Apri115, 2008
Applicant shall reconfigure the proposed parking area to add a maximum of five (5}
motorcycle parking spaces and create more compact automobile spaces to achieve a total
of 3.75 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of building area. The addition of these
motorcycle and compact spaces shall not increase the amount of paved area shown on the
previously approved plans.
Restaurant Use
Applicant shall apply for a Conditional Use Permit if the project proposes any of the
following: 1) A public restaurant or cafe over 5,500 square feet; Z} A fast food chain
restaurant that has more than fifteen (15) other locations; 3} A restaurant or cafe with
hours of operation before 7 a.m. or after IO p.m.
Within 30 days prior to the issuance of a grading permit, apre-construction Phase II
presencelabsence survey for the burrowing owl ~Athene cunicularia) shall be conducted
by a qualified biologist, with potential site location information provided by Golden Gate
Audubon. The results of the presencelabsence survey shall be provided in writing to the
City of Alameda Planning & Building Director and the California Department of Fish
and Game CDFG}.
If it is determined that the Project site is occupied by the burrowing owl, a Phase III
burrowing owI survey shall be completed, with results provided in writing to the City's
Planning & Building Director and the CDFG.
If any known location of active nest(s) has been established in consultation with the
CDFG, the Applicant shall: 1) Create a buffer zone of 160 feet (radius) around the
burrow(s) during the nesting season (February 1 through August 31). 2) Following the
nesting season, or after the CDFG verifies that the burrowing owl(s) have not begun egg-
laying and incubation, or that the juveniles from those burrows are foraging
independently and capable of independent survival, the Applicant shall passively relocate
the nesting pair(s) occurring on the project site.
Provided by staff at the
04.5.08 Council Meeting
Re: Agenda Item #5•C
From: Dmauld@aol.com
Date: Tue,15 Apr 20081$:55:19 EDT
Subject: EsplanadelBay Farm Island Plan
To: ddehaan@ci.aIameda.ca.us
Dear Council Member deHaan,
l am writing to let you know that I support my Alameda neighbors why are urging the council to reconsider the footprint of the
Esplanade plan, which will sa significantly decrease the little remaining open space on Bay Farm Island. Having recently returned to
Alameda after a 22+ year absence, I have been delighted to discover the Bay Farm paths and views, and enjoy riding my bike there. I
will surely miss the ability to visit this pleasant and peaceful site, when it is covered with office buildings and parking lots.
Please da consider asking the developer to decrease the scale of his project, by leaving open space for the future employees and
current and future residents of the area--doing so would on]y increase the value of his development.
Thank you far considering this letter and for your attention to this matter.
Denise Mauldin
3313-A Fernside Blvd.
Alameda, CA 94501
Date: Tue,15 Apr 200815:51:27 -0700 (PDT}
From: Jacqueline Manibusan ~jacqueline,manibusan@yahvo.com~
Subject; Opposition to the Esplanade Development Bay Farm Island}
Tv: bjohnson@ci.alameda.ca.us, Itam@ci.alameda,ca.us,
ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us, mgilmore@ci.alameda.ca.us,
Jacqueline Manibusan
1110 Ironwood Road
Alameda, CA 9450
April 15, 2008
Alameda City Council
City Hall
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
Re: Opposition to the Esplanade Development Bay Farm lsland)
To Wham It May Concern:
As a resident of the City of Alameda, I am writing today to express my opposition to the Esplanade Development located on the last
piece of open space on Bay Farm lsland.
I oppose the current design because it is:
too dense Provided by Councilmember deHaan
at the 04.15.08 Council Meeting
Re; Agenda Item #5-C
out of character with surrounding homes
out of character with the parcel
not in line with maritime feel
not in line with the feel of the neighborhood
the area has a lack of open space
At this time, I am joining the "Residence far Responsible Development" in the call for a redesign.
Thank you for considering my request.
From: "M. Foss" <myfoss@comcast.net~
Ta: <ltam@ci.alameda.ca.us~
Cc: <ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us~,
Subject: The Esplanade
Date: Tue,15 Apr 200815:34:4b -x700
The Honorable Lena Tam, Daug deHaan & Marie Gilmore
We are opposed to the building of the Esplanade without further studies to clarify the impact of the traffic and parking that the new
buildings will impose an the residents and homeowners of Harbor Bay Isle. We are asking that a lower density redesign be
We are already inundated with noise and pollution- we must leave our home 25 minutes earlier due to the traffic leaving the area to
reach our destinations in time. When we return - we are often backed upon Fernside to re-enter Harbor Bar.
The parking at the ferry is almost full every morning- dust and dirt cover our yards andwindows --from the traffic on Adelphian and
Mecartney. IF we add more buildings -the area will be even mare congested-and noisy.
Please reconsider a new design without so much impact on the homeowners.
Thank you,
Mary Foss
130 Sweet Rd
Alameda, Ca. 94502
From: allen.ieff c~,camcast.net
To: ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us
Date: Tue, ~ 5 Apr 200819:52:43 +0000
Honorable caunci] person dehaan,
i appose the Esplanade development as it is now planned. I feel the buildings should be smaller and not as many. It would be a shame
to have the buildings crammed up against the walking paths far visual as well as security reasons. Please veto this and send the
developers back to the drawing board.
Thank you,
Jeanne Allen
245 Creedon Circle
Alameda,CA 94502
From: "Harv and Monica" <harvmon@comcast.net~
To: <ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us>
Subject: I Oppose the Esplanade Project As Planned
Date: Mon,14 Apr 200814:20:21-0700
Council Member DeHaan
I appose the Esplanade project as it is planned because the project precludes any expansion of the Harbor Bay Ferry parking lot
adjacent to the project.
On two occasions in the last three weeks, I have counted cars in the ferry parking lot on a weekday at around noon. On the first day,
the lot was about 85% full about 20 empty non-handicapped spaces}, On the second occasion, the parking lot was aver 95% full bless
than 10 empty non-handicapped spaces. I would characterize the parking lot an these occasions as being nearly full to very full.
I also rode the Ferry at 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. on two separate days. I talked to ferry riders on both occasions and they agree that the
ferry parking lot is full, and they are very concerned about inadequate parking.
My view is that we should evaluate the adequacy of ferry parking in light of the fact that the ferry is running at a loss. If the City
intends the ferry to be profitable then we must provide adequate parking, adequate public transit, and adequate shuttle service. If we
fail to do a1I three, we greatly increase the risk that the ferry will fail.
I am not an expert but it seems that an adequate amount of parking should be defned as enough parking to accommodate a marring
commute that would bring the ferry near the break-even point if not put it into the black. Add to this the contribution of public transit
and shuttles, and the ferry has the best chance of becoming profitable and remaining profitable.
The current parking lot is operating very near capacity but clearly is not large enough to support the ferry in becoming profitable.
Approving the Esplanade project as is prevents any parking expansion and thus could well be a death sentence for the ferry.
I urge you to send this project back to the Planning Board and request a design review that addresses ferry parking, A variety of
solutions should be explored. For example, is the developer willing ta: a) increase parking density by striping the west end of the
Esplanade parking lot far compact cars; and b) provide a parking lot entrance close to the ferry parking lotto accommodate ferry
overt~ow parking? Can the city provide some offsetting benefit to the developer to make this ar same other alternative attractive?
The survival of the ferry may well depend an it.
Harvey Wilson
Alameda Resident
From: "Eli Saddler, Golden Gate Audubon" <esaddler@goldengateauduban.org>
To: <bjohnson@ci.alameda,ca.us>,
Subject; Esplanade Project at Bay Farm Island
Date: Mon,14 Apr 200814:13:41-0700
Dear Mayor and City Council:
Thank you far this opportunity to provide the City of Alameda information regarding environmental issues for the Esplanade Project.
Golden Gate Audubon Society urges the City of Alameda to consider the presence of burrowing owls at that location and we request
copies of the environmental review documents for this project,
At least one, if not more, burrowing owls use the current open space as habitat. I personally viewed a burrowing awl at the site when I
visited on March 17, 2008. The burrowing owI (Athene cunicularia} is a California species of special concern and its presence
requires consideration of actions that could negatively impact the species.
Breeding season for burrowing owls goes from March until August each year with some nesting beginning as early as February,
Typically, burrowing awls migrate to higher elevations for breeding, but may be present throughout the year around California. Given
the importance of this declining species, it is important to account for this information in any planning. Relocation plans might not
realistically meet the needs of a species with dwindling habitat. In evaluating the plans far the Esplanade Project, please include an
analysis of the impacts to burrowing awls that use the site.
Again, Golden Gate Audubon appreciates this opportunity to raise the issue of burrowing awls that use this site as habitat. We would
like to be notified of any environmental review completed with regard to the site and any future actions taken regarding this site that
impact wildlife and habitat.
Thank you,
Eli Saddler
Eli Saddler, JD, MPH, MA
Conservation Director
Golden Gate Audubon Society
2530 San Pablo Avenue, Suite G
Berkeley, CA 94702
From: "Denise Cahalan" <denisecahalan@att.net~
To: <bjohnson@ci.alameda.ca.us~,
Subject: Esplanade Development
Dear City Council Members:
I am writing to express concerns about the Esplanade project which the Alameda Planning Board has just approved. I respectively
request that the development be redesigned and reduced to create more open space, less traffic and better neighborhood campatability
I will be on vacation during the next city council meeting when the matter may be considered. In lieu of attending the meeting, I am
expressing my concerns in writing to you as Alameda City Council members.
Thank you very much.
Denise Cahalan
Ph: 521-2583
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 200817:54:47 -0700 (PDT}
From: may johnston <may~ohnston@yahoa.cam>
Subject: Fw: The Esplanade Development at Harbor Bay Business Park
To: ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us
Council Member Doug Dehaan,
It was belatedly made known to myself and many of my Harbor Bay neighbors that there will be a 10-building office development, the
Esplanade, at the Harbor Bay Business Park. This development was approved with minimal public notice of its plans. I understand
that under current laws, only the communities) within a certain distance from the development need be directly notified. However,
this project, if allowed to develop as is currently approved, will affect a much wider population in Harbor Bay And the $ x 11 pieces
of paper tacked onto posts at the site certainly does NOT constitute adequate natif cation to the larger community. The "notice" may
have complied with the law, but it sure seems tame to disregard the spirit of the law, which surely was to get "genuine" community
input and not mere token input.
As it stands, my neighbors and I are concerned about the extra traffic, the possible overflow of parking onto the already tight ferry
parking Ivt which can in turn overflow onto our residential streets. The Esplanade is too large a project on a relatively narrow of piece
land; it abutts right an the walking path, too close to the Say and too dense for how close it will be to residences. Ideally, the city
should have purchased the land and turn it into a park but it is obviously too late for that now. However, we can still try to mitigate
the size of the project before it is built. We plan to be at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 15th to voice our concerns and
show our support for the Appeal of the Proposed Esplanade Development.
May Johnston
From: learaalameda@att.net
To: ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us
Subject: Tuesday evening
Date: Sat, l2 Apr 200$ 02:36:56 +0000
Hi Doug,
Reyla Grater called tonight and said that the ward is that 1 will be attending Tuesday's council meeting. Unfortunately, I have an
orchestra rehearsal that evening. Because we are approaching a difficult concert, it is essential I attend. I want to be sure that there
isn't any misunderstanding. Hope the meeting isn't too difficult, and I'd be glad to answer questions if I'm able via a-mail or phone if
there are any. Thank you.
Message-ID: <ca5.291 dde77.3S31940d@aol.cvm>
Date: Sat,12 Apr 200$ 00:24:53 EDT
Subject: Esplanade
To: ltam@ci.alameda.ca.us, ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us, mgilmore@ci.alameda.ca.us,
I am opposed to the proposed Esplanade development adjacent to the Harbor Bay Ferry) approved on February 25, 2008 by
Planning. Same of my concerns are the density of this project, traffic and parking. The overflow parking from this project will spill
into nearby neighborhoods as the ferry parking lot is already full. Traffic from this project will increase significantly,
Viola Wong
To: bjohnson@ci.alameda.ca.us, ltam@ci.alameda.ca.us, ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us,
mgilmore@ci.almeda.ca.us, juliawfanger@aal.com, Samanthafanger@aal.cam
Subject: Shoreline development a goad thing!
Date: Sun,13 Apr 200817:01:46--0400
Dear City Council Members, my name is Gary Fanger, a resident of Bay Farm Island in Alameda and I am supporting the proposed
development along the bay. I was a Long Range Planning Commissioner and an the Citizens Advisory Board in Longmont Colorado
several years ago and I am familiar with development. This development fits the area and road access needed for this type of project,
Please vote in favor of it.
My address 2$35 Sea View Parkway, Alameda, CA 94502 and I frequent this area a1I of the time. I believe the individuals in
opposition of this project are the residences that live behind this development and who moved there knowing that this type of
development was planned. It is short sited for us to not develop this area and glean the tax dollars for our schools and have jobs for
those that are in the surrounding areas. Please call if you have any questions. Gary Fanger, Ce11415-503-7192
Subject: "The Esplanade" is unacceptable
From: Ginger Roberts <assignments@comcast.net~
To: <bjahnsan@ci.alameda.ca.us>,
<ltam@ci , alameda.ca. us>,
Dear Mayor Johnson and City Council members:
While I am in favor of responsible development, the proposed Esplanade is just another example of sloppy development that will
detract from our community -not enhance it in any way. I urge you to send this ill-conceived project back to the drawing board and
came up with something that Alameda can be proud of It's inconceivable that anyone would essentially build a two story block wall
along the waterfront -it's not much different than putting a bawling alley or post office on beach front property.
If mere office condos are essential to build on the success of Harbor Bay Business Park, as SRM Associates seem to believe, then a
much better location would be on the parcel that is currently being marketed as a "restaurant site". That site is near the actual business
Since the proposed Esplanade is just a short walk from my home, I strongly object to a project that will devalue my property. My
background is in commercial real estate, and I can honestly say that I've never seen a project as poorly designed as this and one and
that shows so little regard for the surrounding community and environment.
Virginia Roberts
From; "Betty Crowhurst" <Betty@Crawhurst.net~
To; <ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us>
Cc: <fmatarrese@ci.alameda.ca.us>
Subject; esplanade
Date: Sat,12 Apr 200813:31:17 -0700
Gentlemen: I strongly appose the propased;,office buildings for the property
known as the Esplanade. We need the beauty in our lives provided by the
views from that beautiful place. Please put the office buildings at Alameda
Paint where they won't offend anyone. We need a new planning board if this
is an example of their thinking. Betty M. Crowhurst, betty@crowhurst.net
To: ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us
Subject: Esplanada development
Date:Sun,13 Apr 200818:11:22 -0400
From: abockis@aal,cam
Dear Council Member deHann,
Being a Bay Farm resident, living in Normandy development.- I'm very much opposed to the present plans of this project. Were was
the notification to the community about this?
The strict cookie cutter layout of the buildings lined up does not visually connect with the neighborhood or with the water.
Then there is already the traffic issue- not everyone is going to be using the Harbor Bay Parkway to get there. Island Drive is already
congested in the AM-- it affects 2 schools--People think that Mecartney Dr. is a freeway- no one obeys the speed limit ,nor pays
much attention to the stop signs.
And what about the parking? there are not enough spaces for the projected employees--so were are they going tapark--Ferry parking
lot-already full--streets? We are talking about expanding ferry services--haw is that going to work?
And we advocate open space--I see very little concern coming from this developer- he has done the minimum required, Far all of us
that use the pathllagaon to enjoy the beautifully surroundings- we will be subjected to have to look at box like buildingslparking lat.
What about a mare recent environmental update- it has not been done for 20 years. Let's protect the birdslother wildlife that have that
have found this place a safe haven.
Please consider not approving the present prajectdesign- Can we work an a lower density design- to create more open space and
better neighborhood compatibility.
Thank you for your consideration.
Anda Bockis
From: "Moe, David" <Dmae@firstrepublic.cam>
To; <ltam@ci.alameda.ca.us>,
Cc: <bjahnson@ci.alameda.ca.us>
Dear Council Members;
We live in Harbor Bay and are concerned about the negative impact this office building project will have on our residential
neighborhood. This is a high density project with less than typical parking requirements which will bring much more traffic onto our
neighborhood streets. My kids are in the Stoller now, but they will soon be on bikes and scooters like sa many kids I see on the streets
and trails, and they will all be forced to dodge mare cars. Another safety concern relates to the building density and placement. The
dense building plan placed right at the shoreline crowds the open space and can harbor hiding places for perpetrators of ill
intent. Also, the parking far the proposed project is less than City standards I am told, this will negatively impact the ferry parking
Iot. The ferry parking lot is full nearly every day (Friday seems to be the lighter parking day). I ride the ferry and use the parking lot,
I don't think the ferry riders should be edged out of parking by the new office workers. The ferry has made great improvement in its
rider ship the past year. I would hate to see the ridership drop because riders can't find parking.
We moved here to be in a residential area, now the City is bringing commercial use to our neighborhood, we don't want it here. The
commercial development just to the south of the proposed project fits perfectly into the business park, move the offices into the
business park where they belong.
Thank you far considering our comments, I hope you will take steps to move the project ar reduce its impact on our neighborhood.
David Moe
Lair Mae
Kyle Moe (2112 yrs}
Katie Moe (I4 mos.}
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From; "Andy Dallin" ~adailin@adcpartners.cam>
To: bjahnson@ci.alameda.ca.us, ltam@ci.alameda.ca.us, ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us,
Date: Mon, l ~4 Apr 200816:3?.54 +0000
Subject: Esplanade Project: Needs additional research and consideration
Good morning-
Writing to you today after seeing an article in the paper and receiving a flyer regarding the proposed Espalande development on Bay
Farm Island. I attended a presentation by Jae Ernst of SRM and have real concerns that the current plans are not contemplating same
serious traffic and parking issues. Specifically, his plans call for an adjustment of the east access road to the ferry terminal parking
lot...ane which he said will discourage or prohibit use of this road to access the parking lot.
With their plans of adding 350+ cars to this area, I'm voicing concern about pedestrian and bicycle safety along the major access roads
(Mecarmey, Aughinbaugh, Harbor Bay Parkway} if this proposal is approved. At the very least we need to ensure that traffic is
discouraged from using residential areas as accesslegress for this area, Happy to discuss if you have any questions. Thanks.
Best regards,
From: leoraalameda@att.net
To: Doug deHaan ~ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us>
Subject: The Esplanade project
Date: Fri, l l Apr 2DD8 20:27:40 +0000
Councilmember Doug deHaan
City of Alameda
2243 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94502
Hi Daug,
The Esplanade property has been awaiting development for a long time. Here's a little history I hope the council will want to
Before the shoreline allotment far Bay Farm Island was finally decided, there were three years of struggle by a citizens group called
Save Our Shoreline to get the final proposal to comply with the design in its Environmental Impact Statement which promised a full
100 foot public access "promenade" along the entire shoreline. The struggle was settled with something less than that, but we felt
same satisfaction that the final plan moved pauses off the waterfront, and a contiguous shoreline trail was returned to the plan. Then
the Harbor Bay Club (the pool in particular) was built not only closer to the water than designated, but in tidal areas by "mistake" ?
giving the developer roam to build extra Names. Save Our Shoreline requested that the last real estate be replaced by undeveloped
shoreline acreage in compensation, but that reasonable resolution didn't happen. Instead the foot bridge to "Mount Trashmore"was
built as mitigation for the lass of public property.
During the process there were wildlife issues too. The developer had to contend with a "species of special concern", the burrowing
awl. Law required that the awls be relocated. As is afters the case, relocating animals is not always successful. Even with our best
experience and thoughtfulness, we don't always know exactly what best suits a wild critter. And we don't afters want to give up
property that is best suited far them, The move of these owls to a parcel of land at the south end of the Chuck Corica Golf Course
seemed to work for awhile, but a number of factors proved unfortunate. Many of the owls were hit by cars as they flew low (as they
do on grasslands} over Harbor Bay Parkway to airport properties to forage. Predator pressure was very heavy as well at that location.
Larger owls (great horned owls) took their toll an the smaller bird. After about three years the little awls were gone. By some
remarkable feat the burrowing awl is back and residing an the Esplanade development property. There are at least two and it is
entirely possible that they are nesting. This "species of special concern" will require attention. Their population is much reduced
since the 1980s and some feel it is a candidate for endangered status. Given the long rest this property has had, it seems
prudent that it have a complete biological assessment to determine if other protected species reside there. And certainly the owls need
careful protection,
I am not well informed on the Esplanade project, but I feel I know wildlife issues and public open space issues in Alameda well. I
have concerns about reduced nature and open space for our citizens. Alameda's children have very few quiet places to experience
nature any more. Most youngsters must participate in organized sports to get the exercise they need. Yards are taa small and streets
are too busy far free play. Families are uncomfortable letting children play far from Name. I urge the city council to consider nature
and open space in making decisions about our community. These elements are essential to quality living and often the foundation to
healthy character.
Leora Feeney
Date: Thu,10 Apr 2008 20:13:02 -0700
From: Kate Lenhardt <kate@susurra.net~
Dear All:
I am writing to request that the Esplanade be redesigned and reduced to
create more open space. Bay Farm Island has very little open public
space. Surely there is roam to leave some of the last property an the
waterfront in Bay Faun Island open and still allow viable development
for the property owner. Bay Farm Island is very densely populated.
Please preserve same open space far us! Mast of our existing open space
is used for organized sports and is not available far casual enjoyment.
Please consider the quality of our lives. Please consider the value of
this land by the bay, Dan't make it primarily a business park and
residential streets!
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this matter
Kate Lenhardt
a resident of Bay Farm Island for eight years
From: Ellen Glaver ~gloverellen@hatmail.cam~
To: <bjohnson@ci.alameda.ca.us~, ~ltam@ci.alameda.ca.us~,
~ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us>, <mgilmore@ci.alameda.ca.us~
Subject: Bay Farm shoreline open space
Date: Thu,10 Apr 200$17:39:Ob -0704
Hello, Mayor--
As afrequent ferry rider and resident of Alameda I urge you to reexamine the proposed office park at the ferry landing on Bay Farm.
Open space is at premium any where in Alameda and the East Bay. The passibility of an overcrowded area at the shoreline would
change the character of the island.
Was there a public meeting about the project in the last year? When is the construction expected to start? Was there any public
involvement outreach?
Please consider whether the development footprint could be reduced by 20 percent and the access road to the ferry improved for less
traffic congestion.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Ellen Glaver
Ellen E. Glover
1928 Sandcreek Way
Alameda, CA 94501
Email: gloverellen@hotmail.com
From: "Germaine Lang" ~charliedog2004@earthlink.net~
To: ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us
Subject: Esplanade - NO THANK YOU !
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 200814:53:32 -0700
Esplanade - NO THANK YOU!
Dear Daug deHaan
The proposed Esplanade development site isunique - it is Bay Farm island's last large waterfront open space, and the unobstructed
view of the Bay and western hills from San Francisco to San Mateo is unequalled. The natural beauty and peaceful feeling of the area
call for a quality development that respects this and is in harmony with the existing community of homes and extensively-used
recreation land. The Esplanade plan does just the opposite.
SRM wants to fill almost every usable square foot of the lot with hulking brick buildings next to acres of asphalt -totally out of
character with the existing environment. SRM would create a 30+ feet tall wall of dark, blocky taxes along the present bike path for
nearly the entire length of the lot, with only small breaks between the buildings. Projects of this design and density belong in an area
of office buildings -not here,
PLEASE STEP THIS DISASTER! Send this debacle back far redesign and dvwnscaling - a plan worked out COOPERATNELY
with input from neighbors and recreational users. Challenge SAM to create a design that will compliment the natural beauty of this
unique area, not destroy it. Make the project a goad neighbor, not an eternal eyesore. The vast majority it BFI residents knew nothing
about the plan, but those informed and shown the drawings were strongly opposed.
This developer's arrogance in totally disrespecting the existing community is an insult to us all, and the development, as currently
designed, is guaranteed to generate maximum and long-lasting ill will. WE NEED YQUR HELP! Thank you!
Germaine Long, l b5 Bannister Way, Bay Calany, Bay Farm Island
Germaine Long
charliedo 2004 earthlink,net
Ta: ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 20:45:11-0700
Subject: The Esplanade
Honorable Doug deHaan
Alameda City Council City Hall
Santa Clara at Oak Streets
Alameda, CA 94501
Dear Councilman deHaan;
RE;The Esplanade Development
Apri18, 2008
I am writing to express my opposition to the Esplanade project as proposed and approved by the Planning Board on February 25,
The project would produce an increase of approximately 1 DDO car trips per day spilling over auto our already choked residential
streets. Planned parking is below City standards, which would force cars into the Ferry parking lot and nearby neighborhood streets.
The design of the project is inappropriate and incompatible with nearby homes.
The Iast remaining bay front open space on Bay Farm Island will be paved aver. This parcel is home to the burrowing awl, a species
of special concern, as well as rabbits and squirrels, egrets and herons. Walkers, bikers and joggers will face increased risks in the
narrow space between buildings and the shoreline pathway.
Please send this project back to the Planning Board for redesign and reduction to create more open space, less traffic and better
neighborhood compatibility. Thank you.
Patricia M. Gannon
1019 Tobago Lane
Alameda, CA 94502
From: "Lea Vlacos" <lvlacos@comcast.net~
To; <1Emst@srmassociates.cam>,
"'Lena Tam"' <ltam@ci.alameda.ca.us>
Cc: <mgilmore@ci.alameda.ca.us>,
Subject; RE: Redesign of Esplanade on BFI waterfront -Haw was notification of this meeting distributed to the AlamedalBay Farm
Island residents
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 200814:43 ;16 -4700
Dr. Mr Ernst,
I was not aware of this meeting at the Community Offices. Haw was the
community made aware of this meeting...where was the notification pasted? If
we are not aware of the meeting how are we supposed to be able to
participate in the discussions?
Lea Vlacos
-----original Message-----
From: JErnst@srmassociates,cam [mailto:JEmst@srrnassaciates.comj
Sent: Tuesday, Apri108, 200$12:46 PM
To: Lena Tam;lvIacas@comcast,net
Cc: Joseph J. Ernst
Subject: Re: Redesign of Esplanade on BFI waterfront
Dear Ms. Vlacos,
I will be at the community offices an Mecartney tomorrow evening X419} at
7pm to discuss the project and answer questions you and others may have,
Alternatively, you may contact me direct via email ar at the phone number
below. Thank you.
Jae Ernst
Joe Ernst
SRM Associates
2001 Broadway, Suite M
Oakland, CA 94612
p 510.267,4324
f 510.267.4321
j ernst@srmassaciates.com
-----Qriginal Message-----
From: "Lena Tam" <Itam@ci,alameda.ca.us>
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 200$12:21;50
Subject: Re: Redesign of Esplanade on BFI waterfront
Dear Ms. Vlacos --
Thank you far your feedback an the concerns raised with the Esplanade
project, I would urge you to speak directly with Mr, Joe Emst, the Project
Applicant, who I have copied on this a-mail, There are a number of
considerations that went into the design, including compliance with emerging
environmentally sound technologies and building practices. He can better
explain the specifics of the architectural design considerations to you. He
will be contacting you.
Lena Tam ~ Vice-Mayor, City of Alameda ~ 2263 Santa Clara Ave, Alameda, CA
94501 ~ 510-747-4722 J ltarn@ci.alameda.ca,~us
»> "Lea Vlacos" <lvlacos@comcast.net~ 0410810811:29 AM »>
Dear Ms Tam,
I am writing today to ask for serious consideration for the Esplanade
development out an Bay Farm Island - to be required to redesigned the
current proposed development to create more open space, improve campatabilty
with the surrounding neighborhoods and other development on the waterfront,
assess the traffic flow and impact an the current neighborhoods,
I am not opposed to the development as this has been slated as a business
park - but a much more attractive and area compatible development should be
considered -this development is so close to the residential neighborhoods -
unlikesome ofthe other business development ~i.e. Peets area} doom an the
waterfront - that it shauId require a different design.
I appreciate your consideration of this request.
Best regards,
Evangeline Vlacos
107 Bannister Wa
To: ltam@ci.alameda.ca.us, ddehaan@ci.alameda,ca.us, mgilmore@ci.aIameda.ca.us,
Subject: Appeal of Proposed Esplanade Office Park at Harbor Bay Business Park
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 20:28:55 -0400
Dear Council Members:
In recent weeks, local homeowners and homeowners associations have been getting together to discuss the Esplanade Project, which
was approved by the Planning Board on February 25th. Many people were unaware of the proposed Esplanade development (while
many are aware of the proposed new pausing development nearby). Everyone assumes the Esplanade Project will ga ahead, but there
is a desire to reduce the density of the project, provide for more parking, and move the buildings back a bit from the waterfront.
This is an area that many of us drive by every morning to get to work or school, and many walk, run ar bike in this area on a daily or
at least weekly basis. So this is a project that will literally effect people's daily lives. As people have become aware of the potential
implications of increased traffic and the proposed density of the project, the concem levels have risen.
We look forward to the opportunity to discuss this project with you at the April 15th City Council Meeting.
Melissa Plaisance
To: ltam@ci.alameda.ca.us, ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us, mgilmore@ci.alameda.ca.us,
Subject: Appeal of Proposed Esplanade Office Park at Harbor Bay Business Park
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 200819:03:10 -0400
Dear Council Members:
VVe are opposed to the proposed Esplanade development as approved by Planning on February 25th. Unfortunately, notice of the
hearing and the proposed project was inadequate (although technically compliant) as only the immediately adjacent residents were
notified of the hearing. This is a project that effects countless more residents of Harbor Bay and Alameda, most of wham were
unaware of the project. Nonetheless, we are opposed to the density of the development as the total square footage of the buildings
proposed are taa impactful an the site and neighboring properties and therefore the scope of the project must be mitigated.
The fallowing are some of our concerns: The ferry parking lot is already virtually full- at a time when we continue to try to increase
ferry ridership. The overflow of parking from this project onto the ferry parking will negatively impact not only future ridership but
the current ridership as well. We will soon need more parking far the ferry commuters-even with public transit (shuttle improvements.
Overflow commuter parking is a current concem in the adjacent neighborhoods. The proposed project will only exacerbate a problem
that already needs to be addressed. Traffic congestion, the ingress and egress of cars and buses at Mecartney and Adelphian and
through the ferry parking lot, and the inadequacy of the service road are all concerns that require some current traff c studies to be
We must address the problems now and come up with a solution rather than try to deal with these issues after the project is
completed. Our options for thoughtful solutions at that time will be greatly limited and inadequate.
This property is a unique parcel as it sits directly on the waterfront and at the gateway to our residential neighborhoods. We have an
opportunity to create something special that works far all- the community, the developer and the environment. The proposed
development plan falls short of that. VVe would welcome the opportunity to meet with you or speak with you before the hearing next
Tuesday, April 15th. Thank Yau
Chad Otten
Subject: Re; Bay Farm Island Shoreline open space
To: bjahnson@ci.aiameda.ca.us
Cc: ltam@ci.alameda.ca.us, ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us,
mgilmore@ci.alameda.ca.us, fmatarrese@ci.alameda.ca.us
Dear Mayor and Council members,
My name is Zhuo Heng then, a resident of Bay Farm
Island, Alameda. I strongly oppose the planning of
construction of ten office building in the last bay
farm island shoreline open space.
Can you please send the direction to the Apri115th
city council meeting to me?
Date: Sun, b Apr 200810;21;53 -0700
From: "Thomas Li" <thomaskli@gmail.com~
To: bjounsan@ci.alameda.ca.us, ltam@ci.alameda.ca.us, ddehaan@ci,alameda.ca.us,
mgilmore@ci.alameda.ca.us, fmatarrese@ci.alameda.ca.us
Subject; Bay Farm Development
Dear Mayor and Council Members:
I understand the Alameda PIanning Board has approved the development of the area adjacent to the Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal. I
encourage yvu to oppose this development for the simply reason that it reduces property value and the standard of living of all
Alameda residents. open space adds to the quality of city.
Thomas Li
109 Chinaberry
Alameda CA 94502
From: Joe Ernst
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 8; I2 AM
To: Doug DeHaan (ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us)
Subject: Harbor Bay Business Park
Dear Councilmember deHaan,
I am writing to you regarding our latest proposed project at Harbor Bay Business Park. The project is called The Esplanade and is a
high quality, LEED certified professional office campus targeted toward small established businesses. The campus consists of small
buildings fronting on San Francisco Bay and is adjacent to the Harbor Bay Ferry Terminal. It is a very unique product in the
marketplace, offering premium ownership opportunities designed to attract mare quality businesses to Alameda.
The project was well received by staff and planning board and received approval on February 25th. The approval was subsequently
appealed by two local residents. The appeal will be heard by City Council on April 15.
We remain excited about this project. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you in advance of the hearing and provide you
with a mare detailed overview of the project, and why we think it will be a benefit to Alameda furthering its ability to attract quality
businesses. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you. I can be reached at 510-2b7-4324 or
j ernst@srmassociates. com.
Jae Ernst
SRM Associates
2001 Broadway, Suite M
Oakland, CA 94b 12
jernst@srmassociates.com <mailto jemst@srmassociates.com~
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 200811:46;35 -0700 ~PDT~
From: Myra Lim <my18898@yahoo.com~
Subject: re: appose the Esplande Development
To. bjohnson@ci.alameda.ca.us
I am a Harbor Bay Isle Resident and oppose the
construction of the Esplanade project with the
approved 14 office buildings and the planned parking
spaces. The project has not taken into consideration
the negative impact it will have an traffic,
neighborhood, community and environment.
There will be substantial traffic flowing through
Alameda with this planned project and no consideration
was given to the impact of the neighborhood streets
and affect it will have on the residents of the
island. There will not be enough parking for the
offices, leading to spill-over into our residential
neighborhoods. The safety of our neighborhood will be
jeopardized with traffc congestion as drivers
maneuver to and from the office complex as well as
jockey far the best parking spaces. Our children play
in the neighborhood, residents take walks with the
dogs, our safety will be comprised.
After lacking at the planned design of the camplex, it
maximizes use of space with buildings, foregoing
aesthetics and haw it will environmentally affect the
area. Who wants to live next to a large building
complex? This current design will lower the value of
our homes and neighborhood. From the shoreline, the
buildings abut the pathway, what an eyesore! What
about the birds that frequent the area for feeding and
nesting? Has there been an environmental study on how
this will affect wildlife? I have seen beautiful
storks and terns in this area, it would be a shame to
erase their habitat,
Please consider having the development redesigned to
create mare open space and Tess traffic to blend in
with our community.
Myra Lim
359 Creedon Circle, Alameda
To: ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us
Date: Thu,10 Apr 2008 23:45:37 -0400
From: eewsn@aol.com
Hi Doug,
I'm an ALameda citizen and live in Harbor Bay. I wanted to express my concern about the office buildings that will be built by the
ferry. Concern aobut the parking, congestion, and not enough open space. I will be at the 4115 city hall meeting to support a review at
the project. Your vote against this would be appreciated.
Eva Sun
Treasurer, BayView Harbor Board
Leona Feeney
13 3 0 Eighth Street
Alameda, CA 94501
leoraalameda~a att.net
April 11, 2008
Mayor Beverly Johnsen
City of Alameda
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94502
Honorable Mayor Johnson,
The Esplanade property has been awaiting development for a long time. Here's a little
history I hope the council will want to consider.
Before the shoreline allotment for Bay Farm island was finally decided, there were three
years of struggle by a citizens group called Save fur Shoreline to get the final proposal to
comply with the design in its Environmental Impact Statement which prontised a full 100
foot public access "promenade" along the entire shoreline. The struggle was settled with
something Tess than that, but we felt some satisfaction that the final plan moved houses
off the waterfront, and a contiguous shoreline trail was returned to the plan. Then the
Harbor Bay Club the pool in particular} was built not only closer to the water than
designated, but in tidal areas by "mistake" ?giving the developer roam to build extra
homes. Save fur ShareIine requested that the last real estate be replaced by
undeveloped shoreline acreage in compensation, but that reasonable resolution didn't
happen. Instead the foot bridge to "Mount Trashmore" was built as mitigation for the
lass of public property.
wring the process there were wildlife issues too. The developer had to contend with a
"species of special concern", the burrowing owl, Law rewired that the awls be
relocated. As is often the case, relocating animals is not always successful. Even with
our best experience and thoughtfulness, we don't always know exactly what best suits a
wild critter. And we don't often want to give up property that is best suited far them.
The move of these owls to a parcel of Iand at the south end of the Chuck Corica Galf
Course seemed to work for awhile, but a number of factors proved unfortunate. Many of
the owls were hit by cars as they flew law has they do on grasslands} over Harbor Bay
Parkway to airport properties to forage. Predator pressure was very heavy as well at that
location. Larger awls great horned owls} took their toll on the smaller bird. After about
three years the little owls were gone, By same remarkable feat the burrowing owl is back
and residing on the Esplanade development property. There are at least two and it is
Submitted by Patrician Gannon at
the 04.15.08 Council Meeting
Re: Agenda Item #5-C
entirely passible that they are nesting. This "species of special concern" will require
attention. Theo population is much reduced since the 198as and some feel it is a
candidate for endangered status. Given the song rest this property has had, it seems
prudent that it have a complete biological assessment to determine if other protected
species reside there. And certainly the owls need careful protection.
I am not well informed on the Esplanade project, but I feel I know wildlife issues and
public open space issues in Alameda well. I have concerns about reduced nature and
open space for our citizens, Alarneda's children have very few quiet places to experience
nature any mare, Mast youngsters must participate in organized sports to get the exercise
they need. Yards are too small and streets are too busy far free play. Families are
uncomfortable letting children play far from home, I urge the city council to consider
nature and open space in making decisions about our community. These elements are
essential to quality living and open the foundation to healthy character.
Leora Feeney
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Apri18, 2008
Alameda City Hall
~2G3 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda CA 9501
RE: Esplanade Project a# Bay Farm Island
Dear Mayor and City Council:
Thank you far this opportunity to provide the City of Alameda information regarding
environmental issues for the Esplanade Project. Golden Gate Audubon Society urges the
City of Alameda rQ consider the presence of burrowing awls at that location and we request
copies of the environmental review documents far this project.
At least one, if not mare, burrowing owls use the current open space as habitat. I
personally viewed a burrowing owl at the site when I visited on March 17, 2~0$. The
burnowing awl ~Ather~e eunicu~a~} is a California species of special concern and its
presence requires consideration of actions that could negatively impact the species,
Breeding season for burrowing owls goes firom March until August each year with some
nesting beginning as early as February. Typically, burrowing owls migrate to higher
elevations for breeding, but may be present tl~aughaut the year around California. Given
the importance of this declining species, it is important to account for this information in
any planning. Relocation plans might not realistically meet the needs of a species with
dwindling habitat, In evaluating the plans for the Esplanade Project, please include an
analysis of the impacts to burrowing owls that use the site,
Again, Golden Cate Audubon appreciates this opportunity to raise the issue of burrowing
owls that use this site as habitat. we would like to be notified of any environmental review
completed with regard to the site and any future actions taken regarding this site that
impact wildlife and habitat.
Thank you,
Eli Saddler
Conservation Director
253D Sari ~abla Avenue, Suite G Berkeley, California 9Q7Q~
j~~r;,~rr~ 516.843.~2~2 _f~~~ 510.843.5351 s,~r~+ wr~u~.galde~ga~ea~.~du~an.org
w~~ ^~nw~~~ -
Regarding the Appeal of the Planning hoard's approval of a Final Development Plan,
major Design Review, Planned Development Amendment for reduced parking, and a
tentative map for the construction often new once buildings located at 200 Harbor Bay
My family and I used to walk on the open space at the end of Mecartney Road, starting
when my two gals were just in grade school. Even though we lived on the west end of
the main island, we'd often drive out to that part of Bay Farm Island because the children
loved the freedom of running about out there, where the land was not manicured, and
therefore held, for a young child, endless opportunities for discovery. Thus it's been with
same sadness that I have witnessed the gradual diminishing of the open space as it's been
inexorably swallowed up by the development of the Bay Farm Island community.
Possibly because this open space had, relatively recently, been disturbed by the f 11
operation, I understand that the EIR undertaken in 1974 did not pursue an aggressive
Environmental Assessment. However, by the mid to late SO's, that open space had
undeniably developed into a viable ecological community and supported a considerable
variety of flora and fauna. while not all of those plants and animals were necessarily rare
or even unusual, to a child the joy of discovering a wild flower or watching a jack rabbit
bound through the grass was special. Imagine their delight when one day they spotted a
tiny owl perched close to its nest in one of the heaps of fill dirt. The two girls watched it
for a long while and then were eager to get home and help me look for it in my field
guide • where we identified the little bird as a burrowing owl.
Since my girls are now young women and ~ no longer walk in the open space as regularly
as I used to, I have not personally seen a burrowing owl there for some years. However,
knowing from personal observation that the area supported a thriving community of birds
and other wildlife twenty years ago, I have no reason to doubt that remnants of that
community continue to have a precarious foothold in the remaining open space.
As an intelligent, educated and environmentally conscious community celebrating Earth
week within a few days, we must avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. we should
remind ourselves how the 1974 EIR's dismissal of the passibility of any ecosystem in this
open space turned out to be wrong, as evidenced by CA Dept of Fish and Game's
subsequent find of a viable community of burrowing owls. we must ensure that an
adequate examination is made of the current ecological community.
I therefore urge the Mayor and the Council to vote no to the Planning Board's approval of
the Final Development Plan for 2500 Harbor Bay Parkway. Following a new
Environmental Assessment, the development should be redesigned to include space that
retains the essence of its historical condition and provides habitat for the remaining
species that are identif ed as requiring mitigation.
Thank you for your concern for the quality of life that we pass future generations.
Corinne Lambden
Submitted by Corrine Lambden at
the 04.15.08 Council Meeting
Re: Agenda Item #5•C
9 .....
X51612008 Lara Weisi er -ryFwd:~ Ex ress~n ~ os~ition ~Rezonin ~~~Hrarbor Ba ~~ulsle Asso . ~~~ ...:.~:~......m .,,~t,. ~ ~:,:,...L.~.....~. f '...:.:.. ~:..,...,.k.
,/~~Jy/1 ~ rezone commerce
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From: Beverly Johnson
To: Cathy Woodbury; Debra Kurita; Lara Weisiger
Date: 5/6/200810:03 AM
Subject: Fwd: Expressing apposition Rezoning Harbor Bay Isle Assoc. application to rezone commercial to residential
FYI - cb
»> "Becky Farmer" <rebecca.farmer@sbe~lobal.net> 5/5/2008 7:08 PM »>
Dear Mayor Beverly Johnson,
am writing to express my opposition to Harbor Bay Isle Association's rezoning application far the 12 acres of business park.
Rebecca L, Farmer
email: Rebecca.~armer sbcolabal.net~~
work; 510.987,0814 home: 510.749.9542
Re: Agenda Item 5-C
04- 15-OS Council Meeting
[.ws::. r.:.:y-:~r ~•.: ~.r..::c^.,y.. w ;..,:Yr.:'ts.o. •w ~ .r.;~ x;~~~;~..:w--~, ... . ~. - ~ .ars~e~•r:u::...,::::.:r.. :::s. :..: ~,.:: s::a~axxw:~. ~a~ v~~w.c.<::t::.~a.. ~.s:xrrrs
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4 2 e~siger -Fwd. FW. Qpposi
z 912448 Lara W ' ~ ~ 'tion to The Ex lanade Pra'ect Auto Reply} ••~•••~~••• ••~•••• •••••~••••••• -
• 1
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From: Christina Baines
To: Cathy Woodbury; Debra Kurita; Lara Weisiger
Date: 4/28/2008 2:14 PM
Subject: Fwd: FW: Opposition to The Explanade Project (Auto Reply}
»> wong josie <lowfao ee hotmaiLcom> 4121120081:59 PM »>
> Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 21:49:59 -0700
> From: BJOHNSON@ci.alameda.ca.us
> To: lowfoa ee hotmail.com
> Subject; Re: Opposition to The Explanade Project (Auto Reply}
> Thank you for taking the time to communicate with me. Due to the press of business, the number of phone calls, a-mail, and
correspondence received daily, there may be a delay in my response to your inquiry.
> If you would like to track your questions, concerns ar communications you may do so by clicking an the box entitled Alameda
Access on the City's web site, www.ci.alameda.ca.us.
> However, if your matter is urgent, please contact my assistant, Christina Baines at 510/747-4701 ar cbaines ci.alameda.ca.us.
> Thank you.
> Beverly J. Johnson,
> Mayor of the City of Alameda
> »> lawfoogee 04/17/08 21:49 »>
> Mayor Johnson; Vice-Mayor Tam and the Alameda City Council:
> My name is Josie Vllong. I reside at 312 McDonnel Road with my husband, Cullen Lim. Before moving to Alameda after we got
married, I was a life long resident of San Francisco. We decided in 2002 to purchase our home in the Bay Colony subdivision of
Harbor Bay Isle because it is a good place to raise a family. When we had children, we wanted our children to have a safe home
where they could enjoy the parks and natural surroundings. Alameda is a very family oriented family. I attended the 4115108 City
Council meeting with my husband. My husband signed up to speak at the City Council meeting but we felt at 11:30 p.m. because
we both had to go to work the next day.
> I feel that the Esplanade project proposed by Joe Ernst and SRM is too large for our cammuniry. The massive project will increase
traffic in our neighbor and will increase the danger to all th citizens of our community including the children. Neither Joe Ernst,
Planning Board Member, Thomas, nor SRM, addressed the increased traffic the project would cause an Mecartney and Auginbaugh.
I have lived in Bay Colony for fve years and I take the Harbor Bay Ferry Daily. I believe that a majority of the traffic from the
Esplanade projeck would travel on Mecartney and Auginbaugh and not on Harbor Bay Parkway. Mr. Thomas' traffic study only
addressed Harbor Bay Parkway and did not consider the trafhc an Mecartney and Auginbaugh. The Esplanade project encroaches
on our community and cannot be compared to the Peets Coffee Project. The additional traffic caused by the Esplande Project will
cause additional danger to every child in our community.
> I request that you reverse the approval of the Esplanade project and remand the project back to the planning department for
community input. I request that you ack in the interest of public safety for every child in Harbor Bay I51e.
> Even though, Joe Ernst and SRM do not care about the children of Harbor Bay Isle, I believe that the mayor, vice-mayor, and city
council will actin the best interest of every child of Harbor Bay Isle.
> Thank you for your time.
> Sincerely,
> Josie Wong and Cullen Lim; 312 McDonne! Raad, Alameda, CA 94502.
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Re: Agenda Item 5-C
04- I S-a8 Council Meet~n