2008-04-15 5-B Power PointCommunity Development Block Grant (CDBG) FY 2008-09 Action Plan ~..~;~ _ , ,. ~~ _~_ ~~ Annual Grant from HUD To develop viable communities through the provision of: o Decent Housing o A Suitable Living Environment o Economic Opportunity Must primarily benefit low- and moderate-income people CDBG Priority Needs Jurisdictions are required to identify the needs of community. 2008 Priority needs: . Affordable housing . Fair housing . Homeless services . Supportive housing . Public services . Economic development . Capital improvements . Accessi bi I ity modifications ~-~ ~~ ;~: .,. f '~ SSHRB Public Service Focus Areas o Strengthen safety net services (shelter, food, health, etc.) o Sustain and improve access to affordable housing o Improve economic stability and social self-sufficiency o Improve outreach to isolated populations FY 2008-09 Funding o Entitlement Grant: $1,377,853 ($48,241 decrease) o Estimated Program Income: $220,000 o Prior Year Reallocations: $359,735 o Total FY 2008-09 Funding: $1,909,351 Public Services Funding 0 2008-09 Public Service Funding = $232,600 0 1st year of two-year funding cycle o Nine organizations recommended o All SSHRB focus areas represented o Unanticipated additional funding to go to Red Cross & Bananas for direct service programs Recommended Public Services for FY 2008 o Alameda Boys & Girls Club o Alameda Food Bank o Alameda Red Cross o Alternatives in Action o BACS (Four Bridges) o BANANAS, Inc. o BFWC (Midway Shelter) o Family Violence Law Center o Sentinel Fair Housing ~~f ~~ m ~.. :,~. ~{~ ~~~ Other New and Continuing Community Development Projects o Capital Programs: Blight Busters, ADA Curb Cuts; Espera nza Trash Enclosures; Woodstock to W e b ste r o Economic Development: Women in Business, APC CBDO, and Business Assistance programs o Residentia I Reha bi I itation o Affirmatively Further Fair Housing o Continuum of Care /Everyone Home Plan .__ ~. ~ ...~ - e ..~ .R . ~ ~:~ .. - e _ ..._