TUESDAY- - JANUARY 20, 2009- -7:30 P.M.
Vice Mayor deHaan convened the Regular Meeting at 7:35 p.m.
Councilmember Gilmore led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore,
Matarrese, and Tam - 4.
Absent: Mayor Johnson - 1. [Note: Mayor Johnson
was at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in
Washington, D.C.]
(09 -023) Vice Mayor deHaan stated the Presidential inauguration
was inspirational; today is time for Americans to renew their
dedication to the country.
(09 -024) Proclamation recognizing Alameda Hospital for its
extraordinary efforts in volunteering excellent healthcare
services to the City's citizens and employees.
Vice Mayor deHaan read and presented the proclamation to Deborah
E. Stebbins, Alameda Hospital Chief Executive Officer.
Ms. Stebbins thanked Council for the proclamation; introduced
Alameda Hospital staff and Board Members.
Board President Jordon Battani thanked Council for recognizing
the efforts made by hospital staff; stated the hospital is in a
position to offer an increased level of health care services.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated Alameda residents are supportive of the
hospital; that he looks forward to a long partnership.
(09 -025) Proclamation declaring January 20, 2009 as Encinal Jets
Vice Mayor deHaan stated that he attended Encinal High School;
the school was very proud of going to the Northern California
Championship in the late 1950's and early 1960's; both Encinal
and Alameda High Schools have very successful sport programs;
read and presented the proclamation to Coach Joe Tenorio.
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Mr. Tenorio thanked Council for the proclamation and introduced
team members.
(09 -026) Presentation by Alameda County on upcoming retrofit of
Alameda - Oakland bridges.
Alameda County Supervisor Alice Lai - Bitker introduced Bill
Lepere, Alameda County Public Works Deputy Director, who gave a
Power Point presentation.
Councilmember Matarrese stated residents have complained about
the banging noise when large vehicles cross a leaf on the High
Street Bridge; inquired whether the proposed work would dampen
some of the noise.
Mr. Lepere responded that he assumes some improvement would be
Councilmember Matarrese requested the County to provide specific
information on the matter.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the proposed work would
be structural and not add capacity, to which Mr. Lepere
responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Tam inquired when the Fruitvale Bridge work is
anticipated to begin.
Mr. Lepere responded the Fruitvale Bridge is not included in the
proposed project; stated the work is still under design.
Councilmember Tam inquired about the status of reopening the
Glascock rail line on the Oakland side, to which Mr. Lepere
responded that he does not know.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired what would be the retrofitting level
for the bridges, Mr. Lepere responded the retrofitting would be
at a level considered for a major event.
Robb Ratto, Park Street Business Association (PSBR), thanked the
County for working with the City and PSBR; stated the Park
Street Bridge was fully closed for a number of months twelve
years ago; PSBR is in agreement with the bridge closure
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January 20, 2009
Daniel Woldesenbt, Alameda County Public Works Director, stated
the Fruitvale Bridge is under design; the Fruitvale Bridge has
no overhang; the County wants to ensure that one bridge would
withstand a larger earthquake; the County is doing a lifeline
design instead of a no- collapse design; the lifeline design is a
$45 million project; the County does not have funding and needs
to delay the project; the Fruitvale Bridge no- collapse design
would be incorporated into the lifeline design; the County has
done some work on the [High Street] noise dampening issue; the
noise will be continually monitored.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he observed the noise when a
bus crossed the High Street Bridge.
Mr. Woldesenbt stated adjustments
not heard any complaints for a year.
have been made; that he has
Vice Mayor deHaan announced that the Minutes [paragraph no. 09-
027] and the Agreement with E.S.O. Solutions [paragraph no. 09-
029] were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion.
Councilmember Gilmore moved approval of the remainder of the
Consent Calendar.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Johnson - 1.] [Items so
enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the
paragraph number.]
(09- 027) Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting held on
December 16, 2008; the Special Joint City Council and Community
Improvement Commission Meeting and the Regular City Council
Meeting held on January 6, 2009; and the Special City Council
Meeting held on January 13, 2009.
Councilmember Gilmore moved approval of the minutes with
correction to Page 5, changing the word "disciple" to
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Johnson - 1.]
( *09 -028) Ratified bills in the amount of $3,574,163.99.
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January 20, 2009
(09 -029) Recommendation to authorize the City Manager to
execute an Agreement with E.S.O. Solutions for Ambulance Billing
Services and terminate the Toomay Technologies, Inc. Contract.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the current Contract
problems are with fee collection or just processing.
The EMS Director responded discrepancies were noted in reporting
patient care and billing errors; stated the timeframe for
correction is not acceptable.
Councilmember Matarrese requested that information be provided
on uncollected billing in order to have some measurement going
The EMS Director stated the proposed Contract includes remedies
regarding the issues; timeframe requirements would be provided
for correcting discrepancies.
Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of authorizing the City
Manager to terminate an existing agreement with Toomay
Technologies, Inc. and execute an agreement with E.S.O.
Councilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Mayor Johnson - 1.]
(09 -030) The City Manager stated that the Public Utilities Board
(PUB)is conducing a survey regarding changing the name of Alameda
Power & Telecom; options include Alameda Municipal Power (AMP);
Alameda Power (AP) ; Alameda Green Power (AGP) ; Alameda Municipal
Electric (AME) ; and Alameda Community Power (ACP) ; Alameda Green
Electric was rejected because the acronym would be AGE; corporate
identification would meet three criteria: 1) cost effective; 2)
quickly implemented; and 3) endurance; no logo change is proposed;
the PUB will make the final determination; residents can express
their preference on the website.
Councilmember Tam stated the legal name is still the Bureau of
Electricity; the name change would be for "doing business as;"
customers will need to have their account number in order to
participate in the poll.
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(09 -031) Resolution NO. 14298, "Appointing Ellen Hui as a Member
of the Youth Advisory Commission." Adopted.
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution.
Councilmember Tam seconded the motion; the motion carried by
consensus - 4. [Absent: Mayor Johnson 1.1
The City Clerk administered the Oath and presented a Certificate
of Appointment to Ms. Hui.
(09 -032) Public Hearing on Housing and Community Development
needs for Community Block Grant Fiscal Year 2009 -2010 Annual
The Community Development Program Manager gave a Power Point
Vice Mayor deHaan opened the public portion of the hearing.
Speakers: Cyndy Wasko, Social Services Human Relations Board
(SSHRB) President; Doug Biggs, Alameda Point Collaborative /
SSHRB; Karuna Jaggar, Women's Initiative for Self Employment.
There being no further speakers, Vice Mayor deHaan closed the
public portion of the hearing.
Councilmember Tam inquired whether a 30% increase in need is
anticipated and whether the same allocation is expected.
Ms. Wasko responded July through November figures show a 300
increase in need for food; stated the School District advises
that there is an 11% increase in homeless families needing
clothing and transportation vouchers.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated that needs are concerning.
The Community Development Program Manager stated that the City's
public services allocation would be capped at 15% plus prior
year's program income; an additional $9,000 was given to the
Food Bank this year.
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January 20, 2009
The City Manager stated the City cannot spend more than the 15%
cap [on services].
Councilmember Tam inquired whether staff can request an
additional funding allocation or projects the amount to be the
same as prior years.
The Community Development Program Manager responded the City
does not have the ability to request more funding; stated staff
is requesting to change the [service] cap to 25% because of the
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the current plan could
be adjusted based upon what is going to happen within the next
two or three months.
The Community Development Program Manager responded the plan
would be published in April; stated funding starts in July; the
City has the ability to do an amendment if there is a change.
Councilmember Matarrese stated State employees are being laid
off and IOU's are anticipated which would increase the need.
Councilmember Gilmore thanked the SSHRB and staff for the hard
work; stated that she appreciates the creativity and initiative.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated last year there was more need than
could be filled.
The Community Development Program Manager stated the issue is
always the case.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the City was able to obligate
additional funds.
The Community Development Program Manager stated additional
funds were from loan repayments.
(09 -033) Public Hearing to consider certifying a Final
Environmental Impact Report (EIR), approving the proposed
Transportation Element General Plan Amendment, and rescinding
the 1991 Transportation Element; and
(09 -033 A) Resolution No. 14299, "Making Findings regarding
Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures, Making Findings
Concerning Alternatives, Adopting a Mitigation Monitoring and
Regular Meeting
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January 20, 2009
Reporting Program and Adopting a Statement of Overriding
Considerations in Accordance with the California Environmental
Quality Act for the Proposed Transportation Element General Plan
Amendment (State Clearinghouse #2007072075)." Adopted; and
(09 -033 B) Resolution No. 14300, "Certifying the Final
Environmental Impact Report for the Transportation Element
General Plan Amendment (State Clearinghouse #2007072075)."
Adopted; and
(09 -033 C) Resolution No. 14301, "Approving a General Plan
Amendment to Adopt a New Transportation Element of the General
Plan and Rescind the 1991 Transportation Element." Adopted; and
(09 -033 D) Resolution No. 14302, "Approving the City of Alameda
Pedestrian Plan." Adopted.
The Public Works Director, Supervising Engineer, and Planning
and Building Director gave a Power Point presentation.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired what was the Transportation
Commission and Planning Board vote.
The Public Works Director responded that all four Transportation
Commission members voted in favor of requiring a General Plan
Amendment (GPA); stated the six Planning Board members voted
five to one [which is the staff recommendation].
Councilmember Matarrese inquired which recommendation would be
more streamlined.
The Planning and Building Director responded the Planning Board
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the first move would be
to remove on- street parking during peak hours under the Planning
Board's recommendation, to which the Planning and Building
Director responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether parking would be removed
permanently if a street were widened.
The Planning and Building Director responded parking would be
removed only on a regional or island arterial identified in the
Transportation Element Street Classification System.
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Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether a right turn lane could
happen on any street, to which the Planning and Building
Director responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Tam inquired whether a GPA generally accompanies a
Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA).
The Planning and Building Director responded just for a change
in the land use designation, not a policy; stated a GPA is
needed from time to time for a specific project.
Councilmember Tam inquired whether a GPA could be made in a
streamlined fashion, to which the Planning and Building Director
responded possibly.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired how long the process would take, to
which the Planning and Building Director responded approximately
six months depending on whether an environment review would be
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired how the proposal would affect
existing projects.
The Planning and Building Director responded entitled projects
would not be affected.
Councilmember Gilmore stated parking has always been a hot
topic; inquired how congestion and on- street parking removal
would be balanced.
The Planning and Building Director responded policies would need
to be reviewed; stated the Environmental Impact Review (EIR)
focuses on transportation, not parking.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the Planning Board would
balance removing parking versus street widening; further
inquired whether the matter would need to go to the
Transportation Commission also.
The Planning and Building Director responded transportation
issues are referred to the Transportation Commission; stated the
Planning Board would analyze everything else.
The Transportation Coordinator continued the Power Point
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Vice Mayor deHaan opened the public portion of the hearing.
Speakers: Michael J. Torrey, Alameda; John Knox - White,
Transportation Commission Chair; Michael Krueger, Transportation
Commission Vice Chair (submitted handout) ; Audrey Lord - Hausman,
Pedestrian Friendly Alameda; David Kirwin, Alameda; Jon
Spangler, Alameda; Lucy Gigli, Bike Alameda.
There being no further speakers, Vice Mayor deHaan closed the
public portion of the hearing.
Vice Mayor deHaan noted that the Pedestrian Plan would be
addressed first.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the report is comprehensive;
inquired whether there are ways to increase the reasons why
people walk.
The Transportation Coordinator responded the City's streets are
considered to be pedestrian friendly; stated one goal is to
increase the number of trips, especially for utilitarian
purposes; educational programs target people who want to change
from the automobile to another mode of transportation.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he would like to consider
spending the $1 million [for the estuary crossing project) in
ways that would serve more people; the City might benefit more
by taking 300 children out of a car between Amelia Earhart
Elementary School and Lincoln Middle School.
The Transportation Coordinator stated school trips are within
the Island; the estuary crossing project would relieve
congestion for trips going on and off the Island.
Councilmember Matarrese stated Council should consider whether
$1 million should be spent on something that will never happen
and would benefit a few people; reducing Bay Farm Island car
traffic would have a greater impact; that he would like the
matter to be considered and studied.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated approximately $250,000 has already been
spent on the estuary crossing; that he is not sure what point
the estuary crossing should not be in the equation.
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January 20, 2009
Councilmember Tam stated that Americans with Disabilities (ADA)
needs were assessed last year; inquired whether there is some
way to overlap and meet the multiple objectives so that the City
gets the most for the dollar.
The Transportation Coordinator stated the ADA Transition Plan is
a required document; the proposed Pedestrian Plan is not a
required document but goes above and beyond what is required by
the ADA; the proposed Pedestrian Plan does not include ADA
projects, except audible pedestrian signals, and is not required
to be funded.
The City Manager stated Council
is a good tool and staff should
and the use of the $1 million.
is indicating the proposed plan
look at high priority projects
Councilmember Tam moved [adoption of the resolutions] certifying
the EIR with the Transportation Element as recommended by the
Transportation Commission with respect to Policy 4.4.2.f and
approving the Pedestrian Plan and revision of the 1991
Transportation Element.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Councilmember Matarrese stated a GPA can have
mitigations attached and provides a very direct policy statement
about what has to be done; that he would like to have three
scenarios included in the Transportation Element: 1) the project
can be denied; 2) the project can be approved with a statement
of overriding concern; or 3 ) the project can go forward with an
exemption or amendment to the General Plan; Alameda does not
have streets that can be widened without taking out houses or
businesses, with the exception of Wilver "Willie" Stargell
Avenue; parking is at a premium in Alameda; worthy projects can
go through a GPA; the process sends a clear message to
Councilmember Gilmore stated that she supports the motion; that
she is very leery about moving forward with something that would
remove parking when the balancing act between parking and
widening a lane is unclear; that she has sympathy for a right -
turn lane during commute hours; widening streets may result in
more congestion; maintaining control throughout the community is
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January 20, 2009
Vice Mayor deHaan questioned whether Council wants to limit the
flexibility of the Planning Department for a small opportunity;
stated that he does not want to create four lane roads;
infrastructure is built out except for the West End.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that flexibility would not be
limited; an exemption can be made if a project warrants a
drastic measure; a worthy, high priority project would need an
EIR that has defined timeframes; the problem is on the other
side of the Tube.
Councilmember Gilmore stated traffic is the number one
complaint; adding capacity would add traffic; adding capacity
should only be done for a good project; inquired whether a
worthy project needing an EIR could be simultaneously processed
with a GPA; further inquired whether the process would be slowed
The Planning and Building Director responded a draft EIR would
be needed in some cases to determine whether lane widening is
Vice Mayor deHaan stated congestion already exists when trying
to make a left -hand turn onto Park Street at Otis Drive; traffic
cannot move down Otis Drive; the area has parking spaces that
are not used; traffic backs up two or three blocks on Otis
Drive; the choke point has not encouraged people to walk, ride
bikes, or take a bus to the shopping center.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the Council and community have
been adamant about having mitigation measures to accommodate
traffic from new development; softening the policy does not give
a clear picture of what Council wants to do.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether the process is awkward or
something that staff could live with.
The Public Works Director responded the concern is having some
flexibility to look at potential operational issues; stated a
GPA could be done; there would be a time issue and cost to the
developer; the Planning Board recommendation allows the
Transportation Commission, Planning Board and City Council to
hear pros and cons for providing a right -turn lane; the public
would be involved in the discussion; the developer would know
how to develop the project; developers may be discouraged from
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January 20, 2009
asking for a GPA because of costs; knowing what the public
prefers is important.
On the call for the question, the motion carried by the
following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Gilmore, Matarrese,
Tam - 3. Abstentions: Vice Mayor deHaan - 1. [Absent: Mayor
Johnson - 1.]
The City Manager inquired whether Vice Mayor deHaan abstained
from voting on everything.
Vice Mayor deHaan clarified that he abstained from Resolution
No. 14296 and in favor of the remaining resolutions.
(09 -034) Discussion of Alameda Peace Network's proposal
regarding Iraq War.
The City Manager gave a brief presentation.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated President Obama intends to withdraw
troops within sixteen months.
Speakers: Carl Halpern, Alameda Peace Network; Pat Flores,
Alameda Peace Network; (submitted petition); Peter Frank,
Alameda Peace Network.
Councilmember Gilmore stated that she appreciates the Alameda
Peace Network being accommodating and flexible in amending its
previous request; previous discussions were about withdrawing
troops from Iraq; she does not recall discussing troops in
Afghanistan and avoiding new military operations elsewhere; she
would be hesitant to support said language; she would never
advocate going to war but would not propose telling the
President what to do in defense of the country; that she is not
sure whether the financial impact to the City can be quantified;
the State budget crises has more of an affect on the City; the
planned budget discussions will provide a better understanding
of how the City gets and spends money.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the new proposal is a good follow
up to the 2006 resolution; many things discussed in the 2006
resolution came to fruition; Council will be receiving multiple
budget briefings, including a Budget Workshop on February 7;
discussions will highlight impacts that are a result of federal
action; the price that has been assigned to the conveyance of
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January 20, 2009
the former Naval Air Station is a 2006 price; the world has
changed; he does not want to pay the 2006 price; citizens need
to keep an eye on the Afghanistan situation to ensure that the
matter does not turn into something that the Russian's
experienced back in the 1980's; the issue needs to be tied
directly to financial hearings.
Councilmember Tam stated teasing out specific scenarios on the
amount of federal funding the City would have received if not
for the war would be difficult; the 2007 Resolution was very
expansive; the issue is a moving target; Council needs to be
very clear on how the City would be impacted in budget
Vice Mayor deHaan stated a sixteen month troop withdrawal was
one of the President's strong platforms; Afghanistan is a
concerning factor; the Russians were extremely unsuccessful and
brought their economy to its knees; he has mixed emotions; the
Iraq situation is heading in the right direction; the
Afghanistan situation is a wait- and -see approach.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the August 2007 resolution was sent
to Governor Schwarzenegger; suggested that the resolution be
sent to President Obama.
Councilmember Matarrese suggested pointing out that the overall
Iraq expenditure is a drain and continues to be.
Mr. Halpern stated the 2006 Resolution is vague on withdrawal
timetables; there is no mention of the 180,000 contractors in
Iraq; information on budgetary priorities can be provided; there
is a website that translates the costs of the war to cities.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether a cover letter would be
submitted with the resolution.
Councilmember Matarrese responded a cover letter was attached to
the previous resolution.
Councilmember Tam stated that she is comfortable with
reaffirming the City's commitment to peace; in 2007, Council
called upon the President, Congress, Governor Schwarzenegger,
and State legislatures to take immediate steps to establish a
diplomatic approach ending the violence in Iraq; now there are
new players; suggested the resolution be sent to new bodies.
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Councilmember Matarrese requested staff to address the timeframe
and contractor clarification when the matter comes back.
The City Manager stated that the matter would not be brought
back; the resolution would be sent to new Government officials.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the resolution would be reissued
with a cover letter that echoes President Obama's promise of a
sixteen month troop withdrawal, including all interested
Councilmember Matarrese suggested including "a meaningful
The City Manager stated a cover letter could be attached that
would incorporate the President's statements and be consistent
with the Council adopted resolution.
(09 -035) Jon Spangler, Alameda, stated that he looks forward to
seeing more progress under the new Transportation Master Plan.
(09 -036) Discussion of bike related issues.
Councilmember Matarrese requested that Council consider giving
direction on: 1) marketing and promotion of bicycle locker usage
at City Hall and Civic Center garage, 2) bicycle crossing using
the Fruitvale Bridge and associated bike lanes, and 3) details
on implementation of bike parking on Central Avenue between Oak
and Park Streets; stated last Saturday night, each sign post on
the theatre side of Central Avenue had a bike attached; he is
worried about the implementation of Item 1 and 3.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the intent of a Council Referral is to
place the item on a future agenda; staff would come back and
advise the costs; Councilmember Matarrese's referral would be
under the normal scope of the Public Works Department; that he
does not know what the cost would be.
The City Manager stated additional funds have not been budgeted
for bicycle locker marketing and promotion; Items 1 and 3 came
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to Council for discussion; staff was directed to work with the
vendor and Bike Alameda.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the issues are important and should be
The City Manager stated an Off Agenda update could be provided
on the implementation of bike parking on Central Avenue between
Oak and Park Streets; staff is moving forward on the matter
following Council direction; the consideration of bike crossing
using the Fruitvale Bridge and associated bike lanes is not on a
current work plan; the City works with the County on the matter.
The Public Works Director stated the County was contacted by
Bike Alameda; the County discussed the possibility of restriping
the Fruitvale Bridge to allow a bike lane with City staff; a
three foot bike lane would be feasible; the minimum is four
feet; five feet is encouraged.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated that he does not want to get into
discussion tonight.
Councilmember Gilmore stated Council had a long, involved
discussion on Items 1 and 3; suggested that staff provide an Off
Agenda report; placing the matter on an agenda is premature.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired about Item 2.
Councilmember Gilmore responded staff could pursue the matter
and provide an Off Agenda report when ready; inquired whether
the County started any work on the Fruitvale Bridge.
The Public Works Director responded in the affirmative; stated
lifeline project funding is being pursued, which might include
bike accommodations.
Councilmember Matarrese stated there is consensus to preliminary
review all three items and produce an Off Agenda Report that
provides a path forward on Items 1 and 3 and options for Item 2,
including removing a lane of car traffic.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether staff's workload would be
impacted, to which the City Manager responded in the negative.
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(09 -037) Councilmember Tam stated that she attended the League
of California Cities East Bay Division meeting on January 15;
requested that the City Clerk distribute the packet to Council
because it includes good information on lobbying guidelines for
the federal stimulus package; Senator Mark Desaulnier stated
that cities most likely would be protected under Proposition 1A;
redevelopment funds would be significantly challenged; the
Legislative Analyst Office is suggesting that redevelopment is
not a good investment of public money; the Senate Appropriations
Committee believes that State or local economic stimulus
investment funding needs to be preserved; Senator Desaulnier is
a proponent of preserving transportation dollars; 18,000 to
30,000 jobs are created for every billion dollars in
transportation money; the Caldecott Tunnel will be on the
chopping block for funding; Dan Hatfield, Bay Area Newspaper
Group Editorial Page Editor, stated that he has four staff
dealing with eleven different regions; information submitted
needs to be clear and precise; incorrect information needs to be
corrected immediately; stated that Mr. Hatfield provided his
email address.
(09 -038) Councilmember Matarrese stated more boats are stored on
the streets; the City has no obligation to provide free boat
storage on streets.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the problem is becoming more common;
urged the Police Department to stay on top of the matter.
There being no further business, Vice Mayor deHaan adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 11:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the
Brown Act.
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January 20, 2009