2005-05-03 Joint CC CIC MinutesMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY - - - MAY 3, 2005 - - - 7:25 P.M. Mayor /Chair Johnson convened the Special Joint meeting at 8:08 p.m. Councilmember /Commissioner Matarrese led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers /Commissioners Daysog, deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, and Mayor /Chair Johnson - 5. Absent: None. MINUTES (05- 193CC /05- 020CIC) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council and Community Improvement Commission Meeting held on April 19, 2005. Approved. Councilmember /Commissioner Daysog moved approval of the minutes. Councilmember /Commissioner deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. AGENDA ITEMS (05- 194CC /05- 021CIC) Joint Public Hearing to consider authorizing the City Manager /Executive Director to enter into a Disposition and Development Agreement with Alameda Entertainment Associates, L.P., approval of the 33433 Report, and adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Alameda Theater, Cineplex and Parking Structure Project (State Clearinghouse #2004 -122 -042); (05- 194A /CC) Resolution No. 13834, "Approving and Authorizing Execution of a Disposition and Development Agreement Between the Community Improvement Commission and Alameda Entertainment Associates, L.P., and Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program." Adopted; and (05- 021A /CIC) Resolution No. 05 -134, "Approving and Authorizing Execution of a Disposition and Development Agreement Between the Community Improvement Commission and Alameda Entertainment Associates, L.P., Approving Certain Mitigation Measures for the Project, and Adopting a Mitigation Monitoring Program." Adopted. The Business Development Division Manager gave a Power Point presentation. The Development Services Director provided a brief update on the Special Joint Meeting 1 Alameda City Council and Community Improvement Commission May 3, 2005 project. Councilmember /Commissioner deHaan inquired about the traffic remediation requirements. The Development Services Director responded there was one major traffic improvement to upgrade a signal at Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street; there are struggles with traffic improvements at the intersection; modifications need to be made to all of the equipment at the intersection because the equipment is old; the estimate to do the work is about $100,000; the design plan will provide a nice public environment to half the block of Oak Street by extending the public sidewalk from eight feet to fourteen feet and providing garage and theatre outside lighting to accommodate people, cars and bicycles entering and exiting the garage. Councilmember /Commissioner deHaan inquired whether determining the scope is an on -going process, to which the Development Services Director responded in the affirmative. Mayor /Chair Johnson opened the public portion of the Hearing. Proponents: Christopher Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society; Susan Decker, Alameda; Lars Hanson, Park Street Business Association (PSBR); Pauline Kelly; Barbara Marchand, Alameda Civic Light Opera; Cathy Leong, Alameda Chamber of Commerce; Mike Corbett, Harsch Investments; and Robb Ratto, PSBR. Opponents: Gary McAfee, Alameda; Jennifer Van Airsdale, Alameda; Joan Steber, Alameda; John McNulty, Alameda; John F. Ruake; Zach Kaplan, Alameda; and Lucy Gigli, Bike Alameda (submitted handout) . Expressed concern with bike safety on Central Avenue between Oak and Walnut Streets: Robert Van de Walle, Alameda; Andy Cutright, Alameda; Alameda; Jon Spangler, Alameda; Mark Haskett; and Jillian Saxty, Alameda. There being no further speakers, Mayor /Chair Johnson closed the public portion of the Hearing. Councilmember /Commissioner deHaan stated that the Council should follow through with the commitment to reconfigure the parking [on Central Avenue between Oak and Walnut Streets] to the original parallel state at the former historic Alameda High School. The Acting City Manager stated that the was created because of the new gymnasium, east wing of the high school, and the Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Community Improvement Commission May 3, 2005 need for diagonal parking City Hall moving into the Library moving into the middle wing of the high school; parking was increased from 32 spaces to 58 spaces; Council approved an ordinance modification for diagonal parking; the Recreation and Park Department is the only part of City Hall remaining in the east wing and will be moving out within a month; the Library is projected to move out within 17 or 18 months; much of the parking demand will be eliminated; the parking garage construction provides an opportunity to move back to parallel parking; a parking plan would need to be brought back to Council for approval. Vice Mayor /Commissioner Gilmore stated that she has great sympathy for bicyclists; a large segment of the youth population will either ride bikes or take the bus to the theatre. Councilmember /Commissioner deHaan stated the dollar value of parking spaces is understood now. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated that the parking structure would solve a lot of the parking problems. Councilmember /Commissioner Daysog stated that the project is good for all of Alameda, especially the youth. Councilmember /Commissioner Matarrese stated the theatre project is important for the whole City; dollars would be kept in town; the historic theatre will rot if the project does not move forward. Vice Mayor Gilmore moved adoption of the Resolution Approving and Authorizing Execution of a Disposition and Development Agreement Between the Community Improvement Commission and Alameda Entertainment Associates, L.P., and Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program [paragraph no. 05- 194CC]. Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Commissioner Matarrese moved adoption of the Resolution Approving and Authorizing Execution of a Disposition and Development Agreement Between the Community Improvement Commission and Alameda Entertainment Associates, L.P., Approving Certain Mitigation Measures for the Project, and Adopting a Mitigation Monitoring Program [paragraph no. 05- 021CC]. Commissioner deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Mayor /Chair Johnson directed staff to bring the Central Avenue bike Special Joint Meeting 3 Alameda City Council and Community Improvement Commission May 3, 2005 lane issue back to Council. (05- 022CIC) Resolution No. 05 -135, "Approving and Authorizing Payment of Certain Public Improvements to the Park Street and Otis Drive Intersection." Adopted; and (05- 195CC) Resolution No. 13835, "Approving and Authorizing Execution of a Public Improvements Construction Agreement Between the City and Harsch Investment Corporation." Adopted. Councilmember /Commissioner Matarrese stated the project is critical to Alameda's economic engine. Councilmember /Commissioner Matarrese moved adoption of the resolutions. Councilmember /Commissioner Daysog seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember /Commissioner deHaan inquired what type of funding would be used. The Development Services Director responded that staff recommends using Community Improvement Commission funds for the project; the primary benefit finding is required because the intersection is just outside the formal boundaries of a redevelopment project area; the improvements are tied to the form and function of the rest of the redevelopment project area; Redevelopment Law has a provision that recognizes that there are projects that may be outside the boundaries which are a primary benefit to the function of the rest of the project area. Councilmember /Commissioner deHaan inquired whether other funding sources were considered. The Development Services Director responded that there was a discussion about using some sales tax dollars from the new South Shore Shopping Center development. Councilmember /Commissioner deHaan inquired how the two- third, one - third cost sharing was derived. The Development Services Director responded that the formula was a result of negotiations with the developer; there was a dispute over the assignment of the impact of the intersection; the developer felt that he should not be responsible for making all the improvements to the intersection; traffic modeling shows that there are other background projects not yet developed, but approved, which would also impact the intersection; the negotiation used the Special Joint Meeting 4 Alameda City Council and Community Improvement Commission May 3, 2005 actual number of trips coming off the project and the impact on the intersection. Councilmember /Commission deHaan stated that there might be further requirements for further entitlements; inquired what the affect would be on the traffic remediation. The Development Services Director responded that the entitlements received for the project anticipate 112,000 square feet of new retail square footage at the South Shore Shopping Center and would likely increase; circulation issues related to the gas station would need to be examined independently; additional improvements can always be made; a need for further improvements is anticipated by 2020. Councilmember /Commissioner deHaan stated that he was concerned that the same [redevelopment] funds are being used for many issues; inquired whether there is a detailed breakdown of where redevelopment funding stands. The Development Services Director responded that there are sufficient funds; anticipated improvements can be made with existing tax increments and not bonds. The Acting City Manager stated that at the next meeting staff would provide a Community Improvement Commission multi -year budget to show how much money remains. Councilmember /Commissioner Matarrese stated the project is very important; the rationale and logic fits into the true meaning of redevelopment; that he defends the approach of taking redevelopment funds for the Library project; his motion to adopt the resolutions stands. Councilmember /Commissioner Daysog stated the investment is necessary if the money means that the City would have stores such as Borders or Chicos. Mayor /Chair Johnson stated that the City needs to be frugal with redevelopment money but also needs to use the money wisely; moving forward with projects that help continue the redevelopment and revitalization of Alameda business areas is an appropriate use of funds. Councilmember /Commissioner deHaan stated that he is comfortable with delaying other major retail developments to allow South Shore Shopping Center to mature; he supports and looks forward to the renewed Center, but has concerns with funding. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Community Improvement Commission May 3, 2005 Commissioner Matarrese moved adoption of the Resolution Approving and Authorizing Payment of Certain Public Improvements to the Park Street and Otis Drive Intersection [paragraph no. 05- 022CIC]. Commissioner deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the Resolution Approving and Authorizing Execution of a Public Improvements Construction Agreement Between the City and Harsch Investment Corporation [paragraph no. 05- 195CC]. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (05- 023CIC) Recommendation to approve an Amended Contract with Architectural Resources Group, Inc., by increasing the Contract amount an additional $44,275 to provide additional pre - planning services for the proposed Alameda Theatre Project. Commissioner Daysog moved approval of the staff recommendation. Commissioner deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Johnson adjourned the Special Meeting at 9:28 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger, City Clerk Secretary, Community Improvement Commission The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Community Improvement Commission May 3, 2005