TUESDAY - - APRIL 20, 2004 - - 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the regular meeting at 7:48 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Gilmore, Kerr,
Matarrese and Mayor Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
(04 -157) Mayor Johnson announced that her appointment to the
Paratransit Advisory Committee [paragraph no. 04 -173] would be held
over and her nomination to the Housing Commission [paragraph no.
04 -1741 would be heard after consent calendar items.
(04 -158) Recognition of the City of Alameda's 150th Anniversary of
incorporation, April 19, 1854.
Mayor Johnson read a brief statement on the City's history of
incorporation; stated that the City's anniversary would be the
theme for the 4th of July Parade.
(04 -159) Proclamation declaring May 3 -9, 2004 as Mosquito and
Vector Control and West Nile Virus Awareness Week.
Mayor Johnson read and presented proclamation to David Edwards,
Trustee, Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District.
(04 -160) Proclamation declaring May 10 -14, 2004 as Girls' Rights
Mayor Johnson read and presented proclamation to Susan Adams,
President Board of Directors of Girls Inc. of the Island City.
Mayor Johnson announced that the recommendation to name the ball
field at Upper Washington Park [paragraph no. 04 -162] was removed
from the consent calendar for discussion.
Vice Mayor Daysog moved approval of the remainder of the Consent
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 1
April 20, 2004
unanimous voice vote - 5.
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding
the paragraph number.]
( *04 -161) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings
held on April 6, 2004. Approved.
(04 -162) Recommendation to name the ball field in Upper Washington
Park after A.J. "Lil" Arnerich, former City Vice Mayor,
Councilmember, and Recreation and Park Department employee.
Kin Robles, Alameda, urged approval of the staff recommendation.
Connie Wendling, Alameda, urged Council to name the ball field
after Mr. Arnerich.
Ken Arnerich, Alameda, thanked the Council for considering the
recommendation; stated it would be an honor.
Michael Torrey, Alameda, urged approval.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that the film "Play Ball" was a good
chronicling of Alameda baseball history; that Lil Arnerich was
instrumental in setting the groundwork; the City enjoys great
baseball teams; that the high school performance level was
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
Mayor Johnson requested that congratulations be passed on to Mr.
Arnerich and his family.
( *04 -163) Recommendation to authorize the Mayor to send a letter to
State Legislators in opposition to Assembly Bill 3007 (Plescia).
( *04 -164) Recommendation to accept the Quarterly Sales Tax Report
for period ending March 31, 2004 for sales transactions in the
fourth calendar quarter of 2003. Accepted.
( *04 -165) Recommendation to accept the work of San Francisco Dry
Dock, Inc. for Encinal Re -Power and Refurbishment Project, No. P.W.
04- 02 -05. Accepted.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 2
April 20, 2004
( *04 -166) Recommendation to amend Agreement with SpenCon
Construction, Inc. for the Annual Sidewalk Repair Project, No. P.W.
07- 03 -15. Accepted.
( *04 -167) Recommendation to award Contract in the amount of
$331,236 to Textron Financial Corporation for the lease of one
hundred fifty (150) electric golf carts for rental use at the Chuck
Corica Golf Complex. Accepted.
( *04 -168) Recommendation to approve Contract with MV Student
Transportation in the amount of $237,270 and elevation of Program
Specialist I position to Program Specialist II in conjunction with
Alameda Kids Coach Program. Accepted.
( *04 -169) Resolution No. 13698, "Preliminarily Approving Annual
Report Declaring Intention to Order Levy and Collection of
Assessments and Providing for Notice of June 15, 2004 Hearing
Thereof - Island City Landscaping and Lighting District 84 -2."
( *04 -170) Resolution No. 13699, "Preliminarily Approving Annual
Report Declaring Intention to Order Levy and Collection of
Assessments and Providing for Notice of June 15, 2004 Hearing
Thereof - Marina Cove Maintenance Assessment District 01 -Ol."
( *04 -171) Introduction of Ordinance Approving and Authorizing First
Amendment to the Multiple Site Lease Agreement between City of
Alameda and American Tower Corporation for Development and
Operation of Wireless Telecommunication Facilities on City Property
at the Chuck Corica Golf Complex and at Fire Station #4.
( *04 -172) Ratified bills in the amount of $1,467,928.12.
(04 -173) Consideration of Mayor's appointment to the Paratransit
Advisory Committee.
Mayor Johnson announced that consideration for appointment would be
continued to the May 4, 2004 Council Meeting.
(04 -174) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the
Housing Commission.
Mayor Johnson nominated Heather Trumain for appointment to the
Housing Commission.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 3
April 20, 2004
(04 -175) Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the Planning Board
conditioned approval of Planned Development Amendment and a Major
Design Review for 3241 Garfield Avenue to allow: 1) the
construction of a 150 square -foot single -story rear addition; 2)
the construction of as maximum 24 -inch tall deck with an attached
hot tub; and 3) the construction of a six -foot fence around the
side and rear property lines. The site is located within the R -1-
PD, One Family Residence Planned Development Zoning District; and
(04 -175A) Resolution No. 13700, "Upholding the Planning Board's
Approval of Planned Development Amendment PDA03 -0006 and Major
Design Review DR03 -0096 to Allow a 150 Square Foot Addition at 3241
Garfield Avenue." Adopted.
Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing.
Proponents (In favor of Appeal): Thea Mixon, Appellant; Christina
Lonzisero, Alameda; Ayala Lonzisero, Appellant; Joseph Baca,
Alameda; Jane Powell, Oakland (submitted pictures); Dan Fichte,
Oakland; Tony Vista, Appellant.
Opponents (Opposed to Appeal): David Harding, Alameda; Derek
Pavlik, Applicant's Builder /Designer; Susan Corlett, Applicant
(submitted handout); Lawrence Henderson, Applicant.
There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public
portion of the hearing.
Councilmember Matarrese requested a review of setback requirements.
The Planner I responded that the rear yard setback for substandard
lots in the R -1 District was 200 of the depth of the lot; the
minimum required rear yard was 12 feet; the addition met a 12' 6"
setback; that under the Planned Development, the setback along the
left side of the house was established at 1' 6 "; the Planning Board
used the rational under AMC Subsections 30 -5.7 (K) and (L) which
allow additions along existing walls as long as no adverse effects
such as shading or view blockage would occur.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether flipping the notch from
the northeast corner to the northwest corner would bring the
northeast corner of the house within the 12 -foot setback.
The Planner I responded in the affirmative.
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Alameda City Council 4
April 20, 2004
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether that option would require
a variance.
The Planner I responded in the affirmative; through the Planned
Development amendment process, Council had the flexibility to make
determinations for reduced setbacks.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Applicant was proposing to build
closer to the property line, to which the Planner I responded in
the affirmative.
Councilmember Kerr inquired who owns the driveway, to which the
Planner I responded that the driveway was shared by the two
property owners; the property at 3243 Garfield Avenue had an
easement on the rear of 3241 Garfield Avenue for driveway access.
Councilmember Kerr inquired whether the rear lot line of 3241
Garfield Avenue extended into the driveway, to which the Planner I
responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Kerr stated that with the easement, there would not
be 12 feet of useable space from the northwestern corner of the
house; that she was concerned with additions on substandard side
yards; extending to 1 foot 6 inches from the lot line takes away
the right of the adjacent neighbor to expand; the addition could be
done with a lower, peaked roof; that there was massive view
blocking; that she does not want to see the City lose the wonderful
supply of starter homes.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired what the addition's shading impacts were
and how they were determined.
The Planner I responded that the Federal Department of Housing and
Development's method establishing shading was used; that the shade
created by the addition would be a very small increment.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired what was the increment.
The Planner I responded approximately 4 to 5 feet of shade on
certain days; the loss would be less in winter.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired what the impact would be based on 100
days of morning sunlight.
The Planner I responded that he was unable to quantify the amount.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the neighbor's bathroom
window would be shaded most directly by the roof line, to which the
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 5
April 20, 2004
Planner I responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the homeowner would be
willing to give up the storage area window at the rear peak of the
Mr. Henderson responded that the window provided the only natural
light in the room.
Councilmember Kerr moved approval of returning the matter to the
Planning Board to review a lower roof which matches the lines of
the existing architecture.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated that the role of the Council was to
balance what was right by law with what was good for the community;
suggested neighbors work out a compromise.
Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Mayor Johnson stated substantial efforts have
been made to resolve issues with neighbors with little progress.
On call of the question, THE MOTION FAILED by the following voice
vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog and Kerr - 2. Noes: Councilmember
Gilmore, Matarrese, and Mayor Johnson - 3.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that the enclosed porches often
looked tacked on; a design should be integral with the house.
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution denying
the Appeal and upholding the Planning Board decision.
Councilmember Gilmore concurred with Councilmember Matarrese;
stated that the parties met on several occasions without resolving
the matter; stated that the Planning Board's approval of the
Planned Development was unanimous.
Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Kerr stated that her motion was not
to encourage more negotiation but to have the Planning Board
consider a lower roofline.
On call of the question, THE SUBSEQUENT MOTION CARRIED by the
following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Gilmore Matarrese and
Mayor Johnson - 3. Noes: Councilmembers Daysog and Kerr - 2.
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Alameda City Council 6
April 20, 2004
Mayor Johnson called a recess at 9:20 p.m. and reconvened the
Regular Council Meeting at 9:35 p.m.
Mayor Johnson requested that the Public Hearing regarding Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding be addressed prior to the
bus shelter matter.
(04 -176) Public Hearing to consider recommendation to adopt FY
2004 -05 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Action Plan, amend
FY2003 -04 CDBG Action Plan and authorize the City Manager to
negotiate and execute related documents, agreements and
modifications; and,
(04 -176A) Recommendation regarding CDBG public service allocations
Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing.
Proponents: Cynthia Wasko, SSHRB; Ed Clark, West Alameda Business
Association (WABA); Georgia Madden; WABA.
There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public
portion of the hearing.
Councilmember Kerr requested that the funding for the Sentinel Fair
Housing be considered as a separate matter.
Vice Mayor Daysog moved approval of staff recommendation to adopt
FY 2004 -05 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Action Plan,
amend FY2003 -04 CDBG Action Plan and authorize the City Manager to
negotiate and execute related documents, agreements and
modifications excluding funding for Sentinel Fair Housing.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by the
following voice vote - 5.
Vice Mayor Daysog moved approval of funding for Sentinel Fair
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by the
following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, Gilmore,
Matarrese and Mayor Johnson - 4. Noes: Councilmember Kerr - 1.
(04 -177) Recommendation to approve bus shelter locations.
The Public Works Director gave a brief presentation.
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Alameda City Council 7
April 20, 2004
Mayor Johnson inquired the amount of 2003 ridership data AC Transit
The Public Works Director responded that most of the locations have
2003 data; that data was not inclusive of all the routes; that
staff requested current data from AC Transit; the order of stops
was based upon historic data.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired who maintains the existing shelters,
to which the Public Works Director responded the Public Works
Department; that funds are not available to maintain the desired
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the new stop locations have
gone into effect, to which the Public Works Director responded in
the affirmative.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired what was the dimension differential
of a narrow and regular shelter.
The Public Works Director responded that a regular shelter was four
feet wide; that the narrow shelter was two and a half feet wide.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired the number of people a regular size
shelter would accommodate versus a narrow shelter, to which the
Public Works Director responded the same.
Mayor Johnson inquired what the lowest number of riders was on
Priority 1 stops.
The Public Works Director responded that some Priority 1 locations
have no Route "0" data; that the lowest ridership would be Location
#25, Ralph Appezzato Parkway at Poggie Street; 1998 data indicated
24 riders; 2003 data, which does not include the data for Route 50,
had 10 riders; reviewing historic data and knowing that some major
routes are missing, staff interpreted the ridership would exceed
Mayor Johnson inquired whether there were any other stops with less
than 25 riders.
The Public Works Directors responded that #18, West Midway at Pan
Am, had 24 riders; that Constitution and Marina Village Parkway had
no data available; both locations have been identified as
significant ridership locations.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether AC Transit collected the data, to
which the Public Works Director responded in the affirmative.
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Alameda City Council 8
April 20, 2004
Councilmember Kerr inquired whether there had been any location
change suggested for the Corner of Webster Street and Santa Clara
Avenue, to which the Public Works Director responded in the
Councilmember Kerr inquired whether Alamedans Responsible for
Transit Shelters' (ARTS') ability to choose shelter locations would
be influenced by listing shelters as advertising and non - eligible
advertising, to which the Public Works Director responded that all
the locations would be suitable for non - advertising.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired what mechanism ensured that ARTS had the
ability to select a location.
The Public Works Director responded that currently there was no
mechanism; that the Transportation Commission Subcommittee provided
a 3 -tier program which would allow ARTS more time in order to raise
funds to install non - advertised shelters; Tier 3 provided for
installation of 6 shelters before the raining season; Tier 2 would
provide installation of 10 shelters, and Tier 1 would provide the
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired when advertising discussions would be
The Public Works Director stated that currently there are no
negotiations with Lamar; the intent would be to have ARTS raise
funds for the purchase, installation and maintenance of any of the
locations; that once a location was removed from the list, Lamar
would not be allowed to consider the location.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired whether a total of 25 shelters were to
be installed, to which the Public Works Director responded in the
Councilmember Matarrese stated that tonight's purpose was to
approve the locations; inquired whether the advertising eligible
column reflects whether the site meets the criteria approved by
Council at the April 6, 2004 meeting.
The Public Works Director responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Kerr inquired when it was decided that privately
funded shelters include maintenance.
The Public Works Director responded that ARTS' never provided for
maintenance in the original proposal; that the Transportation
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 9
April 20, 2004
Commission went with AC Transit's Joint Powers Agreement because
the City does not have funds available to adequately maintain the
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the list of 44 locations excludes
shelters within the West Alameda Business Association (WABA) and
Park Street Business Association (PSBR), to which the Public Works
Director responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson inquired how many locations are in the WABA and PSBR
districts, to which the Public Works Director responded that WABA
currently does not have a plan; that there are approximately 5
shelters in the PSBR district.
Mayor Johnson inquired why 44 locations were recommended when only
25 would be built.
The Public Works Director responded that Council may remove some of
the locations from the list.
Councilmember Kerr stated that Lamar could base selection on the
number of cars going by and not ridership.
Mayor Johnson stated shelters need to serve transit riders, not the
advertising needs of the vendor.
Michael Torrey, Alameda, stated the shelter on Santa Clara Avenue
and Grand Avenue was on private property; that Poggie Street and
Ralph Appezzato Parkway has high ridership.
Richard Neveln, Alameda, urged support of the shelter program;
stated that other shelter producers should be investigated.
Pat Payne, Alameda, stated that she was opposed to advertising bus
John Knox White, Transportation Commission, stated that the
Transportation Commission was working closely with ARTS.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether site approval would make
fundraising easier for ARTS.
Mr. Knox White responded sites must be selected in order for any
program to move forward.
Mayor Johnson stated that Council requested staff to review
alternatives to Lamar; not designating shelters as advertising
eligible would take away some public concern.
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Alameda City Council 10
April 20, 2004
Delores Jaquez, AC Transit, urged support of bus shelters; stated
AC Transit would soon have counters to track the number of
Brad Nichols, Alameda, stated that he opposed having a bus shelter
at the corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Grand Avenue.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Santa Clara Avenue and Grand
Avenue location was Priority 2, to which the Public Works Director
responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Kerr inquired whether the bus stops in front of the
church, to which the Public Works Director responded the Technical
Transportation Team decided not to move it to in front of the
Cheryl Jones, Alameda, stated that she was concerned about shelters
because of vandalism and the lack of maintenance.
Mark Hom, Alameda, stated that he opposes having a bus shelter at
the southwest corner of Fernside Boulevard and High Street.
Norma Wall, ARTS, stated that she opposed advertising bus shelters.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether site selection would make it
easier for ARTS to raise funds.
Ms. Wall responded that sites should be selected on the basis of
ridership; that the site would dictate the type of design;
selection of the location would not help ARTS' fund raising
Councilmember Gilmore stated that designating locations as
advertising eligible was good because it raised public concerns.
Mayor Johnson stated that Council could approve the list without
designating shelters as advertising eligible.
Yvonne Keel, Alameda, stated that her umbrella was her shelter.
Geraldine Morris, Alameda, stated that Blanding Avenue and Broadway
was a bad location for a bus stop; suggested waiting until the
shopping center was built; stated that ridership was very low.
Mayor Johnson inquired what the passenger count was for the
Blanding Avenue and Broadway stop, to which the Public Works
Director responded that the 2003 data indicated 113 boardings.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 1 1
April 20, 2004
Miriam Sundheim, Alameda, stated that she supports bus benches and
opposes advertising.
Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed bus ridership.
Jon Spangler, Alameda, urged approval of the bus shelter list
recommended by the Transportation Commission.
Susan Decker, Alameda Transit Advocates (ATA), urged approval of
bus shelters.
Golda Mason, ATA, commended staff for the hard work done on site
evaluations; urged approval of bus shelter locations.
Juliette Bleecker, Alameda, stated that she opposes bus shelters,
especially in residential neighborhoods.
Blaise Ribet, Alameda, stated that she was fine with having a bus
shelter in front of her home, but would not like to see
Reyla Graber, ARTS, updated the Council on financial developments;
stated that many individuals have supported shelters without
advertising; ARTS now has sufficient funds to purchase 6 bus
shelters; ARTS' shelters should not be relegated to non -ad shelter
locations; concurred with Mayor Johnson's suggestion that it would
be best to remove the non - advertising designator on the list.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired about the staggered installation of
the bus shelters.
Ms. Graber responded that ARTS would like to make a counter
proposal; more than 6 shelters might be able to be installed this
Councilmember Kerr inquired whether ARTS was aware that anyone
buying a bus shelter would also have to maintain it.
Ms. Graber responded that was never proposed by ARTS; that ARTS was
an issue - oriented group; an outside source would maintain 25
shelters for approximately $21,000 per year.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired how frequently the shelters would be
maintained, to which Ms. Graber responded weekly.
Virginia Nichols, Alameda submitted a handout; questioned ridership
data; stated that she objects to having bus shelters in residential
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 12
April 20, 2004
Joe Cloren, Alameda, stated the bus stop at Belmont Avenue and
Mecartney Road was recently moved without sufficient notice; the
move has resulted in numerous complaints, suggested the stop be
moved back to its original location.
Michael Krueger, Alameda, stated that ARTS expressed concern about
focusing on non -ad sites for the pilot program; the Transportation
Commission agreed that ARTS could choose any sites; focus should be
on sites with highest ridership, transit points, and transit
dependent populations; stated that ARTS should have first pick of
the locations.
Councilmember Matarrese thanked ARTS for raising money; thanked
members of the Transportation Commission for their efforts; stated
that speakers gave practical reasons why certain sites should not
be included; that he would not vote for installing any shelter
unless the budget identified money for spotless maintenance; that
transit dependency should be high priority; suggested removing Page
2 because of unrealistic maintenance funds for that many shelters.
Councilmember Gilmore suggesting waiting for the developer's site
plan and design at Blanding Avenue before placing a shelter at the
Mayor Johnson stated that the developer of the center should be
responsible for the shelter.
Councilmember Matarrese stated incorporating transportation should
be mandatory; staff should make arrangements with the shopping
center developer as they finalize plans; noted that he voted no on
the Joint Powers Agreement because of the ads; process should be
transparent; a footnote should indicate advertising or non -
Mayor Johnson stated that most people support the concept of
shelters but not advertising; that Council could wait to designate
stops as advertising eligible; ridership numbers need to be
Councilmember Matarrese stated that there was no restriction on
advertising on bus benches in the City Code; Council needs to
review revising the Code.
Councilmember Kerr stated that most of the communication she has
received opposes shelters in front of houses; locations should not
be selected until design was determined; that canopy shelters have
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 13
April 20, 2004
not been considered.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired when Council would receive the
design guidelines from the Planning Board, to which the Public
Works Director responded that the Planning Board review would be on
April 26, 2004; Council would consider design criteria on May 18,
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether time would be lost by
considering the bus shelter locations at the same time as the
design guidelines.
The Public Works Director responded that if Council wants bus
shelters in before the rainy season, and is still considering
advertising shelters, then the matter would need to move ahead
Councilmember Matarrese stated that sites should be identified
before design; no one was stating that they want advertising; that
he was ready to move forward and review the budget and what funds
are being raised; that he does not want to see a delay; selecting
sites first and then reviewing design was appropriate.
Councilmember Kerr stated that people do not want three -sided bus
shelters in front of their houses; homeowners have concerns with
noise; trash containers tend to attract overflow of garbage.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated the rainy season was being overstated;
Alameda has mild temperatures; thanked ARTS for raising funds;
Council needs to direct the City Manager and Staff to work on
behalf of the community; that he was concerned about the
Transportation Commission handling negotiations; final authority
rests with the Council; the motion should include direction to City
staff on funding options; that he is concerned with the piecemeal
nature in dealing with siting criteria and addressing funding and
design issues later; that the City Manager and staff need to
determine how many bus shelters are expected from ARTS and in what
timeframe; that the Transportation Commission does not have wide
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the Priority 1 shelter
locations, excluding #25 and excluding the designation of whether
the shelter meets the criteria of advertising or non - advertising;
approval of directing staff to 1) prepare a budget with potential
revenue sources for maintaining each individual shelter through the
whole list, to provide incremental information, 2) provide a
summary of the number of shelters ARTS' funding commitment would
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 14
April 20, 2004
Mayor Johnson requested the motion be amended to include that staff
verify ridership prior to installing shelters.
Councilmember Matarrese agreed to amend the motion to include
verifying the accuracy of ridership numbers with AC Transit for
approved locations.
Councilmember Gilmore stated that originally there was a minimum
list of 25 sites; the motion narrows the list down to 24 sites;
inquired whether the list would continually decrease if shelters
are not placed in front of residences.
Mayor Johnson responded that additional sites could be added later.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that there was a need to focus down
to meet the commitment to have shelters by next winter.
Vice Mayor Daysog requested the motion be repeated.
The City Clerk repeated the motion.
Councilmember Kerr stated that committing ARTS to a certain number
of shelters would be premature.
Councilmember Matarrese clarified that the motion was not a
commitment [for ARTS]; ARTS mentioned funding already in hand; that
his motion was to direct staff to provide information on exact
number [budget] and how many shelters would be funded.
Ms. Graber stated that ARTS has a goal of at least 10 shelters by
the rainy season; that the Transportation Commission Subcommittee
has indicated that they are open to a variety of styles.
Mayor Johnson stated that Council does not want to limit the type
of shelters.
Ms. Graber stated that the narrow, three -sided shelter was better
looking than the deep, shed -type shelter.
Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the motion, without limiting the type of
Under discussion, the City Manager stated that a plan of action
would be brought back for Council consideration.
On call for the question, the motion carried by the following voice
vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, Gilmore, Matarrese and Mayor
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April 20, 2004
Johnson - 4. Noes: Councilmember Kerr - 1.
(04 -178) Recommendation to authorize the City Manager to execute a
Relinquishment Agreement with the California Department of
Transportation for the Webster Street Right -of -Way (State Highway
260) between Central Avenue and Ralph J. Appezzato Parkway
(Atlantic Avenue); and
(04 -178A) Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications and
authorize Call for Bids for Webster Renaissance Project No. P.W.
07- 02 -07.
Sherri Stieg, WABA; Mi'Chelle Frerick, WABA; and Georgia Madden,
WABA thanked city staff and Council for moving the project forward.
Vice Mayor Daysog moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Under discussion, Councilmember Matarrese stated that project was
an important half of the City's redevelopment.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(04 -179) Ordinance No. 2921, "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by Amending Section 1 -7 (Administrative Citations) of Chapter I
(General) pertaining to code enforcement." Finally passed.
Councilmember Kerr stated that she was delighted to see the 55 cent
confirmation option added to the Ordinance.
Councilmember Kerr moved final passage of the Ordinance.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(04 -180) Discussion on requiring a competitive bid process for all
bonds /debts issued by the City.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated information was being gathered; thanked
staff for informative memo.
The Finance Director stated that the California Debt Advisory
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April 20, 2004
Commission oversees all debt issuance in California; seminars are
offered on fundamentals of debt financing; a seminar could be
organized for Council to review financing tools available.
The Council concurred with the suggestions.
Vice Mayor Daysog suggested that the workshop be scheduled prior to
a City Council meeting.
Mayor Johnson stated that a workshop would be a great idea.
(04 -181) Councilmember Matarrese requested periodic updates on the
Webster Street Strategic Planning process and timeline and
report and progress on the catalyst project.
(04 -182) Councilmember Matarrese requested staff to address the
weeds on the median strip at Tilden Way and Fernside Boulevard.
(04 -183) Councilmember Kerr stated old equipment is being stored on
the area designated to be a park in the Kaufman and Broad project
on Buena Vista Avenue; requested staff review the matter.
(04 -184) Councilmember Kerr stated the City's website was updated
and it is difficult to find items, such as the Municipal Code and
Northern Waterfront Strategic Plan.
(04 -185) Councilmember Kerr stated AP &T sponsors events; law
requires a certain amount of municipal utilities budget be used on
public service; requested a list of all money spent on public
service, including telecom marketing efforts.
(04 -186) Vice Mayor Daysog stated that it is a privilege to serve
on the City's Council.
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 11:58 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
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Alameda City Council 1
April 20, 2004