TUESDAY- - OCTOBER 2, 2007- -7:30 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the Regular City Council Meeting at 7:55
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore,
Matarrese, Tam and Mayor Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
(07 -472) Welcoming of new Fire Chief, David A. Kapler.
The City Manager introduced the new Fire Chief and the City Clerk
administered the Oath of Office.
Fire Chief Kapler stated that he is honored to serve Alameda.
(07 -473) Proclamation declaring October as Disability Awareness
Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Audrey Lord -
Hausman, Chair of the Commission on Disability Issues.
Ms. Lord - Hausman introduced Commission on Disability Issues Members
Roberta Kreitz, Toby Berger, and John Robinson; invited everyone to
attend a tree planting to commemorate Disability Awareness Month at
Lincoln Park on Saturday at 11:00 a.m.
(07 -474) Proclamation declaring October 15 through 19, 2007 as
National Business Women's Week.
Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Isle City of
Alameda Business and Professional Women President JoAnn Ainsworth
and founding member Margaret Seaman.
Ms. Ainsworth thanked Council for recognizing the work of women in
the community.
Ms. Seaman presented a basket of pink ribbons in recognition of
Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
(07 -475) Proclamation declaring October 19, 2007 as Chuck Corica
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Golf Complex Day.
Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Jane Sullwold,
Chair of the Golf Commission.
Ms. Sullwold stated the Golf Course is going through a difficult
time; difficult decisions will need to be made; the Golf Course
will continue to serve the community if the right steps are taken.
Mayor Johnson announced that the Minutes [paragraph no. 07 -476] and
the recommendation to allocate $292,400 [paragraph no. 07 -478] were
removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the remainder of the
Consent Calendar.
Vice Mayor Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an
asterisk preceding the paragraph number.]
(07 -476) Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held on
September 11, 2007, and the Special and Regular City Council
Meetings held on September 18, 2007.
Vice Mayor Tam moved approval of the minutes with the following
changes to Page 10 of the Regular September 18, 2007 minutes... "the
League failed to gain the support of a bi- partisan State
Legislator" and ... "renewal of the League's grass roots network."
Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
( *07 -477) Ratified bills in the amount of $2,523,628.45.
(07 -478) Recommendation to allocate $292,400 from Measure B Funds
and award a Contract in the amount of $521,700, including
contingencies, to Bay Line Concrete, Cutting, Coring, and Drilling,
Inc., for the Grand Street Bridge and Ballena Boulevard Bridge
Repair and Resurfacing, No. P.W. 11- 06 -24.
Councilmember deHaan stated that Council requested the removal of
the cyclone fence once the Grand Street Bridge repair is completed;
inquired whether efforts would be made to eliminate the cyclone
The City Engineer responded that the cyclone fence would not be
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October 2, 2007
needed once the railing is replaced; the spacing will be small
enough to ensure that no one could slip through the area.
Councilmember deHaan moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
( *07 -479) Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications and
authorize Call for Bids for Heating, Ventilating and Air
Conditioning Systems Maintenance in various City facilities, No.
P.W. 09- 07 -30. Accepted.
( *07 -480) Resolution No. 14147, "Realigning the Harbor Bay Business
Park Assessment District 92 -1 Budget and Allocating Funds for the
Repair of Streets within the Assessment District Boundary."
( *07 -481) Ordinance No. 2972, "Reclassifying and Rezoning
Approximately 10.77 Acres Located North of Singleton and Mosley
Avenues at 201 Mosley Avenue, from R -4 -G, Neighborhood Residential
(Special Government) to Open Space Zoning Designation." Finally
(07 -482) Recommendation to accept the work of Cal -West Lighting
and Signal Maintenance for installation of Countdown Pedestrian
Signal Head and Audible Pedestrian Signal, No. P.W. 01- 07 -01.
The City Engineer gave a brief presentation.
Mayor Johnson stated that the manufacturer should inform cities
regarding [noise] issues with the system; the intention is good;
the City wants to make the community more accessible and friendly
for people with disabilities; thanked the Public Works Department
for taking a step in the right direction; stated refinements will
be necessary to make the system work.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he appreciates that the signals
will be disabled until a solution is found; inquired whether motion
detectors have been considered.
The City Engineer responded that staff is exploring other cities'
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the vendor offers a system
with motion detectors.
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The City Engineer responded in the affirmative; stated said system
is more expensive; the system would have been ordered if current
facts were known.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether in- pavement lights would be
placed between Santa Clara Avenue and Central Avenue.
Mayor Johnson responded that said lights have already been
Michael John Torrey, Alameda, stated that he would like to see in-
pavement lights at the intersection of Main Street and Ralph
Appezzato Parkway.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember deHaan stated that hopefully money
will be available to install embedded lights.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
(07 -483) Recommendation to adopt the City of Alameda Ferry Short
Range Transit Plan, Fiscal Year 2008/2018 and receive an update on
the Water Emergency Transportation Authority Legislation.
The Ferry Services Manager and Public Works Director gave a brief
Councilmember Gilmore requested background on the Golden Gate
Bridge Transit District; inquired how many ferries are run by the
The Ferry Services Manager responded that the Golden Gate Bridge
Transit District is the largest ferry service on the Bay and
carries approximately two million passengers per year; stated the
District has five boats.
Councilmember Gilmore stated that the legislation was to ensure a
coordinated emergency response effort; inquired why the largest
provider [Golden Gate Bridge Transit District] is excluded.
The Public Works Director responded that he does not have an answer
tonight, but that he will look into the matter.
Vice Mayor Tam stated that the development of the management plan
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for emergency response is very important; she would like to
underscore that priority should be given to an Island such as
Alameda with regard to emergency access; Alameda should not be left
stranded by having its boats used elsewhere in the event of a big
Councilmember deHaan stated that dialogue was initiated with the
Water Transit Authority (WTA) at one time; concerns involved
whether the WTA had the wherewithal to move forward and take over a
system; the City did not want to Alameda's system to deteriorate in
any way; inquired whether the legislation could be signed as early
as October 14.
The Public Works Director responded that the legislation was sent
to the Governor on September 20; the Governor has thirty days to
act on the legislation by either signing or vetoing the bill; the
bill would be enacted if no action is taken.
Councilmember deHaan requested information on the difference
between Alameda's and Vallejo's concerns.
The Public Works Director stated Alameda is trying to ascertain the
value of its assets; approximately $1.2 million could have gone
into other types of services but said amount does not include the
$1 million that was funded through an assessment district for the
Harbor Bay Ferry; Vallejo's assets are approximately $112 million;
Vallejo is a true transit agency that combines buses with the
ferries; Harbor Bay's farebox recovery ratio is 46% and the
Alameda /Oakland Ferry Service is over 500; Vallejo's farebox
recovery is 650.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether Vallejo is non - supportive of
the legislation.
The Ferry Services Manager responded in the affirmative; stated
Vallejo issued a letter requesting ferry riders to lobby the
Mayor Johnson stated that she does not know whether Vallejo has
simply a lot of unanswered questions or is in complete opposition
to an integrated Bay water transit system.
The Public Works Director stated that a lot of unanswered questions
should be addressed in the cleanup legislation.
Mayor Johnson stated that Vallejo is unclear about what will happen
to a multi - million dollar grant to build a parking structure for
ferry riders.
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Councilmember deHaan stated Vallejo formed an Advisory Ridership
Committee; inquired what methods would be used for outreach to the
Alameda ridership.
The Public Works Director responded today's newspaper article
provided information to residents; stated a notice was sent to
ferry riders late today informing the riders of tonight's meeting.
Councilmember deHaan stated that a community workshop would be
Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether the reasoning for the urgency of
the Bill is known, to which the Public Works Director responded
that he did not know.
Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed flying vehicles.
Scott Henning, Alameda, stated that Council's vote will have the
appearance of agreeing with approving the Bill; residents need to
have a voice in how assets are managed; the Bill is proposing to
give Alameda's assets to a regional authority where the City's
voice is one of many regional cities; the big concern is that the
Bill would transfer ownership; Vallejo is in extreme opposition to
the Bill and is questioning its enforceability; ferry riders have
been invited to attend Public Hearings in the past; Council should
consider not adopting the report until Public Hearings are held,
the City Attorney provides an opinion on whether or not the Bill is
enforceable, and an Advisory Ridership Committee is established.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Short Range Transit Plan is
required to be adopted, to which the Public Works Director
responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that Council voting on the Short
Range Transit Plan would not be supporting the Water Emergency
Transportation Authority (WETA) Legislation the questions are the
same as when the WTA made a presentation.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of adopting the Short Range
Transit Plan.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that good suggestions have been made
regarding public meetings; the cleanup legislation is an unknown.
Mayor Johnson stated that language could be added stating that the
City of Alameda has not taken a position on the legislation.
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Councilmember Matarrese clarified that the motion adopts the Short
Range Transit Plan; stated adopting the Short Range Transit Plan
fulfills the City's responsibilities to Regional Measure l; another
motion could be made regarding Council hearing the [WETA] report.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether a separate motion could be made, to
which the City Attorney responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of adopting the Short Range
Transit Plan.
Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
Councilmember Matarrese stated suggestions have been made to hold
public hearings with the point of establishing a Rider Advisory
Group to ensure public input and to request the City Attorney's
opinion regarding the enforcement of the transfer.
The City Attorney stated that a transfer cannot take place without
fair market value compensation for any assets that would be
Councilmember Gilmore stated that the City Attorney's comments
presupposes that the legislation is enforceable but that the WETA
would need to pay the City; Vallejo's Mayor is questioning whether
the legislation is enforceable.
The City Attorney stated the legislation purports and attempts to
pre -empt Charter cities; said issue could be challenged.
Bruce M. McBride, Alameda, stated that Vallejo has a tremendous
ferry organization and has a dedicated ridership; most of the
riders come from Antioch; Alameda is in a different situation than
Larkspur or Vallejo; Vallejo does not pass under major airliner
routes nor is juxtaposed to any international airports; the Alameda
route has ninety percent of its transit immediately adjacent to
major container ships; all ferry boats on the Bay have repair
services performed at one facility in Alameda.
Mayor Johnson stated that Council is not taking a position on the
legislation; the issue is on going.
Councilmember deHaan stated Mr. McBride brought up some good, solid
Councilmember Matarrese stated Council heard the update; the public
needs to understand what is happening; workshops are a good way to
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update the public and provide timelines.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of adopting the City of
Alameda Ferry Short Range Transit Plan with the stipulation that
workshops be conducted to inform the public on the legislation.
Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion with the caveat that the
emergency portion needs to be flushed out; the emergency portion
was the driving force; noted new routes are being initiated.
The Public Works Director stated that the WTA is currently pursuing
an Oakland to South San Francisco route.
Vice Mayor Tam stated that she is concerned with the legislation
being rushed; public workshops are being rushed; inquired whether
the workshop's point would be to synthesize the public's comments
in order to take a position or request the City's support of the
Bill in order to respond to the Legislature.
Mayor Johnson stated the purpose of the workshop would be to inform
the public.
The Public Works Director stated the workshop would educate the
public on the Bill; a WTA representative could be at the meeting to
answer questions; a Blue Ribbon Task Force was created to look at
the needs for emergency response from a ferry perspective and could
be the reason for the urgency of the bill.
Councilmember deHaan stated that [Blue Ribbon Task Force] came from
the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.
Mayor Johnson stated AC Transit expressed interest in operating the
ferries at one point.
Councilmember deHaan inquired when the WTA was formed, to which the
Deputy City Manager responded 1999.
Vice Mayor Tam stated that she is very supportive of regional
cooperation and opportunities to leverage assets with other
regional agencies; the question is one of process; inquired whether
the City was consulted about the legislation during discussions on
the formation of an emergency transit authority.
The Public Works Director responded that changes were made to the
legislation a couple of days before passage.
Mayor Johnson stated the City and WTA were following the
legislation very closely; a lot of late changes were made.
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Councilmember Matarrese stated that he attended a meeting that
presented some dramatic scenarios on what would happen when the big
one hits the Bay Area; he is surprised that the legislation
happened so quickly; WTA came to the City a year ago; serious
momentum is behind the legislation; the City needs to ensure that
1) current service is not lost, 2) Alameda receives the benefit of
having the boats, 3) the Mayor is on the [WETA] Board, and 4) the
City is reimbursed for any money that the City could have invested
in infrastructure other than the ferry.
Vice Mayor Tam stated that there is a presumption that SB976 is a
foregone conclusion; the Bill requires workshops be scheduled to
inform and educate the community regarding the transition plan; she
is unclear on whether there are any opportunities to include
amendments before the Governor signs the Bill.
The City Manager stated that the City has the opportunity to be
involved with cleanup legislation.
Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether there are any commitments from the
Senators or Legislature to sponsor the cleanup legislation.
Mayor Johnson responded that the legislation has so many loose ends
and cannot move forward without cleanup legislation; inquired
whether discussions will begin in January.
The Deputy City Manager responded the Legislature will reconvene in
December to conduct housekeeping business; stated the real work
will start in January; Senator Perata's staff discussed the need
for cleanup legislation; there is not an opportunity to make
changes to SB976; amendment opportunities will come up in the next
Legislative session.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the Governor either has to sign, not
sign, or veto the bill; inquired whether there is any sense of
which way the Governor is leaning.
The Deputy City Manager responded in the negative; stated a lot of
Republicans voted no on the Bill; the Department of Finance will
recommend a no vote since there were a lot of Republican no votes;
the Governor does not always take the Department of Finance's
recommendation; the Governor may be willing to sign the Bill in
order to move other priorities forward; she continues to check on
the status, but no action has been taken yet.
Councilmember Matarrese stated said information is valuable; the
entire regional economy is being reviewed; Alameda needs to ensure
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The Deputy City Manager stated that the Bay Area Council is one of
the Bill's sponsors and has been advocating very strongly for the
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
(07 -484) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Revising Various Sections of Chapter II (Administration),
Chapter VIII (Traffic, Motor Vehicles and Alternative
Transportation Modes) , and Chapter XII (Designated Parking) to
Modify the Transportation Commission's Purpose and Authority.
The Public Works Director provided a brief presentation.
Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed Alameda.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the [signal] chirping issue
would have been addressed if the matter was not brought to
Council's attention.
The Public works Director responded new traffic devices will be
brought to the Transportation Commission now.
Councilmember deHaan inquired where red zones and bus stops issues
would be addressed.
The Public Works Director responded that his decisions could be
appealed to the Transportation Commission; stated the
Transportation Commission decisions could be appealed to Council;
Council's decisions would be final.
Councilmember deHaan stated the Transportation Technical Team would
still meet because the Team is made up of staff which meets
The Public Works Director stated on -going meetings are scheduled on
a monthly basis with the Police Department.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the two tables show the authorities
of the proposed changes as well as the summary of changes clearly.
Councilmember Matarrese moved introduction of the ordinance.
Vice Mayor Tam seconded the motion.
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Under discussion, Vice Mayor Tam thanked the Transportation
Commission for taking Council's comments to heart at the Joint
Meeting in May.
Mayor Johnson stated the changes are good; she was an original
member of the Public Transit Committee which evolved into the
Transportation Commission; the past system was odd; the proposed
changes make the process clearer.
Councilmember deHaan stated that he was involved with an issue
brought to the Transportation Advisory Board and took exception
because the decision seemed like a done deal; the proposed
ordinance would establish the proper process.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice
vote - 5.
(07 -485) Clyde Ryan, Alameda, (submitted a letter); stated that
the Island Drive and McCartney Road four -way stop is not working;
four accidents have occurred between September 2006 and January 31,
2007; the intersection is dangerous.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether Mr. Ryan was the only crossing guard
at the intersection, to which Mr. Ryan responded in the
Mayor Johnson stated the intersection is very wide and is a large
area for one crossing guard to cover.
Councilmember Matarrese suggested that the Public Works Director
review the matter.
Councilmember deHaan stated that the matter was initially addressed
in March 2006; Mr. Ryan's letter provides an update on the matter.
Mr. Ryan stated that two crossing guards should be assigned to the
(07 -486) Lisa Schmeiser, Alameda, stated that hours have been cut
back for the volunteers at the Alameda Animal Shelter; the animals
are not getting the same treatment as in the past; suggested
forming a committee that would look into the feasibility of setting
up a shelter as a separate City agency with an independent animal
welfare commission; urged that the results of the internal affair
probe be released to the public.
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Mayor Johnson stated that the Police Department is preparing a
report to Council that will be made public; internal affair
investigation reports are not public.
(07 -487) Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed volunteering.
(07 -488) Councilmember deHaan stated that Alameda Power and
Telecom had a meeting regarding the Solar Rebate Program last week;
the meeting was well attended; a policy will come to Council.
The City Manager stated a policy will go to the Public Utilities
Board in November with input from the meeting.
Councilmember deHaan stated many people are interested in the
program even though solar energy does not seem to be very efficient
in Alameda.
Mayor Johnson requested staff to look into the Navy's quarterly
Partners Sustainability Meetings; stated that the Navy has done a
lot of research on alternative and solar energy.
(07 -489) Mayor Johnson stated that she and Councilmember Matarrese
met with staff and Oakland Council President Ignacio de La Fuente
regarding the realignment of a train route and re- routing of more
trains onto the track that crosses 29th Avenue; Alameda and Oakland
are planning a workshop on October 11; Alameda motorists need to be
able to continue on once over the [Park Street] bridge; the issue
is significant and affects Oakland Councilmember Kernighan's
district; the purpose of the meeting is to inform Oakland and
Alameda residents on what is known at the time.
Councilmember Matarrese stated a railroad track is crossed when
motorists proceed outbound on the Park Street Bridge; said railroad
track would have increased train traffic inbound; the train traffic
would go through the neighborhood along Fruitvale Avenue and cross
the off ramp to I -880 southbound onto Fruitvale Avenue;
Councilmember de La Fuente's office found out about the situation
when the Union Pacific Railroad sought permits for traffic
diversion on 29th Avenue to start repairing the tracks.
The City Manager stated the meeting is scheduled for October 11th at
6:30 p.m.; the location is to be determined; information will be
provided through a press release as well as the City's website.
Mayor Johnson stated the
issue is significant
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for Alameda;
currently, the Railroad is stating that there would be only three
trains per day, but there is no future limit; Alameda is fortunate
to have the City of Oakland's cooperation on the matter; the next
meeting will include Councilmember Kernighan's office.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether other meetings with the
Oakland Councilmembers are planned, to which Mayor Johnson
responded in the affirmative.
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 9:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
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