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2008-12-02 Packet
.~ ,.1 m {~y ,:1, r , CITY ~F ALAMEDA • CALIFORNIA ;,. . , ~~ ~ . , ~~ "•~4 ~ ,tip ~' ~ 0 '~a ~~~r SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ~ARRA~ TUESDAY - - - DECEMBER 2, 2008 - - - 7:00 P.M. Time; Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 7:00 p.m. Place: Cit Council Chambers Conference Room, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street Agenda: 1. Roll Call - City Council, ARRA 2. Public Comment on Agenda Items Only Anyone wishing to speak on agenda items only, may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per item 3. Adjournment to Closed Session to consider: 3-A. CONFERENCE KITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS ~54956.8~ Alameda Point Negotiating parties: Under negotiations; City, ARRA and SunCal Price and terms 4. Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if any 5. Adjournment - City Council, ARRA Beverly ~ Chair, AR ~~~ ~~~ ~~ at ~~ a Ito ~ n ~ ~~ r a ~'~ax rPnnr"~ ~ui~ ~° i ' ~~ CITY OF ALAMEDA • CALIFORNIA IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: 1. Please file a speaker's slip with the Deputy City Clerk and upon recognition by the Mayor, approach the podium and state your name; speakers are limited to three ~3} minutes per item. 2. Lengthy testimony should be submitted in writing and only a summary of pertinent points presented verbally. 3. Applause and demonstration are prohibited during Cauncil meetings. AGENDA - - - - -- - - - - - - REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY - - - - - - DECEMBER 2, 2008 - - - - 7:30 P.M. [Note: Regular Council Meeting convenes at 7:30 pm, City Hall, C~~no~l ~~am~e~~, corner of Santa Clara Ave and yak St] The Order of Business for City Council Meeting is as follows: 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda Changes 3. Proclamations, Special Orders of the Day and Announcements 4. Consent Calendar 5. City Manager Communications 6. Agenda Items 7. Oral Communications, Non-Agenda Public Comment} S. Council Referrals 9. Communications Communications from Council} 10. Adjournment Public Participation Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items or business introduced by Councilmembers may speak for a maximum of 3 minutes per agenda item when the subject is before Council. Please file a speaker's slip with the Deputy City Clerk if you wish to address the City Council SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND 7:00 P.M. ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM Separate Agenda Closed Session} SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA REUSE AND 7:31 P.M. REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Separate Agenda PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 1. ROLL CALL - City Council 2. AGENDA CHANGES 3. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Council or a member of the public 4-A. Minutes of the Special and Adjourned Regular City Council Meetings held on November 6, 2008. City Clerk? 4-B. Bills for ratification. Finance} 4-C. Recommendation to ,accept the Quarterly Treasury Report for the period ending September 30, 2008. Finance} 4-D. Recommendation to accept the Quarterly Sales Tax Report for the period ending June 30, 2008. Finance} 4-E. Recommendation to accept the Special Tax and Local Bond Measure Annual Report. Finance} 4-F. Recommendation to approve an Agreement with Ian Wolfe Ross Urban Design in the amount of $98,254 to develop zoning regulations and design guidelines for the Park Street Commercial District and authorize the City Manager to approve a Contract amendment of up to ten percent, if needed, for unexpected contingencies. Planning and Building} 4-G. Recommendation to accept Affordable Housing Ordinance Annual Review. Development Services} 4-H. Recommendation to accept the annual review of the Citywide Development Fee and the Fleet Industrial Supply Center/Catellus Traffic Fee. Public Works? 4-I. Recommendation to award a Contract in the amount of $315,210 including contingencies, to Ranger Pipelines for Alameda Power & Telecom Webster Street Joint Trench Utility Relocation Project, Na. P.W. 08-08-23. Public Works} 4-J. Recommendation to accept the work of D&D Pipelines, Inc., for Woodstock storm drain improvements, No. P.W. 06-08-18. Public Works} 4-K. Recommendation to accept the work of Saurez & Munoz Construction, Inc., for Rittler Park irrigation and field renovation improvements, No. P.W. 11-07-34. Public Works} 4-L. Recommendation to accept the work of Redgwick Construction, for Fernside Boulevard bike path and street improvements, San Jose Avenue to North of Otis Drive, No. P.W. 03-08-10. Public Works} 4-M. Recommendation to accept the work of Pacific Liners Pipeline Rehabilitation for the Citywide sewer mains and laterals video inspection, No. P.W. 10-06-21. Public Works} 4-N. Recommendation to accept the work of Schaaf & Wheeler Consulting Civil Engineers for Storm Drainage Study, No. P.W. 03-07-08. Public Works} 4-0. Recommendation to adopt the Proposition 1B Local Streets and Roads Funding Proposal for Fiscal Year 2x08/2009, and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Public Works} 4-P. Adoption of Resolution Trustee of the Alameda Board. Public Works} Reappointing T. David Edwards as County Mosquito Abatement District 4-Q. Adoption of Resolution Declaring the Canvass of Returns and Results of the Consolidated General Municipal Election held on November 4, 2008, including Enacting Ordinance No. N.S., Amending Section 3-58 of Division 1 of Article II of Chapter III of the Alameda Municipal Code, the Real Property Transaction Tax. City Clerk} 4-R. Adoption of Resolution Granting Another Designated Period for Two Years Additional Service Credit as Provided for Under Contract Amendment Between the City and the Public Employees' Retirement System, and California Government Code Section 20903. Human Resources} 5. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS Communications from City Manager} 6. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 6-A. Public Hearing to consider an Urgency Ordinance of the City of Alameda Pursuant to Government Code Section 65858, Extending the Moratorium on the Establishment or Expansion of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Until June 30, 2010. [Requires four affirmative votes] Planning and Building} 6-B. Public Hearing to consider Introduction of an Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Section 24-10 Cost Recovery for False or Non-Emergency Response? to Chapter XXIV Public Health?. Fire} 6-C. Recommendation to accept the monitoring findings and conclusions of the Monitoring Plan for the transportation operations at the Central Avenue and Oak Street intersection. Public Works? 7. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA Public Comment} Any person may address the Council in regard to any matter over which the Council has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance, that is not on the agenda 8. COUNCIL REFERRALS Matters placed on the agenda by a Councilmember may be acted upon or scheduled as a future agenda item 8-A. Council discussion and direction regarding adoption of a policy regarding payment to employees for all accrued time. Mayor Johnson? 8-B. Direction regarding adoption of budget policies. Mayor Johnson} 8-C. Discussion and direction regarding the proposed soft story ordinance and schedule for implementation. Mayor Johnson} 9. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Communications from Council} Councilmembers can address any matter, including reporting on any Conferences or meetings attended 9-A. Consideration of Mayor's nominations for appointment to the Economic Development Commission. 1Q. ADJOURNMENT - City Council *~* • Materials related to an item on the agenda are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, Room 380, during normal business hours • Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the City Clerk at 747-4800 or TDD number 522--753$ at least 72 hours prior to the Meeting to request an interpreter • Equipment for the hearing impaired is available for public use. For assistance, please contact the City Clerk at 747-4800 or TDD number 522-7538 either prior to, or at, the Council Meeting • Accessible seating for persons with disabilities, including those using wheelchairs, is available • Minutes of the meeting available in enlarged print • Audio Tapes of the meeting are available upon request • Please contact the City Clerk at 747-4800 or TDD number 522-7538 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to request agenda materials in an alternative format, or any other reasonable accommodation that may be necessary to participate in and enjoy the benefits of the meeting AGENDA Special Meeting of the Governing Body of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Alameda City Hall Council Chamber, Room 390 2263 Santa Clara Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 Tuesday, December 2, 2008 Meeting will begin at 7:31 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from the Board or a member of the public. 2-A. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease for Petris Air'~Vork Industries, lnc. dba Alameda Aerospace at Alameda Point. 3. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 3-A. Approve the Community Reuse Plan Amendment and Legally Binding Agreement for the Homeless Accommodation at the North Housing Parcel -this item is continued to a Special Joint Meeting of the ARRA and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners on Febf-uary 4, 2009. 4. ORAL REPORTS 4-A. Oral report from Member Matarrese, Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) representative - Highlights of November 6 Alameda Point RAB Meeting. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction that is not on the agenda.) 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY 7. ADJOURNMENT This meeting will be cablecast live on channel 15. Notes. ^ Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the ARRA Secretary at 749-5800 at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter. ^ Accessible seating for persons with disabilities including those using wheelchairs} is available. ^ Minutes of the meeting are available in enlarged print. ^ Audio tapes of the meeting are available for review at the ARRA offices upon request. UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY-- -NOVEMBER 6, 2008- -7:25 P.M. Mayor Johnson convened the Special Meeting at 7;36 p.m. Councilmember deHaan led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL- Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5. Absent: None. AGENDA ITEM X08= } Ordinance No. 2985, "Urgency Ordinance Making Findings and Establishing a Forty-Five Day Moratorium on the Establishment or Expansion of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries." Passed. The Supervising Planner gave a brief presentation. Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the meeting. Proponents: In favor of Ordinance}: Robb Ratto, Park Street Business Association; Nick Cabrel, Alameda. Opponents: Not in favor of Ordinance}: Isao Taguchi, Alameda; Bruce Rose, Alameda; Fred Gardner, Alameda; Kevin Good, Alameda. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the meeting. Vice Mayor Tam stated that she appreciates tonight's comments; serving on the Alameda County Planning Commission gave her some experience from a land use prospective; Alameda is fairly new to the issue; Alameda is trying to provide safe access but is also looking at issues experienced by other jurisdictions; Alameda County's unincorporated areas have three medical marijuana dispensaries; one dispensary closed because 100 pounds of marijuana and $500,000 were on site; the situation prompted the District Attorney's office to look into the second dispensary, which is about to close; Alameda is an island; the parameters of school proximity and neighborhood safety need to be reviewed; a moratorium would allow reviewing the matter in a methodical, comprehensive way, Vice Mayor Tam moved passage of the ordinance. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion. Special Mee~.ing Alameda City Council 1 November 6, 2008 Under discussion, Councilmember Matarrese stated marijuana has not been found to be safe and affective by the Federal Drug Administration; all aspects need to be reviewed before the matter is sanctioned ar prohibited. Councilmember Gilmore stated the City is in the fortunate position of not being the first community to address the issue; reviewing other community experiences is important; access and safety issues need to be addressed. Councilmember deHaan stated that he echoes the same concerns; lessons need to be learned from mechanisms used by other communities. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:56 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Meeting Alameda City Council 2 November 6, 2008 UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY- -NOVEMBER 6, 2008-- -7:30 P.M. Mayor Johnson reconvened the Adjourned Regular Meeting at 7:56 p.m. ROLL CALL M Present; Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5. Absent: None. AGENDA CHANGES None. PROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS None. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number, ~*08~- } Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings held on October 21, 2008. Accepted. ~*08- } Ratified bills in the amount of $6,279,171.57. ~*08-~ } Recommendation to award Contract in the Amount of $14D,603, including contingencies, to NorCal Pipeline Inspection for Citywide Sewer Mains and Laterals Video Inspection, Phase 2, No. P, W.07-08-19. Accepted. ~*08- } Resolution No. 14281, "Approving the Final Map and Accepting Associated Dedications and Easements for Tract 7723 Grand Marina}." Adopted. ~*08-- } Resolution No. 14282, "Ordering Vacation of a Portion of an Existing 10' Wide Power Easement, Series No.79-196972, Recorded October 2, 1979, O.R., Alameda County Recorder within Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 2542 Filed Map Book 102, Pages 51 and 52, Recordation of Quitclaim, and Acceptance of Fifteen New Power Easements within Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 2542 Alameda Towne Centre}." Adopted. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 November 6, 2D08 CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS SOS- } The City Manager discussed advanced planning activities. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the condominium conversion ordinance update would be discussed early next year. The Supervising Planner responded the condominium conversion ordinance would be part of the subdivision regulations. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether Safeway Gas has bio-diesel gas. The City Manager responded Safeway Gas anticipated having bio- diesel gas, but the State has not identified standards for bio- diesel gas tanks. The Supervising Planner stated the State Water Quality Board has prohibited the use of underground tanks for bio-diesel until rules are promulgated. Mayor Johnson stated there is concern with methyl tert-butyl ether ~MTBE} contaminating water supplies. The City Manager stated that Safeway Gas is committed to having bio-diesel gas once the State defines the requirements. Mayor Johnson inquired when the soft-story ordinance would come to Council. The Building Official responded property owners are concerned about spending money at this time; stated targeting buildings would make it almost impossible to sell or insure property; the process would be to develop retrofitting standards and identify buildings; staff would identify the buildings and come back to Council when there is a better idea of the number of buildings; staff anticipates spending six months to a year identifying the buildings. Mayor Johnson requested that the proposed time line come back to Council; stated the matter is a public safety issue; other communities have a soft-story ordinance; the process should not be long and drawn-out. The Building Official stated addressing the matter in phases would not make the process any longer; identifying and categorising buildings would require six or nine months. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether other cities have adopted a Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 2 November 5, 2008 soft-story ordinance. The Building Official responded the proposed soft-story ordinance is being modeled after the City of Berkeley; stated Fremont adopted an ordinance requiring mandatory retrofitting after two years [of being identified] . Councilmember deHaan inquired whether State or federal funding is available, to which the Building Official responded that he is not aware of any. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the proposed soft-story ordinance could be brought to Council by March, to which the Building Official responded definitely. Councilmember Matarrese requested that staff provide information and pictures on areas that have incurred damage when the soft-story ordinance is presented. Mayor Johnson stated the building on Central Avenue near Encinal High School seems to be rotting away; permits were pulled to do work, but nothing seems to be happening. The Building Official stated the process has been very slow; the building could be a candidate for enforcement. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the building is protected. The Building Official responded the building is secured; stated the building will need to be tarped this winter; the building has changed ownership three times. Mayor Johnson requested that the proposed soft story ordinance and schedule for implementation come back for Council discussion and that data be provided on areas that have incurred structural] damage. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS X08- } Adoption of Resolution Appointing Douglas Biggs as a Member of the Social Services Human Relations Board. Continued. X08- } Recommendation to select an Interim Operator to provide management, operations and maintenance for the Chuck Corica Golf Complex. The Interim Golf Manager gave a brief presentation. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 3 November 6, 2008 The City Manager clarified the proposal presented by Alameda City Employee Association ACEA}. Councilmember Gilmore inquired how much is in the Golf Reserve fund and the best estimate in burning through said amount. The Interim Finance Director responded the cash reserve was approximately $l.5 million at the close of June 30, 2008; stated the Fiscal Year 2008-2009 budget was balanced with approximately $700,000 of the $1.5 million; $1.5 million will last approximately two years. Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the Contract with the Interim Operator would be for one year starting January 1, 2009, to which the Interim Golf Manager responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the meeting. Speakers: Jane Sullwold, Alameda Golf Commission; Alan Elnick, ACEA; Greg McFann, Management Confidential Employee Association ~MCEA}; Terry Flippo, ACEA. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the meeting. Councilmember deHaan inquired how many maintenance positions are in the Golf and Recreation and Park Departments. Mr. Elnick responded the Golf Department has sixteen positions and the Recreation and Park Department has thirteen positions; stated the Public Works Department has maintenance workers also; the proposal addresses working out internal mechanisms whereby maintenance workers could internally compete for Public Works maintenance positions. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether classifications are the same, to which the Human Resources Director responded the classifications are different. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether classifications are represented by the same union, to which the Human Resources Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether July through October numbers reflect increases in revenue and play compared to the previous year, to which the Interim Golf Manager responded in the affirmative. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 4 November 6, 2008 Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether fees were increased, to which the Interim Golf Manager responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether projections were based upon a ten percent decrease and no fee increases, to which the Interim Golf Manager responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese inquired where the line intersects when reserves are not drawn down anymore. The Interim Finance Director responded $75,000 has been drawn from the reserves Wlthln the last 1~0 days even with increased fees. Councilmember Matarrese inquired what it would take to break even if only overhead was paid, and not any surcharge, Payment in Lieu of Taxes ~PILQT} or Return on Investment ~ROI} ; stated Kemper Sports is not a non-profit company. The Interim Finance Director responded expenses need to be reduced; stated a policy decision would need to be made on what could be forgiven to break even. Councilmember Matarrese stated that he would like to fix the structure rather than taking a hybrid approach; that he would hate to lose direct control. Mayor Johnson inquired whether projections include any deferred maintenance or infrastructure, to which the Interim Golf Manager responded in the negative. Mayor Johnson inquired what is the amount for deferred maintenance and infrastructure, to which the Interim Golf Manager responded the amount is substantial. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether Kemper Sports' proposal includes deferred maintenance and infrastructure. The Interim Golf Manager responded in the, negative; stated a long- term plan would be developed during the year; Requests for Proposals would include capital improvements, lease payments, etc. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether surcharge, PILOT, and ROI payments would be at the same level during the interim operation, to which the Interim Golf Manager responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Gilmore stated General Fund departments support the Golf Course; services would need to be contracted out if the Golf Course was a stand-alone business. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 November 6, 2008 Councilmember Matarrese stated the Planning and Building Department has overhead costs for Human Resources, legal, and Information Technology ~ ITS . Vice Mayor Tam stated the difference between the Planning and Building Department and Golf Department is that Planning and Building does not have an asset and does not have to pay PILOT. Councilmember deHaan inquired how many maintenance workers Kemper Sports would have. Mark Luthman, Kemper Sports Retail Director, responded fifteen or sixteen. Councilmember deHaan inquired how many are seasonal workers, to which Mr. Luthman responded four. Councilmember deHaan inquired what is the current number of workers at the Golf Course, to which the Interim Golf Manager responded sixteen. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether there are seasonal employees. The Interim Golf Manager responded there are four seasonal employees in addition to the sixteen. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether Kemper Sports' cost savings would come from paying less staff a lower wage, to which Mr. Luthman responded in the affirmative. Councilmember deHaan inquired why current staffing is not at a lower level. The Interim Golf Manager responded the National Golf Foundation recommended the current level of employees; stated the range is seven to nine employees per eighteen holes. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether Kemper Sports may have underestimated the number of needed employees. The Interim Golf Manager responded the proposed Agreement has performance standards which would be monitored. Mayor Johnson stated that she is willing to consider the proposal; the proposal is reasonable and is an appropriate way to deal with staff reductions. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 6 November 6, 2008 Councilmember Gilmore inquired how much the Golden Handshake and medical insurance proposal would cost; further inquired whether the cost would come out of the Golf reserve fund. The Human Resources Director responded medical insurance would cost approximately $7,000 per year for single party coverage up to twelve months. Councilmember Gilmore inquired how much the Golden Handshake would cost. The Human Resources Director responded the full cost would be approximately $482,000 if everyone took advantage of the Golden Handshake; stated costs are amortized over twenty years and are rolled into the employer PERS contribution rate. Councilmember Matarrese inquired what would be the impact of extending the same opportunities to MCEA employees. The Human Resources Manager responded MCEA employees are included in the $482,000 cost; stated medical benefit costs would be approximately the same. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether Kemper Sports would handle payroll and Human Resource services, to which Mr. Luthman responded in the affirmative. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether other department layoffs have been calculated, to which the Interim Finance Director responded in the negative. Councilmember deHaan inquired what would happen after the interim period, The City Manager responded a long-term contract would be negotiated. Councilmember deHaan stated that he would like to see a cost allocation breakdown. The Interim Finance Director stated cost allocations can be provided. Councilmember Gilmore stated staff recommends contracting management and operations to Kemper Sports; there is an opportunity to provide Golden Handshakes for ACEA and MCEA employees; the only difference between the proposals is medical care costs for MCEA employees. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council ~ November 6. 2008 The Human Resources Director stated MCEA only has the Golden Handshake, not the medical benefit; the cost to provide medical benefits to MCEA would be approximately $14,000 if both eligible MCEA employees take the Golden Handshake. Councilmember Gilmore stated Kemper Sports would have their own employees if they took over the whole operation; inquired why the City would be paying addition costs if ACEA workers are employed for part of the year. The City Manager responded the original proposal included replacement of all maintenance workers on day one; the unknown is the difference between the two proposals' cost; the proposal to keep City employees until they retire would be an additional cost The Interim Golf Manager stated Kemper Sports' initial proposal was for everything; Kemper Sports came back with a proposal to just provide management; Kemper Sports would not be replacing any maintenance workers. Mayor Johnson stated that Kemper Sports' staffing level for the entire operation would be sixteen employees and four seasonal employees. Mr. Luthman stated seasonal employees are included in the sixteen, Councilmember deHaan stated that he does not have enough detailed information to make a good decision; that he is not in a position to make a decision tonight; management is not spelled out for the draw down of personnel. The City Manager stated the original ACEA proposal stated that ACEA would work under the direction and control of the private operator; the current proposal clarifies parameters and timing of work force reductions. The Human Resources Director stated any eligible employee could retire under the window of the Golden Handshake, which would be up to 180 days; eligible employees could retire and receive two years service credit to the PERS calculation for retirement; an added incentive would be the medical insurance at the single party 2009 Kaiser rate; medical insurance would be provided for twelve months only; any eligible employees who chooses to wait until later to retire risks having the premium reduced by one month for each month they wait; the proposal includes an early January notification for one ACEA lay off related to the Mif Albright Course closure; layoff notifications would be sent if not enough members retire during the Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda Crity Council 8 November rr 2~~8 first ninety days; notification would be given to any remaining employees prior to the end of 2009. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the Human Resources Director is comfortable with the projected costs. The Human Resources Director responded the projected costs seem reasonable; stated medical benefit costs are fairly close; the Golden Handshake cost for an ACEA member is approximately $30,000 and approximately $40,000 for a MCEA member. Mayor Johnson inquired whether employees who are being offered the Golden Handshake are already eligible for retirement under PERS, to which the Human Resources Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember deHaan stated the Golden Handshake is usually offered to employees who have fifteen to twenty years of service so that an employee with less years of service can be retained; inquired how many years of service eligible employees have. The Human Resources Director responded eligible employees have nineteen to thirty plus years of service. Mayor Johnson stated lack of medical benefits is an issue for some employees that are eligible for retirement; the City's contribution for medical benefits for the eligible employees will be going up to $90 per month. The Human Resources Director stated the increase will be a little more than $90 per month; the City is required to pay the minimum employer contribution; the cost will be increased by the cost of living amount. Mayor Johnson stated some employees would need to cover medical costs for a number of years. The Human Resources Director stated that current economic times have caused concern regarding the possibility of retirement. Mayor Johnson stated that employees could get coverage through PERS, which is very expensive. The Human Resources Director stated the rates are the same as what the City currently pays for employees; employees can enroll in a Medicare supplement when they reach Medicare age; the rates are slightly lower but not significantly. Mayor Johnson stated that some less expensive plans might be Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 9 November 5, 2008 available for eligible employees, but there may be a problem with a pre-existing condition. Councilmember Gilmore stated Council has tried to get a hold on Golf operation costs and revenues in order not to blow through the Golf reserve fund in two years; the goal is to preserve Golf for the City; the proposal provides a way to reduce expenses and allows time to figure out the next steps; thanked ACEA for being very creative and proactive; affected employees would have a year to come to a resolution with the City or find other employment; overhead would be reduced; that she is in favor of ACEA's proposal; that she would like to offer the same Golden Handshake and medical benefits to MCEA members. Mayor Johnson concurred with Councilmember Gilmore. Vice Mayor Tam extended her appreciation to the Golf Commission and ACEA for helping the City develop some alternatives to get through dire economic circumstances in order to preserve golf in the City; stated the City needs to get a grip on dealing with decline in the rounds and erosion in the reserve fund in order to make sure golf if viable and sustainable long term; golf is an important asset in Alameda and provides a beautiful open space at Harbor Bay; Kemper Sports' proposal includes putting in a Director of Marketing and Sales in addition to a Controller; the City has been limping along for the last year; the Interim Golf Manager has done a fantastic fob; that she appreciates ACEA helping the City to review options for increased savings; it is important for the City to provide the best scenario for a soft landing for employees; ACEA's hybrid proposal would help to achieve some savings, although not as much as the staff recommendation, and would help to move into the transition period while testing out the viability of an interim operator. Vice Mayor Tam moved approval of: 1} selecting Kemper Sports as the Interim Operator; 2} directing the City Manager to amend the ACEA Memorandum of Understanding ~MOU} so that it is consistent with the terms and conditions outlined in ACEA's November 6, 2008 proposal; 3} identifying the estimated cost and presenting the amendment to the City Council at the December 2, 2048 City Council meeting; 4} directing the City Manager to negotiate and execute any agreements necessary with Kemper Sports; and 5} authorizing the City Manager to provide the single party health insurance reimbursement at the 2 0 0 9 Kaiser premium rate for a maximum of twelve months to MCEA employees who retire under the Golden Handshake. Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 0 November 6, 2008 Under discussion, Councilmember deHaan inquired whether staff would come back with a cost analysis for the second part of the motion. The City Manager responded the proposed changes require a MOU amendment; stated the amendment would be prepared and presented for consideration along with identifying cost estimates based upon a better understanding of who would accept the Golden Handshake. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the cost analysis would come back to Council for review. Vice Mayor Tam responded in the negative; stated that she would like to direct the City Manager to make the necessary amendment in the MOU; stated the MOU would help provide some definition on specific savings and would come back to Council; inquired whether a report could be provided on the savings. The City Manager responded the M4U amendment staff report would identify the changes as well as identify the savings. Councilmember Matarrese stated that he has some concerns; Kemper Sports' staffing levels are lower than the City's staffing level; that he does not have a solid feel for City staffing levels; questioned whether the staffing level is necessary to maintain the Golf Course; stated the budget is projected with a l0% decline in play, but play is increasing; the one year hit for golf carts should be spread over three years; that he would like to have an evaluation of capital improvement funding paid for through a PILOT, surcharge, and RQI; having a Golf Director who's core profession, vocation, and expertise is running a golf course is a very good idea; that he would like to discuss hiring a Golf Director on a performance bonus basis first; Kemper Sports has a great reputation; the Chabot Golf Course was contracted out and the story is not pretty. Councilmember deHaan stated staffing levels are a concerning factor; that he was hoping to hear that ACEA would be bringing staffing levels down. Mayor Johnson stated that she hopes affected Golf employees who do not take the Golden Handshake during the next year will have an opportunity to work in Public Works or Housing Authority positions. The City Manager stated the intention is to provide a soft landing for displaced employees. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the Golden Handshake proposal would come back to Council. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 ~ November 6, 208 The Human Resources Director stated the second reading of the Golden Handshake proposal would be presented in two weeks and would open the window that allows employees the opportunity to take advantage of the Golden Handshake. The City Manager stated the two week period needs to be extended to the December 2, 2008 City Council Meeting because of tonight's adjourned meeting. Cn the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether Kemper Sport's would not be operating the Mif Albright Course, to which the Recreation and Park Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Gilmore stated the land Golf Course} is all zoned for open space and recreation; there is a dire need for active sport fields; requested that staff provide Council with other possible recreational uses for the Mif Albright Course. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether Kemper Sports would be looking at the Mif Albright Course as a viable operation, to which the Interim Golf Manager responded in the negative. Mayor Johnson stated having a nine hole course is a good, long-term idea and should be considered. The Interim Golf Manager stated that he would look into the matter. Mayor Johnson stated Poppy Ridge Golf Course has three nine hole courses which creates two eighteen hole courses. Councilmember Matarrese thanked ACEA for crafting a proposal that is beneficial to the City; stated there is no profit component, nor is there a component to address deferred maintenance and capital needs for the Golf Course; that he was heartened to hear that the Fiscal Sustainability Committee was reviewing the matter; that he is still not convinced that the City cannot run the Golf Course operation; that he looks forward to the Fiscal Sustainability Committee's recommendations. Mayor Johnson stated that the Interim Golf Manager has done a great job; Council appreciates the dedication in helping to formulate a long-term, sustainable plan to keep golf in Alameda. SOS- } Recommendation to receive a Report on proposed PERS Golden Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Counci]. 12 November 6, 2008 Handshake Retirement under California Government Code Section 20903. The Human Resources Director gave a brief presentation. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the Golden Handhshake would be extended beyond Recreation and Park. The Human Resources Director responded the Golden Handshake is for the Golf Complex and Recreation and Park maintenance portion only. Councilmember Matarrese moved approved of the staff recommendation. Vice Mayor Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (OS- } Former Councilmember "Lil" Arnerich inquired how the Alameda Theater and parking structure are doing financially. Mayor Johnson responded both are doing very well; stated jobs have been created; theater, the BurgerMeister Restaurant and Wine Bar revenues are higher than expected. The City Manager stated that she would be happy to provide an update under City Manager Communications. Former Councilmember Arnerich outlined the accounting procedures at the Swim Club; stated that he requested financial information on the Alameda Theatre and parking garage and has not received any information; the public has not received any information. Mayor Johnson stated that she would be very happy to share information with the public; the City Manager would provide information at the next Council meeting; Council would like to share the good news with the public. (O8- } Deborah James, Alameda, discussed oversight at the Alameda Boys and Girls Club. (08- } Mark Wagner, Kid's Chalk Art Project, submitted handout; thanked the City for supporting the project; stated the chalk drawing was 90,000 square feet; 6,000 people worked on the project for two weeks at the former Base; thanked the City for waiving rental fees and helping with obtaining a special permit; stated putting positive, creative energy into children is a great way to invest in the future; the handout has contact information if anyone Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 3 November &, 2aa8 is interested in knowing more about the organization which was formed as a result of the non--profit project . Mayor Johnson stated the project was very successful; inquired whether the picture is a satellite photo, to which Mr. Wagner responded the picture is a kite photograph. COUNCIL REFERRALS SOS- } Discussion of referring the Public Safety Memorandums of Understanding to the Fiscal Sustainability Committee for review and consideration. Mayor Johnson stated the City needs to have a long-term vision on how community and public safety services will be provided and paid for; the State will be balancing an $11.2 billion budget deficit in the next seven months; a five to ten year vision is needed; people have a misunderstanding of public safety service costs; the public needs to be provided with information to better understand public safety costs; the City needs to be very proactive in providing future community services; the City Manager proposed to reduce the amount of money transferred from the Golf Course to the General Fund; public safety will always be a priority; Library hours have been cut continually; the Library should be more available to the public; other options need to be reviewed with a long-term approach; some cities have special districts for Recreation and Park and are not at risk for being cut every year to pay for public safety; it is important to have well informed public input. Domenick Weaver, Alameda Firefighters, stated the community needs to know that public safety costs are high; the International Association of Firefighters ~IAFF} is hosting town hall meetings; that he does not want public safety Contracts going to the Fiscal Sustainability Committee; agreements should be made at the bargaining table. Mayor Johnson stated that she does not intend to have another committee work on negotiations; the intent is to start public discussions on paying for future levels of service. Councilmember Matarrese stated the community needs the facts; the Fire Chief gave a very clear presentation on fire vehicle deployment and staffing; associated costs are missing; there is a big disconnect in running the City; he would like to have management and bargaining units put together a primer for costs; the structure of the City has been changed by separating out Planning and Building; goals should be established rather than sending MOU's to the Fiscal Sustainability Committee. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 4 November 6, 2008 Mr. Weaver stated all public safety bargaining groups need to have some level of participatian in the decision making and educating the community. Mayor Johnson stated that she does not expect any decisions to be made; public safety participation is important; a road map needs to be created. Councilmember deHaan stated the Fiscal Sustainability Committee has a pretty full agenda; the Committee is scheduled to report back to Council in February or March; that he does not feel the Committee is the right vehicle to initiate discussion. Mayor Johnson stated that she does not see the Committee finishing their job in February because of the current economic times. Councilmember Matarrese stated the Committee will need the output from an education effort in order to make a judgment on the sustainability of the City; that he took the list of potential cuts to Mastick Senior Center and Cardinal Point; people stepped up to the plate once service costs were explained. Vice Mayor Tam stated that the community still needs a lot of education; a lot of budget cuts have been made; the City Manager commissioned a study that reviewed service levels and statistics based on the number of calls; that she would like to get some information an timing to allow for a public forum involving public safety bargaining units. The City Manager stated the consultant should be providing information by the end of December or beginning of January. Mr. Weaver stated that the report he handled out at the last Council Meeting is a graphic interface study outlining response time and deployment. Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether there is any opportunity to branch out and have a subcommittee that deals with public safety sustainability. Councilmember Matarrese responded that he would need to discuss the matter with the City Treasurer and City Auditor. Councilmember deHaan stated the finished product is to have a public effort to be able to inform the public in layman's terms. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 5 November 5, 2QQ8 Mayor Johnson suggested discuss the matter and the goal. that the City Treasurer and City Auditor provide recommendations on how to achieve Councilmember Matarrese stated pieces need to be put together in order for people to understand the connection between response time and current and future costs. Mayor Johnson requested that the Fiscal Sustainability Committee review the Public Safety Memorandums of Understanding and provide input on the best way to proceed. The City Manager suggested that the matter be placed on an agenda. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (08- } Consideration of Mayor`s nomination for appointment to the Historical Advisory Board (Architect Seat}. Mayor Johnson nominated Dennis M. Owens. X08- } Councilmember Gilmore stated that she and Vice Mayor Tam attended the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG} Fall General Assembly; the big topic was regional water land use planning; the State of California has contracts for eight and a half times the water supply on hand; newer housing developments use more water because of landscaping. X08- } Vice Mayor Tam stated incoming Senate President pro Tempore-elect Darrell Steinberg was present fat the Fall General Assembly] and provided an accurate depiction of how the legislature came up with grafting SB 375, which is legislation that tries to integrate land use that uses a stick and carrot approach, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and looks at resource conservation; transit oriented development projects would be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA} in the future; no Environmental Impact Report (EIR} would be required if all parameters are met. (08- } Councilmember Gilmore stated that she attended the Water Emergency Transit Authority WETA} meeting last week; WETA expects the first ferry boat to sail in December, but the engineer thinks it could be as early as some time this month; the first new ferry terminal will be in South San Francisco and will be operational in 2010; SB 1093 and SB 976 require a transition plan outlining how WETA would take over the Vallejo and Alameda ferries; transition and emergency response plans have to be completed by July 1, 2009; public hearings are expected to start in February, 2009; WETA Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 6 November 6, 2408 believes that there will be $28 million available from Homeland Security for operations; the next ferry terminal site is Berkeley/Albany; the first EIR hearing is scheduled for November 18, 2008; WETA is looking at other sites such as Hercules, Richmond, Redwood City, Antioch, and Martinez; WETA is looking for a maintenance facility and refueling station and would prefer somewhere in the East Bay. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the Harbor Bay Ferry replacement was discussed. Councilmember Gilmore responded discussions were not that specific. The Deputy City Manager stated the Gemini and Pisces would be coming on line within the next several months; the Gemini would go to the Alameda/Oakland Ferry Service; the Pisces would go to the Harbor Bay Ferry Service. Mayor Johnson inquired whether WETA is operating the service now, to which the Deputy City Manager responded in the negative. Mayor Johnson stated WETA has more access to funding than the City; hopefully, service can be expanded. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether fees will be lowered because of lower fuel prices. The Deputy City Manager responded the City had a two-step fare increase; stated the plan is not to implement the second step. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the adjourned Regular Meeting at 11:09 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 1 ~ November 6, 2008 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To; Honorable Mayor and Members of the Gity Council From; Ann Marie Gallant Interim Chief Financial Officer Date: November 2fi; 2008 Re: List of Warrants for Rati#ication This is to certify that the claims listed on the attached check register and shown below have been approved by the proper o#ficials and, in my opinion, represent fair and just charges against the City in accordance with their respective amounts as indicated thereon. Check Numbers Amount 215250 - 215459 $2,019,249.71 EFT fi13 $71,392.24 EFT 614 $fi5,167.28 EFT 615 $fi4,Q71.76 EFT 616 $7,993.50 EFT 617 $37,033.47 EFT fit 8 $330,115,22 Void Checks: 213563 G RAN D TOTAL Council Warrants 12/02/08 ~$150.00~ $2,595,473.24 BILLS #4_g 1212!2008 Respectfully submitted, CITY 4F ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Accept the Quarterly Treasury Report for the Period Ended September 30, 2008 BACKGRGUND Each fiscal quarter, an Investment Summary Report has been provided to the Cit . y Council for review, per City policy. Effective FY08-09, the quarterly investment repor# will become a Treasury report, which will include all cash available at quarter-end summarized in five major categories: 1}cash on hand -funds in petty cash, change boxes, and vault; 2}cash on deposit -funds in checking and payroll bank accounts; 3 . ~ working capital -funds on deposit with the Local Agency Investment Fund ~LAIF}; 4 . } idle cash -funds under management by registered investment advisors ~RIAs}; and 5 } bond proceeds -funds on deposit with trustees or fiscal agents. Attachment 2 to this report is the Treasury Report for the fiscal quarter ending September 30, 2008. DISCUSSIQN As of September 30, 2008, the City's cash assets were as follows: September 30, 2008 Cash-on-hand $ 8,944 Gash-on-deposit 4,411,519 vllorkin capital 17,799,677 Idle cash 73,604,220 Bond roceeds 26,297,596 Total $122,121,956 The cash management portfolio summary also identifies the City's invested idle cash, as well as funds invested for various assessment district and bond funds. Detail as to rate, yield, maturity date, par, and market value, are also included. City Council Agenda Item #4-C ~~~-O~ Honorable Mayor and December 2, 2008 Members of the City Council Page 2of 2 All investments have been made in accordance with the provisions of the City's approved Investment Policy Attachment 3}. The City of Alameda's expenditure requirements for the next 180 days are more than sufficiently covered by anticipated revenues from City operations and liquidity from cash on hand, working capital, or maturing investments. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONlF1NANCIAL IMPACT As of September 30, 2008, the City had received 21.24% of the projected interest income for fiscal year 2408-2009. Interest earnings will be evaluated at mid-year, and any amendments to budget interest revenue addressed at that time. RECOMMENDATION Accept the Quarterly Treasury Report for the period ending September 30, 2008. Respectfully submitted, Ann Marie allant Interim C i f Financial Officer By: Laura Gwynne Supervising Accountant AMG:dI Attachments}: 1. Review Letter from Kevin Kennedy, City Treasurer 2. Investment Po~folio Summary Report 3. Investment Policy cc: Kevin Kennedy, City Treasurer City of Alameda California December 2, 2008 Honorable Mayor and City Council Attachment 1 l have reviewed the City of Aiameda's Investment Report for the quarter endin g September 30, 2008 and find that it complies with the Investment Polic Y established by my office. The interest of the Council is always appreciated. Sinderel 1~ ~~ ~ r r ~' ~~ Kevin Kennedy City Treasurer KKldl Kevin Kennedy, City Treasurer City Council Office of the City Treasurer 22G3 Santa Clara Avenue, Room 220 Attachment 'I to Alameda, California 94501-4477 Agenda Item #4-C 510.747.485 l Office • Fax 510.747.4890 • TDD 510.522.7535 ~ 2-QZ-Q$ N U ~--~ Q ~ I I ~ ~ O N N O O ~ ~ Q~ O M cD N co O ~ ~ * I O r N 01 00' f~ ~ o M v~ ~n ao ; c~ ~ Y ~ r O, ~ (fl [~' Ni 0 ' ~ ~ ~' ' ~ J r Ln I~ 0) O ~ ~- M ' ~? N d' I~ ~~~ 69 ~ ~ N r . . , , , ~ ~ ~ r O o O O W; ~ O O aQ O M N cD ] O r o c+} O M a0 ~ Q ~ ~ O cr] O N o0 c0 ] ~ r O r l17 I~ N Q~ ~ ~ N ~ M ~ ~ ¢' a ~ LOD ~ N ~ m~ 7 U ,C _ . N; ~ L i ~ • ~ i 0~ ~ ~~, , ~, ~ p ~I' ~ Y `~ ro ~ } 7 ~ ~ 3' ~ W ¢ ~ C ] ~ ~ Z ~ +, N ~ ~- m ~ ~ ~ c .a ~ a U m ~ ~ ~ ; M O N O r N r N I~ '~ Q1 O (D O u? 0 N rfl 0 0 0 N O M W a Z Z QW D ~ W ~ ~ ~a ~d o= ~_ F- UO W Q 0 0 z z a N Z N Z ~~ w ] o~nou~c~NO.o o~oNraooo N ~ J as O O. ~ ~ M N ti W ' O O M'M '~t N O N } ~ j Q ( n ~- r CQ L{} C'? 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I rn v 0 0 o a o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o .. ~ o ~ .. . . ~- Bill Lockyer, State Treasurer Inside the State Treasurer's Office i ocaE Agency fnvestrr~ent Fund (i Ate} PMIA Performance Report -~ Y!~~..~I,~1 ~•.4~~r'1: ''`' ~ii;;':r~~ `'`S1'' 4 . ~,;, .,~;'1;=,r~,1, rid. / iy - ;c,:, •.y,•~ ~ .,, yy'.~ ~ ,IS,•;;~i.,,i:~i:=~'\~.,,1~'~%,:~;5. ~:~;. %r..,l~~~`,~;r_ ,-,~~'ti.,~~u~r.':1`. ~ Y:• Y'.I l '~.,i„'~ ~~' a d:,~:, ., i•, ~1.'F`..'~~'i~..a. .C4J... i`'~y`'f`,'y.,~~r•'' ~:,.~>••,4•r ' ~."i P, is '-~'~'~ ,y.,ir.'~:i F va7 'r a ~~e~~ i'1~ ~iI ••Ihi:l +~.•'.;i. 1 .:~1. •rv~~.r~ ~ ~...,: ~~~1a~~s ~~: J 1 DI812008 2.74 2.74 239 1019/2008 2.75 2.74 239 1.011 D12008 2.74 2.74 241 1011112008 2.74 2.74 241 10/1212008 2.74 2.74 241 1011312D08 2.74 2.74 241 10114120D8 2.73 2.74 238 1011512008 2.72 2.74 242 1.011512008 2.71 2.74 240 10117120D8 2.fi9 2.73 244 10/1812008 2.69 2.73 244 10119/2008 2.69 2.73 244 1 DI2DI2D08 2.69 2.73 239 10/2112008 2.fi9 2.73 240 LAIF Performance Report Quarter ending 9/30/08 Apportionment Rate: 2.77% Earnings Ratio: 0.00007595384447805 Fair Vafue Factor: 0.999137696 PMIA Average Monthly Effective Yields Sep 2008 2.174°/p Aug 2008 2.779% July 2008 2.787% Pooled Money Investment Account Portfolio Composition $fi4.3 Billion 091301D8 Reverses Treasuries -D.fi1 °/a 7,78% ____ .. Corporate Bonds 0.59°/a Commercial Paper 14.38°/~ ~s r agencies 2D.64% Ns LU..~U% rl I«le U~PU51[5 13.78% State of California Pooled Mone I nvestment Accou nt y Market Valuation 913o12ooS , h,l.'.~• ~.., y~n,f,4, , . ~`..~,ci~ r ;.,,.. . ~.~,. ~rJi;': t„z~ ' I' r•(.y,r• .ti,;7,':;~,. .a,i : • ~' ' Y' ~• .n q n~ r- n, •r r^.rl-. ,+,•1.4,;..., ..+• , u P l >!_.y:~ . ~1~ !~{I ~. r,• fl 1' s.'•:~',i. .'~ ~1~'' ~. is n l1. ~N'. r ~.,_r.,f S ,:• C..,. .r. ,,.r,,, ~•r ,t ,"-.ri..~r.:;~,,. ,P 'i i'Ji v,. ~',~~;. :~;; ~ l ,,~~yy~~ ,~>`r~~}. SF rInWh~L '~ t .++c5,•~'~, ~'~ -Y+ ~ ! qd'~ .3Vh.s ,~~~•. ~ t ~~tiF h . J' I~ ~~~r' ~l'S4': ?~~ ,~~~ ~n:i7•':~.5~,~.~~~+~Si ~~•~~;. 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D 0 Federal Agency: SBA $ 572, 070, 399.37 $ 572, D22, 919.81 $ 570, 248, 361.76 $ 2, 233, 708.28 M B S-RE M I Cs $ 1, 091, 952, 732.35 $ 1, 091, 952, 732.35 $ 1, D89, 818, 475.56 $ 5,18D, 776.38 Debentures $ 3, 595,105, D28.93 $ 3, 593, 292, 528.94 $ 3, 591, 323, 594.50 $ 40, 3D6, 308. D8 Debentures FR $ 6,636,D29,298.77 $ 6,635,688,152.25 $ 6,62D,898,790.00 $ 21,720,161.38 Discount Notes $ 2,476,810,BD8.34 $ 2,490,119,625.DD $ 2,492,166,2oD.D0 NA FHLMC PC $ 18,232.47 $ 18,232.47 $ 18,625.00 $ 311.54 GNMA $ 151,673.74 $ 151,673.74 $ 172,254.92 $ 1,5D2.6D CDs and YCDs FR $ 20D,OOD,DD0.00 $ 2DO,ODD,OOD.00 $ 200,000,ooo.DO $ 979,602.39 Bank Notes $ 504, DDD, OOO. DD $ 5DD, oDO, 000.00 $ 499, D7D, 84D. D0 $ 3, 324, 000.00 CDs and YCDs $ 12,357,679,797.84 $ 12,355,036,714.52 $ 12,332,092,266.6D $ 54,269,147.90 Commercial Paper $ 9,248,489,805.55 $ 9,277,346,422.24 $ 9,266,132,D09.15 NA Corporate: Bonds FR $ 274,273,366.98 $ 274,273,366.98 $ 273,333,758.28 $ 884,641.07 Bonds $ 1D3,929,621.20 $ 103,916,249.81 $ 102,646,883.D0 $ 880,D21.74 Repurchase Agreemen $ - $ - $ - NA Reverse Repurchase $ ~393,ODO,DOD.DD} $ ~393,DDD,OOD.oD} $ ~393,ODD,000.00} $ X93,345,971.43} Time Deposits $ 8, 861, 500, oOD. DO $ 8, 861, 500, 000.00 $ 8, 861, 500, ooo. oD NA AB 55 & GF Loans $ 13,789,886,641.D8 $ 13,789,886,641.48 $ 13,789,88fi,641.08 NA TQTAL $ 64,321,4D2,965.94 $ 64,367,645,193.50 $ 64,312,140,699.85 $ 62,546,293.93 Fair Value Including Accrued Interesf $ 64, 374, 686, 993.78 Repurchase Agreements, Time Deposits, AB 55 & Genera! Fund loans, and Reverse Repurchase agreements are carried at portfolio book value carrying cost}, The value of each participating dollar equals the fair value divided by the amortized cost~0.999137fi9fi~. As an example: if an agency has an account balance of $2D,DDD,OOD.DO, then the agency would report it; participation in the LAIF valued at $19,982,753.92 or $2D,o00,D00.0D x0.999131S9fi. Attachment 3 INVESTMENT POLICY 1. STATEMENT 4F PURPOSE It shall be the investment policy of the City of Alameda that al! funds not required for immediate budgeted expenditures be invested in compliance with this statement as well as applicable federal and state legislation. Safeguards will be set into place to insure that adequate reserves are established and maintained to provide that cash in sufficient amounts will be available for those immediate expenditures as authorized by the City's budget. Funds so maintained will be deposited in a manner best serving the City. It will be further recognized that the City has a responsibility to insure the security of its assets and always maintain a level of quality so that the public at large will have the highest confidence that its best interests are being served. The purpose of this document is to identify various policies and procedures that enhance opportunities for a systematic investment process. The initial step toward a prudent investment policy is to organize and formalize investment related activities. Related activities, which comprise good cash management, include accurate cash projection, the expeditious collection of revenue, the control of disbursements, cost effective banking relations, and ashort-term borrowing program which coordinates working capital requirements and investment opportunity. In concert with these requirements are the many facets of an appropriate and secure short-term investment program. ll. SCGPE It is intended that this policy cover all short-term operating funds and investment activities under the direct authorityofthe City, These funds are described in the most currentannual financial report and include: General Fund Capital Projects Fund Special Revenue Fund Enterprise Fund Internal Service Funds Fiduciary Funds Redevelopment Agency Funds This investment policy applies to all transactions involving the financial assets and related activities of the foregoing funds. City Council Attachment 3 to Agenda Item #4-C 12-02.08 III. OBJECTIVES A. Safety: Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the City, followed by liquidity and yield. Each investment transaction shall seek to first insure that capital losses are avoided, whether they are from securities default or erosion of market value. lnvestment decisions should not incur unreasonable investment risks in order to obtain current investment income. B. Liquidity: The City's investment po~folio will remain sufficiently liquid to enable the City to meet all operating requirements which might be reasonably anticipated. This need for investment liquidity may be tempered to the extent that the City is able to issue short-term notes tv meet its operating requirements. Emphasis will be on marketable securities with low sensitivity to market risk. C. Yield: The investment po~folio shall be designed to attain a market average rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the City's risk constraints, the cash flow characteristics of the portfolio, and state and local laws, ordinances or resolutions that restricts the placement of shortterm funds. d. The investment pottfolio shall be diversified to avoid incurring unreasonable and avoidable risks regarding specific security types or individual financial institution. E. The City shall adhere to the guidance provided by the "prudent investor rule", which obl'€gates a fiduciaryto insure that: ".,,investment shall be made with the exercise of that degree of judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation but for investment considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived." F. All participants in the investment process shall act reasonably as custodians of the public trust. Investment officials shall recognize that the investment portfolio is subject to public scrutiny and evaluation. The overall program shall be designed and managed with a degree of professionalism that is worthy of the public trust. Nevertheless, in a diversified portfolio, it must be recognized that occasional measured losses are inevitable, and must be considered within the context of the overall portfolio investment return, provided that adequate diversification has been implemented. G. Investments are to be made that will bear in mind the responsibility of city government to its citizens. Investments which encourage the betterment of the human condition will be sought. Alternative investments which enhance the quality of life will be given full consideration. lnvestments which serve to only enrich a few to the detriment of the people will be strictly avoided. H. No investment is to be made in a company that receives more than 15°/0 of gross revenues from the production or manufacture of cigarettes, alcohol, or gambling products. 2 IV. DELEGATION GF AUTHGRITY Article V of the Charter of the City of Alameda places sole custody of the City's funds with the Treasurer. Further, Section 53636 of the Government Code of the State of California provides that money on deposit is deemed to be in the treasury of the City. Although the responsibility for conducting the City's investment program resides with the Treasurer, the day to day investment function is hereby delegated to the Finance Director who shall establish written procedures for the operation of the investment program, consistent with this investment policy. Such procedures shall include explicit delegation of authority for all investment activities. This procedure is attached hereto and marked as Attachment "A". V, INVESTMENT ADVISORY CGMMITTEE An Investment Advisory Committee has been formed for the purpose of overseeing the implementation of the City's investment program and assuring it is consistentwith the investment policy as approved by the City Council. The advisory committee shall consist of the City Treasurer, Finance Director has representative of the City Manager} and the investment Officer. The Investment Advisory Committee will meet as needed or as market or economic condition changesto determine general strategiesand to monitorresults. The committee shall include in its deliberations such topics as: economic outlook, po~folio diversification and maturity structure, potential risks to the City's funds, approval of authorized financial institutions, and the target rate of return on investment portfolio. The written investment procedures shall be approved by the investment advisory committee on an annual basis. C~uarterly: The Finance Director with the concurrence of the Treasurer shall submit a quarterly investment report to the City Council. This report will describe all investment transactions during the quarter, compute average yield and average life of the portfolio as well as all required elements of the quarterly report as prescribed by Government Code Section 53646. VI. INVESTMENT INSTRUMENTS investment instruments authorized for purchase include: A. United States treasury bills or certificate of indebtedness or those for which the faith and credit of the United States are pledged for the payment of principal and interest, B, insured or collateralized certificates of deposit issued by a nationally or state chartered bank or state or federal association. In accordance with California statutes, City deposits including collateralized certificates of deposit shall not exceed the total paid-up capital Ito include capital notes and indentures} and surplus of any depository bank, or the total of the net worth of any savings and loan association. C. Prime bankers acceptances with maturities less than one hundred eighty days, which are eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve System, and are issued by the top fifty 3 banks in the world, or any qualified depository in the State of California. Purchases from any one bank may not exceed thirty percent of the City's investment portfolio. D, Securities of government agencies such as the Federal Home Loan Bank, Federal Farm Credit and Federal National Mortgage Association, a maximum of 25% per issuer, and a maximum of 75% in total. E. Prime commercial paper with AIIPI rating as provided for by a nationally recognized statistical-rating organization ~NRSRD}. Purchases of commercial paper may not exceed 270 days maturity and no more than 25% of the City of Alameda's poifolio. F. Medium term corporate notes with a maximum maturity of five years issued by corporation doing business ~n the Untied States which are rated "A" or its equivalent or better by one or more of the following national rating; Moody's, Standard and Poor's, Fitch's or Keefe's. Investment in medium term corporate notes shall not exceed 30% of the City of Alameda's portfolio. G, State of California Local Agency Investment Fund. H. County Agency Investment Funds, a maximum of 15°/°, 1. Repurchase Agreements. J. Domestic money market mutual funds registered with the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission SEC} and which are rated in the highest rating category by a nationally recognized rating service or which only invest in: a) U.S. Government or federal agency securities and repurchase agreement, b) other investment instruments specifically included in the local investment policy, or c) tax exempt obligations. K. Qther instruments as authorized under Section 53601 and 53634 of the Government Code. L. California Asset Management Program (CAMP). M, Negotiable Certificates of Deposit, a maximum of 30%. VII. INVESTMENT TERMS AND C~NDITI~NS A. The following terms and conditions shall apply to the use of repurchase agreements: 1. Securities purchased under the repurchase agreement shall be limited to the securities and qualifications listed above. 4 2. Securities shall bemarked-to-market, and shall be maintained at a value equal to or greater than the cash investment. 3. The market value of the securities that underlay a repurchase agreement shall be valued at 10~%. 4. All securities under a repurchase agreement shall be held by a third party custodian or safekeeping agent. Transfer of underlying securities to a counterparty bank's customer book entry account may be used for book entry delivery, and a counterparty bank's trust department or safekeeping department may also be used for physical delivery of the underlying security. 5. The seller of repurchase securities shall not be entitled to substitute securities, except as authorized by the City. New or substitute securities should be reasonably identical to the original securities in terms of maturity, yield, quality and liquidity. 6. As soon as possible, a master purchase agreement will be executed between the City and all trading partners. B. The following terms and conditions shall apply to the use of commercial paper: ~ . Maturities shall be limited to two hundred seventy days or less. 2. Purchase must be of the highest letter and numerical rating as provided for by Moody's or Standard and Poor's or Fitch Financial Services, Inc. 3. Purchases must be limited to corporations organized and operating within the United States, and as a practical matter generally only those corporations operating within the State of California, having total assets in excess of five hundred million dollars, and having an "A" or higher rating for the issuer's debentures, other than commercial paper has-provided by Moody's or Standard and Poor's rating services. 4. Purchase may nat represent more than ten percent of the outstanding paper of an issuing corporation. C. The following terms and conditions shall apply to the use of negotiable certificates of deposit; 1. Certificates with maturities greater than six months through one year have an "A" rating or its equivalent or better as provided for by one of the four following national rating services: Moody's, Standard and Poor's, Fitch's or Keefe's. 2. Certificates with maturities greater than one year and through four years shall have an "AA" or its equivalent, or higher rating from one or more of the four following national rating services: Moody's, Standard and Poor's, Fitch's or Keefe's. 5 D. The following terms and conditions shall apply to the use of medium term corporate notes: If securities owned by the City are downgraded by either Moody's or S&P to a level below the quality required bythis Investment Policy, it shall be the Agency's policy to review the credit situation and make a determination as to whether to sell or retain such securities in the portfolio. a. !f a security is downgraded two grades below the level required by the City, the security shall be sold immediately. b. If a security is downgraded one grade below the level required by this policy and matures within 6 months, the security will be held to maturity. The City Treasurer may determine to sell the security if it is determined that there is a probability of default prior to maturity. c. If a decision is made to retain a downgraded security in the portfolio, its presence in the portfolio will be monitored and reported monthly to the City Council. VIII. PRUDENCE The standard of prudence to be used by investment officers shall be the "prudent person rule", and shall beapplied in the contextof managing an overall portfolio. Investmentofficersacting in accordance with written procedures and exercising due diligence will be relieved of personal liability for an individual security credit risk or market price changes, provided that deviations from expectations are reported on a timely fashion, and appropriate action is taken to contro[ adverse developments. IX. INTERNAL C4NTR4LS The City Auditor will establish a system of internal controls, which shall be documented in writing, The controls shall be designed to prevent losses of public funds arising from fraud, employee error, misrepresentation bythird parties, unanticipated changes in financial markets or imprudent actions by employees and officers of the City. Controls deemed most important include: control of collusion, segregation of duties, separating transaction authority from accounting and recordkeeping, custodial safekeeping, clear delegation of authority, specific limitations regarding securities losses and remedial action, written confirmation of telephone transactions, minimizing the number of authorized investment officials, documentation of transactions and strategies and code of ethical standards. X. BANKS AND SECURITIES DEALERS In selecting financial institutions for the deposit or investment of City funds, the Treasurer will consider the credit rating of the institutions. The Treasurer will continue to monitor financial institutions' credit characteristics and financial history throughout the period in which City funds are deposited or invested. The Treasurer shall approve all financial institutions from whom securities are purchased. 6 X!. MATURITY The City will not invest in instruments whose maturities exceed five years at the time of purchase. It is the intent that investments shall be managed in such a way that any market price losses resulting from interest-rate volatility would be offset by coupon income and current income received from the overall po~folio during a twelve month period. Xll. DIVERSIFICATIQN It is the policy of this City to diversify the investment portfolio in order to reduce the risk of loss resulting from over concentration of assets in a specific maturity, a specific issuer or a specific class of securities. The following strategies and constraints shall apply: A. Portfolio maturities will be staggered in a waythat avoids undue concentration of assets in specific maturity sector. Maturities shall be selected which provide for stability of income and reasonable liquidity. B. Concern for liquidity shall be insured through practices that include covering the next vendor disbursement date and payroll date through maturing investments or United States Treasury bills. C. Risks of market price volatility shaft be controlled through maturity and issuer diversification. Xlll. RISK TOLERANCE The City recognizes that investment risks can resultfrom issuer defaults,rnarket price changes or various technical complications leading to temporary illiquidity. A. Credit risk, defined as the risk of loss due to failure of the issuer of a security, shall be mitigated by investing in high grade securities and by diversification. B. Market risk, defined as market value fluctuationsdue tooverall changes in market price and rate, shall be mitigated by eliminating the need to sell securities prior to maturity and avoiding the purchase of long term security for the sole purpose of short term speculation. XIV. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS A. All transactions will be executed on a delivery versus payment basis. B. Wire Transfers: Whenever~possible pre-formatted wire transfers will be used to transfer funds to pre-authorized accounts. C. The City will not enter into reverse repurchase agreements, nor trade in options or future contracts. However, the Investment Advisory Committee will review and make recommendations regarding the future use and application of these instruments. l D. From time to time a competitive bid process, utilizing a minimum of three financial institutions deemed eligible by the Treasurer, will be used to place investment purchases. The City shall transact business only with banks, savings and loans, and with brokersldeaiersapproeed by the investment Advisory Committee. E. In the event of an absence or replacement of the City's Investment Officer, the authority to invest in all maturities beyond six months shall be regulated by controls and restraining requirements and documented in written investment procedures. In orderto assist in identifying "qualified financial institutions" the Treasurerwill forward copies of the City's Investment Policyto these financial institutions with which the City is interested in doing business and require written receipt of the policy. F. Safekeeping and Custody Securities purchased from brokersldealers shall be held in a third party custodian account, which the City has established for safekeeping. Said securities are to be held in the name of the City with the trustee executing investment transactions as directed by the appropriate City official. Collateral fortime deposit in savings and loans is to beheld bythe Federal Home Loan Bank. Collateral fortime deposits in banks is to be held in the City's name in the bank trust department or by the Federal Reserve Bank. G. Confirmation Receipts for confirmation of purchase of authorized securities must include trade date, pay value, maturity, rate, price, yield, settlement date, description of securities purchased, agency's name, and third party custodian information. H. Preference Where all other factors are equal, as a final consideration the following preference will be given in order: a, Institutions principally located in the City b. Institutions principally located in the County c. Institutions principally located in the State d. Institutions principally located in the United States Trust Agreements The City shall direct the investment activities of trustees. Such direction shall be in keeping with the terms and condition of its trust agreements, applicable law and policies set forth in the Investment Policy. In addition to the acceptable investment instruments listed in Section VI, A thru K, bonds proceeds maybe invested in: a. Shares in a trustestablished pursuant to the Governmentcode, Title 1, Division 7 and Chapter 5, investing in securities permitted under Section 53635; b. Other investment instruments allowed by State faw which comply with requirements imposed by bond insurance and rating agencies. Certified by: Kevin Kennedy City Treasurer Attachment 9 ATTACHMENT A Matrix of Recommended Segregation of Responsibilities of the Treasury Functions FUNCTIQN 1. Authorization of investment transactions: •Format Investment Policy should be: prepared by - submitted to •Reviewed Investment Transactions approved at the end of each quarter 2. Execution of investment transactions:*** 3. Timely recording of investment transactions: •Recording of investment transactions in the Treasurer's records •Recording of investment transactions in the accounting records 4. Verification of investment, i.e. match broker confirmation to Treasurer's records 5. Safeguarding of Assets and Records: •Reconciliation of Treasurer's records to the Accounting records •Reconciliation of Treasurer's records to bank statements and safekeeping records •Review of ~a} financial institution's financial condition, fib} safety, liquidity, and potential yields of investment instruments, and ~c} reputation and' financial conditions of investment Brokers •Treasurer's Vault •Periodic review of collateral should be performed 6. Management's periodic review of the investment portfolio as prepared by the Treasurer - key areas which should be reviewed are investment types, purchase price, market values, maturity dates and investment yields as well as conformance to stated investment policy. RESPONSIBILITIES Treasurer* Governing Body Treasurer Treasurer delegates to Finance Director and Supervising Accountant Revenues } Supervising Accountant Revenues} Supervising Accountant General Ledger) Treasurer or Supervising Accountant Revenues}* Supervising Accountant** General Ledger} Supervising Accountant** General Ledger? Treasurer All transactions, excluding purchases of Certificates of Deposits, are on delivery versus payment basis to a third party. Treasurer Independently authority.*** assigned reviewing * With input from Finance Director via consultation ** This individual may be an Assistant Finance Director or Supervising Accountant *** Personnel assigned to this task should have the capabilities commensurate with the responsibilities. This position requires a knowledge of investments and familiarity with the formal Investment Policy. G:~FINANCE~COUNCIL~2006~010306~1NVESTMENTPOLICY.doc CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Accept the Quarterly Sales Tax Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2008 BACKGRGUND This report summarizes the sales tax transactions for the period April 1 throu h June . g 30, 2008, which is the basis for sales tax revenues received by the City between Jul 1 . y and September 30, 2005. For purposes of this report, sales tax revenues exclude Proposition 172 funds, the allocation from the statewide pool for public safety services. DISCUSSIGN Sales tax is the fourth largest source of General Fund revenue for the City of Alameda, representing 6°/° of total projected revenues for fiscal year 2001-2008. Proposition 172 revenue, projected as $0.5 million, when combined with local sales, increases the percentage of total sales to 7% of all General Fund revenues. Taxable sales transactions in the City of Alameda for the period ending June 30, 2008, increased 0.63%, or $9,180, from the same quarter in the prior year. The to 25 p businesses represent 51.4°/0, or $754,133, of the quarter's sales transactions. The to P 100 businesses represent 17.0°/°, or $1,130,538, of the quarter's sales transactions. A historical comparison of per capita sales tax in Alameda to state and county totals is illustrated in Attachment 1. City Council Agenda Item #4~D ~Z-oZ-os Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council December 2, 2008 Page 2 of 4 Following is a comparison of the key economic categories with subcategory detail Total Sales Transaction s 2nd CY Quarter 2nd CY Quarter June 30 2008 ~ } ~J u ne 30, 2001} Percent Change Indust ~ Total Percent of T Percent of Tota! otal Total -13.4% Transportation $395,719 27.0% $456,884 31.3% 11.2% Food Products $388,273 26.4% $349,055 23.9°/° 16.5% General Retail $333,118 22.7% $285,911 19.6% -9.9°/° Business-to-Business $259,939 17.7% $288,378 19.8% 25.1 % Construction $78,606 5.4°/° $62,851 4.3% -21.5% Miscellaneous $12,386 0.8% $15,782 1.1% D.fi% Total $1,468,041 100.0% $1,458,921 100.0% Construction gained 25.1%, or $15,755, reflecting an increase in wholesale buildin g materials of $19,954. General retail gained 16.5°/°, or $47,147, largely from apparel, department stores, and miscellaneous retail stores. Food products increased 11.2%, or $39,218, primarily from faod markets and restaurants, with nominal increases in li uor , q store and food processing equipment subcategories. Transportation declined 13.4%, or $61,165, reflecting a decrease in both new and used vehicle sales and auto parts and repairs, partially offset by an increase in the service station subcategory. The recent closure of a long-time automobile dealership and service center is not reflected in these numbers. Declines in Miscellaneous of 21.5%, or $3,396, reflect a decrease in the health and government subcategory. A comparison of the geographic generation of sales tax for the second quarter of calendar year 2008, as compared to the same period in 2007, shows an overall gain of D.6%, or $9,120, largely driven by the impact of new and existing businesses in Bridgeside Center. Alameda Towne Centre has had ongoing major construction work in both of the comparison quarters, with an increase of 28.0°/° from the prior fiscal ear, Y largely reflecting the impact of several new apparel stores. The area of Uvebster - South of Lincoln generated an increase of 11.2%, or an additional $3,483, in sales tax from the prior year-ago quarter, and Webster -North of Lincoln generated an increase of 7.9%, or an additional $1,423, in sales tax compared to the same period in the rior p fiscal year. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council December 2, 2008 Page 3 of 4 Total Sales Tr ansact~ons 2na CY Quarter 2n~ CY Quarter June 30 2008 ~ ~ June 30 2007 ~ ~ Percent Change Indust ~ Total Percent of T Total Percent of otal Total -9.0% Park -North of Lincoln $318,626 21.7% $350,148 24.0% 2.9°/o Park -South of Lincoln $~ 80,743 12.3% $175,613 12.0% 7.9°/o Webster -North of Lincoln $101,546 6.9% $94,423 6.5% 11.2% Webster -south of Lincoln $34,469 2.3% $30,986 2.1 140% Bridgeside Center $56,407 3.8°/° $23,487 1.6°/° 28.0% Alameda Towne Centre $253,953 17.3% $198,457 13.6% -0.7% Marina Village Shopping Center $40,304 2.7% $40,569 2.8% -3.9% Harbor Bay Landing $50,986 3.5°/° $53,056 3.6°/° -9.1% Marina Village Business Park $143,165 9.8°/0 $157,525 10.8% -10.6°/° Harbor Bay Business Park $80,105 5.5% $89,571 6.1% -1.3% Alameda Point $36,488 2.5°/° $36,977 2.5% -17.9°/a All Other Areas $170,949 11.6% $208,149 14.3% 0.6% Total $1,468,041 100.0% $1,458,921 100.0°/° BUDGET CGNSIDERATIGNIFINANCIAL IMPACT As of June 30, 2005, fiscal year sales tax revenues were $4,645,422, or 93%, of the $4.8 million projected for fiscal year 2001-2008. In comparison, in the prior fiscal ear, Y sales tax revenues were $4,423,042 or 94°/a of the $4.7 million projection. Therefore, there is very little variation in percentage of sales tax receipts when comparing year to year. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council RECOMMENDATION December 2, 2008 Page 4 of 4 Accept the Quarterly Sales Tax Report for the period ending June 30, 2008. Respectfully submitted, Ann Marie allant Interim Ch' Financial Officer By: Laura Gwynne Supervising Accountant AMGILG:dI Attachment 1: Historical Gross Sales Tax Per Capita Comparison Attachment 1 ALAMEDA Historical Gross Sales Tax Per Ca ita p Comparison ... ..._..... ., r...., _...-..-..,,,.-,..., _ .. ".•+.:...;,.. .. :. li,.Rt;~•:~.7ir._!i4i~6.i~'., P,i!I.udlwl..rr~~u.u.k'a•19rri..~~:~.~,~[IZ~rI.~.+~.,~~.s~S',F.~1f' ,L_fi~4i~LC1::J,1L~~I~Llii~i~::i..,f~•~T~:Li.'a~>9iT:r.GJi,SCi.".~C:.,,.~..~ ; ~~..~r.r~r. ,..~~~.,,,,,..~. -;a. - - :nom q•r.... . $160 _.,,~~ ,4...,r,.,,,..,::~:.: ~, _._.,...,_, ,rr: _r__~. ~. •- • -u <r_..Sar'•.rl_ru.i..a•iui-.n~,..:,z~Lrw~fa'v _GdSs ..~a .f~_~ ~ __~~.~...•.u:r.. •,~.. . ~ ~ :•~~ ~:•.r ~ ~'•i.,:.i_~i $141.02 $140 ^~ ~ ^ ~~ ~ ~.~ ^ ~ ~Y $120 ~ .~,,:: $100 ~_~rr~` Q ::~ .r•rr.J .1 ~~ $95.12 :.., $80 $88.84 Q' Q ~ ~. $80.90 $18.44 Q' Q- ~- 4 18.18 $15.12 $16.63 $ Fk $pp $11.90 $l1.ll $70.91 $12.52 a Y~ ~' 1; ;lr ~....,~„.~~,., ,~. ~.. n... ...:r ~ ~.i....u. ..nr~.~wx.~ .°4 i:~r ,.. ,,,,. ,.. ,J ...:;'. :'.~'J,i,.4r i.,..',:.47::.:'-0.-r... /.~v ~. dfr~~.T=~',:. ~;:.:~.x h...., ,r.n ,....;.~,~,~~n.~.~...,r_..; -.,. _ _ __ _ _ J $40 r ~...W.,,.... ..,..~...1.~...,_,,,~.~y.1.;, ..,r.rr.,~i~'.ri.'rv;~...,,,:;W:,..-_..,M:2.L.i:1'1a.. -.,:~~,......~.r,.~..~.~.~.:r,•{`;,':".1,:~:: ...s... W.._4.r,..R., ,r ~'d ~ ~r,r ,~.. ,~ .. ~'.,~ II,. ~.C4:217~'.:",1~'«. -;.ism ~~;:.r.,;'s±L-;.~d: :';;;;.a,•:r;::r~'I',c,-:::t~1•s_.:..•.~•a,.,~:~.. I ~ 99sc~z ~ g99c~z 20002 200 Qz zooz~z 20032 ~oo4c~z zoo5c~2 ZoosQz ~oo7Q~ 2oosQ~ Data Source: MuniServices, LLC -~- City of Alameda Alameda County Total ~~-~ Sfate Utilide City Council Attachment to Agenda Item #4-D '17-OZ-48 CITY QF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2005 Re: Acce t the S ecial Tax and Local Bond Measure Annual Re ort BACKGRGUND The California Government Code requires the reporting of special tax and local bond measure accountability for those special taxes or local bonds approved after January 1, 2001. The specific purpose, the amount of funds collected and expended, and the status of the project being funded by the proceeds of the special tax or local bond measure are to be reported to the governing body. The City of Alameda has two issues that require compliance: the Bayport Special Assessment District and the Measure 0 Library Bonds. DISCUSSiGN The BayportCommunityFacilities District ~CFD03-1}was formed by Resolution No.13644 dated November 5, 2003, for the purpose of funding the ongoing operation and maintenance of public facilities and public safety services within the district. Fiscal Year 2007-2005 annual levies produced revenues of $474,076 and interest income of $32,150. The expenditures during the fiscal year totaled $149,111. As construction nears completion, expenditures in support of operation and maintenance of the public facilities will grow incrementally. The Measure G Library Bonds are general obligation bonds approved by the voters and issued in March 2003 to finance theacquisition and construction of a newmain libraryand improvements to two branch libraries. Fiscal Year 2DO1-2008 annual levies produced revenues of $598,240 and interest income of $5,889. The expenditures during the fiscal year totaled $664,850. The main library is complete and serving the community. The Library Board is engaged in a master planning process, which will include the improvementsto the branch libraries. City Council Agenda Item #4-E ~ z-o~-os Honorable Mayor and December 2, 2008 Members of the City Council Page 2 ofi ~ BUDGET CONSIDERAT14NlF1NANCIALZMPACT There is no budget or financial impact as a result of this report. RECGMMENDATIGN Accept the Special Tax and Local Bond Measure Annual Report as presented. Respectfully submitted, Ann Mare Gallant Interim ref Financial officer AMG:dI CITY ~F ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Approve an Agreement with Ian Wolfe Ross Urban Design in the Amount of $98,254 to Develop Zoning Regulations and Design Guidelines for the Park Street Commercial District and Authorize the City Manager to Approve a Contract Amendment of up to Ten Percent, if Needed, for Unexpected Contingencies __ _ ~_ BACKGROUND 0n Gctober ?, 2008, the Community Improvement Commission CIC} accepted and endorsed the Park Street Gateway Strategic Plan Strategic Plan}. The Strategic Plan provides a broad vision for redevelopment of Park Street north of Lincoln Avenue. The CIC directed staff to initiate the second phase of this project, which includes developing zoning code amendments and design guidelines. The CIC directed staff to expand the project area to include the roughly triangular shaped area bounded by Tilden Way and the estuary and to develop design guidelines that would be applicable to the entire Park Street commercial district, including south of Lincoln Avenue. Additionally, the CIC directed staff to evaluate increasing the geographic boundary where work-live units would be permitted to facilitate rehabilitation of historic buildings consistent with the City's goals of promoting sustainable development. The CIC also directed staff to incorporate Transportation Demand Management ~TDM} into new regulations where applicable and to coordinate plan development with the City of Gakland and Caltrans. DISCUSSION City Design Collective CDC}, which prepared the Strategic Plan, was a collaborative effort of experts from different firms with expertise in economics and urban design. Ian Wolfe Ross Urban Design was primarily responsible for the urban design work and played a central role in developing and coordinating the public input process. Ian Wolfe Ross Urban Design has been selected to prepare aform-based zoning code, land use regulations, and commercial design guidelines to implement the goals of the Strategic Plan. The scope of work and budget are attached, while the contract is on file with the City Clerk's office. Staff is requesting authorization of an additional ten percent of the total contract cost to be used to cover potential contingencies such as holding additional City Council Agenda Item #4-F ~ Z-o~-os Honorable Mayor and December 2, 2008 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 3 public meetings, addressing a larger than expected number of substantial comments, or preparation of additional graphics. The proposed scope of work includes the following primary tasks: • Development of form-based zoning regulations that address physical site development. • Development of land use regulations that address acceptable land uses in the North Park Street district. • Development of architectural design standards forthe district. • Attending a total of five meetings staff, Park Street Business Association, public, Planning Board, and City Council}, Staff anticipates initiating public hearings on the draft zoning amendments and design guidelines in the spring of 2049. BUDGET C~NSIDERATI4NIFINANCIAL IMPACT The project will be funded entirely by Community Planning Fund ~CPF} fees and will have no effect on the General Fund. PUBLIC NOTIFICATIGN This agenda item was advertised in the Alameda Journal. MUNICIPAL C4DEIPOLICY DOCUMENT CRASS REFERENCE The issuance of this contract will authorize Ian Wolfe Ross Urban Design and City staff to initiate preparation of zoning amendments that could result in modifications to existing development regulations applicable to properties within the expanded North Park Street Gateway boundary. These amendments, if adopted, would serve to implement existing policies contained in the Land Use Element of the General Plan and Chapter IV of the Local Action Plan for Climate Protection. REC~MMENDATI~N Approve an agreement with Ian Wolfe Ross Urban Design in the amount of $98,254 to develop zoning regulations and design guidelines forthe Park Street commercial district and authorize the City Manager to approve a contract amendment of up to ten percent, if needed, for unexpected contingencies. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Respectfully submitted, Cathy W u ry / Plannin nd Building Director ~ ~ ~~ .~ ~~ Dou la arnson g Supervising Planner Attachment: 1. Scope of Work and Budget December 2, 2008 Page 3 of 3 cc: Ian Wolfe Ross Urban Design City of Alameda, Park Street Districts Regulating Code Plan Area The proposed Plan Area includes a!I parcels located between Oak Street, Lincoln Avenue, Tilden Vllay and the estuary, as well as the Park Street Historic Commercial District. Stage 1. Pre are the Administrative Draft of the Park Street Distr~gulatin,c~Code To begin, the CDC will work with Staff to finalize a Plan Area map delineating the Plan's regulatory boundaries and establish the regulating districts. The Administrative Draft will contain an Introduction stating the Code's authority, applicability, and relationship to existing City policies, codes, and zoning, ^ Section I. District-Zane Regulations will contain a Regulating Pian delineating each district zone, and a Regulations Summary Chart summarizing all district zone regulations in a user-friendly format. Form-based regulations will contain development standards and design guidelines for land use, building placement, building height, length, frontage types, building types, parking, landscape design, open space design, and signage for each district zone. Section II. Architectura! Standards and Guidelines will contain custom policies and regulations to guide the design of all new buildings in the Plan Area as follows: o A primer of basic design elements common to many of Alameda's historic styles. o General principles for a range of permitted architectural styles including building elements, massing and articulation, roof treatments, window treatments, signage, lighting, and shopfront design. o Custom building illustrations depicting key aspects of each architectural style. The illustrations will provide highly-detailed examples to be used as reference by applicants, members of City Staff, and members of the Planning Board. o Gustom architectural renderings illustrating renovations to existing structures. We will depict `before and after' conditions far buildings in bath the Gateway and Downtown Districts, illustrating renovations that embrace the Plan's guidelines, The CDC will present the Administrative Draft to City Staff, and will attend a meeting to discuss comments once Staff has had a chance to review the Plan. Stage 2. Prepare Public Review Draft of the Park Street District Regulating Code The CDC will produce the Public Review Draft based on Staffs review and comments. ^ The CDC will attend a meeting with PSBR and a Public Workshop to present and discuss key aspects of the Regulating Code with the general public. ^ The CDC will attend a public hearing with the Planning Board to discuss the Code. ^ The CDC will attend a public hearing with City Council in support of the Code's adoption. Optional Services: 1. Additional Meetings provisions for up to three additional meetings} 2. Aerial `key' of Downtown Architectural styles. The CDC will prepare abirds-eye `sketch' of the Downtown District showing all buildings and indicating their architectural style to be used by owners, applicants, and City Staff to identify each building's style prior to modifcation or renovation, and to assist with the design review process. Nofe: Because we can not anficipafe at fhis lime fbe number of documenfs fhe City wilt requesf, costs assocr'afed wifl~ prrnfing are not included In f1~is scope of services. The CDC will coordinate and provide qualify confml for all prrnfr'ng of no cost to our client. City Council Attachment to Agenda Item #4-F ~2-oz-oa CI~`Y DESIGN COLLECTIVE • Ciry o(Alameda Park Street Districts Regulating Code ~'~~1~~~ r',._~!l~~I~1>ft~~ . igNG' ~ '`a P'` fleet' !~-~~:.~d~,~~~.~~r~a,~1~?l~,~,~Y.t,~~h:+,;~,~ ~~~4~~ ~~ ~4~~ a{'~~ ~;~~ ~~~ ~~ Task I . Faabllsh District Plan Areas I A. Review existing zoning polities throughout the Gateway and Downtown Disuicts 8 I $1,000 B. Site reconnaissance and photo inventory 4 i $5D0 C. Prepare draft Plan Area Map containing regulatory boundaries (coord with Ciry Staff as necessary) 2 ;5250 Task 2. Prepare Cade Introduction (arienradon, authority and rehdanshlp to municipal code, plan area, plan arganlradon~ 8 ~, $ 1,000 Task 3. Prepare Code Orlentadon ~a pllcablllry, organimtlon, contents, how to use the today 8 ; $ I ,ODD Task 4. Prepare Organizing Prindpies for Cade Reguladons I A. Consult with tore team regarding regulation approach q ~ $5pp B. Prepare organizing principles 8 $ 1,000 Task 5. Prepare Regulating Plan and Aeguladom Summary Chart 24 I $3,D6D Task 6. Prepare District Zone Reguladons A Land use categories and deBnldons 24 i $3,000 B. Building placement, height and length contrail, frontage coverage 8 ~ $ I,OOa C. Frontage types {organizng principles, standards and guidelines) 8 ; $1,000 D. Parking (park once and shared parking text and support graphin & standards) 8 } $1,D00 E Landscape and open space requirements ~organE~ng principles, standards and guldellnes~ 8 ; $1,000 F. Signage (organl~ng princples, standards and guldellnes, and Illustrations) B ~ $ I,ODD Task 7, Prepare Arthitecwral Design Stindards &Guldellnes A introduttlon (Background, history of the disoicb, characters q ;$500 B. Approach (gateway district and downtown, how to use the reguladons~ 4 i $500 C. Stindards and Guiddines far a!I buildings 4 Windows, corner bldgs, access and parking, energy efflclenry, garages, loading and service bays 8 ! $1,000 D. Standards and Guldellnes for Specific Ballding Types ~ i. Typical massing illustrations 8 ' $1,000 ii. Standards and guldellnes for access, parking, and building mass ardculadan 8 ': $ I ,6D0 lil. Building composition and facade elements q i $500 E Sandards and Guidelines for Specific Architeaural Styles (text and Illuscradons for eight sryiesy ~ Invoductlon to architectural style 4 X60 II. Building elements 4 ~ $5D0 iii. Massing and ArtJculadon 4 $500 iv, Raof treatment 4 ? $500 v. Building colors and materials 4 ! $500 vi. Signage and lighting 4 $500 oil. Primary and secondary entrances 4 $500 viii. Window ar4cuhtlon 4 13504 be Shopfrant design and commercial treament 4 i $50Q x Custom building devotions illustrating key aspects of each architecwral style 4 j $50D F. Reno+atlon and Restoration i I. Preferred approach w renovating historic structures including misconceived madiflatlons 2 i $250 Il. Custom building drawings (before and afters illustrating renavatlon tethlniques to distrla buildings 2 ; $250 Task 8. Document Format and Layout A_ Format table of contsrro, document cover, ride page, acimawledgements etc. 16 '32,000 B. Format all phoWs, graphics, nd text for document publ[tadon 24 ~ $3,000 Task 4. Document Publication and Transmittal A. Prepare document for publication, print test run, prepare modiflcadons, print final B $1,006 B. Publish document and transmit to Ciry 8 ~ 51,000 C. Atdend meating; present draft Regulating Code to City Staff 3 $375 "r• xru..~n. r, a • ~~ uri ~r w' x ~u a ~a {, .*~ .1 ~ - '.y:,,., r ~ y,. . ~• .+.; ~; Task I. Receive 1 Discuss Ciry review comments of Administrative Draft t, " ~ A. Recefvdreview sln~e consolidated'redline' copy from Ciry Staff 4 ;500 B. Telephone conference to discus: ! review questions or Comments 4 i 3500 Task Z. Propare Public Review Draft of Gateway District Regulating Coda A. MadHy plan per Staff direction 16 ~ 52.DD4 B. Dowment pu6ficadan and quality control 16 ; 32,D60 C. Publish and transmit Public Review Draft w City Staff 4 ;8,504 Task 3. Park Street Buslnsss Association workshop A Prepare presentation materials 8 i $i,OD0 B. Travd, present key components of Draft Regulating Code 6 $]50 Task ~, Public Worbhop to present Draft Regulating Code A, Prepare presenadon materhals 6 ' 5]50 B. Travd, present key components of Regulating Code 6 i $]S0 Task S. public Hearin with Planning Board A. Check-In widt City Core Team {pre-meeting or telephone canferencey Z ~ X50 B. Finale presentation mater~ls 12 ! 51,500 C. Travel, present k components of Regulating Code b { $750 Task 6, Public Hearing whtih City Council A. Check•In with City Care Team (pre-meeting ar telephone conference) Z I X50 B. Rrnlbe entadon materials g 151,000 C. Travel, attend adoption hearing 6 !5750 Task 1. Prepare Modiflcatioru w Regulating Cade Document per Countll Direction 8 i $I,D60 Task & Publl:h Bnal version of Regulating Code, transmit ca Ciry Staff 8 ', 31,060 Task 4. Project Management 24 , 53,000 D D ~ $O G $0 I D ~ 5D 4 $400 2 ~ $14D 0 ~ $0 4 ;3280 0 ; $0 4 I 5x80 0 $D D j $0 D $O I 4 $280 l D $a 3b ' $2,52D I D i $p e ' $56o I D $a 2 t $140 0 $0 ! 2 $140 I D 50 2 ~` 3140 ! D ; $0 2 ' S14D ~ D ~ $O 2 $ 140 8 $800 Z S l 4D 4 i 5400 2 , $19D I 2 $2DD ~ 2 i $140 ~ !b J $I,b00 ' ~ Il I 16 ; $1,120 ~ 2 ~ $700 4 4 i 5280 ~ 5~ ~ 4 ~ 540D I i $200 2 3140 j 4 I ;400 I 2 3190 4 54DD ~ ~ $ 140 I 8 $800 ~ 2 $ 140 s 8 5800 2 ? $ 140 4 ~ ;4D0 2 5190 6 i $6Da 2 ;140 ; b ' $600 ! 2 $140 j A ~ 5800 2 ~ 5140 B ~ 5800 2 ~ $140 I 64 '~ $6,4Da i I t 2 3140 i 4 ` 5400 2 ' S 14D ~ 24 $2,4D0 i ! ~ 16 ; $1,120 0 ~ $0 ~ '$2,800 I D gD j 8 ~ $560 I ' O ~ $0 ' 8 $5b0 0 $0 . 0 36 i a SD i ~ I D ~ $0 ' D $0 I 0 $0 4 ~ $404 24 ; $i,660 I ~ 4 :~ $400 `~ Ib : SI,i20 ! 0 ` 30 8 i $560 ~ D S0 I e 556o a o $o D $0 I D 50 I i 6 ;5424 j D ! $a 0 $6 j D $a l 0 $0 0 ~ $0 ~ 8 '5560 ,. _ ~ 0 ~ $a i a $a a sa I ' f a ; $0 j a $a ~ 8 ` 55ba , D ~ $0 D ~ Sa ~ a i 50 I 24 ' 51,686 4 ~ $400 24 ; s1,6e6 I a Sa I a Sa 6 ~ $D CDC Professional Fees $84,475 Reimbursable 6gaensas $3,779 CDC Tots! Foe, $98,?ff4 CITY ~F ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Accept Affordable Housing Ordinance Annual Review BACKGROUND On December 19, 1989, the City Council adop#ed the Affordable Housing Ordinance, which was created to mitigate the housing impacts caused by new or expanded non- residential construction. The fees apply to officelresearch and development, retail, warehouselindustrial, manufacturing, and hotellmotel construction. The ordinance established the City's Affordable Housing UnitlFee ~AHUF} requirements as Section 2l- 1 of the Alameda Municipal Code and stated that these requirements can be satisfied either by the provision of housing units affordable to low- and moderate-income households or by the payment of an in~lieu fee. The fees remained the same from 1989 to Spring 2001, In June 2001, the City Council increased the in-lieu fee by 15 percent as an adjustment for prior inflation. The City Council also provided for an annual fee adjustment to reflect changes in construction costs. The Municipal Code mandates that the City Council review the unitlfee requirements on an annual basis to determine whether they are reasonably related to the impacts of development and whether the affordable housing units, programs, and activities are still needed. This report is intended to satisfy the annual review requirement for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. DISCUSSION At the time of building permit application, a developer must satisfy the affordable housing requirement either by providing affordable units or by paying an in-lieu fee. To date, two developers have provided one unit each. For the first project, in 1995, a unit on Alameda Avenue was designated as affordable to fulfill the obligation of conversion of a building on Santa Clara from residential to office space. For the second project, in 2004, a unit on Pensacola Road was designated as affordable to fulfill the obligation of installing new Head Start modular classrooms at West Midway Avenue. The City monitors both units to ensure that long-term affordability is maintained. All other developers have paid a fee in-lieu of providing housing units. The ordinance provides developers with a process to apply for an adjustment or waiver of the affordable housing requirement if there is no reasonable relationship between a particular project and the city council Agenda Item #4-G 1 Z-02-~ 8 Honorable Mayor and December 2, 2008 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 3 need for affordable housing. The appeal process includes a review by the Development Services Director and the City Council, which makes the final decision. The original study utilized to establish affordable housing requirements found that construction or expansion of non-residential development was a major factor in attracting new employees to the city, which in turn created a need and demand for additional housing in the city, and specifically for additional affordable housing. This study was reviewed in November 2006, with the conclusion that the demand for affordable housing and associated subsidies is comparable to or greater than those calculated at the time of the original study in 1989, and the Cit 's fees are well within the Y limits of the maximum fees that could be supported on a nexus basis. In addition, the City's affordable housing units, programs, and activities are still needed. The City has not yet satisfied the goals established in the Housing Element for affordable housing, and the average market price of housing is beyond the reach of households at very low-, low-, and moderate-income levels. High land costs and scarcity of land available for development hinder the provision of affordable housing units solely through private action. Affordable housing rents and purchase prices remain below the level necessary to stimulate new construction, and federal and state housing finance and subsidy programs remain insufficient by themselves to satisfy affordable housing needs. The Affordable Housing Ordinance establishes a method for increasing the fee annually. The fee increase is based on the increase in local cost of construction, as reported by the Engineering News Report Construction Price Index for San Francisco. From June 2006 to June 2001, the cast of construction rose by l.4 percent; the revised AHUF fees included in the Master Fee schedule effective Jufy 1, 2001, were increased by 7.4 percent. The following table shows the adjusted fees by development type far the prior two fiscal years. FY 2006-07 Fee FY 2007-08 Fee (per sq ft) (per sq ft) Office/R&D $3.92 $4.21 Retail $1.99 $2.14 Warehouse/Industrial $0.68 $0.73 Manufacturing $0.68 $0.73 Hotel/Motel $1, 007/room $1,081 /room In the last fiscal year, the city and country have seen a dramatic economic decline. This decline has resulted in Tess construction projects in the Bay Area, with construction Honorable Mayor and December 2, 2008 Members of the City Council Page 3 of 3 costs no longer escalating by double digits as has been seen in the past five years. The cost of construction from June 2441 to June 2008 increased by 1.l°l0, a much lower increase than has been in the last several years. The decline in construction costs has led to a slowing in growth, with fewer companies making decisions to relocate. The need to keep the City's cost of doing business attractive to new business is as critical an issue as the need to provide affordable housing, and balance is needed. Based on the economic climate, the fees were not raised on July 1, 2005; they will most likely remain fixed for FY 2009-10. BUDGET CONSIDERATI~NIFINANCIAL IMPACT By ordinance, funds from affordable housing fees are sequestered in a special fund that can only be used for eligible housing purposes specified in the ordinance. From July 1, 2001, through June 30, 2008, a total of $98,383 in fees was collected. Expenditures from the fund supported the City's first-time homebuyer programs. Attachment A describes the beginning and ending fund balances and fund activity for fiscal year 2001- 2005. The Affordable Housing Grdinance has no impact on tl~e General Fund. MUNICIPAL CGDEIPGLICY DGCUMENT CRGSS REFERENCE This Annual Review is consistent with the requirements of Section 21-1 Affordable Housing UnitlFee Requirements} of the Alameda Municipal Code and California Government Code Section 66006. REC~MMENDATiGN Accept this report in order to satisfy the Annual Review requirement of the Affordable Housing ordinance Resp ctf !submitted, .r~ Leslie A. Little Development Services Director By: Dorene E. Soto Manager, Business Development Division DKILALIDES:rv Attachment: A. Fund 266 Affordable Housing UnitlFee Fund Activity for Fiscal Year 2oo6-oT ATTACHMENT A CITY 4F ALAMEDA FUND 26fi AFFGRDABLE HQUSING UNITlFEE FUND BEGINNING AND ENDING FUND BALANCES FUND ACTIVITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 200108 Beginning Fund Balance $ 536,222.52 New Revenues Affordable Housing Fees $ 98,383.07 Interest Allocation $ 34,602.91 Interest Payments from loans $ 1,148.05 Principal Payments from loans $ 9,588.29 Other Misc Revenues ~Ioan fees} $ 7,920.00 Transfer In from Gen Fund Mortgage Credit Certificate Program} $ 999,96 Total New Revenues $152,642.34 Expenditures and Encumbrances Operating Administration $ 39,045.79 Encumbrances Downpayment Assistance Loans and loan delivery $197,285.00 39 Unit Project $100,000.00 Buena Vista Commons $ 54,921.13 Projects First Time Homebuyer workshops, counseling and outreach $ 9,000.00 Housing Website $ 436.50 Buena Vista Commons $ 85,072.21 Mortgage Credit Certificate Program -payment to County $ 1,000.00 Total Expenditures and Encumbrances $486,757,29 Ending Fund Balance $202,091.51 City Council Attachment to Agenda Item #4-G ~ z-oa.os CITY GF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2DD8 Re: Accept the Annual Review of the Citywide Development Fee and the FISCICatellus Traffic Fee BACKGRGUND The California Government Code requires local agencies with development impact fees to submit the fees for public review within 18D days after the end of each fiscal year. The annual review must include the following information: • A brief description of the fee; • The amount of the fee; • The beginning and ending balance of the account or fund; • The amount of the fees collected and the interest earned; • An identification of each public improvement on which fees were expended and the amount of the expenditures on each improvement, including the tots! percentage of the cost of the public improvement that was funded with fees; • An identification of an approximate date by which the construction of the public improvement will commence if the local agency determines that sufficient funds have been collected to complete financing on an incomplete public improvement; • A description of each interfund transfer or loan made from the account or fund, including the public improvement an which the transferred or loaned fees will be expended, and, in the case of an interfund loan, the date on which the loan will be repaid, and the rate of interest that the account or fund will receive on the loan; and • The amount of unexpended revenues refunded. DISCUSSIaN The Public Works Department oversees the administration of two development impact fees: the Citywide Development Fee CDF}and the FISCICatellus Traffic Fee ~TF}. Cit ide Develo meat Fee CDF Description -The CDF, which became effective in February 2DD1, is charged to all new construction vrintensification of use. The CDF is increased annualfyaccording to the San Francisco Bay Area Construction Cost Index. City Council Agenda ltem #4-H '12-02-08 Honorable Mayor and December 2, 2008 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 5 Amount of the Fee - The CDF is charged based on the types of development and their location as follows: CITY DISTRICT LAND USE CATEGgRY Northern Centrall Ba Farm Y West End Waterfront East End Infill CDF Fees per Residential Unit Sin le Famil -~ Low densit $4,085 $3,805 $3,803 $2,589 Sin le Famil -Medium densit $3,572 $3,349 $3,345 $2,375 Du lex $3,449 $3,199 $3,193 $2,101 Multi-Famil $3,176 $2,926 $2,922 $1,829 CDF Fees per uni# of Non-Residential Building Space WorklLive $3,027 $2,817 $2,814 $1,903 CDF Fees er s uare foot of Non-Residential Buiidin S ace Generallndustrial $3.51 $2.98 $2.98 $0.74 Retail $5.30 $4.52 $4.51 $1.11 Commerciallgffice $5.08 $4.35 $4.34 $1.18 Warehouse $2.03 $1.72 $1.72 $0.43 gther Uses Not listed above 1.Non-transportation Fee $0.81 $0.81 $0.81 $0.81 2. Transportation Fee ~Cvst per $1,452 $1,189 $1,183 $36 vehicle tri enerated Financial Information -For fiscal year 200712008, the beginning balance of the CDF account was $2,004,190. During the fiscal year, $446,204 was collected and $127,373 was earned in interest. The ending balance in the CDF account is $2,577,767. An administrative fee is also collected to pay for on-going City administrative costs and to provide a reserve account for future fee updates and nexus studies. As of July 1, 2007, the beginning balance for the reserve account was $16,149. During the fiscal year, $15,657 in administrative fees was collected. Administrative expenditures included: $2,279 for fee collection, receivable tracking, and informational services at the Planning and Building Department's Central Permits Gffice; $2,219 for annual interest allocation and end of year account balances from the Finance Department. The balance of $11,099 was added to the reserve account for future Public Works Department expenses to update the CDF report, review project costs, and scope modifications. An ending balance of $27,848 remains in the reserve account to allow the City to complete the CDF update and nexus study. Honorable Mayor and December 2, 2008 Members of the City Council Page 3 of 5 Expenditure of Fees -The CDF Program includes 54 separate capital improvement projects distributed among five categories for a total cost of $99 million, in year 2000 dollars. The categories of capital improvements covered by the CDF are public safety, transportation and traffic safety, parks and recreation, public facilities, and administration. The projects are identified in the Alameda CDF Nexus Study dated January 2001, on file with the City Clerk. Based upon the approved cost allocations, new development is responsible for 28°/0 of the total costs. Existing development is responsible for the remaining 72%. When a project is initiated, the City is required to fund the share of the improvement costs attributed to existing development. Until sufficientfunds are available to cover the cost of these large capital projects, fund balances will continue to increase. These projects are included in the deferred Capital Improvement Program ~CIP} budget until such time as sufficient funds have accrued to cover the costs. For fiscal year 200712008, $420,000 in CDF monies were budgeted to partially fund the design of the Stargell Avenue Extension. Construction is expected to begin in late March 2009, at which time additional CDF monies will be required. There is also $35,000 budgeted for F'rre Station Number Three, Phase 1 Improvement. Construction Commencement Date - In accordance with state law, the local agency must first determine that sufficient funds have been received to complete the public improvement before a construction commencement date is provided. Interfund Transferor Loan -- There were no interfund transfers or loans made during fiscal year 200712008. Refunded Unexpended Revenues - No unexpended revenues were refunded during fiscal year 204612041. FISC1Catellus Traffic Fee TF Description - The FISCICatellus Development was approved prior to the adoption of the CDF and, therefore, not required to pay CDF, As part of the development's traffic mitigation measures, however, payment of a Traffic Fee ~TF} is required. The TF mitigates the transportation impacts identified in the Environmental impact Report HEIR} for the Catellus project. Amount of the Fee - A fee of $2,614 is charged per residential unit. The amount is based upon the percentage share of Phase 1 residential 2020 trips as determined in the EIR. Financial Information -For fiscal year 200712008, the beginning balance of the TF account was $1,199,064. During the fiscal year, $111,136 was collected and $71,610 was earned in interest for a total of $245,806. The ending balance in the TF account is $1,441, 810. Honorable Mayor and December 2, 2008 Members of the City Council Page 4 of 5 Expenditure of Fees -The FISCICatellus EIR identified 18 separate traffic mitigation measures included in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for a total of $18 million, of which $1,296,804 is due to impacts from Phase 1 residential development. Phase 2 mitigations are under consideration at this time. Unti! sufficient funds are available from the forthcoming FISCICatellus development and from existing West End developments to cover the cost of these large capital projects, these mitigation fund balanceswill continueto increase. These projects are included in thedeferred CIP budget until such time as sufficient funds become available. For fiscal year 200112008, $420,000 in TF monies were budgeted to partially fund the design of the Stargell Avenue Extension. Construction is expected to begin in late March 2009, at which time additional TF monies will be required. Construction Commencement Date - In accordance with state law, the local agency must first determine that sufficient funds have been received to complete the public improvement before a construction commencement date is provided. Interfund Transfer or Loan -There were no interfund transfers or loans made during fiscal year 200112008. Refunded Unexpended Revenues - No unexpended revenues were refunded during fiscal year 200712008. BUDGET CGNSIDERATIGNIFINANCIAL IMPACT The CDF and TF provide funds to the City for the construction of specific capital improvementswithin the city, based on newdevelopment's proportionateshareof impacts to the required improvement. The City is required to provide funding to cover existing development's share of the improvements. These funds may be obtained from Redevelopment Funds, grants, or other City funding sources. The CDF and TF monies received from developers are deposited into special accounts that can only be used for eligible purposes as specified when the fee was created. MUNICIPAL CODEIPnLICY DOCUMENT CRGSS REFERENCE This annual review is consistent with the requirements of Section 27-3 Citywide Development Fee of the Alameda Municipal Code and California Government Code Section 66006. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council REC~MMENDATI~N December 2, 2008 Page 5 of 5 Accepttheannual reviewof the Citywide Development Fee and the FISCICatellus Traffic Fee. Respectfully submitted, Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director ~ ~ By; Barbara Hawkins ~s~~_ City Engineer MTN:BH:gc DITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 20o8 Re: Award a Contract in the Amount of $315,210, Including Contingencies, to Ranger Pipelines, far the Alameda Power & Telecomlwebster Street Joint Trench and Utilit Relocation Pro'ect No. P.w. 08-o8-23 BACKGRaUND 0n September 16, 2005, the City Council adapted plans and specifications, and authorized a call for bids for the Alameda Power & Telecom SAP&T}Iwebster Street joint trench and utility relocation project, No. P.vU. 08-08-23. The project relocates conduits and vaults for primary and secondary electrical lines, street lights, and other utilities for the future wilver "vllillie" Stargell Avenue project, The joint trench will require the removal of three trees, two of which are in severe decline. The three trees will be replaced in-kind. DISCUSSION To solicit the maximum number of bids and most competitive price, specifications were provided to 17 separate building exchanges throughout the Bay Area. A notice of bid was also published in the Alamea~a Journal. Nine contractors submitted bids, and the bids were opened on November 13, 2008. The list of qualified bidders, from lowest to highest total project costs, is: Bidder Location Bid Amount Ranger Pipelines San Francisco $262,675 Ray's Electric Oakland $291,955 Smith Dennison Construction Livermore $293,114 St. Francis Electric San Leandro $321,210 KJ woods Construction San Francisco $331,500 Darc & Harty San Francisco $338,010 An elo Utilities Stockton $339,610 vUestern Li htwave Menifee $352,600 Under round Canstruction Benicia $523,115 City Council Agenda Item #4-I ~ z-oz-os Honorable Mayor and Members of the CityCauncil December 2, 2008 Page2of2 Staff contacted several references provided by the low bidder and received positive feedback about the quality and timeliness of their work. Staff proposes to award a contract to Ranger Pipelines, for a total amount of $315,210, including a 20% contingency. A copy of the contract is on file in the City Clerk's office. BUDGET CGNSIDERATIGNIFINANCIAL IMPACT The project is budgeted in the Electric Reserves for AP&T and was approved by the Public Utilities Board on September 15, 2008. MUNICIPAL CaDEIPOLICY DGCUMENT CRGSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal Code. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW 4n May 21, 2002, the City, in its role as Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act ~CEQA}, adopted Resolution No. 13455 adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration ~MND} for the project. Gn February 13, 2006, the City prepared an addendum letter to the MND regarding a minor realignment of Stargell Avenue. In addition, the utility relocation, which is a part of the larger project, meets the criteria for a CEQA Categorical Exemption SCE} and a National Environmental Protection Act Exclusion Determination QED}. The Programmatic Section 4~f} evaluation addressed the effects of Section 4~f} lands Federal Park lands} and completes the documentation and supports the CEIED for the new Stargell intersection within the existing Webster Street right of way, the minor encroachment of the sidewalk, and the utility relocation into Neptune Park. RECGMMENDATIGN Award a contract in the amount of $315,210, including contingencies, to Ranger Pipelines, for the Alameda Power & Telecomlwebster Street joint trench and utility relocation project, No. P.vU. OS-OS-23. Respe tful~ submitted, ~, ,~~ ~~ '~ ~ ~ r ~~~ ~ ~~c~ .~ P ~ Matthew T. Naclerio Public vvorks Director By: Ed Sommerauer ~ ~y~ Associate Civil Engineer MTN:ES:gc CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Accept the Work of D&D Pipelines, Inc., for Woodstock Storm Drain I m rovements No. P.W. 06-08-18 BACKGROUND On July 1, 2008, the City Council adopted plans and specifications, and authorized a call for bids for the Woodstock storm drain improvements, No. P.W. 06-08-18. On August 5, 2008, the City Council awarded a contract in the amount of $211,543, including contingencies, to D&D Pipelines, Inc., for this work. DISCUSSION The project has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and is acceptable to the Public Works Department. The final project cost, including extra work orders, is $201,166. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONIFINANCIAL IMPACT Funding for the project is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program Project No. 908-08~, with funds available from the Urban Runoff funds and a contribution from the Alameda Unified School District. MUNICIPAL CODEIPOLICY DOCUMENT CRASS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal Code. City Council Agenda Item #4-J 12-02-OS Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council RECOMMENDATION December 2, 2008 Page2of2 Accept the work of D&D Pipelines, Inc., for vvoodstock storm drain improvements, No. P.VV. 45-08-18. Respectfully submitted, ~c~' ~~' Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director By; Ed Sommerauer h~,. ~~~ Associate Civil Engineer MTN:ES:gc cc: AUSD CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Accept the Work of Suarez & Munoz Construction, Inc., for Rittler Park Irri ation and Field Renovation Im rovements No. P.W.11-O1-34 BACKGROUND On May 6, 2008, the City Council adopted plans and specifications, and authorized a call for bids for the Rittler Park irrigation and field renovation improvements, No. P.W. 11-D7-34. On June 11, 2008, the City Council awarded a contract in the amount of $163,112, including contingencies, to Suarez & Munoz Construction, Inc., for this work. On August 19, 2005, the City Council awarded an additional $46,600 for extra work. DISCUSSION The project has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and is acceptable to the Public Works Department. The final project cost, including extra work orders, is $195,339. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONIFINANCIALlMPACT Funding for the project is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program Project No. 04-36}, with funds available from the Construction Improvement Tax and Dwelling Unit Tax Monies. MUNICIPAL CODEIPOLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal Code. The project is consistent with the Local Action Plan for Climate Protection because the improvements include the installation of a smart water application technology irrigation controller. pity COLInCI~ Agenda item #4-K 'I Z-02-08 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council RECOMMENDATION December 2, 2008 Page 2 of 2 Accept the work of Suarez & Munoz Construction, Inc., for Rittler Park irrigation and field renovation improvements, No. P.vtil.11-01-34. Respectfully submitted, ~~~~' Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director ~~ ~_)C)r3ti17U~iLfYL~-eel By: Ed Sommerauer~~~. Associate Civil Engineer MTN:ES~:gc CITY 4F ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Accept the Work of Redgwick Construction, lnc., for Fernside Boulevard Bike Path and Street Improvements, San Jose Avenue to North of Otis Drive No. P.W. 03-OS-10 BACKGROUND On April 15, 20oS, the City Council adopted plans and specifications, and authorized a call for bids for the Fernside Boulevard bike path and street improvements, San Jose Avenue to north of Otis Drive, No. P.W. 03-08-10. On May 20, 2oD8, the City Council awarded a contract in the amount of $504,334, including contingencies, to Redgwick Construction, Inc., for this work. DISCUSSION The project has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and is acceptable to the Public Works Department. The final project cost, including extra work orders, is $501,426. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONIFINANCIAL IMPACT Funding for the project is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program (Project No. 06-56), with funds available from the State Bicycle Transportation Account fund and Measure B funds. MUNICIPAL CODEIPOLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal Code. The project is consistent with the Local Action Pfan for Climate Protection goal to encourage the construction of bicycle facilities. City Council Agenda Item #4~L 1 Z-02.08 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council RECOMMENDATION December 2, 2008 Page2of2 Accept the work of Redgwick Construction, Inc., for Fernside Boulevard bike path and street improvements, San Jose Avenue to north of atis Drive, No. P.~II.03-OS-10. Respectf Ily submitted, Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director ~~~~~ By: Ed Sommerauer Associate Civil Engineer MTN: ES:gc cc: Vllatchdog Committee CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Accept the Work of Pacific Liners Pipeline Rehabilitation for the Citywide Sewer Mains and Laterals Video Ins ection No. P.W.10-06-21 BACKG R~U N D Cn November 21, 2006, the City Council adopted plans and specifications, and authorized a call for bids forthe Citywide sewer mains and laterals video inspection, No. P.W.10-06- 21. Cn January 16, 2001, the City awarded a contract in the amount of $562,100, including contingencies, to Pacific Liners Pipeline Rehabilitation for this work. DiSCUSSI~N The project has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and is acceptable to the Public Works Department. The final project cost, including extra work orders, is $516,035. BUDGET CCNSIDERATI~NIFINANCIAL IMPACT Funding for the project is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program Project No. 90- 61}, with funds available from the Sewer Enterprise Fund. MUNICIPAL CQDEIPCLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action daes not affect the Alameda Municipal Code. City Council Agenda Item #4-M 'I Z-02-08 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council REC4MMENDATI~N December 2, 2408 Page 2 of 2 Accept the work of Pacific Liners Pipeline rehabilitation for the Citywide sewer mains and laterals video inspection, No. P.W. ~ 0-06-21. Respectfully submitted, r Matthew T. Naclerio Public Warks Director ~-, By: Paul Soo, Jr. ~~ Junior Civil Engineer MTN:gc CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Accept the Work of Schaaf & Wheeler Consulting Civil Engineers for a Storm Drainage Study, No. P.W. 03-07-DS BACKGRaUND In March 2001, Public Works staff issued a Request for Qualifications ~RFQ} and conducted a selection process to choose a consultant to perform a storm drainage study for the Ci#y. 0n May 15, 2007, the City Council awarded a contract in the amount of $240,000, including contingencies, to Schaaf & Wheeler for this work. DISCUSSIGN The storm drainage study utilized a computer model of the City's storm drain pipes and pump systems to identify system-wide capacity constraints during aten-year and 25- year storm event. Tidal fluctuations and a global warming rise of 18 inches, as used by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission ~BCDC}, were also included in the analysis. Since the design and development of Alameda Point could significantly alter the location, depth, and size of drainage facilities, it was not included in the study. In addition, a conditions assessment of the existing system and outfalls was not included in this study. A copy of the study is on file in the City Clerk's office. Based on the analysis, a 25-year Capital Improvement Program ~CIP} for capacity improvements was developed. Projects were prioritized based on a weighted average of flood impacts to: the street classification arterial, collector, or residential} and the essential services or facilities located along the street; the duration of flooding; and a costlbenefit analysis. A total CIP budget of $64 million was identified, which includes $27 million for high priority projects, $22 million for moderate priority projects, and $15 million for low priority projects. The project has been completed in accordance with the RFQ and is acceptable to the Public Works Department. The final project cost, including extra work orders, is $237,715. City Council Agenda item #4-N ~z-oz-oa Honorable Mayor and December 2, 2008 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 2 BUDGET CONSIDERATIONIFINANCIAL IMPACT Funding for the project is budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program as Pro'ect No. 94-46 and 90-46, with Urban Runoff funds. Projects identified in the study will also be funded through this funding source. There are no impacts to the General Fund. MUNICIPAL CODEIPOLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal Code. RECOMMENDATION Accept the work of Schaaf & ~IlJheeler Consulting Civil Engineers for storm draina e g study, No. P.WV. 03-01-48. RespectF Ily submitted, . //. atthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director By: Ed Sommerauer ~~ Associate Civil Engineer MTN:ES:gc CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Adopt Proposition 1 B Local Streets and Roads Funding Proposa! for Fiscal Year 200812009, and Authorize the City Manager to Execute All Necessary Documents BACKGROUND Proposition 1 B Prop. 1 B}, approved by voters in November 2006, provided $19,925 billion in bond funds for a variety of transportation priorities, including $2 billion for cities and counties to fund the maintenance and improvement of local transportation facilities. The State Controller's Office has determined that the City of Alameda's share of Prop. 1 B funds for fiscal year 2008/2009 is $1,115,752. The City has already received $1,210,409 in Prop. 1 B funds for fiscal year 200712008. These funds were used for the City-wide resurfacing project constructed this past summer. DISCUSSION To receive the City's fiscal year 2008/2009 allocation of funds, the City Council must first approve a funding proposal and submit the proposal to the State Department of Finance for approval. The proposal must include, at a minimum, the following information: 1. A description and location of the proposed project(s). 2. The amount estimated to be spent on each project. 3. A proposed schedule for the completion of each project. 4. The estimated useful life of each project. Upon the Department of Finance's approval of the plan, the funds will become available. These funds will be distributed on afirst-come-first-serve basis, so proposing a plan at this time provides the City with the best chance for securing the funds. The two streets identified in the funding proposal are: 1. Fernside Boulevard, from High Street to Thompson Avenue. This 0.35-mile stretch carries a high volume of traffic to the High Street Bridge and has bike lane traffic as well. Public Works proposes to reconstruct the failed areas and resurface the street. The cost is estimated at $1,175,000. The estimated useful life of the pavement is 20 years. Clty Council Agenda Item #4-0 ~z-oz-oa Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council December 2, 2008 Page2of2 2. Central Avenue, from Pacific Avenue to ~lllebster Street. This 1.04-mile stretch needs extensive repair. Central Avenue accesses Encinal High School, carries Bus Route 63, and is a designated truck route. Public v1lorks proposes to reconstruct the street at an estimated cost of $1,880,000. The estimated useful life of the pavement is 20 years. The two streets identified in the funding proposal will be included in the City's annual resurfacing program, which will be presented to the City Council later this fiscal year. Construction is proposed between June 1 and August 30, 2009. BUDGET CgNSIDERATIgNIFINANCIAL IMPACT The City's annual resurfacing program is identified in the Capital Improvement Program ~Pro~ect No. 52-01-29}. The estimated cost to reconstruct the two streets included in the funding propasal is $3,055,000. In addition to the $1,118,752 in Prap. 1 B funds, the City Council has already appropriated $190,000 in Gas Tax, $185,169 in Prop. 42, and $261,000 in Congestion Management Agency -Transportation Improvement Plan funds. The remainder of the funds are available from Measure B and Construction Improvement Tax funds. MUNICIPAL CgDE1PgLICY DgCUMENT CRgSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal Code. ENVIRgNMENTAL REVIEVIJ In accordance with the California Environmental Act (CEQA), this project is Categorically Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c), Existing Facilities. RECgMMENDATIgN Adopt Proposition 1 B Local Streets and Roads funding proposal for fiscal year 200812049, and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Respectf Ily submitted, a hew T. Naclerio Public Works Director ~(Jtl.~~~ ~~l By: Laurie Kozisek Associate Civil Enginee~~ MTN:LK:gc CITY 4 F ALAM E DA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Adopt a Resolution Reappointing T. David Edwards as Trustee to the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District Board __ BACKGRGUND The Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District Board is composed of 14 members, one member from each City and one member from the County-at-large. Mr. T. David Edwards has served on the District Board representing the City of Alameda since 1951. DISCUSSION Mr. Edwards has served on the District Board for aver 20 years. His active participation is a great asset to the District and the City of Alameda. Mr. Edwards has agreed to serve another two-year term. His new term will expire January2, 2011. BUDGET CCNSIDERATIDNIFINANCIALlMPACT This action does not affect the General Fund. MUNICIPAL CCDEIPGLICY DGCUMENT CRGSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal Code. REC4MMENDATIGN Adopt a resolution reappointing T. David Edwards as Trustee to the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District Board. Respec II ubmitted, Matthew T. Naclerio Public Works Director MTN:gc cc: T. David Edwards City Council Report Re: Agenda item #4-P ~ Z-oZ-os CITY GFALAMEDA RESGLUTIGN NG. v a REAPPOINTING T. DAVID EDWARDS AS TRUSTEE 4F THE ALAMEDA COUNTY M~SQUITD ABATEMENT DISTRICT BE IT RESGLVED BY THE CGUNCIL GF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA THAT T. David Edwards be, and he is hereby, reappointed as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District, to represent the City of Alameda, for a twa-year term beginning January 3, 2009. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Trustees of the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District. ****** I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 2nd day of December, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIGNS: 1N ~1111TNESS, WHEREGF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 3r~ day of December, 2008. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda Resolution #4-P _ GC ~ 2-02-45 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From:. Lora Weisiger City Clerk Date: December 2, 2045 Re: Adopt a Resolution Declaring Results of the Consolidated General Munici al Election Held on November 4, 2008 BACKGROUND Elections Code Section 14262 requires the governing body of a city to adopt a resolution to declare the results of an election. DISCUSSIGN Attached is the Certificate of Election Results and Gfficial Canvass for the Consolidated General Municipal Election held on November 4, 2005. Candidates Doug deHaan and Marie Gilmore received the highest votes cast for the Office of Councilmember. Uncontested candidate Kevin Kearney was elected to the Office of City Auditor and uncontested candidate Kevin Kennedy was elected to the Gffice of City Treasurer. City Measures P through X all passed by a majority vote. BUDGET CGNSIDERAT14NlFINANCIAL IMPACT None. RECGMMENDATI4N Adopt the resolution declaring the results of the Consolidated General Municipal Election. Respectfully submitted, r `-~ Lora Weisiger City Clerk Attachments: 1. Certificate of Election City Council Report Re: Agenda Item #4-Q ~ ~-oz-oa STATE d~' CALIFURr'IA ss. COUNTY O:~ AL~4MEDA } ~, ~~'Vk' l~tA~~~1~A~~, Re~istxar cf '~+'aters fcr die Cc~u~t~ of Alameda, Mate of California, 1~~vir~~ canvassed the r~t~.rn~ of all v~~s cast ire the pity al' Alameda ~t the ~reri~ral ~I~ici~a! ~lectian held ~n T~~~y, I~Tavember ~, ~~$ ~n hereby certify ~e fcllcwin~ ~~ be a dull, ~e and c~~'e~t statement ~~' the Results cf all votes cast far each ~~` the cand~~ate~ ~ntrilad tc r~eive v+~tes fir the office hldi~~te~. ~1TY ~~' ~-.LAMEI~~i CITY C~U'NCI~~NI~I~E~~ Two ~lectcd~ Doug deHaan Marie L. ~i.~rncx~ Tracy ~ez~~en ~ustx~~ ~a~iscr~ i ~,o~ ~ 14,~~~ 1 ~ }~86 ? ~~73 ~UDJ'C'OTt One Elected) Kevin ~. I~earrley ~~,8~1 TREASC~ER (p~YS Elected) ~~~~'IIl ~I'lxl~dy ~~,7~~ ~ further ee~ify that tic t~ta3 number oI' ~allats cast in the City a~' Alarn~da at said election w~ ~~,~~~ and att~.ched hereto is ~ c~rn~lete statem~r~t al'the results shawi~~ the nu~~ber cf vat~~ cast at each precinct ~cr each cand~dat~~ ~ hereby set ~~ hand and my cffcial seal this ~~th day of~ove~~~b~r ~~4~ at Ca~a~, ~ali~'am~a. ~ T ~~~'1~t~~,I' 0 ~ yC1~~TS County cf Alan~~~a Mate of Calif~mia City Council Attachment 1 to Agenda Item #4-Q 12-D2-D8 S'I`AT~ pF CAL.IFaRNIA ) ss. CU[YNTX OF A.LANIEDA Y DAB MAC~~IVTAY.~T~, I~~~i~tr~ oaf ~~~er~ far ~~ County ~~' Alameda, ~~t~ ~f ~a~xfarnia, havitlg ca~vas~ed she re~.r~~s of all ~ate~ earl iri ~ ~i~y of A1~eda a~ the general N~u~iei al ~leatian hey an Duey, ~I~vember ~, ~~4~ d~ hereby ~crtify ~e P fauaw~ to ~~ ~ full, t~~ and ~Q~rect ~te~ent ~~ ~~ l~e~uits of d11 vate~ cast an ~~ g f ~~~vwing mare ~e~~~re ~~ Ta maintain es~~ntial ~ix~' services ~t~eh ~~ beeping exist~~ dire ~tati~ns apeu; maintai~.u~ ~ei~hbarh~~d polieirig pragra~s; irnprQv~g ~"ie ~u~v ~~1 pede~~i awl l~icyc~e ~ai~ty; pr~ventin~ recre~ti~u ra ,~n cut~ae~; and res~ring ~revieu~l~' reduced library hours; shah the p ~' its of Alame~~ increase ~~ Cif zeal prape~.y transfer tax, eh~r~,ed v~hen ~ praper~y ~ sald, tYam $~ ~~~ to ~ 1~. ~ per ~ 1,'~ ~ ~f value, l ~mited to ~~ years a subject to audits? N~~asure ~; shall the Char~r ~f the City of Alameda be amer~~led to del~x~ obsal~t~ and unclear lan~uage~ laid arneridn~ v~ill be acmplished by amendin Sections ~-~, ~-~, ~-~, ~-?~A), ~~~~~~ ~ 3-~~~), ~-~~~ ~ ~+~~~ ~ ~- g l~, 9-l~E), 1~-~~)~),17-10, ~2-~, arxd ~g-~~A~~, dele~rng Secri~ns 3-7~E~, 3- 15. I , 1?-11, ~3~4, ~~-5, Art- ~'~, d ~~~~) ~ add~.g ~eeti~n ~~ l~ to said ~h~rter, all as mare ~.il~r set f~rt~ in l~es~l~tian N~. 1~~4~ of the ~~~ail a~ ~e ~irY of Alamec~. I furk~~r aerti~y that the tatnl number of b~~i~ts ~~t ~n ~~ Ciry of Al~ncd~ at paid eie~tian ryas ~~,~5~ and cached h~reta is ~ ~amplete ~tatemeut a~ the results sh~w~~ the number of vats rest at eae~ precinct fir and against the measure. I bereb set my lend and mfr ~ff~eial seal this ~~th day ~f ~~ven~I~er ~ at ~a~and, C~ifarnia. . ,~ ~~~~~TA~~ RegistY'ar of Voters Caunr~~ ~f Alameda. State of ~alifarnia STATE OF CAL.TFORNTA } ss. CQUNTY OF ALAMEY7A ) r ~~A ~A~~~~TA~I~, ~e~istxax' of '~~ters fir the ~~u~ty ~f Al,~eda, ~ta~ ~f Calif~rnla, h~vitx canv~sse~ ~e xetcrns ~f alb ~~tes cast i~ ~e pity of Alarne~ ~t the ,~ general l~uni~l ~1 Elect~~~ held ~n 7~iesday, N~v~~bex 4, ~~OS ~a hereby ~e~ify the P fo1l~w~n t~ ~ ~ full, tie ~~ ~arrt ~tat~r~e~ of the Results ~f all v~~s past ~~ the falls w i~g measure ~ieasr~re ~~ ~ha1l the ~harr~r of the ~it}~ ~f Alameda 6e amended t~ r~vide ~ every ~~ntract sh~Il he in ~vxitin~ and tl~.t the ~lry sha11 ~~t he 1~ bound by y contract unless it eom~lies with ~ltarter~ ~~~h ~ndme~t will be accomplished by dln~ ~e~ti~n ~ 1 ~ of said ~~arter, as fully set forth in Resaluti~n No. 1~~~~ cf khe ~aunct ~~ tl~e pity ~f `Alameda. Y~~ ~~~77~ ~~ ~, ~ea~~e ~: Shall the ~harrcr of ~e airy of Al~da be ~-er~ed to provide that in an emergency the Cfty i~ar~a~er or ~esi~nee may fcre~o ~ompeti~ive biddi~~ for ~ public r~~rl~ cx impx~vernent ar purchase ~f ma~rials or supplies to pro~ct life, health, ~r~perty or esse~~tial public serv~e~~ such arnerYdme~t wilj he a~~mplished by adding ~~cti~n ~~1~.2, as fu11y set forth in ~~soluticn ~o.1~~ of the ~~~cil of the ~i~y Qf A1-eda~ YES 1.~ ~~ 1 further eer~ify that the total number of aallo~ ~t In ~3ty ~f Alameda at said election was ~~ ~~~2 and at~ched l~~retc is a Clete st~t~r~er~t of the results sh~w~g the nt~nbcr cf vcte~ east at etch precinct fcx and a~alnst the measure. 1 t~e~eb set my hand. and my official seal phis ~~th day cf November ~~~~ at ~a1~a~d, y California, A C ONALD ~egi~trar of ~Toters ~ou~ty of Alameda Mate ~f ~aliT~rni~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY ~F ALAMEAA ) I, ~A~ NYA~~~NA~~, Registrar ~f Maters Tyr the ~~unty of AI~'i~da, Stars ~f ~alifarax~ having ca~~vas~ed the r~~rns of ~l vetes e~~i i~ the ~ii~ of Al~da at ~~e ~e~eral M~ic~pa~ l~lectian hetd an ~'uesda~y, S~ov~r~~er ~, ~~~~ d~ hereby certify ~e f~11~~vi~~ ~ be ~. full, true and ~~rrect ~ta~ment of ale ]~e~uhs of x.11 vate~ cyst an ~e fall~wi~~ mea~~re: ~ie~~~'e T: ~h~ll dx~ Ater of the ~i ~f Alameda b~ ~aeaded pravid~ ~ C~u~cil play det~~rnir~e whet- pity affie~s are tQ 1a~ open fir buaines~'? Sufi amendment will ~e aceam~lished by arr~~nding Art~l~ ~ dec. ~ ~f paid ~ha~er, as fu11y ~t ford in )~saluti~~~ Na. ~~~~~ of the ~~ul~~l~ ~~~ tb~ ~1~ ~f .~IaYI'le~~. Mea~ur~ U: ~h~11 the ~la~~ of the ~i~y ~f Alameda he amerid~d to provide that the Axtar have ~ ~ertif~ed ~~bl~ Acc~unta~t (~~A} lie~~se ~r a relat~l ~ducatx~r~l degree, and no band? Such a~n~~dment will he ~ce~mplished ~y amending Article ~ of said ~h~~, as filly set fartl~ in R.es~lu~ian ~~. ~~~47 of the ~aun~cil ~f the airy ~f Alameda. ~'E~ ~ I,~~~ N~ ~,~5~ ~ ~rll~er ~~~ify that the t~~l num~r ~~' ballots past ~ ~e ~i~' ~f Alameda at said ele~ti~~ was ~~,9$~ and. a't~ched hereto is a complete s~temc~nt ~f the results sl~o~vin~ the number o~ votes ~~st at each prir~ct far and against ~~ rasure. l herrl~y set my hand and my ~f~c~ seal ~i~ ~~tl~ day ~f ~averrxber 2~~$ at ~aklat~d, ~alif~rnia. d/t-/~~+ ~,cnaN Registrar of Voters County of Alameda State of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) I ~Ai~ ~I~O~~~I~~ ~~gtstrar ~f Voters fat the ~~un~r of Alameda, ~tat~ ~f ~alif~rt~a, haVin canvassed ~~ ret~rn~ of all votes cast in the pity of Alameda at ~e ~ .~ ~~neral Mr~riici a1 Election held ~ri ~aesday, I~avern~r ~, ~~ do hereby certtly ~e p f~liawirt ~ he a full, nv~ and cor~~ct ~tat~men~ of ~ results ~~ all votes cast on dle fallowing ~neasur~ 1~Gasur~ ~; ~hal1 ~i~ ~hart~r of ~~ pity of Alarneda b~ aend~d to re~~re that ih~ "~reasu~~r ~ lined as a ~hart~red ~inan~ial Analyst or ~er'fied Fina~aclal Flr and annually recanuxiend to ~~u~il ~n investin~nt polity for ~i~ moni~a and monitor and report results of the ~i~y invesent ortfa7ia~ such endrr~ will b~ accarnpliahed by am~ndin~ Article ~' ~f p said ~l~rter, as fully ~~ forth to Resalntivn No. ~4~$ of the ~ounctl of ~e airy of Alameda. ~..~. Measure ~V: shall the ~~a~er of ~e pity of ~4larncda be mended to elim~ate tTa~aportati~n tram ~e ~urisd.i~tiar~ of the I~ublic Utilita~~ ~aard~ ~ucl1 aTIt~;~dn]ent'Will ~~ ~.G~OITIp~i~`he~ by ~~n~lll~ Axtlcle 1~-1~A} of paid charter, as fully set forth ~ Resal~tiau Na. 1~~~9 ~f the ~aun~il of the pity ~f Alam~la. ~F.~ ~~,77~ N~ 1~,3~ 1 ~. ~ turt~r certify that the tom nur~~~t aI' hall~ts cast in ~e pity of ~ ~la~neda at said ele~Cian was ~~,~~~ and ~t~ach~d hereto is a. camel ~~tement ~f tl~e results shawin~ the cumber of votes Est at ~i precinct far and against the Leasure. I hereby set my hand and my off vial seal this 6th day ~f ~iavemher ~~~~ at ~a~~nd, California. ~ ~ ~~~NA~.~1~ ~egx~trar of Voters ~uun~y of Alameda tote of alifarnia sraT~e aF ca~,~o~~w ~ s$. COUNTY QF ALAMEI7A ) ~, ~~~E ~A~~~NA]L~, ~egi~tr~r of ~lat~rs far ~~ ~a u~t~ of Al~m~da, ~~t~ of ~~lifar~a, h~~in~ G~va~sed ~~ return ~f ail voC~s east in the ' ~ ~tty of Alta at ~~ ener~l ~uniei~~.~ ~lectior~ held on ']1~~sda~, ~ovemhcr 4 20D$ ~a 1~ r ' f~~~v~vin ~ e e~~ c~rt~~ the ~ to b~ a full, ~r~e end cnrt~~t taten~~nt o~ ~a~ results of a~I vat~~ c apt a~ the f~ilowifl~ ~a~~sure: 1~~easur~ ~: Shall the charter of the ~it~ of Al~neda be Mme nded to el~mt~ Feasan~ for rema~~1 ~f 7~istaxio~l Adv~o ~nard mombers author' ~ rY ~r1d to ~e t1~e ~~~ ~aur~az~ !~ dete~~ne when ~t is ap o riate to do s4? ~u~h ame ~ ~ ~~ment wiii ~~ ~~carnp~~~~ed by ~mendin~ Article ~~~~ sec, 5 of said ~harte~x ~~ fu~l~ sex forth in ~~~a~utia~ Na. 1~~.~1 ~f the C ' o~noil of the ~i~ of Al~rrleda. ~E~ 1~~ ~~ ~l1 T~~ I fer eertif~ fat ~±e tail n~unber of b~~lot~ ~~t in the ~i of Alamo ' was ~~ ~~~ tY Ada at said ~1~ct~a~ and at~aohed herexo is a ear~p~~fe starement of ~~ results ~howin the of votes c~~t at each reeinct f ~ ritunher ~ or and a~alust the m~~~ure. I f~ereby ~~t nay b~n~ end my ~ffieial set this ~~~ da of ~ v ~ , , y o ember ~~Q~ at hand, ~tt~r~ua. NA~i~ Regi~tr~r of Vater~ ~ountY of Atarneda Mate of ~~lifornia The Certificate of Election will be provided under separate cover. Until the Certificate is received, attached is the Statement of Vote. City Council Attachment 1 to Agenda Item #4-Q 12-02-08 1112410812;22 PM ALAI~E DA COUNTY Statement of Vote 1 of 3 November 4,2008 GENERAL ELECTION CITY OF A LAMEDA 980036 a a W g a z a o a ~ W O ~ ~ , V ~ z ~ Z W o W ~ ~z x ~~ a ~ L3 ,~ +~ a ~ ~ a ~ Q W _ L' N • N *'' ~ ~ C ~ Z ~~ W ~* m Q _ ? = ~ ~ t9 J W ' ~C a~ C Z y~j Z au+ ~ rx _ ~ m ~ H W~ ~~ ' ~ 0 a Q ~ = W aye W ~ e 3DDD00 300DOD 712 281 39,47 81 61 118 82 166 165 3DDODD -Absentee Reporting 712 291 40.87 93 56 149 134 206 209 300100 3D0140 1123 40 35.62 103 88 182 17l 258 256 3D410D -Absentee Reporting 1123 64 54.D5 184 125 279 314 A2D 419 3D011D 30D11D 838 341 40.69 93 66 144 143 216 212 30D110 -Absentee Reporting 838 35 42,60 111 72 963 174 245 246 34012D 30012D 541 23 42,88 69 48 102 101 159 158 ' 3D0120 -Absentee Reporting 541 23 42.51 75 63 120 99 155 161 3D0130 3D0130 852 29 34.98 903 58 134 123 202 2D4 304130 -Absentee Reporting 652 41 48.94 123 l8 203 188 272 267 300140 300140 10$0 38 36.02 119 79 147 138 245 235 30D140 -Absentee Reporting 1D84 511 47,31 13l 102 212 250 311 299 3DD15D 300150 937 32 34,47 103 52 126 147 209 206 3DD150 -Absentee Reporting 937 46 49.13 139 99 178 243 289 289 3001TD 3D0170 621 221 35.59 66 44 68 96 149 151 300110 -Absentee Reporting 621 29 47.18 88 60 139 136 185 188 3D018D 30D18D 763 2l 35.91 69 60 118 118 166 168 30D18D -Absentee Reporting 763 36 47.58 105 63 161 205 239 238 3002DD 3DD2D0 599 21 35,73 58 43 96 ll 129 129 3002D0 -Absentee Reporting 599 27 45,74 98 73 103 112 174 174 340210 3Q0210 852 27 32,75 63 36 122 118 170 168 34D210 -Absentee Reporting 852 441 51.76 138 87 19T 237 28l 283 30D30D 30D3DD 785 30 39.11 94 63 139 134 200 193 30D30D -Absentee Reporting l85 36 46.88 124 T8 1l1 157 247 254 3D0400 300400 707 28 4D.88 91 58 140 110 184 183 3004DD -Absentee Reporting 707 29 42.D1 96 54 159 145 241 199 30080D 30080D 1305 52 40.08 177 95 278 222 332 330 3DOSD4 -Absentee Reporting 13D5 63 48,97 247 124 297 341 411 418 301100 30110D 72D 30 42.T8 106 50 151 133 198 993 3011DD -Absentee Reporting 720 33 45.83 121 59 157 164 224 223 301200 3012D0 762 36 47.77 123 $1 177 147 238 232 301200 -Absentee Reporting 762 30 40.42 97 64 155 140 201 203 3D1400 3014D0 766 32 42,69 1D3 69 145 115 185 185 301400 -Absentee Reporting 766 32 42,30 113 7l 147 139 211 212 301510 3D151D 743 321 45,66 147 67 146 112 2D0 202 301510 -Absentee Reporting 7D3 281 39.97 92 82 937 114 195 191 3D1520 3D1520 1385 5A 39.49 182 122 184 154 308 302 3D1520 -Absentee Reporting 1385 54 39.35 171 142 21l 233 35l 361 3418D0 3018D0 8l1 39 45.46 141 102 143 146 241 242 341800 -Absentee Reporting 871 34 39.D4 151 83 138 154 229 228 341900 301900 9D7 35 39.47 10l 6D 139 121 226 22fi 301900 -Absentee Reporting 907 35 39.14 123 T8 13fi 149 221 223 3D2DDD 302000 1D18 44 43.71 164 9D 169 157 271 262 3D2D40 -Absentee Reporting 1018 35 34.68 123 80 158 146 237 238 30214D 30210D 739 33 44,65 100 TO 151 115 217 213 3021 DO -Absentee Reporting 739 23 31,66 8fi 55 96 $6 154 155 3D22D0 302204 T08 361 5D.99 138 68 165 950 234 233 3022DD -Absentee Reporting 708 26 3T.71 96 43 12D 122 183 182 3023D0 3D23DD fi12 22 36.76 77 51 91 60 142 144 302300 -Absentee Reporting 612 21 35.13 75 62 91 95 139 139 302400 3D24DD 721 3D 41.89 95 82 124 82 180 180 302400 -Absentee Reporting 721 24 33.84 85 5D 85 86 149 146 3D25D0 3D25D0 719 31 43.39 112 83 96 105 198 199 30250D -Absentee Reporting 719 241 33,52 1D4 58 87 95 158 161 3D251D 3D251D 822 36 44,40 114 74 131 113 216 21$ 3D251D -Absentee Reporting 822 29 35,fi4 79 70 125 114 181 177 30270D 3D27DD 854 37 43,68 115 93 125 102 229 234 3D270D -Absentee Reporting 854 34 36.07 107 84 122 96 197 194 X1124108 X2;22 PM ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote 2 of 3 November 4,2008 GENERAL ELECTION CITY OF ALAMEDA 9800036 a 0 W a .~ z ~ a o V a ~ '~ ~ ~--~ ° ~ t Z O ~+ W ~ ° W ~ C W ~ ~ c~ V ~ uZ o~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ as ~ "' z rn ~ ~z a = ~^ ~ a W Z N .~ G ~ W~ _ Z ~ ~ p cc °G c ~ O~ 41 OC ~' ~ m ~ ~ 0°~ wd rii C9 ~ ~ ~ CZ ~~ 2 W~ H ~w ~ c ~ ax ~ e 303DD0 30340D 833 34 41.54 88 72 161 141 224 222 3030D0 -Absentee Reporting 833 32 39,38 103 67 160 148 229 215 303300 303300 1184 391 33.02 125 l8 196 144 271 267 30330D -Absentee Reporling 1184 56 47.89 186 126 266 215 365 359 3D3400 3034D0 743 28 31,69 70 52 161 125 178 181 3034DD -Absentee Reporting 743 36 48,45 82 66 215 166 239 243 303500 343500 734 33 45.78 94 6l 143 119 203 199 303500 -Absentee Reporling 734 29 39.51 92 54 138 114 18D 179 3036D0 303640 1430 62 43.99 193 141 255 217 390 384 303600 -Absentee Reporting 1430 51 35,87 160 96 237 206 304 304 303800 3038D4 $D7 31 39.28 111 7fi 113 94 191 189 343800 -Absentee Reporling 807 36 45.23 144 96 140 941 234 232 304000 3D40D6 7l7 37 48.52 125 92 178 138 248 248 304000 -Absentee Reporling 777 2T 35.39 l3 65 149 124 193 194 3041 D0 304100 648 26 40.12 95 75 l3 77 170 165 3041 DO -Absentee Reporting 648 25 39.51 64 60 88 190 159 154 3D4120 304120 765 32 42.49 96 77 103 111 197 198 304120 -Absentee Reporting 765 30 39,48 103 73 139 133 199 204 304200 304200 664 231 34.79 52 39 135 109 149 148 304200 -Absentee Reporting 664 341 51,36 97 61 164 164 206 212 304500 30450D 814 34 42.51 110 71 118 104 196 193 3D4544 -Absentee Reporting 814 29 36.12 96 73 113 116 183 184 304600 3D46D0 96D 41 42.71 128 93 149 122 249 249 3D4600 -Absentee Reporling 960 36 38.23 133 96 144 133 220 220 3447D0 304700 778 31 4D.87 918 60 905 l3 184 187 36476D -Absentee Reporting l78 27 35,86 98 66 113 91 175 1l4 3048DD 304800 978 44 45.40 155 117 165 138 267 266 304840 -Absentee Reporling 976 31 32.52 96 81 147 142 215 213 3449D0 344900 765 36 41.58 126 89 126 137 228 234 344900 -Absentee Reporting 765 24 32,55 89 69 103 93 170 172 30564D 305000 736 29 39.40 99 73 122 104 185 17l 305000 -Absentee Reporling l36 28 38.72 94 73 134 112 193 193 3D501D 345610 9l1 27 28.D1 82 62 79 86 159 161 345D10 -Absentee Reporling 971 49 51,39 131 85 222 255 328 331 305104 3D510D 1055 40 37,91 149 94 86 118 231 226 305100 -Absentee Reporting 1055 45 43.13 152 122 142 178 29fi 295 3D540D 305400 825 38 46.55 128 11D 148 123 246 237 305400 -Absentee Reporting 825 31 38.06 93 84 146 127 198 200 30541D 30541D 712 27 39 A4 82 71 103 95 175 1l4 345410 -Absentee Reporling 712 29 41,71 81 78 111 116 110 170 3055DD 305540 914 391 42,78 166 111 83 111 229 226 305506 -Absentee Reporting 994 27 3D.49 120 79 $2 99 184 182 3D5600 305600 1037 41 39.92 139 105 149 136 243 245 3D564D -Absentee Reporting 1037 33 32.40 106 79 127 143 221 214 3D57D0 3D57DD 897 36 40.91 106 77 125 134 216 219 305704 -Absentee Reporling $9l 35 39.35 102 92 134 168 223 224 Precinct Totals 44049 1787 40.57 5710 3911 7147 6350 11097 11018 Absentee ReportingToials 44449 1811 41,11 5816 4Dfi2 T908 1918 11764 11145 Grand Totals 44049 3598 81.69 11586 7973 15055 14268 22861 22763 13th Congre551onai D15lrICl 44D49 3598 81.fi9 11586 7973 15055 14268 22861 22763 9th State Senatorial Dislric! 44049 3598 81.69 11586 7973 15055 14268 22851 22163 16th Assembly District 84049 3598 81,69 11586 1973 15055 14268 22861 22763 1st Dist, Board of Equalization 44049 3596 81.69 11586 7913 15055 94268 22861 22763 3rd Supervisarial District 44049 3598 81.69 11586 7973 15055 14268 22861 22763 ALAMEDA 44049 3598 81.69 11586 7973 15055 14268 22861 22763 ~112~10812.22 PM ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote 3 of 3 November 4,ZOO8 GENERAL ELECTION ***Grand Tolals CITY OF ALAMEDA 980D036 a a a u z ~ o d ~j a c W ~ N ~ ° ~ C Q = ~ ~ W ~+Z Y1 ~ owe ~ ga a ~ a = a ~ x , • sn G ~ C ~ c W Z w m W ~ Q1 a+ ~ I. . ~ tZ ~ V ~a ~ ~ ~ o- Z a- ~ m H ~M ~ c ~ a e ~ e City of A~ametla 44D49 3598 81.fi9 11586 7973 15D55 14268 22861 22763 111~4ros 12.38 pM ALAMEDA CQUNTY Statement of Vvte 1 of 3 November a, 2oo8 GENERAL ELECTIaN C1TY OF A~AMEDA 9840492 0 o a a W W W W a IL LL a a ° ° W 0 W 0 C G N ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v r t ~ U ~ ~ v ~: ~' ~ ~ N rl} *' 0 ~ O ~ aWic ~ a a a lx m H ~~ z ~~ z° ~~ z ~~ z 30D040 300D00 712 281 39.47 98 135 15D 58 158 49 128 77 300000 -Absentee Reporting 712 291 40.87 112 144 185 49 204 32 173 65 3DD10D 3D01DD 1123 4D 35.62 148 211 262 64 2l5 47 226 91 3D0100 -Absentee Reporting 1123 6D 54A5 272 298 445 69 483 48 384 150 300110 300110 838 341 40,69 140 151 2Dfi 60 220 47 177 91 300110 -Absentee Reporting 838 35 42,60 144 173 257 49 254 42 2D7 93 30D120 30D124 541 23 42.88 98 109 131 48 148 33 118 64 304120 -Absentee Reporting 541 23 42.51 74 139 160 29 170 24 139 53 300134 3D013D 852 29 34.98 118 149 197 45 194 47 162 84 300130 -Absentee Reporting 852 49 48.94 168 207 287 66 296 61 239 114 300140 30014D 1080 38 36.02 165 185 241 68 234 74 204 104 30014D -Absentee Reporting 9080 511 47,31 162 316 367 6D 361 61 29l 119 30015D 300150 937 32 34.47 133 150 21D 45 205 50 185 74 340150 -Absentee Reporting 937 46 49.73 190 229 321 56 329 47 275 10D 340174 300170 621 221 35.59 9D 112 144 41 14l 33 125 58 30017D -Absentee Reporting 621 29 41.18 903 165 200 31 207 24 177 57 300180 340180 763 27 35.91 106 137 173 44 185 32 152 67 30418D -Absentee Reporting 763 36 47,58 146 181 277 28 271 34 236 74 300200 34D200 599 21 35.73 81 1D5 127 37 128 30 108 51 3002DD -Absentee Reporting 599 27 45.14 79 165 203 33 2D4 28 163 69 30D210 30421D 852 27 32.75 113 136 184 33 178 35 156 58 30D210 -Absentee Reporting 852 441 59.76 166 244 317 56 322 53 251 127 300300 300300 785 30 39.11 112 161 192 59 202 52 163 95 304300 -Absentee Reporting 785 36 46.88 125 215 225 75 256 46 194 114 300400 300404 707 28 4D.88 129 128 1l7 49 173 51 150 l7 304400-Absentee Reparting 7D7 29 42.D1 112 162 189 62 196 57 169 84 3DD804 30080D 13D5 52 40.08 232 242 354 89 361 12 281 158 34D804 -Absentee Reporting 1305 63 48.97 254 336 443 89 451 80 375 161 301100 3D11D0 72D 30 42.78 141 134 187 62 191 52 166 83 341100 -Absentee Reporting 72D 33 45.83 163 142 247 38 260 33 20l 82 3D12D0 3D1240 762 36 47,77 178 153 249 59 254 49 219 92 3D1200 -Absentee Reporting 762 3D 40.42 129 146 210 43 21l 39 176 79 301400 3414D0 766 32 42,69 130 153 198 54 212 44 164 92 301440 -Absentee Reporting 766 32 42.30 118 177 217 46 219 46 169 99 3D1510 301510 743 321 45.6fi 137 145 215 49 246 53 153 96 301510 -Absentee Reporting 703 281 39.97 109 156 19l 40 202 42 148 91 301524 3D152D 1385 54 39,49 242 215 310 98 311 92 269 137 301520 -Absentee Reporting 1385 54 39,35 232 251 347 95 373 72 291 154 301804 3D180D 871 39 45.46 164 163 213 82 234 64 188 112 301800 -Absentee Reporting 871 34 39.D4 166 151 236 51 254 44 202 95 301900 301900 907 35 39.47 183 119 202 64 206 61 159 146 301900 -Absentee Reporting 901 35 39.14 179 126 224 54 237 44 182 9l 302000 302000 1098 44 43.71 233 153 273 77 268 74 215 127 3D200D -Absentee Reporting 1018 35 34.68 182 146 259 44 261 38 214 92 3D21D0 30210D 739 33 44.65 149 134 243 5D 209 39 163 83 302100 -Absentee Reporting 739 23 31.66 118 89 154 40 167 27 133 67 30220D 302200 708 361 50.99 169 171 248 6D 249 55 2D7 99 3022D0 -Absentee Reporting lD8 26 31,71 109 133 184 39 194 37 153 73 3023DD 3D23DD 612 22 36.76 107 91 118 54 132 41 112 62 30230D • Absentee Reporting 612 21 35.13 112 78 128 39 146 25 112 59 302400 3D2400 721 30 41.89 155 109 169 71 184 50 148 83 3424D0 -Absentee Reporting 729 24 33.84 119 91 157 30 156 25 139 53 3425DD 302500 l19 31 43.39 177 81 176 54 180 43 147 78 3D2540 -Absentee Reporting 719 241 33,52 127 90 149 46 169 28 131 66 34251D 302510 822 36 44.40 191 121 205 l6 222 65 180 1D5 3D2510 -Absentee Reporting 822 29 35.64 133 123 192 44 193 42 154 82 342700 302100 854 37 43,68 175 119 196 64 192 65 167 95 3027D0 -Absentee Reporting 854 30 36.07 147 123 188 56 199 50 168 88 1112410812:38 PM ALAMEDA COUNTY Sta#ement of Vote ~ of 3 November 4,2008 GENERAL ELECTIQN CITY OF ALAMEDA 9840092 p p C d a a W 3 G ,~ ,~ ~ ~ a ° ~ ° ~ 0 0 o N ~ ~ ` V V ~ u ~ ~ cG ~ .r ++ u u ~ a ~ ~ ~ N ~~ o ° ~ ~ ~ LY ~ m ~ H d ~- ~~ i d ,~ ~~ i a ~~ z d ~~ ° 303000 303000 833 34 41.54 180 135 22D 66 232 50 192 z 92 303000 -Absentee Reporting 833 32 39.38 167 135 230 47 235 45 168 110 3D3300 303300 1184 391 33A2 190 163 246 69 244 76 199 118 30330D -Absentee Reporling 1184 56 4T.89 199 314 380 81 398 6l 319 149 3034DD 3034D0 743 28 37.69 127 128 184 47 194 37 154 80 3D3400 -Absentee Reporling 743 36 48,45 161 1l9 261 43 26J 36 212 95 303500 3035D0 l34 33 45,78 157 143 212 61 211 53 166 101 303500 -Absenlee Reporling 734 29 39.51 125 138 2D0 48 210 37 1l4 80 303600 3D3600 1430 62 43.99 321 207 352 109 377 89 313 15l 303600 -Absentee Reporling 1430 51 35,87 245 205 330 91 366 60 298 121 303800 303800 807 31 39,28 172 1D5 183 72 186 61 156 96 3036Dq -Absentee Reporling 807 36 45.23 146 183 237 60 24l 53 19D 115 304000 3040D0 TT7 37 48.52 188 164 237 84 254 67 199 122 304000 -Absenlee Reporting 777 27 35,39 135 112 198 43 205 35 1l3 l2 304100 344100 648 26 4D.12 127 97 164 40 158 32 136 fig 304100 -Absenlee Reporting 648 25 39.51 106 108 972 23 172 24 130 6l 3D4120 304120 765 32 42,09 137 136 173 l1 986 55 968 76 3D4120 -Absenlee Reporting 765 3D 39.48 125 949 210 47 217 38 163 96 304200 30420D 664 231 34.T9 88 122 164 40 172 29 134 lD 344200 -Absenlee Reporling 664 341 51.36 116 200 217 72 236 55 196 102 304500 3045DD 814 34 42,51 i69 117 192 64 199 53 157 94 304500 -Absentee Reporting 814 29 36,12 142 116 199 42 2D4 39 162 80 304600 304600 960 41 42.71 226 123 214 98 233 75 2D5 106 304600 -Absenlee Reporting 960 36 38.23 163 158 249 47 240 52 192 1D2 304700 304700 778 31 4D,87 171 95 173 l1 i84 61 i46 94 304TDD -Absenlee Reporting 778 27 35.86 139 109 184 38 184 34 16D 65 304800 3D4800 9l8 44 45.40 227 156 252 93 259 85 210 138 304800 -Absenlee Reporling 978 31 32.52 127 157 208 57 220 45 169 90 304900 304900 765 36 47.58 185 122 217 65 227 52 188 89 304900 -Absentee Reporting 165 24 32.55 117 106 155 43 173 23 128 72 305000 3Q50DD 736 29 39.40 145 103 961 69 1l4 53 14l 80 305000 -Absenlee Reporling 736 28 38.T2 145 115 181 47 202 42 974 72 305014 30501D 971 2l 28A1 136 93 158 35 163 28 145 55 305D10-Absenlee Reporting 971 49 51,39 252 i93 364 41 376 33 326 B6 3051DD 305100 1055 40 37,91 166 152 191 83 208 66 192 $5 305100 -Absentee Reporting 1055 45 43.13 187 219 289 76 303 67 260 108 3054DD 305400 825 38 46.55 191 146 225 71 233 59 194 96 3D5400 -Absentee Reporting 825 31 38.06 122 966 206 53 209 52 16D 99 305410 305410 l12 27 39.04 150 84 153 62 164 43 134 79 305410 -Absentee Reporling 712 29 41.71 126 131 187 4i 201 35 159 88 305500 305500 914 391 42.T8 242 78 194 l5 214 64 194 88 305500 -Absentee Reporling 914 27 30.09 162 83 183 45 188 39 1 fit 71 3D5600 305600 1D37 41 38,92 227 127 223 97 25D 10 228 93 305600 -Absentee Reporting 1D37 33 32.40 157 132 193 69 20T 54 1l3 91 305700 305700 897 36 40.91 993 122 206 T2 225 55 184 101 305700 -Absentee Reporting 897 35 39.35 i54 15D 241 42 252 27 184 94 Precinct Totals 44049 1787 40,57 8410 7088 10601 3328 11015 2808 9135 4780 Absentee Reporting 7oials 44049 1811 41.91 7768 8554 12245 2653 12764 2221 10281 4182 Grand Totals 44049 3598 81,69 15178 15642 22846 5981 23779 5029 19416 9562 131h Congressional District 44049 3598 81,69 16178 15642 22846 5981 23779 5429 19416 9562 9th Stale Senatorial District 44049 3598 81,69 16178 15642 22846 5981 23779 5029 19496 9562 16th Assembly District 44D49 3598 81.69 16178 15642 22845 5981 23779 5029 19416 9562 1st Disl, Board of Equalizalian 44049 3598 81.69 16178 15642 22846 5981 23179 5029 19416 9562 3rd Supervisoria! District 44049 3598 81.69 16178 15642 22846 5981 23779 5029 19416 9562 ALAMEDA 44049 3598 81,69 16178 15642 2284fi 5981 23779 5D29 19416 9562 9112a1o812:38 PM ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote 3 of 3 November 4,2D08 GENERAL ELECTIQN ***Grand Totals 9840092 CITY 4F ALAMEDA a ° a ° a 0 a 0 ~ a ~ a ~ a ~ ~ ~, a 0 0 ~ 0 0 o ~' cCS ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ t +r ~ U +~ ~ m , a ~ ~ ~ _N ~ N ~-' ° ~ O ` a ~ a ~ c ~ , ~ ~ ~ m F' a ~~ i a ~ x a ~ i a ~ ~ ~~ z City of Alameda 44049 3598 81.69 16178 15642 22846 5981 23779 5029 19416 9562 ~~r24ro812;38 PM ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote ~ of 3 November 4,2o0a GENERAL ELECTIaN CI TY OF ALAME~A 9840096 a o a a a o a 0 W W yy W ~ g g ~ a a a a O O w O D C 0 +~ ~ RG Q ~ V ~ V ~ V r V +~ ~ ~ U *~ N ~ ~ > > , ~ N 'a~ *r O ° E a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LL ~ ~ W W C ~r z W W D ~~ z W~ ~~ z W u~ ~r i 3DD000 300000 712 281 39,47 118 86 139 65 150 53 11D 8D 3D0000 • Absentee Reporting 792 291 40,87 161 76 179 59 190 42 138 82 3DD10D 340100 1123 4D 35.62 225 91 255 62 252 65 2D4 1DD 3D0100 -Absentee Reporting 1123 6D 54.05 383 150 413 117 442 83 343 148 30011D 3D0110 838 341 4D.69 191 73 198 fib 228 39 153 1D2 3D011D -Absentee Reporting 838 35 42.60 222 l4 240 59 251 44 997 78 300120 30D120 541 23 42.88 118 62 12l 54 146 28 99 68 300120 -Absentee Reporting 541 23 42,51 136 57 147 44 162 31 113 62 300130 30013D 852 29 34,98 162 $1 183 61 981 62 149 95 300130 -Absentee Repvrling 852 41 48,94 241 113 258 99 280 71 22D 115 30D140 30014D 1080 38 36,02 166 117 235 l6 236 64 175 119 300140 -Absentee Reporting 1080 511 47.31 3D9 1D9 338 87 339 80 272 132 300150 30015D 937 32 34.47 173 78 204 45 204 49 161 79 30D15D -Absentee Reporting 937 46 49.73 282 92 297 82 317 60 232 105 3D0170 3D0170 621 221 35.59 118 61 130 49 130 44 106 61 3D0170 -Absentee Reporting 621 29 47,18 187 44 191 41 192 40 152 65 3DOi8D 300180 763 27 35,91 137 75 162 56 172 40 131 71 3DD180 • Absentee Reporting 763 36 47,58 215 86 243 60 261 4D 207 71 3D0200 30D240 599 21 35.73 101 54 124 37 124 35 91 57 3D02DD -Absentee Reporting 599 27 45.14 157 74 182 5D 194 36 156 65 340210 300210 852 27 32.15 152 6D 164 49 159 47 123 l6 340210 -Absentee Reporting 852 441 51.16 264 1 D5 296 l7 311 64 233 119 300300 3003D0 785 30 39.11 167 85 188 63 197 55 148 8l 3D0300 -Absentee Reporting l85 36 46.68 200 113 237 69 255 51 184 1D6 3404DD 300400 707 28 40.88 145 78 167 55 166 51 124 85 30D4DD -Absentee Reporting 707 29 42,D1 169 83 187 61 208 47 141 102 300800 30080D 1305 52 40.08 293 139 321 106 335 95 26l 137 300840 • Absentee Repvrling 1305 63 48,97 3lD 163 4D0 133 436 93 341 153 301100 30110D 720 3D 42,78 977 66 181 63 193 54 156 77 301100 -Absentee Reporting 720 33 45.83 2D2 85 234 5D 244 32 188 74 301200 3D1200 762 36 47,77 207 1D3 243 61 259 42 197 99 30120D -Absentee Reparling 762 30 4D.42 181 70 20D 52 209 42 154 83 301400 3014D0 766 32 42.69 146 99 197 58 208 43 145 92 301400 -Absentee Reporting 766 32 42.30 177 88 199 71 219 51 158 94 30151D 30151D 703 321 45,66 163 91 194 63 199 53 151 93 301510 -Absentee Reparling 703 281 39,97 156 86 172 72 206 36 152 82 30152D 301520 1385 54 39.49 250 155 282 121 308 93 21D 177 301520 -Absentee Repvrling 1385 54 39,35 288 15D 313 12D 374 6T 25D 165 3D18D4 3018DD 871 39 45.46 191 101 215 79 229 61 154 126 3D18D0 -Absentee Repvrling 871 34 39.04 199 94 223 6T 251 41 191 89 30190D 301900 907 35 39.47 158 1D1 186 76 189 69 126 119 301900 -Absentee Reporting 907 35 39.14 180 98 208 71 228 52 157 114 302D00 3D2000 1018 44 43.71 223 116 252 83 261 l2 195 125 302D00 -Absentee Reporting 1018 35 34.fi$ 203 92 230 68 252 47 178 103 302100 302100 l39 33 44.65 151 91 183 59 989 52 151 86 302100 - A17senlee Reporting T39 23 31.66 125 l1 151 43 159 36 108 75 302240 3D2200 T08 361 50.99 19l 104 230 65 224 72 180 103 3D220D -Absentee Reporting 7D8 26 37,71 14l l8 169 54 981 45 13l 77 3023DD 3D2300 612 22 36.76 108 67 118 53 138 36 10D 62 3D230D -Absentee Reporting 612 21 35.13 906 55 131 36 137 31 88 59 3024DD 3024D0 721 30 41.89 136 67 148 l5 164 65 119 97 3024D0 -Absentee Repvrling T21 24 33.84 128 57 141 43 156 27 110 63 30250D 342500 719 31 43.39 14D 63 17D 50 180 4D 115 103 3025D0 -Absentee Reporting 719 241 33,52 139 60 140 57 158 40 108 80 3D251D 302510 822 36 44,40 168 117 2D6 81 229 49 131 143 302510 -Absentee Reporting 822 29 35,64 150 $5 172 56 188 40 124 95 3D2700 3027D0 854 37 43,68 163 9D 181 70 196 59 139 101 3D2700 -Absentee Repvrling 854 30 36.D7 169 82 186 66 208 39 136 101 1~124~0$ X2:3$ PM ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote 2 of 3 November 4,2aa$ GENERAL ELECTION CITY OF ALAMEDA 9$40090 a 0 a 0 a o a a ~u ~ ~++ ~ u~ ~ w ~ g g g 5 a a LL a a 4. Q ~4 ~ W ~ c ' N ~ ~, V V V V ~ ~ U N ~ ~ w > > 3 N .~ ~ ~ D 4 a ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ m H ~~ z ~ i a ~ ° a ° r s z ~r z 3D3D00 303D00 833 34 41.54 190 90 211 65 220 55 161 1D5 3034D0 •Abseniee Repvriing 833 32 39.38 1l9 100 205 14 213 58 155 1D7 3D3300 303300 1184 391 33.02 188 123 22l 64 257 60 168 136 303300 -Abseniee Repvriing 1184 56 47,89 302 167 339 126 373 84 281 154 303400 303400 743 28 37,69 151 80 183 49 195 34 135 84 30340D -Abseniee Reporting 743 36 46,45 212 89 241 64 259 41 994 85 303500 303500 734 33 45.78 166 1D0 207 62 202 6l 132 121 30350D -Abseniee Reporting 734 29 39.51 165 84 1l5 71 194 52 152 83 303600 303600 143D 62 43.99 300 169 360 106 368 100 270 178 30360D -Absentee Repvriing 1430 51 35.87 284 129 324 94 336 83 252 137 303800 303800 807 31 39,28 148 101 173 l3 18fi 63 139 99 303800 -Abseniee Repvriing 807 36 45,23 179 113 227 62 221 62 168 100 304000 3D4DD0 777 37 48.52 20D 12D 242 T1 256 60 186 ill 304000 -Abseniee Reporting 77l 2l 35.39 1l6 68 182 58 191 46 144 83 3041D0 3D4100 648 26 40.12 132 65 163 35 169 32 117 77 304100 -Absentee Reporting 648 25 39,51 139 50 152 42 166 25 i 19 62 304120 30412D 765 32 42 A9 162 83 180 65 194 49 130 108 3D412D -Abseniee Reporting 765 3D 39,48 166 87 187 67 193 57 158 64 3042D0 304200 664 231 34,79 155 4l 164 34 169 34 128 65 304200 -Abseniee Reporting 664 341 51.36 206 86 219 l2 229 64 174 1 DD 304500 304500 814 34 42.51 159 85 180 66 183 65 126 110 30450D -Absentee Reporting 814 29 36.12 954 81 186 48 199 37 134 89 304600 304640 960 41 42.71 198 108 219 SD 229 64 169 118 3046D0 -Abseniee Reporting 960 36 38.23 189 97 218 73 231 59 179 99 304700 304100 778 31 40,81 144 95 162 80 167 75 115 115 304700 -Absentee Reporting 778 27 35.86 156 62 158 59 179 37 126 76 304800 304800 9l8 44 45.40 210 132 25l 90 272 76 191 149 3D480D •Abseniee Reporting 978 31 32.52 168 9D 194 63 986 65 957 93 30490D 304900 765 36 47.58 196 81 220 57 229 44 164 96 304904 -Absentee Reporting 765 24 32,55 134 63 151 49 166 32 122 68 3050DD 305000 736 29 39,40 145 82 162 68 174 54 12l 96 305000 -Absentee Repvriing 736 28 38,72 164 79 178 67 190 46 127 95 305010 305010 971 2T 28.01 141 52 147 45 163 30 109 74 305010 •Abseniee Reporting 971 49 51.39 315 89 334 69 354 4l 278 99 3D510D 3D5100 1055 40 37.91 174 98 199 76 208 63 145 115 30590D -Abseniee Reporting 1055 45 43,13 229 128 285 76 294 65 223 121 305400 305400 825 38 46,55 173 119 208 85 211 61 156 129 305400 -Abseniee Reporting 825 31 38.06 170 83 189 71 2D8 49 155 90 305410 305410 712 27 39,D4 125 81 154 55 168 36 104 96 305410 -Absentee Reporting l12 29 41.71 153 lq 161 64 174 54 133 81 305500 305500 914 391 42.78 162 115 206 72 222 54 132 132 305500 -Absentee Reporting 914 27 3D.D9 147 76 983 44 203 28 128 90 3D5600 305600 1037 41 39.92 206 107 226 83 241 68 178 124 30560D -Abseniee Reporting 9037 33 32.40 152 108 183 79 2D5 53 13D 1 i4 305700 3D5700 897 36 40,91 183 92 203 76 223 57 158 104 305700 -Abseniee Reporting 897 35 39.35 188 89 239 43 234 41 172 89 Precinct Totals 44049 1787 4D.57 8872 4836 10236 3484 10752 2914 7742 5368 Abseniee Repvriing Totals 44049 1811 41.11 10173 4682 11387 3499 12202 2595 9D31 4953 Grand Totals 44049 3598 81.69 19045 9518 21623 6983 22954 5509 16773 10321 13th Congressional Oistricl 44049 3598 81.69 19045 951 B 21623 6983 22954 5509 16773 10321 9th State Senatorial District 44049 3598 81.69 19045 9518 21623 6983 22954 5509 16773 1x321 16th Assembly District 44049 3598 81.69 19045 9518 21623 6983 22954 5509 16173 iD321 1st Dist, Board of Equatizaiivn 44049 3598 81.69 19045 9518 21623 6983 22954 5509 16773 10321 3rd Supervisvrial District 44049 3596 81,69 19045 9518 21623 6963 22954 5509 16773 10321 ALAMEDA 44049 3598 81,69 19045 9518 21623 6983 22954 5509 96773 10321 1112410812:38 PM ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote 3 of 3 November 4,2008 GENERAL ELECTION **Grand Totals CITY QF AI.AMEDA 984009G a a a 0 o n W W W a o W ~ 5 ~ a a a ~, g a p N ~ ~ Q 0 0 0 C t C V V V 0 C V +~' ~ U .r ~ ~ ~ ~ > > 3 u, .~ ~ _ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ar ~ ~ m ~ H a W o a ~, a ,~ ~ r z ~~ z ~~ z a ~ s i City of Alameda 44049 3598 81,69 19045 9518 21623 69$3 22954 5509 16773 10321 1112410812:39 PM ALAMEDA CGUNTY Statement of Vote 1 of 3 November 4,2008 GENERAL ELECT[4N NON PARTISAN MEASURE X - CITY OF ALAMEDA 984a~ DO c ~ ~ o U ~,,,, ~ ~ ~ . N o ~ ~ ~~/1 lY McC W i. .7 ~ W ~ O Z 30DDOD 300DD4 712 281 39.47 109 89 3DD40D -Absenlee Reporling l12 291 44.87 138 84 300100 3001D0 1123 40 35.62 196 108 300104 -Absentee Reporling 1123 60 54,05 339 162 300114 3D0110 838 341 40,69 161 91 3DD110 -Absenlee Reporting 838 35 42,60 175 1D0 30012D 30D120 541 23 42.88 106 68 3D0120 -Absenlee Reporling 541 23 42.51 96 81 340130 300130 852 29 34.98 127 107 300130 -Absentee Reporling 852 41 48.94 197 140 300140 300140 1080 38 36,D2 168 12D 300140 -Absentee Reporting 1080 511 47,31 284 125 30D15D 300150 937 32 34.41 161 76 300150 -Absenlee Reporling 937 46 49.73 233 123 30417D 3D0174 621 221 35.59 109 64 304170 -Absenlee Reporting 621 29 47,18 148 75 300184 300180 763 27 35.91 128 BO 30D180 -Absenlee Reporting 763 36 47,58 199 81 3DD2DD 300200 599 21 35.73 81 69 300200 -Absenlee Reporling 599 27 45.7A 143 82 300210 300210 852 27 32.75 118 8D 300210 -Absenlee Reporling 852 441 51.76 221 135 300300 300340 785 34 39,11 132 107 300300 -Absentee Reporling 785 36 46,88 159 141 300400 300400 l07 28 4D.86 123 95 30D400 -Absenlee Reporling 707 29 42.01 131 114 30D8D0 300800 1305 52 40.08 242 176 34D80D -Absentee Reporling 1305 63 48.97 324 1l7 301100 30110D 720 3D 42.78 150 90 301100 -Absenlee Reporling 720 33 45.83 174 97 3012D0 301200 762 36 47,77 171 122 301200 -Absenlee Reporling 762 3D 4D,42 138 1D3 3014DD 301400 766 32 42.69 138 1D4 3D1400 -Absenlee Reporling 766 32 42.30 141 105 301510 301510 703 321 45.66 141 103 301510 -Absentee Reporting 703 281 39.97 133 101 301520 30152D 1385 54 39,49 192 186 34152D -Absentee Reporting 1385 54 39.35 233 196 301800 341840 871 39 45,46 157 129 3018D0 -Absenlee Reporting 871 34 39,04 164 121 3019D4 341900 907 35 39.47 1D7 143 3D1940 -Absentee Reporling 907 35 39.14 141 129 30244D 342000 1018 44 43.11 185 143 3D2D4D -Absentee Reporling 1018 35 34.68 168 121 302100 302100 739 33 44.85 114 115 302100 -Absentee Reporling 739 23 31,66 1D6 83 302200 30220D 748 361 50,99 156 130 34220D -Absenlee Reporting 748 26 37,71 118 94 302300 302300 612 22 36,76 94 75 302300 -Absentee Reporling 612 21 35.13 82 71 302400 302400 721 3D 41.$9 115 104 342400 -Absenlee Reporling 721 24 33.84 104 fib 302504 342540 719 31 43.39 106 109 302504 -Absenlee Reporting 719 241 33.52 104 96 3D2514 30251D 822 36 44.40 129 147 302510 -Absenlee Reporting 822 29 35.64 116 i 10 3D2TD4 302700 854 37 43,68 125 126 3D27D0 -Absenlee Reporting 854 30 36,07 122 117 1112410812;39 PM ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote 2 of 3 November 4,2008 GENERAL ELECTION NQN PARTISAN MEASURE X -CITY 4F A~AMEDA 984000 o 0 ca U ,,_, ~ N ~ o c ~ ~ M'1 LL + ~ Z 303000 303D40 833 34 41.54 154 124 343040 -Absentee Reporting 633 32 39.38 154 11D 30330D 30330D 11$4 391 33.02 161 145 303300 -Absentee Reporting 1184 56 47,89 262 179 303400 303400 743 28 37,69 130 92 303400 -Absentee Reporting 743 36 48.45 182 107 30350D 303540 734 33 45.78 123 137 303500 -Absentee Repvrling 734 29 39,51 145 99 343600 303600 143D 62 43,99 257 195 303600 -Absentee Reporting 1430 51 35,81 239 158 303800 303804 807 31 39.28 129 118 303840 -Absentee Reporting 807 36 45.23 169 114 304D00 304004 l77 37 48.52 168 140 304000-AbsenleeRepvriirag 777 27 35,39 129 102 304100 304100 648 26 4D.12 117 81 304100 -Absentee Reporting 648 25 39.51 118 TO 30412D 304120 765 32 42.09 121 106 304124 -Absentee Reporting 765 3D 39,48 138 105 3D4200 304200 664 231 34,79 118 78 3D4200 • Absentee Repvrling 664 341 51.36 171 111 344500 3045D0 814 34 42.51 113 128 304500 -Absentee Repvrling 814 29 36.12 122 105 304600 304604 960 41 42.71 162 133 304600 -Absentee Reporting 960 36 36,23 162 124 304700 304700 778 31 40,81 108 121 304700 -Absentee Reporting 778 27 35.86 125 92 304800 3D480D 978 44 45.40 171 163 304800 -Absentee Reporting 978 31 32.52 142 112 30490D 304900 765 36 47,58 148 118 3049DD -Absentee Reporting 765 24 32,55 123 70 3D5D00 3050D0 T36 29 39.40 118 106 3D5D00 -Absentee Repvrling 736 28 38.72 122 110 305D10 3D5010 971 27 28.D1 148 73 305010 -Absentee Reporting 971 49 51.39 273 115 305140 305100 1055 40 37,91 145 118 305100 -Absentee Reporting 1055 45 43,13 208 145 305400 3054DD 825 38 46.55 139 143 305400 -Absentee Repvrling 825 31 38.06 143 113 305410 305410 712 Z7 39.04 97 908 30541D -Absentee Repvrling 712 29 41.71 133 93 30550D 305500 914 391 42,78 138 130 305500 -Absentee Reporting 914 27 3D,D9 122 102 3056D0 305600 1037 Al 39,92 163 141 305600 -Absentee Repvrling 1037 33 32.40 126 126 3D5700 34570D 897 36 40.91 13l 128 305700 -Absentee Reporting 897 35 39.35 160 108 Precinct Totals 44049 1787 40,57 7266 5974 Absentee Reporting Totals 44049 1811 41,11 8499 5798 Grand Totals 44049 3598 81.69 15765 11772 131h Congressional Dislnci 44049 3598 81.69 15765 11772 9th Siaie Senatorial District 44049 3598 81.69 15765 11772 161h Assembly District 44049 3598 81,69 15765 11772 1st Dist, Board of Equalization 44049 3598 81.69 15765 11772 3rd Supervisorial District 44049 3598 81,69 15165 19772 Ak.AMEDA 44049 3596 81,69 15165 11772 111~4~a812;39 PM ALAMEDA COUNTY Statement of Vote 3 of 3 November 4,7aa8 GENERAL ELECTION *~*Grand Tatals NON PARTISAN MEASURE X -CITY QF ALAMEDA 984000 c a ~ ~, ~ ~ -r ~ O'1 _o c L ~G/) cMMC .L1. W o Cily of Alameda 44049 3598 81.69 15T65 ~ 1772 CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. ~. a~ 0 DECLARING CANVASS GF RETURNS AND RESULTS GF CONSOLIDATED GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2005, INCLUDING ENACTING ORDINANCE NO. N.S. AMENDING SECTION 3-58 OF DIVISION 1 QF ARTICLE II OF CHAPTER III GF THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPAL CODE, THE REAL PROPERTY TRANSACTION TAX 1lIlHEREAS, a consolidated General Municipal Election, under and pursuant to the provisions of Article XIX of the Charter of said City, was held for the purpose of electing officers to the Office of Councilmember, Office of Auditor and Office of Treasurer, and for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Alameda certain proposals, as set forth hereafter: .~ ,.. ~ c~ Two (2) Councilmembers on the Council of said City for full terms, each term commencing at 8:00 o'clock p.m. on the third Tuesday in December, 2008 and continuing for four (4) years thereafter and until a successor is elected and qualified. One (1) Auditor of said City for a full term, commencing at 8:00 o'clock p.m. on the third Tuesday in December, 2008 and continuing for four (4) years thereafter and until a successor is elected and qualified. One (1) Treasurer of said City for a at 8:00 o'clock p.m. on the third Tuesday in continuing for four (4) years thereafter any elected and qualified. MEASURE P full term, commencing n December, 2008 and d until a successor is To maintain essential City services such as keeping existing fire stations open; maintaining neighborhood policing programs; improving traffic flow and pedestrian and bicycle safety; preventing recreation program cutbacks; and restoring previously reduced library hours; shall the City of Alameda increase the City real property transfer tax, charged when a property is sold, from $5.40 to $12.00 per $1,000.00 of value, limited to 20 years and subjecttoaudits? MEASURE Q Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to delete obsolete and unclear language? Said amendments will be accomplished by amending Sections 2-4, 2-6, 2-9, ~3-l~A}, 3-7~B}, 3-l~C}, 3-7~F}, 3-l~l}, 3-15, 9-1~E}, 12-3~D}, 11-10, 22-4, and 28- 6~A}, deleting Sections 3-?~E}, 3-15.1, 11-11, 23-4, 23-5, Art. Resolution #4-Q CC ~z-o~-os XXV, and 28-6~B~, and adding Section 2-16 to said Charter, all as more fully set forth in Resolution No. 14246 of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURE R Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide that every contract shalt be in writing and that the City shall not be bound by any contract unless it complies with the Charter? Such amendment will be accomplished by adding Section 22-13 of said Charter, as fully set forth in Resolution No. 14250 of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURE S Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide that in an emergency the City Manager or designee may forego competitive bidding for a public work or improvement or purchase of materials or supplies to protect life, health, property or essential public services? Such amendment will be accomplished by adding Section 3-15.2, as fully set forth in Resolution No. 14253 of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURET Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide that Council may determine when City offices are to be open for business? Such amendment will be accomplished by amending Article XXII Sec. 8 of said Charter, as fully set Earth in Resolutian No. 14252 of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURE U Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide that the Auditor have a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license or a related educational degree, and no bond? Such amendment will be accomplished by amending Article IV of said Charter, as fully set forth in Resolution No. 14247 of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASUREV Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to require that the Treasurer be licensed as a Chartered Financial Analyst or Certified Financial Planner and annually recommend to Council an investment policy for City monies and monitor and report results of the City investment portfolio? Such amendment will be accomplished by amending Article V of said Charter, as fully set forth in Resolution No. 14248 of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURE Vv Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to eliminate transportation from the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Board? Such amendment will be accomplished by amending Article 12-1 ~A} of said Charter, as fully set forth in Resolution No. 14249 of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURE X Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to eliminate reasons for removal of Historical Advisory Board members and to authorize the City Council to determine when it is appropriate to do so? Such amendment will be accomplished by amending Article XXVIII Sec. 5 of said Charter, as fully set forth in Resolution No. 14251 of the Council of the City of Alameda. vI1HEREAS, nominating petitions were duly and regularly presented to, and filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Alameda, in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, nominating for said offices: FOR THE OFFICE OF GOUNCILMEMBER: Tracy Jensen Justin Harrison Doug deHaan Marie L. Gilmore FGR THE OFFICE GF CITY AUDITOR: Kevin R. Kearney FOR THE OFFICE OF CITYTREASURER: Kevin Kennedy vvHEREAS, said nominations were entered in a list, with the offices to be filled, which list was certified to and filed in the time, form and manner prescribed by law, whereupon a notice of nominees for public office containing a statement of the time of the election, the offices to be filled, and the names of the candidates to be voted on, was duly and regularly issued more than seven ~l}days before said election in the official newspaper of said City; and WHEREAS, a notice of the measure, certified by the City Clerk, was duly issued and published in the official newspaper of said City in the manner and time prescribed bylaw; and WHEREAS, there were 52 election precincts within the City of Alameda fixed and designated; and WHEREAS, all of the ballots used for said election were prepared, as to form and content, as prescribed bylaw, and a sample ballot was mailed to each voter of the City of Alameda within the time and in the manner provided by law and such mailing was completed at least ten X10} days preceding the date of said election; and WHEREAS, the officers of election for said election were duly appointed and qualified, and all election supplies furnished and election booths provided for each precinct as provided bylaw; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Alameda, twenty-eight X28} days following said electian has met and fully canvassed the returns of the votes cast at said Consolidated General Municipal Election as required by law, and being fully advised in the premises, and having the returns of said canvass before it; NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND DECLARED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA and said Council finds, as follows: ~1} That said Consolidated General Municipal Election was held and conducted, and the vo#es cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof ascertained, determined and declared in all respects and particulars in the time, form and manner provided bylaw. ~2} That the whole number of ballots cast in the City of Alameda at said election was 35,982. ~3} That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for each of the aforementioned candidates for the Office of Councilmember of said City was as follows: Doug deHaan 15,055 Marie Gilmore 14,268 Tracy Jensen 11,586 Justin Harrison 7,913 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND DECLARED that the aforesaid Doug deHaan and Marie Gilmore, having received the two highest number of votes cast for the Office of Councilmember, were, and are hereby declared to be, duly and regularly elected to the Office of Councilmember of the City of Alameda, for a term beginning at 8:00 o'clock p.m., on the third Tuesday in December, 2008, and continuing for four ~4} years thereafter and until a successor is elected and qualified, and ~4} That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for each of the aforementioned candidates for the office of Auditor of said City was as follows: Kevin R. Kearney 22,861 BE IT FURTHER RESQLVED AND DECLARED that the aforesaid Kevin R. Kearney having received the highest number of votes cast far the office of Auditor, was, and is hereby declared to be, duly and regularly elected to the office of Auditor of the City of Alameda, for a term beginning at 8:00 o'clock p.m., on the third Tuesday in December, 2008, and continuing for four ~4} years thereafter and until a successor is elected and qualified. (5) That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for each of the aforementioned candidates for the office of Treasurer of said City was as follows: Kevin Kennedy 22,163 BE IT FURTHER RESQLVED AND DECLARED that the aforesaid Kevin Kennedy having received the highest number of votes cast for the office of Treasurer, was, and is hereby declared to be, duly and regularly elected to the office of Treasurer of the City of Alameda, for a term beginning at 8:00 o'clock p.m., on the third Tuesday in December, 2008, and continuing for four ~4} years thereafter and until a successor is elected and qualified. (6) That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for the aforesaid Measure P was as follows: Measure P Yes 16,17$ No 15,642 BE IT FURTHER RESQLVED AND DECLARED that the aforementioned Measure P, having received a majority of the number of yes votes cast was and is declared passed. (7) That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for the aforesaid Measure Q was as follows: Measure Q Yes 22,846 No 5,981 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DECLARED that the aforementioned Measure Q, having received a majority of the number of yes votes cast was and is declared passed. (8) That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for the aforesaid Measure R was as follows: Measure R Yes 23,779 No 5,029 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DECLARED that the aforementioned Measure R, having received a majority of the number of yes votes cast was and is declared passed. ~9} That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election forthe aforesaid Measure S was as follows: Measure S Yes 19,415 No 9,562 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DECLARED that the aforementioned Measure S, having received a majority of the number of yes votes cast was and is declared passed. X10} That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for the aforesaid Measure T was as follows: Measure T Yes 19,045 No 9,518 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DECLARED that the aforementioned Measure T, having received a majority of the number of yes votes cast was and is declared passed. X11 } That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election forthe aforesaid Measure U was as follows: Measure U Yes 21,623 No 6,983 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DECLARED that the aforementioned Measure U, having received a majority of the number of yes votes cast was and is declared passed. X12} That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for the aforesaid Measure V was as follows: Measure V Yes 22,954 No 5,509 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DECLARED that the aforementioned Measure V, having received a majority of the number of yes votes cast was and is declared passed. ~13~ That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for the aforesaid Measure vV was as follows: Measure VI! Yes 16,173 No 10,321 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DECLARED that the aforementioned Measure vV, having received a majority of the number of yes votes cast was and is declared passed. (14) That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for the aforesaid Measure X was as follows: Measure X Yes 15,165 No 11,172 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DECLARED that the aforementioned Measure X, having received a majority of the number of yes votes cast was and is declared passed. *****~ I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 2~d day of December, 2008, by the fallowing vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN vVITNESS,INHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 3rd day of December, Zoos. Lara Vveisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY ~F ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Adopt a Resolution to Grant Another Designated Period for Two Years Additional Service Credit, as Provided for Under Contract Amendment Between the City and the Public Employees' Retirement System, and California Government Code Section 20903 BACKGRGUND The PERS "Golden Handshake" program, as established under California Government Code Section 20903, allows a City, as part of a budget reduction process, to offer a retirement incentive of two years extra service credit to employees in designated positions. The parameters of the program require that the employees must be eligible to retire, have at least five years of service with PERS, and must retire within a window of time identified by the City Council. The report providing public notice of the proposed Golden Handshake costs was presented to the City Council an November 6, 2005, DISCUSSIGN It is recommended that a PERS "Golden Handshake" window period of December 3, 2405 through May 31, 2009 be designated for the following classifications. The number of positions within each classification is shown in parenthesis: Department/Division Classification Golf Complex Assistant Golf Professional (1) Golf Complex Equipment Operator (2) Golf Complex Golf & Park Maintenance Teamleader (2) Golf Complex Golf and Park Maintenance Worker (2) Golf Complex Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent (1) Recreation & Park /Parks Division Golf and Park Maintenance Worker (5) Recreation & Park /Parks Division Park Maintenance Leadperson (2) City Counci! Report Re: Agenda Item #4-R ~12-~Z~~S ' ~ Honorable Mayor and December 2, 2008 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 2 BUDGET CGNSIDERATIGNIFINANCIAL IMPACT The added retirement costs will be based on PERS annual valuation reports which will include a maximum of $482,712.95 beginning with Fiscal Year 2011/2612 if ail eligible employees retire. Costs will be assessed only for those employees who actually retire under these provisions, and will be included in the City's employer contribution rate and amortized over 20 years beginning with Fiscal Year 2011-12 and thereafter. The subsequent annual budget savings, which are calculated based on applicable incumbent salary criteria, are estimated to be $952,636 annually, and assume the positions are eliminated. RECGMMENDATlGN Adopt a resolution designating a period of two years additional service credit under California Government Code Section 20903. Respectfully submitted, Karen Willis Human Resources Director CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION N0. E L GRANTING ANOTHER DESIGNATED PERIOD FOR TWO YEARS ADDITIONAL SERVICE CREDIT AS PROVIDED FOR UNDER CONTRACT AMENDMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, AND CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 20903 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Alameda is a contracting Public Agency of the Public Employees' Retirement System; and WHEREAS, said Public Agency desires to provide another designated period for Two Years Additional Service Credit, Section 20903, based on the contract amendment included in said contract which provided for Section 20903, Two Years Additional Service Credit, for eligible members; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said City Council does seek to add another designated period, and does hereby authorize this Resolution, indicating a desire to add a designated period from December 3, 2008, through May 31, 2009, for eligible members in the Assistant Golf Professional, Equipment Operator, Golf & Park Maintenance Team Leader, Golf & Park Maintenance Worker and Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent classifications in the Golf Complex Department and the Golf & Park Maintenance Worker and Park Maintenance Leadperson classifications in the Recreation & Park DepartmentlParks Division. **~~* I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 2nd day of December, 2008, by the following vote to wit: AYES NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 3r~ day of December, 2008. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda ResolutEOn #4-R CC 12-42-08 CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Hold a Public Hearing and Adopt an Extension of an Interim Urgency Grdinance Placing a Moratorium on the Establishment or Expansion of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Requires a Four-Fifths Vote of the City Council BACKGRGUND Based on identified public concern and recent inquiries to the Planning and Building Department about locating medical marijuana dispensaries within the City, an interim ordinance was adopted as an emergency measure by the City Council on November 6, 2005, and took effect immediately. The interim ordinance will expire on December 20, 2008. The City of Alameda currently does not have specific regulations. governing the establishment of a medical marijuana dispensary. DISCUSSfON Government Code Section 65858 ~d} requires the legislative body to issue a written report ten days prior to the expiration of an interim ordinance, or any extension, describing measures taken to alleviate the condition that led to the adoption of the ordinance. This City Council report includes the work program and measures taken towards alleviating the conditions, which led to the adoption of the urgency ordinance on November 6, 2008. Review and acceptance of this report complies with the requirement that a report be issued ten days prior to the extension of the ordinance. Planning and Building staff will work with the Development Services Department and the City Attorney's office as well as representatives of the three business organizations, Park Street Business Association ~PSBA}, West Alameda Business Association ~WABA}, and Greater Alameda Business Association ~GABA}, and the Chamber of Commerce to complete this work program and commence public hearings for consideration of a permanent ordinance. Dec. 2008 -June 2409 Staff will review regulations, issues, and alternative approaches for handling dispensaries in the commercial districts. This phase of work will be informally coordinated with PSBA, WABA, GABA, and the Chamber of Commerce. City Council Public Hearing Agenda Item #6-A 1 Z-OZ~OS Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council December 2, 2008 Page 2 of 3 July 2009 -Sept. 2009 Meetings will be scheduled with PSBA, WABA, and GAGA to review draft documents. Workshops will be scheduled with the Planning Board and Economic Development Commission. Property owners and residents will be included in the meetings and workshops to engage a broad spectrum of participants in the process of preparing the final draft ordinance. Oct. 2009 -Dec. 2049 Final draft of the ordinance will be prepared by Planning and Building staff in coordination with the City Attorney's office. Jan. 2010 Planning Board Public Hearing on the final draft ordinance. March 2010 City Council Public Hearing: First Reading of the Draft Ordinance. Apri12010 City Council Public Hearing: Second Reading of the Draft Ordinance. June 2010 Effective date of the new Ordinance. The proposed interim ordinance contains findings that document that the City is undertaking measures to alleviate the conditions that led to the need for adoption of the original interim ordinance. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONIFINANCIAL IMPACT Extending the Interim Urgency Ordinance will not affect the City's General Fund. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed moratorium ordinance is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act ~CEQA} pursuant to Sections 15060~c}~2} the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment} and 15060~c}~3} the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15318} of the CEQA Guidelines. RECOMMENDATION Hold a public hearing and adopt an extension of an interim urgency ordinance placing a moratorium on the establishment or expansion of medical marijuana dispensaries requires a four~fifths vote of the City Council}. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Respectfully submitted, ~~ `~~~~. Cathy oodbury ~~ Plan g and Building Director ;~ <,~~~ (B~i: n is liason December 2, 2008 Page 3 of 3 Supervising Planner CITY OFALAMEDA ORDINANCE NO, New Series v ®~ '~ AN URGENCY ORDINANCE GF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65858, EXTENDING THE MORATORIUM ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OR EXPANSION OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARIES UNTiL JUNE 30, 2010 WHEREAS, the City of Alameda has received a number of inquiries regarding the establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries within the City of ~ Alameda; and a ~' WHEREAS, such dispensaries have been established in several locations in California, including nearby cities, and as a consequence, some communities have reported increases in illegal drug activity, illegal drug sales, robbery of persons at or leaving dispensaries, loitering around dis ensaries . p , falsely obtaining rdentification cards to qualify for medical marijuana, and other increases in criminal activities; and WHEREAS, this potential for increased risk of crime and violence presents a clear and immediate danger to the public health, safety and welfare of the residents and businesses of the City of Alameda; and WHEREAS, if medical marijuana dispensaries were allowed to be established in the City without appropriate regulations and safeguards, such uses might be in conflict rwith the requirements of the City's General Plan, zoning regulations, and be inconsistent with surrounding uses, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City of Alameda to study the potential impacts of such facilities on the public health, safety, and welfare and enact appropriate regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Alameda that: Section 1. The City Council finds and determines the foregoing recitals to be true and correct and hereby makes them a part of this Ordinance. Section 2, The City Council finds that issuing permits, business licenses, or other applicable entitlements providing for the establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries, prior to the completion of the City's stud of y the potential impact of such facilities, poses a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, and welfare, and that a temporary moratorium on the issuance of such permits, licenses, and entitlements is thus necessa , ry Ordinance #6-A ~ z-oz-os Section 3. The City Council finds that this ordinance is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378) of the CEQA Guidelines. Section 4. In accordance with California Government Code section 65858, Ordinance No. X985, adopted on November 6, 2008 is hereby extended until June 30, 2010. Section 5. To the extent this Ordinance is inconsistent with any other provisions of the Alameda Municipal Code, this Ordinance governs. Section 6. The public safety, health, and general welfare will be furthered by this Ordinance. Section 7. The City, on a case-by-case basis, shall have the authority upon showing of a good cause by an applicant to waive the moratorium imposed by this Ordinance. Goad cause shall mean a factual and evidentiary showing by the applicant that the moratorium, if not waived, will deprive the applicant of substantially all reasonable use of hislher property. Such applications for waiver shall be filed with the City's Planning and Building Department with appropriate fees. Said applications shall be reviewed and decided by the Planning and Building Director. The decision of the Planning and Building Director may be appealed to the City Council. Within 10 calendar days of a decision by the Planning and Building Director, an appeal from said decision may be filed by the applicant, the permit holder, or any other interested party. In the event the last date of appeal falls on a weekend or holiday when City offices are closed, the next date such offices are open for business shall be the last date of appeal. Such appeal shall be made on a form prescribed by the Planning and Building Department and shall be filed with the Planning and Building Department. The appeal shall state specifically wherein it is claimed there was an error or abuse of discretion by the Planning and Building Director or wherein its decision is not supported by the evidence in the record. Upon receipt of the appeal, the Council shall set the date for consideration thereof. The Planning and Building Department shall, not less than ten days prior thereto, give written notice to the applicant, the appellant in those cases where the applicant is not the appellant; adverse party or parties, the attorney, spokesperson, or representative of such party or parties, other interested groups, and neighborhood associations who have requested notification; and to similar groups and individuals as deemed appropriate, of the date and place of the hearing on the appeal. The City Council shall vote on the appeal within thirty X30} days after its hearing of the appeal. If the Council 'rs unable to decide the appeal at the meeting, it shall appear for a vote on each regular meeting of the Council thereafter until decided. Section 8. The fee for a waiver of the moratorium imposed by this Ordinance shall be the same as the fee set in the Master Fee Resolution for a Use Permit. The appeal fee shall be the same as the fee set in the Master Fee Resolution for an Appeal to the City Council. Section 9. If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are severable. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance irrespective of the invalidity of any particular portion thereof. Presiding Officer of the City Council Attest: Lora Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda ****** I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by Council of the Gity of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 2n~ day of December, 2008 by the followin vote to g wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIONS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 3~d day of December, 2008. Lora Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda CITY ~F ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2408 Re: Introduce an ordinance to Amend the Alameda Municipal Code By Adding Section 24-10 Cost Recovery for False or Non-Emergency Response} to ChapterXXIV Public Health} BACKGROUND The Fire Department responds to a variety of emergency and non-emergency incidents, some of which may be false reports. In order to defray some of the costs associated with these responses, the department has been analyzing charging fees for service calls where, upon arrival, the emergency responders determine that the call was a false report ornon-emergency. DISCUSSION The majority of incidents that the Fire Department responds to are emergency in nature. In all cases, once on scene, the Fire Department investigates the situation and determines if a true emergency exists. This determination guides the urgency of actions taken. Incidents that are determined to be non-emergency, including extricating people from elevators, helping those who are locked out of their vehicles or residences, or removing water from buildings, are considered public service calls. During FY 240712008, the Fire Department responded to 6,013 calls; of this total, 102 were considered public service calls. False reports are defined as any act or attempted act made by a person who knowingly or with reckless disregard for the consequences by any false representation or pretense causes an emergency response, or who causes or procures another to cause an emergency response under false circumstances. False report calls are rare. When an elevator malfunctions with people inside, the Fire Department will generally determine this to be an emergency and take immedia#e action to extricate the occupants. If there are no occupants, the Fire Department will ensure the situation is stable and refer the owner to an elevator service company. In this case, the incident is City Counci! Public Hearing Agenda Item #6-B ~ z-o~-os Honorable Mayor and December 2, 2008 Members of the City Council Page 2 of 3 classified as anon-emergency public safety call. The Fire Department responds to such a call with one ladder truck with three personnel. Calls for service for water removal can be due to a number of causes. The most common causes are: a water pipe that breaks inside a building; water heaters that rust out; and basements that flood due to storm activity. When called, the Fire Department will respond to determine if a true hazard exists requiring immediate action to presence property or to save lives. A water heater located in a flooded area, for example, poses a true hazard requiring Fire Department action to mitigate the hazard by pumping the water out and securing the gas or electricity to the water heater. In the case of other water leaks, the Fire Department may secure the source of the leak and attempt to remove the waterto prevent additional property damage. If there is no hazard present to life or property, the building owner is responsible for the water removal and the restoration of the building, The Fire Department responds to water leak calls with one ladder truck with three personnel. Ladder trucks carry specialized equipment to shut off water and vacuum and remove water inside buildings. When the Fire Department responds to a lock-out call, the incident may be an emergency, as when someone is locked out of the house with the stove or oven on, or when a small child is locked unattended inside a house or vehicle. Upon arrival the Fire Department will determine if a true emergency exists and then, in an emergency situation, gain entry to the building or vehicle. The Fire Department responds to lock- outs with one ladder truck and three personnel. When the Fire Department arrives and there is no threat to life or property, the owner is instructed to call a locksmith to unlock the door. In order to recover some of the costs of responses to public service calls and false reports, the Fire Department is proposing an ordinance that would levy a minimum charge of 30 minutes at full cost recovery for each of these types of calls for service. If the call exceeds 30 minutes, the fee would be adjusted for full cost recovery. The fee would be invoiced to the building or vehicle owner. The City Manager's Office and Fire Department staff will work jointly to provide community awareness of the new fees for false ornon-emergency response. BUDGET CONSIDERATI~NIFINANCIAL IMPACT Based on historical service call response data, an estimated $21,420 can be collected for the General Fund through charging fees for non-emergencies and false reports. MUNICIPAL CGDEIPGLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This Municipal Code change affects Chapter XXIV Public Health} by adding Section 24-10 Cost Recovery for False orNon-Emergency Response}. Each section has been thoroughly analyzed and found to be compatible with the proposed amendment to the Municipal Code. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council RECCMMENDATInN December 2, 2008 Page 3 of 3 Introduce an ordinance to amend the Alameda Municipal Code by adding Section 24-10 Cost Recovery for False or Non-Emergency Response} to Chapter XXIV Public Health}. Respectfully submitted, David Kapler Fire Chief By: Michael Fisher Division ChieflFire Marshal C1TY~FALAMEDA~RDINANCE N4. New Series AMENDING THE ALAMEDA MUNICIPALCCDE BY ADDINGSECTIGN 24-10 ~ CAST RECOVERY FOR FALSE GR NGN-EMERGE ~ NCY RESPGNSE} TC u°. CHAPTER XXIV PUBLIC HEALTH ,~ ~ } o +~ C a ~ BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Cit of Alameda that: ..d y o `' Section ~. The Alameda Municipal Code is amended b addin Section ~, Y 9 ~ 24-10 ~C4ST RECOVERY FGR FALSE 4RNQN-EMERGENCY RESPGNSE} ~ ,~~ to Chapter XXIV PUBLIC HEALTH}, which shall read as follows: 24-10 COST RECOVERY FOR FALSE ORNON-EMERGENCY RESPONSE 24-10.1 Purpose and Authority. This chapter is adopted pursuant to the Charter authority of the city and the general police power as has specifically been acknowledged by the state legislature to enable cost recovery for emergency response purposes in Government Code Section 53158. Persons causing such false or nan- emergencies shall be held liable far the cost of the city's emergency response to such incidents. Cost recovery for false or non-emergency response is necessary in order to provide restitution for expenses incurred by the city and to deter persons from causing false ornon-emergencies. 24-10.2 Definitions. A. "Emergency response" is the appropriate and reasonable emergency response by the city, including emergency responses to other agencies by mutual aid or agreement, to any harm to life andlor property, or attempt or threat thereof. B. "Expense of false or non-emergency response" means the actual costs incurred by the city, including other agencies by mutual aide or agreement, in making an emergency response to an incident involving a false emergency as defined herein. Such expenses shall include the costs of providing police, firefighting, rescue, emergency medical services, security services and related equipment at the scene of the false emergency, as well as the salaries or contractual costs of the personnel responding to the incident. C. "False emergency" is any act or attempted act made by a person who knowingly or with reckless disregard for the consequences by any false representation or pretense causes an emergency response, or who causes or procures another to cause an emergency response under false circumstances. D. "Non-emergency" is any request for response where there is no harm to life andlor property, or attempt or threat thereof. E. "Person" includes individual persons, organizations and entities as set forth in Section ~ -2 of this Code. Ordinance #6-B 1z-az-os 24-10.3 Liability for costs of false ornon-emergency response. Any person causing a false ornon-emergency response shall be liable for all of the expense of the emergency response. The expense of false or non- emergency response shall be a charge against the person causing the response as set forth in the Master Fee Resolution. The charge constitutes a debt of that person and is collectible by the city in the same manner as in the case of an obligation under a contract, express or implied. In the event that more than one person causes a false or non-emergency, each person shall be jointly and severally liable to the city for such expense of the false or non- emergency response. 24-10.4 Payment and collection. The provisions of Chapters 1.17 and 1.18 of this Code shall apply to the payment and collection of the expense of false or non-emergency response. In the alternative, the city attorney may bring civil suit or other action to collect the expense of false ornon-emergency response. 24-10.5 Non-exclusive remedy. This chapter provides for the recovery by the city of its expense of false or non- emergency response, is not the exclusive remedy for recovery of such costs, and is in addition to all other legal and equitable remedies, administrative, criminal or civil, that may be pursued by the city to provide for recovery of its expense of false ornon-emergency response. Section ~. Severability Clause. if any of the provisions of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any other provisions or applications of this chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application. To this end the various provisions of this chapter are severable and each would have been enacted without the other. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. Presiding ~fficerof the Gity Council Attest: Laravlleisiger, City Clerk *****~ 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed by Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 2nd day of December, 2008 b the followin vote to wit; Y g AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTENTIQNS: IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 3rd day of December, 2008. Lara Weisiger, City Clerk City of Alameda G1TY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Debra Kurita City Manager Date: December 2, 2088 Re: Review and Accept the Findings and Conclusions of the Monitoring Plan for Transpartatian Operations at the Central Avenue at Oak Street Intersection BACKGROUND On April 6, 2008, the City Council approved the following an-street parking improvement modifications in front of the new Alameda TheaterlCineplex to enhance emergency access and passenger and commercial loading and unloading: A 40-foot long, "No Stopping Zone," effective 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at the northeast corner of the Central Avenuel0ak Street intersection in front of the new Alameda TheaterlCineplex; ^ An approximately 18l foot long "Passenger LoadinglUnloading Zone" extending easterly from the "No Stopping Zone" above}; and ^ A 40-foot long "Commercial LoadinglUnloading Zane" extending easterly from the "Passenger LoadinglUnloading Zone" above} to the alleyway just east of the Historic Alameda Theater. As part of this approval, the City Council requested staff to monitor the pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle traffic circulation in the vicinity of the Oak Street at Central Avenue intersection for 90 days from the opening of the Alameda TheaterlCineplex and to provide a staff report on the monitoring results. The need for the emergency access was clearly demonstrated when the Fire Department was dispatched to the Theater during the Gala event. DISCUSSION The City Manager created an inter-departmental monitoring team, with staff from the Public ~IIlorks, Development Services, and Policy Departments, to coordinate the preparation and implementation of a monitoring plan. The monitoring team collaboratively prepared a monitoring plan that identif ed 12 specific work task items. This monitoring plan was provided to the City Council on May 28, 2008. The five key objectives of the monitoring plan included: 1. Jointly implement the monitoring activities with staff from the Public vVorks, Development Services, and Police Departments; City Council Agenda Item #6-C ~ z-o~-o$ Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council December 2, 2008 Page 2 of 6 2. Educate the public, through a public outreach program, of the changes to the traffc circulation; 3. Evaluate the circulation differences between automobiles, bicycles, and pedestrians associated with the opening of the Alameda Theater~Gineplex and Givic Center Parking Structure Project}; 4. Consult with representatives from Bike Alameda and Pedestrian Friendly Alameda to obtain their input regarding access concerns; and 5. Address concerns on anon-going basis during the 90-day monitoring period. The findings and results of the monitoring plan, including an analysis of the data collected and identification of modifications made and proposed at the site, are included as Exhibit ~ . In general, the monitoring team concluded that the on-street parking modifications did not adversely affect pedestrian and bicycle access at the intersection of Central Avenue and yak Street. The monitoring team noted that the sidewalk in the vicinity of the TheaterlCineplex exit and the outdoor dining for the Alameda Wine Co. did not adequately accommodate pedestrians, outdoor diners, and movie patrons, when patrons are queued to purchase tickets or waiting to enter the TheaterlCineplex. In addition, the monitoring team observed an increase in pedestrians jaywalking from the south side of Central Avenue, in the vicinity of Parking Lat C. Ta address these concerns, the monitoring team proposed the construction of a traffic calming device that would connect the TheaterlCineplex with Parking Lot C and increase the sidewalk width in front of the Theater~Cineplex. The proposal included an 8l-foot long bulb-out on the northside of Central Avenue, a 20 foot long bulb-out on the sauthside of Central Avenue, and a crosswalk connecting the two bulb-outs. The northerly bulb-out also enhanced the protection of the Historic Alameda Theater marquee. To address potential turning movement conflicts far pedestrians and bicyclists in front of Parking Lot C, the Central Avenue access would be limited to left-turn and right-turn exits only. The entrance and exit on Alameda Avenue would be maintained. This circulation change was reviewed and accepted by the Park Street Business Association and the businesses along Gentral Avenue, between Park Avenue and yak Street. In addition, staff proposes to install additional bike racks to accommodate 10 bicycles in front of Parking Lot C and increase parking availability in the area. Comments from Transportation Commission and Public Comment The monitoring plan's findings and results were presented to the Transportation Commission ETC}and the public on November 12, 2008. The following comments were received: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council December ~, 2a48 Page3of6 • Due to its length and location, the proposed 8l-foot long bulb-out on the northside of Central Avenue eliminates the Passenger LoadinglUnloading Zone in front of the Theater and will cause motorists to use the bulb-out as a drop-off area, thereby blocking the bike lane and impeding traffc flow. • The Passenger LoadinglUnloading Zane in front of the Theater, as requested by the Committee vn Disabled Issues to enhance disabled access and agreed to by the City, is eliminated with the proposed design. • The proposed bulb-out design protects the Theater marquee from errant trucks; any redesign should include marquee protection. • Bicycle parking should be provided within the bulb-out area, close to the Theater entrance. This would be more convenient far bicyclists and be better utilized than the existing bicycle racks and lockers in the parking structure. • Westbound motorists along Central Avenue are using the bicycle lane to overtake drivers that are turning left and heading southbound onto yak Street. • The Theater operator also prefers that a Passenger LoadinglUnloading Zone be maintained directly in front of the Theater and prefers that bicycle parking be in the Central Avenue frontage of Lot C and not provided directly in front of the Theater. Bulb-hut Design Res~oonse: nnn.i-unn.rirrn~ - - '. i i ~r.rrrr~ To address the comments regarding the bulb-out design, staff proposes to reduce the length of the bulb-out along the narthside of Central Avenue to 3l feet Exhibit 2}. This alternative allows for a passenger Ioadinglunioading area to be maintained directly in front of the Theater, provides disabled access, and addresses concerns regarding automobiles blocking the bike lane and impeding traffic flow. Although the curb extension is shorter, it provides adequate space to accommodate pedestrians, outdoor diners, and movie patrons in the area of greatest concern. A small bulb-outlplanter box with curb will also be installed to the east of this bulb-out to enhance protection of the marquee. The bulb-out at the entrance to Lot C is retained as originally designed. The preliminary estimate for the construction of these improvements is $50,OOB. The cost to survey, design, inspect, and perform contract administration is estimated at $zB,00g. Bicy_cie ParkingRespo, nse While the bicycle parking proposed by the revised bulb-out proposal is not directly in front of the TheaterlCineplex, the design links the bicycle parking at Parking Lot C to the Theater through the bulb-out and crosswalk. This will provide bicyclists with parkin that is very close to the Theater and convenient. It also meets the needs of the Theater operator and reduces potential conflicts among Theater patrons, pedestrians, outdoor diners, and bicyclists. This additional bicycle parking, combined with the ~ ~ existing bicycle racks and ~ B bike lockers in the Parking Structure, as requested by the bicycle Honorable Mayor and December 2, 2008 Members of the City Council Page 4 of 6 community, as well as the three racks that were recently installed on Central Avenue adjacent to Peet's, significantly enhances bicycle parking in the immediate vicinity of the Theater. Public IlVorks staff has looked at additional amenities that could enhance bicyclists' comfort and convenience and has included an option to provide covered bicycle parking at Lot C. The covered structure, called a bicycle oasis Exhibit 3}, would provide an aesthetically pleasing design with the benefits of protection from the weather elements. The cost for purchasing and installing the bicycle oasis is approximately $5,000. Central Avenue at Oak Street Intersection ~ eratian Res onset According to staff from the Police Department, while the California Vehicle Code prohibits overtaking a left turning vehicle by utilizing a bicycle lane, traffic enforcement is discretionary in nature, and minor violations that do not result in safety concerns are either handled with a warning or citation. In the situations where a vehicle crosses a bicycle lane and a bicyclist's travel is impeded, enforcement action would be taken, and the driver may be cited. If the vehicle does not interfere with the bicyclist's travel or if no bicyclist is present in the bicycle lane, a citation would not be automatically issued. Similarly, bicyclists that do not stop at stop signs and red signals, ride an the wrong side of the street or on the sidewalk in business districts, or fail to use proper hand signals, are subject to a citation. The monitoring team proposes that the Police Departmen# continue to periodically perform directed enforcement of the intersection to address this concern, and take appropriate action when necessary. Nex# Steps:, .~~ ~. Based upon the comments received from the Transportation Commission, Pedestrian Friendly Alameda, Bike Alameda, PSBA, the Theater Operator, and the general public, the monitoring team identified the following next steps: Pedestrian Access Improvements: 1. Pursue funding to construct abulb-out in front of the TheaterlCineplex as shown on Exhibit 2 2. To enhance pedestrian access, modify traffic signal timing at the intersection of Oak Street and Central Avenue to provide additional "initial" time for pedestrians. Although the current pedestrian crossing timings exceed the needed crossing times, staff noted that the "initial" UVALK time of four seconds could be increased to seven seconds. Honorable Mayor and December 2, X008 Members of the City Council Page 5 of 6 Bicycle Access improvements: 3. To promote the use of electronic bicycle lockers, install additional signs in the Parking Structure. In addition, work with Bike Alameda to promote the use of these lockers through flyers and newspaper articles. Bike Alameda has shown interest in preparing such flyers and newspaper articles. The City would assist by providing copies of the flyers. 4. Pursue funding to install a bicycle oasis (Exhibit 3) at the Central Avenue entrance to Parking Lot C. 5. Work with the vendor for the electronic bike locker cards to promote the purchase of the electronic cards required to use the lockers. These cards could be sold at local businesses and at the TheaterlCinepiex. 6. The Police Department will continue to periodically perform directed enforcement of the intersection to address bicycle safety concerns resulting from motorists using the bicycle lane to overtake left turning vehicles. Warnings and citations would be issued, as appropriate. Automobile Access Improvements 1. Ullork with the vendor for the parking equipment in the Parking Structure to enable patrons to purchase up to eight hours of parking in one operation. 8. Implement a reduced cost, Monday through Friday parking permit program, in addition to the existing Manday to Saturday permit program currently in place. The Monday to Friday parking permit is expected to attract additional patrons from employees in the area. This change is expected to increase business use of the Parking Structure. 9. Work with the Theater operator to allow monthly permit holders to park on additions! parking levels, besides the rooftop. BUDGET CONSIDERATION/FINANCIAL IMPACT The estimate far the construction of the proposed bulb-out is $50,00. An additional $2D,000 is estimated for the survey, design, inspection, and contract administration of the project. Currently, there is $50,000 identifed for funding the enhancements to the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council December 2, 2008 Page 6 of 6 northern fagade of the Parking Structure that could be used to fund these improvements. Staff considers the bulb-out construction to be a higher priority than the facade improvements, and proposes that the City Council consider reallocating the $50,000 to the bulb-out construction. Staff will explore other sources, including grants, to fund the remaining $20,Ogo for the project, as well as the proposed bicycle oasis. MUNICIPAL CoDEIPOLICY DOCUMENT CROSS REFERENCE This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal Code. RECOMMENDATION Review and accept the findings and conclusions of the monitoring plan for transportation operations at the Central Avenue at oak Street intersection. RespectF Ily submitted, i' /~ _ ;---~ .~ Matthew T. Naclerio and Public Works Director ~I~ ~ By:Obaid Khan ~ ~~ and Supervising Civil Engineer ~` Walter B. Tibbet Chief of Police ~ ~-~ ~~ ~r '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~f, . ;~ Leslie Little -~ ~_,_. Development Services Director MTN:oK:gc Attachments}: Exhibit 1 -Monitoring Plan Findings and Conclusions Exhibit 2 -Proposed Bulb-out Design Exhibit 3 --Bicycle oasis City of Alameda Exhibit 1 Transportation Operations of the Central Avenue at Oak Street Intersection Monitoring Plan -Findings and Conclusions EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In April 2008, the City Manager created an inter-departmental team to monitor the transportation operations and potential conflicts between automobiles, bicyclists, and pedestrians in the vicinity of the Central Avenue at Oak Street intersection. The team collaboratively prepared a monitoring plan and identified 12 specific work task items to be completed within 00-days. Based on the findings and results of the monitoring plan, the monitoring team concluded that the on-street parking modifications along the northerly side of Central Avenue did not adversely affect pedestrian and bicycle access at the intersection of Central Avenue and yak Street. To address concerns related to pedestrians jaywalking and provide adequate sidewalk access in the vicinity of the Alameda TheaterlCineplex, the monitoring team proposed the construction of a traffic calming device that would connect the Alameda TheaterlCineplex with Parking Lot C and increase the sidewalk width in front of the Alameda TheaterlCineplex. The proposal included an 87-foot long bulb-out on the northside of Central Avenue, a 20-foot long bulb-out on the southside of Central Avenue and a crosswalk connecting the two bulb-outs. To address potential turning movement conflicts for pedestrians and bicyclists in front of Parking Lot C, the Central Avenue access would be limited to left-turn and right-turn exits only. The entrance and exit on Alameda Avenue would be maintained. In addition, staff proposes to install bicycle racks at the entrance to Parking Lot C to increase parking availability in the area, INTRODUCTION In April 2008, the City Manager created an inter-departmental monitoring team, comprised of staff from the Public Works, Development Services, and Police Departments, to coordinate the preparation and implementation of a monitoring plan. The monitoring team collaboratively prepared a monitoring plan that identified 12 specific work task items. The monitoring plan was provided to the City Council on May 28, 2008. The five key objectives of the monitoring plan included: 1. Jointly implement the monitoring activities with staff from the Public Works, Development Services, and Police Departments; 2. Educate the public, through a public outreach program, of the changes to the traffic circulation; City Council Attachment 'I to Agenda Item #6-C 'I Z-02-o8 Monitoring Pan -Findings and Conclusions Page 2 of ~0 3. Evaluate the circulation differences between automobiles, bicycles, and pedestrians associated with the opening of the Alameda TheaterlCineplex and Civic Center Parking Structure Project}; 4. Consult with representatives from Bike Alameda and Pedestrian Friendly Alameda to obtain their input regarding access concerns; and 5. Address concerns on anon-going basis during the 90-day monitoring period. FINDINGS At the end of the 90-day monitoring period, the monitoring team concluded that the on- street parking modifications along the northerly side of Central Avenue for enhanced emergency access, and passenger and commercial loading and unloading did not adversely affect pedestrian and bicycle access at the intersection of Central Avenue and Dak Street. The need for the emergency access was clearly demonstrated when the Fire Department was dispatched to the Theater during the Gala event, Throughout this time period, the monitoring team addressed issues, related to automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian access and circulation in the vicinity of the Project, as they arose. Most of these issues were attributed to having a new facility in a developing downtown area. While the operation of the traffic signal at the intersection of yak Street and Central Avenue has been modified to improve pedestrian access, staff noticed an increase in pedestrian jaywalking along Central Avenue between Dak Street and Park Street, in the vicinity of the Alameda TheaterlCineplex and Parking Lot C. A preliminary design was developed to construct a bulb-out and mid-block crosswalk to address this concern. ~ . Jointly Implement the monitoring activities with staff from the Public Works, Development Services, and Police Departments (the monitoring team). The monitoring team met on a weekly basis during the first 45 days of the monitoring period and on a bi-weekly basis thereafter, These meetings provided the opportunity for the three departments to discuss various issues, share resources, and implement field revisions as determined by the monitoring efforts. 2. Educate the public, through a public outreach program, of the changes to the traffic circulation. The monitoring team prepared an informational brochure on traffic laws for bicycles, pedestrians, and automobiles; pedestrian crossing rules; and general traffic safety. Volunteers and staff distributed the brochures in the vicinity of the Project during July and August. To familiarize the street users with the traffic circulation changes, the Police Department provided verbal warnings of prohibited activities prior to issuing citations. This allowed a!I users to be aware of the proper actions required to safely move through the area based on the traffic modifications. The Police Department also Monitoring Pan -Findings and Conclusions Page 3 of 10 provided increased Police presence and enforcement during the beginning weeks of the opening of the Project, thereby making patrons aware of the modified conditions in the area. During the first month of the Project opening, the monitoring team stationed parking "ambassadors" in the Parking Structure to demonstrate the proper use of the new parking machines and to answer questions on accessing the Parking Structure or the Alameda TheaterlCinepiex. Staff also installed banners to supplement signs in the Parking Structure to provide additional guidance to the public on the use of the facilities. As part of this outreach effort, the parking meters were not enforced during the first week that the Alameda TheaterlCineplex was open. The monitoring team also worked with Bike Alameda and Pedestrian Friendly Alameda to provide outreach to their membership regarding the circulation changes and to elicit suggestions on modifications that would enhance operations associated with the Project. Similarly, Park Street Business Association ~PSBA} provided assistance in distributing flyers to their members and including a news article in the PSBA newsletter covering issues such as: available permit parking in the Parking Structure, use of on- street parking, and traffic circulation changes. 3. Evaluate fhe circulafion differences befween aufomobiles, bicycles, and pedesfrians associafed wifh fhe opening of fhe Alameda Theafer/Cr"neplex arrd Civic Center Parking Sfrucfure (Projecf). In order to evaluate the differences in automobile traffic, bicycle, and pedestrian circulation, the monitoring team established the following parameters fio analyze any changes due to the Project. a. Conduct field review of conditions reEated to edestrian and bic cle access in the v%cinity of the Project. MONITORING ACTIVITY 1: Staff conducted several field reviews during the 9o-day monitoring period to evaluate concerns related to pedestrian and bicycle access at the intersection of Oak Street and Central Avenue and to assess concerns related to bicycle circulation in conjunction with passenger loading zone and commercial loading zone operations along Central Avenue. FINDING 1: At the intersection of Oak Street and Central Avenue, the majority of pedestrians crossed Central Avenue during the weekday evening peak hour, while the majority of pedestrians crossed Oak Street during the Saturday midday peak hour. ~Illestbound motorists were found to be appropriately yielding to pedestrians while making a right turn at the intersection of Oak Street and Central Avenue to access northbound Gak Street. Loading zone operations in front of the Alameda TheaterlCineplex did not impede bicycle access. Some pedestrians were observed Monitoring Pan -Findings and Conclusions Page 4 of 10 jaywalking along Central Avenue between Oak Street and Park Street. This is partially due to the surface parking lot Lot C} across from the Alameda TheaterlCineplex, which is a convenient place for movie patrons to park and access the Alameda TheaterlCineplex. MONITORING ACTIVITY 2: Police Department staff reviewed video recordings of the Oak Street at Central Avenue intersection during peak traffic, bicycle, and pedestrian periods to identify potential circulation conflicts. The recordings were made available by the Alameda TheaterlCineplex operator. FINDING 2: The Police Department reported no significant concerns related to pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular conflicts during the observation period. b. Com are and ana! a chap es in traffic atterns at the intersection of Oak Street and Central Avenue to determine if modifications are re uired. MONITORING ACTIVITY 3: Compare the Project's Mitigated Negative Declaration MND} changes in the Average Daily Traffic ADT} at all approaches to the intersection of Oak Street and Central Avenue with 2008 traffic. FINDING 3: Data were collected for three consecutive days Tuesday through Thursday} during two non-holiday weeks, one in September and one in October. The following table compares the ADT values deduced from the peak hour turning movement counts reported in the Project MND and 2008. The approximate 2.5% reduction in traffic is attributed to a combination of the MND traffic counts being taken during the summer months, when traffic volumes typically are lower, and the downturn in the economy, which likely leads to reduced traffic volumes. Table ~. Avera a Dail Traffic ADT OaklCentral -2004 OaklCentral - Se Oak Street Central Av. Oak Street Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles 5855 1893 5698 ~t/Oct.2008 Difference Central Av. Oak St. Vehicles Vehicles 7689 -157 1, Data extracted from Turning Movement Counts conducted for the MND. Central Av. Vehicles -204 MONITORING ACTIVITY 4: Compare the Project's MND estimates for the base year plus the Project scenario during the PM weekday and Saturday Midday peak hour with traffic data obtained as part of the monitoring efforts. FINDING 4: Traffic conditions projected for the base year plus the Project Scenario conditions are similar to the conditions observed in the field. The improvement in the Levels of Service LOS} is attributed to the reduction in traffic volumes as discussed above. The following table presents the summary of the results. Monitoring Pan -Findings and Conclusions Page 5 of 10 Table 2. Level of Service LAS Results - Dak Street at Central Avenue gaklCentral gaklCentraf Difference in gaklCentral ~ MND Ba + August 2908 Without September 2008 Delay se Project ~ with School School With School Midday - Midday - Midday- PM PM PM Sat. Sat. Sat. Midday LOST LOST LOST PM D ~ LOSI ~ LOSI ~ LOSI -Sat. elay ~ Delay ~ Delay ~ Dela Dela Dela C121.6 C124,3 8114.8 B111.9 B115 B112.8 -12.6 -11.5 1. Average delay in seconds. MONITORING ACTIVITY 5: Review pedestrian crossing time at the intersection of Oak Street and Central Avenue and determine if the allocation of additional time is required to accommodate pedestrians. FINDING 5: Based upon the field review and computer analysis, pedestrian crossing timings were found to exceed the recommended crossing times for pedestrians. Staff reviewed the pedestrian crossing time using a slower walking speed three feetlsec.} and found that the existing crossing times were still adequate. Staff noted that the "initial" WALK time, Person Walking symbol displayed} could be increased from four seconds to seven seconds, which is the maximum recommended by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices ~MUTCD}. The "initial" time is provided for pedestrians to enter the crosswalk from the curb, while the crossing time is the function of street width and pedestrian walking speed. If implemented, three seconds of additional "initial" time for pedestrians crossing Oak Street feast and west}, and three seconds for pedestrians crossing Central Avenue north and south} would be provided to enhance pedestrian access. c. Com are and anal a accident data at the intersection of oak Street and Central Avenue to determine if modifications are re uired. MONITORING ACTIVITY 6: Staff from the Police Department assembled all reported accident data for the intersection during the monitoring period. Public Works staff analyzed the data in reference tothe similardata prior to the opening of the Project. FINDING 6: A comparison of accident data indicates that the total number of accidents for the 9o-day monitoring period is less than totals from past data for the same time period see Table 3}. In addition, the collision rate at the intersection of Oak Street and Central Avenue was also found to be less than rates reported from past data see Table 4}. Staff notes that there are no reported accidents involving a bicycle or a pedestrian during the monitoring period. Monitoring Pan -Findings and Conclusions Table 3. Collision Analysis -Oak Street and Central Avenue Area Page 6 of 10 P er~od Total .. Collisions Injury - Non Injury Involving Pedestrians Involving , Bic cies May - Aug. 5 1 4 0 0 2004 May - Aug. 4 1 3 0 1 2005 May - Aug. 4 0 4 0 0 2 ~ 006} May - Aug. 1 NIA 1 NIA 1 NIA 1 NIA 1 NIA 2001 May -- Aug. 2 0 2 0 0 X2008 'The data from 2007 were not used in this analysis because the Project was under construction during this time period and data would not be comparable. Table 4. Collision Rate ~CollisionslMillion Vehicles - Dak Street at Park Street Average Collision Rate Average Collision Rate Ma to Aug. X2004 to 20061 Ma to Au .2008 1,55 0.81 The data from 2007 were not used in this analysis because the Project was under construction during this time period and data would not be comparable. d. Com are and anal ze traffic related citations at the intersection of yak Street and Central Avenue to determine if modifications are re uired. MGNITGRING ACTIVITY l: Staff from the Police Department assembled all citations issued for traffic related violations and compared the data with historical records. FINDING l: A comparison of citation data indicates that the total number of citations for the 90-day monitoring period is approximately 20°/o higher than the average for the previous three years see Table 5}. The 20% increase in citations in 2005 is likely a result of directed enforcement. In other words, traffic and patrol officers were asked to focus their enforcement efforts in this area due to the Alameda TheaterlCinepfex and Parking Structure opening. Review of the data indicate that a majority of citations issued were for illegal turning movements, violating posted sign requirements or restrictions, and seat belt violations. The turning movement violations were not associated with drivers traveling westbound on Central Avenue and turning right onto Cak Street, which had been a potential concern. Both the California Vehicle Code and the Alameda Municipal Code were used in the issuance of citations for turning movement violations. Monitoring Pan --Findings and Conclusions Table 5-Citation Summa Page l of 10 4. Consult with represen~afives from Bike Alameda and Pedeslrr'an Friendly Alameda to obtain then"r In~ul regarding access concerns. MGNITGRING ACTIVITY 8: The monitoring team consulted with Bike Alameda on several occasions to obtain their input regarding access concerns. FINDING 8: Bike Alameda stated that additional signage is needed to inform bicyclists of the bicycle parking in the Parking Structure and to assist bicyclists in locating the bicycle lockers in the Parking Structure. In addition, it was noted that bicyclists are using light standards and signposts to secure their bicycles near the theater entrance. It was recommended that guide signs be provided on oak Street and Central Avenue directing bicyclists to the Parking Structure, additional signage be placed in the structure identifying the location of the lockers, and additional bike racks be installed near the theater entrance. M4NITGRING ACTIVITY 9: The monitoring team consulted with Pedestrian Friendly Alameda on two occasions to obtain their input regarding access concerns. FINDING 9: Pedestrian Friendly Alameda indicated that pedestrian access at the intersection of Central Avenue and yak Street is acceptable. They are concerned with the limited pedestrian accessibility when theater patrons are allowed to queue along the Central Avenue sidewalk. Pedestrians jaywalking across Central Avenue, in the vicinity of the Alameda TheaterlCineplex and Parking Lot C, were also noted as a concern. 5. Address pedestrian, bicyclist, and automobile concerns on an ongoing basis ~lxroughoul the 90-day monitoring period. MONITGRiNG ACTIVITY 10: As the monitoring team met to share information, data collection results, and other findings, the team developed recommendations that could quickly be implemented in the field. 'The data from 2001 were not used in this analysis because the Project was under construction during this time period and data would not be comparable. Monitoring Pan -Findings and Conclusions Page 8 of 10 FINDING 10: Below is a brief summary of concerns noted and the actions taken by the monitoring team. The issues are categorized by pedestrian, bicycles, and automobile modes. Pedestrian Access Concern 1: Patrons were queuing for the movie tickets in front of the Alameda TheaterlCineplex and impacting the pedestrian access. Action Taken: A street tree and a traffic sign were removed from the sidewalk in front of the theater to provide more space for pedestrian access and queuing for Alameda TheaterlCineplex patrons. In addition, staff has worked with the Alameda TheaterlCineplex operator to modify the use of the public sidewalk for queues, and improve pedestrian circulation. Pedestrian Access Concern 2: Pedestrians are jaywalking from the south side of Central Avenue, in the vicinity of Parking Lot C, to the Alameda TheaterlCineplex. Action Taken: The monitoring team developed a sidewalk and curb extension ~bulb- out} design for the front of Parking Lot C and the front of the Alameda TheaterlCineplex, including provision of a mid-block crosswalk. The bulb-out and crosswalk will enhance pedestrian access in the area by formalizing a pathway for pedestrians to cross mid-block as well as reduce the total distance for pedestrians to cross. Depending upon the length of the bulb-out, the preliminary estimate for the construction of the improvements is approximately $50,OOO to $1oa,000. Staff is currently looking for funds to proceed with the design and construction of the improvements. Pedestrian Access Concern 3: Pedestrian access is affected by the outdoor seating area in front of Burgermeister located near the northwest corner of the alleyway on Central Avenue. Action Taken: As part of the bulb-out improvements discussed above, staff is developing a design to modify the sidewalk at the corner of the alleyway. Due to the presence of an underground tank, additional studies are required before the design can be finalized. In the interim, the corner was painted with reflective yellow paint to enhance visibility for pedestrians. Bicycle Access Concern 1: Additional bicycle parking signs are needed for inside and in the vicinity of the Parkin Structure to inform bic clists of the availabilit of bic cle g y y y parking in the Structure. Action Taken: Six additional signs were installed inside and in the vicinity of the Parking Structure to provide guidance to bicyclists on the availability of bicycle parking in the Parking Structure. Monitoring Pan -~ Findings and Conclusions Page 9 of ~ 0 Bicycle Access Concern 2; Additional bicycle parking should be provided near the entrance to the Alameda TheaterlCine lex. p Action Taken: As part of the bulb-out improvements discussed above, Public Works staff proposes to connect the bulb-out at the Alameda TheaterlCineplex with a crosswalk and bulb-out at Parking Lot C, directly across the street from the Alameda TheaterlCineplex. Staff also proposes to install bicycle racks to accommodate approximately ten bicycles at the entrance to Parking Lot C. Bic cle Access Concern 3: The existing striping for disabled parking on the ground floor in the Parking Structure extends into the bicycle parking area. Action Taken: The field review of the site revealed that diagonal striping extended into the bicycle parking area. The striping has been modified to properly identify the bicycle parking area and disabled parking area. Automobile Access Concern ~: Motorists are consistently parking in the "Passenger Loading Zone" even though signage is provided in front of the TheaterlCineplex. Action Taken: Signs were modified to read "NO PARKING, PASSENGER LOADINGIUNLOADING ONLY", and the curb was painted white. Automobile Access Concern 2: The full length of the passenger loading zone is not being utilized by motorists and can be reduced without impacting the pickupldrop-off operations at the curb in front of the Alameda TheaterlCineplex. Action Taken: As part of the preliminary design of the bulb-out, the total length of the passenger loading zone will be reduced. In addition, although not originally identified in the work plan, the following miscellaneous concerns associated with the Project but not directly related to pedestrian, bicyclist, and automobile access, were identified. Miscellaneous Concern ~: Staff noted that skateboarding and roller skates were being used in the Civic Center Parking Structure. Action Taken: The City Council adopted an Ordinance modifying Section 8-26 of the Alameda Municipal Code RAMC} specifically restricting the use of "Coasters, Roller Skates, Skateboards, and other similar Devices" in City owned structures. A "NO SKATEBOARDINGIROLLER SKATES" sign was installed at the entrance of the Parking Structure. Miscellaneous Concern 2: The existing $fi5 parking permit for the Parking Structure is underutilized and not attracting new customers. Monitoring Pan -Findings and Conclusions Page ~ o of ~ 0 Action Taken: Staff is working to modify the existing parking permit program to enable permit holders to park on additional parking levels, besides the rooftop, This may require modification to the Disposition and Development Agreement with the Theater operator. In addition, staff is working to provide a Monday to Friday parking permit at a lower cost to attract the employees who do not work on Saturdays. These suggestions will be presented to City Council in the near future. Miscellaneous Concern 3; The PSBA Board has requested that the parking time limit restriction of four hours be extended to eight hours. Action Taken; Public Works staff has modified the parking equipment to enable patrons to park for a full eight hours, but it requires two separate operations. Currently, the parking equipment only allows for a maximum initial purchase of five hours, and additional hours may be added after the initial purchase has been completed. Staff has implemented a pilot program with PSBA and the Alameda Beauty College and is working with the equipment vendor to modify the software to enable patrons to purchase up to eight hours of parking in one operation. CONCLUSION At the end of the 9o-day monitoring period, the monitoring team concluded that the modifications to the on-street parking modifications along the northerly side of Central Avenue for emergency access and passenger and commercial loading and unloading did not adversely affect pedestrian and bicycle access at the intersection of Central Avenue and Oak Street. The need for the emergency access was clearly demonstrated when the Fire Department was dispatched to the TheaterlCineplex during the Cala event. Throughout this time period, the monitoring team addressed issues related to automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian access and circulation in the vicinity of the Project as they arose. Most of these issues were attributed to having a new facility in a developing downtown area. While ~ the operation of the traffic signal at the intersection of Dak Street and Central Avenue has been modified to improve pedestrian access, staff noticed an increase in pedestrian jaywalking along Central Avenue between oak Street and Park Street, in the vicinity of the Alameda TheaterlCineplex and Parking Lot C. A preliminary design was developed to construct abulb-out and mid-block crosswalk to address this concern Exhibit A~. Monitoring team members: ~baid Khan, Public Works Department; Marge McLean, Public Works Department; Jennifer Ott, Development Services Department; and David Boersma, Police Department. Exhibit A: Preliminary Design of Bulb-out and Mid-Block Crosswalk ~~»d N N r x N r X ~~~ 0 ~ }~ ~ p r x ~ ~"/ /~ ~ N ~ ! ~ X ~ N ~~ ~3 a ~ ~ m r N ~ A Z O ' a o ~ _.. ~ W N ~ W m ~ = U -: .... _ ~ m ~ 1 1 w ~ ~ ~ ¢ J Y ~ c z ~ a N T ~~~ w , ~ T ~ - J Z ~ ~ N m z ~ T ~ ~ ~ ~' \' Y 3 d w ~ I N ~ ~• T ` , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ Q~4 ~ U ,_. ~ N _ -~ o ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ \ Y o 0 ~ + ~ ~ ~- _ 3 0 ~ ? ~ ~/ W H G 0 N y ~ ~/ r = V ~ m ~ ~ Q Q. N ~ N Z W_ - T T ~ ~ ~ ~ ""'1 - ~ ~ T r ~U w ~ ) LL ~ ' ~•--- ---_. ~ to r W Z -~ ~ ~ m~ O ~ W ~ 10. ¢~ ~i1~ ~ ~ 0 N SD ~ r- Z N ~~ y ~ O W [7 .. v ~ U ~ Z [7 a ~° r Z w w r~ZRR 0 ~„ N ~ V Z N N a~ w X w 0 w ^ ~ ~ ~ w a ~ ~ ° z U Y ~- w ~ w ~ ~ ~ w ~ m ~ c~ [~ m ~ _ w ~ °~ z ~ N ~ ~ z J ~~ ~ ~ N l!! z W J ~ z J g ~ 4 N N o w m W Y ~ a J ~ h U m ~ ~ a ? ~ v U} = ~ W O U' ¢ ~ z Z ~ a ~ ~ W W ~ ~ } T ,.. r ~ r J , c~ 1~~~1S ~itlC ~ ~ N ~ *' ~ ca ~,-~ '~ ~ z ~ ~~ N ~ r ~ ~~ ~ ~~ _ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~~ ~ ~ _ ~~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ m ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~~_ ~ ,. ~ ~ U _ _ ] ~ N N ~ h ~i ~ r ~ ~ ~, ~ ~~~ ~ ss ~ C ~' ~~ W ... ~' l h r : ; i D .. `I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ J g 1 f~ ~ ~ ~ w °° U r r~ ~ ~~ n ~ ~~ N o m ~ ~ - ~ N ti ~ _~ ~ *~ 0 m ~ Z V~ . ~ ~ ~ p~ ~ a m ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ r a r ~ ~ ~ r _ , ~"' r ~~ N r ~~ Q ~~ t~`77 ~ i -~ Ri ~~~ ~ ~ N a N ~ m a ~' r N N ~ ~ ~ ~~ T W W N ~ ~ ] ~J a ~ ~ ti W ~ N U m IA r N C r r Y" r ~ Q ~ T w 1~3?ilS ~d0 °~o N ~ N ++ ~ O = N ~ ~ t Z ~ v ~ ~ _ ~ ~ d 0~ a Lr~ ^ m 2 x W ~- ~r r~ Vrn VI L V .~ 0 ._ 0 N 0 c~ _~ ~N L rnn ~I I M / a 0 W J V V W I Z a a W J Ln O W W ^7 V M~ 4 -~ rn. ~~ ~~ ~~~` ~~ ~~ ~y N ~~ ~~ ~~ ~y + ~~ i~ ~ ~ 7 A a ~ ~~ ~~ ~t~ ~~~~ } ~~ ~ ~~ ~ w~ ~~~. ~{ _~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~, i~~ d ~. ~1 e F City Council Attachment 3 to Agenda Item #6-C ~ z-oz-oa ~{ ~. (11/26/2008) Lara Weisiger -Council Referral Page 1 From: "Beverly,~ohnson" <BJDHNSDN@ci.alameda.ca,us~ To: "Debra Kurita" <DKurita@ci.alameda,ca.us~, <Iweisiger@ci.alameda.ca.us~ Date: 11/1112088 8:45 AM Subject: Council Referral Please place on the agenda for the next meeting two items 1. Council discussion and direction regarding adoption of a policy requiring paument to employees for all accrued time 2. Direction regarding adoption of budget policies 3. Discussion and direction regarding the proposed soft story ordinance and schedule for implementation Thanks Beverly Re: item #S*A, 8-B & 8-C 12-42-OS CURRENT APPLICATIONS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION THREE VACANCIES FULL TERMS FOR TWO CGMMUNITY-AT-LARGE SEATS; AND PARTIAL TERM EXPIRING 08/31/2009 FOR MARINEIWATERFR4NT SEAT} Mark Breazeal (Community-at-large) Horst Breuer (Community-at-large) James A. Edison (Community-at-large) June A. Grant (Maxine/Waterfront) Justin E. Harrison (Community-at-large) Michael K. Henneberry (Marine/Waterfront) Jeff Mitchell (Community-at-large) William Russell (Marine/Waterfront) Re; Agenda Item #9-A -02.0 V Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Interoffice Memorandum To: Honorable Chair and Members ,of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority From: Debra Kurita, Executive Director Date: December 2, 2008 Re: Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease for Petris Air Work .Industries, Inc..dba Alameda Aerospace at Alameda Point,_. „_ BACKGRGUND The Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority ARRA}governing Board approves all Alameda Point subleases with a lease term greater than one year. The proposed subleases for Perris Air Work Industries, inc. dba Alameda Aerospace is for one year, plus one, one-year option to extend. T)T.Sf~'.T T,~,~TC~N Attachment A describes the business terms for the proposed sublease for Petris Air Work Industries, Inc. dba Alameda Aerospace in Building 398 and Building 530. The rent for Perris Air Work Industries, Inc. dba Alameda Aerospace in Building 398 is $9,300 annually or $0.028 Z per sq. ft., and in Building 530 the rent is $86,520 annually or $0. I026 per sq. ft. in the first year. There is a 2% increase in the subsequent first option period. The buildings are used for testing and repair of aviation components and related office support. Building 398 is in poor condition, and Building 530 is in good condition. In accordance with the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement between the ARRA and SunCal Companies, this lease has been discussed with representatives from SunCal Companies and has their concurrence. BUDGET CGNSIDERATIGN I FINANCIAL IlVIPACT These leases will generate $95,820 in the first year. Subsequently, rent is $97,725 in the option period. These funds will be retained by the ARRA. RECGMIV~NDATION Authorize negotiation and execution of a sublease for Perris Air Work Industries, Inc. dba Alameda Aerospace at Alameda Point. Agenda Item #2-A ARRA 12-2-OS Honorable Chair and Members of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Llecem'~er 2, ?008 Page 2 of 2 Res ct submitted, i lie Little Development Services Director ....~ By: Nanette Bank Finance & Administration Manager Attachment: A. Proposed Sublease Business Terms B. Site Map ATTACHMENT A PROPOSED SUBLEASE BUSINESS TERMS TENANT BUILDING SIZE NSF} TERM RENT Petris Air Work 398 27,570 1 yr + ~ne,1 yr $7751mo. industries, Inc. dba Extension Alameda Aeros ace ~ tion Petris Air Work 530 70,270 1 yr + one, l yr $7,2101mo. Industries, Inc. dba ~ Extension Alameda Aeros ace a tion o ~. ~. .~ o~ ~ s ~] , ., ^ ~' D~ ° ~ ~,~ ~' ',, 1.ra'' / / `I [~ O I 0 i 1 ., o :: •. 11.E l 1~ ~ o E~~~ ~ a ~ ~~ ~,~ lr , ~ h. ~]~ T ~ ~ ^ cr'1 .1,R~ d ,< <~ ,. 0 .,~~ --~ 0 ~' a k~ ~ 0 a ~ ~i ~~ .~~ lj w TRIDF.Kt .tl't. ~r ~1 ~ I'"1 ~ ~r. ' ~ LJ ,j~ ~; F-1 ~G i G 0 u• ` -' 4 r,(, d ~~ ^ ~~qrr `_ ' i ~ ~~ r•' ~~ hl1 •. .~ ~~ ~ ~~~ D ~ .-, ~~ ~ ~~ • I~~ •~ Q 0 J ~ ~~,~ _ = ~ ~,c~ r :, ~~ 0 0 0 r"-' w ORISKAK'Y A 0 ~„ ~ ~ NTTCi1NDER(X~ ~~ d ~~l - ~~ v ,~~ l r~t~Tll ,IY[ ATTACHMENT B Petris Air Work Industries ~~ ~; lei ~~ ~o Russell Resources, Inc. environmental management Alameda Point RAB Meeting on November 6, 2008 Highlights and Analysis Item 4-A RAB members present: George Humphreys ~co-chair}, Fred Hoffman, Joan Konrad, Jeff Knoth, Jim Leach, Kurt Peterson, Dale Smith, Jim Sweeney, Jean Sweeney, and Michael John Torrey Remediation and other field work in process: • debris pile removal along north shore of Seaplane Lagoon (most of the excavated material requires off-site disposal as hazardous waste) • removal of radiologically impacted storm drain outside Building 5 • expansion of petroleum remediation system near Atlantic Avenue entrance (broken 24- inch water main disrupted remediation for several weeks) • groundwater treatment at IR Site 14 (former fire training area in Northwest Territory) and IR Site 26 (Western Hangar Zone) • the petroleum remediation system at the southern end of the western hangar row is operational and extracting from the ground much more leaked jet fuel than was expected New RAB Community Co-Chair: Dale Smith was nominated RAB Community Co-Chair for 2009. The election will be held at the December RAB meeting, IR Site 30-Island High School and Woodstock Child Development Center: The RAB previewed the Proposed Plan for Il~ Site 30. The Navy proposes no further action at IR Site 30, and the environmental regulatory agencies concur. Contamination soil was excavated from the site in 2004 as aTime-Critical Removal Action. As a result, unacceptable risks to human health and the environment are no longer present. RAB members asked questions, particularly about details of the health risk assessment. Although the site is extensively paved, the health risk assessment conservatively assumes the site is unpaved and that children are exposed to bare soil. This health-protective assumption provides added assurance that the decision for no further action at IR Site 30 is prudent. , RAB Technical Subcommittee Meeting The RAB's first Technical Subcommittee meeting was held immediately before the regular RAB meeting, The Navy and representatives of each of the environmental regulatory agencies attended. The topic for the first meeting was IR Site 1. IR Site 1-1943-1956 DisT 1 Area: The Navy presented details and rationale for sampling the shoreline and the burn area at IR Site 1, This sampling is designed to inform subsequent cleanup of these areas. Soil sampling of the beaches will be to a depth of two feet, but only on the portion of the beach that is above mean sea level. Potentially, this strategy could leave contamination in areas that are accessible at law tide. However, relatively low contaminant concentrations are present in the beach area, and the inhospitable nature of Bay water and the weather suggest RRl, 440 Nova Albion Way, Suite 1, San Rafael, California 94903 415.901.3113 fax 815.571,S60D Page 2 of 2 Alameda Point RAB Meeting, November S, 2005 November 21, 2008 Highlights and Analysis frequent contact with the lower beach is unlikely. Storm-driven wave action may redistribute beach soil in the future, potentially moving contaminated subtidal sediment onto the beach and exposing beach users to low-level contamination. The Navy's 5-Year Review for IR Site 1 should evaluate whether this occurs to the extent health risk to beach users is unacceptable. On October 20, 2005, the ARRA sent a letter to the Navy concerning deficiencies in the conceptual site model for IR Site 1. Specifically, the very existence of a landfill at IR Site 1 is in question, since the exploratory trenches into the landfill site did not encounter the expected waste deposits. (In September 2007, the Navy dug trenches into the landfill site in response to an earlier ARRA request.} The ARRA's October 2005 letter asks the Navy to postpone some IR Site 1 decisionmaking until after the extent of waste still buried in IR Site 1 can be evaluated and until soil now present at the landfill site can be characterized. The ARRA asks that the IR Site 1 Record of Decision PROD} approval process move forward as expeditiously as possible for the portions of lR Site 1 that are not dependent on whether the landfill has already been relocated. Excavation and removal of the burn area and groundwater cleanup are the principal aspects of IR Site 1's cleanup that should proceed without delay. The Navy has not yet responded to the ARRA's letter. Accordingly, the meeting's discussion of IR Site 1's beach area assumed the landfill site still would be receiving a soil cover under which to consolidate contaminated soil excavated from the beach. If the Navy accepts the ARRA's recommendation, clean-up decisionmaking for IR Site is beach area will be postponed, until the suitability of consolidating its excavated soil ~t the landfill site can be reconsidered. A formal response by the Navy to the ARRA's October 2005 letter likely will be issued within the next few weeks. 440 Nova Albion Way, Suite 1, San Rafael, California 949x3 415.902.3123 fax 815.572.Sfi00