2009-01-20 6-D Historic InformationCITY GF ALAMEDA RESCLUTIQN NQ,1414~ ~,~ SUPPGRTINGA DIPLQMATICAPPROACH TG ENDING THE IRAQ WAR AND BRINGING GUR TRGGPS HGME WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Alameda, on March ~6 2003 E f , o passed resolution ~ 3565, which encouraged a multilateral diplomatic a roach u. pp o ,, to the Iraq situation as provided by the Un,ted Nations as an alternative to war y ~ a and ' ~ ~~ .~ a ~ U WHEREAS, The City of Alameda strop I su arts th c g Y pp a women and ~ men serving in the United States Armed Forces in Iraq and recognizes the a sacrifices that each of them is making, including those made b Alamedans in ~ Y , active and reserve units of the services, our local U.S. Marine Cor s Reserve p Unit, our local Coast Guard uni#s, and members of the California National Guard; and WHEREAS, the war ensued and Federal policy has placed our troo s in the middle of sectari p an violence w~th~n fraq, tantamount to civil war, with no plan or strategy far eventual exit; and WHEREAS, the costs of deploying U.S. troops, in particular the call~u p and over~extension of our reservists and members of the California National Guard for deployment in Iraq have been significant, as determined in lost live 5, combat injuries, psychic trauma, disruption of family life, financial hardshi for P individuals, families, and businesses, interruption of careers; and 1NHEREAS, the men and women of the U,S. Armed Forces continue to serve in Iraq with bravery and distinction; and WHEREAS, many of our veterans returning from this war and rior wars with in'u p ~ ry and or trauma will, along with their families, require and deserve the best medical and social services to address their needs as a result of their service; making increased quality health care necessa across the count ry ry and including services provided in Alameda County and the Ci of Alameda; and WHEREA5, the continued deployment of the California National Guard and Coast Guard units to Iraq puts Alameda and man California .. Y communities at risk ~n the event of a natural disaster, such as a ma'or earthquake or storm; and Re: Agenda Item #6~D 1-20-09 VIIHEREAS, the costs have resulted in un recede , p rated Federal budget def+c+ts, which have and will affect the State o ' f Cal+forn~a and Alameda directly, NG~lll, THEREFGRE, gE IT RESpLVED that the .. ~ City Counc+l of the City of Alameda calls upon the President Con gress and the Governor of Cal+forn+a and our state legislators to take imrnedi ate steps to establ+sh a diplomatic approach to the violence in lra a l n q, p a for br+ng+ng our troops home, turn+ng the resolut+on of the conflict ove r to the United Nat+ons and place a top priority on providing the necessa healt ry h care and sac+al serv+ces to ourveterans; and BE IT FURTHER RESGLVED that the Cit of AI f y ameda calls for full und+ng of serv+ces to the brave men and women recur ' Wing after service +n the United States Armed Forces, includin medical s c g , p y hological, housing, and other support serv+ces, and support to iacal overn g meets fund+ng such se nr+ces. ****** I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the fore oin Resolution 9 g was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the Cit of Alameda dur' 5t y ing the Regular Meet+ng of the C+ty Counc+l on the 21 day of Au ust 2001 b the fol g ~ y lowing vote to w+t. AYES: Councilmernbers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese Ta m and Mayor Johnson - ~, NGES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTl4NS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, !have hereunto set m hand and affixed th ' ' nd y e off+cial seal of said City this 22 day of August, 2007. Lara Weisiger, City C e City of Alameda CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION N0.13565 SUPPORTING A MULTILATERAL APPROACH TO 'THE IRAQ SITUATION THAT IS PROVIDED BY THE UNITED NATIONS WHEREAS, the United Nations imposed, and Iraq agreed to, certain teens of surrender directly following its defeat in Kuwait, including identification and elimi ' nation of weapons of mass destruction, the use of which by Ira was condemned b th ' Na ' q y e United floes; and WHEREAS, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 reco 'zed Ira 's non-coin liance with revious ~ ~ q p p Security Council resolutions and the threat that proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and lon -ran e ~ i g g missiles pose to 'D nternatronal peace,and security; and wHEREAS, Resolution 1441 obligates the government of Ira to decl ~ ~ as ects of it q are all ~ p s programs to develop chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and delive n systems and to identi all locations and wo ~ ~ fY rk associated with its development and production facilities; and ~ z ~* m ~ WHEREAS, military conflict could result in Ross of American lives' and ~ o -~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the Ci ~ of Alameda dues her ~ ~ eby encourage a genuinely multilateral diplomatic approach to the Ira situation provided b the United Nations re q y garding the removal of weapons of mass destruction. WHEREAS, military conflict would be extremely costly and could have a negative impact on the economy of the United States. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council fully supports our American troops and their families, and that they are in the hearts and reflections of this Council and all cifi,zens of Alameda. ****** I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was dul and re ularl ado ted and assed Y g Y p p by the Council of the City of Alameda in a special meetin assembled on the 16~' da of March 2043 b g Y y the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Daysog, lViatarrese and Mayor Johnson -- 3. NOES: None, ABSENT: Councilmember DeVL~itt -1. ABSTENTIONS: Councilmember Kerr --1. IN WITNESS, WI~EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Ci this 17~' da of M ~ y arch, 2443. r V V ~JL Lara Weisiger, City lerk City of Alameda