TUESDAY- - JANUARY 17, 2006- -7:30 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the Regular Meeting at 8:11 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Daysog, deHaan, Gilmore,
Matarrese, and Mayor Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
(06 -029) Mayor Johnson encouraged the Alameda High School students
and Troup 73 Boy Scouts attending the meeting to learn about local
government; stated the City has good job opportunities.
(06 -030) Proclamation declaring February 3, 2006 as "Wear Red for
Women" Day in Alameda.
Mayor Johnson read the proclamation; stated the proclamation would
be forwarded to the American Heart Association.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the Consent Calendar.
Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding
the paragraph number.]
( *06 -031) Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on
January 3, 2006. Approved.
( *06 -032) Ratified bills in the amount of $1,585,271.93.
( *06 -033) Recommendation to accept the City of Alameda Investment
Policy. Accepted.
( *06 -034) Recommendation to authorize the City Manager to execute
the fifth amendment to the Measure B Funding Agreement and fourth
amendment to the Measure B Project Implementation Agreement by and
between the City of Alameda, the Alameda County Transportation
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Alameda City Council
January 17, 2006
Authority, the Port of Oakland, and the City of Oakland for the
Cross Airport Roadway Project (Ron Cowan Parkway). Accepted.
( *06 -035) Recommendation to accept and authorize recording a Notice
of Completion for the Bayport Stormwater Pump Station System
Improvements. Accepted.
( *06 -036) Recommendation to authorize execution of a lead -based
paint hazard reduction Grant Agreement with Alameda County Lead
Poisoning Prevention Program. Accepted.
( *06 -037) Resolution No. 13920, "Approving the Application for
California Cultural and Historical Endowment (CCHE) under the
California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks and
Coastal Protection Act of 2002." Adopted.
(06 -038) Resolution No. 13921, "Appointing Michael B. Cooper as a
member of the City Recreation and Park Commission." Adopted; and
(06 -038A) Resolution No. 13922, "Appointing Dora J. Dome as a
member of the City Social Services and Human Relations Board."
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolutions.
Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
The City Clerk administered the Oath and presented a certificate of
appointment to Ms. Dome.
(06 -039) Resolution No.
Lieutenant Bob Cranford
Alameda." Adopted.
13923, "Commending Alameda Police
for his contributions to the City of
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution.
Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
Mayor Johnson read the Resolution.
The Acting Police Chief accepted the Resolution on behalf of
Lieutenant Cranford and expressed Lieutenant Cranford's
appreciation for the Resolution.
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January 17, 2006
(06 -040) Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications and
authorize Call for Bids for Bayport Alameda Community Building and
Park Project.
The Redevelopment Manager provided a brief presentation.
The Acting Recreation and Park Director presented drawings
outlining the schematics for the proposed park site.
Vice Mayor Gilmore inquired whether the restrooms would be separate
from the community building.
The Acting Recreation and Park Director responded that the
restrooms would be separate for park access.
Councilmember deHaan stated the adjacent school property area has
asphalt; inquired whether the area would be accessible at all
times, to which the Acting Recreation and Park Director responded
in the affirmative.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the proposed trees are
appropriate for the climate, to which the Acting Recreation and
Park Director responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether there would be adequate drainage.
The Acting Recreation and Park Director responded in the
affirmative; stated adequate drainage has been stressed throughout
the design process.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether sprinkler systems would cover the
infield area.
The Acting Recreation and Park Director responded that the
specifications would address specific sprinkler systems for the
Vice Mayor Gilmore stated that the older parks have a lot of tree
root issues; inquired whether root guards were considered.
The Acting Recreation and Park Director responded in the
affirmative; stated the design team was very conscience of tree
type and placement.
Councilmember deHaan inquired what was the square footage of the
multi - purpose room, to which the Acting Recreation and Park
Director responded 1,700 square feet.
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January 17, 2006
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether other multi - purpose rooms
were comparable in size.
The Acting Recreation and Park Director responded the proposed
multi - purpose room would be larger than most.
Councilmember Daysog inquired what are the anticipated uses for
the baseball and softball fields.
The Acting Recreation and Park Director responded the use would
depend on the age of the participants; stated two practices could
be held at the same time for age groups under 12.
Councilmember deHaan requested an explanation of funding sources.
The Redevelopment Manager responded the funding sources come from
project revenues such as land sale proceeds, residential profit
participation, and tax increment.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether adequate benches would be provided.
The Acting Recreation and Park Director responded in the
affirmative; stated the play areas would have benches also.
Mayor Johnson stated that the Joint Use Agreement was a great
success; the City and School District benefit when resources are
pulled together.
The Acting Recreation and Park Director noted the new park would be
the first park built since Tilden Park in 1993.
Councilmember Daysog moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(06 -041) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Adding Section 2 -18 (Alameda Film Commission) to Chapter II
(Administration), Establishing an Alameda Film Commission, and
Prescribing Membership and Duties of Said Commission. Introduced.
The Development Services Director provided a brief report.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether neighborhoods, business
districts, and areas at Alameda Point had filming opportunities in
the past, to which the Development Services Director responded in
the affirmative.
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January 17, 2006
Councilmember deHaan stated that he is concerned with having only
one neighborhood representative; he would prefer to have two at-
large neighborhood representatives; neighborhoods are impacted;
business district representatives might not be Alameda residents.
Mayor Johnson stated that she understood the Commission's role to
be marketing, not daily management.
The Development Services Director stated the permitting process
would not change; deposits are provided for police services.
Mayor Johnson stated that times were restricted when filming was
done on the bridge; police officers were present; pedestrians were
notified of detours; the Commission's role should not be
coordinating the activities.
The Development Services Director stated that the Business
Development Division Coordinator would work as the staff liaison to
coordinate various activities; the Commission would help with
inquiries and marketing; the State has developed a program to
educate neighborhoods and raise awareness.
Vice Mayor Gilmore stated filming has been done on her street over
the last few years; the film production company sent someone out to
explain the filming process; stated that the experience was
Councilmember deHaan stated that his neighborhood had mixed reviews
with the filming process; the neighborhood needs to be involved
with handling location requests.
Mayor Johnson stated having someone familiar with the historical
areas of Alameda is important.
The Development Services Director suggested reducing the number of
members with working knowledge of the film /video industry to three,
adding a resident with knowledge of historic districts, and
changing the "neighborhood member or Alameda Victorian Preservation
Society representative" to "neighborhood member."
Councilmember Matarrese suggested all members be Alameda residents,
except business representatives.
Vice Mayor Gilmore stated some film industry people work for
employers in town and should be able to be considered; the bulk of
the Commission should be Alameda residents.
Mayor Johnson stated that the majority of the Commission should be
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
January 17, 2006
Alameda residents.
The Development Services Director stated that the initial terms
could be shortened to no longer than two years.
Councilmember deHaan concurred with the Development Services
Director; stated the terms should be staggered and reviewed; the
number of business representatives could be reduced; he would
prefer to eliminate the Chamber of Commerce representative.
The City Attorney outlined the sections of the ordinance to be
Mayor Johnson clarified that the terms should be a maximum of two
The Development Services Director stated terms could be for one and
two years.
Councilmember deHaan noted he would like the membership brought
down to nine members.
Councilmember deHaan moved introduction of the ordinance with the
proposed amendments: [1) reduce the number of members with working
knowledge of the film /video industry to three; 2) change the
"neighborhood member or Alameda Victorian Preservation Society
representative" to "neighborhood member;" 3) add a neighborhood
member with knowledge of historic districts; 4) require that the
majority of the commissioners be Alameda residents; and 5) shorten
terms to one and two year staggered terms].
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(06 -042) Public Hearing on Housing and Community Development needs
for the Community Development Block Grant Annual Plan.
The Development Services Director provided a brief report.
Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing.
Doug Biggs, Alameda Point Collaborative (APC) , stated that he
supports the recommendations of staff and the Social Services Human
Relations Board (SSHRB) ; APC is building the capacity of the
community; Americans with Disability Act (ADA) compliance is a
growing issue.
Jim Franz, Alameda, stated he supports continued funding for safety
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January 17, 2006
net services; special consideration should be given to
organizations that provide education along with services; a
disaster preparedness kit should be provided to low- income
Robert Bonta, SSHRB, stated the SSHRB was pleased to weigh in on
the public service needs; employment, transportation, and child
care are needed in addition to improving access to affordable
housing; services are not being maximized; he hopes that SSHRB's
four focus areas guide in the decision making.
Michael John Torrey, Alameda, stated that extraordinary maintenance
issues are coming up for the Housing Authority facilities; the
final Town Hall Meeting is scheduled for Thursday.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the meeting's focus was to gather
information about extraordinary maintenance.
Mr. Torrey responded that extraordinary maintenance is part of the
focus; information on proposed improvements is provided to
residents; resident input is requested.
There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public
portion of the hearing.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether extraordinary maintenance funding
was available.
The Acting Assistant City Manager responded in the affirmative;
stated Housing Authority reserves and bond funds would pay for
housing complex repairs; a physical needs assessment was conducted
and approved; the physical needs assessment determines the type of
improvements needed over the next 20 years.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that the SSHRB did a terrific job in
developing criteria; the criteria used to measure the performance
of the organizations receiving the grants should align with the
SSHRB's four focus areas to ensure that the money is well spent and
goals have been achieved; improving access to affordable housing
should include upholding anti - discrimination laws; individuals need
to be provided with an avenue to bring discrimination issues to the
proper authorities; SSHRB's criteria needs to be incorporated into
the measurement of success to ensure that contractors know what is
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether any feedback was available on
the Sentinel issue.
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Alameda City Council
January 17, 2006
The Development Services Director responded staff was working on a
new scope of work and information would be provided to Council.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether there was a possibility to
receive more than the $1.3 million grant.
The Development Services Director responded next year's total
budget will be approximately $1.5 million with recaptured funds
from loans; the outright grant will be approximately $1.3 million;
program revenues and reclaimed dollars will be approximately
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the CDBG funding takes care
of the Housing Authority's needs, to which the Acting Assistant
City Manager responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the Development Services
Department's funding portion takes care of housing over and above
the Housing Authority.
The Development Services Director responded in the affirmative;
stated the majority of CDBG funding is for housing and rental
The Acting Assistant City Manager stated that the Housing Authority
has used CDBG, HOME, and redevelopment funds in the past but does
not plan to use the funding this year.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether anyone's needs would be left out
with the proposed Action Plan, to which the Development Services
Director responded in the negative.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether community service needs are
reviewed periodically.
The Development Services Director responded in the affirmative;
stated Alameda goes beyond what is required; stated safety net
provider participation is unbelievable.
Mayor Johnson thanked the SSHRB and staff for all the hard work.
Councilmember Daysog moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
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January 17, 2006
(06 -043) Brien Burroughs, Glass Eye Media, stated that he is
producing an independently financed television pilot at City Hall
on Thursday and Friday; barriers sometimes come up when filming at
government sites; all his contacts in Alameda have been great;
stated he appreciates the support.
(06 -044) Patrick Lynch, Alameda, stated there is corruption in the
Planning Department; a resolution was passed by the Council on June
21, 2005 which required the owner of a vacant lot adjacent to his
home to conduct a specific soil test prior to receiving design
review; the testing was submitted; the design review was approved
and has been appealed to the Planning Board; he is unable to get a
fair hearing with the Planning Board; staff refuses to provide
accurate information; the City denies using the wrong section of
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in approving the
development; he received a $100 invoice to file a new form with the
State; he received a $1600 invoice, which includes over five hours
to discuss the project with City Attorney's office; the facts are
undisputable; urged members of the Council to appeal the decision
of the Planning Board.
Mayor Johnson stated that Mr. Lynch should communicate his concerns
with the City Manager.
Mr. Lynch stated that he spoke with the Acting Assistant City
Manager on Thursday and has not received a reply.
The Acting Assistant City Manager stated that he spoke to Mr.
Lynch, the Planning Department staff, and City Attorney's office
last week; he still has one more person to contact; he will get
back to Mr. Lynch.
(06 -045) Consideration of Mayor's nomination for appointment to
the Economic Development Commission. Continued.
(06 -046) Councilmember deHaan stated streetscape funding was
discussed at the last Council meeting; he hopes that electrical
provisions have been included to allow for embedded pedestrian
lights [on Park Street] between Central Avenue and Santa Clara
Avenue when funding is available.
(06 -047) Councilmember deHaan stated a lot of homes have been fire
damaged over a period of time; inquired whether remediation is
required within a certain amount of time; stated areas are an
eyesore and a nuisance.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
January 17, 2006
Mayor Johnson stated that she was concerned with the building at
the corner of Central Avenue and Park Street; the boards are down,
but nothing is being done; inquired whether more controls are
needed to ensure that owners remedy buildings within a certain
amount of time.
Councilmember deHaan requested information on applicable
The City Manager stated that information would be provided to the
(06 -048) Councilmember Matarrese stated that a vehicle inventory
was discussed a few months ago; he would like Council to consider
establishing a vehicle use resolution or policy so that the City
can set an example; the resolution should include how vehicles are
purchased, where to purchase alternative fuel vehicles such as
natural gas and electric, and City vehicle use to reduce the number
of single occupancy trips; requested that the use policy be brought
back to the Council for consideration; the purchase of vehicles
should follow.
(06 -049) Councilmember deHaan stated vehicle inventory is
important; he would prefer a separate line item in the budget to
indicate the amount spent up front; excess vehicles were auctioned
over the last three or four months; a number of vehicles are no
longer usable; the number of excess vehicles and future needs
should be reviewed; uniform vehicle markings are extremely
The City Manager stated that the replacement criteria were being
reviewed; a general policy for alternative fuel would be provided
to Council.
Councilmember deHaan congratulated Alameda Power and Telecom for
using hybrid cars; stated an inventory should be established;
vehicles should be replaced in a logical manner.
(06 -050) Mayor Johnson stated that the athletic facilities' use
policy should be brought to the Council for adoption by resolution
or ordinance; the current policy is not compliant.
The City Manager stated that staff is in the process of rewriting
the policy.
Mayor Johnson stated that she would prefer a formalized Council
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Alameda City Council
January 17, 2006
(06 -051) There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned
the Regular Meeting at 9:40 p.m. in a moment of silence for City
Employee Matt Plumlee's family loss.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
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Alameda City Council
January 17, 2006