2009-05-19 5-A Power PointGENERAL FUND BALANCE
FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009
® CASH BALANCE $6,621,098 $7,718,770 $14,622,178 $11,213,503 $9,774,641 $11,847,920 $13,796,233 $10,841,492 $8,796,943 $6,400,492
^ FUND BALANCE $11,803,776 $14,238,736 $16,209,894 $17,550,212 $16,205,007 $18,524,057 $20,197,845 $19,274,961 $16,791,115 $15,275,604
Following are the City's outstanding direct and Agency debt issues
grouped by financing category:
General Obligation Debt:
• $10,600,000 City of Alameda General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003
o This Issue is an advance refunding candidate.
General Obligation Bonds, Series 2003
Dated Date: April 8, 2003
Principal Retired: $1,020,000
Final Maturity Date: August 1, 2033
Principal Outstanding: $9,850,000
Security for the Bonds: Full faith and credit of the City, which has the power to
levy ad valorem taxes without limitation for the payment of the Bonds.
Use of Project Funds: Finance acquisition and construction of a new main library
and improvements to two branch libraries within the City.
Fiscal Year Principal Due Coupon Interest Due in Total Due per Bond Balance
Ending 6/30 in August Aug and Feb Fiscal Year
2003 $ 0 0 $ 157,227
2004 $ 145,000 2.00% $ 500,900
2005 $ 155,000 2.00% $ 498,000
2006 $ 165,000 2.00% $ 494,900
2007 $ 175,000 2.00% $ 491,600
2008 $ 185,000 3.00% $ 488,100
2009 $ 195,000 4.00% $ 482,550
2010-2033 $9,580,000 $7,109,050
Total $10,600,000 $10,222,327
$ 157,227
$ 645, 900
$ 653, 000
$ 659, 900
$ 666,600
$ 673,100
$ 677, 550
$ 9,960,000
$ 9,775,000
$ 9,580,000
Tax Increment Supported Debt:
• $2,740,000 APFA 1992 Revenue Bonds, Series A (WCIP)
o This Issue maybe refunded at any time.
• $4,640,000 CIC Subordinate Tax Allocation Bonds, 2002 Series B (BWIP)
o This Issue is non-callable.
• $17,510,000 CIC Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 2003C (BWIP)
o This Issue will not be a refunding candidate unti12013.
• $1,025,000 CIC Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 2003D (BWIP)
o This Issue is non-callable.
• $7,745,000 CIC Insured Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2003A1 (Merged)
o This Issue is an advance refunding candidate.
• $29,645,000 CIC Insured Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2003A2 (Merged)
o This Issue is an advance refunding candidate.
• $9,205,000 CIC Subordinate Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 20036 (Merged)
o This Issue maybe refunded at any time.
1992 Revenue Bonds, Series A
(West End Community Improvement Project -Housing Increment Loan)
Dated Date: April 1, 1992
Principal Retired: $1,445,000
Final Maturity Date: April 1, 2016
Principal Outstanding: $1,295,000
Security for the Bonds: 20% Housing Set-Aside tax increment funds.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to make a loan to the CIC for the
purpose of paying all principal and interest payments on its $2,315,000 WECIP
1985 Tax Allocation Bonds.
Fiscal Year Principal Due Coupon Interest Due in Total Due per Bond Balance
Ending 6/30 in August Aug and Feb Fiscal Year
1992-2003 $ 755,000 $1,775,290 $2,530,290
2004 $ 95,000 6.50% $ 133,920 $ 228,920 $1,890,000
2005 $ 105,000 6.50% $ 127,745 $ 232,745 $1,785,000
2006 $ 115,000 6.60% $ 120,920 $ 235,920 $1,670,000
2007 $ 115, 000 6.60% $ 113, 330 $ 228, 330 $1, 555, 000
2008 $ 125,000 6.80% $ 105,740 $ 230,740 $1,430,000
2009 $ 135,000 6.80% $ 97,240 $ 232,240 $1,295,000
2010-2016 $1 ,295,000 $ 376,380 $1,671380
Total $2,740,000 $2,850,565 $5,590,565
Subordinate Taxable Tax Allocation Bonds
(Business and Waterfront Improvement Area) 2002 Series B
Dated Date: March 14, 2002 Final Maturity Date: February 1, 2012
Principal Retired: $3,025,000 Principal Outstanding: $1,615,000
Security for the Bonds: BWIP net pledged tax increment.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to repay a loan from the City to the
CIC related to the CIC's Business and Waterfront Project.
Fiscal Year Principal Due Coupon Interest Due in Total Due per
Ending 6/30 in August Aug and Feb Fiscal Year
2002 $0 $0 $0
2003 $0 $ 298,091 $ 298,091
2004 $0 $ 338,526 $ 338,526
2005 $ 530,000 6.05% $ 338,526 $ 868,526
2006 $ 250,000 6.57% $ 306,461 $ 556,461
2007 $ 450,000 6.98% $ 290,036 $ 740,036
2008 $ 525,000 7.38% $ 258,626 $ 783,626
2009 $ 595,000 7.75% $ 219,881 $ 814,881
2010-2012 $2,290,000 $ 362,105 $2,652,106
Total $4,640,000 $2,412,255 $7,052,255
Bond Balance
Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds
(Business and Waterfront Improvement Area) Series 2003C
Dated Date: October 28, 2003 Final Maturity Date: February 1, 2032
Principal Retired: $1,055,000 Principal Outstanding: $16,445,000
Security for the Bonds: BWIP Area net pledged tax increment.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to refinance certain outstanding
obligations of the CIC.
Fiscal Year Principal Due
Ending 6/30 in August
2004 $ 000
2005 $ 000
2006 $ 000
2007 $ 200,000
2008 $ 430,000
2009 $ 210,000
2010-02032 $16,670,000
Total $17,510,000
Coupon Interest Due in
Aug and Feb
0 $ 192,076
0 $ 785,769
0 $ 785,769
2.00% $ 785,769
4.00% $ 781,769
4.25% $ 764,569
Total Due per
Fiscal Year
$ 192,076
$ 785,769
$ 785, 769
$ 985,769
$ 1,211,769
$ 974,569
Bond Balance
Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds
(Business and Waterfront Improvement Area) Series 2003D
Dated Date: October 28, 2003 Final Maturity Date: February 1, 2012
Principal Retired: $490,000 Principal Outstanding: $535,000
Security for the Bonds: BWIP Area net pledged tax increment.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to refinance certain outstanding
obligations of the CIC.
Fiscal Year Principal Due Coupon Interest Due in
Ending 6/30 In February Feb. and Aug.
2004 $0.00 0 $ 12,027
2005 $0.00 0 $ 49,200
2006 $0.00 0 $ 49,200
2007 $0.00 0 $ 49,200
2008 $0.00 0 $ 49,200
2009 $ 240,000 4.80% $ 49,200
2010-2012 $ 785,000 $ 76,320
Total $1,025,000 $334,347
Total Due per
Fiscal Year
$ 12,027
$ 49,200
$ 49,200
$ 49,200
$ 49,200
$ 289,200
$ 861,320
Bond Balance
$ 785, 000
Insured Tax Allocation Bonds
(Merged Improvement Area) Series 2003A1
Dated Date: December 10, 2003
Principal Retired: $250,000
Final Maturity Date: March 1, 2033
Principal Outstanding: $7,495,000
Security for the Bonds: Merged Improvement Area net pledged tax increment.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to finance and refinance certain
CIC redevelopment projects and obligations.
Fiscal Year Principal Due Coupon Interest Due in
Ending 6/30 in March March & Sept
2004 $ 0 0 $ 71,674
2005 $ 0 0 $353,462
2006 $ 250,000 2.00% $353,462
2007 $ 0 0 $348,462
2008 $ 0 0 $348,462
2009 $ 0 0 $348,462
2010-2033 $7,495,000 $5,923,492
Total $7,745,000 $7,747,478
Total Due per
Fiscal Year
$ 71,674
$ 353,462
$ 603,462
$ 348,463
$ 348,463
$ 348,463
Bond Balance
Insured Taxable Tax Allocation Bonds (Merged Improvement Area) Series 2003A2
Dated Date: December 10, 2003
Final Maturity Date: March 1, 2033
Principal Retired: $0.00
Principal Outstanding: $29,645,000
Security for the Bonds: Merged Improvement Area net pledged tax increment.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to finance and refinance certain
CIC redevelopment projects and obligations.
Fiscal Year Principal Due in Coupon Interest Due in Total Due per Bond Balance
Ending 6/30 March March & Sept Fiscal Year
2004 $ 000 0 $ 369,030 $ 369,030 $29,645,000
2005 $ 000 0 $ 1,819,872 $ 1,819,872 $29,645,000
2006 $ 000 0 $ 1,819,872 $ 1,819,872 $29,645,000
2007 $ 000 0 $ 1,819,872 $ 1,819,872 $29,645,000
2008 $ 000 0 $ 1,819,872 $ 1,819,872 $29,645,000
2009 $ 000 0 $ 1,819,872 $ 1,819,872 $29,645,000
2010-2033 $29,645,000 $29,637,142 $59,282,142
Total $29,645,000 $39,105,534 $68,750,534
Subordinate Tax Allocation Bonds
(Merged Improvement Area) Series 20036
Dated Date: December 10, 2003
Principal Retired: $190,000
Final Maturity Date: March 1, 2033
Principal Outstanding: $9,015,000
Security for the Bonds: Merged Improvement Area net pledged tax increment
on a subordinated basis.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to finance and refinance certain
CIC redevelopment projects and obligations.
Fiscal Year
Ending 6/30
Tota I
Principal Due Coupon Interest Due in
in March March & Sept
$ 000 0 $ 105, 958
$ 15,000 2.30% $ 522,531
$ 25,000 2.65% $ 522,186
$ 40,000 3.05% $ 521,524
$ 50,000 3.45% $ 520,304
$ 60,000 3.80% $ 518,579
$9,015,000 $ 8,801,150
$9,205,000 $1 1,512,232
Total Due per
Fiscal Year
$ 105,958
$ 537,531
$ 547,186
$ 561, 524
$ 570,304
$ 578,579
$1 7,816,150
$2 0,717,232
Bond Balance
Land Secured Debt:
• $17,035,000 CFD No. 1 (Harbor Bay), 1996 Series A
o This Issue maybe refunded at any time.
• $2,075,000 CFD No. 2 (Paragon Gateway), Series 1997
o This Issue maybe refunded at any time.
• $27,775,000 1999 Revenue Bonds (Harbor Bay Assessment District)
o This Issue maybe refunded at any time.
• $37,685,000 1999 Revenue Bonds (Marina Village Assessment District)
o This Issue maybe refunded at any time.
Local Agency Revenue Bonds, 1996 Series A
(Community Facilities District No. 1 (Harbor Bay) Refinancing)
Dated Date: June 12, 1996
Principal Retired: $4,710,000
Final Maturity Date: August 1, 2019
Principal Outstanding: $12,325,000
Security for the Bonds: Special taxes collected on parcels within the CFD.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used by the APFA to provide funds to
acquire from the City its $17,035,000 Community Facilities District No. 1 (Harbor
Bay) 1996 Special Tax Refunding Bonds.
Fiscal Year Principal Due Coupon Interest Due in Total Due per
Ending 6/30 in August August & Feb Fisc al Year
1996-2001 $ 875,000 $ 5,662,600 $ 6,537,600
2002 $ 300, 000 5.55% $ 1, 091, 340 $ 1, 391, 340
2003 $ 340,000 5.70% $ 1,074,690 $ 1,414,690
2004 $ 390,000 5.80% $ 1,055,310 $ 1,445,310
2005 $ 440,000 5.90% $ 1,032,690 $ 1,472,690
2006 $ 495, 000 6.00% $ 1, 006, 730 $ 1, 501, 730
2007 $ 555,000 6.10% $ 977,030 $ 1,532,030
2008 $ 620,000 6.70% $ 943,175 $ 1,563,175
2009 $ 695,000 6.70% $ 901,635 $ 1,596,635
2010-2019 $12,325,000 $ 5,389,515 $1 7,714,515
Total $17,035,000 $19,134,715 $3 6,169,715
Bond Balance
CITY OF ALAMEDA Community Facilities District No. 2
(Paragon Gateway) Series 1997, Special Tax Bonds
Dated Date: October 23, 1997 Final Maturity Date: September 1, 2016
Principal Retired: $1,055,000 Principal Outstanding: $1,020,000
Security for the Bonds: Special taxes collected on parcels within the CFD.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to refund the City's Community
Facilities District No. 2 (Paragon Gateway) Series 1990 Special Tax Bonds
originally issued in the aggregate principal amount of $1,615000.
Fiscal Year Principal Due Coupon Interest Due in Total Due per Bond Balance
Ending 6/30 in September March & Sept. Fiscal Year
1998-2001 $ 305,000 $ 428,934 $ 733,934
2002 $ 80,000 5.10% $ 104,380 $ 184,380 $1,690,000
2003 $ 80,000 5.20% $ 100,300 $ 180,300 $1,610,000
2004 $ 85,000 5.30% $ 96,140 $ 181,140 $1,525,000
2005 $ 90,000 5.40% $ 91,635 $ 181,635 $1,435,000
2006 $ 95, 000 5.50% $ 86, 775 $ 181, 775 $1, 340, 000
2007 $ 100,000 5.60% $ 81,550 $ 181,550 $1,240,000
2008 $ 105,000 6.13% $ 75,950 $ 180,950 $1,135,000
2009 $ 115,000 6.13% $ 69,519 $ 184,519 $1,020,000
2010-2016 $1 ,020,000 $ 264,600 $1,284,600
Total $2,075,000 $1,399,783 $3,474,783
1998 Revenue Bonds
(Harbor Bay Business Park Assessment District Bond Refinancing)
Dated Date: November 20, 1998
Principal Retired: $20,015,000.00
Final Maturity Date: September 2, 2012
Principal Outstanding: $7,760,000.00
Security for the Bonds: Special taxes collected on parcels within the CFD.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to purchase the entire outstanding
City of Alameda Limited Obligation Refunding Improvement Bonds Harbor Bay
Business Park Assessment District 92-1 Series 1998.
Fiscal Year Principal Due Coupon Interest Due in Total Due per
Ending 6/30 in September March & Sept Fiscal Year
1999-2002 $ 6,020,000 $ 4,981,891 $11,001,890
2003 $ 1,715,000 4.80% $ 1,139,889 $ 2,854,889
2004 $ 1,800,000 4.90% $ 1,057,569 $ 2,857,569
2005 $ 1,890,000 5.00% $ 969,360 $ 2,859,369
2006 $ 1,985,000 5.00% $ 874,869 $ 2,859,869
2007 $ 2,095,000 5.13% $ 775,619 $ 2,870,619
2008 $ 2,200,000 5.20% $ 668,250 $ 2,868,250
2009 $ 2,310,000 5.50% $ 553,850 $ 2,863,850
2010-2012 $ 7,760,000 $ 869,007 $ 8,629,000
Total $27,775,000 $11,890,304 $39,665,304
Bond Balance
$ 7,760,000
1999 Revenue Bonds (1997 Revenue Bond Refinancing)
Marina Village Assessment District Bond Refinancing
Dated Date: January 15, 1999 Final Maturity Date: September 2, 2014
Principal Retired: $23,610,000.00 Principal Outstanding: $14,075,000
Security for the Bonds: Special obligations of the Authority, payable solely from
payments received from the outstanding Marina Village Assessment Bonds.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to refinance the entire outstanding
issue of APFA 1997 Revenue Bonds (Marina Village Assessment District).
Fiscal Year Principal Due Coupon Interest Due in Total Due per
Ending 6/30 in September March & Sept Fiscal Year
1990-2003 $ 9,620,000 $ 7,831,967 $17,451,967
2004 $ 2,270,000 4.70% $ 1,438,068 $ 3,708,068
2005 $ 2,355,000 4.80% $ 1,331,377 $ 3,686,377
2006 $ 2,470,000 4.85% $ 1,218,337 $ 3,688,337
2007 $ 2,190,000 4.95% $ 1,098,543 $ 3,288,543
2008 $ 2,295,000 5.00% $ 990,137 $ 3,285,138
2009 $ 2,410,000 5.10% $ 875,388 $ 3,285,387
2010-2014 $14,075,000 $ 2,352,172 $16,427,173
Total $37,685,000 $17,135,989 $54,820,989
Bond Balance
Lease Revenue Debt:
• $9,080,000 APFA Variable Rate Demand Bonds, 2003 Series A
(Alameda Point)
o This Issue maybe refunded at any time.
• $4,360,000 APFA Taxable VRDBs, 2003 Series B (Alameda Point)
o This Issue maybe refunded at any time.
Variable Rate Demand Revenue Bonds, 2003 Series A
(Alameda Point Improvement Project)
Dated Date: December 8, 2003
Principal Retired: $580,000.00
Final Maturity Date: December 1, 2033
Principal Outstanding: $8,500,000
Security for the Bonds: Special obligations of the Authority, payable solely from
lease revenue derived from rental payments made to the Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority for certain land, buildings, fixtures and equipment in
the Alameda Point Improvement Project Area.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to refund the outstanding APFA
1999 Series ARDBs.
Fiscal Year Principal Due Estimated Estimated Total Due per Bond Balance
Ending 6/30 in December Coupon Interest Fiscal Year
2004 0 0 $ 347,322 $ 347,322 $9,080,000
2005 0 0 $ 363,116 $ 363,116 $9,080,000
2006 0 0 $ 363,200 $ 363,200 $9,080,000
2007 $ 180,000 4.00% $ 363,200 $ 543,200 $8,900,000
2008 $ 200,000 4.00% $ 356,083 $ 556,083 $8,700,000
2009 $ 200,000 4.00% $ 347,919 $ 547,919 $8,500,000
2010-2033 $8, 500, 000 $4, 888, 019 $13, 388, 020
Total $9,080000 $7,028,859 $16,108,859
Taxable Variable Rate Demand Revenue Bonds, 2003 Series B
(Alameda Point Improvement Project)
Dated Date: December 8, 2003 Final Maturity Date: December 1, 2033
Principal Retired: $260,000
Principal Outstanding: $4,100,000
Security for the Bonds: Special obligations of the Authority, payable solely from
lease revenue derived from rental payments made to the Alameda Reuse and
Redevelopment Authority for certain land, buildings, fixtures and equipment in
the Alameda Point Improvement Project Area.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to finance professional services
required in the redevelopment process at Alameda Point.
Fiscal Year Principal Due Estimated Estimated Total Due per Bond Balance
Ending 6/30 in December Coupon Interest Fiscal Year
Tota I
$ 0 0 $ 166,776
$ 0 0 $ 174,360
$ 0 0 $ 174,400
$ 60,000 4.00% $ 174,400
$ 100,000 4.00% $ 172,040
$ 100,000 4.00% $ 167,961
$4,100,000 $2,496,009
$4,360,000 $3,525,946
$ 166,776
$ 174,360
$ 174,400
$ 234,400
$ 272,040
$ 267,961
$4, 360, 000
^~^ . ~ w .^ ^ .^ ^ ~ . ^
• $5,850,000 COPs (1995 Sewer System Refinancing and Improvement
o This Issue maybe refunded at any time.
• $11,370,000 COPs (2002 City Hall Refinancing Project)
o This Issue will not be a refunding candidate until 2012.
• $4,575,000 COPs (2008 Refinancing Project)
o This Issue is non-callable.
(1995 Sewer System Refinancing and Improvement Project)
CITY OF ALAMEDA -Alameda Public Improvement Corporation
Dated Date: December 14, 1995 Final Maturity Date: March 1, 2018
Principal Retired: $2,820,000
Principal Outstanding: $3,030,000
Security for the COPs: The City has covenanted to make Installment
Payments during each fiscal year from its sewer system enterprise revenues
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to finance the acquisition and
construction of various improvements to the City sewer system.
Fiscal Year Principal Due Coupon Interest Due in Total Due per
Ending 6/30 in March Sept & March Fiscal Year
1996-2003 $1,420,000 $1,795,500 $3,215,500
2004 $ 205,000 4.75% $ 217,533 $ 422,533
2005 $ 215,000 4.85% $ 207,796 $ 422,795
2006 $ 225,000 4.95% $ 197,368 $ 422,368
2007 $ 240,000 5.05% $ 186,230 $ 426,230
2008 $ 250,000 5.10% $ 174,110 $ 424,110
2009 $ 265, 000 5.15% $ 161, 360 $ 426, 360
2010-2018 $3,030,000 $ 785,119 $3,815,119
Total $5,850,000 $3,725,014 $9,575,014
Bond Balance
(City Hall Refinancing Project) CITY OF ALAMEDA
Alameda Public Improvement Corporation
Dated Date: September 10, 2002
Principal Retired: $2,230,000
Final Maturity Date: May 1, 2025
Principal Outstanding: $9,140,000
Security for the COPs: The City has covenanted to make Installment Payments
during each fiscal year from City General Fund revenues.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to refund the City's $10,565,000
COPs, Series 1995 (City Hall Seismic Upgrade and Renovation Project).
Fiscal Year Principal Due Coupon Interest Due in Total Due per Bond Balance
Ending 6/30 in May Nov & May Fiscal Year
2003 $ 00 $0.00 $ 285,368 $ 285,368 $11,370,000
2004 $ 350,000 $0.02 $ 477,825 $ 827,825 $11,020,000
2005 $ 360,000 $0.02 $ 469,950 $ 829,950 $10,660,000
2006 $ 365,000 $0.02 $ 461,850 $ 826,850 $10,295,000
2007 $ 375,000 $0.03 $ 453,637 $ 828,638 $ 9,920,000
2008 $ 385,000 $0.03 $ 443,887 $ 828,888 $ 9,535,000
2009 $ 395,000 $0.03 $ 432,338 $ 827,338 $ 9,140,000
2010-2025 $ 9,140,000 $4,039,663 $13,179,661
Total $11,370,000 $7,064,518 $18,434,518
CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION - (2008 Refinancing Project)
CITY OF ALAMEDA -Alameda Public Improvement Corporation
Dated Date: June 24, 2008 Final Maturity Date: May 1, 2022
Principal Retired: $0 Principal Outstanding: $4,575,000
Security for the Bonds: The City has covenanted to make Installment Payments
during each fiscal year from City General Fund revenues.
Use of Project Funds: Proceeds were used to refinance the acquisition and
construction, installation, modernization and equipping of improvements to
various City facilities and to refund the City's 1996 Police Building COPs.
Fiscal Year
Ending 6/30
Tota I
Principal Due Coupon Interest Due in
in May May and Nov.
$ 000
$ 000
$4, 575, 000
0 $ 175,336
0 $ 205,606
Total Due per
Fiscal Year
$ 175,336
$ 205,606
Bond Balance