2009-05-05 5-C Power Point. Election Report Traffic Analysis Scope of Work & Budget Development Services, Planning & Building, and Public Works Departments May 5, 2009 1 Apri 121 City Cou nci I Direction ^ -Prepare Phase I summary report by June 2, 2009 -Prepare Phase II report to analyze transportation effects, including congestion and TDM effectiveness Traffic analysis should build on existing traffic studies and form basis for determining additional work Analysis should be independently funded - Analysis should be transferable to future EIR - Provide scope of work - Provide cost estimate 1 Proposed Scope of Work ^ 1. Use Existing Studies, where appropriate, as input to Updated Citywide Traffic Model 2. Evaluate effectiveness of proposed TDM program 3. Report traffic results at key I/S and Gateways 4. Compare traffic effects with and without project . Budget and Timeline ^ Budget: $55,000 -Funded by ARRA . Schedule: Release report week of July 20, 2009 . Next Steps . City Manager to execute Consultant Contract immediately to keep within schedule . Public Works will manage contract with input from DSD and Planning Election Report Traffic Analysis Scope of Work & Budget Development Services, Planning, & Public Works Departments May 5, 2009 Review of Existing Studies Trip Generation Analysis Fehr and Peers - 2009: Analyzed proposed TDM and identified trip generation reductions. No analysis of traffic impacts. 2. Transportation Element Analysis - 2007: Developed detailed traffic model. Will use existing traffic volumes, regional network. Need to update land use, street network, and TDM assumptions. 3. Alameda Landing EIR: Site focused study. Assumed different land use and sheet network for AP. ,~ . Review of Existing Studies ^ 4. Alameda Point Station Area Plan - 2008 (MTC/ACTIA) Reviewed land use/TDMrelationship for 3 scenarios: 2005 Preliminary Development Concept (1800 HU and 9000 jobs); Transit Enhanced PDC (1, 800 HU with TOD and 9, 000 jobs); and 4, 000 HU with TOD and 10, 000 jobs. No analysis of traffic ir~tpacts. 5. Alameda Point General Plan Amendment - 2003 Different land use and TDMassu~nptions. Traffic performance indicators for new development can not be projected from past studies because effects are not linear with changes in land use, street connections, and varying TDMs