2009-02-03 6-E SubmittalPage 1 of 1
Elizabeth Acord -Estuary crossing
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From: Adam Boggs ~adamubaggs@gmai l.cam~
To; ~Sylvia.Fung@dot.ca•gov~, ~Iweisiger a ci.alameda.ca.us>
Date: 1127120~~ 1 a, l l AM
Subject: Estuary crossing
Hi, I hope this is the correct place to send this. I live in 4altland and work in Alameda and wish to bike but cannot due to the only crassing
being on the other end of the island. The tubes are way too scary far a bike but if I could cross near there it would take me less time to get
to work by biking than by car. So I just wanted to write to let you know that there is one more out there that desperately wants this
crassing! ! !
Adam Boggs
Re; Agenda Item #6-E
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From: Ingrid Dayton ~ingy1851 @gmail.comy
To: <Iweisiger@ci.alameda.ca.us~
Date: 112812x09 2:52 PM
Subject: Estuary Crossing
My name is Ingrid Dayton and I live on the West End of Alameda. I am it
full support and very much in need of an estuary
pedestrianlbikelwithout-motor-vehicle crossing. Parking at Lake Merritt
BART is impossible during the week. Commuting and Bay Area public
transportation travel in general is not an option for us, because of the
daunting task of traveling through the Posey Tube an foot or bike. I
suggest City Council members take a walk or ride bikes through the tube
and get a first hand view of how very long, dirty, and narrow it is. The
exhaust and dirt on the walls of the tube demonstrates already haw
unhealthy it is to travel through.
Please continue to support a bikelpedestrian estuary crossing. It is
badly needed.
Ingrid, Jeff and Amelia Dayton
1851 Nason Street
Alameda, CA 94501
X51 x} 814-9860
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~~12912009 Lara Weise er - bic lel edes#ra~n~~brid ,... t ,...~..,.~..w nai.•.an,~-. nr.........+....N+.........•,•t ..r..hnin~~r....n..[...~.rv~w......•.M.-, r.....c.. ...,mer...r.rrr
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From: "Caitlin Schwarzman" ~caitlin@crucker.com~
To: ~Iweisigera~ci.alameda.ca.us~
Date: ~12812D09 7:56 PM
Subject: bicylelpedestrian bridge
This is an email to show our support for the bicylcelpedestrian bridge! VVe hope the the city council members wilt consider this on
Tuesday. Vile know that now is the time to focus an taking cars off the road, Two years from now is too late,
Caitlin Schwarzman & V Jason Rucker
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,:.~~~ 12912~r09 ~ Lora ~~Weislger -IYES L..i~.}do want a safer wa ~ to et:::acr ~ ba ~!r! ~ n .....r ........................~....r ~~.:. , ..,r, ..........x..........r. .,.rY.~..,.,
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From: Jill Contreras <dancingbikes@gmail.com>
To: ~Iweisiger@ci.alameda.ca.us~
Date: 112912x09 4:37 PM
Subject: YES! I do want a safer way to get across the bay!!
Council members:
As one of many Alameda residents who works in downtown Oakland, crossing the
Alamedal0akland estuary at least twice daily, I am writing to encourage you
to support the efforts underway to find abicycle- and pedestrian-friendly
alternative across the estuary. The Posey Tube represents a major barrier
for bicyclists and pedestrians in this area, and it has been a huge problem
for years. It is dirty, narrow, intimidating, unhealthy, loud, and there is
not much that can realistically be done to improve it and encourage more
walking or bike ridership. The only other current option -- the bus --has
limited capacity, limited access, and costs more than most bicyclists yr
pedestrians feel is appropriate to just cross the estuary. It's no surprise
that even though this is a dense metropolitan area with destinations such
transit hubs, colleges, waterfront destinations and business parks extremely
close to each other, mast people like myself choose to drive
rather than bike or walk.
A bikelped bridge will address afl current bicyclist and pedestrian
concerns, and will increase the number of bicyclists and pedestrians
dramatically. I am so excited that such a solution is finally being studied,
but worried to hear that the effort may be in jeopardy. I urge you to stay
supportive and focused on this very important issue, which so deserves the
attention it is finally getting.
As we face growing developments and populations on both sides of the estuary
and accompanying congestion, as well as looming larger issues such as global
warming, pour air quality, health and energy concerns, we should find ways
to encourage alternative, greener modes of transportation. This particular
area has been identified time and again in various plans and by diverse
groups as a key concern and tap priority warranting attention. Please keep
this in mind when comparing competing transportation projects. Also please
keep in mind how little attention, relatively speaking, this problem has
received as compared to other projects in Alameda, despite its stature.
Another benefit of a bikelped bridge would be the elimination of a gap in
the Bay Trail system, allowing people fo more easily enjoy our beautiful
waterfront. Alameda's waterfront along the estuary is stunning and could one
day be a Bay Area highlight,
A bikelped bridge in this key spot absolutely merits further study. Please
continue to support it. Thank you for your consideration.
Respectfuly, ~Iweisiger%40ci.alameda.ca.us7
Jill Contreras
League Certified Instructor
Grad Student in Education
Re; Agenda Item #fi-E
---- -
(1/30/2009) Lana Sfoker -bike bridge Page 1
From: ~tmiro a~alamedanet.net~
To: ~Iweisiger@ci.alameda.ca.us~
Date: 1129120Q91:27 PM
Subject: bike bridge
As a bike commuter and bike enthusiast, I hope the city council and
various planning boards can see into the future and make this bridge
happen. For the generations of people that will be living in this dense
urban area and doing their part to get cars off the road and the car's
emissions out of the atmosphere, this vital transit link is a necessity,
Do the right thing. Budget for this and commence action. The public
Thank you far serving the city and its citizens.
Tom Miro
Re: Agenda Item #6-E
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From: John McKeon ~jmckeon@mac.com~
To: ~alamedacitycouncil@gmail.com~
CC: ~lucy@bikealamedaorg~
Date: 21312QQ9 4:34 PM
Subject: Estuary Project Study Report
Dear Alameda City Council members,
As an Alameda citizen who is concerned with Bicycle access issues,
and public safety. I strongly urge you to vote aye on Resolution ~-E
to allocate $10Q,OOQ in measure B funds as the local match in order
to prepare the estuary crossing, Project Study Report.
would like to add to the many good reasons given by so many others
for maintaining the momentum needed to solve Alameda's (Nest End
estuary crossing dilemma. !-et me cite just two matters of safety in
regards to the elevated sidewalk in the Pasy Tube.
have witnessed on more than one occasion, individuals lifting their
bicycles up and aver the railing in order to allow others to pass
along this very narrow pathway. Just imagine the consequences of
someone dropping their bicycle into the path of oncoming traffic.
Equally disastrous would be the impact of a truck, and a suspended
bicycle in the same situation.
A friend of mine was returning home to Alameda from work in Oakland
when she encountered someone in a wheelchair who was bound for
Oakland. My friend's bicycle has baskets and bags so that it may be
used as a car replacement. She is not able to lift this heavy bike
therefore she's not able to Ivad it on the bus. When she met the
person in the wheelchair she had no other choice but to push her
loaded bicycle _backwards_ more than halfway through the tube in
order to allow the person in the wheelchair to pass. That she was
able to perform this feat without hurting herself ar others was a
very commendable and lucky event,
These are just two real-world examples showing why we must do all
that we can to salve this problem in the mast timely manner possible,
If you choose not to allocate the matching funds at this time, we
face a two year delay before we can apply for grant funding in the
Please help make Alameda a safe and enjoyable city far _all_ of us
who live in, work in, and visit our gem by the Bay.
Thank you for your consideration in this most important matter
John McKeon
Re: Agenda Item #6-
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Frvm: John McNulty ~mcnulty@alamedanet.net~
To; <Iweisiger@ci.alameda.ca.us~, ~alamedacitycouncil@gmail.com~
Date: 212/2049 8:34 PM
Subject: A citizen request for the advancement of the estuary study and your vote to make this happen.
Dear Council member,
As an Alameda resident of well over 50 years who has lived in the west
and east of the island ! want to stress to you the potential
importance of the ongoing and advancing study of pedestrian and
cyclist crossing of the estuary. The time has come and people in my
("our"~ city are surely going to benefit from this study and its
Please take time, use your creative and humanitarian impulses to see
that this study continues to a fruitful result for Alamedans.
All the best,
John McNulty
2544 Noble Ave,
Re; Agenda Item #6-E
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From: Lucy Gigli ~lucy@bikealameda.org~
To: <alamedacitycouncil@gmail.com>
Date: 1129/2009 9:23 PM
Subject: fund bus shelters with stimulus
Dear Mayor Johnson and Councilmembers DeHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese and
In 2004, the City Council approved the installation of 24 bus shelters
throughout the city. Bus riders are still waiting for 1$ of those
shelters. Let's not miss the opportunity for the federal stimulus
package to improve Alameda's public transit environment. Please ask
staff tv support the City Council's 2004 commitment by giving high
priority to the bus shelters on the list of projects for stimulus
Now is the time to make sweeping changes, the public is lacking to
THIS council to change our course with at the rest of the country
changes its course. Let's all look ahead at what we can do for
transit riders, bicyclists and everyone who walks.
Lucy Gigli
Re: Agenda Item #6-D
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From; Michael Connors ~mconnors1945@yahoo.com>
To: ~Iweisiger@ci.alameda.ca.us>
Date; 113fi12a091:3fi PM
Subject: west end bike crossing
~ live in Alameda and this crossing to JL SQ. were i work wood be great!!!!!!!!!
thank you Michael Connors, Bike rider.
Re: Agenda Item #6-E
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2I212~49::..Lara Wesi er - movable ~~bkel n rr • Ynln:. r.d. ... nA~S:x.hi::nsq~rv ..1.5.~.....:>.5'rci.i..i.k..........un.........(n...n.....r`P.»..._~~...... .~..5 .
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From: Carolyn Queerer <queenerspiano~a aol.com>
To: <Iweisiger@ci,alameda.ca.us~
Date: 21112ga91;57 PM
Subject: movable bikelpedestrian bridge from Alameda to Oakland
Dear Leweisiger ?};
My husband, Jahn Platt, and I whoieheartedly support the construction of a bikelpedestrian bridge and want this to be a part of
Alameda's Tue city council discussions.
Carolyn Queener
1215 Pacific Ave
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I am writing i~ ~uppar~ of ~~~ir~g farw~axd with the B~tuary Cro~~in~s I'rQjeet study Deport,
With tie ruing conge~tzan in the .l~asey Tutee and lirnitc:d al~ern~.ti~ves far bioy~cle~ and
pedes~ria~s Y clearly sec the vision far estuary crassin~ tc~ address these i~~ucs. Asa, with the
current l~stu~y ~rossir~g reasibilit~ ~t~~y, -~iahie alternatiWes ~ha~ld come apparent. As such.
it is pru.~ent far Alameda t~ cantin~i~ng moving forward wig allaca~ing funds to h~gin prepari~.~
the ~ra~ act study deport,
As tie eluted represent~t~vc for hcth the pity Qf Alameda. ~}.d t~i~ hack Landan~'~`iainatr~w~7
~al~lar~d axes l ~ in full ~uppart of e~amin~ing ways to get pe~pie across t~~ estuary in ~na~u~er
that is aGccptable to both silts,
I respe~t~ully request that the ~it~,~ al Alameda Knave farv~~d with ~~e Estu~ ~.rossings ~r~,j ect
study Report. 1t~ yon have an~~ questions please feel free to ca~.l n~~r of~~ce at ~~ 1 a~ ~`~~-~~~93
uper~jsor, ~i~trict 3
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From: "Rene Rodriguez" ~ReneRodrigues@sustainabletech.cc>
To: ~Iweisiger@ci.alameda.ca.us>
CC: ~lucy@bikealameda.org>
Date: 2121200910:33 AM
Subject: Support for Bicycle Estuary Bridge Crossing
~ work in Alameda at The Point and ride my bicycle to work every day.
I have taken the Ferry, BART & Posey Tube, and AC Transit. If there were an estuary crossing
Then I believe that would be a far better option than taking Posey Tube.
The tube is polluted and congested, especially in the morning. The air inside
Is so toxic that I try to avoid it. There is not enough space to travel on the
Walkway. If I miss the bus Posey tube is my last resort.
The last time I took Posey there was a horrible crash inside the tube between a bus and a car while I was in there and needless to
say it is very dangerous. Please support a safe crossing for pedestrians and bicyclists across the channel between Qakland and
Alameda. If the crossing were pleasant affordable and convenient, than I believe that more people would ride their bikes to work
and we could ease up the congestion in this area.
They are going to be doing work in the tube at night now, and I'd hate to think of what we're going to do in case of an emergency
and these tubes are shut dawn. We very much need other options.
Thank you,
Rene Rodriguez
Sustainable Technologies
1800 Qrian St Suite 101
Alameda, CA 94501
510 523-1122
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From: Shannon Tracey ~setracey@riseup.net>
To: ~Iweisiger a~ci.alameda.ca.us>
Date; 212120x912:56 PM
Subject: Alameda BikelPedestrian Bridge -YES!
Dear Alameda Council members:
As an Oakland resident who visits Alameda frequently by bicycle, I am
writing to encourage you to support the efforts underway to find a
bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly alternative across the estuary, The
Posey Tube represents a major barrier for bicyclists and pedestrians
in this area, and it has been a huge problem for years. Since I don't
have a car, I have a pretty long bike ride over to the Park Street
bridge - I wouldn't dare ride through the tunnel, it's too scary.
This is an inconvenience that prevents me from visiting Alameda more
frequently, 1 can only imagine haw challenging it is for cyclists
living on the island who want to travel to downtown Oakland.
A bikelped bridge will address all current bicyclist and pedestrian
concerns, and will increase the number of bicyclists and pedestrians
dramatically, I am so excited that such a solution is finally being
studied, but worried to hear that the effort may be in jeopardy. I
urge you to stay supportive and focused on this very important issue,
which so deserves the attention it is finally getting.
As we face growing developments and populations on both sides of the
estuary and accompanying congestion, as well as looming larger issues
such as global warming, poor air quality, health and energy concerns,
we should find ways to encourage alternative, greener modes of
transportation. This particular area has been identified time and
again in various plans and by diverse groups as a key concern and top
priority warranting attention. Please keep this in mind when
comparing competing transportation projects.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter,
Shannon Tracey
359 Grand Ave #104
Oakland, CA 94610
X510) 452-0575