2008-02-19 4-A Power Point dud et Review g 0 ~r t~~- ~ As of February 2008 Agenda • Economic Outlook • State Budget • General Fund - Revenues - Expenditures • Fund Balance Forecast 2 Power Point Presentation at the 02.19-08 Joint Meeting Re: Agenda Item #4-A 1 Economic utlook (~,F F;jra ~3 i Y nl ' _ y . , ~.r.n' k., r, Economic Outlook • National Economy -Slowing economy in 2008; some growth possible in late 2009 -Credit tightening, reduced housing starts, consumer confidence falling • Regional Economy - Recession -short and shallow ? - Housing sales -declining; volume and price -Credit -tightening; housing & consumer debt 4 2 State Bud et g F=~ \ I`~~~~ $14.5 Billion Deficit • FY 2007/08 -Fiscal Emergency declared (not a Prop 1 A Severe Fiscal Hardship) - 45 day special legislative session called to agree to cuts - Sell Economic Recovery Bonds - Extend "Triple Flip" to 2012 - Defer Gas Tax payments • FY 2008/09 -Structural Deficit - Defer second payment of Prop 1 B -Booking Fee increase - Silent on Prop 42 and Prop 1 A 6 3 Proposition 1A • Constitutional protection of local property taxes and transportation funds - Passed by voters in 2004 • Legislature may "borrow" up to 8% of property tax revenues - Governor proclaims "severe fiscal hardship" - Urgent statute suspending Prop 1 A by 2/3 vote - Statute providing full repayment with interest in 3 years General Fund ~l Af V~ ? ` ~ ~i j ~ ~ t ~pn ~ q: ~ 4 Revenue Challenges Revenue estimates down $4 million ? Property Transfer Tax - $1.4 million ? Property Tax - $821,000 ? Vehicle In Lieu Fee - $828,000 Planning & Building Fees - $336,000 ? Other - $564,000 i 9 Revenue Forecast: $83.6 Million Revenue from Other Agencies $1.OM 1% Carryforward/Use Property Tax of Resv 56.2M $21.5M 7 % ~I o 26 /o Current Services ~ $7.1 M ~ 8/ Utility Users Transfers In from Tax $6.4M other City Funds 14 1 Q% $8.9M 17 % All Other "Levies" r/ Motor Vehicle $1s.aM in Lieu $5.8M 18% ~ 7% Sales Tax - ---i______ Property City Portion Transfer Tax $a.9M $4.3M, 5% is 6% 5 Revenue Enhancement Plan Near term: • Monitor current revenues • Review fees Long term: • Explore targeted taxes and fees • Continue economic development efforts - Focus on sales tax generators Revenue enhancement not expected to significantly increase projected revenues for the remainder of FY 2007/08. Expenditure Challenges • Reduce expenditures while transitioning to a lower revenue base • Maintain provision of services to the community • Public Safety = 61 % of total General Fund expenditures • Salaries and benefits for General Fund departments = 75% of total expenditures ,2 6 Salaries & Benefits Salary & Benefits ~ Other 60 Millions 50 - _ _ - 40 _ 30 _ - o ° 10 pUglic Sa{etyPdmir? &QUglic Q1a~~tn9 g~d~3 parKs L~gcaCY 13 FY 2007/08 Expenditure Reduction Plan Expenditure reductions total $3 minion • Salary and benefit savings - Strategic hiring freeze - Assure appropriate allocation of salaries & benefits to other funds • Capital projects - Close out completed projects - Maximize use of special revenue sources for C4P - Defer one capital project • Supplies and services - Limit purchases • Debt portfolio review 7 Expenditures by Function: $84.6 Million Debt, Risk Mgmt, CIP Transfers Other $4.5M $2.7M 5% Police $24.5M Admin & IT 3% 30% $7.OM 8% Planning & Bldg Police/Fire $3.9M Pension $2.8M r ~ 3°/a 5% "i ~ ; ~r Public Works ~ ` ~r~~ " ~t~~:1 $9.4M I 11 % Parks $4.2M OPEB $1.8M 5°0 2% > ~3` k ~ ~ J ^ Library $2.OM 2% Fire $21.9M 26% 1s FY 2007/00 Fund Balance F®recast Use $1 million of Fund Balance to help close gap between revenues and expenditures. - 17% estimated Fund Balance at June 30, 2008 16 8 I Recommendations 1. Accept the report and approve adjustments. 2. Continue to monitor revenues and look for opportunities to reduce expenditures in the FY 2007/08 budget . 3. Undertake thoughtful structural realignment for the FY 2008/09 and FY 2009/10 budgets - Identify and pursue new revenues - Identify service level alternatives Bud et Revie~N g ~~r ~ h 3 u ~ ~a i t zTat 41 ~ ~7i - ~ i 0 a a As of February 2008 9