2008-10-07 6-B Submittal~MorganMillerBlair a iaw coRaaxnnorv VIA FACSIMILE and U.S. MAIL Bev erly ~ ohnson, Maycr and City Council Members City of Alameda 2263 Santa Clara Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 1331 NORTH CALIFQRNIA BOULEVARD, SUITE 200 WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94596-4544 rs~~~{~ ~~'925.937~360q~. ~2~943.1106 FAx www.mmhlaw.com 7 ~ ~`:~it w 1 ,ir.~ G 1J ~wo "~ t~~~ ~~~~~ ~'u ~ ~~ ~ ~ AATRICIA E. CUR'I'IN (925} 979-3353 pcurtin@mmblaw,com RECEIVEC~ October 2, 2008 Re: City Council Meeting --October 7, 2008 Alameda Towne Centre -~ Harsch Investment Corp. Appeal of Portions of Planned Development Amendment Our File No. 10303-001 Dear Honorable Johnson and City Council Members: OCT 0 61008 CRY OF ALgMEpq MAYOR'S OFFICE This firm represents Harsch Investment Corporation with respect to its plans to revitalize the Alameda Towne Centre. At your meeting on Tuesday, October 7, you will be considering two actions relating to the proposed Planned Development Amendment (PDA) for the renovation of the shopping center. The two actions are (1) certification of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and (2) hours of operation and outdoor activities for the center. These two actions have been appealed to you by a few residents. We respectfully request that the. appeal he denied. 1. Certificatian of the EIR The EIR analyzed the potential significant environmental impacts that can occur if the shopping center was developed with 706,650 square feet of gross leasable area GLA}. In 2003, when the City approved a planned development amendment for the shopping center, a mitigated negative declaration ~MND} was certified that analyzed the potential environmental impacts of a shopping center with up to 657,000 square feet of GLA. Thus, the EIR analyzed the potential impacts that can occur with the addition of 49,650 square feet of retail space. The Planning Board certified the EIR at its meeting on August 1 1, 2008. In certifying the EIR, the Planning Board found that the document adequately analyzed the potential environmental impacts that can occur if the shopping center were to develop with 706,650 square feet of GLA. Certification of the EIR does not grant approval for or allow Harsch to build MM13;10303-001:94b728. I Re: Agenda llem #fi-B ~O-O1-08 Beverly Johnson Gctober 2, 2008 Page 2 706,650 square feet of GLA. Certification simply serves as a statement that the EIR adequately analyzed the potential of a shopping center with 706,650 square feet of GLA. Approval of additional square footage for the center would need to occur in a subsequent approval, The appellant's main argument against the EIR is that it failed to adequately analyze traffic impacts. The EIR in fact adequately analyzed traffic impacts and the analysis was confirmed by a peer reviewer. The original traffic analysis was prepared by Omni Means. In response to concerns raised by the appellants, the City retained Dowling Associates to perform a peer review of the traffic analysis. Dowling also prepared the City-wide traffic analysis for the draft EIR on the draft General Plan Transportation Element. In its peer review, Dowling concluded that the approach and methodologies used by Cmni Means complied with the requirements of the City in analyzing traffic impacts. Dowling also noted that the study assumptions were overly conservative which resulted in higher predicted traffic levels and impacts and consequently, additional or overbroad mitigation measures. These studies together provide adequate and clear evidence that the traffic impacts were adequately analyzed in the EIR. 2. Hours of Qperatian and outdoor Activities Gn August 1 1, the Planning Board approved a portion of the PDA hours of operation and outdoor activities} and the remaining portions of the PDA are still before the Planning Board. Appellants state in their appeal, without providing any facts or evidence, that this approval was unreasonable and inconsistent with the City's code. To the contrary, and as set forth in the staff report, the Planning Board's approval was reasonable and consistent with the City's Code. Over the last several months, Harsch and some of the adjacent residents, including residents of the willows, have met to discuss the concerns these residents had with respect to the PDA. Harsch and these residents have reached an agreement and Harsch is now requesting that the approvals relating to the hours of operation and outdoor activities be revised to reflect the agreement. These additional considerations are identified in underline on the pages attached relating to condition of approval number 8 ~Gutdoor Activities} and condition of approval number IO Hours of Gperation}. These pages are from the draft resolution that was included in the Planning Board packet for its meeting on August 22, 200$. The Planning Board did not consider these revisions at that meeting. Since these conditions were appealed to the Council it is only appropriate that the Council consider and approve the revisions and not the Planning Board. As a result, Harsch asks that the City Council approve not only those conditions that the Planning Board approved relating to these items, but also the more restrictive changes shown on the attached. MMB: 10303-001:96728.1 Beverly Johnson actober 2, 2008 Page 3 'L~e request that the City Council deny the appeal and in so doing, certify the EIR and approve the hours of operation and outdoor activities that can occur at the Alameda Towne Centre, Thank you. Very truly yours, GAN ILLER BLAIR PATRICIA E. CURTIN ATTACHMENT cc: Doug Garrison, Supervising Planner Farimah Faiz, Deputy City Attorney Randy Kyte, Harsch Investments Michael P. Corbitt, Harsch investments MMB: I D303-001:944728. l ~~lT~~~R A~TI~'lTIE~: Thy fiallawir~g ~utd~or aivitias ~r~ pe~rrr~icl ~r~~h ~a ~lar~~ ~a~~irr~n~t ~nti~arn~nt ~n~ a:r~ n~# su~ja~ t~ a~~i~#i~n~fl ~~e Veit a~~r+~~ral: ~~ ~I ~! It~~: ~ut~r ~Inln~ d~urir~~ p~r~itt~cl au~rn h~u rs. ~~ ALES: I~i~pf ~y ~` ma~~~~~a fir s~lla ~n ~ri~rat~ ~id~wall~s ar~~ ~~ur#~~lyds end ~h~~r alr~ nit in~uding~ p~rkir~c~ fits ar ~~ ~u~fic ri~frt ~f r~a~. ~~ ~PE~IAI... ENVY Art fi~~ra, h~lida~ t~s~tiv~ls and ~imi`lar ~~ent~ I~ta~ un pn~lt~ ~aurtye~~d~ anti ~i~ewallr,~ that ~o nit ir~~u~~ arr~~lffrf r~u~ic are p~rirlltta~ ~uri~ 1"ular ~u~inas~ h~urs~ Evans that irti~lu~i$ arnpli~ed rnu~~~ are p~rml~tt~d hatwn tl~ f7rs at ~:~~~lm ~n~ ~:~~~m ~ut~~~t t~ ~ampiJ~n wi#h ali~~f~l~ ~ nil ~t~n~al~d~ and r~laf~r~. Tl~ u~~e ~f t~ant~, ~ similar t~mp~rary ~tnu~tiur~, ~~ ~~ant~ tad in ping ire ~-~ ~ubjt ~ sapar~ ~~~rl b~ th~ pity, ~~ I~AkI~''EhdAN~E; R~t~na r~~lir~~l a~ti~lt, that ~d~ nit i:n~lu~~~ ~utd~or c~n~trui~n a.~irritr`~, and tha# d~ nit inc~u~ #h~ u ~€ n~i ~~n~r~irrg p~v~r ~~uiprr~~f ~r~ parmit#~d ~4 h~aurs p~ dad. Tf~~ use al' ~tr~~t swa~par~' i~f b~~~r~, lawn mow~r~ and ~irnil~lr ~quiprr~~nt rrwlthi.n ~4a fit ~ ~ r~~i~ential ~~tri~t sha II nit p~rmit#~1 h~~ tf~e ~ur~ ~f ~ 4:~~ pm end 7:~~ am. Thy ~~~ ~t str~~ ~~ rs ~n~ r_ ~~ west of Eui~dirl ~~~ and B ildir~ ~' ~~h~~ll ~~ limit~f #~ tfr~ h~u ~ ~f ~:~~ am t~ 1 :~~ ~ ~utd~nr activtt~~s r i ra~~~r ~~.f~sa~ti~ns a ~ end ~ f th~ii~ n~di.,,~+~,~hal~l „p~~hibit~l within ~~~ teat ~f ~~~ 1i~1uw~ an~furninium~. H~ura of ~~~ra~tt~n ~0. ~ELII~E~IE: E-u~in~sa~ may ~~rve d~if~~ri tvu~nfy-fur h~ur~ ~ ~~y ~u~~~ #~ #~~ f~lf~wi~~ limi~ti~r~~; li~r~r t~ ~uafr~ I~cat~d within ~~~ ~# of r~sidantlal ~~nin~ distris ahalll f~~ lirnit~d t~ #h~ h~aur~ ~ ~:0~ am ~ ~~;~~ ern, ~eli~~r~s ~a~n~ thaw l~~trr~ may I rrnitta~ ~uf~j~e~t #~ ~a p~rr~it oral. ~~t~n the h~ur~ ~f ~ ~; ~~ m and ~'.~~ ~ f ~ f true ~:hal~l u~a the pa r~ qtr ~rlv~wa t~ ~~t~r ~n~ „exit the sl~nap~n~ car,~r ~i~s~l p~ww ~alf~ary trucks, ~witC~ ~~ v~t~i~l~ w~i~f~~ in ~xca ~ ~I~, p+aun~~, ~~r~ll I ~r~th tf~~ urr~tn~r~t~ ~~ ~f tl~~ ~ai~f~rr~i~ Air i~~~urra~ E~ard ~~,~~, which uur~ntly Limit ~n~i~~ idlln~ t~ a m~axCrnur~ of ~ minut,+e~ un.~~r t~~ ~ir~r~s#~r~c~~. h~ in c~nt~r mangy ~r~ 11 ~~ $ rit#~n n~t~c~tio~n ~t t~~ r i n#~ t~ all tan:a~t~, T~r~ants shall `: anm ,i a i$s of the r~ ire ,, h~ in r .~ ri ars~nn~l sha11 m~nit~r ii~i~~~ with th~~e ~ uirernants and r~ ~i~la~ n ~ i~ ~~nt~r mar~a ~m+~nt. MMB;103D3-OQ1:9~6728.1 Fw: Alameda City Council - Traffxe Concern - A. Akashi Page 1 of ~ Fw: Alameda City Council -Traffic Concern - A. Akashi From: Christine Healey <cmhealey a~earthlink,net~ To: mari9450~ @earthlink.net Subject: Fw; Alameda City Council - Traffc Concern - A, Akashi Gate: Oct 1, 2008 fi;24 AM -----Original Message ----- From: AkashiAm~ a aol._c~m To: cmhealey~aea~~link.net Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 5:53 PM Subject: Alameda City Council -Traffic Concern - A, Akashi Please szibrnit the following concern on my behalf at the upcoming Alameda City Council meeting on actober 1, 2008, Ta: Alameda City Council I am a concerned homeowner living an Broadway Street in Alameda, I understand that on August 1 ~, 2008, you granted approval far extended hours of operation at the Alameda Towne Centre, 24 hour truck deliveries down rr~y street, and 24 hour maintenance. This was done with no prior notification to the residents vn the impacted streets. Had I received prior notification, you certainly would have heard my concern and opposition to this activity, I find this disturbing. As you sit on the council, elected by taxpayers, I must request that yc~u fully represent taxpayer concerns. This increased noise and traffic on Broadway, brought about by your approval, will significantly impact ire in several ways. It ~~vill negatively impact the value of my home, increase my safety concerns, and disturb my sense of peace, I strongly ask you tv hear the appeal that is being brought in front of you by my neighbors, and reconsider your prior decisions, Thank you, Amy Akashi ~ 227 Broad~vay, Alameda. New ~lapQueSt focal shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it_outl Re: Agenda Item #6-B ~0-o7-os htt~p:llwebmail,earthlink.netlwamlprintable.jsp?~ns~id~l5~3&x==-5472235~~ l~l?/208 Oct 7 City Council Meeting Page ~ of 1 Oct 7 City Council Meeting From: Tom Fogarty ~fog_one@sbcglobal.net> To: cmhealey@earthlink.net Subject: Oct l City Council Meeting Date: Oct 1, 200811:16 AM Dear Christine: I have lived at 2209 Otis Drive for the past 8112 years. My unit is on the street directly across from Towne Centre. I am extremely interested in the appeal being heard by the City Council at the Oct. 7 meeting. I regret that I am unable to attend the meeting because of my work schedule. I am in complete support of your efforts and the efforts of my neighbors to make sure that we do not allow the expansion of Towne Centre to go forward without addressing certain issues. I can vouch for the affects of traffic, noise and air pollution which has always been a problem and could get significantly worse with the expansion plans . I am fully aware that I purchased my property with the knowledge that the shopping center was right across the street and that there would be some advantages and some consequences as a result of this. I have always expected that the owners and tenants of the Center would respect my rights as a homeowner and conduct their business in a reasonable and neighborly fashion. I am not opposed to business or the improvement of the Center. I do have reservations about the expansion allowing for more trucks rumbling up and down Otis Drive at all hours of the day and night. I have problems with lot sweepers, leaf blowers, and power washers being allowed 24 hours a day in providing maintenance for the center, this has always been a problem, could get worse and is just not reasonable.l've lived with these conditions, tried to arrive at reasonable solutions in the past and certainly hope it doesn't get any worse. l would urge the City Council to support the appeal of local residents and rethink the open ended approval of the Environmental Impact report by the Planning Board. Please convey my support for the appeal and my sentiments about the expansion of Towne Center to the city council. Thank You: Tom Fogarty httn:llurehmail.earthlink.netlwaminrintable.isp?ms~id=364&x=857536636 101712D~S Feedback for Alameda City Council 1. How long have you been an Alameda resident? 0 0-1 year o 1-2 years 0 2-4 years ~ Over 4 years 2. Do you rent or own? ^ Rent ~ Own 3. Is your residence located right on Otis or Broadway? 1~Yes D No 4. Have you experienced any of the following related to Alameda Towne Centre? Yes o No Increase in traffic and congestion Yes o No Noise or vibrations from Diesel Delivery Trucks Yes ~ No Noise or vibrations from routine maintenance: Parking Lot Sweeper, Power dasher, Leaf Blowers, Garbage Trucks Yes o No Harmful Emissions or odors 5. Has your sleep, health or quality of life been affected by any of the above? Yes D No If yes, please describe n ' C1 ~ C ~ ~ A ! ~ r , _ 4 r `^~ r' ~ l ~ ~ ,~,~, 6. Have you ever~nade any complaints to the Alameda Towne Centre Management or City officials regarding any of the above? o Yes ~ No ~f yes, please describe General Comments: Name ~ ~ r c~ .cam Address ~ ~ ~ ~,-~~ ~ ~~ ~ Y ~ L 1 Phone _~~ ~~-.- ~ . ~ Y ~ ~ ~ ~~~ Email __ f ~ Date ~~ ~ ~ Signature ~.r ~~~~ g~~4~zoos Feedback for Alameda City Council 1. How long have you been an otis Drive resident? D o-1 year D 1-2 years ~ 2-4 years ~ Gver 4 yea rs 2. Do you rent or own? ^ Rent ~' Own 3. Is your residence located right on the street (Otis Drive)? ~ Yes ^ No 4. Have you experienced any of the following related to Alameda Towne Centre? ~ Yes ^ No Increase in traffic and congestion 0 Yes D No Noise or vibrations from diesel Delivery Trucks o Yes ~ No Noise or vibrations from routine maintenance: Parking Lot Sweeper, Power Washer, Leaf Biowers, Garbage Trucks D Yes ~ No Harmful Emissions or Gdors 5. Has your sleep health or quality of life been affected by any of the. above? ~ Yes o No ~f yes, please describe fi. Have you ever made any complaints to the Alameda Towne Centre Management or City officials regarding any of the above? o Yes ~~ No If yes, pi~ase describe General Comments: ;- Name ~ ~~~f~ ~ ~~ ~~~,~ Address , ~ y~ ~ 4 ~ ~ f ~z . _~ Phone Email r~o~ Yy ~~ ; [~ ~}c~u~r,~~~,~%. ~~~ Date 9~~'~ ~' Signatur,~e'' ~~~ 9/21/2008 Shi He Ren 2423 Rasevelt Drive Alameda, CA 945 I October 2, 20DS RE: Project for redevelopment of the southeast corner of the Alameda Towne Center Dear City Council Members: I am a senior living within the next block to the Alameda Towne Center. This area used to be a quiet, safe and clean place. It has been perfect far my retired life. However, the current project for redevelopment of the southeast corner of the Alameda Towne Center will ruin :my dream. This expansion will surely increase the ~afhc, noise air pollution to the surrounding area. The busier this area gets, the higher crime rate there will be. The neighborhood's life quality will decrease. rt will only drive the residents away from the neighborhood and drive the pause value down. As a resident, voter and owner of a house in this area, I am strongly against the current expansion plan. I also will like to see you reject this plan. Thank you. Sincerely yours, ~`~ ~ /~- Shi He R.en Michael Chen 1041 Broadway Alameda, CA 94501 ~ctaber 1, 2008 RE: Project for redevelopment of the southeast corner of the Alameda Towne Center Dear City Council Members: Please abolish the plan for the expansion of the Alameda Towne Center. This expansion will surely increase the traffic, noise air pollution to the surrounding area. The busier this area gets, the higher crime rate there will be. The neighborhood's life quality will decrease. we da Iike to see development of this area, But to build mare shopping buildings, to extend hours of operation, or to allow 24 hour truck deliveries will only ruin the area, It will only drive the residents away from the neighborhood. As a resident, voter and owner of a house in this area 1 am strongly against the current expansion plan. 1 also will like to see you reject this plan. Thank you. .-~ Sin e ely ~ , , ~ ~, ~, << Michael Chen wei wei 1041 Broadway Alameda, CA 9450 ~ October Z, 2008 RE:Project for redevelopment of the southeast corner of the Alameda Towne Center Dear City Council Members: The project for redevelopment of the southeast corner of the Alameda Towne Center should be reconsidered. This expansion will surely increase the traf~"ic, noise air pollution to the surrounding area. The busier this area gets, the higher crime rate there will be. The neighborhood's life quality will decrease. It will only drive the residents away from the neighborhood and drive the house value down. As a resident, voter and owner of a house in this areal am strongly against the current expansion plan. ~ also will like to see you reject this current plan. Thank you. Sincerely yours, wei wei Fred Reid, Traffic Engineer, retired, ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,-- URS Corporation V~ I P ~ +p f4 I,•. ~` 11~:= '~iJ 4i:tn ~~ ' w 1220 Broadway Alameda, CA 945 D 1 ~~~~ ~~ ~ -1 ~ fit; ~~ ~ October 7, 2008 Honorable Mayor ~~~y~~~ `~~' ; ~n;~~i ", :council Members Alameda City Hall Alameda, CA, 94501 Subject: Appeal of Planning Board Certification of EIR PDA05-0004 DR05-0073, August 11, 2008, and "Traffic and Circulation", Chapter 10 of that 2006 DIER This letter is a pointed expansion of basis item 2 in the subject Appeal, "The traffic study in the EIR is seriously flawed, not reality based and technically inadequate". "The 2006 DEIR is seriously flawed and a major underestimate ofthe project's traffic impacts because: ^ The assumption that the study's "Existing"traffic corresponded to a 545,000 sq ft occupancy at the site hand corresponding 657,000 baseline ~BL~ traffic estimate} was a major underesstimate because: The actual occupancy was substantially lower than the assumed level (1), and/or The site's economic level of activity (shown by sales t~ revenue) was below normal for the assumed existing space, and The actual occupancy and the economic level of the center were not verified by the then current realities. ^ The attached graph of daily traffic by operating size, at 300 typical U.S. shopping centers, is the Institute of Transportation Engineers data used by this and most EIR.s. Dn it the arrows show how much the DEIR underestimated the traffic, given that the actua12005 Existing SEX in red} operating occupancy of the site was conservatively for impacts} 375,000 sq ft. It shows that a 706,600 sq ft site would actually generate just under 24,000 trip ends per day. The corresponding DEIR estimate of daily trips if based on the rea12005 occupancy would be just over 20,000 - a 4000 trip or 19% underestimate. The DEIR claimed that its methods were conservative in three respects: existing traffic data, use of apass-by-trip reduction factor of 10% versus 23%, and cumulative impacts including traffic from anticipated projects as well as regional growth. A DEIR comment letters by E. Thomson shows that the existing traffic data used was not conservative. The pass-by factor adjustment is appropriate engineering practice because the project is on an island with no background tra~c on at least half its perimeter, thus not conservafive. The use of anticipated projects in addition to regional growth is a required practice by the City of Alameda, thus is an EIR requirement, not conservative. ^ A truly conservative approach would have used: 1}the above lower Existing occupancy, and 2} data as the ~s above the flitted solid curve which is the typical trip generation} an the attached graph, which shows that many U.S. shopping centers in the range of 700,000 sq ft generate mare like 30,000 trips per day,. ^ Alameda City staff were negligent in agreeing with the consultant on the assumed site occupancy, off-island trip distibution, and cumulative data that disagreed with existing evidence and data from regional transportation agencies. Re; Agenda Item #6-B ~o-a7-oa 1 a a .~ W 0 ._ 0 L` r 0 ._ N C a 0 0 r 4f 0 1_ r~ V .~ L a .~ 0 z ~ r 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 I ~. 1 1 i .,, . . . 1• . . . . ~. . .,. . . . . . , . x.... r ........ 1. . . . . . .1 r ... . ~ , ~~ \ 1 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 i 1 ~, 1 ~ . i 1 ~ 1 1 i 1 1 1 • , 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ` 1 t 1 i 1 i ~ 1 . 1 • 1 r i ~ 1 ~ , 1 , / 1 ` ! 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ ~ 1 1 .. . . . .. ~. .. . . 1 .~. . . . . .. •1 .. . . r .. . .. . 1.. .. . . .1.. _ . . . . , `1 1 ~ 1 1 L 1\ 1 1 1 1 r 1 ~ 1 1 ~ ~ 1 1 ,~ 1 1 1 1 • . Ir a . • • a . 1 . r ~ • • • • ^ •1 • • • • ^ ^ ~ • • • • • • • . 1• r • . . . ` r r r . w • . 1 ~xx 1 x 1 1 n , 1 ~ 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 , ~ 1 - 1 1 1 r / ~ 1 1 !\ 1 1 1 1 1 ` ~ 1 1 1 X ` ! 1 1 ` 1 y ~ / 1 1 1 \/1 ,t X { /` Z 1 1 _ . . . . . . . . ~ _YL~ . . . . • r . • . ~\. . . . . . r . . . r .'. 1 , 1 .`. 1. .1 1 1 1 \ 1 /YY''~` !~ 1 1 1 1 1 ~ \ 7 ~1 1 -~ 1 1 1 „ ,, 1 ~1 ~ ~ 1 --...... ......•..r...... .....r.. .r. ..._--~-------- -- Ir 1 rl l' • 1 1 1 ~ 1 y ! ~ J /~\ . 1 1 1 1 Y 1 1 1 1• 1 1 \ • 1• _ _ •, • 1 1 ~~ 1 x 1 ~ ~ 1 1 ~~ 1 1 1 }~ ~~ 1 o w 1 , 1 1 . • 1 .~ . - - - - J~ 1 1 , ~ . 1 m ~ 1 • ~ 1 1 7 • 1• / 1 1 ~ Y 1 1 1 ~ ~ 1 1 r> ~/ . /\ 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 L 1 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 I 1, X 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 , • ~ Y 1 1 1 . . /t 1 1 1 f 1 ~ 1 1 t i 1 1 , , 1 ~ • 1 °o Q 0 w 0 0 0 0 o v o° ~ ~ °o 0 0 o a a ~ r~ u~ ~r M cv r spu3 dial a~~iye~ eBe~any =1 S r D r v r r• 8 d } 1 ~~ i I r C~ L o ~ T •~ ~7 J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~• o (/) ~ o 0 0 ~ T ~ ~~ 00 o° ~°~ N o ~' N C o a° ~ ~ ~. v ~ ~ GRe~~ ~°~~o~ City of Alameda: EFMHome https:llclients.comcate.comlrepslcaseDetail.php >,::c:::aucuwuz u,:o.wuawoxw;wra;w:wxa;,uawaw.~vnnr.~x~~;aunwa:axo•a:a+wro,,,x»;; a;,:~z;;axahaav.,wwonvawcaoraa,:r.•,x.:n~:.'.~µ~a~::maacowwmew;;;»xrancxwc;:o:~...~M;.:aw,wno;~:wmwwamw.w;.w,.as<•wx• autaw.awww,: ~wxa:::~xa~auincrawo;:w%•.u:• arxvaaorra;w::awa.~~rr,»uwo;:::rm%m-:uiy„»Murur:.r~:a~:v,;v,: xwnoH;.,,n.,o,owoavrrur:,>xwwa,.~w~aa,~~,;~wn Case Details Prin# Close Case Number; 17531 Customer; howard, david external customer 925 taylor ave Alameda CA 94501 ma 510-673-0998 mowster@sbcg lobal. net Status: Resolved Location of Request: Preferred Contact Methad: Email Request Type: Complaint Submitted By: howard, david customer Primary owner: Baines, Christina Topic; Mayor and Councilmembers>E-mail the Mayor and Councilmembers City Manager} original Reques# DatelTime Created; 10/06/2005 20:43 Date/Time Closed: 10/D7/2005 15:55 For Qctober 7th City Council Meeting, Regarding Alameda Towne Center Expansion I can predict what we will hear from the dais during the ATC appeal - we need the retail at ATC to generate sales tax revenue, blah, blah, blah. Stop fooling yourselves -you aren't going to retail-sales-tax your way out of this current financial crisis. The current $5 million per year roughly} of retail sales tax revenue relies on $500 million of retail spending in Alameda. Qur share of sales tax is only 1°/o That's based on 30,000 homes and 75,000 residents. To get another $5 million in retail sales tax would require another $5D0 million of retail spending in Alameda -and probably another 30,000 homes and 75,000 people. That just isn't going to happen, not any time soon, and probably never. The best estimates of taxable retail sales leakage from Alameda are around $41 million - yr $410,000 per yearty the general fund. From where do you imagine the other $459 million in taxable retail sales spending is going to come from? I stood before the council about a year ago and advocated a program that would boost business-to-business sales tax revenue -bring in mere light industry like Peet's Coffee and Dunsmere that don't rely on retail. So far as I can tell, neither council or City Staff have made any effort in this direction. And don't fool yourself about Emeryville's high per-capital sales tax revenue figure - Emeryville has less than 10,000 residents, and their big-box retail stores draw on neighboring cities like Berkeley, Oakland etc. Emeryville's retail sales-tax revenue should be measured against the residents of the neighboring cities. Emeryville is smack-dab in the middle of several cities, and beside a major freeway junction to-boot. Alameda is no Emeryville -we're off to the side, and not in the middle of any other cities, and nowhere near the freeway. It's foolish to try to reach for their per-capita retail sales tax figures. Instead of fighting with the Navy about cleanup at Alameda Point, and letting the buildings out there rot away empty, you could be making an honest effort to get those buildings filled Re; Agenda Item #6-B ~ 0.07-48 1 of 2 City of Alameda: EFMHome https:Ilclients.comcate.comlrepslcaseDetail.php with businesses that will generate B2B sales tax revenue. It's not tva late to get started, Customer Communications Na records of communication activities found * Customer Communications are visible on the customer's case status page. Internal Activity Internal Notes No records far internal activities found Tasks Complete Due Subject Assigned 6y Assigned To Status Case Contacts Role Name Email Pfrane Primary Owner Baines, Christina cbaines@ci.alameda.ca.us 510-747-4701 Secondary Owner Ilacqua, Tiffany tilacqua@ci.alameda.ca.us Collaborator Kurita, Debra dkurita@ci.alameda.ca.us 510-747-4700 Collaborator Weisiger, Lara Iweisige@ci.alameda.ca.us 747-4801 Collaborator Woodbury, Cathy coodbury@ci.alameda.ca.us A#tachments No attachments found Activity History Date Event Who Description 10/07/2008 15:59 Add Collaborator Baines, Christina Added Debra Kurita as a case collaborator. 10/07/Z008 15:59 Add Collaborator Baines, Christina Added Lara Weisiger as a case collaborator. 10/07J2008 15:59 Add Collaborator Baines, Christina Added Cathy Woodbury as a case collaborator. 10/07/2008 15:55 Change Status Baines, Christina Change status from: New to: Resolved 2of2 10171200$4:19 PM