TUESDAY- -JUNE 7, 2005- -7:25 P.M.
Mayor /Chair Johnson convened the meeting at 7:59 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers /Commissioners /Board Members
Daysog, deHaan Gilmore, Matarrese, and
Mayor /Chair Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
(05- 257CC/05- 029CIC) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council,
Community Improvement Commission, and Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority Meeting of May 17, 2005. Approved.
Councilmember /Commissioner /Board Member deHaan moved approval of
minutes with the amendment that the minutes state: "Recommendation
to receive and file revised Alameda West Strategic Retail
Implementation recommendations."
Councilmember /Commissioner /Board Member Matarrese seconded the
motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.
ARRA Resolution No. 36, "Approving and Adopting the Operating
Budget and Appropriating Certain Moneys for the Expenditures
Provided in Fiscal Year 2005 -06." Adopted;
(05- 030CIC) Resolution
Operating Budget and
Expenditures Provided i
No. 05 -137, "Approving
Appropriating Certain
n Fiscal Year 2005 -06."
(05- 258CC) Resolution No. 13845, "Approving
Operating Budget and Appropriating Certain
Expenditures Provided in Fiscal Year 2005 -06."
and Adopting the
Moneys for the
Adopted; and
and Adopting the
Moneys for the
The Acting City Manager /Executive Director stated that this is the
first time that the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
(ARRA) , Community Improvement Commission (CIC) and City Council
budgets have been presented at one time; noted it is important to
receive the budgets together because there is a considerable amount
of interaction between the three agencies; a long -term financial
plan for ARRA is provided and a ten -year financial plan for the
City would be provided in the near future; additional CIC
information would lay the ground work for the next fiscal year
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Community 1
Improvement Commission, and Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
June 7, 2005
budget; the balanced budget has no new or increased taxes; there is
a significant deficit in the infrastructure maintenance; the City
needs to spend considerably more than what is included in the
budgets to maintain the City streets, sidewalks, and trees; a
proposal on how to approach the backlog will be presented to
Council during the next six months; stated that service delivery
impact presentations will be presented to the Council by the
departments with the most significant impacts.
The Finance Director gave a brief presentation on the changes in
revenues for the next fiscal year.
The Fire Chief gave a brief presentation on the Fire Department's
budget reduction impacts.
The Police Captain of Bureau of Operations gave a brief
presentation on the Police Department's budget reduction impacts.
Vice Mayor Gilmore stated the Police Department is being asked to
do more with less resources; crime statistics and how the Police
Department handles duties matter to the citizens in Alameda; that
she received an e -mail recently stating how well the Police
Department fights crime and that overall crime statistics have gone
down; requested statistics be shared with the public.
The Police Captain of Bureau of Operations outlined the following
statistics for 2004: Part 1 crimes for more serious crimes
decreased by 16.50; Part 2 crimes for misdemeanors decreased by
4.60; arrests were up 3.50.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether 2005 statistics were available, to
which the Police Captain of Bureau of Operations responded that
Part 1 and 2 crimes are down, but that he does not have the exact
numbers; arrests are on par with last year.
Councilmember Daysog stated that he appreciates the hard work of
the Police Department and the pro active approach; Alameda has an
earned reputation to be a place where people who have served time
do not want to come; reaching appropriate staffing levels is a
challenge; his suggestion [to increase the number of police
officers] addressed 18 months ago should be revisited.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he leaves the ability to keep
crime levels down to experts; Council should be advised when
staffing levels dip below 99 officers; stated the City has 5,000
marine slips for property tax paying boats; inquired whether the
Council wants to make a policy decision not to have patrol boat
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Community 2
Improvement Commission, and Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
June 7, 2005
services; inquired what the cost would be to restore the police
patrol boat to last summer's level.
The Police Captain of Bureau of Operations responded the Harbor
Patrol Program has never been full time; the Program takes two or
three officers out of patrol on weekends, which requires overtime
Councilmember Matarrese requested figures on what it would cost to
restore the patrol operation to last summer's level.
Mayor Johnson stated that the Oakland Police Chief was advocating
for boat funding from Homeland Security; inquired whether the City
could join the Coast Guard, City of Oakland, and Sheriff's
department, to provide patrol services on the Estuary.
The Police Captain of Bureau of Operations responded that the
Sheriff's Department has been a wonderful resource for harbor
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Sheriff's Department has estuary
patrol, to which the Police Captain of Bureau of Operations
responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Sheriff's Department performs
enforcement patrols, to which the Police Captain of Bureau of
Operations responded in the affirmative; stated that the Coast
Guard's priorities are different from municipalities and counties;
stated that he will research the Harbor Patrol Program costs.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the City of Oakland utilized their
boat, to which the Police Captain of Bureau of Operations responded
that the City of Oakland was not spending much time on the boat due
to the shortage of patrol cars on the streets; the situation might
have changed; he would look into the matter and report back to
Vice Mayor Gilmore stated that the figures for revitalizing the
estuary patrol should also include the boat repair costs.
The Police Captain of Bureau of Operations stated that the boat is
a very expensive piece of equipment; one of the problems with the
boat program is that officers' skills diminish due to the limited
time spent on the boat; lack of expertise and training also add to
the expense of the boat operation.
The City Attorney gave a brief presentation on the City Attorney's
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Community 3
Improvement Commission, and Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
June 7, 2005
office budget reduction impacts.
Mayor Johnson requested further explanation on the impacts of the
City Attorney's office reductions.
The City Attorney stated that the duties of two full -time positions
that are being cut would be absorbed within the existing staff and
would result in some delays in quantity and timeliness of the
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the reduction would cause delays in
reviewing contracts, to which the City Attorney responded that the
current contract review time is two days; contract review will
continue to be treated as a priority.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether two days is an average time for
contract review, to which the City Attorney responded the two -day
turnaround time was the average time for contract review during the
last five months.
Mayor Johnson inquired what service impacts the City departments
could expect; stated that a Charter change might be necessary if
there was a delay in the City Attorney's office approving a
The City Attorney responded that the existing workload would be
spread among existing staff; phones may need to be placed on voice
mail at lunch time; there may be a delay in document production and
routine tasks; stated the City Attorney's office is trying to work
smarter; the workload that is handled by the Administration
Management Analyst would need to be spread among the remaining
staff; there would be a need to have Department Heads do more in
terms of contract preparation and review.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether there was a way to advise the
Department Heads which contracts need to be approved by the City
Attorney's office and which do not.
The City Attorney stated that she has tried to triage the contracts
by preparing a training program and getting forms and options on
line to enable the departments to do more of the routine tasks; the
level of the budget cut requires that things be done differently.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether
presentation for Risk Management,
responded that Risk Management
Attorney's presentation.
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Community 4
Improvement Commission, and Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
June 7, 2005
there would be a separate
to which the Acting City Manager
has been included in the City
Mayor Johnson stated that she would address the litigation
contingency account issue later.
Councilmember Daysog stated that service to the departments is an
important issue; every Councilmember is in agreement with
streamlining efforts; the Council appreciates the service that the
City Attorney's office has rendered to the public on issues such as
the Casino and the Oakland Airport; an 18% cut is a huge hit;
stated that the value of the City Attorney's service to the
citizens could not be overstated.
The Acting Recreation and Parks Director gave a brief presentation
on the impacts of the budget reduction.
Mayor Johnson inquired what the cost would be to implement the Park
Master Plan.
The Acting Recreation and Parks Director responded estimates are
between $75,000 and $125,000, depending upon the number of public
meetings, the review process, and the number of times the matter is
brought back to various entities.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether maintenance would be included in the
Park Master Plan, to which the Acting Recreation and Parks Director
responded the Park Master Plan would be an overall park plan
covering almost every detail of the park system.
Vice Mayor Gilmore inquired how many grants are successfully
applied for each year, to which the Acting Recreation and Parks
Director responded that the City received approximately $860,000 in
grants from the last two State bonds [Propositions 12 and 40]; the
three grants pending are Estuary Park, Paden School Trail, and
Alameda Point Gym.
Vice Mayor Gilmore inquired whether there has been a full -time
grant writer in the past, to which the Acting Recreation and Parks
Director responded in the negative; grant writing has been divided
among the administrative staff.
Vice Mayor Gilmore stated that a grant writing position might be
worth reviewing.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether a grant writing position could be
utilized by all departments.
The Acting City Manager responded there has been consideration to
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Community 5
Improvement Commission, and Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
June 7, 2005
have an experienced grant writing volunteer; stated grant
application opportunities will not be missed.
Councilmember Daysog stated there are consulting companies that
provide grant search and administration services and only charge a
portion of the grant amount.
Mayor Johnson stated that a professional grant writer might be more
aware of grant opportunities; the possibility of contracting out
Citywide grant writing services should be reviewed.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether $75,000 to $125,000 for the
Park Master Plan consulting services is included in the budget, to
which the Acting Recreation and Park Director responded in the
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether anything has been done on the
Park Master Plan, to which the Acting Recreation and Park Director
responded the initial research has been performed; a Citywide needs
assessment was performed a few summers ago.
The Human Resources Director gave a brief presentation on the Human
Resources Department's budget reduction impacts.
The Building Official gave a brief presentation on the Planning and
Building Department's budget reduction impacts.
Mayor Johnson stated that there are part -time planners at Alameda
Point and City Hall; inquired whether having all planners at one
location would be more efficient.
The Building Official responded there is one Planner working two
days a week at Alameda Point and the rest of the week at City Hall;
the schedule has worked out well; the Planner will need to spend
more time at City Hall because of the Planning Services Manager
Vice Mayor Gilmore inquired whether the Planning Department's cost
recovery is still at 900, to which the Building Official responded
cost recovery is at 1000.
Vice Mayor Gilmore stated that cutting a position that generates
revenue may need to be re- thought; the City needs to be business
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the City uses contract
assistance when there are surges in the workload and whether the
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Community 6
Improvement Commission, and Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
June 7, 2005
costs would be covered by the fees, to which the Building Official
responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the cut of the Planning
Services Manager would slow down the permit and plan review
process, to which the Building Official responded that there would
be a slow down in plan review with a ripple effect on advanced
planning projects.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the cut is not large enough to
justify the slow down; the costs incurred due to the cut would be
far greater than the savings.
Mayor Johnson inquired about the possibility of utilizing outside
The Acting City Manager responded that surges and decreases in
activity make it difficult to maintain even staffing levels;
outside consultants are used to staff up for surges and are paid
for by the applicant.
Mayor Johnson stated that staffing should not be leveled to meet
the peak demand.
The Acting City Manager stated that the new Planning and Building
Director could determine the right amount of staffing to handle the
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he is concerned with the
intermediate and smaller projects whose proponents and owners do
not have the ability to absorb the delay; doing work without
permits might be encouraged and cause a deterioration of the
housing stock across the City; the City should be mindful in trying
to save a small amount of money and paying a large price in the
Councilmember deHaan inquired what the status was for establishing
a one -stop permit center and whether it was within the budget.
The Building Official responded that staff is working with the
Acting City Manager to determine where an appropriate one -stop
permit center could be; funding has been set aside.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether there is an improvement in
the over - the - counter permit processing.
The Building Official responded in the affirmative; stated front
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Community
Improvement Commission, and Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
June 7, 2005
line staff upgrades have freed up Planners' time.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether goals could be met with
streamlined staffing, to which the Building Official responded in
the affirmative.
The Development Services Director gave a Power Point presentation
on the Development Services Department, CIC and ARRA budget.
Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired whether there would be a Metropolitan
Transportation Commission (MTC) grant available for the Phase 2 of
the Park and Webster Streets Streetscape Projects next year, to
which the Development Services Director responded that MTC believes
the City would be a better candidate once the project has been
Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired whether the City would apply for grant
funding next year, to which the Development Services Director
responded in the affirmative.
Mayor /Chair Johnson inquired how much the City's match would be.
The Development Services Director responded that the formula
criteria is not known; stated that a number of funding options have
been identified, such as supplemental tax increment payments or
unused redevelopment bond money earmarked for the Library project.
Mayor /Chair Johnson stated that it is important to ensure that
money is budgeted for Phase 2 next year.
Commissioner /Board Member Daysog stated that the City needs to be
very careful in Fiscal Year 2005 -06; what happens in the coming
year will ripple into the following years; stated there are a lot
of committed projects.
The Development Services Director concurred with Commissioner /Board
Member Daysog; stated that the Development Services Department is
anticipating the resignation of a division director mid year; the
position will not be filled; a number of the Development Services
Department funds cannot cross pollinate into other activities; the
overhead and staffing in the CIC budget is a little over 100; there
are very few bodies managing CIC projects; Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) funded staff cannot be moved to CIC projects
because it is not eligible for them under the grant dollars; there
is flexibility within ARRA and CIC staff; only four people are
funded through lease revenues; one person will be eliminated; the
Development Services Department will continue to morph throughout
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Community 8
Improvement Commission, and Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
June 7, 2005
the year; almost all of the cash flows have been completed, which
will provide a good picture of all obligations, pass- throughs,
contractual arrangements, etc.
Commissioner /Board Member Daysog stated there is a greater control
over the operating costs for staff; the City will need to keep a
close eye on projects.
The Development Services Director stated there is not a lot of
cushion built in for all of the capital projects.
Commissioner Daysog stated that the $2 million earmarked for the
Library might not go for the Library because the money might be
needed for the redevelopment projects.
The Development Services Director stated the cycle is very common;
when large construction projects are started there is a slip period
of 18 months to three years before the projects hit the tax rolls.
Commissioner Daysog stated that it is important to be very cautious
with the large budget projects; the Alameda Power & Telecom cable
television project was estimated at $16 million and cost $29
The Development Services Director stated that construction costs
continue to escalate.
Commissioner Daysog thanked the Development Services Director for
the leadership shown.
Commissioner /Board Member deHaan stated the budget is fragile at
the best; any Alameda Point glitches would be a major concern;
noted he has deep concerns for the future years; stated that he
would like to see budgeting for the retail recruiter position in
the future.
The Development Services Director stated that a retail recruiter
has been funded for one year.
Mayor /Chair Johnson stated that if recruiter benefits are realized,
funding can be added for the future years; re- emphasized that 2005,
2006, and 2007 will be extremely lean years; stated that she
appreciates the complex and difficult work done by the Development
Services Department; efforts will help to bring Alameda back to the
viable community and good business center of 20 to 50 years ago.
Commissioner /Board Member Gilmore thanked the Acting City
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Community 9
Improvement Commission, and Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
June 7, 2005
Manager /Acting Executive Director and Department Heads for an
extremely useful budget presentation; requested additional
information on the COPS Unit and additional staffing of the DARE
Councilmember Daysog requested an Off Agenda Report providing up to
date information on the issue of telephone tax for public safety.
Vice Mayor Gilmore inquired whether the proposal to fund
infrastructure included an increase in the property transfer tax
and the legality of using the funds for streets and sidewalks.
The Acting City Manager responded that he would include the
property transfer tax increase in the proposal; the City Attorney
will look into the legality of the matter; Proposition 218
addresses what can and cannot be done.
Mayor /Chair Johnson stated that she would like to continue to look
at attorney and risk management costs; she would like to spend as
little as possible on attorneys so that the money could be spent
elsewhere; stated that it is important to be efficient with money
and not cut in ways that eventually lead to spending more; stated
that the Council needs to exercise some oversight over the
litigation contingency budgets; the total amount budgeted for Risk
Management is approximately $470,000 and approximately $350,000 for
Alameda Power & Telecom; suggested that the money be allocated as
proposed in the budget but that the City Attorney bring requests
to hire outside counsel to the City Council; the City Attorney
could be authorized to spend around $2500 for emergencies until the
approval to hire outside counsel can be brought to Council; stated
she is open to suggestions from the City Attorney; noted that the
Charter gives the Council oversight of hiring outside counsel.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the Planning and Building
reduction is a lay off or an unfilled position, to which the Acting
City Manager responded the position would not be filled; stated he
would like to fill the Planning and Building Director position
first and then get staffing recommendations.
Councilmember Matarrese reiterated that the dollar amount of the
reduction is small; that he likes the idea of contracting services;
having a reduction in the processing of permits and review of plans
costs the City and customer money in the long run; other budget
issues are hard realities; stated City services cost a lot of
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether there was $150 million in
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Community 10
Improvement Commission, and Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
June 7, 2005
permits this year, to which the Building Official responded permits
have totaled $138 million.
Councilmember deHaan stated that there was not a budget for FY
2004 -05 for nine months; the ten -year plan will give better
insight; he is concerned with the future years; praised the efforts
of all involved with the budget preparation; stated the information
provided is good, hard data; it is important to have some balances
in equity within pay structures and labor management agreements.
Vice Mayor Gilmore stated that she was glad that the public was
present at tonight's meeting; she hoped that more people attend
when the ten -year budget is presented; the City's past commitments
will pay a big role in the future.
Councilmember Daysog stated that having a ten -year budget is great
but it is important to have a strong hold on the budget situation
for the next 6 to 18 months; suggested devising a system to track
spending and see how the budget is evolving every two weeks.
The Acting City Manager stated that he always reviews the budget
with the Finance Director; stated that said information can be
passed on to Council.
Councilmember Daysog requested an Off Agenda Report on grant models
and payment options; stated he looked forward to the City
Attorney's review on how to handle the budget issues regarding
attorney and risk management costs; encouraged there be a six or
eight month test period to determine whether or not the proposal
Mayor Johnson stated that there is a litigation contingency in the
budget; the Charter states: "at the request of the City Attorney,
the Council can consent to hiring outside counsel "; $470,000 has
been budgeted in the past, but there has not been any follow
through on the oversight of hiring of outside counsel; stated she
would like to have a six month review; she does not want to bog
down the process; the right amount of money needed for urgent
matters should be set; the Charter also allows the Council to
delegate the authority to other boards and commissions; the Council
should consider delegating the hiring of outside counsel for
Alameda Power & Telecom to the Public Utilities Board.
Councilmember Daysog stated that he does not feel there is over
spending in the City Attorney's office.
Mayor Johnson stated that she is not suggesting changing the budget
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Community 1 1
Improvement Commission, and Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
June 7, 2005
amount; she is trying to follow the Charter.
Councilmember deHaan stated that the budget began with focus on the
General Fund; special revenue funds, capital projects, debt
service, and enterprise funds also need to be reviewed.
Mayor Johnson stated that all the funds are intermingled to a
certain extent and have impacts on each other.
Board Member deHaan moved adoption of the Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority Resolution.
Board Member Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
Commissioner deHaan moved adoption of the Community Improvement
Commission Resolution.
Commissioner Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
Councilmember Daysog moved adoption of the City Council Resolution.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(05- 031CIC) Recommendation to approve the Determination that
planning and administrative expenses incurred during FY 2004 -05 are
necessary for the production, improvement or preservation of low -
and moderate - income housing.
Commissioner Gilmore moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Commissioner Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Johnson adjourned the
meeting at 9:54 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lara Weisiger, City Clerk
Secretary, Community Improvement
Agenda for meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act.
Special Joint Meeting
Alameda City Council, Community 12
Improvement Commission, and Alameda
Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
June 7, 2005