2008-10-07 Joint 3-B Submittal' ~ 1 I ,
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~~ Ttf~ 4F___ R~~u~SZ I~IY PRQP?LE i Welcome, david hawa~ ' L~GOIJT
A~?A 5.~~riend~site
Cheek Status ~f Request ~~533
«_View all.~n~ re,~~ests
Case Numoer; 1753
Request Type, Complaint
Locat~an of rZequest;
5ent,~n. iofo~l2o~s 3.b:;~4
Topic; Mayur and Counc~lmernbers>E-r.aii the Ma~~or
and Caur~c~lrne~rbers
My ~riglnal Request .
Far Tue Aug. 7th ARRA ivleeting
RE. Second amendment to SunCa? exclusive regoriatingagreement
I stand in opposition to approval of tf~~is amend~rent as it is written, If this goes forward, it creates a slippery slope for .
development of Alameda Point to slip cornplete1y out of Sunt;al`s ~7ands and into the hands of D.E. Shaw in New Yorl;,
~k's clear chat SunCai faas no money to fund the E~VA period, and I'm sure the operating agreement between SunCal ctnd DE
Sha~~~ fQr "Cal hand ~'e~tt~~re LAC" represents a majr.~rity interest far DE Shaw,
The staff report also ncres that "u.E. Shativ Dili !gave ultimate authority 1~or all decisions on behalf of the rtew venture."
Stead up try SunCai and DE Shaw and push back on this ,aroposed amendment,
A.nd tell SunCal that you UV~N'T keep the operat~r~g agreement canffdential~ and ~~elease ik to the public; sc~ Ala~reda .
citi2ens can sae who is really callMng Lhe shots and cortro'li«g the Alameda Poir.t project.
My Add~tlonal Mates
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Add Ngtes ~
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Na additional notes nave been lugged.
Reapanses from the Glty of Afame~a
Na responses !ac~ged yet
Cite n~eb siec~ ~ womtate
~~: 2C08 Comcate, Inc
Re: Agenda Item #3-B
Joint CC ARRA C!C Mtg
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