2008-12-16 Joint CC ARRA CIC MinutesMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL, ALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (ARRA), AND COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (CIC) MEETING TUESDAY- - DECEMBER 16, 2008- -7:31 P.M. Mayor /Chair Johnson convened the Special Meeting at 11:02 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers /Authority Members/ Commissioners deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam and Mayor /Chair Johnson - 5. Absent: None. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor /Chair Johnson announced that the transmittal of the CIC Annual Report [paragraph no. 08 -547 CC/08 -56 CIC] was removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilmember /Authority Member /Commissioner Matarrese moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember /Authority Member /Commissioner Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (08 -547 CC/08 -56 CIC) Recommendation to authorize of the Community State Controller' Annual Report. Improvement Commission's Annual s Office and the City Council the transmittal Report to the and accept the Councilmember /Commissioner Gilmore stated people have called for independent audit of the City's books; the City gets independently audited every year; the City Auditor is in charge of hiring an outside, independent audit firm; the firm audits all funds, including enterprise and special funds; the audits are available in the City Clerk's office and on the website; compliance reports have to be filed with the State and federal governments; a department head spent a week doing the report, which is generally the job of manager; the organization is so lean; there is front line staff and only rare instances of mid level staff; department heads are doing work which would generally be done by lower level staff; that she was shocked to hear how much time it takes to complete the reports; the work reports prepared a year ago listed said type of work below the line; the focus was on the work that affects the residents and mandated things did not receive discussion. Councilmember /Commissioner Gilmore moved approval of the staff recommendation. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and 1 Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission December 16, 2008 Councilmember /Commissioner Tam seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember /Commissioner Tam stated mandated reports are required before the City can receive funding for a lot of its capital projects; funding can be delayed if the reports are not done correctly and on time. Councilmember /Commissioner Matarrese stated the audits include redevelopment. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (08 -548 CC /ARRA /08 -57 CIC) Recommendation to accept transmittal of the: 1) Auditor's Agreed Upon Procedures Report on compliance with Vehicle Code Section 40200.3 Parking Citation Processing; 2) Agreed Upon Procedures Report on compliance with the Proposition 111 21005 -06 Appropriations Limit Increment; 3 Police and Fire Retirement System Pension Plans 1079 and 1092 Audit Report for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2008; 4) Metropolitan Transportation Commission Grant Programs Financial Statements for Year ended June 30, 2008; 5) Community Improvement Commission Basic Component Unit Financial Statements for the Year ended June 30, 2008; and 6) Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Basic Component Unit Financial Statements for the Year ended June 30, 2008. Accepted. (08 -549 CC/08 -58 CIC) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, ARRA and CIC Meetings of October 7, 2008 and October 21, 2008. Approved. AGENDA ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor /Chair Johnson adjourned the Special Meeting at 11:08 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk Secretary, Community Improvement Commission The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council, Alameda Reuse and 2 Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission December 16, 2008