2007-04-17 5-A Power Pointwww.everyonehome.org Enaing N i nelessness n am cda bounty Re: Agenda Item #5 -A Presented by Development Services 04 -17 -07 History of Everyone Home • Three systems of care joined together to develop a plan to end chronic homelessness in 10 years AND address other homelessness over 15 years: • HIV/AIDS Services • Homeless Continuum of Care • Mental Health Services Every One 2 Everyone Home Sponsoring Agencies ALAMEDA COUNTY • Behavioral Health Care Services • Housing & Community Development • Public Health: Office of AIDS Administration • Social Services Agency EVE ne l'1 Fr :r Ho nek, >aie5s i. ^. A anleda.^z..^ty CITY OF BERKELEY • Housing • Health & Human Services CITY OF OAKLAND • Community Development • Human Services COUNTYWIDE HOMELESS CONTINUUM OF CARE COUNCIL 3 Who is Homeless in Alameda County? • • Over 16,000 people each year — 6,216 on any given night • More than 60% have been homeless for more than one year during the last three years • 58% of the adults have one or more disabilities, including mental illness, HIV /AIDS, and other physical disabilities • 37% are seniors, including more than 1,100 age 65 or older. • 28% are children 1 Eve F'.:' • :.:� Hor :nc in :a^ieda County 4 Who is Homeless in Alameda County? • Of homeless children - 1554 have been homeless for a year or more, or 4+ times over the last 3 years (chronic) • 37% of homeless people under 30 in Alameda County had been in an institutionalized setting, such as foster care, prior to turning 18 (vs. 20% of homeless people of all ages). • 20% are veterans • 71% of homeless adults had graduated from High School or had a GED 5 Homeless Single Adults vs. Families Alameda County vs. Selected Areas 7000_ 6000 - 5000 - 4000 - 3000 - 2000 - 1000- 0 Persons in families with children El Adults only (including couples) r rye Countywide Oakland Berkeley Mid /other County South /East County Source: Alameda Countywide Shelter and Services Survey Report, May 2004. Notes: * Community definition of homelessness used. "* Mid /Other includes: Alameda, Castro Valley, Hayward, San Leandro & Emeryville." * South /East includes: Fremont, Newark, Union City, Dublin, Livermore, and Pleasanton. 6 Disabilities & Homelessness • 3% of homeless adults reported having HIV /AIDS • Nearly 1,000 people with mental illness are homeless on a given night • Over 30% of those are dually diagnosed with a substance abuse addiction • 16% of chronic homeless had been hospitalized 2+ times in previous year • 21% of chronic homeless had been in psychiatric hospital in previous year Every One 7 Lack of Affordable Housing • Alameda County is one of the top 10 least affordable housing markets in the U.S. • A family earning minimum wage needs to work at over 130 hours per week to afford a modest two - bedroom apartment • A disabled individual receives Tess per month from SSI than the market rent of a studio apartment Eve n 8 5 Major Goals of the Plan A multi - dimensional problem requires multi- faceted solutions 1. Prevent Homelessness and Other Housing Crises • End homelessness by avoiding it • Discharge planning 2. Increase Housing Opportunities for People who are Homeless, have Mental Illness, or are Living with HIV/AIDS • Permanent affordable housing with services • 15,000 units of supportive housing over 15 years • E n [:•.`: ":.� He r:!: eS': ()O:.S I.. ima,lCd? :' J.. 9 5 Major Goals of the Plan 3. Deliver Flexible Services to Support Stability & Independence of Clients • Coordinated support services 4. Measure Success & Report Outcomes • Coordinate client data between systems • Target resources to best practices 5. Develop Long -Term Leadership • Critical to achieving Plan goals Eve ne 10 Benefits of Supportive Housing to Consumers • Increases ability to access and maintain housing • More than 80% stay housed for at (east one year. • Reduces use of crisis and institutional services • ER visits down 57% • Emergency detox services use down 85% • Incarceration rate down 50% Eve rye Er:d�.r� Hu' ncss. in,;,;ameda i'oi:nty 11 Cost of Supportive Housing vs. Alternatives San Francisco Cost Estimates $42,10 $9400 Supportive Jail Housing Source: The teen Group Eve nelAcn--#:i Alenneda p7. Prison Shelter $2,030„82 Mental Hospital Hospital Current Implementation • Endorsement and Adoptions • Development of permanent leadership structure: Governing Board, Interagency Coordinating Council • Joint client outcome measures and data fields across systems • Updated Homeless Count (January 2007) • Capacity building • Discharge planning • Increase incomes • Supportive housing development Every One 13 Everyone Home An Opportunity to: • Benefit from county -wide strategies to end local homelessness • Coordinate local resources and leverage additional resources • Raise awareness and participate in the leadership needed to end homelessness me E.:,.:, H:, Aiareieda