TUESDAY- -APRIL 1, 2008- -7:30 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the Regular City Council Meeting at 7:48
p.m. Councilmember Matarrese led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore,
Matarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
(08 -129) Proclamation declaring March 30 through April 5, 2008 as
Boys and Girls Club Week.
Mayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Executive
Director George Phillips; Board President Burney Matthews; Program
Director Mark Morales; and 2008 Youth of the Year Jamara Caldwell.
Mr. Matthews stated this year is the Boys and Girls Club 58tn
Anniversary in Alameda; the new building will be at the former
Woodstock School site; the new facility will be approximately
24,000 square feet; the $10 million capital funding campaign is
half way complete; thanked Council and the community for all of the
Mayor Johnson stated that she is confident the project will move
forward quickly.
(08 -130) Presentation by the School Board President on overview of
Alameda Unified School District budget issues.
Bill Schaff, School Board President, gave a brief overview.
Luz Cazares, Chief Financial Officer, gave a Power Point
Mr. Schaff requested that Council endorse the proposed parcel tax
at the next Council meeting.
Mayor Johnson stated that a lot of the budget problems are due to
the State diverting local government money to other levels of
government; every year students and teachers go back to school
wondering which programs will be cut; she hopes that the School
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
District has strong support for the proposed measure in June.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether Council would be voting on
the matter at the next Council meeting.
The City Manager responded Council would be voting on the matter at
the first Council meeting in May.
Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether the resolution would be to support
and endorse Measure H, to which the City Manager responded in the
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the May Council Meeting
date was okay with Mr. Schaff, to which Mr. Schaff responded in the
(08 -131) Presentation by the Secretary of the California Department
of Food and Agriculture and the Director of the Light Brown Apple
Moth Program on the Apple Moth.
A.G. Kawamura, Secretary of the California Department of Food and
Agriculture, gave a brief presentation.
Dr. Bob Dowell, Director of the Light Brown Apple Moth Program
(submitted handout), gave a Power Point presentation.
Opponents (Not in favor of aerial spraying to eradicate the Light
Brown Apple Moth) : Carolina Rogers, Alameda; Stuart Dodgshon,
Alameda; Chloe Ashley, Alameda; T'Hud Weber, Alameda, (submitted
petition); Simi Sikka, Fremont (submitted handout); Stanley
Schiffman, Alameda; Jane Kelley, Berkeley; Tom Kelley, Berkeley;
Bernard Clark, Alameda; Helen Kozoriz, stopthespray.org; Michael
John Torrey, Alameda; Mary Jane Pryor, Alameda; Victoria Ashley,
Alameda; Jim Hoffman, Alameda; Rebecca Hall - Crosby, Alameda; Irma
Marin- Nolan, Alameda; Cathy Kordetzky; Daria Schwarzschild,
Alameda; Maria Morales, El Sobrante; Frank Egger; Constance Barker,
Environmental Health Network of California; Lynn Elliott - Harding,
Council requested that the matter be placed on a future Council
agenda for action.
Councilmember deHaan moved approval of the Consent Calendar.
Vice Mayor Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
asterisk preceding the paragraph number.]
( *08 -132) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, Alameda Reuse
and Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission
Meeting of March 5, 2008; the Special City Council Meeting held on
March 10, 2008; the Special Joint City Council and Public Utilities
Board; Special Joint City Council and Community Improvement
Commission; and Regular City Council Meetings held on March 18,
2008. Approved.
( *08 -133) Ratified bills in the amount of $1,631,590.32.
( *08 -134) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Adding Section 3 -53 (Claims) to Division VIII (Refunds and
Corrections) to Chapter III (Finance and Taxation) to Establish
Uniform Requirements and Procedures Applicable to the Presentation
and Processing of Claims for Money or Damages with the City of
Alameda That Are Not Currently Covered by State Law or Other
Provisions of the Alameda Municipal Code. Introduced.
( *08 -135) Ordinance No. 2978, "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code
by Repealing Section 5 -30 (Filming Activities) in Its Entirety, and
Replacing It with A Successor Section to Article II (Permits) of
Chapter V (Licenses and Permits) Making Changes to the Procedures,
Regulations and Related Fee Provisions for Filming Activities
Within the City of Alameda." Finally passed.
( *08 -136) Ordinance No. 2979, "Amending Various Sections of the
Alameda Municipal Code Contained in Article I, (Zoning Districts
and Regulations), Chapter XXX, (Development Regulations),
Pertaining to Retail and Commercial Uses." Finally passed.
(08 -137) Resolution No. 14191, "Appointing Cecilia Cervantes as a
Member of the Public Art Commission." Adopted; and
(08 -137A) Resolution No. 14192, "Appointing Andrea M. Leal as a
Member of the Public Art Commission." Adopted.
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolutions.
Vice Mayor Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
The City Clerk administered the Oath and presented a certificate
to Ms. Leal.
(08 -138) Recommendation to discuss and finalize the City Council's
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
priorities for Fiscal Year 2007 -2008.
Jan Perkins, Management Partners, gave a Power Point presentation.
Ms. Perkins sought Council consensus to add the eighth policy
objective [deliver high - quality services that improve and promote
the safety of the community].
Councilmember Matarrese inquired how the new objective differs from
the previous objective [continuously improve internal operations,
systems, and management practices in order to provide high - quality
customer service].
The City Manager stated continuously improving internal operations
is an effort to look at processes in every department; the
additional objective focuses on the safety of the community,
including Police, Fire and Code Enforcement.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the objective seems redundant; the
City already has high - quality public safety; there is always a need
for continual improvement regardless of the operation.
Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether the previous objective focuses on
customer service and the new objective focuses on public safety.
The City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated identifying a
focus on public safety is important.
Mayor Johnson stated the new objective should be clarified.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the intent to capture the broader
idea of public safety should be clarified.
Mayor Johnson suggested that the objective be revised to read
"health and safety."
Councilmember deHaan noted that the new objective is a catch all
for the health, safety and well being of the community.
Mayor Johnson stated "well being" should be added.
Vice Mayor Tam suggested the language be: "health, safety and
Ms. Perkins stated the objective would be revised to indicate the
intent is not just Police and Fire; inquired whether there is
consensus on the new objective.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
The Council responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson requested that the policy objective that reads: "Take
measures to improve and promote the community's economic health" be
revised to include the City government's short -term and long -term
economic health.
Ms. Perkins inquired whether there is a consensus to add the
language proposed by the Mayor, to which the Council responded in
the affirmative.
Councilmember Matarrese stated that he wants to clarify that all
the projects are on -going before assigning priorities; the Council
should be notified if something has to stop; the priorities are
dynamic and could change next week or next month; further stated
the budget could cause changes; inquired whether establishing the
priorities is a starting point.
The City Manager responded the process is dynamic; many work
programs span a number of years; reviewing the list and receiving
feedback will finalize the initial list.
Councilmember deHaan noted some departments do not have many tasks
or tasks that require a large amount of labor; public safety only
has emergency preparedness; that he does not want functional
requirements displaced.
Mayor Johnson inquired why the limit should be ten priorities if
there are departments that are not overburdened with projects.
Ms. Perkins stated the effort is to distinguish between the work
program and the Council's top priorities so that the Council's
priorities are understood when internal adjustment of assignments
are necessary.
Mayor Johnson inquired why the priorities are not being reviewed by
The City Manager responded the mechanism is to establish the
Citywide priorities.
Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether the Council would be informed if
resources for a project were reallocated; and whether a project
would be delayed, but not dropped, in said instance.
The City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated the Council
would be informed if a project has to be delayed.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
Vice Mayor Tam stated the local action plan spans departments,
while the telecom issue is just an Alameda Power & Telecom (AP &T)
issue; inquired whether one project might be delayed if staff is
shifted to another project.
The City Manager responded said example could occur; AP &T is
working on more than one project.
Vice Mayor Tam stated AP &T staff is needed to work on reducing the
carbon footprint; inquired whether the same staff person might work
on the telecom issue and the formation of the local action plan and
whether said staff working on the telecom issue might delay the
formation of the plan.
The City Manager responded one could impact the other depending on
workload; stated moving forward with the local action plan does
require some of the same people [as the telecom issue]; having some
of the same people work on multiple projects has been incorporated
in the time estimates.
Councilmember Matarrese stated there are a variety of issues from
addressing the financial issue at AP &T to renovating Rittler Field,
and Lincoln and Krusi Parks; said items do not belong on the same
ranking sheet; getting a measuring mechanism for each item would be
a far more productive use of time; the department work plans are
excellent; some projects are interdisciplinary and can be separated
out; the next step should be to get Microsoft Project or some other
type of project tracking tool and assign due dates and resources;
Council would need to make decisions about priorities if resources
become impacted because more requests are added; finishing easily
taken care of projects, which might be of less importance, might
become important in order to get the project off the list.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the list is composed of
items Council has directed staff to complete, to which Ms. Perkins
responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the
looked at objectively and resources
a finite number of projects; some p
because there are too many tasks
information needs to presented to
presented workload should be
should be allocated; there are
rojects might be five years out
for the current staff; said
Council and Council can make
Ms. Perkins stated Councilmember Matarrese's description is exactly
how staff views their responsibilities to determine how to
implement the direction provided by the City Council; the intent
tonight is to have Council conclude the discussion about the most
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
important priorities, provide perspective as policy makers and
expect staff to carry out the workload.
Mayor Johnson stated things need to be prioritized because there is
not enough staff for everything to be at the same level; questioned
whether the top ten projects can be prioritized while at the same
time there is a work chart listing all of the items as suggested by
Councilmember Matarrese; stated there is a concern that projects
will drop off the list if not in the top ten.
Councilmember deHaan stated the priorities have been established;
the desire is not to lose the priorities; the priorities do not
equate to individual workloads; some tasks might take two months
and are low staff resources; important tasks require high staff
resources and cross department lines.
Mayor Johnson stated the priorities should be looked at in an
organization chart structure to see which tasks go with which
Councilmember deHaan stated the Library has the long -range plan and
the facilities at Harbor Bay and West End, which should be worked
on; Development Services has Alameda Point, Coast Guard housing,
and a West End project, which are tougher tasks; AP &T's tasks to
reduce carbon footprint and address telecom and are heavy duty
items; Recreation and Parks has the Alameda Museum business plan
that should be cleared in two months.
Ms. Perkins suggested that Council go through the ranking and
continued the Power Point presentation.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the budget review and tracking task
[Item 18] and strengthen revenue task [Item 17] should be combined
into one task and ranked in the top ten given the current and
future budget situation.
Mayor Johnson stated another way to look at the list would be to
have the projects listed under the overall policy objectives; some
of the objectives might not be getting enough attention.
Councilmember Matarrese stated all of the projects would suffer and
slow down regardless of the prioritization if the City does not
have the revenue.
Vice Mayor Tam stated four Councilmembers ranked "explore options
to generate revenue for City operations and /or infrastructure
improvements" as a top priority; suggested the priority be
consolidated [with budget review and tracking].
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
Councilmember deHaan stated Item 28 regarding GASB -45 is part of
the budget and could also be included [with budget review and
tracking], as well as review of the compensation system [Item 14].
Mayor Johnson stated that all the items fit into the third
overriding policy objective [improve and promote economic health];
requested that the policy objectives be numbered.
Councilmember deHaan stated the labor agreement with public service
should be included, too.
Ms. Perkins stated one suggestion is to combine some of closely
aligned projects, such as budget review [Item 181 and strengthening
revenues [Item 17].
Mayor Johnson stated said items are simply running the City and
should not be considered projects; there is not a start and finish.
The City Manager stated said activity is a priority.
Councilmember Matarrese stated there should be a way to accelerate
planning projects or recruitments that will generate revenue in
order to meet the policy objective.
Mayor Johnson stated perhaps the third policy objective [improve
and promote economic health] should be the number -one, overriding
policy and other policies be listed under it; everything needs to
be focused on and considered the long -term and short -term economic
health of the City.
Councilmember deHaan stated that he took said policy as applying to
all departments.
Ms. Perkins stated the policy objective could be placed first
because it is so important; the items being prioritized are
Mayor Johnson stated people will understand the sense of the
Council's priorities better if put in diagram form; suggested the
economic issue be a curve line with all other policies issues
underneath; stated everything that is done needs to consider the
City's long- and short -term economic health.
Councilmember Matarrese stated a certain level of service is
desired; the connection between the level of service and what it
costs needs to be made; the steps needed to pay for the desired
level of service needs to be drawn out for everyone to understand;
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
questioned what it costs to reach the goal of a safe and clean city
with good schools, libraries, parks and an efficient government;
and how reaching the goals would be paid for.
Ms. Perkins stated Council is looking to establish a template to
look at the various objectives and projects.
Councilmember Matarrese stated Microsoft Project is a great tool;
hiring someone to create project diagrams would be worthwhile;
Microsoft Project includes the resources, timeline and key decision
points; there would be a nice graphic representation when decisions
need to be made due to constraints; Council can be presented with
choices; there is accountability because there would be a timeline;
if the timeline is slipping, Council could be informed and decide
whether or not to allow the delay from a policy standpoint.
The City Manager stated Councilmember Matarrese is describing
something very similar to the work plans.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the work plans are great documents
because they show what is happening and the status; having the
graphic makes it easier to make a decision when there is a problem.
The City Manager inquired whether Council is expressing interest in
ranking the policy objectives.
Mayor Johnson responded in the negative; stated the fiscal policy
should be the overriding, umbrella policy.
The City Manager stated everything else would be underneath said
Councilmember Matarrese stated the goal is to deliver a set of
services and know the cost.
Mayor Johnson stated fiscal impacts need to be considered when
anything is done.
Councilmember Gilmore stated Council had a realization that the
complete financial impacts were not always understood when
decisions were made in the past; Council wants to know the
financial impacts when decisions are made.
Ms. Perkins inquired whether Council wants the overarching value or
framework to be that the financial capacity of the City would be
evaluated in terms of any new objectives or projects.
Mayor Johnson responded in the negative; stated anything new would
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
be evaluated in terms of how it would impact the long- and short -
term economic health of the City; Council wants to know how things
will be paid for currently and 20 years from now.
Vice Mayor Tam stated all staff reports include a section that
addresses fiscal impacts; Council would like a broader context of
understanding the short -term and long -term impacts; the budgeted
amount for a vehicle should not be the end of the story.
Mayor Johnson stated the long -term economic impact should be
considered every time the decision Council is making has an impact
on the City for twenty or more years.
Councilmember Matarrese stated it is all about risks and benefits;
the framework needs to include that Council always reviews the cost
today and the cost as long as something is projected to run; costs
need to be accounted for up front.
Mayor Johnson stated, for perspective, the Mayor of Vallejo told
her that if Vallejo has done anything good for other cities, they
have shown that bad things can happen.
Councilmember deHaan stated that he does not want to micromanage;
the big picture is to stay healthy and viable.
Vice Mayor Tam stated that she does not see the direction as an
attempt to micromanage; Council needs to have information to make a
good decision about the health, safety and welfare of the
community, needs to truly understand the long -term and short -term
trade offs, and needs to decide whether or not to accept the risk.
Ms. Perkins stated all projects would move forward unless there is
a reason and Council would be informed; the top nine priorities
have been identified and a tenth has been proposed.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the list is artificial; Item 9 is
the Housing Element, which has to be done anyway; inquired whether
the Housing Element could be prioritized as Item 29 and would still
have to be completed.
Ms. Perkins responded in the affirmative; stated the intent of
priorities is for the staff to know what is most important to the
City Council; everything on the list will be finished unless there
is a resources problem.
The City Manager stated the Housing Element is something that the
City is required to do and will require a lot of resources; the
Housing Element might not be completed because of the resources if
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
there is something else that Council is interested in staff doing.
Councilmember Matarrese stated the important thing is that Council
needs to be informed, and then Council can make a policy decision
about putting something before a mandated project.
The City Manager stated that is part of the process; the work plans
identify all the things that staff is working on.
Vice Mayor Tam and Mayor Johnson stated that they did not select
items required by law when setting the priorities because they knew
the items had to be completed.
The City Manager stated there are limited resources; staff is
sharing where resources are being applied and having Council
provide feedback on what it sees as priorities.
Councilmember deHaan stated that he has not seen tasks causing
major displacements; some things, like the environmental issue,
have been refocused and brought up to a higher priority.
The City Manager stated staff had to evaluate other programs and
bring the matter to the top; other items might have been extended;
staff is informing Council of the projects underway, getting
feedback on priorities and developing a method for reporting back.
Councilmember deHaan inquired whether staff is seeking a tenth
Ms. Perkins stated there are nine priority tasks and a tenth has
been proposed by Councilmember Matarrese.
Councilmember Matarrese stated every project is to be evaluated
against the budget standard; the same thing has to be said for the
City's environmental initiatives; every project and function of
every department should be evaluated against the recommendations on
how to protect the environment, whether it is the green building
ordinance or the vehicle use policy; this is not a whim, but is a
clear direction of the Council.
Mayor Johnson stated there needs to be a process to involve
community stakeholders in developing an economic sustainability
strategy that includes outreach to residents and businesses; said
issue should be included with the GASB -45 and long -term and short -
term economic issues; said item could be the tenth priority.
Ms. Perkins stated said proposal combines separate things that are
interrelated; the items all require separate work efforts; priority
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
setting is an attempt to establish enough separation between items
to provide staff direction as to use of resources.
Mayor Johnson stated that she is not combining the items; she is
suggesting that the item become the tenth priority; how it would be
done and the structure would need to come back to Council; the task
would be to implement the overriding goal of short -term and long-
term financial feasibility; GASB -45 is something that the City has
to do.
Ms. Perkins inquired whether the suggestion is to move up Item 28
[GASB -45], to which Mayor Johnson responded that it could be put
with the budget task [Item 18].
Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether the suggestion is that GASB -45 is a
separate effort.
Mayor Johnson responded GASB -45 is not something the City has to
plan for or study; stated it is something that the City has to pay
for and costs money; not paying is like making interest only loans
on a mortgage; the State says a plan has to be adopted, but the
City actually has to pay.
Councilmember Gilmore stated it does have to be paid for, but
should be part of the budget.
Mayor Johnson stated the budget is only one or two years; these are
things that have to be paid for forever; further stated when
Council makes commitments they go well beyond the current budget
and the cost grows.
Ms. Perkins inquired whether Item 28 should become one of the top
Mayor Johnson stated the item relates to community stakeholders
developing a long -term and short -term economic strategy; the two
could be combined.
Ms. Perkins inquired how broad Council would like to make the
priority because the items are really different work efforts.
Mayor Johnson responded GASB -45 states the City has made
commitments and has to tell everyone how the commitments will be
paid for; the City might want to take it one step further and
actually pay.
Ms. Perkins suggested the City Manager address the work effort
involved with GABS -45.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
Councilmember Matarrese stated the work effort needs to be
allocated against the priority; staff would have to inform Council
of everything that needs to be done to meet the priority and make
sure post retirement and long -term obligations are sustainable.
Councilmember deHaan stated long -term impacts are being discussed;
the current mentality is to look at two years; there are things
other than GASB -45 with long range impacts; both the long -term and
short -term have to be examined; the best guess for the out years
needs to be made; said issues will be discussed at the budget
The City Manager stated that the Mayor is suggesting the number ten
priority be the economic sustainability strategy and GASB -45 is
just a part of said priority because it is part of the budget.
Mayor Johnson stated that is correct; inquired whether the first
nine items are ranked in order.
The City Manager responded not necessarily.
Ms. Perkins stated the intent is to set the top ten priorities, not
focus on the order.
Councilmember deHaan stated extra tasks happen all the time, for
example the Brown Apple Moth; that he would not ask what needs to
be displaced to work on said item; priorities need to be addressed
when drastic things change.
Mayor Johnson stated Council always has the ability to change the
priorities; that she is sure Council will do so.
The City Manager stated staff wants to ensure change is done in a
systematic way and that impacts are understood.
Mayor Johnson stated changing the priorities might mean setting
something aside; further stated that she hates to see Item 24, the
West Alameda Neighborhood improvement project, way down on the
list; inquired whether the item would be not be done since it is
Item 24.
The City Manager responded in the negative.
Councilmember Matarrese stated receiving updated work plans would
be helpful; some items might have been accomplished.
The City Manager stated a number of ways would be used to inform
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
Council about changes to the work plans.
Councilmember Matarrese stated whatever method is used should
indicate the starting point and current status to allow tracking.
Ms. Perkins summarized the discussion and completed her Power Point
presentation. The Management Partners report is hereto attached
and made part of the minutes by reference.
Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed finances.
(08 -139) Vice Mayor Tam moved approval of continuing the meeting
past midnight.
Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by
unanimous voice vote - 5.
(08 -140) Wu Lu, Human Rights Torch Relay; Michelle Midliff, Human
Rights Torch Relay; and Connie Wang, Falun Gong, (submitted
handout) discussed the Human Rights Torch Relay and human right
violations in China.
(08 -141) Bill Smith, Alameda, discussed economics.
(08 -142) Consideration of Mayor's nominations for appointment to
the Recreation and Park Commission.
Mayor Johnson nominated Lola W. Brown and Gina M. Mariani.
(08 -143) Mayor Johnson stated that the City received the
California Redevelopment Association award for the Bridgeside
redevelopment project.
(08 -144) Councilmember deHaan congratulated Mayor Johnson on
appointment to the Water Emergency Transportation Authority; stated
the appointment is good for Alameda.
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Regular City Council Meeting at 12:05 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
Regular Meeting
Alameda City Council
April 1, 2008