WEDNESDAY - - NOVEMBER 3, 2004 - - 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the regular meeting at 8:29 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Gilmore, Kerr,
Matarrese and Mayor Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
(04 -576) Proclamation declaring Yee Mee Poon Lee as Alameda's
Housing Choice Voucher Program Rental Property Owner of the Year in
the three or less rental unit category.
Mayor Johnson read the proclamation.
(04 -577) Proclamation declaring Sue and Chuck Sweezy as Alameda's
Housing Choice Voucher Program Rental Property Owner of the Year in
the four or more rental unit category.
Mayor Johnson read the proclamation and presented it to Ms. and Mr.
Mayor Johnson announced that the recommendation to award Contract
to Dynix, Inc. [paragraph no. 04 -5831 was removed from the Consent
Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the remainder of the
Consent Calendar.
Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding
the paragraph number.]
( *04 -578) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings
held on October 19, 2004. Approved.
( *04 -579) Recommendation to accept and authorize recording a Notice
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Alameda City Council 1
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of Completion for the Bayport Residential Phase 1 Public Backbone
Improvements (Tract 7511). Accepted.
( *04 -580) Recommendation to authorize the City Manager to execute
an amendment to Lease Agreement with Grand Edibles, Inc. to
preserve the Park and Ride facility. Accepted.
( *04 -581) Recommendation to authorize the City Manager to sign an
amended Core Natural Gas Sales and Aggregation Agreement.
( *04 -582) Recommendation to accept the work of Vortex Marine
Construction, Inc. for Alameda Harbor Bay Terminal Repair, No. P.W.
08- 04 -12. Accepted.
(04 -583) Recommendation to award Contract to Dynix, Inc. in the
amount of $217,783 for new Integrated Library System.
Mayor Johnson requested that the Library Director review the system
that would be in the new main library.
The Library Director stated the current automated library system
was installed 1992; the system has not been updated; the new
Horizon system will increase staff efficiency; the catalog will be
similar to Amazon.com, including book covers; patrons can initiate
inter - library loans; wireless technology will be installed;
information will be available for patrons on overdue books and
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
( *04 -584) Resolution No. 13776, "Approving and Adopting the
Extension of Fund Allocation for Ballena Bay Bridge Seismic
Retrofit Project, No. P.W. 05- 00 -09." Adopted.
( *04 -585) Resolution No. 13777, "Establishing Annual Free All -Day
Parking with a Three -Hour Maximum Per Car Per Space for the Webster
Street and The Park Street Business Districts on November 27,
December 4 and 11, 2004." Adopted.
( *04 -586) Resolution No. 13778, "Amending the Management and
Confidential Employees Association (MCEA) Salary Schedule by
Establishing a Salary Range for the Position of Video Production
Artist." Adopted.
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( *04 -587) Resolution No. 13779, "Authorizing the City Manager to
Submit a Grant Application to the State Board of Corrections, to
Execute the Grant Agreement and to Provide Matching Funds for and
to Use Such Funds for the Donald P. McCullum Youth Court Inc.
Juvenile Offender Program for the Period of July 1, 2004 through
June 30, 2005." Adopted.
( *04 -588) Ratified bills in the amount of $2,802,106.10.
(04 -589) Resolution No. 13780, "Appointing Edward R. Depenbrock to
the Housing and Building Code Hearing and Appeals Board." Adopted.
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution.
Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Mr.
Depenbrock with a certificate of appointment.
(04 -590) Resolution No. 13781, "Appointing Franklin T. Rash to the
Housing Commission (Tenant Seat)." Adopted.
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution.
Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Mr.
Rash with a certificate of appointment.
(04 -591) Recommendation to approve language of the plaque to be
placed in the former Officers' Club, honoring former Acting Mayor
Al DeWitt.
Councilmember Kerr moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
(04 -592) Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the Planning
Board's denial of Variances, VO4 -0006, 0007, 0008 and 0010, and
denial of Major Design Review, DR04 -0026, for all development
projects at 3017 Marina Drive; and adoption of related resolution.
The site is located within an R -1, Single- Family Residential Zoning
District. The development project includes expansion of the
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residence into the estuary and installation of rear yard decks.
Approval is being sought for the following: 1) Variance to AMC
Subsection 30- 4.1(d)(3) (Maximum Main Building Coverage exceeding
480); 2) Variance to AMC Subsection 30- 4.1(d)(7) and Section 30 -2
(Rear Yard) because the building extends across the rear property
line into the estuary; 3) Variance to AMC Subsection 30- 5.7(a)
(Roof Eaves) and 30- 5.7(d) (Bay Windows) because the roof eaves
above the bay windows encroach to within 3 feet from the side
property line and bay windows are not permitted to encroach into
side yards; 4) Variance to AMC Subsection 30- 5.7(c)(1) (Rear Yard),
Subsection 30 -2 (Definitions) (Yard -Rear) and Subsection 30-
4.1(d)(7) (Rear Yard) because decks over 36- inches in height extend
into the required side and rear yard setbacks; 5) Variance to AMC
Subsection 30- 5.14(c) (Barrier Heights) because the windscreens
around the patios exceed the maximum permitted 8 -foot height. The
Planning Board found that the Variance for the bay window
encroachment be withdrawn because encroachment is in compliance,
subject to Design Review approval. Applicant /Appellant: Rita
Mohlen. Continued to November 16, 2004.
(04 -593) Public Hearing to consider Revisions to Alameda Municipal
Code Chapter XXX, Sections 30 -4.2 (d) (9) , 30 -4.3 (d) (10) , 30-
4.4 (d) (10) , 30 -4.5 (d) (10) , 30-4.6 (d) (10) , and 30 -5.12, more
commonly referred to as the Zoning Ordinance, regulating Open
Space; Schedule of Required Residential Open Space and Usable Open
Space Requirements; Report on the Development Code Open Space
Committee's recommendations; and
(04 -593A) Introduction of Ordinance Amending Alameda Municipal Code
by Repealing Subsection 30- 4.2(d)(9) (R -2, Two Family Residence
District, Minimum Height, Bulk and Space Requirements), Subsection
30- 4.3(d)(10) (R -3, Garden Residential District, Minimum Height,
Bulk and Space Requirements), Subsection 30- 4.4(d)(10)
(Neighborhood Residential District, Minimum Height, Bulk and Space
Requirements), 30- 4.5(d)(10) (General Residential District, Minimum
Height, Bulk and Space Requirements), Subsection 30- 4.6(d)(10)
(Hotel Residential District, Minimum Height, Bulk and Space
Requirements), and Section 30 -5.12 (Open Space; Schedule of
Required Residential Open Space) in Their Entirety, and Adding a
New Subsection 30- 4.2(d)(9) (R -2, Two - Family Residence District,
Minimum Height, Bulk and Space Requirements), Subsection 30-
4.3(d)(10) (R -3, Garden Residential District, Minimum Height, Bulk
and Space Requirements), Subsection 30- 4.4(d)(10) (Neighborhood
Residential District, Minimum Height, Bulk and Space Requirements),
30- 4.5(d)(10) (General Residential District, Minimum Height, Bulk
and Space Requirements), Subsection 30- 4.6(d) (10) (Hotel
Residential District, Minimum Height, Bulk and Space Requirements),
and Section 30 -5.12 (Definition of Required Residential Open Space)
of Chapter XXX (Development Regulations).
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Councilmember Kerr requested that the matter be continued because
there was a mix -up in the language; that she tried to resolve the
matter; commas, periods and phrases need to be revised to present
clear wording at the next meeting.
Councilmember Kerr moved approval of continuing the matter to
November 16, 2004.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(04 -594) Recommendation to review and select Value Engineering
alternatives for the Alameda Main Library Project and identify
potential funding sources.
The Assistant City Manager provided a handout on the project cost
and additional funding sources.
The Project Manager reviewed the value engineering alternatives
outlined in the addendum to the staff report, consisting of eight
high desirability items, four medium desirability items, 26 low
desirability items and five neutral items.
Mayor Johnson called a recess at 9:47 p.m. and reconvened the
regular meeting at 9:56 p.m.
The Project Manager continued reviewing value - engineering
Vice Mayor Daysog stated San Jose used a 5% contingency for
furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF &E) ; inquired whether the
contingency for FF &E could be lowered to 50.
The Project Manager responded there is not a contingency for FF &E;
the contingency was only applied to construction.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated the 20% contingency seems high; the
State's Office of Library Construction (OLC) encourages use of a
10% contingency; savings from lowering the contingency would
preclude Council from dipping into the open space fund; there is no
incentive to keep the contractor under budget with a high
The Project Manager stated there have been intense value
engineering sessions; there should not be close to 20% in change
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orders; the OLC has set the project cost at $11 million, with a 100
contingency; anything above the set amount must be covered by local
money; the 20% contingency is needed to get to a Contract stage;
there will be escalation costs in materials; there are unknowns
working with the architect to get the drawings to the contractor;
prices will be locked when the Contract is executed; the project
management firm estimates the City is losing to of value per month.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired whether contingency costs already spent
are included in the 200.
The Project Manager responded contingency costs specifically
related to the acquisition of a neighboring piece of property are
not reimbursable because the City did not consummate the deal.
Vice Mayor Daysog requested that the Library Building Team (LBT)
and staff review different contingency levels; stated if the
project goes above the contingency level, adjustments could be
made; having a high contingency would allow many change orders.
The City Manager stated if Council is comfortable authorizing the
project to proceed with a loo contingency, staff can use said
amount as long as there is an acknowledged proviso that should the
costs exceed the loo contingency, staff would request Council to
authorize additional funding.
The Assistant City Manager stated lowering the contingency to 100
would save an additional $1.7 million.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated the open space fund or redevelopment funds
could be preserved by lowing the contingency and could be dipped
into if necessary.
Mayor Johnson stated a loo contingency could be approved with money
earmarked in the event additional contingency is needed; stated the
open space money should be freed up first, then redevelopment
The Project Manager stated if additional contingency is needed,
there should be an expeditious process to keep from delaying
Councilmember Matarrese stated a special meeting could be held if
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired whether additional funding for the
project from [2000] Measure 0 would be taken from branches, to
which the City Manager responded in the affirmative.
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Robb Ratto, Park Street Business Association (PSBR), stated PSBR
has no problem with $2 million in redevelopment funds being used
for the library project; although money for the library project
would not cause a direct sales tax increase, indirectly there would
be increased business in nearby restaurants and shops; encouraged
use of as little redevelopment money as possible with the
understanding that money is needed for branches and open space
money should not be used; suggested redevelopment money be
earmarked for the contingency fund and returned if any funds remain
at the end of the project.
Jean Sweeney, Alameda, stated money should not be taken from open
space or the branch libraries.
Mayor Johnson called a recess at 10:17 p.m. and reconvened the
regular meeting at 10:20 p.m.
(04 -595) A woman discussed the eviction of her disabled mother from
the Harbor Isle Apartments; stated a fifteen -day extension was
offered as long as she agreed to sign a clause waiving her right to
sue or ask questions.
Mayor Johnson suggested that the woman speak to the two attorneys
from Legal Aid present tonight, who should be able to help with the
Continuation of Library Main Protect Discussion
Honora Murphy, LBT Chair, stated the LBT spent four hours ranking
items; the LBT felt that saving the exterior design was important
since there was a great amount of community input on the matter;
staff did a good job coming up with other funding; there are other
funding options; City Hall renovation was funded by Certificates of
Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft, LBT, stated the LBT requests less than $1
million in add backs; the LEED points are to save costs in energy
conservation and health of library workers and patrons; embedded
brick is a good compromise; the loo contingency works; encouraged
Council to add in the eight items suggested by the LBT; stated the
branches should not be forgotten.
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Jim Sweeney, Alameda, stated Estuary Park is critical; there is not
sufficient park space in the area; urged Council not to touch the
open space money.
Isolina Cadle, Alameda, stated money for the project should be used
to purchase buildings at Harbor Isle.
Mayor Johnson inquired the type of direction staff is seeking.
The City Manager stated staff would like to complete negotiations
with S.J. Amoroso and bring back a Contract for review and
approval; if Council is comfortable with the deductions, add backs
and a loo contingency, staff will craft the agreement accordingly.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether specific direction is needed on the
issues raised by the LBT.
The Project Manager responded that he could price options with S.J.
Amoroso, such as embedded brick.
Mayor Johnson stated a less expensive stone makes more sense than
having carpet in the entryway and coffee shop; that she agrees with
all LBT recommendations, with the exception of reviewing the
durability of the leather upholstery.
The City Manager stated staff needs direction on the add backs; the
additional revenue sources will be approved when the Contract is
brought back for approval.
Mayor Johnson stated Councilmember Matarrese raised the issue about
the [staff] counter tops and LEED requirements; the City does not
need to meet all LEED requirements, but should complete items that
will save money over the long term.
The Project Manager stated the City would need to complete all LEED
items that have been identified for certification.
Mayor Johnson stated Council could pick the LEED items that should
be completed; the primary focus should not be certification.
The Project Manager stated most LEED items remain, with the
exception of the HVAC monitoring points and shredded cotton
insulation that has been replaced with fiberglass; essentially
every other LEED item remains.
The Assistant City Manager stated the LEED cost savings is
associated with the certification process.
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Councilmember Matarrese stated all LEED requirements should be
implemented with holding the certification process in abeyance;
perhaps the City could find money or a grant for certification.
The City Manager stated staff could take said recommendation as the
Mayor Johnson stated the City does not want to pay a whole lot more
to get materials within 500 miles; the cost for purchasing material
within the designated distance should be reviewed.
The Project Manager summarized that the Council direction was to
incorporate as many LEED items as possible, reviewing the
insulation and commissioning agent costs; stated elimination of the
LEED items refers to certification; 29 LEED points were included in
the project, 26 points are needed for certification, a 3 -point
slush is recommended; further stated staff will review the leather
upholstery, the LEEDS question and the fiber cement counter tops.
Mayor Johnson stated that she supports the seven LBT
The Project Manager stated the LBT's seven high recommendations
would be retained, with review of the eighth high recommendation
regarding leather upholstery; the LBT's four medium recommendations
would be retained; all low priority items would be deleted, with
the exception of reviewing the LEED item and fiber cement counter
The Assistant City Manager noted staff would price out the embedded
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired whether the revenue sources are being
The City Manager responded in the negative; stated Council would
designate funds when the Contract is brought back for review.
Mayor Johnson requested that staff determine whether the Hacker
columns could be retained.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the embedded brick would be
reviewed, to which the Project Manager responded in the
affirmative; stated an off agenda report with the price would be
The City Manager suggested Council make a motion including all the
items recommended and direct staff to proceed with negotiations.
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The City Manager stated an off agenda report would be provided to
ensure Council is clear on the items that would be discussed in
negotiations with S.J. Amoroso.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the items discussed: 1)
including a 10% contingency; 2) implementing LBT high and medium
desirability items; 3) reviewing durability of the leather
upholstery; 4) reviewing durability of staff countertops; 5)
reviewing LEED requirements, holding the certification process in
abeyance; 6) pricing out embedded brick; and 7) reviewing Hacker
Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(04 -596) Councilmember Kerr congratulated the candidates who were
elected to be Councilmembers for the next four years; stated
Proposition lA passed by 83% in Alameda County and greater numbers
elsewhere; the Proposition assures that in two years, cities will
have safeguards to keep local taxes; the League of California
Cities worked hard on the issue; without it, municipal funds would
have kept disappearing; passage means the League has more muscle
and Sacramento will have to pay attention to the League.
(04 -597) Councilmember Kerr suggested if a Councilmember is
interested in serving as the representative on the League of
California Cities, let the Mayor know as soon as possible; stated
the League's committee Statewide appointments are next week.
(04 -598) The City Attorney stated a number of tenants are present
because the Fifteen Group is not abiding by their promises and
commitments to federal court; although the matter is not on the
agenda for discussion or action by the Council, the City can make
general statements in terms of public information; the Court has
determined that the City does not have standing in the litigation;
therefore, the City cannot maintain the lawsuit; the City does not
have the right to represent the tenants; as a separate matter, the
Court issued a continuing order to the Fifteen Group and individual
tenants; the court ordered the Fifteen Group to meet with
individual tenants for 20 hours and directed the tenants to report
any problems to Judge Alsup; while the City does not have the right
to represent the tenants, the tenants need to respond to the
Judge's request to let him know if there are problems; the Judge
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has open court tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.; provided a handout with the
Judge's name and contact information.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired whether one person could submit
affidavits collectively, to which the City Attorney responded in
the affirmative.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated tenants should let the Judge know if the
Fifteen Group is not acting reasonably.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the Judge's orders specifically talked
about people with special needs; the Fifteen Group's lawyer put in
written letters to the Judge that people in the special needs
category were taken care of; if someone in a wheelchair has not
been taken care of, it is in direct contradiction of an attorney's
sworn statement in front of a Judge.
Councilmember Kerr stated if Legal Aid does not show up in court
tomorrow, they are not doing their job.
The following speakers addressed Harbor Isle evictions: Isolina
Cadle, Alameda; Lorraine Lilley; William Smith, Renewed HOPE;
Modessa Henderson; Regina Tillman, Harbor Island; Delores Guyton;
Lisa Mitchell -Reid; Reginald James; Prizeilla Brown; Ruben Briones,
Supervisor Alice Lai - Bitker (submitted letter); Tom Matthews,
Renewed Hope; Eve Bach, Arc Ecology; Austin Tam, Renewed HOPE; Lily
Leung, SEIU Local 790; Deborah James, Alameda; Lynette Lee, East
Bay Asian Local Development Corporation; Cynthia Landry; Michael
(04 -599) Consideration of Mayor's nominations for appointment to
the Commission on Disability Issues.
Mayor Johnson nominated Toby C. Berger, Charles E. Bunker, Edwin
Cooney, Steve R. Fort, James F. Gwynne, Adrienne Longley -Cook,
Elaine McCoy, Gina D. McGaughey, Jody A. Moore, and Angela C.
(04 -600) Councilmember Matarrese congratulated the newly elected
Councilmembers, particularly Councilmember Gilmore.
(04 -601) Vice Mayor Daysog congratulated Councilmember Gilmore,
who will be the next Vice Mayor, Councilmember -elect Doug deHaan
and the School Board members elected.
(04 -602) Vice Mayor Daysog stated the City lost the court case
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[against FG Managing Member]; that Council is committed to working
with residents to implement a range of solutions that lead to
affordable housing; the City tried everything possible to resolve
the current issue.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the lawsuit accomplished something;
people received extensions of time; money was offered; pressure is
still being put on the property owner; the City can pursue other
avenues to enforce the law when it comes to slumlords; as
Councilmember Kerr has stated, existing laws need to be enforced;
the City of Oakland picked "The Dirty Dozen" slumlords and went
after them and fined them heavily for violating existing State law;
thanked the City Attorney for providing a vehicle for people to
have the Judge hold the attorney, who certified that no one would
be put out on the street, accountable.
Councilmember Kerr stated the Harbor Island Apartments are market
rate apartments, not affordable housing; there are 104 heavily
subsidized units in the immediate planning stage across the street;
running a street through the complex seems strange; that she is
frustrated with tenants coming back to the City; the tenants have
the standing and can take court action; tenants are not being
provided good legal advice; tenants should be able to find a tenant
lawyer who could handle the matter on a contingency basis or act as
one case for all tenants; there are many remedies for fighting an
unlawful detainer action; there are legal ways to delay the action;
tenant activists should take steps to educate the tenants.
Councilmember Gilmore stated that tenants have appeared before the
Council on numerous occasions; the City has listened to the
tenants; the City was not successful in this particular case; there
seems to be an assumption that the City is not going to review the
whole universe of other solutions; that she is offended by the
assumption that the City would drop the ball and not continue to
work with the tenants; the Council feels very deeply about the
tenants and the community; the City has responded to the Harbor
Island tenants on an emergency basis; the City cannot solve the
immediate eviction problem, but can review the matter in a larger
framework; time is needed and that is not what the residents wanted
to hear tonight.
Councilmember Kerr expressed frustration in dealing with a group of
people who are not taking advantage of the legal rights they have.
(04 -603) Councilmember Matarrese stated that he received a copy of
a Sentinel Fair Housing survey on units for rent which confirmed
there were discrimination incidents; requested that the Social
Service Human Relations Board (SSHRB) evaluate the report and
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provide recommendations to the Council; requested that the SSHRB
provide solutions advising the public that discrimination is
against the law and should be reported; requested that the SSHRB
report back to the Council in four months with an analysis and
recommendation which would allow the public the chance to weigh in
and have an awareness of their rights.
Councilmember Kerr requested that Sentinel Fair Housing advise how
many landlords were interviewed and who they were; stated the other
side of the story should be heard; that she does not find Sentinel
Fair Housing to be a reliable source of information; problems need
to be addressed, but she does not want to chase after a
manufactured problem; slanting a survey is easily done; the City
needs to know what is real and what is not real.
Mayor Johnson requested that the SSHRB review the quality of the
Councilmember Kerr stated that she would hate to see resources
expended on problems that may not exist; the survey did not claim
that anyone was denied an apartment.
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council at 11:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
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