2008-07-15 5-C Power Pointa'W. 1 - ,~ ~{ S i_ .,. ~ City of Alameda Ballot Measure Feasibility Survey Survey Conductei June 25-29, 2008 220-2582 raarbanK, ~Vlasl[n, 1Vlaullan & Associate! Opinion Research & Public Policy Analysis Santa Monica, CA -Oakland, CA -Madison, WI -Mexico City Fairbc~nk, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Publ is Policy Analysis Methodology ^ 400 telephone interviews with City of Alameda voters likely to cast ballots in the November 2008 general election ^ Interviews conducted between June 25-29, 2008 ^ Margin of sampling error of +/- 4.9% Fairbc~nk, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Publ is Policy Analysis Key Findings ^ Voters have a very positive feeling about overall community conditions in the City of Alameda, perceive there to be relatively few urgent problems facing the community, and are resistant to cuts in the current level of City services. ^ Support for a public safety parcel tax falls far short of the two-thirds threshold. ^ Property owners are strongly opposed to the formation of a maintenance assessment district. ^ A slim majority support increasing the real estate transfer tax, though that support is somewhat soft. ^ Voters place a high priority on funds generated from any measure preserving public safety services. Fairbc~nk, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Publ is Policy Analysis Perceptions of the Community Fnirbnnk, Maslin, Mnullin & Voters feel very positive about Associntes °,,°°,,,~~~°.,,~ conditions in the City Mlxpc~ c Wrong track 22% The City of Alameda DK/NA 8% Wrong track 13% Your neighborhood DK/NA Mixed 500 Fnirbnnk, M~uin'~ Relatively few issues are rated as A``°`'°'" "very serious" problems by most voters. (Ranked by Total Extremely/Very Serious Problem) ^ Ext./Very Ser. ^ S.W. Ser. ^ Not Too Ser. ^ DK/NA I State budget cuts that reduce the money available for local city services The cost of healthcare The cost of housing City budget deficits The condition of the local economy Waste and inefficiency in local government 2~% 5%3, 24% 12% 7% 30% 13% ----------------------- 27% 7% 17% 33% 17% 6% 28% 18% 11% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Fairbc~nk, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Publ is Policy Analysis Continued The amount people pay in city taxes Crime Traffic and congestion on local streets and roads A lack of parking in commercial districts Growth and development Gangs and youth violence A lack of parks and open space ^ Ext./Very Ser. ^ S.W. Ser. ^ Not Too Ser. ^ DK/NA 24% 33% 11 .. 33% 38% ~~ ' ' ~ 35% 37% ~~ 29% 46% 28°/a 46% 3aa 34% 43% 21% 65% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Fairbc~nk, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Public Polrcy Analysis While modestly concerned about the ~ =~"f l~~~~ ~ local economy, voters are comfortable ~~~~x with their personal economic situation. Personal Economic Situation Much better Somewhat better No difference Somewhat worse Much worse DKINA 11% TO~I Better 29% 40% 35% 14% TO~I Worse 8% 22% 3% City Economy a% Total ~ 29% Better 33% 18% S% 6% i 35% ~O~ WO ~~o i e 0% 20% 40°/a 60% 0% 20°/a 40% 60°/a Fnirbnnk, Maslin, M~ul~,n ~ Voters are resistant to make further A``°`'°'" significant cuts in City services. (Ranked by Large Cuts) ^ Large Cuts ^ Some Cuts ^ No Cuts ^ DK/NA Chuck Corica Golf Course maintenance Maintenance of public landscape areas, such as median strips on local streets Youth services and after-school programs Traffic enforcement and safety Recreation programs Maintenance of public parks and athletic fields Police programs in local schools 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Fairbc~nk, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Publ is Policy Analysis Continued Senior services Police and fire salaries and benefits Paramedic services Library hours Street maintenance and pothole repair Police patrols Fire protection services ^ Large Cuts ^ Some Cuts ^ No Cuts ^ DK/NA o ova o o ' o o ~ o ~~ i o ~ o ~ ~~a 0 ~~ o ~ ~ 3% 0 ~ O ~ i 0 ~ u ~ o 3 /o 0 ~ 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Fairbc~nk, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Publ is Policy Analysis Evaluating Potential Finance Measures Fnirbnnk, Maslin, Mnul/in & A.~.s~~~»r~s Parcel Tax Ballot Language Tested Opinion Research & Publ is Policy Analysis THE CITY OF ALAMEDA PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES MEASURE. To prevent the spread of gang and drug- related violent crimes, theft and burglary from neighboring communities; keep existing fire stations open; maintain neighborhood policing programs; and improve traffic flow, and pedestrian and bicycle safety; shall the City of Alameda levy a $120 per year residential parcel tax, and comparable amounts for non- residential and multi-unit residential properties, limited to 20 years, with low-income senior exemptions, and subject to audits? Fnirbnnk, M~uin'~ Support for a public safety Associntes ,~,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, parcel tax falls far short of the two-thirds threshold. Definitely yes Probably yes Undecided, lean yes Undecided, lean no Probably no Definitely no Undecided 19% Total 16% ~@S 6% ~'~ °~o 5% . TO~aI 13% ~O o ~ ~~°~o 25 /o 16% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Fairbc~nk, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Publ is Policy Analysis $100 per year $80 per year $60 per year Support still falls well short of two-thirds at lower cost levels. ^ Def. Yes ^ Prob./Lean Yes ^ Lean/Prob. No ^ Def. No ^ NMI/DK/NA 0 0 40% ~5% ~~Y~ 20% 19% •' • 15% 45° o ~ 41 '~:~'~~ 19% 16% ~~' 14% o~io 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% F°;'b°"k, property owners are strongly Maslin, A, socint~ opposed to formation of an °,"„°,,,'"°',,` assessment district. 1 would like to ask you about a measure that some property owners in the City of Alameda may be asked to vote on by mail at a different time in the future. This measure would create a maintenance assessment district to maintain and improve City parks, streets, sidewalks, medians, and pedestrian and bike paths by assessing $120 on an annual basis to property owners living within the district boundaries. (Asked of 64% who own property only) Definitely yes Probably yes Undecided, lean yes Undecided, lean no Probably no Definitely no Undecided 14% Total 11 °/a Yes 3% 28°~ 5% Total 14% NO 40% 59°~ 13% o~ia 20% 40% 60% Fnirbnnk, Maslin, Mnul/in & A.~.s~~~»r~s Real Estate Transfer Tax Ballot „°°°°°°'°°,~ Language Tested THE CITY OF ALAMEDA VITAL CITY SERVICES MEASURE. To maintain essential City services such as keeping existing fire stations open; maintaining neighborhood policing programs; improving traffic flow, and pedestrian and bicycle safety; preventing recreation program cutbacks; and restoring previous reduced library hours; shall the City of Alameda increase the City real estate transfer tax, charged when a property is sold, from $5.40 to $15 per $100,000 of assessed value, limited to 20 years and subject to audits? Fnirbnnk, M°``'", Among those who heard the measure Mnullin & Associntes ,~,;,,,,,,,,,,,~,,.,,, described first, it receives majority support, though support is soft. Definitely yes Probably yes Undecided, lean yes Undecided, lean no Probably no Definitely no Undecided 10% 3% 7% 17% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% ~ 22% Total 20% Yes 52°~ Total No I21o~ 31°~ Fnirbnnk, Maslin, M~u„gin & Support for a smaller real estate A``°"n'" transfer tax increase - to $12 instead of $15 - is slightly higher. 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0°/a Initial Support at $15 Support with Additional "yes" Voters at $12 Fairbc~nk, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Publ is Policy Analysis Spending Priorities for Funds Generated by a Transfer Tax Measure Fairbc~nk, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Public Polrcy Analysis Keeping existing fire stations open I Maintaining existing emergency medical and ambulance transportation services Avoiding rotating fire station closures Funding programs that prevent the spread of gang and drug-related violent crimes from neighboring communities •t 0 w ~ u ~ ® ~r to 0 Y Y I _t 0 i t o ~ , t 2/ t 0 ~ ~ ~ i t 0 t 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Fairbc~nk, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Public Polrcy Analysis Continued Maintaining existing neighborhood policing programs Funding programs that prevent the spread of theft and burglary from neighboring communities Maintaining City streets, sidewalks and medians Restoring previously reduced library hours ^ Ext./Very Impt. ^ S.W. Impt. ^ Not Impt. ^ DK/NA 4:Y~ 28% ~- sr iiY~ 32% ' . si Ly~l 42% j L'Yl~I 30% 4r 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Fairbc~nk, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Publ is Policy Analysis Continued Upgrading city streets and intersections to improve traffic flow Expanding police traffic patrols to improve pedestrian safety Expanding police traffic patrols to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety Addressing more nuisance crimes, including vandalism, neighborhood blight, and noise complaints ^ Ext./Very Impt. ^ S.W. Impt. ^ Not Impt. ^ DK/NA „1, 0 i 1 ./ 1, 0 1 I I ,. 1 . 0 i 1~ G; - s 1 0 , ., ~ ~ 1 0 1 0 1 o~ ~ 1 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Fairbc~nk, Maslin, Maullin & Associates Opinion Research & Public Polrcy Analysis Continued Putting a portion of the real estate transfer tax fees into a fund residents may access to pay for seismic renovations to their homes Expanding police traffic patrols to prevent speeding and improve traffic flow Improving maintenance of youth sports fields, including baseball diamonds and soccer fields Replacing outdated park equipment ^ Ext./Very Impt. ^ S.W. Impt. ^ Not Impt. O DK/NA 0 ~I o 1 1 0 0 i. Q ~ ~ o ~ 4 /o tl, 0 I ~ ~ r. 0 I a 1 0 I I ~1 Q ~, u j 1 /o 1 Q 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Fnirbnnk, Maslin, Mnul/in & A``°`'°'" Conclusions and Recommendations Opinion Research & Publ is Policy Analysis ^ Overall, voters are happy with their quality of life in Alameda and see few pressing concerns. ^ Perhaps as a result, they are resistant to most proposed tax increases. ^ However, they would also prefer not to make major cuts in City services. ^ As a result, a real estate transfer tax increase -despite having only a narrow majority of support - is probably the most viable option. However, it will need a very strong and active community-run campaign to succeed. ~'o~r ~o~r~ i~fo~r~~~io~~ ~o~t~~t: 1999 Harrison St., Suite 1290 Oakland, CA 94612 Phone (510) 451-9521 Fax (510) 451-0384 dave@fmma.com ~URTIS BELOW 1999 Harrison St., Suite 1290 Oakland, CA 94612 Phone (510) 451-9521 Fax (510) 451-0384 curbs@fmma,com Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin c~ Associates Opinion Research & Public Policy Analysis Santa Monica -Oakland -Madison, WI -Mexico City