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2009-05-19 3-A Power Point
Water Emergency Transportation Authority Draft Transition Plan Alameda ~~ ~caau~cil May 19, 2009 ~~~ Transition Plan Purpose • Provide a mechanism for an open and collaborative transition process • Identify key transition components and work efforts required • Provide a financially constrained operating/business plan for existing and expansion services given existing funding 2 arm ~r ~vsr~rr ~ Existing Ferry Services • Alameda/Oakland Service • Since 1989 -Loma Prieta • 450,000 passenger trips • $4.2 million annually • 25 minutes/25 knots • Alameda Harbor Bay Service `~ . • Since 1992 • 148,000 passenger trips Pier41 • $1.7 million annually SF Ferry Building • 25 minutes/25 knots ~~~_ ~~ • Valle o Ba link Service ~- ~ y • Since 1986 youth San Francisco • 743,000 passenger trips • $14.7 million annually • 60 minutes/34 knots allejo Martinez Hercules Antioch Richmond Berkeley Treasure Island Qakland Alameda '---~ Alameda Harbor Bay 3 _ MY~1 T~ f.~R~~' NS~~ ~ WETA's Regional System Pier ~~ SF Ferry Buil~ *~".• San Francisco Valley I+~artdne~ F-lercules A.ntferch Fidchrnoa~d "**.+""' Berkeley .' ~• Treasu-e IslancJ ~~~~j- Oakland 111arx~eefa Afanie~ia Hart~dr Bay Existing Termini l_~ca#ion Frcpas~l T~rrnil~al Location ~ur~ F_x.~ansion ~felminal Existing Feriy Raute ••••,•••• Prgp©~e~ Ferry Route Red~rroead City ,~, • 5 Routes (+ Treasure Island) • 14 Vessels • 94 ferry trips per weekday • 1.7 m passenger trips per year 4 MYA T~ f.~1~R~~' NS~~ ~ Five Year Financial Plan • Balanced and Sustainable Over Five Years - $36.3 m annual operating cost by Year 5 - Funded with 46% fares and local contributions, 54°/o Bridge Tolls • Key Assumptions Under Discussion - No new service cost items - Local fund contributions remain with services - Establishment of an operating reserve arm ~r ~vsr~rr ~ Capital Improvement Plan $218.4 Million Total • Rehabilitation and Replacement - $35.4 million • Vessel -Rehabilitation, Refurbishment and Repowers • Facilities - Dredging, Floats, Gangways and Terminals Rehabilitation and Replacement • Expansion - $183 million • Vessels -Spares, SSF and Berkeley Vessels • Facilities - SSF, Berkeley and Downtown SF Terminals, Maintenance and Operations Facilities • Other -Expansion Studies and Equipment arm ~r ~vsr~rr ~ Key Transition Activities • Service Delivery Through Existing Contracts • Contract Assignment January 2010 •Fare and Transfer Policies • Maintain Existing Fares and Transfer Agreements • Asset Transfers and Use Agreements • Vessels and Floats Transferred to WETA • Landside Assets Leased to WETA 7 MY~1 T~ f.~1~R~~' NS~~ ~ Key Transition Activities (cont) • System Communication and Marketing • Ensure customer awareness • System branding • Management Oversight and Staffing Purpose of the Emergency Water Transportation System Management Plan • Define WETA's emergency response roles and responsibilities. • Provide a framework for WETA to coordinate Bay Area water transportation response and recovery efforts. arm ~r ~vsr~rr ~ WETA's Emergency Management Goal Develop programs, procedures and systems that will; • Effectively utilize water transportation resources arm ~r ~vsr~rr ~ •Compliment and reinforce regional transportation WETA's Primary Responsibilities During An Emergency • Respond to requests for emergency water transportation services. • Coordinate emergency water transportation response with GGBHTD and ferry operators. • Restore basic water transportation services, as soon as possible. arm ~r ~vsr~rr ~ Regional Framework • WETA is responsible for ~ st~te ~ eratrons Center ~ providing and I TI r:I I d'i r~t'~!t t~,fC111 ~11 i7r1 f..~1 -~~°~~e~~ coordinating Bay Area F i..,~;Ft ~ r•i ,_~ ~ 3tl°~i,nl J~ir i ; ~ ~~~~~ Regional Emergency CMP maritime emergency t~perations Center Al~fin,erla Caltrar~s - re s o n s e for the p t;c~~~tra ~~sta Marif~ °.~. Cniast ~~rarcl transportation of people Napa 4as~ Fransistr3 __ '1~41ater Emergency TiranspcrrationAuth~rity MTC Sari Mateo by p a s s e n g e r ve s s e I s Santa Clt;r~, Solarno t~~T~ Easy ~ET~ during an emergency. ~°"~"'cj Direct Co~iuarrrnicati~rn: Lancl~Traoisit °9rL€I C6ni111linltitEt]n. hSaritin~e • WETA w i I I coordinate MT~ U.S, east ~"~~~ res onse efforts durin p g ~ Pir~lie ~~~"T° ~ a n emergency with L o ca I lntorSOlltiorrf a Prvte Passenger Vessel O erators State and F e d e ra I Uther Transit O erators! p _ Y p Transportatl~n The l Porxs agencies. Agencies ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ h,_ Mariue ~ Exchange ~ pirect Lirves o`Cammunlr~tlan .. ~. Ptst~ntial Lines Of C9mneyr~iC~EeGn WETA Emergency Management Priorities • Provide for WETA staff/passenger safety and welfare within the scope of WETA activities. • Minimize damage to WETA facilities and equipment by mitigating hazards that pose a threat to life, property and the environment. • Provide emergency water transportation to support local governments' and Operational Areas' emergency response activities. • Prioritize restoration of basic water transportation services to WETA lifeline communities, then to the normal WETA service area. • Provide mutual aid resources as able and necessary to other signatories to the San Francisco Bay Area Transit Operator's Mutual Aid Agreement. arm ~r ~vsr~rr ~ WETA Emergency Management Priorities (continued) • Provide essential emergency information to employees, their families, passengers, and the communities served by WETA regarding water passenger transportation services. • Keep the REOC and MTC informed as to WETA's water transportation capabilities and services. WETA communication with REOC includes other transportation agencies represented in the Transportation Branch, including the California Highway Patrol (CHP), California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and the U. S. Coast Guard. • Conduct periodic training and exercises in cooperation with other transportation agencies. arm ~r ~vsr~rr ~ ~a- -~- -° - _ _ ~ _ _ _ -- - -~_~ _- - -_ -yam _- __ -- _ _-~-; ,~.r--- _ .~ ~_ ~_ yam,---- _ _ - - - -- - - - -- =_ - _ <_- --_ - _ti -~.~"~~ ..~~' _ - w. ~ _ .~- =ASS ~. ._~ _ Closing Remarks • WETA is cognizant of the long tradition and history of Alameda/Oakland and Harbor Bay services and their benefits • Staffs are working closely to make for a smooth and seamless transition • We are mindful of Alameda's uniqueness as an island community and its disaster response needs • We will endeavor to maintain the status quo in these difficult economic times ~~~~~~~