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2008-09-16 5-B Submittal
...:. ~....~.._..~., ..;,~i...:'..:,a. w~._, :a, .:a, ....rw:.:..r ~..~.~ _.. w;+. :•.. ' a ......:..:.:.~...:.~.::.:.....r:.a.._..+.:2'1.:.'.:a'.:. w~.~u. ~~~._.,.h„~r~ nrii.,:..,::.:..~:..:C....~.d e'i{'~ :L~r.:: :: ~rr.;,5,,,,~.4..:..A: :i:f... n.:•n:.::.T;r.»,r..:.,::~....: _::.\\'..\.:~:: ..{ :..: n{.n_•..w. .,... , . ~ .. X911612048 L r - ... ~~ .~,~~....., ..r......... ............................. .,,....... as Weisner Fwd' ND 4n y orchard Su ~.:M: g ~.1..~ '~.w;.,!'{.,^,~rrw,,,..~..,».. ~w:....w,..».. ~w,,.-•....,...:r-.~v.^~. ~••r.:: ytCkvnv'K+I:wWY.errrrw,..^rN...--.-.......----•--,,.r-n-+ From; Beverly Johnson Toy !_ara Weisiger Date: 9/1G/2008 5:38 PM Subject: Fwd: NO!!! On Orchard Supply »> "John Zenner, IDEA Consulting Group, Inc." <'ohnz ideaconsultin rou .com> 9/fb/2008 5:06 PM »> Dear Mayor Johnson and City Council Members, I am writing to you to urge you not to push ahead any plans to bring an Orchard Supply Hardware store BOSH} to the Towne Center for anywhere else on the island}. You might have seen my letter to the editor this summer in the Alameda Journal on the same subject. The presence of that store would almost surely devastate our long term anchor hardware and nurseries businesses. These are businesses that have been key contributing members of our community for DECADES. I believe this sends the wrong message far long time Alameda small businesses who have supported this community, and yes the City as well. I did some research online and found that there were already 4 ether OSH stores within 9 miles of Alameda... how many do we need? I consider the service that I receive at Pagano's, Encinal Hardware, Encinal Nursery and Thompsons Nursery far superior than that which I've received in any OSH and I'd hate to see those great businesses be sunk by what to me is simply a bad decision. I am more than happy to drive over a bridge when there are things I feel I cannot obtain locally. Please consider you actions carefully and act in good conscience. How about something we could really use like an AEI, William and Sonoma, Crate & Barrel, etc? I'll see you at City Council tonight. Sincerely, John M. Zenner S 10-769-7310 1612 Dayton Aveue Alameda, CA Re: Agenda item #5-B 49-16.08 .. ~ ~.....,.. .'h :.::w r. ':...A: r:::..:::. n55n4 Sry .' I.i:......k .. '.:><`.,•..i~ :.... ::...... ~ :Y.n..(:'..'..:.1.n «:...i.:i:....:::~::..~:..:ci4'n'r: is r::.H:. A::' .. 1n~.. N~.r.::.,.,.:.'l." nn qn :~ '~ 1 ~ ... e.:h 3 rlr.R .::..........»..i:..:~....~~~~~....r....i~..(::...........n~:..........:.:5~n::........_.:__: _i: r..5„~~~....-.~-..-45'.:.1::-v. rr..:yt'.......:.t y':.._ :.:51. ~.i:. ... .i_. ,.P ~911~612005 Lara Weise er - f Fwd: OSH ~comin to Alameda ~r.r:5.5::n:..:: .::::::..:..:.........................,.... r.~,::,:..:.. ~~ a e 1~ '~ ... .,..,..w,... r-:rro~aw ~.......,, .~ ~ ~n: r.:: •..• :... ..... .. .. ... .. .... ..... . ~ ,,....M~M.MMw...,,,.,w..,,,....~. ,...M;.wv>;rro;;a.,,.,,,w,,..., w ~~.,w,. From: Beverly ]ahnsan To: Lara Weisiger Date: 9/I6/2008 5:44 PM Subject; Fwd: OSH taming to Alameda »> Sarah ~laes <saolaes alamedanet.net> 9/15/~OQB 5:~8 PM »> Dear Ms Johnson, I look forward to attending tonight's Council Meeting in regards to ASH coming to Alameda. From what I have read this makes no sense as it is replicating businesses already present in Alameda and will provide replication of sales tax dollars versus new revenue, Regards Sarah Olaes ....:...:..::.:...:.....~,.~..:.: ::.s. ~:,.., a,..,~~.r.c...,„+.... .. ... ;~µ..~ ...m,:,.:,,..,....,....,.,:r...:..: ..:,a..:.r...:.::.sa;:..:..:. ..; ,,.....e..,,_....:.a:::::,~.v. „..n .,-G.. a.:c,.r......sxa. „}. »a;;a.xss:..... u-.,,,,s. <;;.,t,,.:..,.,::.,......w_sa.~:,;.,;..-.,_..,,;;,~:.. ~... t. ~.,:,,. ._ X91? 612008 Laara Weisi er - Fw I p ,w...~....a.,....... ~..,»...:.;::~.,_ . ,.,.,_,~ .......::........ ~.,:.:....~..:.:.:....~~........................._.....,...~. ~:r.::......... . d: su rt P ~o a~anos ar wa re a From: Beverly Johnson To: Sara Weisiger Date: 9/~6/2DD8 9:~2 AM Subject: Fwd: I support Pagano's Hardware Marr »> Kathleen Guthrie <q~utkaS~ earthlink.net> 9/16/20D8 9:~0 AM »> As an Alameda resident and business owner, I support local business, including Pagano's Hardware Mart. I do not want an Qrchard Supply Hardware store on the island. Thank you, Kathleen Guthrie Re: Agenda Item #5-B 49-16.48 City of Alameda: EFMHome https:llcli ents.comcate•comlrepslchangeStatus.php?id=154214 ~~~.~~ a5 :r ~~~~ N, Y ' V TASKS ~FM CUSTOMERS REPORTS i SETUP HELP ' NEW FEATURES! Welcome, Christina Baines LQGOUY or+xawa++eov„~: r , awxxtor~mwx warca~e~ .-<a~x<:,voua~«eu+;ioua~;':~~~...---`- ~'vrmk•;.r•,vxxr~~:~awn~aMOw:;xooa:aeeaw:xoaawo~mxo±:x:m~,vazo-x>ea:xnwrxoxroox;:o»;raxxaaawwacawov:;.r,'~; n~„ovax~r wex:<vwmoxaxawwnwwoo: e:x:r ~~~~~^4>:r~. ~xa>wttv,v~rw:eoxrwuucttewx~xxewcx:i;xv.xo•:•x<•x•m;:ro:xaa:c}:~u.•~e xxax;+x;xxu:w:<;sa•:v;,,,y ~,,,a~;,v+yox<ro:rwnouwawxn:c;;xx~w,~r~:> w...,+,.+,.,,,,,,..,, nr.,,w,..w.»,w.~w..,.,..,..,,,..,rw.~..,v....+v.M,,,,~.r..ww+....w....,.•.,..-...,+.,aw+nwMn,.,..w+~...++rw.•,..»v.+.,,mw....rv,.w,:.v+-.,,,.»H»,x,~,.,v.w..,..w.r+w. ~,,. ~, ~ h~`! '~ eFeedbackManager New Request ~,~ - - i k T II ~k,~~ Case Change Status Case Luting Home ~ Case Details Advanced Searcl~ Customer Name: Elledge, Lon Status: New Customer Type: external customer Emaii: lonelledge@aol.com Phone: 510 522 2710 Topic: Mayor and Councilmembers~E-mail the Mayor and Councilmembers Request: Dear Mayor, Vice Mayor, and Council Members, I am for an Orchard hardware in Alameda at the proposed bcation• I am sending you this email because I am unable to attend tonight's City Council meeting when the appeal will be heard. I am a customer of Encinal hardware, and they will continue to be my first stop, due to their service and convenience, But Orchard offers terns they can't or don't. This Sunday my wife and I went to Orchard Supply in San Leandro, burning gas and spending money outside Alameda which I would rather have not. But no hardware store in Alameda offered what we needed. I find that living in Alameda ~ similar to living in a dry county in Georgia. Instead of going to church Sunday morning and then quietly driving across the county line to buy beer Sunday afternoon, I find myself mentioning the paperback book I bought on Park Street bst month, and not discussing the off island trips to stack up on meat at Costco and kitty litter and paper towed at Walmart, I am not advocating a Walmart ar Costco, but I would like the option to spend more of my money on the island, and a local Orchard Supply would help. Thank you far your time in reading this. Lon Elledge 3030 Cerra Vista Alameda, CA Required fields are madced in bold Current Status: New New Status. Resn~ed Internal notes about this status change: ~ Save Cancel City web site • Camcate ©20D8 Comcate, Inc 1 of 1 911 b1200$ 2:10 PM ................: a.J.n:. ...u, -~ . . .. s.: _y .,.. ..vs .. .. ,......~.~. ..... .. .. ... .v....:. v. .... .. ., ~~~. ...,x.......,... ~,~~ ...........:..:r... .. .~ v~..............sr.:s.a., .f~ ...~..., ....ex....~v .... m ... ..~91~ 612008 Lara Weisi er -Fwd: Sa no to..QSH....:lease ~~ ...............:..........:..r...:.t....~ ............... .s::::;.~......,.......:.....,.,....................:....,.........,..rt..... .......... .,.~. ~..~ ~,~~~. ~~~...~..~„m~~~~,.~~~ .,~.u.u~,»~.~~~~..~:~ ...,,~ :::Pale :.~.:. . ... .. ... ~~~ ......,,.~.nyH,.s~r......w.v»~++~;.;:: v: }~ 1 y "N.Y".... From: Beverly Johnson To: Lara weisiger Date: 9/iG~~008 ~:~7 PM Subject; Fwd: Say no to QSH please »> mary poll <mar f als mac.com> 9/16/20081.32 PM »> Dear members of the City Council, I moved to Alameda almost 5 years ago. I was pregnant, single and looking for a place where I could raise my child with good schools and still pay the rent. Five years later, I'm still in the same apartment. I feel nurtured by being in this wonderful place, and so does my child, who will start kindergarten next fall. In my first month here, about 7 months pregnant, I waddled into Encinal Hardware to ask for help with the washer and dryer some friends had kindly donated to my cause. I couldn't get them to work -- it was a gas vs, electric hookup issue --and the gruff but obviously sweet older man behind the counter broke the news to me that it would be prohibitively expensive to try to convert one to the other. "But there's a nice set fvr sale at the store across the street," he said. "Let's go look at it." He took my elbow and led me to the store. That washer and dryer wouldn't work with my hookups, but Encinal Hardware had a new loyal customer. The other day I took my son's father to task; I'd sent him out to get ant stakes and a very specific screw and he'd gone to Home Depot. "I want to keep my money on the island," I told him. "I don't want that place going out of business." Moreover, as I told him, no one helps you at the chains. No one leads you to the perfect sized nail or screw or what have you, the way they do at Encinal Hardware, Nor do I want to see my neighborhood nursery pushed out of business by OSH. This is where I go for counseling on how to get tomatoes to grow in Alameda I've learned the answer, you can keep trying, or you can rely vn Dan's for some great ones at a good price}, Please keep Alameda local. Thank you, Mary P01s ..... ,. ~o~a..:...r..:.... ..., s• . .....:..:.....s. .., :.-~._~.µ.. w. ...:.....awo.rs,.,,~~,., .,,~::.,..n~....:..~... .m,:~~ .~~.,..~~.:.:.....:......... ~ v,n..~:....:....: .. _.,.~ :~ :_,. u i ~91~ 612008} Lara Vlleisi er ~ Fwd: Ap~n/eal on orchard Hardware store - I am for the store ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~~~~-~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~`~~~~~`~~~ ~~~~~ .:Pa..,.e .1.. i :.., .;,,.,....:,~,...M...-.;,,,xw:,.x~~<,... ,~,..; ~ .. ~ nyM~+aw~,».~..,.,,'„Mrw.,.~~y;~w.rr~trv r~w:,....:...,~..;;erywr»w~wr--^mv.-,.,, .. .. r..~~ .............. <'.. 1++CYi1N`#1`.w..Y:~.w...~,...,,,,:.,.k'~.,....wv_~.A::!!%.%M.a ~~, ,,..n wM%!M~Y^r,,,.~..M.:.OCYM:Ck~iw~r,.i,.k'::%'+mwf,!^!lww..,.~,rw~~ From: Beverly Johnson To: Sara weisiger Date: 9jib/2008 2;28 PM Subject: Fwd; Appeal an Orchard Hardware store - I am for the store »> <lonelled a aol,com> 9J16/2v081:10 PM »> Dear Mayor, Vice Mayor, and Council Members, I am for an Orchard hardware in Alameda at the proposed location,? I am sending you this email because I am unable to attend tonight's City Council meeting when the appeal will be heard, I am a customer?of Encinal hardware, and they will?continue to?be my first stop, due to their service and convenience.? But orchard offers items they can't or don't.? This?Sunday my wife and I went to Orchard Supply in San Leandro, burning gas and spending money outside Alameda which I would rather have not.? But no hardware store in Alameda offered what?we needed, I find that living in Alameda is similar to living in a dry county in Georgia,? Instead of going to church?Sunday morning and then quietly driving across the county line to buy beer Sunday afternoon, I find myself mentioning the paperback book I bought on Park Street last month, and not discussing the off island trips to?stock up on?meat at Costco and kitty litter and paper towels at INalmart.? I am not advocating a walmart yr Costco, but I would like the option to spend more of my money on the island, and a?local?Orchard Supply would help, Thank you for your time in reading this. ion Elledge 3030 Cerro Vista Alameda, CA r ..~ .................a,.... ,.,.a...,.,.,....,,.................,...~_..r....,,........~~........._....~. ._. X9116120 .:........~.. .... ,..... ~~ ....., .................. ................................... ......... . o8~ Lar " . , , ~ . , ,r,~ a Weise er - Fwd; ~ site ............................... 0 on to 4rch rd Sup I age ~.,M, ... ~,r;.rk.p~..~.W....H~„~~,N„,,~~,.~,..µa ~~p.mY~~,,,~~k~,..~ ~+-!may;...-,m.\+y M..v....~.....+,...nyw:......... from: Beverly ]ohnsan To: Sara Weisiger Date: 911b12008 2;Z8 PM Subject; Fwd: Opposition to Orchard Supply »> terri herko <t herka hotmail.com> 9/16/008 X2;54 PM »> I strongly oppose the opening of an Orchard Supply in the City of Alameda. This opening would strongly damage, if not wipe out, some of the local, family-owned stores that we all patronized Encinal, Hardware, Pagano's, Thompson's Nursery, Encinal Nursery}, At this time I am voicing my objection to the city council members. I live in Alamed because it is not walnut Creek and because there is not a mall down the street. The fact that we support Alameda business and the local family owned store is important to me and is one of the reasons why I raise my children in this city. Thank you for your consideration in not allowing Orchard Supply to open it's doors in our city Terri Herko Get more out of the web, !.earn ~0 hidden secrets of Vllindows Live. htt : windowslive,com connect ost "amiethomson,s aces.live.com-Blo - cns!550F68~DAD5~2637!5295;,cntnr?acid=TXT TAGLM ,,,ILL damore,,,,092008 . . .i.. .. ~...~~ i~~n... ~....... ~. .,. ~-.. .....~..... ::\.n ....i ...L-: n...• x ...i.i....... ~,.::'Jx.. ... ~,.~.~..s......t..,n ....... .... .. X91161200 ~ ......, x ............................................. ... . . eisi~er -Fwd ,. ... ~...... ~t , 8~Lara W . arch r~~ ar ware age , ~~~~.~ a ....... .k~.~....._~. ~~,.~.,..~ .v~ From: Beverly Johnson To: Lara weisiger Date: 9J16J20o8 2:29 PM Subject: Fwd; Orchard Hardware »> The Lewises <~nmlewis~alamedanet.,,~et> 9/16/20081;35 PM »> Dear Mayor and City Councilmenbers, My name is Nancy Lewis and I reside at 1230 Sherman Street in Alameda. I am not able to atkend tonight's council meeting, but I wanted to voice my concerns on the possibility of bringing an orchard Supply Hardware store to Towne Center in Alameda. So much of Alameda's personality as a town is historically linked to the local family-run businesses that give Alameda its "small-town feel" and makes it the kind of place that many of us have chosen to live because we like that community feeling of looking out for one another, My husband and I are quite concerned that bringing Qrchard in would most likely see the demise of businesses such as Encinal Hardware and Pagano's and also our local nurseries Thomsen's and Encinal Nursery. 1Ne use all these businesses, and they provide a level of service and variety of products that we have never experienced at OSH stores that we have used elsewhere. Losing these businesses would be a huge loss to our community, If the city of Alameda were lacking in good hardware stores or nurseries, we'd say, please bring them on, but clearly, Alameda is not, We hope this isn't a "done deal" and the decision already made, Please consider our thoughts. Respectfully submifited, Jim and Nancy Lewis :.7 •.:.,... .... r. ...... ...... ::.i~~~~ .: .w c,~a ~ .,..,... ..... .. . „ ........'..r .... .....:...... .....................:ar.:.:;.:..:.:.::.f .........r.. .w....... e's~... e _ Fuvd~: w .. ec ion to X911612008 Lara VIII i ig r Q enin ~~~n Ala ~~ary e rc ar u ore me a ~,~Y.,,~~.µ ,~.~~ ..... .. n;myn`+V+^.~.M. ~~~~~ ~~~~~; ~rrr...„n~,.~~.,....»,,ff;•,,frc,mvN.m~.q: w,,..w..~-..wr.wn..~m..n.q„ . ~ ~ ......... .. ..:...........~........ ~~,w.nf~.vv. ..ter.. v.,•..v:vy•••m: »..:.. ,rr.y.r... ....,....,.; From; Beverly Johnson To: Lara Weisiger Date: 9/16/20D8 x:29 PM Subject: Fwd: Objection to Qrchard Supply Store Opening in Alameda »> "Hitti, Nada IC' <Nada.K,Hitti , BakerNet,com> 9/161200812:6 PM »> Dear Mayor and Members of the City Council, ~ ~~- Our family has resided in Alameda for over 25 years, and we would like to express our wish to keep the family-owned/small business owners of Alameda alive and thriving, It is for this reason that we think allowing Orchard Supply to open in Alameda will be detrimental to those small businesses, These businesses, which we cherish so much, form the fabric of our small town, and vividly spell out the essence of Alameda to any casual visitor on any Saturday morning. Their vitality is the cornerstone of our town, With many thanks for your consideration, Nada K. Hitti Nada K. Hitti Paralegal Litigation Department Baker & McKenzie LLP Two Embarcadero Center,l ith Floor San Francisco, California 94111-3802, USA Tel: +1 415 576 3054 Fax: +1 415 576 3099 nada.k~hitti bakernet.com Baker & McKenzie LLP is a member of Baker & McKenzie International, a Swiss Verein. Q Please consider the environment before you print this email. This message may contain confidential and privileged information. If it has been sent to you in error, please reply to advise the sender of the error and then immediately delete this message, Please visit www,bakernet.com disclaimer bm for other important information concerning this message, ~91~ 612~008,..:Lara Weisiger _ Fwd:~..N:o:..to•~rchard . ~ .....:::, :...........................................::.~:....:.:.......::.:..:.. ,......:x ~.~.~: Pa a 1~ .. ,r, v.~.x•w..~ _.......w.v.+rv~'f~"?'<S:v,;.Y1..uww.y....... µ~~,~ .. ......~ ~~ ~~~~ ....,r:CM:WA}y:>N'^~~»~,....~».w....yyN.,w~~~gY~:YI.•w.~.....w.~....~~~ .. ~~~ ~^`w.M!'.Ww>V",.....]-....w:'m;M1W+M.v.'e~?:,..f~,....»»....~r~"'^',r;~,Yr~~k~Y•.~...>~: ~ ...............wm..yyy,.~ ..mw: «..,....wv++++f .,yr ................~..,...•. ~~.+..n~m..r......h.-..,MyY,.y From: Beverly Johnson To: Lora Weisiger Date: 9J16J20B8 2:31 PM Subject: Fwd: No to Orchard »> Jacq <tkjbca~?ya~oo.com> gJ16J24g810:56 AM »> We have lived in Alameda for iq years, and own our own home. We strongly oppose the orchard Supply Hardware coming vn the island. There are so many issues, Traffic: more cars. It can take two or three passes to get thru some lights during Alameda's "rush hour". More traffic is not what we need. Locally owned business: Four come to mind: Thompson Nursery, Encinal Nursery, Paganos and Encinal Hardware. This would be a tremendous loss to our community to lose even one of these businesses. Southshare in general: This is a terrible location for bringing people to the island. They have to use Park Street and drive down thru the entire island to get there. It makes no sense far us to continue to build up these areas, where were these businesses when Bridgeside was developed? Finally, look at our economy nationally and locally. This is not the time to be opening new business and challenging established ones. It's a time to support the businesses we have on the island, and hope they make it through the tough times. Jacqueline Bruhn Thomas Klump ... ..91~ 61200 _ ... .... v . n ........:..r.... ~:n:.....,: ,~r::..._ ...::...:::...:..::.:::::..:::.:..:..................... ................:;: d Su I _ .. ,. _. i si er Fwd ~ 8~ Lara We ed~a~ N~ ~rchar ~~~~~~ v.,.v~.~w,.....u,., . Pa e 1 Erom: Beverly Johnson To: Lara Weisiger Date: 9/16/2x08 3;36 PM Subject: Fwd: NO Orchard Supply in Alarneda »> <Irickseck aof.com> 9/16/20x8 2;55 PM »> Dear Mayor Johnson, Please do nvt grant the request of Drchard Supply Hardware to move into Alameda. We do NOT need another hardware stare. What we DO need is more family restaurants Hof quality and TARGET. Everything we need we can already get in from Encinal Hardware and Pagano's, or down the street at Home Depot, orchard Supply does not fit the mix of retailers we should be courting. Thank you for your attention to this request. Laurie Ricksecker 1200 Saint Charles Street Alameda, CA 94501 n~Y':.~.l.:RW.._ ... ~.Yµ ......'t•:h.~~... 3f :~ ~:J,'+. ~. i. ....~-.. r... ..~ r y rti4.ii _.. .:. A: _~ ~ r v .... Sir}:.~ .. .. . ~.~. A111y~ l:n~. }:'r: .. ,911612408 ~Lara ~Weisger - ~Fwd:~~~Plannn ~P~ermss~on for orchard Su I., &Hardware• .,f?:~..:...• ~~~~~~~~~ ~ . ~~~~~~~?~`~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ - ~ ~~~~~~ .kr,.!~n~~vn: "!Y^.V.»»,'~^Y~W.v?:M'{• .. ....e-~~?.Y{W.{Wti...:w.:,~,"•%"`~^fr~KKdfYMw'......•...~,~..y.%.rf+~~ r.:...;HwwMW,)4.."'x"W>~WMY.^.M1i\:.:::.. ,...~..~w^wK'^ni`.4u•Mw ~~^r+,ti:C%f+~Mi'Nl' ... .. .. .. .. .......... ~~ ~..!'~MMS~~I!N:!.:~^??W%M•'V^~e .. ... MW:4'^%^`:ayM?({MW~...'N.....H`YF."^'^.~M:^ .v^.v.^w.,~?~t.+?Mu: ..... ;^\..: .rw,.~...~`:{MwWY^v:?: .tiv ~..k.....w,.»^.e.»,. ~rrA~~^.' ~~, 1xM1. ~~.~.k . . e ~, From: Beverly Johnson To: Lara Weisiger Date: 91~612B08 4:32 PM Subject: Fwd: Planning Permission far orchard Supply &Hardware »> Ann Walsh <annm walsh{a~ho~;gom> 9J1612008 3:38 PM »> I understand there is a council meeting to discuss planning permission for a Orchard Supply &Hardware store in the Town Center. I can not attend tonight's meeting but I would like to ask the council to vote against the plans. With Pagano Hardware and Encinal Hardware on the island I do not believe this store will create additional sales for Alameda, If this store is built the two small businesses would inevitably be forced to close. No additional revenue would be gained and we would lose two excellent small stores. I understand there is a need to develop the Town Center but we need to promote businesses that are currently not offered on the island. Thank you, Anne M Walsh 91f Chestnut Street Alameda, CA 945B~ Get all your favourite content with the slick new MSN Toolbar -FREE htt ; clk.atdmt.com UKM o 11I354B27 direct OI