2008-10-02 Special CC Packet~~~~~~~,
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THURSDAY - - - OCTOBER 2, 2008 - - - 6:00 P.M.
Location: Cit Council Chambers, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara
Avenue and Oak Street
Public Participation
Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items or business
introduced by Councilmembers Members may speak far a maximum of 3
minutes per agenda item when the subject is before the Council.
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1. Recommendation to approve Memorandum of Understanding
regarding the formation and implementation of Sister City
Relations between Alameda, California, the United States of
America and Jiangyin, the People's Republic of China.
~Develapment Services?
Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please
Contact Susie Brown at 749-5805 or 522-7538 {TDD number} at least
72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter, Accessible
seating for persons with disabilities including those using
wheelchairs? is available. Audiotapes of the meeting are available
upon request. Minutes of the meeting are available in enlarged
print. Please Contact Susie Brown at 749-5805 or 522-7538 ~TDD
numbers at least 72 hours before the meeting to request any other
reasonable accommodations that may be necessary.
Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the Formation and
Implementation of Sister City Relations between
Alameda, California, the United States of America and
Jiangyin, the People's Republic of China
At the invitation of the City of Alameda, California, USA, the Jiangyin
Friendship Delegation visited the City of Alameda, California in October
2008. During its visit, the representatives from the Jiangyin Municipal
People's Government and the Alameda City Council have, through friendly
consultation, reached consensus on the establishment of Sister City
relations, and hereby sign the following Memorandum of Understanding:
1. Based on the principle of equality and mutual benef t, common
development and enhancement of mutual understanding and
friendship, both parties will further promote mutual friendly visits
between their people, actively carry out in-depth and extensive
mutual friendship activities and work towards the goal of
establishing formal Sister City relations.
2. Bath parties agree to encourage the government, non-governmental
organizations and enterprises, and the citizens of each city to
conduct friendly exchanges, especially various exchanges and
cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, science and
technology and culture.
3. It is agreed by both cities that the Mayor and City Council of
Alameda and its designees, including the Social Service Human
Relations Board and a future non-profit entity, and the Foreign
Affairs Office of Jiangyin, representing Jiangyin Municipal
Government, are responsible for formulating and implementing the
friendly exchange and cooperation programs between the two cities,
4. Validity of Agreement -This agreement shall be deemed valid for
five years from the date of signature below until October, 2013},
and shall be prolonged subject to no notice of termination being
presented to the other side by one of the two parties.
This MOU is written in both English and Chinese in two duplicates, Both
copies are equally authentic and are valid upon the signing by
representatives of each party,
City of Alameda
United States of America
Jiangyin City
People's Republic of China
Approved as to Form
Rey Agenda Item #1
10-02.08 Special Meet'
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