2008-01-15 5-D Power PointRecommended Rerouting of
AC Transit Line 63
and New Bus Stop Locations
Alameda City Cou nci!
January 15, 2008
November 15, 2006: Transportation Commission decision to instalt
bus stops at ~tislPond Isle
• March 6, 2007: Decision appeased to City Council; Council directed
Commission to...
-- Review route changes
- Review potential bus stop locations, ~~
• ~ TC subcommittee established
• actober 24, 2007: TC recommendations to be forwarded to Council
Power Point Presentation at the
0~-5.08 Council Meeting
Re: Agenda Item #5-D
Key Considerations by TC Subcommittee
• Service delivery- ridership and reliability
• Input from residents and riders
• Costs for bus stop improvements
• Impact of adding additional bus
• Impact of new development on service needs
• Long Range Transit Plan
Transportation Commission Recommendations
•~~} Reroute from Monarch Street to Lexington Street
2} Provide direct service to Encinal H.S. only at peak times for the school
3} Implement the above changes on an interim basis
4} Implement bus stops at Otis DrivelSandcreekWoy and Otis Drivel
Willow Street, since schedule cannot accommodate rerouting to
5} Pursue rerouting Line 63 from Otis Drive tv Shoreline Drive between
Grand Street and Willow Street once the schedule permits,
6} Westbound bus stop at Whitehall RoadlWillow Street should be priority
for bus stop improvements,
7} If additional service cuts required to improve performance on Line 63,
return to TC for additional recommendations.
Proposed Reroute at Alameda Point
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Transportation Commission Recommendations
1 } Reroute from Monarch Street to Lexington Street
~^^~2} Provide direct service to Encinal H.S. only at peak times for the school
3} implement the above changes on an interim basis
4} Implement bus stops at Otis DrivelSandcreekWoy and Otis Drivel
Willow Street, since schedule cannot accommodate rerouting to
5} Pursue rerouting Line fi3 from Otis Drive to Shoreline Drive between
Grand Street and Wiilow Street once the schedule permits.
6} Westbound bus stop at Whitehall RoadlWillow Street should be priority
for bus stop improvements.
~7} . If additional service cuts required to improve performance on Line 63,
return tv TC for additional recommendations.
Transportation Commission Recommendations
1 } Reroute #rom Monarch Street to Lexington Street
2} Provide direct service to Encinal H.S. only at peak times for the school
••~ 3} Implement the above changes on an interim basis
4} Implement bus stops at Otis DrivelSandcreekblay and Otis Drivel
Willow Street, since schedule cannot accommodate rerouting to
5} Pursue rerouting Line 63 from Otis Drive to Shoreline Drive between
Grand Street and VIIillow Street once the schedule permits.
6} Westbound bus stop at Whitehall RoadlWillow Street should be priority
for bus stop improvements.
7} 1# additional service cuts required to Improve performance an Line 63,
return to TC #or additional recommendations.
Transportation Commission Recommendations
1 } Reroute from Monarch Street to Lexington Street
2} Provide direct service to Encinal H.S. only at peak times for the school
3} Implement the above changes on an interim basis
• 4} Implement bus stops at Gtis DrivelSandcreekwoy and Gtis Drivel
Willow Street, since schedule cannot accommodate rerouting to
5) Pursue rerouting Line 63 from Otis Drive to Shoreline Drive between
Grand Street and willow Street once the schedule permits.
6} Westbound bus stop at Whitehall RoadlWillaw Street should be priority
for bus stop improvements.
7} If additional service cuts required to improve performance on Line 63,
return to TC for additional recommendations.
Proposed Bus Stop Locations on Otis Drive
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AC TransEi Line 63
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Propos2{~ Bus Stop r' Y ,f~, , ,, ~ ""'VII '
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Transportation Commission Recommendations
1 } Reroute from Monarch Street to Lexington Street
2} Provide direct service to Encinal H.S. only at peak times for the school
3} implement the above changes on an interim basis
4} Implement bus stops at Qtis DrivelSandcreekblay and Otis Drivel
vVillow Street, since schedule cannot accommodate rerouting to
~5} Pursue rerouting Line 63 from Otis Drive to Shoreline Drive between
Grand Street and vllillow Street once the schedule permits.
6} Westbound bus stop at Whitehall Roadlwillow Street should be priority
for bus stop improvements.
7} If additional service cuts required tv improve performance on Line 63,
return to TG for additiona! recommendations.
Transportation Commission Recommendations
~ } Reroute from Monarch Street to Lexington Street
2} Provide direct service to Encinal H.S. only at peak times for the school
3} Implement the above changes on an interim hasis
4} Implement bus stops at Otis DrivelSandcreekWoy and Otis Drivel
Willow Street, since schedule cannot accommodate rerouting to
5} Pursue rerouting Line 63 from Otis Drive to Shoreline Drive between
Grand Street and Willow Street once the schedule permits.
"'~ 6} Westbound bus stop at Whitehall RoadlWillow Street should be priority
for bus stop improvements.
7} If additional service cuts required to improve performance on Line 63,
return to TC for additional recommendations.
Review Cross-Section of otis Drive
Staff Recommendations
• Support all TC recommendations
• If cuts are not sufficient and additional time is needed,
ILC should investigate adding a bus to Line 63, then
refer issue to TC.
• Add signs to clarify route changes on Central Ave.l3rd St.
• Long-Range Transit Plan Update should consider major
changes to Line 63 to serve existing riders and Alameda
~~~. Landing.
Recommended Rerouting of
AC Transit Line 63
and New Bus Stop Locations
Aiameda City Council
January ~ 5, 2DD8
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Existing and Proposed Bus Stops
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