2008-11-18 Joint 2-A SubmittalBartka~Zankel~Tarrant~Miller ~ Laviff & Hannan, Inc. r,~'Cr~,r.nsr:! fur File: 285.000 November 18, 2008 V[A HAND DELIVERY Eric J, Firstman, Esq. wulfsberg Reese Colvig & Firstman 300 Lakeside Drive, 24th Floor Gakland, CA 94612-3524 Teresa L. Highsmith City Attorney City of Alameda 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Room 280 Alameda, CA 94501 ~ T'rr~fes,~r.:ortr~l(~or1x~rrtlia '" 900 Frant Street, Suite 300 ~~r~1 ~I~ + f ~~n i' F~~ San Francisco, CA 94111 p: 415.954.1900 ~~~3 N~~ ~ c~ ~ ~~ 5 3 F: 4 ~ 5.954. > > ~~ www.bztm.com C~T~° ~ ~ ~ °~_u ~~ Re: Vectren Communication Services, Inc. VCS} v. Alameda Power and Telecom SAP&T} Dear Counsel: we became aware today of the City Council hearing scheduled for this evening seeking approval of the sale of the telecom system to Comcast. There is no mention in the lengthy report by Staff to seeking the consent of secured creditor VCS to such a transaction. As we stated clearly in letters dated May 14, 2008 and June 23, 200$ attached} VCS's consent to a sale of the system has not been obtained, and is required pursuant to § 8.2 of the Amended and Restated Series 2002A Telecom System Installment Sale Agreement. Only a refinancing of bond indebtedness within a 15-day period prior to June 1, 2009 would discharge the City's obligations to VCS per §§ 5~a} and fib} of the Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement. Moreover, pursuant to Cal. Commercial Code § 9315~a}~l}, VCS's security interest in system net revenues survives a sa e. Given the clear statements we have made in this regard, we are surprised that the City has not sought VCS's consent. I am sure that as you address this matter with the City, you will advise them that proceeding with an unconsented sale will be considered by VCS to be a further breach of the agreements between VCS and the City, and that VCS's damages remedy is to declare all principal components of the unpaid Installment Payments together with accrued interest at the default rate immediately due and payable. Re: Agenda Item #~-A Joint CouncillAPFA Meeting ~ ~ l~ 8108 21$8.00013966x8. I Eric J~. Firstrnan, Esq. Teresa L. Highsmith, Esq. November I8, 2005 Page 2 Assuming the agreement with Comcast is approved and effected without obtaining VCS's consent, please consider this letter a further notice of breach pursuant to § 9.1 fib} of the Amended and Restated Series 2002A Telecom System Installment Sale Agreement. Accordingly, this letter is being copied to persons entitled to receive such notice, as well as the City Clerk, Finally, please provide the undersigned a copy of any final executed agreement with Comcast, including all applicable schedules and exhibits. Very truly yours, Bartko•Zankel •Tarrant•Miller r~ f'rr~fes.+runad C'orj~urrttiun o- ~ ~ Robert H. Bunzel RHBIbj s Fnclnsures cc: Mr. Stephen Rivero, Trustee via email} Michael E. Schrader, Esq. via email} Ms. Elizabeth I. Witte via email} Girish Balachandran, General Manager Alameda Power & Telecom via hand delivery} Ms. Lara V~eisiger, Office of the City Clerk via hand delivery} z i s~.oaal3g~~os. i Bari•co•Zankel.Tarront.Mi~ler Robert H. Bur~zel rbunzel@bztm.com our r=~i~: z~$a.aaa May I4, 2008 VIA FACSIMILE AND U. S. MAIL Eric y. Firstman, Esq. V~'ulfsberg Reese Colvig & Firstman 300 Lakeside Drive, 24th Floor Oakland, CA 94~ I2-3524 A Professior~a! Corporation 900 Front Street, Suite 300 San Francisco, CA 94111 p: 415.95b.1900 F. 415.956.1 i 52 www.bztm.com Re: Alameda Power and Telecom SAP&T}1Vectren Communication Services, rnc.,.~yCS~ Dear Eric: in response to your letter of May 7, 2008, VCS learned that AP&T was circulating the Waller CrM in late February 2008 and got a copy in early March 2008. Such a C1M may have been undertaken to determine current market value or interest, and we did not learn until last month that AP&T is looking at closing a sale in ~0-9o days. VCS' consent has not been provided as to any particular transaction or to a sale in general. VCS' default notice letter dated August 2~, 2007 setting forth the potential litigation remedies per the parties' contracts hardly constitutes consent to a unilateral sale by AP&T, and your letter fails to demonstrate how the 2004 Documents authorize a sale. The 2004 bondholders or 2004 Trustee have not issued a default notice and elected to proceed with a sale under those documents. Your letter further misstates VCS' contractual rights and secured interests. As defined in the Amended and Restated Series 2002A Security Agreement, the "security" interest granted .ta VCS was in "Net Revenues, all Deposit Accounts ...and all Proceeds ... ,subject to the lntercreditor Agreement," and is not limited only to "Net Series 2002A Revenues." VCS' authorization for any sale that would discharge its security interest is required under the UCC, since a security interest continues in collateral notwithstanding sale, lease, license, exchange, or other disposition thereof unless the secured party authorizes the disposition free of the security interest. No such authorization has been sought or provided. Terms, conditions and values have not been communicated, nor has VCS' input on a sale even been solicited. To assert that VCS has authorized or consented under these circumstances is commercially unreasonable, if not bizarre. VCS has never claimed a security interest in real property, nor did my letter contain any such "impIications." The VCS security interest lies in specific features of the Telecom System asset, which is not unusual and is allowed by the UCC. The interests of the z 1 sg.aaar~~gd~~.1 Eric J. Firstman, Esq. May l4, 2008 Page 2 Secured Parties are not affected by a change in ownership and rather attach to certain net revenues of the Telecom System, such that the security interest survives transfer of ownership. This is clear, among other. terms, in the definition of "Net Revenue Period" in defining "Net Series 2002A Revenues" and "Telecom System Revenues" in the Intercreditar Agreement, a period that extends through the "later to occur of the termination date of tx} the Series 2004 lndenture and ~y} the Series 2002A Trust Agreement." Thus, the lntercreditar Agreement anticipates these amounts Net Series 2002A Revenues and Telecom System Revenues} could extend over a period of time beyond the maturity date of the 2004 Notes. This of course is consistent with § 5 of the Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement as noted in my Apri130, 2008 letter, and is reinforced by its express provisions applying Telecom System Revenues after the maturity date of the 2004 Notes. Congruently, the term of the 2002A Securit Agreement is def ned as "the date on which the Secured Obligations have been y indefeasibly paid in full." The implication at p. 3 of your letter that only APB~T has the obligation to pay VCS for the 2004 bondholders} from certain net revenues of the Telecom System is contrary to the parties' contracts and law. Surely, AP&T could not have simply sold the Telecom System to a third an time after execution of the 2004 transactions and terminated ti}VCS' secured p~Y y interests in certain, net revenues and iii} the secured interests of the 2004 bondholders in the repayment of $33 million, "Alameda P&T" in the definitional section you cite at p. 3 of your letter refers to the present owner, and when measured against the repeated and more specif c ~ provisions descriviiYg how creditor riglats survive a salt, this reference cannot indicate any intent that the creditors' interests in Telecom System Revenues, Net Series 2002A Revenues ar Net Revenues are limited only to those amounts generated while AP&T owns the Telecom System. Further, nothing in our correspondence to date suggests that VCS has asserted a refinancing is feasibly available to AP&T under the current conditions of the Telecom System. Our point on this subject was that absent refinancing between May 15-June 1, 2009, VCS' payment rights continue, although they are subordinate after June 2009 to those of the 2004 bondholders. Very truly yours, 6artko•Zanke! •Tarrant~Miller .~ ~'rrfe,,sir~urrl Cr+rj+ursfir;u `~ Robert H, Bunzel RHBfb}s cc: Mr. Stephen Rivero, Trustee via email} Michael E. Schrader, Esq. (via email} Ms. Elizabeth 1, Witte via email} z~ $s.o~or3b96~~. ~ aartlco•Zankel•Tarrant•Miller I lovitt ~ Hannan, Enc. raj ~;r~~~n~.:( Robert H. Bunzel rbur~zel~bztm.com Our Fite: 2188.000 June Z3, Z448 VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL Eric J. Firstman, Esq. ~Vulfsberg Reese Colvig & Firstman 304 Lakeside Drive, 24th Floor Oakland, CA 946 ~ Z-3 S Z4 ~l T'raje~sir~rt.ri~d Cr~r~c~rrr~in~ 9~0 Front Street, Suife 340 San Francisco, CA 9411 ! p: 415.956.1944 F: 4 ] 5.956.1152 www.bztm.cam Re: Alameda Power and„Telecom APB~T}IVectren Communication Services lnc. VCS} Dear Eric: This letter responds to your letter of June 5, 2008. VCS possesses and asserts no rights greater or less than those in the 2444 agreements. VCS is not asserting a cloud on title to the Telecom System. Rather, a sale of the Telecom System by AP&T at this time, potentially impairing VCS' secured interest in Net Revenues, reasonably requires the consent of VCS. Nar is VCS refusing to consent. No transaction has been presented to VCS by AP&T. Under § 8.Z of the Amended and Restated .Series Z00ZA Telecom System installment Sale Agreement, any sale by AP&T is prohibited without VCS's consent, because there are ZOOZA Certificates "Outstanding." Nor is AP&T's offering being made pursuant to "any Series ZoQ4 Document," as the 2004 bondholders have neither noticed a default nor proceeded to a sale remedy. Nothing in § 8(a}(iii} of the Subordination and Intercreditar Agreement, referred to in your May 7, Z0081etter, which provisions describe how proceeds from various types of "liquidation" of the Telecom System would be allocated between the creditors, can he fairly read to authorize the debtor to effect an unconsented sale of the Telecom System. Such a construction is inconsistent with § S.Z, the intent of the parties, and would be commercially unreasonable. A sale at this time would not in any event extinguish the respective security interests of the secured parties in Telecom System Net Revenues. As stated before, the creditors' security agreements contain termination dates that are essentially the dates upon which the secured obligations are "indefeasibly paid in full." ~ Moreover, §§ 5(a) and (b} of the Subordination and Zntercreditor Agreement are clear that only a refinancing of the $33 million bond debt that is funded and closes within 15 days before June 1, 2409 (ar at an earlier date in the sole discretion of VCS}, works a discharge of AP&T's obligations to VCS (other than those arising from a prior event of default}, and absent such refinancing VCS's interests "continue," subject to the priorities at §§ 6,7 and S of that agreement. 2 I $$.0001379319.1 Eric J, Firstman, Esq, June 23, 2DD8 page 2 Pursuant to Cal. Commercial Code § 9315~a}~ 1 }, VCS's security interest survives a disposition sale} absent authorization, No authorization has been given by VCS and there has been no transaction presented to VCS to authorize. In the event AP&T and a buyer have a transaction that you wish VCS to consent to, VCS will review the same and compare its interests in such a transaction to its contractual rights. Until and unless such consent is obtained, VCS has not authorized any transfer and thus its security interest would survive the same by law and contract. As to your question about the likelihood of a refinancing, the same would have to close and be funded within 15 days before June 1, 20Q9 per § Spa} of the Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement sunless VCS consents to an earlier date}, and would also have to meet several specific requirements.' VCS is not aware of any refinancing proposal that would meet these standards given the net revenue history ~ under AP&Tys management, Indeed, any difficulties APB~T is experiencing in pursuing a Telecom System sale that could meet the interests of AP&T's creditors is also a function of the lack of strong net revenues to date by AP&T. VCS has offered before, and restates its position here, to meet with AP&T and the 2004 Trustee and 20Q4 bondholders to seek a responsible business solution, As VCS has explained to AP&T, with proper cost management and the addition of voice services the Telecom System could be substantially cash positive under municipal ownership and could be refinanced or sold aver a positive net revenue history is established, consistent with the interests of creditors. '~Ve have offered to toll any statutes of limitation on claims that have been asserted to date between VCS and AP&T, so that responsible discussions .can take place, and I understand your client first wanted written confirmation that VCS is not asserting a cloud on file to the Telecom System, which VCS is not. Finally, pursuant to § 6.5 of the Amended and Restated Series 20o2A Installment Sale Agreement, VCS has "inspection rights" to examine the Telecom System books and records ~ The required parameters for a refinancing that would discharge AP&T's obligation, in addition to occurring between approximately May l5 and June 1, 2009, include the transaction being: fix} at an interest rate not to exceed 9% per annum, ~y} notif cation to VCS, in writing, of ~i}the refinancing, and (ii}the determination of the proceeds reasonably required for any reserve or security and the reasonable and customary costs of the issuance, and ~z} VCS's receipt of a certif cafe from the underwriter or a purchaser to the effect that ~i} the interest rate and purchase price have been set an arm's length and reflect market conditions, and iii}stating the maximum reasonable ref Wanting Capacity of the Telecom System as of the date of purchase thereof. 218$.00013793 [ 9. [ Eric J. Firstman, Esq. dune 23, 2448 Page 3 at all reasonable times. VCS hereby exercises those rights, and its designee to examine the books is an accounting firm known as: Qdenberg, Ullakko, Muranishi & Co. LLP 465 California Street Suite 740 San Francisco, CA 94144 Please advise me this week when in early f my such inspection can occur, and regarding your clients' willingness to enter into a tolling agreement. And, as noted above, if there is a particular transaction AP&T wishes 'VCS to consider, please advise. 'Very truly yours, Bartko •~anke~ •Tarrant•Mi~1er .~ Pmjr~.curn~d Cnr~uur~ir,n ~ ~~ •I Robert ~. Bunzel RHBIb~s . cc: Mr. Stephen Rivera, Trustee via email} Michael E. Schrader, Esq. via email} Ms. Elizabeth I. 'Witte via email} Z i 85.0013793 19.1 Page 1 of 2 Lara ~Veisiger - Re: Comcast and AP&T From: Peter Franck <pfranck a~leelawless.com> To: "'Beverly Johnson, Mayor "' <bjohnson a~ci.alameda.ca.us>, "'Doug deHaan, Councilmember "' <ddehaan~a ci.alameda.ca.us~, "'Frank Matarrese, Councilmember "' <fmatarrese a~ci.alameda.ca.us~, "'Lena Tam, Vice Mayor "' <Itam~a ci.alameda.ca.us~, "'Marie Gilmore, Councilmember "' <mgilmore@ci.alameda.ca.us~ Date: 1 111 812008 2:42 PM Subject: Re: Comcast and APB~T Dear council members, I join Julie in her concern. Doug, thanks for talking to me on Saturday, however I have not been able to get through to anyone since ~I recognize that you are all busy, but this is an important free speech issue in any community.} Under the 1984 Cable Act the city has an obligation to hold Comcast to its public access, educational, and governmental cable obligations usually referred to as PEG}. Members of the public are entitled to know what the city is negotiating on this point in its franchise renewal, and at the same time it should not engage in the sale of the telecom part of AP&T until this is assured. I would ask you not to act on the proposed sale until there is clarif cation on this point. I would also point out that contrary to newspaper reports it would be a Brown Act violation for the council to attempt to act at tonight's meeting, as the matter is not noticed on the published agenda in the requisite 72 hours for at all, as of this afternoon}. See next message. At 05:44 PM 11/15/2008 -0800, Julie Rufo wrote: Dear Council Members: I have read that Camcast has made an offer to buy AP&T. whatever the merits of that offer, my concern lies in a different area. I have been tall that Comcast plans to close the studio which now runs the Public Access channel. The studio and the public access channel are part of the opportunity to have at least 3 public channels: one for access by the Public, one for Government city council meetings and such) and one for Education system thence referred to as PEG}. The city should have been protecting these or expanding them in the franchise renewal process. I am very surprised that the City Council would consider a deal allowing Comcast to close its studio here and to discontinue the public access channels. In fact, I believe that is a violation of their licenselfranchise since they are required by law to provide access to the public in exchange for the franchise. I have a stake in this, since I have a show that is taped at the studio and airs on Comcast's public access channel every week. I do not believe any deal should be agreed to that violates the laws and does not take into account the requirement to provide a community public access channel. Since the franchise is up for renewal, it is your duty to protect the public by ensuring that Comcast continues to provide the studio and the public access, as required. Thank you. Julie Rufo jrufo a~sbcglobal.net file:llC:IDocuments and Settingslcc_userlLocal SettingslTempl~Pgrpwise14922E8A0Ala... 11/18/2008 Page 2 of 2 www.alameda.pe.acen.etwork. org wwwpe.rspe.c~zvesty....org ~le:IIC:IDocuments and Settingslcc_userlLocal SettingslTempl~Pgrpwise14922E$A~AIa... 1111 Sl20oS