2008-09-16 5-D Submittal,' ,'~ ~ • ~' • ~` • Ronald ]. Lind President Richard L. Benson Secretary -Treasurer September 15, 2005 Beverly Johnson Mayor Main office: United Food & Commercial Workers Union, local 5 240 South Market Street San Jose, CA 95113-2382 X408} 998-0428 Fax: X408} 971-8355 Toll Free: X877} b55-FIVE www.ufcw5.org Terry Gonzales Area Director 28870 Mission Blvd. Hayward, CA 94544 X510} S89-OS70 Fax; X510} 889-6415 John Nunes Area Director 410 Nebraska St. Vallejo, CA 94590 X707} 643-8611 Fax: X707} 553-1259 Pete Derenale Area Director Tim Hamann Meat Division Director 4121 Alhambra Ave. Martinez, CA 94553 X925} 22s-SSao Fax: X925} 370-7305 Barbara Carpenter Area Director 1145 North Ma'rn St. Salinas, CA 93906 x$31 } 757-3094 Fax: X831 } 75 7-9115 Esai Alday Area Director Pete Maturino Agricultural Division Director 1122 Dover Place Delano, CA 93215 X661 } 721-0950 City Council Members City of Alameda 2263 Santa Clara Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 i find 71.1 r ~r~ +,,_,, ,, ~~lr_? ~~t~`_l ~~ ~~r ~~ ~ ~~. ~ 7 ~~.- ~~~ ~ ~ r. ~ ~ i '' l.~ ~ ~ . !!~ RE: Super Store Ban on the City Council Agenda September t6, 2008 Dear Mayor Johnson and City Council Members: Dn Tuesday, September 16, 2008 an important piece of legislation will come before the council, the super store ban. As you know, this ordinance will prohibit stores of more than 90,000 square feet with more than ten percent of their square footage dedicated to non-taxable items from locating in Alameda. This ordinance is desirable for several reasons, the two most important of which are that it will preserve traditional grocery jobs in Alameda and at the same time preserve the city's business districts from the unfair competition supercenters bring to town. To see the effects supercenters have had on America's downtowns and traditional grocery jobs one need only look to wal Mart's impact on rural, and increasingly, urban America. Almost without exception, where super stores have opened for business they have had negative impacts on local business and jobs. There has been some concern expressed that the super store ban will exacerbate sales leakage in Alameda. Sales leakage refers to taxable items Alameda residents ~o off island to purchase. Alameda is not underserved with regard to retail grocery, Alamedans have multiple opportunities for grocery shopping, where options are lacking is in the availability of some non-food categories. The ordinance will not impact the city's goal of recapturing tax dollars since banning supercenters does not impact the operation of stores devoted to trade in taxable items. The ordinance before you Tuesday night will not tie the city's hands in attracting retailers. The ability to bring retail businesses to the island will not be stymied by banning supercenters. Most retailers do not operate supercenters and those that do have other formats without food components. The difficulty in attracting retailers at this time is most likely associated with overall economic conditions and difficult development issues on the parcels where retailers will be locating in the future. Re: Agenda Item #5-D 09-16-08 ,K~,-~~ 138 And finally, there have been suggestions that passage of the ban would send a negative message to retailers regarding Alameda's business climate. Passage of this ordinance will indicate to retailers that the city considers the preservation of good jobs and thriving local businesses an asset. Businesses that locate in Alameda should be of the type and quality that will want to participate in the community, not decimate it, ~Ve ho e you will carefully consider the super store ordinance before the council on t~ the 1 G and vote to pass xt, by doing so you will be supporting Alameda's workers, residents, businesses and a municipal character that has taken years to build. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (510) 583-8420. Very sincerely yours, Michael K. Henneberry Union Representative-Communicatio s Director ~.~~~~ ..................:.~... ~.. .:.. .. .~ .. ,. i~n~ ~ _ LY.'. S'.. ~....... :r-.. L..r~~::.. .. ~. :'r.. ~ .. ~.. J.i. .•1[ ~...... .... .........~~~.~~~~~ itiic..n :ris ... .. r~..nt... ..~.~~, ....... .... [5[[. .[i.t.:iii:i.:. u.[..~....t[..~...n. ~........ r~....~.. ~-. ... X911512 ... ....:..:S ...................................... ...... ....... 908Lara Uveisige .............~.~~ .n..... r ~ Fwd u er-C ~~t en er in Ala ,.~..~....~,........vv.~~~, ~,,.~.w.~.,...,.~..._~.v.,.,,,,„ ~~. Page 1 ~x.r..~,._.~.w. rneda ~..~v . r ..k~~.M.~.~Mpr~~~.w,....,~....m~.~....... From: Beverly Johnson To: Sara weisiger Date; 9J151ZD0812:D4 PM Subject: Fwd: Super-Center in Alameda »> "Joe McAdams" <mcadamsC~alamedanet~net> 9/14/008 5:50 PM »> Dear Mayor Johnson: My name is Joe McAdams and I have been a resident of Alameda for 44 years, I am employed by Safeway at Alameda Towne Center, I am a member of the UFCW Local 5. I strongly believe in the UFCW working with the City of Alameda in introducing a stronger city ordinance to ban super-centers such as V1lalmart and Super K-Mart from taming to Alameda. These large box stores offer non-union jobs with Ivwer wages and often no medical coverage. This harms what the UFCW and its members have worked so hard for, These box stores would take away business from all the other union stores on the island and in turn, could make people lose their jobs, Alameda is a great city, We don't need asuper-center, It would hurt all the smaller stores in town that depend on the residents to patronize their businesses. Thank you for your time, Joe McAdams I917 Minturn Street Alameda, CA 94501 City of Alameda: EFMHome hops:Ilclients.comcate.comlrepslcaseDetail.php?a~25&id=153953 ~.. ~r~xsna~i~~i ~~T~~~~.f,.,,>.u,'n ~~,~,» .. .....:.. .:.: rY. ..;.:.,th•,::;n~.~~~"S'.~~.~",~~.~,,,,~n~~i„~,~~~,~~.~~, ,.. .~,':,~.,f~tt~~~4 :.. ..;.::.:..~, .r.F,n, , .,»,.,. .+::;n, ,,....,. ,... ... .,, ,,fK, w, ... 5Y.,4M 5 - ' »,..,.: t. ,e. ,•e.., ~ ,~~'~,,...,..'.:.:. nt ,!,' •n.h ..µ ...,,rni :, 'S.;',.(Khfw. iG'.~{~ th,hf4n\i'i.+1.5. ni.:{:% I. .. ,,. ...... ...... .. .. n TASKS EFM CUSTOMERS REPORTS ;~ SETUP HELP NEW FEATURES! Welcome, Christina Baines ~ LOGOUT ::.,::.•~,:a:~:v~.Yr~„mrvew:+:o-;»-~:v~w ~n"~,,+eau»,++Yv.,~.m•eµr:.Y•.•Y,;Y;;Y;»;++~:.;ari»r n+:aocYroua:xaomr:!:::.••»an:,wr,»YY:o+'~4:',,;w; ~~~,re~~~rxs~.~mca»mwns~Y.~~n>rew,ex»ty'mvm;'..tfe:awa+ roYYY:e;on»:+x v~a;xma. ~ "„ ...... ........:.. ,...,..,, .., v,...•,N..,v..,,.,,,..,,>v»».,...v.w.w..raw.x,.,v,vn,.~:.nnvnw:N,.,N,N+.vw.v.-w....»,.,.M.~..,w.Nmv,r.....,.»~.~.,,-.,..; mwr.nrr,N.r..».,N,w,»N~ ~ ~ ~t:.+.»;»°m'ya~i%'.•.viY.,~,~~..,•.;M~'~romr'.i~. i:;.`,»",.»0»~,~,'~00w.vai Yi i'~ ~ ~`w;°;.w,'~H'k`~YwY~;'ii~ "Yww;,~."::;:; r~+Y~~,"~ ~, ~'~ vo-e. v~,,L~:awYYx=.oYYY::: •;r:.;:;;.:,.;.:r.~ ;'~;'~ Yymt»»YYYYM.,;.».r. x Y yMx , ~~~~~~` eFeedbackManager New RegEtest « Ba k a Lis Advanced Search Nr:~a Case Details View Print Version Clone Case Case Number: 17466 Status; New han Customer: h w v' Location of Request: external customer ed i t ~ 978 taybr ave Alameda CA 945x1 Sri ,p~, 51D-673-D998 mowster@sbcgiobal.net view cust~me~'s 1 open cases Preferred Contact Method: Email Request Type: Complaint Submitted By: howard, tlavid Primary Owner: Baines, Christina customer reassign Topic: Mayor and Cauncilmembers>E-mail Date/Time Created: D9~15/2DD8 14:56 the Mayor and Councilmembers (City Manager) Date/Time Closed: ch. anae Original Request edit I question the vakae of a public hearing on the superstore/big-box ordinance, Clearly City Staff just don't like the ordinance and are trying to find ways to delay passage of t, I expect that staff and Harsch et al, will simply organize a group of people to commandeer the public meeting and create a false impression ofwide-spread opposition to the big-box ordinance. Let's keep it in perspective -The retail sales tax leakage ~ only about $410,000 per year (1~/0 on $41 mllion in lost sales} and costs to :service such stores will likely exceed that (mainta~ing roads, public safety, etc. It's documented in the book "Big Box Swindle" available `from the public library.} Further, the automobile-centric big-box/superstore format is contrary to what so many people supposedly want -transit-oriented development, m~ed-use housing over retail, walkablity to store for residents, sustainablelgreen In+ing, and soon, and so on. Emeryville achieves their high per-capital sales tax rate with big-box island in an ocean of parking lots, close to the freeway. Td rather see staff and council work to bring more Peet's Coffee-like businesses to Alameda to generate business-to-business sales tax revenue. B2B revenue enjoyed a 51~1o bump up in the bst sales tax ~epork. Customer Communications ~~~~~~~~ Send an Emaii Log Communication Mail Merge No records of communication activities found * Customer Communications are visible on the customer's case status page Internal Activity ' Add/Email Notes New Task EO Communication internal Notes No records for internal activities found Tasks Complete Due Subject Assigned By Assigned To Status Case Contacts Manage Collaborators Add All Elected Officials Reassign Primary/Secondary ~...~ Role Name Email Phone Primary Qwner Baines, Christina cbaines@c~alametla.ca.us 510-747-4701 ry ................ ................,.,.._........................,............tilacqua@~.........................,,.,,,.......................,,,,..,............._. .....,_......._..... , ._............, ....................,....,,,,.,,,.................. Seconda Owner Ilacqua, Tiffany i,alameda.ca.us 9/15/2008 3:59 PM Sep 16 08 12:52p Robert FoZlreth 510--523-?954 p.l Septembe~~ 1 b, ?a~R -ca: Dear Mayor Johnson Members of the Alameda Ciry Council Frarn: R~-bert H. Fallrath, Sr. 1~larneda Citizen tma ,~.n r 4 p 1r~ - :_n ~.~ 1Q0~ 5~:~' f 6 P ~~ C ~f ~` ~~ !,-r? '••I' ~ I. ~ I '' ~'', .. ! . ~ ~ .... i ,~ , • it ~ ~% ,_ The idea of ~~ ban on the sa ca~.led ('Super Stares" is ridiculous. ~lamedans that desire to use a "Super Stare" will go out of town. In the mean time man}f Alarnedans are mare co~nforrable using our smaller stores because of the service they a~'er. l use our local stares, but, an occasion when what I want is not avai Table locally I am forced to go out of torn. 'I~he free choice idea should be rr~aintained. ~f the city bans ''Super Stores" it Haight cc~r~~fort sQrne merchants, but those that want to use them ~~riil do so out of torn, The stares are riot that far awa}f. The cit}~ might dust as well collect the tax re~renue Pram these stares. The cit}~ should never have a geiZCral ban on anything.lJach case should be revie~~ed an its a~~ merits. Ral~ert H. Fallrath, 5r. 17~~ Moreland ~7rive Alameda, C~ 94~~ 1 Re: Agenda I#em #5-D D9-1fi-~8 1 ..Y:. v. A.:~::7 ::.L. :~ .A:.W ro .V__..: _+n ..:. ~.. .::i k. • J. . .. tiu ~ . ~ .~ ~iw..~.::i1::.....:JG: n..:n .. Ml,iirv .v....v_AC. k~.111: • A ,,..~~1 ~ V/ ``OD~ d..Lar r. _ .. .. w~.. ,y...,:.~...:.;sr:::.:s.:i.,: .1_. _. ~.,..,,,.:.xa._:k:v-~~~. .~. ...ar..a_..... +l ..v...:1....hW'.+.:.1':i:::.:1::.i i:: Y:!. i::::::':::{..lx::h y:::~.: i.•...:: Y::':'AI~: tt:J.::..:...i~~.~~ ~Pa a .,1•.. a Weisi er w... d: B~i~ ~~Box~ ~rdinan ce • ~..,kF :.......w...H..K.M,.Nisy:lsxNm,..r..-...,..~,.~.,..lr...~^~,.w~-wwv~»war.,,.,,,ro»~i..::. i:~x~^~=.~~~.... ~•ymrmlrxwaw~ From: Beverly Johnsen To: Lara Weisiger Date: 9~1b~z008 2:~7 PM Subject: Fwd: Big Box Ordinance »> Dave Connolly <daveconnoll msn.com> 9~~6~zoa8 z; ~8 PM »> Dear Madam Mayor, I write to support the Big Bvx ordinance as an Alameda resident far ~3 years. Alameda needs smart growth that takes into account labor standards. My understanding is that this ordinance is supported by organized labor as a result of those standards. Therefore, I support it's adoption. Regards, Dave Connolly 940 Santa Clara Ave. Alameda CA