2008-06-11 Special CC Packet~---- fp ~ , ~,.~ ti ~~ 21r -..- fi __ ;.L a F ~.~. J ?x ~~u _~ , 1 ~ L~ jr~. ~ , qt ~1~1 lV Jn~~~l~~~r CITY OF ALAMEDA • CALIFORNIA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL U~EDNESDAY - - - JUNE 11, 2005 - - - x:30 P.M. Time: Wednesday, June 11, 2008, x:30 P.M. Lacatian: Community Meeting Room 123, Alameda Free Library, career of Lincoln Avenue and Oak Street. NOTE: Please enter the meeting room through the garden gate off the parking lot close to Times Way Agenda Item A Special Meeting has been called to allow the Council to attend a Charter workshop. Adjournment