2008-05-06 5-D Power PointLOCAL ACTION PLAN Award of Merit By American Planning Association California Chapter, Northern Section For Innovation in Green Community Planning 1`` [I f'f 0~ ~l. ~. 1 •t. ~~ ~ 1 a v. c~ ,. ~: . r~ • ~, 'diin~i° IMPLEMENTATION of me LOCAL ACTION PLAN FOR CLIMATE PROTECTION Adopted by City Council February 2008 Power Point Presentation Re: Agenda item 5-D OS-06-0$ Council Meeting Alameda Community-Wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Summary Alameda's G reenhouse has Emission Scenarios ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~x~~~ ~ao~ ~~~~~~~~~ r 3a~,a~7 .~Gtf~~~ ~cd~f~t~c~n ~ 30d,Ot~~ ~ ~~~,~0~ ~ ~~~t~llClJUt1 ~~~~C , ~ u.w..~uxu....uww~uwu ++.... .M.... .. , ~~ ~ . . ~C1~ { '{' ...~.n.~~.~..~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~ 11 W} .~,ft,..i..~~~.y/~~,1..1~.~....M 5~/ ! y~l /~ ~ .M~'~~~ "'e..~x~..f••'^^M^f"+""t"""mrcrcrrcrmttmvreen~.nHe~nMee.MSe.q+~ i5M' fn~r.~leliAnm' + m. ~~GIReS'I^aA ^ ^ l11~ ~~~~~~~ ..................~~.Mn.....nrv.....rvr•••e.•...+n.••.....••-.-.....~...... L~W~1~/41 V ,.,.,,..~~,..,.....~.µ,,,,,,,,,,,,,»,.w,. ,,»,...,,.....,,..,.,,r,.,...,....,,,.. ., ,~,.. ,. , 4.. .......,,~...,,,.,,.,,.......,,....,....,., , ,. ~ ..,,..,,.,,,~.,.....~.,......,..~,....,.,, ,H .~ + ~ ~L ~ y / ~ f ~ j ~ ~ ~L~11 #~~i3 pp rryy rq~ yn r ~~ +LUi~~ u 1 ~~~ LOCAL ACTION PLAN Tier 1 Initiatives ~. Adop# "Zero Was#e S#ra#egy"Programs and Ordinances. 2. Develop a mul#i-face#ed community ou#reach program #o increase public awareness and participa#ion in greenhouse gas reductions. 3. Amend the Alameda Municipal Code #o include sus#ainable design and green building s#andards for a!! new, substan#ially expanded, and remodeled buildings. 4. Encourage the Alameda Public U#ili#ies Board #o require that Alameda Power & Telecom main#ain and expand r#s source mr'x #o ~nD % carbon-free energy. 5. Develop and fund al#erna#ive #ransporta#ion s#ra#egies r'n the Ci#y's budge#. LOCAL ACTION PLAN Climate Protection is a Shared Responsibility City Business and Medical Government Industry Home and Schools Faith Neighborhood Community Alameda Environmental Nonprofits College Interests LOCAL ACTION PLAN Public-Private Partnership Objectives • Ensure broad community representation • Maximize available expertise • Leverage City's fiscal and staff resources Maintain flexibility to adjust to rapidly changing priorities • City to serve as a convener of community and catalyst for grass roots initiatives LOCAL ACTION PLAN Establish aPublic-Private Partnership • Identify key stakeholder segments • Publicize partnership opportunity community-wide • Provide background information on climate protection issues • Emphasize actions identified to date • Hold inaugural meeting in 3-6 months