2009-01-20 6-C Submittal.. ,..r'... ..,...w......1r... n.s ... ..............~. ., .:hf: : \'~. ... ..~..-r,..:.~ ..... .... ., h.t,........t5 . y.. .. .~~.r2ri:.ih.: n~:.:h:....: .~:~ri....:~r~~~r. .:. ..n... ... :-.h::...s..:... ~-~.. ~~r.. .~.......... .. ~ c r . .........:..k :_~..:~N~~r.w r.. r...r.. .. .:J, u..:::i.:. :.... :_: .r.rr.................::Y.: r..:.:.:n .....~...... n.......~~~..t x 1/ J,:Pa a ..~. s ~~~~~12012409A La~a~We~isi er -~~Sta~f~re "ort~~~for~~Tuesdays meet~n ~~~~~~~~ V ~~ ...~~m:vrmrrrx~.worrMM:.~.~w.,~.....rn-~w~•ra,r~..~.~~~...~ ~~»r,-tt~m.~,w~~~..~~Nv~~......,.~:m.r-,..w 9 n ........ .%:r+W'MWfCk4H:w....:..y.y!.m.~»-;~~:~.~`+^M"M+'CW 1N:TkWmYt. ... ~~~~.-n~+`i,r.YN.~ti.W+i .!..+1.... w.Mr...M: ~~ .... .... ....... .w: w:i.u w:^.. .f.`YNtN~tii'^'!.. w.M'~ ~W+~M'MriV'A.!. ..y, '~NM.Y.....u ~~II'N ....,,,t. ~. v.y.k From: John Knox White <jknoxwhite@gmail.com> To: Debra Kurita <dkurita@ci.alameda.ca.us~, Naclerio Matthew <mnaclerio@ci.... CC: Johnson Beverly <bjohnson@ci.alameda.ca.us~, <ddehaan@ci.alameda.ca.us~ Date: 1/1712009 5:45 PM Subject: Staff report for Tuesdays meeting Debra, Matt and Cathy, am writing to express my disappointment with the staff report for Tuesday night's hearing on the Transportation Master Plan. After over four years of work on the Transportation Master Plan by the TC, I cannot understand how the TC's recommendation is found nowhere in the six-page staff report report, nor is any discussion on the substantively different recommendations between the Planning Board and Transportation Commision on policy 4.4.2 ~a-g}. This is especially surprising given the number of public meetings and hours of discussion on the issue of whether to include exemptions for road widening or not at the TC and over half a dawn other commissions. Two different make-ups of the TC, including nine different members, unanimously approved the TC recommendation on multiple occasions. The Planning Board spent less than 30 minutes discussing the issue and could not come to a unanimous recommendation. As the city council tasked the Transportation Commision with developing recommendations on updating the General Plan's Transportation Element, it is perplexing that our recommendation was left out of the entire staff report. have been a strong advocate for including all positions on this issue in the past, It has been no secret that the TC and some staff have held different opinions on the issues surrounding policy 4.4.2 ~a-g}, and I would expect that staff would present their ideas and differences alongside the TC's recommendation, Excluding the TC's recommendation from the staff report disregards the many hundreds of hours of work that Transportation Commission members spent developing the recommendation for the council. I hope #hat Tuesday night's presentation will correct this oversight and present the TC's recommended TMPITE to the council along with the Planning Board's commentslrecommendation. Respectfully, John Knox White Chair, Alameda Transportation Commission Visit www.alamedans.com far Alameda news and opinion Re: Agenda Item #6-C ~-24-49 ,r~~. r ~ ~~,~~ ~a ~s x ..~ .:. ! Po bike information bike community bike advocacy bike events Alameda City Council City Hall 263 Santa Clara Ave Alameda, CA 94501 Box 2732 Alameda, CA 94501 (510)595-4690www.bikealameda.ora January 16, 2009 Re: Item 6-C Transportation Element General Plan Amendment Dear members of the city council, I am writing to encourage you to approve the Transportation Master Plan as it was drafted. The Transportation Commission and members of the public have worked hard in getting a document that will protect the Alameda that we love from bad transportation decisions, In fact, the TMP proposed brings the General Plan more in line with what Alamedans seem to want. In the staff report for Item 6-C, on page 4 of 6 are recommendations by the Planning board to change 4.4.2.f. The addition of: " 2. An acceptable level of service can be maintained for bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit, " is very ambiguous, since acceptable is not defined in the document and can be changed with each project. To be consistent with the intent of the rest of the document, a clearer statement like " level of service for bicyclists, pedestrians and transit is not degraded". I strongly urge you to keep this document clear that no further degradation bicycling and walking will happen as a condition of development in Alameda. As members of the council, you've expressed the same frustration with EIRs and proposed changes in the past that asked for wider roads and four lane highways and sound walls that we just don't want and that degrade the biking and walking streets. Please accept the TMP with language that NG CHANGES to streets should be made that degrade the very modes of transportation that we are constantly trying to improve. Alameda isnot athorough-fare and Alamedans don't want Alameda to become one. Through public and private efforts Alamedans are striving to reduce our footprint and with that increase biking and walking. Our General Plan needs to become aligned with that idea, Respectfully, Lucy Gigli President, BikeAlalneda