TUESDAY - - OCTOBER 18, 2005 - - 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the Regular Meeting at 8:33 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, deHaan, Gilmore,
Matarrese, and Mayor Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
(05 -497) Proclamation declaring the month of October as Disability
Awareness Month.
Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Ed Cooney,
member of the Commission on Disability Issues.
Mr. Cooney thanked the Council for the proclamation and for
recognizing the value of people who live with disabilities.
Vice Mayor Gilmore moved approval of the Consent Calendar.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding
the paragraph number.]
( *05 -498) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings
held on October 4, 2005, and Special City Council Meeting held on
October 5, 2005. Approved.
( *05 -499) Ratified bills in the amount of $2,008,412.36.
( *05 -500) Recommendation to authorize execution of a Contract with
Southern California Risk Management Associates for Third Party
Administrator Services for the City's Workers' Compensation
Program. Accepted.
( *05 -501) Recommendation to award Abandoned Vehicle Towing Contract
to A & B Towing. Accepted.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 1
October 18, 2005
( *05 -502) Resolution No. 13902, "Approving and Adopting the
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Overall Annual Goal of
11% for Federal Fiscal Year 2005 - 2006." Adopted.
(05 -503) Resolution No. 13903, "Appointing Avonnet M. Peeler as a
Member of the Civil Service Board." Adopted;
(05 -503A) Resolution No. 13904, "Appointing Audrey M. Lord - Hausman
as a Member of the Commission on Disability Issues." Adopted; and
(05 -503B) Resolution No. 13905, "Appointing Janet W. Iverson as a
Member of the Historical Advisory Board. (Landscape Architect,
Architect, Building Design Seat)." Adopted.
Vice Mayor Gilmore moved adoption of the resolutions.
Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
The City Clerk administered the Oath and presented Ms. Peeler with
a certificate of appointment.
(05 -504) Recommendation to approve the proposed change in roof
color for the Alameda Free Library - New Main Library Project, No.
P.W. 01- 03 -01.
The Project Manager gave a brief presentation.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the architect recommended a roof
The Project Manager responded that the architect favored the
lighter gray, but would be comfortable with either gray; stated the
lighter gray has more reflectivity and would keep the structure
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Library Building Team (LBT) had
a strong color preference.
The Assistant City Manager responded that the darker gray color was
the LBT's unanimous selection.
Councilmember Matarrese requested a report outlining items removed
through value engineering; requested a run down of cost
differences; stated that copper roofs are extremely durable;
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 2
October 18, 2005
inquired whether the proposed roof would have yearly maintenance.
The Project Manager responded that the proposed roof would not
require annual maintenance; the roof and paint materials have a 25-
year guarantee; the architect stated that a coating could be
applied if the paint starts to fade after 25 years; cleaning,
priming and repainting would be done after 25 years and an
additional 25 years would be guaranteed; the cost is between $3 and
$6 per square foot, which would amount to approximately $25,000 to
Mayor Johnson inquired what was the cost difference between a
copper roof and the proposed roof.
The Project Manager responded the cost difference is approximately
$60,000; stated the copper roof was a deductive alternative in the
bid package; the architect put in a series of deductive
alternatives and add alls in response to budget concerns; the
roofing deductive alternative was an approximate $20,000 value; all
add alls were rejected and all deductive alternatives were
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the cost difference for installing
the cooper roof was $60,000.
The Project Manager responded in the negative; stated the value
engineering cost was $60,000; there is currently no price on the
installation of a copper roof; the contractor stated that work
would need to be stopped for 45 -65 days until the current
subcontract was extinguished, a new subcontract was executed,
materials were acquired, and the roof installed; the contractor
wants to start putting in the heating and cooling duct work; the
duct work could get wet if installed before closing the building.
Councilmember deHaan inquired what was the roof's base metal.
The Project Manager provided a handout; responded that the base
metal is 24 -gage galvalume steel composed of 45% zinc and 550
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether there would be deterioration
of the base metal without the protective shield.
The Project Manager responded in the affirmative; stated the color
coating was also warranted for 25 years.
Councilmember deHaan stated that copper roofs bleed; inquired
whether copper could stain the structure.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 3
October 18, 2005
The Project Manager responded that staining could potentially
Councilmember deHaan stated that copper has a tendency to move;
inquired whether the movement would cause problems with sealing.
The Project Manager responded that he did not know; stated that
copper moves from heat; the City of Palo Alto declared copper roofs
illegal in 2003; the run off from copper roofs are toxic for
aquatic life.
Councilmember deHaan moved to approval of the staff recommendation.
Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
Vice Mayor Gilmore stated that the schedule would not be impacted
by the change.
The Project Manager stated that he has until 8:00 a.m. tomorrow to
make the change; the City has 14 days to accept or deny a change
when a contractor or sub - contractor submits something for review.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that it is critical that the LBT and
the Council receive the report on what items were removed through
value engineering ahead of time.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the project is ahead of schedule and
on budget, to which the Project Manager responded in the
The Assistant City Manager stated that the report requested by
Councilmember Matarrese would be provided within a week.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that the City is building a
structure that is expected to last 100 years; putting items back in
that were removed through value engineering should be considered;
he does not want to miss the boat on adding in anything that was
taken out for budget reasons.
The Project Manager stated that staff is continuing to address the
matter; IT structure issues have been identified; staff is aware of
on -going maintenance issues.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that Council needs to be aware of
any changes; noted tonight is the first time he heard about an IT
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 4
October 18, 2005
The Project Manager stated the IT change was regarding the
furniture floor boxes; generally issues would be brought to the
Council at a change order stage.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that the IT change would be helpful
to have in a written report for reference.
(05 -505) Recommendation to authorize payment for and ratification
of an open market purchase from Leader Industries of an ambulance
in the amount of $142,743.35.
Councilmember deHaan moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(05 -506) Councilmember deHaan stated that the new owners of the
Harbor Island Apartments have outlined how they are going to
operate the new complex; he feels comfortable with the new owners;
the curb strip on Appezzato Parkway needs to be addressed; planting
trees is important to balance the community in spite of existing
litigation; the area is high density and lends itself to
transportation alternatives; the City should make every effort to
properly indoctrinate the new population and the virtues of public
transportation in a meaningful way; inquired how staff was
addressing the issues.
Mayor Johnson noted that someone mentioned to her that there was a
bus stop along the dirt area on Appezzato Parkway; people have to
walk through the mud to get to the bus stop in the winter months;
requested staff to investigate the matter.
Councilmember deHaan stated that the bus shelter is one of the
cheaper shelters and only has two seats; bus shelter accommodations
should be better.
(05 -507) Councilmember deHaan stated that there is a new spirit at
the League of California Cities because of Propositions lA and 76;
84% percent of the voters supported cities; there was a workshop on
revenue, taxation, transportation, communication, and public works;
the workshop addressed how the telecommunication revolution would
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 5
October 18, 2005
affect cities; the policy could be set at the State and could
overturn some franchise agreements.
(05 -508) Vice Mayor Gilmore stated that the League of California
Cities noted that Proposition lA was successful but did not do
anything to protect redevelopment money; no one is certain that the
State will be able to meet all its financial commitments without
looking to cities again.
(05 -509) Councilmember Daysog stated that the League of California
Cities endorsed Proposition 76 which addresses the smoothing out
of the fiscal situation at the State level; Proposition 76 could
have impacts at the local level and even more so on school
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Regular meeting at 9:04 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council 6
October 18, 2005