2008-08-19 Joint 3-A Submittalf~~!~a-~9-~~~5 16: ~B Ff?~~~: ~~ ir~ 1'~~ Ih~. r:~ l~ t~ ~ R ~~ ~ ~O ~-nu ~fr i~~~ ~ ~~ pity o~ Alameda 2~~$ ~~~ 1 ~ ~ ~~ 55 ~~~~ ~anfa ~lere Ave. ~..~ , ,,...., , Ale rr~od~, ~A g~~0 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~.~ ~- ~~:, ~.. ;~•; ~ :,I ~_!.. ~+~ C1 ~ ~~ ~~~~~'ryr~y E• _ ~ t.l `;1 ~~~~~~~ Attn; ~Ity ~ouncll members ~ A~~~l~ R~: item ~-B for Join# pity ~QUnoiIiARRA1~l~ 1~eeting A~ you diacu~a exte~~aion~ or u 3 ~ n~, ~iea~e can~ider ~e foliaw~ng table which campere~ da#a from the ~., ~ensua Bureau showin the exia#ir~ Alarnade a m g g den~~ty ~~ ~ ea~ured by people and hau~ir~g unity per square rnile, anc# aompare~ it to Sari Franc~~co and ~ur~~al's ~~~~on ~arAlarn~da Paint. 1"0: ~~~! ~ ~?~~~~ P, ~~1~~~1 .,_.._.. f f Ca~id Howard ~~8 Taylor Ave 1 'liar~~d~ ~ ~/'l l~a Nate that ~un~al'~ ``flan B" proposal as ~re~ented on August ~~h at their last aornmunit me i ins lies den~it ir~hioh y et rig p y approaches that of fan t`rar~aisao end la roughly twice Chet of the exi~tin aar~rnur~ity. Thie would be out of kee to of th ~ g p g ~ existing ohereater of i41emeda, and 1 think moat pee~le in Alameda, ir~ciudtng my~etf, war~ld abject to thin level a~den~ifiaatien forAlemeda Point ~~~gr~p~y A~~~ i~ Popula~ivn ~I~usin~ ~quar~ UI IifS miles, T~~~~ ~r~~ Aria in Aria ire ~~nsity ~~r a~n~ity p~~ s~uar~ s~uar~ square ~rni~~ s uar~ mils q rnil~s~ miles, ~f Iard of sand ar~~ i~lat~r land aria area, Flausing aria , Pap~i~tion c~~it~ I~meda cit , Mama ~our~ ~~~ Fr~n~3~~~ ~i , .~~r~~ Fr~n~is~Q ~~uri? latn~da Point - ~unCai ~r~pa~af ~70~ acres 7~,~~8 3~fi44 22,~~ ~~~,~~,~ ~4~~~7, ~3~1.9~ 'I~,~~~1 ~~~Q ~ lt'~ unfortunate that neither pity ~ta~ nor ~un~al have prepared such a ~urnn~a cam eri~an tar re~e«tatian to Council r~ ~ p p a d the publ~o. ~incereley~ I~ignedJ ~. t ~avad Ha~uard Re: Agenda Item #3-A Joint CC ARRA CIC Mtg 08-~9-08