TUESDAY- -MAY 5, 2009- -7:30 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the Regular Meeting at 7:40 p.m.
Councilmember Tam led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore,
Matarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
Mayor Johnson announced that the Resolution of Appointment
[paragraph no. 09 -1691 would be heard first.
(09 -169) Resolution No. 14226, "Appointing McCaulay J. Singer -
Milnes as a Member of the Youth Advisory Commission." Adopted.
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution.
Councilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
Judge Delbert Gee administered the Oath and presented the
certificate of appointment to Ms. Singer - Milnes.
Ms. Singer - Milnes thanked Council for the opportunity to serve.
(09 -170) Proclamation declaring the month of May as Older
Americans Month.
Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Joy Pratt,
Mastick Senior Center Advisory Board Member, and Miriam Schiffman
with Area Agency on Aging's Commission on Aging.
Ms. Pratt thanked Council for the proclamation.
Ms. Schiffman stated the Commission helps Alameda's aging
population become as independent as possible.
Mayor Johnson stated that she is proud of the Mastick Senior
Center; the Center is one of the bright stars in the community.
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May 5, 2009
(09 -171) Proclamation declaring May 10 through 16, 2009 as National
Police Week.
Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Chief Tibbet
and Lieutenant Boersma.
Chief Tibbet thanked Council for the proclamation; stated this week
provides an opportunity to recognize the spirit, service,
dedication, and character of Police Departments across the nation.
(09 -172) Proclamation declaring May 14, 2009 as Alameda Bike to
Work Day.
Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Joyce Mercado,
Bike Alameda Board Member.
Ms. Mercado thanked Council for the proclamation; stated Bike
Alameda appreciates the on- going, strong partnership with the City
in making Alameda a bicycle friendly town.
(09 -173) Presentation by the West Alameda Business Association on
summer events and Farmer's Market.
Kathy Moehring, West Alameda Business Association, submitted a
handout; stated the Farmer's Market is moving to Webster Street and
Haight Avenue; the Tuesday morning market will continue; a Saturday
morning market will replace the Thursday night market; the Grand
Opening will be on May 16, 2009 at 9:00 a.m.; an additional concert
has been added at Crab Cove; the first classical concert will be
held this Friday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Mayor Johnson announced that the recommendation to approve
reopening the Mif Albright Course [paragraph no. 09 -1791 was pulled
from the Consent Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the remainder of the
Consent Calendar.
Councilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an
asterisk preceding the paragraph number.]
( *09 -174) Minutes of the Regular and Special City Council Meetings
held on April 21, 2009. Approved.
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May 5, 2009
( *09 -175) Ratified bills in the amount of $4,709,242.68.
( *09 -176) Recommendation to authorize Call for Bids for Legal
Advertising for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010. Accepted.
( *09 -177) Recommendation to award a Contract in the amount of
$495,000 to Harris & Associates for Construction Management
Services for the Webster Street /Wilver "Willie" Stargell Avenue
Intersection Project, No. P. W. 10- 08 -26. Accepted.
( *09 -178) Recommendation to award a Contract in the amount of
$145,670, to Bellecci and Associates for Engineering Construction
Support for the Webster Street /Wilver "Willie" Stargell Avenue
Intersection Project, No. P.W. 10- 08 -26. Accepted.
(09 -179) Recommendation to approve reopening the Mif Albright
Course and authorize the expenditure of $50,000 in associated
expense from the Golf Budget.
Speakers: James Leach, Alameda; Sherry Sherman, Alameda; Norma
Arnerich, Alameda; Rita Albright- Scott, Alameda.
Vice Mayor deHaan moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
( *09 -180) Resolution No
Alameda Countywide
14327, "Endorsing EveryOne Home, the
Homeless and Special Needs Housing Plan."
(09 -181) Status Report on Neighborhood Library Improvement Projects
The Library Director gave a presentation.
Mayor Johnson inquired when construction would start for the second
branch library, to which the Library Director responded July or
August 2010.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether bids would go out now, to which the
Library Director responded bids would go out at the same time for
both branches.
Councilmember Tam inquired whether the West End and Bay Farm Island
library usage remained the same after the Main Library re- opened.
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The Library Director responded initially usage dipped because
everyone wanted to see the new Main Library; stated usage is
beginning to increase; people use the Main Library as a place to
search for materials and then have materials delivered to the
branch libraries; families, teenagers, and seniors tend to use
branch libraries more; the Neighborhood Library Report recommends
refocusing branch libraries to serve people who do not have
transportation or ability to get to the Main Library; the intent is
to double the number of computers and increase seating at both
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether modifying the Agreement
with the School District has been considered; stated Washington
Elementary School is across the street from the West End library;
that he is hoping to use the two facilities in concert.
The Library Director responded the City does not have a reciprocal
use; however, Washington Elementary classes are at the West End
library almost every morning; the Joint Use Agreement allows
sharing database information; purchases are coordinated.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the team reviewed creative
ways to use the two facilities [West End branch and Washington
School] together any creative uses have been reviewed for the two
facilities, to which the Library Director responded the issue will
be reviewed.
(09 -182) Update on the CodeRED Emergency Notification System
The Police Captain gave a Power Point presentation.
Councilmember Gilmore stated people could not use cell phones or
landlines within the City or State when the Loma Prieta earthquake
occurred; inquired whether the same situation would happen with the
CodeRED system, to which the Police Captain responded that he would
find out.
Mayor Johnson stated the system seems goods; the School District
uses the system; inquired whether the system could be used in the
event of tube closings.
The Police Captain responded in the affirmative; stated the system
has many different uses.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the existing system would be
replaced, to which the Police Captain responded in the affirmative.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired how many notifications could be
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May 5, 2009
transmitted within 87,500 minutes, to which the Police Captain
responded 175,000 thirty- second messages.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether Oakland would need to
access Alameda's code if there was a problem in the tube.
The Police Captain responded in the negative; stated the mapping
system is only for Alameda; residents could be notified if Oakland
notified Alameda of problems.
Councilmember Tam inquired whether the system already has 400 -500
of the City's phone numbers.
The Police Captain responded in the affirmative; stated the vendor
would build onto the database; the hope is to reach 1000.
Councilmember Tam inquired how long it would take to reach 1000.
The Police Captain responded the vendor could have the system up
and running within three to four weeks.
Councilmember Tam inquired what would be the cost of the system, to
which the Police Captain responded $22,500 per year.
Councilmember Tam inquired how much money is in the Impact Fee
The Interim City Manager responded approximately $55,000; stated
$18,000 to $22,000 is generated per year.
Councilmember Tam inquired whether the money could not be used for
anything else, to which the Interim City Manager responded in the
Councilmember Matarrese stated the system seems like a good
replacement; a physical protocol takes advantage of the City's
Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT) ; that he wants to ensure
there is protection that CodeRED would not sell the list to someone
else; having recourse is important in case the system is misused;
encryption and security are necessary.
Mayor Johnson stated people need to have a clear understanding of
what to do when a call is received; an evacuation plan should be
completed and posted to the website.
(09 -183) SunCal Traffic Scope of Work
The Redevelopment Manager and Public Works Director gave a Power
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Point presentation.
(09 -184) Financial "State of the City"
The Interim City Manager gave a Power Point presentation.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the Planning and Building fund increased
immensely in 2004; the fund decreased when the economy dropped.
The Interim City Manager stated a lot of money is paid up front
during the entitlement and permit process; the work continues for a
long period thereafter; the key is to ensure that there is enough
core staff to continue the work while being frosty on managing
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the lagging factor could get worse.
The Interim City Manager stated the matter would be addressed in
the Fiscal Year 2009 -2010 budget.
Councilmember Tam stated that she needs clarification on
management's discretion to transfer amongst funds; inquired whether
Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) paid more subsidy since Golf was not
The Interim City Manager responded in the negative; stated money
generated by enterprise funds stays within the fund; assessments
are made against the funds in a variety of ways; budget policies
dictate how much to charge enterprise funds for the cost of
supporting the corporate whole; Council discussed reducing the
Return on Investment (ROI) for a short period of time for AMP and
Golf, which requires the ordinance to be amended; that she needs to
have a clear understanding of how to proceed in the future and to
determine how to reconcile the issue for prior years; only Council
has the authority to move money between funds.
Councilmember Tam stated Planning and Building reserves accumulated
in Fiscal Years 2005, 2006, 2007 because revenues exceeded
expenses; inquired whether accumulated funds could be used for a
smoothing effect, to which the Interim City Manager responded in
the affirmative.
Councilmember Tam stated there seems to be some discretionary
earmarks within funds; Council discussed potentially retrofitting
the Carnegie Building; $400,000 is held in reserve for a fire
The Interim City Manager stated $400,000 in cash money is held in
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the General Fund reserve; approximately $900,000 in community
planning fee funds were transferred into the Capital Improvement
Project fund for the Carnegie Building; Council action would be
required to undo prior decisions.
Councilmember Tam inquired who has the flexibility and discretion
to move funds that are earmarked for specific purposes; stated for
example, Council chose to charge the Golf ROI in order to fund fire
fighter operations for a short period of time.
The Interim City Manager responded the Council has to determine
whether or not to reduce a fee or give a credit back; stated the
Council has to decide whether to use cash in the fund balance;
after the Council has made a decision to earmark funds, only the
Council can decided to reverse the earmark; said actions cannot be
done administratively.
Mayor Johnson stated a decision was made not to reduce the [Golf]
transfer so that the General Fund would not be reduced right then.
Councilmember Gilmore stated Council was waiting to see the outcome
of Measure P.
Councilmember Tam stated the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
(CAFR) gives the impression that the City has a fund balance that
allows some flexibility to deal with austere times; however, the
Interim City Manager is suggesting the opposite because the cash
balance is a subset of the fund balance.
The Interim City Manager stated that she is suggesting that the $16
million is not liquid cash but is money due to the General Fund
from a variety of sources; $6.8 million is real cash in the General
Fund; the only flexibility in the General Fund is $400,000 which is
true cash set aside for a fire station; cash and fund balance are
two different things.
Councilmember Gilmore stated Council discussed the uncertainty of
the State; the City would need to live off true cash in order to
pay the City's obligations going forward if the State does not pay
the City; inquired what would be the City's burn rate if the City
would have to pay the State's IOUs.
The Interim City Manager responded the burn rate for 90 days would
be $12 million; stated the CAFR is an accounting document and is
not in layman's language; there is a huge misunderstanding of what
is in the fund balance.
Councilmember Matarrese stated exceptions need to be taken to
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accounting rules or footnotes are needed; Council is not looking
for flexibility, but discipline and tightening; the false statement
being made does not work.
The Interim City Manager stated CAFR rules are beyond staff's
control; however, staff has control over narratives and footnotes.
Councilmember Tam stated Council's adopted policy of having a 200-
25% fund balance is meaningless.
The Interim City Manager stated the fund balance was defined in an
uncomfortable way when the policy was approved; next year's
projected revenue and expenses are approximately $67 million to $68
million; 100 percent is $6.7 million; that she would not recommend
[the General Fund reserve] going below 100.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the 250 level was set by Council; inquired
what is the level for other cities, to which the Interim City
Manager responded a 50 -100 minimum is the general rule.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the trend has been a 500 reduction in the
last four years; the line is constant; inquired whether something
different should have been done.
The Interim City Manager responded the question is what needs to be
done moving forward.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the trend indicates that something
different should have been done.
The Interim City Manager stated some cities still have revenues
exceeding expenses; Alameda does not fall into said category; the
fund balance had been used in prior years.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated Planning and Building expenditures have
increased by 300 and revenues have decreased by 300.
The Interim City Manager stated approximately $900,000 is available
in community planning fees within the Capital Improvement Project
budget; prior Council action earmarked the money for the Carnegie
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the trends are disastrous; fees
continually increased over the last four years.
The Interim City Manager stated the intent is to give Council an
insight into the financial state of funds so that there is an
understanding going forward.
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Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Planning and Building
Department's substantial decrease in revenues started last June.
The Interim City Manager responded a noticeable decline in revenue
occurred last Fiscal Year.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether anything has been done to correct
the problem.
The Interim City Manager responded everyone understands that a
reduction in force is necessary in order to make funds work.
Mayor Johnson stated expenses have been more than revenues; Council
needs to know what policies need to be put into place to ensure
that the situation is corrected.
The Interim City Manager stated the goal is to ensure that there is
no misunderstanding as to what money is available; this year's
budget would be significantly different; Council will need to
decide whether to accept management's recommendations regarding
programs, services, and fund balances; cash management will be very
Mayor Johnson stated Council thought that a balanced budget was
adopted; the budget was not balanced because of unapparent
The Interim City Manager stated a balanced budget means that all
funds are balanced; equal attention needs to be given to special
revenue and enterprise funds.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he appreciates what the Interim
City Manager has done; accounting practices and jargon is working
against the City; real dollars need to be reviewed; that he would
like the Interim City Manager to provide recommendations regarding
AMP, Golf, and the Sewer Fund; AMP is a monopoly and Golf is
discretionary; Golf may not be able to take the to ROI burden; AMP
could probably afford it; the Sewer Fund is not an enterprise fund
but is a public system; money was borrowed from the Sewer Fund;
that he would like management to come back to Council with a
proposed ordinance change; AMP should be looked at differently from
The Interim City Manager stated AMP is budgeting for a to ROI
moving forward; the AMP General Manager stated that AMP would be
able to pay back the reduction over the next two years; the Golf
situation is a policy call.
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Councilmember Matarrese stated that Golf is in competition with
other Golf Courses and is much different than AMP.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the Golf Course has changed from a
City run entity to having a contractor; Council needs to determine
what should be done with the Golf Course long term before making a
The Interim City Manager stated discussions should be on a parallel
track regarding a private operator versus a management contract;
that she needs direction regarding an ordinance amendment to the
Mayor Johnson inquired whether AMP is prepared to pay the to ROI
The Interim City Manager responded AMP put the full to ROI in the
next budget and will discuss recovering the past amount due over
twenty -four months.
Mayor Johnson stated Golf is in a different situation; Council
could forgive the ROI retroactively; the Interim City Manager
should bring back information to Council regarding moving forward.
The Interim City Manager stated the two enterprises should be
considered separately.
Mayor Johnson stated the Golf Course issue is different now;
knowing what to do retroactively seems clear.
Councilmember Tam inquired whether Golf would be charged the ROI
and Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) even if operated by a private
The Interim City Manager responded the issue would depend on how
the deal is negotiated; stated the City would want to collect the
PILOT because the asset would never be given away; the ROI would
not be considered the same in a long -term contract; the amount of
the ROI would be worked out through negotiations.
Councilmember Tam stated that she concurs with Mayor Johnson
regarding retroactively forgiving Golf.
The Interim City Manager stated approval would need to come from
Council in order to get the paperwork together to move forward with
a new budget.
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Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the interim Golf Contract
is up in July.
The Interim City Manager responded the Contract is up in December;
stated staff is moving along a parallel track for a long -term
Councilmember Matarrese stated that the [Power Point] charts are
good; inquired whether the charts and a narrative could be posted
on the website, to which the City Clerk responded in the
(09 -185) Public Hearing to consider adoption of the Fiscal Year
2009 -2010 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan and
authorize the Interim City Manager to negotiate and execute related
documents, agreements, and modifications.
The Community Development Program Manager gave a Power Point
Councilmember Tam stated funding shifted to Echo Housing and the
Food Bank because the Red Cross Executive Director retired;
inquired whether more funding could be secured because of the
The Community Development Program Manager responded staff is
assisting the Food Bank in hiring a part -time Fundraiser; stated
Echo Housing is a direct assistance program; the City funds a
certain amount administratively.
Councilmember Tam inquired how many soft story buildings would
qualify for the 510 low- income occupancy criteria.
The Community Development Program Manager responded that staff has
not been able to identify an exact number; stated large properties
located on the West side would most likely qualify.
Proponents (In favor of the staff recommendation): Cyndy Wasko,
Social Services Human Relations Board (SSHRB); Liz Varela, Building
Futures with Women and Children; Cathy Nielson, SSHRB, Peter Simon,
College of Alameda; Patricia Murillo; Ciana Presco; Doug Biggs,
Alameda Point Collaborative; Paul Russell, Alameda Food Bank; Huong
Le, Asian Health Services.
Following Ms. Nielson's comments, Mayor Johnson inquired whether
6,000 Alameda residents have no medical and dental insurance.
Ms. Nielson responded in the affirmative; stated most likely, the
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figure will increase because of today's economy.
Following Ms. Le's comments, Mayor Johnson stated Asian Health
Services provides a valuable service to the community.
Councilmember Gilmore moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
(09 -186) Public Hearing to consider a recommendation to amend the
Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 Community Development Block Grant Action Plan
as required by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and
authorize the Interim City Manager to negotiate and execute related
documents, agreements, and modifications.
The Community Development Program Manager gave a Power Point
Proponents (In favor of staff recommendation) : Cyndy Wasko, SSHRB;
Liz Varela, Building Futures with Women and Children; Doug Biggs,
Alameda Point Collaborative.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilmember Matarrese stated goals should be tracked so that the
City does not wait until next year to see how things are going;
people should know about the adoption of the substantial amendment
to ensure that needed resources are received; staff should report
back to the contributing agency on the success or recommended
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired what is the likelihood of funding coming
to the City, to which the Community Development Program Manager
responded funding is a done deal.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the Boys and Girls Club and
Littlejohn Park have separate funding.
The Community Development Program Manager responded in the
affirmative; stated both are identified as CDBG -R, which means that
a project is shovel ready; CDBG -R Contracts need to be under
contract within 120 days after approval from HUD.
Vice Mayor deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
(09 -187) Recommendation to accept the Financial Report for the
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Third Fiscal Quarter - January, February and March 2009.
The Interim City Manager gave a brief presentation.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether a line could be inserted
between General Fund and Special Fund groups to reflect an accurate
fund balance.
The Interim City Manager responded the second column from the right
shows the breakdown; continued with the presentation.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the $5.6 million due from other
funds is broken down.
The Interim City Manager responded the chart does not show who owes
the money.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated that he continually asks about the $5.6
The Interim City Manager stated the $5.6 million includes three
notes: 1) $2.1 million owed to the City from AMP; 2) $2.4 million
due from the CIC; and 3) $1.2 million due from the ARRA.
In response to Vice Mayor deHaan's inquiry about the CIC paying
back $480,000, the Interim City Manager stated a five -year
repayment schedule starts this year.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether a breakdown of notes would
be included in the next report, to which the Interim City Manager
responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson stated the State is going to be in a very serious
situation because local governments do not have money to contribute
to the State.
The Interim City Manager stated the State decides when to write
repayment checks.
Mayor Johnson stated in cities that do not have money in reserves,
immediate cuts would need to be made if the State borrows money.
The Interim City Manager stated not being in a cash rich position
is very risky; cities need to reduce the cost of doing business.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the CIC budget shows a lot of red; money
is being moved into the General Fund at the expense of having an
unbalanced CIC budget.
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The Interim City Manager stated the repayment schedule was
established on what the CIC could do; many funds operate in the
negative; the key is determining whether there is a negative or
positive at the end of the day; April is the biggest revenue month
for the General Fund; revenue and expense projections reflect what
is on the books through April; the key is to look at the far right
column which shows where the City will be at the end of the year;
many funds have come down in fund balance and cash; continued with
the presentation.
Councilmember Matarrese thanked the Interim City Manager for the
walk through; stated the sewer system is no different than the
Library system; the sewer system is a functioning public health
The Interim City Manager stated the sewer system is broken down by
operational and infrastructure programs.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether assets have not been
depreciated, to which the Interim City Manager responded in the
Councilmember Tam stated Alameda is in better shape than a lot of
cities; inquired whether the City could call on the three notes and
pay for some catastrophic event; further inquired whether the City
is married to the five -year repayment schedule.
The Interim City Manager responded the AMP note is not collectable
at this time; stated the two agency notes are owed from two
different funds.
Councilmember Tam stated the State feels that it has a better legal
standing to raid redevelopment funds; inquired whether the
established formula would be less if the notes are repaid.
The Interim City Manager responded the City would have less risk of
having funds raided.
Councilmember Tam stated a large amount of the $39 million CIC fund
balance seems to be locked up.
The Interim City Manager stated the $39 million is a subtotal of
all special revenue funds; the CIC funds are part of the special
revenue fund group; subtotaling would be provided next time.
Councilmember Gilmore stated there have been discussions about
cities that do not have redevelopment money having to dip into
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General Fund to pay the State.
The Interim City Manager stated the State might withhold gas tax
and other distributions until cities have money to pay.
Councilmember Tam stated redevelopment funds would not be repaid
and would be a taking.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the State has the ability to
defer paying, to which the City Manager responded in the
Councilmember Tam moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Vice Mayor deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
(09 -188) Councilmember Gilmore stated she attended the Association
of Bay Area Governments meeting on April 23, 2009 in San Francisco;
discussions involved SB375, which addresses reducing green house
gas emissions through land use and transportation planning; that
she would leave material with the City Clerk to route to Council.
(09 -189) Vice Mayor deHaan stated last week's Planning Board
meeting discussed increasing Trader Joe's delivery time; reports
show after hour activity at the Towne Centre; discussions involved
who would be responsible for enforcing delivery hours; at the
October 7, 2008 Council Meeting, Council discussed additional
entitlements for Towne Centre; Council gave specific direction;
that he is concerned that Council's guidance has not been followed.
(09 -190) Mayor Johnson stated that she attended the Northern
California Power Agency Meeting in Washington, DC; the City will be
receiving Energy Efficiency Block Grant money; inquired what
process would be used.
The Deputy City Manager responded the City would receive $640,600;
stated that she is working with AMP and the Public Works Department
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on a variety of options; options would be presented to Council at
the June 2, 2009 Council meeting; competitive money has no
guidelines; applications are due June 25, 2009.
Mayor Johnson inquired when funding would be available, to which
the Deputy City Manager responded as quickly as possible.
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 11:32 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
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