2008-06-03 Joint 3-A Power PointAlameda Landing 2nd Amendment to DDA ~3utside Dates for ~erfvrmance IlJfilestones' :4~1~~1~:4t I[]I1:~~1 Existing DQA Proposed 2"`~ Prapos~d 2""~ Amendment Tolling'` Amendment Alternative First Phase Demo & Backbone Conditions 3 years {1x:'49) ~ years {1~ 12~ 2~ yrs {12`26} Precedent • Cove once T ears ~12.t'13~ 10 ears {12.~"16) 25 rs ~1 x'31 } Firs# Dernaliti~n and Backbone Infrastructure Phase • Deena & Backbone Canditians 7 years ~ 12i 13) 8 year's ~ 12.' 14~ 24 yrs { ~ ~, 26} Precedent • Conveyance - Residential (CP" 1, 1 C}, 11 } 13 ',~~ yrs ~~.~2~) 14 '.~ yrs t6~21 } ~5 yrs ~ i 2'31 } - Retail MCP 1 ~~ 12 !~~ yrs {6:`19 13 '.E~ yrs ~6~20~} office 1~ yrs ~12;~'16} n~a • Cnrnmence Canstructi~n - Residential 15 ':-~ yrs {x.'22) 1 ~ ',~~ yirs t~.?23} 25 yrs ~ i 2,x'31 y - Retail 13 '.r~ yrs {~12fl) 14 '.~a yrs 46:`2 } Office 12 rs {12.'18} n,.~a • Carnplete Canstruetior~ - Residential 18 '.~~ yrs {6:25) 19 '.~2 yrs {6,~2fi} 25 yrs (12:31 y~ Retail 17 ~i~ yrs ~6:~24~ 18 lf~ yrs ~6.~25} - Office 15 rs (12,21 } ~n.~a Second Der~nnlit~on and B~ckbane Infrastructure phase - Demo & Backbone Co~nditians 1 d years ~ 12.:1 fij 11 years ~12'17j 20 yrs ti 2:26} Precedent Conveyance Residential GP 1 ~ 14 '.~z yrs {6;'~i) 15 'r'z yrs X6.'22} 25 yrs ~ 12r'3 i } CP 13 15 '.'z yrs {~a22) 1 ~ '.'a yrs ~6,~23} - Retail MCP 2, 14) 13 !rz ears (~r'~~) 14',r~ rs ~~,~~~1} ' CP = Conveyan~:e P~r~el (see Exhibit A) AVI cites fr«m Eff~~~,tiva Date of C}DA -Dec. 200fi Tolling occurs only if ~o~ticfitinn~ Pr~ceder7t are nQt s~ti4fi~ri try a~pli{able autsida date ~~~cf CIC does nQt elect to reimburse Qevel~per far applicak~le Starg~ll Work ~~sts end UP RUW Ac~uisiti~n Costs 'three one-year ~riarket ext~r~~ions { ~r five years after corr,rnenc~rnefit of d~«~~lition end Backbone Infrastructu~~ if demolition starts after 12'26 PST C t,f' Existing DDA ProposBCl 2"~ Proposed ~'~d Amendment Talling2 Amendment Commence Construction - Residential CP 1 ~ 16 ',a~ yrs ~ 6!23} 17 '; z yrs f 6!~~~ CP 13 1 ~ !~ ~ yrs ~6:~ 24} 18 ~:~~ yrs ~5!'~5} ~5 yrs ~ 12.E 31 l IRet~il C P 2 14 ! ~ years (6,~~21 } 17 '.~~ yrs ~~.~ 24} C P 14 ~ 4 !~z ears (f~.~21 } 15 'i~ rs ~~.?22} • Caniplete Ganstruction - Resident9~l CP 12 19 '.~~ yrs ~6.~ 2fi} 2D ':~~ yrs {x:`27} CP 13 20 '.-z yrs ~6!~~7} 21 'i~ yrs ~~.~2~j 2~ yrs ~ 1:'31 }4 - Retail C P 2 ti 8 '.~~1 yrs ~~:'~~53 20 '.~~ yrs ~~.!27) CP 14 ~ 8 'f~ rs t~~ ~~} 19 ',~~ rs ~~5.~`~6) Third Demolition and Backbone In~rastr~acrure F~hase L3~ma & Backbone Conditions 14 yr~ ~12:~`16} 1 1 years ~12~'17} 2~ yrs ~12,~26) Precedent • Co nve ance 1 Q rs ~ 12~ 1 fi} 13 ears ~ 12.x' 19} ~5 rs ~ 12.E 31 j • C~mr~~ ence Canstructi~n i ~ rs { 1 ~:~ 18J 7 5 ears ~ 1 ~.:~~ 1) - ~~ rs { 1 ~:~311 • Complete Ganstruction 15 rs ~12r~21) 1 S ears ~12~~4) 25 rs (i 2..'31) Tolling occurs «nl~ if Conditior7s Precedent are not satisfied by applicable outside date and CIG ~iaes nat elect to reimbur~~ De+r~loper far a~pli~able Stargell L~lark Costs and l1P Ra~N Acquisition Casts 'three r~~ie-year market exter~si~n~ tir fi~r~ years sifter carnm~ncem~nt of ~~molition end B~t:k~ione dnfrast~ucture if demoliti~r~ skirts after 12'26 ~.~~ ~~ .~~~ i~