2008-04-01 5-B HandoutMANAGEMENT PARTNERS N G O R P O R A T E D City of Alameda PRIORITY SETTING WORKSHOP Apri! ~, ZQQB objectives for April 1 Meeting: • Council confirmation of policy objectives • Council direction on top 10 project priorities for the work plan Agenda: ^ Review agenda item purpose ^ Finalize policy objectives ^ Establish top 10 project priorities for the work plan ^ Review next steps Facilitator: Jan Perkins Provided by Jan Perkins atthe 04.41.48 Council Meeting Re; Agenda Item #5•B 2107 North First Street Suite 470 www.managementpartners.com 40S 437 5400 San rose, CA 95131 Fax 453 6191 Attachment ~ ATTACHMENT A - LIST OF H~GNFSTAND HrGN COUNCIL PRIORITIES IDENTIFIED ON SEPTEMBER ~ ~, 2447 (Some Modifrcat~ons Made on ~~I13107 and March 2408) The following projects are listed in order of the number of votes given by Council members at the 9111107 CouncillEMT Priority Setting Workshop. The bold items are those receiving at least 3 dots on 9111107. All projects receiving at least one dot neither "highest" or "high" priority on 9111101 are listed below. Some of the items have been modified in response to comments made by Councilmembers at the 11/13107 CouncillEMT workshop. In addition, staff modified item 17 in light of the City's current budget challenges. Those changes are noted below in lfa~ics. ~'~` ~f "~' ~ "~ i,J ~~'Y ~ '~ .~., •~ ~ ~ ~° ~ ~ , • `ass't A . ~ r t i ~ , ._, p r ~ 3 k ' < • a i ~ ~ ' ~~4. • i . ;<.~ ii €~~: ~ `.! ~•~ 4i4~{?Ily ~ CIF, '~ '~j ~ ~ •r ~ ~ ` o ~.~ ~ , ~ 4~, ~ ~ r, ~. M .-x . ~i ft ~ ,~. ~ 7:! t ~ AP&T Address Telecom f~nanci al issue 5 highest ~x XXXXX -implement la nslrecom mend atio ns 2. Housing Authority Work with the Housing 3 highest XXXX Commission to develop an 1 high acquisition and development plan for expanding affordable housing opportunities using the remaining Measure A Gu ton exemption 3. Development Former Navy Base 3 highest XXXX Services Redevelopment- Secure Conveyance of Alameda Point from Navy and negotiate development entitlements with SunCal 4. Planning & Building Transportation Element Update ~~ 3 highest XXX Public Works General Plan} Note: three pro~ecfs have been combr`ned TransportationlTraffic Planning 2 highest into oneJ 2 high Transportation master plan; 2 high pedestrian plan; Safe Routes to Schools--implement innovative approach to encourage walklbikelcar aol to school 5. Planning & Building Customer Service Improvement 3 highest X Committee work items project ADD 6. Public Safety Disaster PreparednesslUpdate ~ highest Disaster Mitigation Plan and the 3 high EQC Plan 1. Planning & Building Soft-story seismic retrofit ~ highest X ~Nofe: the wora~ program 2 high "incentive" was eliminafeaf befween "refrofit"and "program' 8. Recreation, Parks Prepare and implement 3 high XXXX and Goif comprehensive operation review of Golf Course o erations 9. Planning & Building Housing Element Update General 2 highest Plan 10. Recreation, Parks and Renovate Godfrey Field; Rittler 2 highest XXX Golf Field; Lincoln Park Field Replace Krusi Park Recreation Buildin 11. Library Develop a long range plan far library 1 highest XX service includes Measure D funds 1 high allocation for branch im rovements 12. Development Services Former Navy property development 1 highest - Conduct homelesslPBC screening 1 high for Coast Guard Housing and related Community Reuse Plan amendment. [ncludes lease of ball fieldlpark area and coast guard housing 13. AdministrativelSupport Review web hosting, design and 1 highest Services maintenance services and conduct 1 high needs assessment of current contributors 14. AdministrativelSupport Review compensation system 1 highest X Services broadened to include review of full 1 high s stem 15. Planning & Building Prepare Local Action Plan for ~ highest XX Climate Protection 1 high AP&T Enhance EnergylEnvironmental 2 high Sustainability -~ evaluate alternatives for reducing carbon footprint Public Works Environmental Protection 1 high ~Nofe: fnree pro~ecfs nave been combined info one 16. Public Works Continuous improvement of systems 1 highest X Street tree master plan; sewer 1 high master plan; storm drainage master Ian 17. AdministrativelSupport Explore options to generate revenue 1 highest XXXX Services for City operations andlor ~~ofe: sfaff added fne infrastructure improvements words "Cify operafions and/orb 18. AdministrativelSupport Budget review and tracking project 1 highest X Services ADD} 19. Planning & Building Land Use Element -Retail and 1 highest Business Services Section Update General Plan 20. Planning & Building Develop a Facilities Master Plan: 1 highest X identify funding and prepare master plans for building infrastructure im rovements 21. Library Provide facility and service 2 high X improvements to both Bay Farm Island and West End Libraries 22. AdministrativelSupport Develop Succession Planning and 2 high Services Workforce Strategy including youth Note: `sand Workforce outreach components Sfrafegy"was added fo Phis projecf~ 23, Fire Conduct Fire Station 3 feasibility 1 high stud 24, Development Services CDBG-funded project to implement 1 high the "West Alameda: Woodstock to Webster Neighborhood Im rovement Plan" 25, Recreation, Parks and Implementation of a Youth Advisory 1 high Golf Commission to advise Council on outh-related issues 26. Recreation, Parks and Review business and financial plan 1 high Golf of the Alameda Museum 2l, Recreation, Parks and Estuary Park Task Force -initiate 1 high Golf meetings with Task Force to identify otential fundin 28. AdministrativelSupport Develop a compliance plan for 1 high Services GASB-45 regulations by performing an actual study and reviewing a Lions with Council 29. AdministrativelSupport Labor agreement negotiations with 1 high XXX Services ublic safet bargainin units 30. PROJECT ADD Involve community stakeholders in X developing an economic sustainability strategy that includes outreach to residents and businesses 31. PROJECT ADD Develop Community ArtslPlanning X and Buiidin Center 32, PROJECT ADD Physically centralize City operations X location into Cit Hall 33. PROJECT ADD Strengthen revenue by broadening X the tax base business recruitment and retention, fast track commercial plans and permits, develop marine- reiated, biotech support and tech sectors 34. PROJECT ADD Park acquisition and improvement X 35.