TUESDAY - - NOVEMBER 16, 2004 - - 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the Regular Meeting at 8:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, Gilmore, Kerr,
Matarrese and Mayor Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
Mayor Johnson announced that the recommendation to authorize the
purchase of five 2005 Ford Crown Victoria police vehicles
[paragraph no. 04 -618] and the recommendation to approve Agreement
with Ameresco Santa Cruz Energy, LLC [paragraph no. 04 -620] were
removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion.
Vice Mayor Daysog moved approval of the remainder of the Consent
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding
the paragraph number.]
( *04 -611) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings
held on November 3, 2004, and Special City Council Meeting held on
November 5, 2004. Approved.
( *04 -612) Recommendation to authorize a Call for Bids for the
purchase of two vessel reduction gears, No. P.W. 10- 04 -15.
( *04 -613) Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications and Call
for Bids for the Park Street Streetscape Project, Phase I, No. P.W.
10- 02 -13. Accepted.
( *04 -614) Recommendation to allocate Measure B Funds for additional
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sidewalk improvements, construction management services and project
administration of the Webster Renaissance Project, No. P.W. 07 -02-
07. Accepted.
( *04 -615) Recommendation to accept Quarterly Financial Report for
period ending September 30, 2004 and approving the supplemental
appropriations. Accepted.
( *04 -616) Recommendation to accept Quarterly Investment Report for
period ending September 30, 2004. Accepted.
( *04 -617) Recommendation to accept report on Citizen's Option for
Public Safety Program (COPS AB 3229). Accepted.
(04 -618) Recommendation to authorize the purchase of five 2005 Ford
Crown Victoria police vehicles in the amount of $129,155.00.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired how frequently police vehicles are
purchased and the age determined to be non - serviceable.
The Service Division Commander responded that the vehicles targeted
for replacement are five years old; each vehicle has over 70,000
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether replacing police vehicles is
based on every five years or mileage, to which the Service Division
Commander responded the five oldest vehicles are replaced every
year based upon mileage.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired whether the equipment is depreciated.
The Finance Director responded that the City uses a straight -line
depreciation over five years; the depreciation expense adds money
back into the replacement fund to buy the next series of vehicles.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the vehicles only had 70,000 miles;
to which the Service Division Commander responded 70,000 miles is
the least amount; some vehicles have 80,000 or 90,000 miles.
Mayor Johnson requested that more information be provided when cars
are replaced in the future.
Vice Mayor Daysog moved approval of staff recommendation.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
( *04 -619) Recommendation to extend time by one year (to November
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21, 2005) to file the Final Map for Tract 7232 (43 County Road).
(04 -620) Recommendation to approve Agreement with Ameresco Santa
Cruz Energy, LLC for the purchase of power from landfill gas
Councilmember Kerr inquired whether the City would pay a flat rate
or pay for the power received, to which the Alameda Power & Telecom
(AP &T) General Manager responded that the City would pay a per
kilowatt -hour price and is paid at 5.1 cents per kilowatt -hour for
the first year and escalates at 1.5% per year.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
( *04 -621) Resolution No. 13782, "Approving and Adopting the
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Established Overall
Annual Goal of 11% for Federal Fiscal Year 2004/2005." Adopted.
( *04 -622) Resolution No. 13783, "Approving Tentative Parcel Map No.
8401 for a One -Lot Subdivision for 15 Commercial Condominium Units
at 2340 and 2350 North Loop Road." Adopted.
( *04 -623) Resolution No. 13784, " Approving the Application for
Grant Funds for the Roberti- Z'Berg- Harris Urbanized Area Need -Basis
Program Under the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe
Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 for Woodstock
Park Renovation Project ". Adopted; and
( *04 -623A) Resolution No. 13785, "Approving the Application for
Grant Funds for the Roberti- Z'Berg- Harris Urbanized Area Need -Basis
Program Under the California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe
Neighborhood Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 for Paden
School Bay Trail Project." Adopted.
( *04 -624) Ratified bills in the amount of $2,317,422.43.
(04 -625) Resolution No. 13786, "Appointing Toby C. Berger as a
Member of the City Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted;
(04 -625A) Resolution No. 13787, "Appointing Charles E. Bunker as a
Member of the City Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted;
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(04 -625B) Resolution No. 13788, "Appointing Edwin Cooney as a
Member of the City Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted;
(04 -625C) Resolution No. 13789, "Appointing Steve R. Fort as a
Member of the City Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted;
(04 -625D) Resolution No. 13790, "Appointing James G. Gwynne as a
Member of the City Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted;
(04 -625E) Resolution No. 13791, "Appointing Adrienne Longley -Cook
as a Member of the City Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted;
(04 -625F) Resolution No. 13792, "Appointing Elaine McCoy as a
Member of the City Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted;
(04 -625G) Resolution No. 13793, "Appointing Gina D. McGaughey as a
Member of the City Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted;
(04 -625H) Resolution No. 13794, "Appointing Jody A. Moore as a
Member of the City Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted; and
(04 -625I) Resolution No. 13795, "Appointing Angela C. Steffens as a
Member of the City Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted.
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolutions.
Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
The City Clerk administered the Oath and presented certificates of
appointment to the Commission on Disability Issues members.
Toby Berger submitted a pamphlet entitled "Disability Etiquette" to
the Council.
Edwin Cooney inquired whether the Commission could hold a brief
organizational meeting this evening, to which the City Attorney
responded in the affirmative.
Mr. Cooney inquired how Commissioner's terms are decided, to which
Mayor Johnson responded that generally straws are drawn.
Mr. Cooney inquired whether it was permissible for him to draw up
an agenda, to which Mayor Johnson responded that staff generally
prepares the draft agenda for the Chair and distributes to the
(04 -626) Public Hearing to consider the formation of new
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Underground Districts, Phase 6; and
(04 -626A) Resolution No. 13796, "Establishing New Underground
Districts, Phase 6." Adopted.
The Public Works Director gave a brief presentation on underground
Mayor Johnson inquired how long it would take to complete all eight
districts, to which the Public Works Director responded
approximately 10 years.
Mayor Johnson inquired what the utility cost was, to which the
Public Works Director responded that each district's costs are
identified in Exhibit 10 of the staff report.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated residents in districts would pay $2,000 to
$4,000 and the rest of Alameda would pay the bulk through the rate
structure; inquired whether there are options for people who cannot
pay their portion.
The Public Works Director responded that Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) money was used at one time but funds would no
longer be available; that he contacted Alameda Power & Telecom
(AP &T) to see whether there might be three to five -year payment
plans; AP &T was unable to support the idea.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether residents could start making
payments prior to their phase, to which the Public Works Director
responded the City Attorney and Finance Director would need to
address the issue.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether a letter could be sent to residents
regarding payment options, to which the Public Works Director
responded in the affirmative; stated that San Leandro has a
surcharge on building permits for undergrounding services; the Code
specifically states if required undergrounding is not completed,
the City would complete underground construction and place a lien
on the property.
Mayor Johnson stated that Lincoln Avenue residents have had
numerous neighborhood meetings and have requested to have their
utilities undergrounded; inquired whether the City has received any
undergrounding inquires from residents east of Broadway on Lincoln
Avenue, to which the Public Works Director responded in the
Mayor Johnson inquired what the timeframe was for interested
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neighborhoods to be placed on an agenda for a public hearing, to
which the Public Works Director responded there is a 15 -day
noticing requirement.
Mayor Johnson stated Roosevelt Drive residents want to be added
Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the Hearing.
Kame Richards, Alameda; Jane Neal, Alameda; Dan Patterson, Alameda;
Richard Bartalini, Alameda; Christopher Buckley, Alameda.
Requested to be added to the list of Underground Districts:
Henry Bowles, Alameda; Steve Coyle, Alameda [submitted petition];
Kelsey Ashford, Alameda [submitted petition]; Gretchen Finer,
Alameda [submitted petition]; Dave Brownson, Alameda [submitted
petition]; Alex Kranson, Alameda.
There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public
portion of the Hearing.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired how much is generated in the underground
special fund and what formula is used.
The AP &T General Manager responded that 20 of electric revenues are
allocated; approximately $800,000 is collected per year; anything
not spent is carried over.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the prior undergrounding phases have
been completed.
The AP &T General Manager responded that Phase 1 and 2 have been
completed; Phase 3 is almost complete; two of the eight Phase 4
districts have been completed and the third district is in the
process of being completed.
The Public Works Director stated that establishment of a district
for Fair Oaks Avenue would return to Council on December 7, 2004;
that he has requested a petition from residents on Lincoln Avenue;
he can bring a recommendation for Lincoln Avenue, Everett Avenue
and Gould Court at the December 7 City Council Meeting and
incorporate the other section of Lincoln Avenue and Roosevelt
Mayor Johnson stated the process should be accelerated.
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The Public Works Director stated that AP &T indicated that the
identified districts would take 10 years to complete.
Mayor Johnson stated that she did not think priority should be
given to heavy traffic areas.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired why underground funds are not
zeroed out at the end of the year, to which the AP &T General
Manager responded that some non - expenditures are due to resource
issues and getting in alignment with other utilities to proceed
with the work.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether franchise agreements have an
undergrounding cooperation requirement, to which the Public Works
Director responded that not all utilities have franchise
agreements; those that do have an agreement are required to
Councilmember Matarrese stated that it is not good management to
collect money and no follow through with the promise to underground
utilities; to carry over such a large balance is justification for
expediting the process and getting the cooperation of the other
Councilmember Kerr stated that she is concerned that such a small
part of the City has been undergrounded; everyone is paying for
undergrounding; encouraged priority be given to streets with trees.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired whether there is a long -range
undergrounding plan for the City, to which the Public Works
Director responded in the negative; the utility districts are
created phase by phase.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated that he liked the idea of developing a
long -range plan with a comprehensive analysis that inventories the
situation; the Public Utilities Board should give suggestions for a
long -range plan.
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of resolution establishing
new Underground Districts, Phase 6, excluding St. Charles Street
[District 1.
Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Vice Mayor Daysog stated that he wanted a long -
range plan for the City but the perfect plan should not get in the
way of what is good for the neighborhoods.
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On the call for the question, the motion passed by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of resolution establishing
new Underground Districts, Phase 6, including St. Charles Street
[District 1.
Vice Mayor Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by the
following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Daysog, Kerr, Matarrese
and Mayor Johnson - 4. Abstention: Councilmember Gilmore - 1.
Councilmember Matarrese directed staff to include Fair Oaks Avenue,
the 2400 -2500 block of Lincoln Avenue, Gould Court, the 1500 -1600
block of Everett Street, and Roosevelt Drive for consideration on
the December 7, 2004 City Council agenda; requested an analysis on
expediting the undergrounding process to ensure spending down to a
zero balance of dedicated funds rather than building up a surplus.
Vice Mayor Daysog requested a memo addressing issues that need to
be considered to move forward with a long -range plan.
Mayor Johnson requested an Off Agenda report on replacing light
posts with historic fixtures.
(04 -627) Public Hearing to consider Revisions to Alameda Municipal
Code Chapter XXX, Sections 30 -4.2 (d) (9) , 30 -4.3 (d) (10) , 30-
4.4 (d) (10) , 30 -4.5 (d) (10) , 30-4.6 (d) (10) , and 30 -5.12, more
commonly referred to as the Zoning Ordinance, regulating Open
Space; Schedule of Required Residential Open Space and Usable Open
Space Requirements; Report on the Development Code Open Space
Committee's recommendations; and
(04 -627A) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Repealing Subsection 30- 4.2(d)(9) (R -2, Two Family
Residence District, Minimum Height, Bulk and Space Requirements),
Subsection 30- 4.3(d)(10) (R -3, Garden Residential District, Minimum
Height, Bulk and Space Requirements) , Subsection 30- 4.4(d)(10)
(Neighborhood Residential District, Minimum Height, Bulk and Space
Requirements), 30- 4.5(d)(10) (General Residential District, Minimum
Height, Bulk and Space Requirements), Subsection 30- 4.6(d) (10)
(Hotel Residential District, Minimum Height, Bulk and Space
Requirements), and Section 30 -5.12 (Open Space; Schedule of
Required Residential Open Space) of Chapter XXX (Development
Regulations) in Their Entirety, and Adding a New Subsection 30-
4.2(d)(9) (R -2, Two - Family Residence District, Minimum Height, Bulk
and Space Requirements) , Subsection 30- 4.3(d)(10) (R -3, Garden
Residential District, Minimum Height, Bulk and Space Requirements),
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Subsection 30- 4.4(d)(10) (Neighborhood Residential District,
Minimum Height, Bulk and Space Requirements), 30- 4.5(d)(10)
(General Residential District, Minimum Height, Bulk and Space
Requirements), Subsection 30- 4.6(d) (10) (Hotel Residential
District, Minimum Height, Bulk and Space Requirements), and Section
30 -5.12 (Definition of Required Residential Open Space).
Councilmember Kerr stated that referenced sections of the Alameda
Municipal Code were badly written; several efforts have been made
to clarify and simplify the language; that she is pleased with the
results and believes the Code is very clear and understandable;
that she hopes the next Council will leave the ordinance alone for
a year to allow for review.
Councilmember Kerr moved introduction of the ordinance.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Gilmore stated that she assumes
height requirements have not been deleted from the development
code, to which Councilmember Kerr responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson thanked Councilmember Kerr for all her work and
thanked the committee for their time and effort.
On the call for question, which carried by unanimous voice vote -
(04 -628) Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the Planning
Board's denial of Variances, VO4 -0006, 0007, 0008 and 0010, and
denial of Major Design Review, DR04 -0026, for all development
projects at 3017 Marina Drive; and adoption of related resolution.
The site is located within an R -1, Single- Family Residential Zoning
District. The development project includes expansion of the
residence into the estuary and installation of rear yard decks.
Approval is being sought for the following: 1) Variance to AMC
Subsection 30- 4.1(d)(3) (Maximum Main Building Coverage exceeding
480); 2) Variance to AMC Subsection 30- 4.1(d)(7) and Section 30 -2
(Rear Yard) because the building extends across the rear property
line into the estuary; 3) Variance to AMC Subsection 30- 5.7(a)
(Roof Eaves) and 30- 5.7(d) (Bay Windows) because the roof eaves
above the bay windows encroach to within 3 feet from the side
property line and bay windows are not permitted to encroach into
side yards; 4) Variance to AMC Subsection 30- 5.7(c)(1) (Rear Yard),
Subsection 30 -2 (Definitions) (Yard -Rear) and Subsection 30-
4.1(d)(7) (Rear Yard) because decks over 36- inches in height extend
into the required side and rear yard setbacks; 5) Variance to AMC
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Subsection 30- 5.14(c) (Barrier Heights) because the windscreens
around the patios exceed the maximum permitted 8 -foot height. The
Planning Board found that the Variance for the bay window
encroachment be withdrawn because encroachment is in compliance,
subject to Design Review approval. Applicant /Appellant: Rita
Mohlen. Continued to December 7, 2004.
Councilmember Daysog moved that the item be continued to the
December 7, 2004 City Council Meeting.
Councilmember Kerr seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
(04 -629) Recommendation to amend City Seal to include the City's
incorporation date.
Mayor Johnson stated that other city seals include an incorporation
date; placing Alameda's incorporation date in the outer part of the
seal circle is a good idea; stated that Alameda is the oldest city
in Alameda County and is 150 years old this year.
Councilmember Gilmore stated that she likes the change; inquired
whether everything the City currently has would be changed, to
which Mayor Johnson responded the change would only be made as new
items are ordered.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated the City's date of incorporation was April
19, 1854; that he liked the new design.
Councilmember Kerr stated that she liked the change.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the recommendation.
Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(04 -630) Discussion of General Fund revenue alternatives.
The Finance Director gave a brief Power Point presentation on
revenue alternatives.
Councilmember Kerr inquired whether rental duplexes would be taxed,
to which the Finance Director responded that duplexes would be
taxed as a single- family residence.
Councilmember Matarrese requested a review of the total Measure B
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Mayor Johnson requested a briefing on the Alameda County Emergency
Medical Services Contract to allow Council to provide direction to
the Fire Chief.
Mayor Johnson stated cuts should be considered instead of adding
more taxes and fees; she is not sure the City is a lean operating
The Finance Director stated that Council received an Off Agenda
Report that included a list of another $650,000 in General Fund
deductions that were being implemented as of November 1, 2004; the
additional cuts will also be noted in the mid -year budget review.
Councilmember Kerr stated that she was concerned that all the cuts
discussed over the last six months have not been implemented.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that Council gave specific
direction; the only transparent cuts were the Library service hours
which have been restored; any additional fees requiring a vote
should be reviewed carefully to determine if they could pass.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated that he would like to review the
possibility of closing City Hall one day per month.
The Finance Director stated that the reduction impacts would be
more apparent at midyear.
Mayor Johnson stated that it is more important to look at the cost
of doing business; the City cannot just consider adding taxes and
fees for short -term solutions; the residents must be convinced that
the City is efficient and not wasting money [before more fees and
taxes are added]; that she does not believe there has been a
thorough review of where cuts can be made.
Councilmember Gilmore stated that there may be a point where the
service levels need to be cut; if there is a reluctance to raise
fees to pay for services, than there needs to be a balance in the
reduction of the level of service; the hard task is determining
where that level of services is as it relates to the residents'
comfort level.
Councilmember Kerr stated that the City would need to make cuts in
service in the next two years before Proposition lA takes affect.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired how much budget gap would be reduced
with a 1.5% Return on Investment (ROI), to which the Finance
Director responded approximately $300,000.
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Mayor Johnson stated Council should give direction on the use of
Vice Mayor Daysog stated drawing on the reserves should not be
Mayor Johnson inquired how reserves are tracked, to which the
Finance Director responded on a monthly basis for all funds.
Mayor Johnson requested a monthly report on funds and expenditures
to ensure reserve funds are being tracked.
Councilmember Kerr stated that a monthly expenditure report is
important because the report will indicate whether the cuts that
the Council ordered are actually being made.
The Finance Director stated that some of the cuts require time to
be implemented.
Councilmember Kerr stated that the cuts should have been
implemented on July 1.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated the Council should make a policy decision
on cuts or revenue enhancements.
Mayor Johnson stated that the Council has already made a decision
on cuts; the concern of the Council is that the cuts are not being
Vice Mayor Daysog stated that the Council made preliminary
decisions on cuts; subsequent decisions not to implement the 911
fee requires additional discussion.
Councilmember Gilmore concurred with Vice Mayor Daysog; stated
previous discussions on cuts were within the context of
implementing the 911 fee.
Mayor Johnson inquired how much of the reserves will be needed for
the current Fiscal Year, to which the Finance Director responded
$3.9 million.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired if there still would be a $2.9 million
budget gap if the PILOT and ROI were adopted, to which the Finance
Director responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson stated that Council did not expect to draw down on
reserves that quickly.
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Councilmember Kerr stated that reserves were built up because
CalPERS did not charge as much; now more money will be going into
Mayor Johnson stated that the City's contribution to retirements
significantly increases next year.
The Finance Director stated that next year's reduction for the
Fresh Start is $800,000.
The Finance Director stated that the only alternative to not using
reserves is either increasing revenue or cutting additional
Councilmember Matarrese stated Council should know the savings from
closing City Hall one day per month.
Mayor Johnson stated that the amount is insignificant without
including Public Safety.
The City Attorney stated that there are union bumping rights and
meet and confer obligations with each bargaining unit.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the bargaining unit could agree to
close City Hall one day per month without the bumping rights, to
which the City Attorney responded in the affirmative.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated that the City of Berkeley has applied a
one -day work holiday to Public Safety.
Mayor Johnson stated that there are continued serious budget times
ahead; the budget will be worse next year; requested a comparison
of other cities' transfer tax rate; stated that the City provides
the boat owners with service; questioned whether the boat owners
would demand more service if a fee was imposed.
The Finance Director stated that it costs approximately $80,000 per
year for the police and fireboats to be staffed and provide
Councilmember Kerr stated that the boat owners already pay property
Councilmember Gilmore requested additional information and possible
Council consideration on implementing the business license tax,
particularly adding single- family homes and duplexes to apartment
rental rates, the transient occupancy tax increase, and the
property transfer tax increase; stated that she is not in favor of
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raising the Utility User Tax because of the disproportionate affect
on low income and seniors.
Mayor Johnson concurred with Councilmember Gilmore.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated that he was not ready to provide any
suggestions regarding taxes and fees because the conversation needs
to be done in the context of expenditure cuts and reductions.
Mayor Johnson stated that the requested items are for additional
information only.
Vice Mayor Daysog requested more detailed information on the future
outlook; cuts might not happen within two or three years if the
City receives $3 million back from the State.
The Finance Director stated that there is not sufficient
information regarding the repayment plan.
Councilmember Matarrese requested a report similar to Exhibit A of
the Quarterly Financial Report showing the actual amount for
revenues and expenditures year to date versus the amount budgeted.
Mayor Johnson inquired how appropriations are determined for
departments that go over budget, to which the Finance Director
responded that Council addresses the issue at quarterly and mid-
year budget reviews.
Vice Mayor Daysog stated that departments appear to stay within 980
of their allocations, which indicates that costs can be anticipated
and controlled.
Vice Mayor Daysog inquired whether the quarterly statements are
audited, to which the Finance Director responded in the negative.
Councilmember Gilmore requested staff to investigate whether other
communities charge an additional fee for marina licenses.
Jon Spangler, Alameda, stated that either a special assessment
district or a bond issue might work well if approached from a
public safety, sidewalk repair and tree maintenance angle;
publicizing the $1,235 actual cost per parcel per year for fire and
police services might be useful.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the $1235 per parcel cost includes
any of the retirement expenses, including the old retirement plan,
to which the Finance Director responded the cost includes the
current employee CalPERS and not the 1079 Plan.
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(04 -631) Michael John Torrey, Alameda, wished everyone a Happy
(04 -632) Jon Spangler, Alameda, commended the City Clerk, support
staff and Council for providing the agenda with links to the staff
reports on -line; urged development of email sign up lists.
(04 -633) Modessa Henderson, Harbor Island Tenant Association, urged
Council to continue with negotiations with the owners of the
Harbor Island Apartment; stated that the Association is looking
for phasing in of the renovation process.
(04 -634) Delores Wills Guyton, Harbor Island Tenant Association,
urged consideration of permanent affordable housing for all renters
in Alameda.
(04 -635) Reginald Lee James, Harbor Island Tenant Association,
thanked the Council for participation in the lawsuit; stated that
the Association must be kept informed and involved; stipend checks
from the owners have bounced.
(04 -636) Isolina Cadle, Harbor Island Tenant Association, stated
some tenants have been placed in shelters; repairs are not being
made; urged Council to ensure that there is a just cause order
implemented in Alameda for all tenants.
Councilmember Kerr requested the City Attorney to find out whom
tenants should contact in the Federal Court regarding violations of
the court order.
(04 -637) Cynthia Landry, Alameda, stated tenants were required to
waive future legal rights if they wanted to stay through November
15; the wood used to close up doorways has a very bad odor.
(04 -638) Lorraine Lilly, Harbor Island Tenant Association, urged
Council to do more to help the tenants.
(04 -639) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the
Commission on Disability Issues.
Mayor Johnson nominated Alysa Beth Chadow for appointment to the
Commission on Disability Issues.
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(04 -640) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the
Historical Advisory Board.
Mayor Johnson nominated Judith A. Lynch for appointment to the
Historical Advisory Board.
(04 -641) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to the
Social Service Human Relations Board.
Mayor Johnson nominated Karen L. Hollinger Jackson for appointment
to the Social Service Human Relations Board.
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 11:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
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