2008-04-01 Oral Communications SubmittalFa~lun Dafa In.farr~a.ation. Center
New Independent Report Concludes Falun Gong Organs Being
Harvested, Victims Kiiled
"I don't think anyone can have any doubt that this unbelievable practice is continuing"
(7/6/2006 15:28)
NEUV YURK Falun Dafa Information Center] - A 45-page investigative report was released
Thursday that addresses allegations of organ harvesting from Falun Gang detainees; the Falun
Dafa Information Center is calling the report, "vitally important." Coauthored by former Canadian
Secretary of State Asia-Pacifica David ~ilgour and human rights attorney David Matas, the
report draws "the regrettable conclusion that the allegations are true."
Speaking with the press, Kilgaur said on ~1Uednesday that, "I don't think anyone can have any
doubt that this unbelievable practice is continuing... They take bath kidneys, then the heart and
the skin and the corneas and the liver, and your body is then thrown in the incinerator."
The report identifies the perpetrators specifically as "the government ofi China and its agencies in
numerous parks of the country, in particular hospitals but also detention centres and `people's
courts' "
"The allegations here are so shocking that they are almost impossible to believe," the report
states. "lThey] represent a grotesque form of evil which, despite all the depravations humanity
has seen, would be new to this planet. The very horror makes us reel back in disbelief. But that
disbelief does not mean that the allegations are untrue."
Kilgour and Matas spent weeks gathering and verifying evidence for the report, interviewing
witnesses, and attempting travel to China. The Chinese Embassy did nvt accede to the team's
request far travel to China for investigative purposes.
The report also details at length the team's methods of investigation and the process of
evaluating evidence.
"fur conclusion comes not from any one single item of evidence, but rather the piecing together
of all the evidence we have considered. Each portion ofi the evidence we have considered is, in
itself, verifiable and, in mast cases, incontestable. Put together, they paint a damning whole
picture. It is their combination that has convinced us."
The Information Center welcor~es the recommendations made in the report which include
diplomatic pressure and stronger measures to prevent crimes against humanity such as organ
harvesting in China---and hopes that other governments will join Canadian officials in
considering them.
"This kind of independent investigation is absolutely vital," says Falun Dafa Information Center
spokesman Erping Shang. "These organ harvesting crimes are so horrific that, sadly, what is
Submitted by Conniewang atthe
04.41.08 Council Meeting under
http://www. faluninfo. nit/Disp~ayAnArticlePrialt. asp?ID=9443 Qral Communications ~ °f ~
preventing many organisations and nations around the world from pressuring China to open the
doors of its labor camps immediately is the disbelief that such crimes are passible in this day and
age. But under the direction of the Chinese Communist regime, they do take place and many
continue to die."
The full report, which includes interview transcripts, can be downloaded at;
NEWS -- July 0~, 200(~~
Falun Dafa Information Center, ww~r.faluninfo.net
Download: as . doc ~ . htm
(7/6/2006 15:28)
Contacts: Gail Rachlin (+1917-757-9780}, Levi Brocade {+164b-415-0995}, Erpi~ig Zhang {+1 bob-533-6147}, or Christina Chai {+1
9~ 7-38b-5Q68}.
Fax: 646-792-3916 Email: r_.+atit.a~~t~fy]f~1~_~t,~if~~~.ti~t.,'~Vebsite: iltt~~: «~~~~.~~~1«nEnta.n~t
h~tp://wvvw. ~alunxn~o, net/Disp~.ayAnAr~ie~ePri~r~. asp?ID=9443 Z of 2
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By Ben Bendig to their invol~emont,
Epoch Times San Francisco Staff Sudan, Burma, Zx
The torch bega~tt °.
Though many may realize that China's leadership regularly violates pits, on August 9#
human rights, the extent of their persecutions may not be known to all, and New Zealand ~~ _
es eciall in li ht of China hostin the 2008 Ol m its. Human ri hts
p Y g g y P g In March it wall t~
groups such as Amnesty International and Reporters Without Borders North America, a .~ -
have re orted that after China was awarded with the Ol m its re res- ~ ,F
P Y p P States it will aae c.
sion has increased, instead of improving, as was the hope when giving Olympic torch ~ ~L,,
the Olympics to China. scheduled to ga t~;~
After it became clear that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had Though ~h~za
no intention of improving its human rights situation, and was instead world has still ~-~
using the Olympics to benefit its image, human rights advocates real- widely knaw~ Th
ized action must be taken to let the world know that even though China that the CCP'~has
is hosting the .Olympics, the CCP's treatment of the Chinese people truth of their dech~
and support of other totalitarian regimes outside China, does not live vesting of organs3~ ~~
up to the spirit of the Olympics. not been brought .~k
Thus, the Human Rights Torch was barn, to convey the true spirit The HRTR ~~ a~ .. ~~
of the Olympics and what it means for humanity. The message of the in China and'h t.~r ~ f .
Human Rights Torch Relay (HRTR) is that the Olympics and crimes volvement aliro
~. f
against humanity cannot coexist in China" rights end
Founding-the HRTR was the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution political aims= and~S~
of Falun Gong (CIPFG}, though all of the CCP's human rights abuses mocracy m-~C~na o~~ Y ~ ` '~'
are meant to be exposed, beyond the persecution against the Falun in San Francisco on ~
Gong spiritual practice: from their suppression of Christians, Uighurs, ceremonylrally and ~~ ~ ~ =
Tibetan Buddhists, rights advocates, journalists, and defense lawyers, ,~
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China's Human Bights Violations are
.Escalating EverYdaY!
With the Human Rights Torch Relay we hope to raise awareness of the
escalation of China's human rights violations in advance of the Olympic
games, and the breadth and scope of its campaign worldwide. Through a
variety of grassroots events, the torch will bring with it facts including:
An estimated 100 million Falun Gong practitioners and their families
are enduring ever more stringent persecution; tens of thousands of Falun
Gong prisoners of conscience have had their organs forcibly extracted aiid>
Hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens are held as political prison-
erswithout charge or trial, including democracy activists, lawyers, human
rights defenders, religious leaders, journalists, trade unionists, Tibetan
Buddhists, Uighurs, `unofficial' church members, Falun Gong practitio-
ners, environmental activists, health and reproductive rights activists, and
political dissidents
People have been evicted from their homes to make way for commercial
construction, and beaten or killed if they protest; any meager payment af-
fered to them is usually stolen by corrupt local officials
Millions of Chinese are sent without trial to slave labor camps, where
they are tortured and forced to work long days producing consumer goods.
Epoch Times Brisbane Staff
American actress Uma Thurman has
joined the growing chorus of celebrities
speaking out about China's human rights
record in the lead up to the 2008 Olympic
Referring to Steven Spielberg's recent
decision to resign as artistic consultant to
the Beijing Olympic because of China's
involvement with Sudan, Ms. Thurman
said the U.S. film director could add a
few more things to his list of concerns.
"Although there is so much good in
China and in the Chinese people, the hu-
manrights record of the Chinese govern-
mentisappalling. Ithink Steven Spielberg
could have written a longer list. Steven,
please waste a little more ink on it".
Ms. Thurman, the daughter of Robert Thurman, a scholar of Tibetan Bud-
dhism and the first American to be ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist monk, was
particularly concerned about the plight of Tibetan Buddhists in China but noted
there were many other human rights issues.
"I'm not joking'; she told the BBC, "China's human rights record is horrible
and there are marvelous, caring, wonderful people amongst the community of
Chinese people who also are unhappy about the record of the Government and
some of their choices and behaviors."
Steven Spielberg said the situation in Darfur was rapidly deteriorating and his
Recent product recalls highlight the dangers of these goods to the public,
which,' for higher profits, often use toxic ingredients instead of safe ones
China continues to impose forced abortion and sterilization to enforce its
gruesome `One Child' policy, asper-family population control measures
China imprisons more reporters, and executes more prisoners, than any
other country in the world
;- Thy military junta in Burma, controlled ley ,the CCP; :has has enforced
19 years of brutal oppression on the Burmese peoples and most recently
violently cracked down on monks, sympathizers' and ~epoirters
The Chinese regime funds and arms the Sudanese-government-support-
ed Janjaweed militia, which is committing genocide in,Darfur. Hundreds
of thousands have been murdered and nearly two ~tnillion displaced from
their homes. Article: The China Connection
Stringent Internet censorship and public surveillance, with technology
supplied~by v~estern companies; enables close inoriitoring and suppression
of free speech..
-- wtivw.Ilumanl~rghtsTorch.org
Coalition to Investigate the Persecution ofFalun Gang (CIPFG)
conscience would no longer allow him "to continue with business as usual."
"At this point, my time and energy must be spent, not on Olympic ceremonies,
but on doing all I can to help bring an end to the unspeakable crimes against hu-
manitythat continue to be committed in Darfur," he said in statement.
Ms. Thurman and Mr. Spielberg
join a growing list of celebrities
and senior statesmen that have ex
pressed concern about China's con-
tinuedhuman rights abuses.
Earlier this month Prince Charles,
announced he had declined an invi-
tation to attend the 2008 Olympics
in Beijing, noting in a statement that
he had a "close interest in Tibet".
Last August ~ Global Human
Right Torch Relay was launched in
Athens to raise awareness of reli-
giauspersecution inChina, particu-
larly the severity of the persecution
against Falun Gong practitioners.
Human Rights Torch Relays have
since been held in cities and towns
across Europe, Australia, New
Zealand, Africa. and parts of Asia,
drawing Federal, State and local
community leaders to express their
concern that Olympics and crimes
against humanity cannot co exist.
The Relay is presently in Israel A montage of various poster campaigns from v
China's hosting of the summer Olympics in Bei
Mere Stars Put Off by Beijing's `Genocide Olympics'
Actress Uma Thurman told BBC re-
porters, "The human rights record of
the Chinese government is appalhi-g."
Do you know .
o an harvestin ,~,
from Falun Go ~~~~
is bi bus' '~~°°°
- __a ,~
.. ~~
This ~s ha -~ ~ ow.
jailed and
for their faith
Should a country like this
host the Olympic Games?
Products for export
made by child slave
labor ~
Should the
Zoos Games ~e
"Made in China"?
c ~- `t ~ x _ _ "~- ' +-- ,~ ~~ n .,i '.,` ~ +v'. p 'w''±r a icy v-c`'1'~~'r`*.a ~~ ,r =~ r"~a7~ ~~x+~~~
4" ~ =~n~situaor~s o~~~n~'u~fii~ oar aye, c~o~~ e- _
If ~c~ a:re~~ne~~ra.
1 i
- r'- - ~-r~l~bi~~ Resod Tub
of tie oppr~sso . -~
~_, ,
and will commence its route through the United States around March to finish
in Asia in August.
Earlier this month a group of Nobel laureates, politicians and Olympic athletes
sent an open letter to the Chinese government calling on it to stop supporting
Signatories included Archbishop Desmond Tutu, actors Mia Farrow, Emma
Thompson and Joanna Lumley, singer Angelique Kidjo and British Playwright,
Tom Stoppard. Human Rights Watch has welcomed the celebrity concern
about Darfur but warned that un-
less human rights abuses were ad-
dressed within China., little would
be gained
"Repression in China is on the
rise and Olympic sponsors, gov
ernments, or world leaders-es-
pecially those planning to attend
the Games--can't pretend other-
wise;' said Mirky Warden, media
director at Human Rights Watch,
"These influential players should
be prepared to show the steps they
are taking to address the worsening
rights climate in China, or they risk
being tarnished by a human rights
Last year, a group of 571awyers,
academics, editors, writers and civil
rights campaigners within China
joined the voices of thousands of
Chinese rural workers who signed
a petition saying "we want human
arious political acti3~ist organizations protesting rights not the Olympics."
ding {PETER PARIfS/AFP/GETTYI!'IIAGES) The group of dissidents signed an
r r - r -. - e ~ /.
~~,. .,,,.. ,, .~ ~: ~,-~- ~~Ty
open letter condemning the ar-
rest of human rights activist, Hu
Jia and urged the government to
improve human rights ahead of
this year's Olympics.
Since then Hu remains incar
cerated and the numbers joining
him are growing.
"Nobody apart .from the In-
ternational Olympic Committee
seems to believe the govern-
ment will make a significant hu-
man rights concession before the
Games start," said press freedom
agency Reporters Without Bor-
ders in its 2008 annual report. Oscar winningfilm directorS'teven Spielberghas
"Every time a journalist or blog- withdrawn asap artisticadviserto the2008Sam-
ger is released, another goes irlt0 mer Olympics in Beijing over China's policy on
prison. () China's dissidents wifl the conflictin Sudan's Darfurregion. (MARSAI-
probably be having a hard time EIMCGRATH/GETTYIMAGESFOR VES)
this summer."
The Chinese Communist Party, however, remains paranoid about anything
that might blemish its image during the Olympics.
"We believe that any. political issue that has nothing to do with the Olympics
should not be linked to the Beijing Games," Liu Jingmin, executive vice presi-
dent of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2008 Olympic Games, told a
news conference last year, Reuters reported.
"I believe that the preparations,for the Olympics have tremendously boosted
the development of human rights in China;' he added.
One wonders what the thousands of innocent people languishing in labor and
detention camps scattered around China's particularly harsh winter countryside
would make of that if they were to ever gain a rare word from the outside
world. ^
~ ~ i~ 1 ~
~: f
.~ ~ ~ .f
Non. DaI~ INlgour, Co-au~or of Blood Narwest
"The invasion of Afghanistan by Russian troops caused a boycott by some countries of the 1980
- Games in Moscow, all nations should have boycotted the Berlin Olympics in 1936, but at the time most
governments claimed not to know what Hitler had in mind. Today, we do know only too well what the
government of China has in mind for its Falun Gong community because of what it continues to do to
them. This is a vitally important difference between 1936 and 200$,"
:ti ,~
_ - - - _ ~'~ ' Kry, ~ - -
T. Kumar,lmnesty International
- _ "In spite of promises to improve human rights, China continues to account for upwards of 80% of
all x
e ecutions in the w rl
o d. At this rate the onl
world recor
d China i
s gran
u tee
d to earn at th 2
e 008
games will be for the world's champion of executions"
µh tj ?5v+'i-
~`~ -r - ~ "~c~v
. _ ~caorg Today!
~:. ,
~. = ;~~
~~ -
Former Olympian Ines Geipe[ carries the human
rights torch faith ~";yeax old Fadu Chen who's fa-
ther was tortr~red to death by the CCPin China