2008-07-01 4-E Submittal(6/27/2008) Lana Stoker -Council should oppose change in bicycling in parks code. Page 1
From: John McNulty ~mcnultyC~alamedanet.net~
To: ~IstokerC~ci.alameda.ca.us~
Date: 61271200811:54 AM
Subject: Council should oppose change in bicycling in parks code.
please forward this fetter to the Council members for Tuesday's
Council Meeting.
I impiore each Council member to reconsider and change their votes in
regard to City parks bicycle regulations.
I was raised riding my bike in Alameda and used the parks throughout
my younger years. I use them today.
There has not been a problem in regard to arriving at a bike rack at
the parks that I can recall. This is a time when things are in order
and we should not make a problem where ane does not exist.
I ride my bike to the parks still. I think this change would
discourage park users from using their bikes to get to a park. It is
natural to want to enter into a park on a bike, and we don't have a
problem with cyclists slowing when they enter.
fur city needs to make parks bike friendly. Well, lets not loose what
gaol we have in our bike friendly parks with this mistaken ordinance.
Your truly,
John McNulty
2500 Noble Ave,
Alameda, CA 9450
Re: Agenda Item 4-E
(6/27/2008) Lana Stoker -Human-powered transportation in parks Page 1
from: "John Nidecker" ~johnnC~alamedanet.net~
To: ~Istoker®ci.alameda.ca.us~
CC: ~IucyC~bikealameda.org~
Date: 612712DO812:11 PM
Subject; Human-powered transportation in parks
To the Alameda City Council:
I want to express my strenuous objection to an across-the-board ban on scooters, bikes, and skateboards in Alameda parks,
playgrounds, and schaolgrounds.
A ban is precisely the wrong message to be sending, for several reasons:
-children and adults need more exercise, not less, to fight the growing epidemic of obesity; limiting their options flies in the face of
this need.
-individuals and families need to be encouraged, rather than discouraged, to use human power to alleviate parking problems, traffic
congestion, energy consumption,andgreeahouse gas generation.
-the rising cost of gasoline may mean fewer people able to enjoy our parks, if their preferred means of reaching and using them is
by bicycle, etc.
- enforcement of an unnecessary and unpopular iaw is a huge waste of time for law enforcement personnel, and it distorts their
public image. .
-conflicts between riders and pedestrians could be better alleviated through education and signage.
-last, but not least, this would seriously undermine Alameda's image as a "bike-friendly" city.
Please do not approve this proposed ordinance! If anything, use limited, selective signage to control areas where absolutely
needed, and add signs instructing those on wheels to yield to pedestrians, a method which has worked well in many other
Jahn Nidecker
3271 Fillmore St
Alameda, CA 94501
(6/27/2008) Lana Stoker -Fwd: Alert -Your help is need on Alameda's proposed bike ban in parks -Tues. July 1 Page 1
From: Jan Spangler ~hudsanspanglerC~earthlink.net~
To: cebbc-talk~lists.ebbc.org~, Robert Raburn ~robertraburnC~ebbc.arg~
CC: Lucy Gigli ~IucyC~bikealameda.org~, BikeAlameda List discuss@bikealameda...
Date: 61271260812;37 PM
Subject: Fwd; Alert -Your help is need on Alameda's proposed bike ban in parks -Tues. July 1
Beginning with an honest effort to restrict skateboarding and trick
riding by cyclists in Alameda's new parking garage, the City Council
amended the proposal to effectively outlaw all bicycle riding in city
parks, Your support in opposition to this proposal, per Lucy Gigli's
action requests below, is much appreciated.
Today's Alameda Journal story an this proposal can be found at:
Thanks very much,
Begin forwarded message:
~ From: Lucy Gigli ~lucy~bikealameda.org~
~ Date: June 27, 200811:25;38 AM PDT
~ To: Jon Spangler ~hudsonspangler~earthlink.net~
~ Subject: Alert -Your help is need on bike ban in parks -Tues.
~ July 1
~ Reply-To; lucy~bikealameda.org
~ Hello,
~ As some of you may know by this discussion list ar today's Alameda
~ Journal, last week the city council changed the Alameda Municipal
~ Code to ban bicycle riding ..."within or upon any public park,
~ playground or school property in the city"... See the specific
~ new wording below.) This would include large parks like 1Nashington
~ Park with its many biking and walking paths, Crab Cove and Crown
~ Beach, and neighborhood parks Like McKinley and Franklin Parks.
~ Currently, the code allows biking and skateboarding in parks,
~ unless the city puts up signs saying otherwise.
~ Led by the idea that "people" should not be scaotering,
~ skateboarding, or biking in our city parks, the city council voted
~ unanimounsly to ban these modes of transportation, recreation and
~ sport for ALL of our city parks, unless posted. 1t's a pretty
~ major change. It may be that this was a simple misinterpretation of
~ the effect of the change on the code. Fortunately, such changes
~ need to be heard again in order to become law. The second and
~ final reading will take place on Monday, July 1 at 7:30pm.
~ Please come to the city council meeting to be heard. We need youth
~ AND adults to express the importance of leaving our parks for
~ recreation and transportation for a11. If you can't come then please:
~ Send an email to: lstoker~ci.alameda.ca.us and be sure to express
~ that you want this to go to the city council members for Tuesday's
~ meeting.
~ Call city council members with your concerns. (See http:ll
~ www.ci.alameda.ca.uslgovlcity_council.html}
~ write letters to the Alameda Journal ~ajletters~cctimes.com} and
~ call Connie Rux to ensure they run on Tuesday, before the July 1
~ council meeting
~ Let me know that you sent a letter or that you are coming to the
~ meeting.
~ Vllhat we are requesting:
(6/27/2008) Lana Stoker -Fwd: Alert -Your help is need on Alameda's proposed bike ban in parks -Tues. July 1 Page 2
> 1, return the code to it's current, existing state with respect to
~ bikes and skateboards in parks,
~ 2, add a specific prohibition on skateboarding in the parking garage
~ 3. request that additional changes on bikes in the AMC be addressed
~ as a part of the Bicycle Master Plan update which is already
~ underway, and some of these general issues are already being put on
> the list to discuss.
~ The reason why BikeAlameda feels that this is important is because
~ we represent all bicyclinsts. There are a certain portion of
~ bicyclists, who feel safer riding on bike paths and through parks.
~ Those are the places that they learn and gain experience. Plus,
~ there are quit a few bike paths that run through city parks that
~ are considered part of the bike network. As far as we know, there
~ is no known problem that this ban is solving. There are no
~ statistics on complaints for bicyclists riding in parks.
~ Thanks for getting involved and far your support!
~ lacy
~ The proposed municipa! code changes:
~ 23-1.3 Riding of Bicycles and Skateboards in Parks, Etc. It shall
~ be unlawful unless otherwise posted for any person to operate or
~ ride a bicycle, or skateboard, propelled wholly or in part by
~ muscular power within or upon any public park, playground, ar
~ school property in the City or parking lot, parking structure
~ owned or leased by the City, except that a person may ride a
~ bicycle to and from bicycle racks or lockers provided within any
~ City parking lot or parking structure. The use and operation of
~ skateboards ,roller skates, and in-line skates shall be
~ authorized at the Skate Park, at Alameda Point. All persons using,
~ operating, or riding a skateboard, roller skates , or in-line
~ skates at the Skate Park, at Alameda Point, shall wear a helmet ,
~ elbow pads, and knee pads at ail times.
~ The current municipal code:
~ 23-1.3 Riding of Bicycles and Skateboards in Parks, Etc. It shall
~ be unlawful when and where pasted for any person to operate or ride
~ a bicycle, ar skateboard, propelled wholly or in part by muscular
~ power, in or upon any public park, playground ar school property in
~ the City. The use and operation of skateboards, roller skates, and
~ in-line skates shall be authorized at the Skate Park, at Alameda
~ Point. All persons using, operating, or riding a skateboard, roller
~ skates, or in-line skates at the Skate Park, at Alameda Point,
~ shall wear a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads at all times.
Jon Spangler
Linda Hudson Writing
510-864-03701FAX $64-144
MOBILE 510-$46-5356
(6/27/2008) Lana Stoker -proposed ban Page 1
From: ~IeeparsonsC~alamedanet.net~
To: ~Istoker®ci.alameda.ca.us~
CC: ~bjohnsan@ci.alameda.ca.us~,
Date: 6/27/2008 2:45 PM
Subject: proposed ban
Dear Ms. Stoker,
<Itam(~ci.alameda.ca.us~, ~ddehaan~ci.alamed...
I want to urge the city council to hear again the proposed changes to the
municipal code that would ban bicycle riding, scootering, and
skateboarding within all city parks, playgrounds, and school yards. Given
that sa many parks--Crown Beach, Crab Cove, Washington Park come
instantly tomind-- have existing bike paths and others such as Lincoln
Park and the Point have skateboard ramps and courses, it makes absolutely
na sense to make these activities unlawful "unless otherwise posted."
That is to say, this code change will require the city either to past
innumerable signs allowing these activities, which can't be inexpensive,
or it will ban these activities at already existing and well-used areas
and create a need far enforcement that will divert the energy and time of
police and park personnel away from far more pressing problems. In fact,
it escapes me entirely how these activites can be seen as "problems" so
serious that they need to be criminalized.
As I understand it, this code change was proposed as a means to keep
people from using the new downtown parking garage as asix-storey
skateboard and bike ramp? Wouldn't it be entirely simpler, and far more
cost-effective and enforceable, to post a few signs in the garage banning
those activities within it?
I have to say I am utterly dismayed that our city leadership would
unanimously vote to make such forms of recreation and exercise and
alternative means of transportation crimes within parks and playgrounds--
especially atthis crucial juncture in history when we are facing climate
change and a child hand adult} obesity epidemic. Please, rethink your
Lee Parsons
Libery Ave.
(6/27/2008) Lana Stoker -bikes banned in parks Page 1
From: "Joe Mariscal" ~joe,mariscal~gmail.com~
To: ~Istoker~ci,alameda.ca.us~
Date: 612712gg8 3;34 PM
Subject: bikes banned in parks
I guess that I need to pian on breaking the law on a daily basis because I
ride through at least one park every day of the week. Or maybe I should
move to San Leandro, or maybe we should recall our numb city council!
Joe Mariscal
3221 Sterling Avenue
Alameda 94501
(7/1 /2008) Lana Stoker -bicycle ban in parks? Page 1
From: Prax Gore ~praxC~alamedanet,net~
To: ~lstokerC~ci.alameda.ca,us~
Date: fi12812008 6:32 AM
Subject: bicycle ban in parks?
Please be sure that this email get to the city council in time for
Tuesdays meeting.
1 cannot understand what the council has on their mind when they look to
banning bicycles anywhere, If you have been awake recently, you knave
that we need to get people out of their cars and into other farms of
transportation. Parks hand school grounds} provide safe places for
people to ride. For some it is the place where they can learn bicycling
skills before venturing out onto the city streets, If these folks
eventually start riding their bicycles to the store instead of their
cars, the parks have provided another benefit to the city. And of
course, their is simply the question of access: why can't people on
bicycles enjoy the parks too? Do you have some image of the typical
bicyclist as some sort of thug? If we took your "baby with the bath
water" approach to cars, you would have the courage to ban them from
city streets since there must have been at least one incident where a
car has caused injury. But somehow we tolerate cars. Maybe you should
get on a bicycle yourself and then tell me why bicycles shouldn't be
seen everywhere.
If you disappoint me on this topic, you can be sure I will remember you
come election time.
-Prax Gore
1222 Pearl St
Re: Agenda Item #4-E CC
(7/1 /2008) Lana Stoker -Bicycle Legislation Page 1
From: Rene Rodriguez ~rene_rodz~yahoo,com~
To: ~IstokerC~ci,alameda.ca.us~, ~bjohnson®ci.alameda.ca,us~, ~tam~ci,alameda.,,
Date: fi1281200810:15 AM
Subject: Bicycle Legislation
Dear Mayor and Alameda City Council Members,
I commute by bicycle daily year-round from San Francisco to Alameda to work,
Please take a look at your bicycle plan and municipal code, In comparison to
other cities in this day and age, and especially in respect to or current climate crisis and high gas prices, your support for bicyclists
is sadly out of touch.
The municipal code seems only to reflect the citys' interests of protecting itself from insurance claims rather than providing safe,
clean and healthy streets for the residents, and visitors young and old to enjoy,
I hope you can update your outlook for the more livable, sustainable city that Alameda deserves to be.
Rene Rodriguez
I recommend this website;
(7/1 /2008) Lana Stoker -for Tuesday's Council meeting Page 1
from: "Pat Colburn" ~pat~patcolburn.com~
To: ~lstokerC~ci.alameda.ca,us~
Date: 6/29/2008 ~ 1:01 AM
Subject: far Tuesday's Council meeting
Dear Mayor Johnson, Council persons Tam, Gilmore, deHaan & Matarrese,
As an avid bicyclist,l hope you will rescind the proposed ban on bike
riding in parks.
How about banning something that spreads dust, molds, and small particulate
matter? Leaf blowers are already in violation of four city ordinances. I
fail to understand the Council's reticence in ridding our city of these
Pat Colburn
(7/1 /2008) Lana Stoker -Alameda parks for ALL types of recreation Page 1
From: "Corinne" ~cbarbour®ctlcathedral.org~
To: <lstoker®ci.alameda,ca,us~
Date: 6/29/2008 4:18 PM
Subject: Alameda parks for ALL types of recreation
To those in charge of decisions for Alameda Parks and Rec:
Respectfully, I submit that 1 believe it isshort-sighted to think that
bicyclists, skate-boarders and kids on scooters don't belong in the
parks of Alameda. Where in the heck DO they belong if not in a park
which is a place fvr recreation? Handled properly, there's room for
ail of us native to this area and who live in Alameda to get outside and
I've seen more "NO Uust fill in the lined and it's
really unhealthy for kids to grow up believing that they can't da
ANYthing because they are always in somebody's way.
As has been said before, "Can't we all just get along?"
Not everyone is comfortable riding their bicycles out in the street.
know I'm not and I'm 50 years old! I don't trust those driving their
cars to give bicyclists the right of way. Let's keep our beautiful and
mostly large Alameda Parks open for all to enjoy and to recreate and to
thrive in, PLEASE!!!
smother of 2; one at LMS and one at AHS)
Home 51 d-854-1185
Corinne Charlton Barbour
Assistant to the Cathedral Fund Director
Cathedral Campaign Office Manager
The Cathedral of Christ the Light
180 Grand Ave., Suite 1325
Oakland, CA 94612
tel 510-271-1928
fax 510-271-1938
cbarbaurC~ctlcathedral,org ~mailto:cbarbourC~ctlcathedral,org~
www.ctlcathedral.org ~http:Ilwww.ctlcathedral.org~
(7/1 /2008) Lana Stoker -Proposed Code Change Page 1
From: Ann Naffziger cann(~paulandann.org~
To: clstokerC~ci.alameda.ca.us~
CC: Lucy Gigli clucyC~bikealameda.org~, Paul Canavese cpaulC~canavese.arg~
Date: 6129120Q8 9:14 PM
Subject: Proposed Code Change
Please distribute to all City Council Members by Tuesday evening's meeting!
Dear Alameda City Council Members,
I am writing to express my concern at the proposed municipal code change
that would ban all bicycle riding in any public park, playground, yr
school praperty in the City unless otherwise posted. I have lived and
biked in Alameda far several years now, and I consider bicycling a part
of my effort to reduce my reliance on fossil fuels and reduce pollution,
while benefiting my health. Now that I have a two year old, she rides
behind me in a child's seat, and we find biking a fun way to get to and
from our neighborhood parks (Krusi and Lincoln} or to run errands. Once
we arrive at the property line of the parks, we ride on the paths up to
the play structures and swing sets themselves if the paths are clear of
pedestrians. l also ride my bicycle for errands around town, and those
often include trips along Crown Beach to and from Alameda Towne Center,
I don't understand why biking should be made illegal in any of these
locations or for these situations. My question to the Council is
this...Would you prefer that I put my daughter in a car to drive a mile
to any of these locatians? How would it effect our community if every
parent who bicycles with their children to or through a city park or
along Crown Beach or Crab Cove were to suddenly start driving instead of
I ask that this proposed code be changed to return the code to it's
current, existing state with respect to bikes and skateboards in parks.
I understand that riding skateboards can pose a safety issue inside the
new parking garage, so it seems prudent to address that issue separately.
Ann Naffziger
Versailles Ave.
(7h /2008) Lana Stoker -Bikes in parks Page 1
From: "Trevor Saxty" ~tjsC~firstflight.com~
To: ~Istoker®ci.alameda.ca.us~
Date: 612912oa810:16 PM
Subject: Bikes in parks
Dear Lana,
I was very surprised to read in the Alameda Journal that an ordinance
banning riding of bicycles in Alameda parks is being considered. i
understand there is a desire to restrict skateboarding activity in the new
parking structure which is understandable, but it's inconceivable that the
people of Alameda should be banned from riding bicycles in their parks. Many
important bike routes transit our parks inciuding those used by children as
the safest routes to school and by adults for recreational purposes.
It is important that no ordinance is passed that in any way restricts access
and use of our parks by citizens who choose to ride their bicycles in these
areas. Therefore please ensure this issue is presented to the full city
council at the olJuly meeting.
Trevor Saxty
(7/1/2008) Lana Stoker -The proposed municipal code 23-1.3 changes PROTEST Page 1
From: Donna Khanvali ~donna,khanvali(~mac.com~
To: ~IstokerC~ci.alameda.ca.us~
Date: 613Q12008 8:18 AM
Subject: The proposed municipal code 23-1,3 changes PROTEST
Dear Lana Stoker,
As a new homeowner in Alameda, I am shocked to hear about the proposed
new code to prohibit bicycle riding in our parks, as shown below. One
of the reasons why we chase to settle in Alameda 7 months ago is the
bike-friendly atmosphere we thought we found here. I bike on the path
along Crown Beach, and all over Washington Park regularly. I have
never seen a problem caused by this biking.
I have enjoyed encouraging my friends from all over the Bay Area to
come explore Alameda with me on bikes. One has even been looking to
buy property here. Without the current bike access through the park,
my friends and I would probably stop patronizing businesses we reach
by bike, including the Crab Cove visitor center. If the law prohibits
our biking in the parks, I can already foresee that suggestions will
be made to meet somewhere else for weekend activities, Alameda may
even start being viewed as being "anti-green" as a result of this
limit on alternative transportation. With no bike lane alternative
available on one of the most recklessly used roads on island, people
will surely frequently be injured ar even die trying to bike on
Shoreline Drive to see the view.
Do not let this code discourage interest in and appreciation for this
island! The new code flies in the face of what Alameda is all about!
Alienating bikers by prohibiting them from the parks and especially
the Crown Beach path is not good for business or reputation! What
kind of welcome is this?
Please note that this household's voters prefer the following:
~ . Restore code X23-1.3} to its current wording also shown below}
regarding biking and skateboarding in parks, except...
2. Please DO prohibit skateboarding in the parking garage. Very
3. Make sure any additional changes about biking in Alameda are
addressed as part of the Bicycle Master Plan that I understand is
I care very much about biking access in my new home town. Please help
me maintain my high level of community pride by protecting current
bike access,
Thank you,
Donna Khanvali
3219 Encinal Avenue
The proposed municipal code changes BAD):
23-1.3 Riding of Bicycles and Skateboards in Parks, Etc, It shall be
unlawful unless otherwise posted for any person to operate or ride a
bicycle, or skateboard, propelled wholly or in part by muscular power
within or upon any public park, playground, or school property in the
City or parking lot, parking structure awned or leased by the City,
except that a person may ride a bicycle to and from bicycle racks or
lockers provided within any City parking lot or parking structure.
The use and operation of skateboards ,roller skates, and in-line
skates shall be authorized at the Skate Park, at Alameda Point. All
persons using, operating, ar riding a skateboard, roller skates , or
in-line skates at the Skate Park, at Alameda Point, steal! wear a
helmet ,elbow pads, and knee pads at all times.
The current municipal code GOOD]}:
(7/1 /2008) Lana Stoker -The proposed municipal code 23-1.3 changes PROTEST Page 2
23-1.3 Riding of Bicycles and Skateboards in Parks, Etc. ft shall be
unlawful when and where posted for any person to operate or ride a
bicycle, or skateboard, propelled wholly or in part by muscular power,
in or upon any public park, playground or school property in the City.
The use and operation of skateboards, roller skates, and in-line
skates shall be authorized at the Skate Park, at Alameda Point. All
persons using, operating, or riding a skateboard, roller skates, or in-
lineskates at the skate Park, at Alameda Paint, shall wear a helmet,
elbow pads, and knee pads at all times.
(7/1/2008) Lana Stoker -banning bikes in city parks -July 1st city council meeting Page 1
From: ~tmiro~alamedanet.net~
To: ~IstokerC~ci.alameda.ca.us~
Date: 6/30/2008 8:58 AM
Subject: banning bikes in city parks -July 1 st city council meeting
To whom it may concern,
I would like this email to be sent to all city council members.
Hello and thank you for the the time and efforts you put into sustaining
the city of Alameda. I have read in the local newspapers about the
proposed code changes to ban bikes and skateboards from within city parks
and the new parking structure. From what I can gather, this is all in
reaction to skateboarders using the parking garage as a new skate park
before it really started attracting patrons, and even recently now that
the garage is busier,
The proposed code change seems like an overreaction to a dangerous
situation occurring just within the parking structure and only involving
skateboards. Focus the code change on the parking structure, post signs,
issue citations to violators and the problem will hopefully go away,
If the ban includes bikes within city parks, our fine city will be stained
with a bizarr
e city law that makes biking around and through the island impossible.
I have a fond memory at teaching my daughter haw to ride her bike at Krusi
Park and at Otis Elementary School. 1Ne used the grassy area of Krusi so
that if she fell she would not get so scraped up. Once she got her
confidence flowing, she transitioned to the Krusi pathways and the Otis
blacktop. 1Nhy did we choose Krusi? No cars to worry about. A grassy
area for falling dawn. Pathways and a school yard to practice on. None
of this could have happened if we were not allowed to ride bikes within
the city parks. Ironically, other parents and children were doing the
same thing we were that day - learning to ride a bike in a safe place
where automobiles are banned.
In a city and country that autos are the primary source of transportation,
children and adults need a a safe haven from overly distracted and
speeding drivers. The city parks are the perfect place for this. I
cannot fathom not being able to ride through Washington Park and Crown
Beach on a bike trip around the island. I also wonder if the ban would
eliminate riding around Bay Farm Island since much of the dirt pathway is
the border of a city park.
Do the right thing elected officials of Alameda. Create a code
specifically addressing the skateboard hand possibly bike} Issues with
level 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the CentrallOak parking garage and do not change
anything else that would eliminate biking within city parks. Any changes
to city bike codes should be addressed in the city's Master Plan for Bikes
that is in the beginning stages of taking submissions far updates.
Thank you once again for your time and efforts. Please consider what I
addressed within this message.
Tom Mira
Alameda bike rider for 16 years
Bike rider for 42 years
(7/1 /2008) Lana Stoker -Bicycles in Alameda parks Page 1
From: "Jillian Saxty" ~jillian~firstflight.com~
To: ~IstokerC~ci.alameda.ca.us~
Date: 613D12008 9:51 AM
Subject: Bicycles in Alameda parks
Please ensure this email reaches Gity Council members for the Tuesday July
Dear City Council members,
I was very alarmed to hear that you have changed (or are intending to
change} the wording of the city code with regard tv bike riding in the
city's parks, My children and I often bicycle in the parks, and I can't
imagine why a city would prohibit this healthy outdoor activity, In fact, my
son will be biking to Paden school every day next year and his route would
take him through the Crown BeachlCrab Cave trail along the water, I hope
that this bizarre change of warding to the city code will not stop children
from getting to school, never mind enjoying bicycling in parks instead of
along busy city streets.
If the intention of the updated code is to prevent skate boarders from using
the new parking structure, then add a specific prohibition on skateboarding
in the parking garage!
I would also request that additional changes an bikes in the AMC be
addressed as a part of the Bicycle Master Plan update which is already
underway, along with other general bike issues that need to be discussed
1 hope you all come to your senses and re-write the code to ALLOW
scootering, skateboarding or biking in QUR city parks unless otherwise
posted for very specific public safety reasons has was stated in the
original code}.
Thank you
Jillian Saxty
(7/1 /2008) Lana Stoker -For July 1st Council Meeting -Proposed Municipal Code Amendment Page 1
From: "Brian Geasa" ~bgeasa®yahoo.com~
To: ~Istoker@ci.alameda.ca.us~
Date: 61301200810;04 AM
Subject: For July 1st Council Meeting -Proposed Municipal Cade Amendment
Dear Council Members;
I have been a resident and property owner in Alameda for some 21 years now.
fiver the past 21 years I have enjoyed biking and rollerblading through the
city streets and parks, I might have even ridden a skateboard a few times,
Now I have a young daughter, and we enjoy biking around Alameda and we take
trips with the bike and bike trailer to the various parks and events in
Alameda has been slowly improving its bike and recreational access over the
years. We appreciate the increased availability and look forward to even
more access in the future. In a time when gas is approaching $5 per gallon,
the option for us to bike for roilerblade or skateboard} on our local
errands really makes sense. In addition, these modes of transportation are
really the only ones available to our youths.
The proposed change to Alameda's Municipal Code is a HUGE step in the wrong
direction. Banning bikes from the city's parks ~includ'+ng the bike paths}
is just wrong
The change in the Municipal Code was prompted by skateboarders in the
parking structure and skateboarders damaging public property Eby sliding on
benches, walls, etc}. Why not just create the restrictions there?
The riding of bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, and other human
powered devices physically impaired persons exempted} could be expressly
prohibited above the first floor and on all ramps of the new parking
Intentionally jumping, riding, or sliding a skateboard,
rollerblades, bicycles, and other human powered devices onto benches, walls,
curbs, or other public property not meant for vehicle ar pedestrian traffic
could be expressly prohibited.
Why met out collective punishment and design a system that would be
expensive to create and maintain? Sure, we could print hundreds of signs to
tell us where we are allowed to ride. But wouldn't it be easier to just
print a couple of signs to tell the few fools where not to ride?
If you would like to discuss this issue further, feel free to contact me by
phone at 510-81 fi-294G
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Brian Geasa
(7/1 /2008) Lana Stoker -AMC 23-1.3 revision Page 1
From: "Herrera, Fabian" ~FHerrera~MCGARCHITECTURE.COM~
To: clstoker~ci.alameda,ca,us~
Date: 61301200811;53 AM
Subject: AMC 23-1.3 revision
As a resident of Alameda I urge you to have the AMC 23-1.3 revision go
to the City Council for tomorrows meeting.
Thank you,
Fabian Herrera
3445 Dutchcap Lane
Alameda,CA 94502
Fabian Herrera
Project Architect
MCG Architecture
785 Market St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
office: 415,974,6002 Fax: 415.974.1556
www. mcgarchitecture.com
(7/1 /2008) Lana Stoker - tommorrow's council meeting, please forward Page 1
From: Ani Dimusheva ~antzvC~earthlink.net~
To: Lana Stoker ~lstoker~ci.alameda.ca.us~
Date: fi130120081:36 PM
Subject: tommorrow's council meeting, please forward
Dear Ms. Stoker,
Could you please make sure the following gets forwarded to the City
Council, City Attorney and City Manager prior to the meeting tomorrow?
Thank you,
Ani Dimusheva
Re: Consent Calendar Item 4-E
City Council agenda, July 1, 2008
To Mayor and Councilmembers:
The amendment to Section 23-1.3 makes it illegal for children to ride
bikes, scooters and skates in City parks. I don't understand why
common recreational activities needed to be banned from recreational
spaces where they are best enjoyed. It appears that someone tried to
add a new rule within the same sentence, and inadvertently created
language that bans the activities mentioned from the parks.
To clear the misunderstanding, (suggest you return to the original
language of this section of the code which reads "It shall be
unlawful when and where posted for any person to operate or ride a
bicycle, or skateboard, propelled wholly or in part by muscular
power, in or upon any public park, playground or school property in
the City," and add the following, separate sentence to deal with
riding in parking lots and structures: "Riding of bicycles,
skateboards and other devices propelled by muscular power, except
wheelchairs, shall be unlawful on any parking lot or parking
structure owned or leased by the City, except that a person may ride
a bicycle to and from bicycle racks or lockers provided within any
City parking lot or parking structure."
hope you take all the time you need to discuss this, and amend the
code in a way that will not accidentally turn citizens doing normal
things into criminals,
Ani Dimusheva
2911 Calhoun Street
Alameda CA
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From: Beverly 7ahnson
To: CITY CLERK; Debra Kurita; Lana Stoker; Lara Weisiger
Date: 6~3Q~2QQ8 2:44 PM
Subject: Fwd: proposed park bicycling restriction
»> "Marilyn Schumacher" <mws~are4s.com,> 6/3Q~ZQQ812:Q5 PM »>
Hello all,
I hope you seriously reconsider the bike and skate restrickion in our parks, It is absurd and a complete contradiction to what you as
a group has promoted to citizens when promoted as the greening of Alameda. I agree with the skate restriction in parking areas.
In my observations of government...thewheels of change turn very slowly, If something happens too fast there may bean
underlying motivation that needs to be exposed, The folks in charge OR the citizens need to question the speed, thus avoiding
unnecessary mistakes and eliminating the citizens from the process,
I would hope at least one of you would find out whether there is a law already an the books that addresses defacing public
property, I expect there is. Maybe one needs to look for an existing law that focuses an punishing the operation of ANY wheeled
vehicle in a manner that creates a danger to the public and~or defaces public property. Use what may already exist, THAT should
do it for the damage created by the skateboarders. Now just put it into play and use it. The reality is that the police don't have the
time or the manpower to enforce their awn proposal, and the cost of signs and the repair of tagging damage done to them is
Thank you Ms. Tam far putting the brakes on this. Let me ride my bike responsibly.
Marilyn Schumacher
Broker Associate
Harbor Bay Realty
51Q-814-47Q9 Direct
51Q-523-1144 Reception
The Second Sto bloq} ~ http,l jmarilynschumacher.,~,lo~spot,~caml )
What's u in Alameda? htt : are4s,cam
"Results exceeding the challenges"
(7/1/2008) Lana Stoker -for the city council members tomorrow 1 July Page 1
From: "Tony Godshall" ~togoC~of.net~
To: ~Istoker~ci.alameda.ca.us~
Date: 6130120x8 4;26 PM
Subject: for the city council members tomorrow 1 July
Dear members of the Alameda City Council:
I understand you have voted unanimously to ban
scootering, skateboarding, or biking in the parks.
Please don't close down access to our parks for
people like me.
Bicyclists, skateboarders, skaters, and pedestrians
can share our parks.
It's fine to require those of use who are an wheels
to be considerate, and to give that requirement teeth
so the police can impose fines, or even prison in the
most extreme cases, but please, please don`t punish
those of us who are considerate and careful.
Best Regards.
Tony Godshall
2154 Alameda Ave
Alameda CA 94501
Cell: 415-314-x913
(7/1/2008) Lana Stoker -proposed law prohibiting bike riding in parks Page 1
From: "Sherry Sherman, PhD" ~sbsherman(~sbcglobal.net~
To: ~IstokerC~ci.alameda.ca.us~
Date: 61301200$10;29 PM
Subject: proposed law prohibiting bike riding in parks
am writing to express my opposition to the proposed law that would prohibit
riding bikes, roller skating and skate board riding in public parks. As a mother
of two boys 6 and 11, I am shocked and dismayed by this proposed ruling. Parks
are where children safely (earn to ride their bikes, scooters, skateboards and skates.
They do not have to worry about cars pulling out of driveways or crossing streets.
When we ride as a family, we frequently cut through the parks to avoid traffic.
We are all acutely aware of the imminent and very real danger of global warming.
Vlle should be constantly seeking ways to get more people to ride their bikes,
scooters, etc, instead of creating more obstacles.
Please do NDT pass this law.
Please share this a-mail at the Council meeting on July 1st,
Thank you.
Sharon B. Sherman, PhD
Clinical Psychologist
Community Health Consultant
1138 Ballena Boulevard, Suite D
Alameda, CA 94501
~510~ $14-9420
FAX; 510-649-5030
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from: Beverly Johnson
To: CITY CLERK; Debra Kurita; Lana Stoker; Lara weisiger
Date: ~1~/zaas a:37 AM
Subject: Fwd: Bikes and The Children of Alameda
»> <sha alamedanek.net> 6/30/2aa8 8:46 PM »>
Dear Mayor, Vice Mayor, and Council Members
am deeply disturbed that a ban on biking in city parks is even being contemplated. Bad enough that our children have been yelled
at for riding their trikes and bikes on the blacktop at Franklin Park when no one else was around, now even biking in the treed
portion of the park will be against the law. where exactly should we teach our kids to ride? The sidewalk is hardly a safe location.
My son learned to bike in Franklin Parkbefore the rules became so draconian. About a year ago a particular Park and Rec
employee made it her business to yell at small children and parents. I have seen more than one child be chastised to the point of
tears because they rode, not walked, their ~2 inch bike to the bike rack. The treed portion of the park is the only place for small
children to ride now. Have we not lost all proportion when a family town like Alameda, discourages small children from going to the
park with their bikes?
am a mother to a five year old, and a REALTOR in town. The family friendly atmosphere is what brought me, and my clients, to
Alameda. Banning bike use is the wrong message. My son uses his bike every day. He knows the car is only for long trips. we bike
from mid-island to the beach, Park Street, and yes the park, He is too young, and will be for many years, to use the bike lane. Sv
access to sidewalks and parks is imperative to keep biking a viable activity, we also bike at EncinalHigh Schoolan weekends. will
this too be against the law?
The city should be finding ways for Aiamedato be more bike friendly, not less so. And places to develop biking proficiency are
important for children, Banning skateboarding in a parking structure makes sense. Banning bikes fro public parks is not. I hope to
see a more reasonable approach adopted by the city council.
Sharon Alva
Sharon Alva
T: 51 Q. 748.6421
C: 415, 572.5759
E: Sl~a rz'alamc~danct.net
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From: Debra Kurita
To: weisiger, Lara
Date: bJ22JZ008 2;50 PM
Subject: Pwd; Bicycle ban
»> Patrick <vivamus alamedanet.net> 6J21JZ008 5:5b PM »>
This was rushed through without public discussion. Revoke it.
If yvu want tv ban skateboards and bikes through the parking garage
fine. But it looks Pike you've just banned biking along the bicycle
paths along the shore, Crown Beach etc.
Patrick Morris
Alameda, CA