Local Ac#ian Plan Protection Task Force Land Use Members of Boards and Commissions Planning Board Transportation Economic Development Commission Waste Management :Transportation Commission :Public Utilities Board Energy Use Representative From Alameda County Industries Four Local Citizens Public Awareness Per Capita Emissions by City Alameda Community-wide Alameda Co. Oities Greenhouse Gas Emissions Summary Par capita GHG Emissions Inventory eCD2 tons/year ~ ~I Transportation Residential ma I 54% Energy Use i eo I 16.00 I',. x.- t <.60 ~ t S ',1 ~ I, ~?-n -i tT c w - ~ Commercial o _ ~ ~ _ -,o.oo Solid Wasfe 8 & Indusfiial Rec clin a ~ p__-m~-_-~ v` ~-e.co Y 9 ~m I c ¢ ~ _ cc ~ 0% Energy Use Q 17° 1 J.a.oo ~ /o z.oo ~I Power Point Presentation at the 02.05-08 Council Meeting Re: Agenda Item #5-A Alameda's Greenhouse Gas Emission KeY Flndlncls Scenarios I s,_.° c,~" £m, , ,~c- ¦ Alameda generated approximately 303,000 „~,,0, ~ tons COZ in 2005 ~ Sxo,0s0 3 I • 2UfI51t~.clinc 7U3,U97 ~~~~~"I ¦ Business-as-usual projection is ~ ~ _ aye„<~i„~ 200.000 approximately 333,000 tons COZe in 2020 ~ c ,E.f,~~ o zm,00° ii ducnun iem ~ ro i-u~:f, ~.:v4 Lm 2!0,000 ¦ Alameda Power 8 Telecom's power mix is ~ ` 5 P 85% carbon freelrenewable c -~s7" S ._r....S.1L._ ~ Se0,000 >!G ~ ¦ Alameda has programs already in place that ~ SS,,o°, make it a leader in sustainable practices 100,°°°,----''-.. zoos x0f° SO~s 2020 m2s veer Goals Tier 1 Initiatives i. Adopt "Zero Waste Strategy" Programs and • Reduce Alameda's GHG Emissions Ordinances. • 25% Reduction by 2020 (30% below business as usual 2. Develop amulti-faceted community outreach program projection) to increase public awareness and participation in greenhouse gas reductions. • Related Community Goals 3. Amend the Alameda Municipal Code to include sustainable design and green building standards for ail Improve livabilitylquality of life new, substanfia!lyexpanded, and remodeled buildings. - Reduce air pollution 4. Encourage the Alameda Public Utilities Board to - Save resources require that Alameda Power & Telecom maintain and expand its source mix to 100 % carbon-free energy. - Secure energy supply 5. Develop and fund alternative transportation strategies in the City's budget. Recommendations • Adopt Goal of 25% below 2005 levels by 2020 • Adopt Local Action Plan • Sunset Climate Protection Task Force