2008-04-15 4-I SubmittalTOWN OF FAIRFAX 14~ 1~~Li1~A~ ROAD, 1;~-iRFr1~, GAL1~t~I~I~~1A 9~93~ F~hruary T, ~~a~ ~a~etary A. ~. ~awarnura California ~epartrnent o~ Food ar~a1 rioulture ~ ~ y o r ~~8~utlY~ ~'~~~6~ Mary Ann ~i~~gior~ 1~~p'~I' ~tr~~t u~~C~~rrten#ar ~A ~~814 ~~un~i~ L$r r ~r a man Y g ~8~r Set~'et~y iCawar~ur~, S u ~ a n ~ r a n ~ b Q r g I am ~~ ~n bah 2~t' ~~ the F ~Iri Town Co~uf 1 ~i~ in r+~~~rd t~ t~ pro p~~~~{ ~e~~r ~~a~~~~e ~t~l~ dying hY your department ~r the Lim Brawn ~Ipple ~1ath. David ~Teins~ff 1~1e were recently advised t ti's CAA has pro~~d tip aerial spraying of "ah~krnate~ kfrand pest~ide to ~ra~ca#e ~an ~ieged ~rfe~t~ian ~f ` ' h# Bra Apple I~th ~r~ vur aria, ~Ve urstand that #his spray~g gill ~ a~camplisi~d by e~ ~ir~ ask fry re~e high altitude, a are v concerned ahou# this pr~paseit esp~ial~r in li~~ ~f the re~arta of hundreds of he~lltl~ aampia~r~ that made aver this materi~ ~ ap~ied in ~nterey and manta Cruz ~auntias, The Town of Fairfax has two ard~rroes which one inter #~ protect #~e h~lth and safety of v~ residents which we beige ~ ~ency ~ !e'~ally abii~l to obey. First, finder Falrtax ~lur~al ordinance 6,~~.~3~, ~e use 4f pesticides on ~~rfaar parker n s~ac;s laarc and pudic rights of gay and buildir~s ev~ed aid mairrtair by the ~`crwn of Fairfax, ~ proh~bit$d. l~ndar ttre ~,da, both ae~l and ground spraying and or dusting are speat7ca~y p~ahib ~ndly, under 8..4~, neigl~b~rs ~ e meted priaperties sl~ll recei~re a rnir~rr~ur~ ~ 4~ homes n~ioe pear to the appiio~lion. fibs t~-pe of nation rewired is specified under semen ~,~~,~T~. Al of th~S$ er~inar~s may be ner~ewed anlu~ at Ih+,ta ~~~~rEa~.am. Byway of this lr, the F$irfax Tav~n I herby requests that Ef your department i~#ends to ~ Trial ~~ in llAarin ~oun#y that you provide a pion under which our ident~ rye primer r~o#iae aid v~ch protects our parfcs, open spate ~ ~md other pui~#c rands from art ar indireGk appiirat~n of the pesticide. Please c~n#ac# our T Manor l~Gcha~ Rack if you ha~re any quions or would Ida to ranm~rnicate further about the matter. Th~k you for your t and oonsi'~ian, Respectfully yours, ~~~ ~~~ Mary A n Maggiore, Mayor MAM:ja cc: Senator Carole Migden; Assemblyman Jared Huffman Pfia~e (~x5) 453-15$4 ~ fi~~ (415) X53-1618 x'{~'~,tOWA~ff~irf~x.arg Arrnf~dOnlRsc~L1I~dPR~e~ Submitted by Frank Egger at the 44-15.48 Council Meeting fie: Agenda Item #4-I