2008-03-04 Oral Communications SubmittalTALCO PLASTICS
3270 E. 70th St.
Lang Beach, CA
90805 (562) 630-1224 Post-consumer plastics
Department of Public Works, City of Los Angeles
h :lllad w.or~le dlrecvclin~lcrm.cfm
Includes facts sheets on the value of plastic in use.
Dart Container Corp
Shows recycling process including post food service materials.
http:llwww. dartcontainer.comlweblenviron.nsflpageslschematic.htm
Article on the City of Roseville program.
Includes~~mention of Stockton reprocessor, Timbron.
Gets material from as far away as Eastern Europe.
h :llwww.sacbee.comlrosevillelstorv151?Q85.html
Company which uses closed loop system for supply of products, collection and recycling.
works with school and industrial cafeterias.
Recycling Professionals
West Linn, OR
Larry Ivlclntyre
Story about recycling polystyrene.
American Recycler
h :llwww.americanrecvcliner.com11Z071 olvst~rrene.shtml
Brevard County Florida
School pro~am
school year 1989-1999
Speca~a ~~~gratros & 5er3ri~c~es
Foam Polystyrene "Styrofoam" Cups
Submitted by Ken Peterson under
4rai Communications atthe
43.04.48 Council Meeting
A special collection program for foam polystyrene cups and plates is available in the Billings Student CenterlCoak
Gammons only. The program. is a cooperative effort among the U~ Solid WastelRecycling Office, Sadexho-1~arriott .
Dining Services, SOFCO, Inc, and Dart Container Corporation. •
Foam cups and plates are collected in bins marked "FOA~1~." This material is compacted in a special "densifier"
machine located behind Cook Commons. The machine can compress up to 8,OQO cups into a 25 pound cube. The cubes
are back-hauled by the distributor, and then transported to a special recycling facility in Pennsylvania. The foam is
recycled into new products such as plastic lumber and durable hoods.
At tl~i~ rime. foam n~lv~tvrene cues and elates are only collected in the Billin~slCook Commons vicinity because this is