2008-03-04 Oral Communications SubmittalTALCO PLASTICS 3270 E. 70th St. Lang Beach, CA 90805 (562) 630-1224 Post-consumer plastics Department of Public Works, City of Los Angeles h :lllad w.or~le dlrecvclin~lcrm.cfm Includes facts sheets on the value of plastic in use. Dart Container Corp Shows recycling process including post food service materials. http:llwww. dartcontainer.comlweblenviron.nsflpageslschematic.htm Article on the City of Roseville program. Includes~~mention of Stockton reprocessor, Timbron. Gets material from as far away as Eastern Europe. h :llwww.sacbee.comlrosevillelstorv151?Q85.html Company which uses closed loop system for supply of products, collection and recycling. works with school and industrial cafeterias. Recycling Professionals West Linn, OR Larry Ivlclntyre 503172-7616 Story about recycling polystyrene. American Recycler h :llwww.americanrecvcliner.com11Z071 olvst~rrene.shtml Brevard County Florida School pro~am school year 1989-1999 Speca~a ~~~gratros & 5er3ri~c~es Foam Polystyrene "Styrofoam" Cups http:llwww.p2pays.orglreflObla57421 Submitted by Ken Peterson under 4rai Communications atthe 43.04.48 Council Meeting A special collection program for foam polystyrene cups and plates is available in the Billings Student CenterlCoak Gammons only. The program. is a cooperative effort among the U~ Solid WastelRecycling Office, Sadexho-1~arriott . Dining Services, SOFCO, Inc, and Dart Container Corporation. • Foam cups and plates are collected in bins marked "FOA~1~." This material is compacted in a special "densifier" machine located behind Cook Commons. The machine can compress up to 8,OQO cups into a 25 pound cube. The cubes are back-hauled by the distributor, and then transported to a special recycling facility in Pennsylvania. The foam is recycled into new products such as plastic lumber and durable hoods. At tl~i~ rime. foam n~lv~tvrene cues and elates are only collected in the Billin~slCook Commons vicinity because this is