2009-07-21 Special CC Packet(~
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TUESDAY-~JULY21, 2009-~--~7;33P.M.
'dime, Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 7;33 P.M.
Location , ~a.t Cour~~il ~h
~yy~ ~~r~, C~.ty Hall, corner of Santa Clara
Avenue and Oaf Street
Public Participation
Anyone wishing to address the Council on agenda items or business
introduced by Councilmembers Members may speak for a maximum of 3
minutes per agenda ~..tem when the subs ect is before the Council.. .
~. , ROLL CALL, -- City Council
2~-A. Recommendation to Appropriate $1,304,000 in Federal American
RecOVery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Funding, $59,000 in
Rubberized .Asphalt Concrete Grant Funds, and $ 7 ~.., 0 00 from Fund
274,1, and Award a Contract in the Amount of $1,247,039,
Including Contingencies, to Gallagher & Burk, Inc, for the
City of Alameda Various Streets Rehabl..li.tation Project
Central Avenue No. P.w. 02-09-047. Public works
4. ADJ~oURNMENT ~- City Council
everly oh n, ayor
Toy Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Council
From: Ann Marie Gallant
Interim City Manager
Dates July ~~, 2009
Re. Appropriate X1,304,000 in Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009 Funding, X59,000 in Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Grant
Funds, and X71,000 From Fund 274.1, and Award a Contract in the
Amount of X1,247,039, Including Contingencies, to Gallagher ~. Durk, inc.,
for the City of Alameda Various Streets Rehabilitation Project Central
Avenue, No. P.w. 02-09-04~
On November 0, 2003, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 1423 to apply for a
Targeted Rubberized Asphalt Concrete ~RAC~ incentive Grant from the California
integrated waste Management Doard ~CIWMD}, and to enter into all necessary
agreements to secure the funding. The grant was authorized and accepted by the
Interim City Manager on June ~ 5, 2009. On February 3, 2009, the City Council adopted
Resolution No. 14307 to endorse the street rehabilitation projects for the federal
economic stimulus program, and to authorize the City Manager to approve plans and
specifications and call for bids for the annual resurfacing project, No. P.w. 02-09-04.
On March ~7, 2009,. the City Council adopted Resolution No. X4315 authorizing the
filing of an application for federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ~ARRA} of
2009 funding for this work. On June 23, 2009, Coltrane issued an E-76 Authorization to
Proceed, giving the City approval to bid the project.
To solicit the maximum number of bids and most competitive price, specifications were
provided to 17 separate building exchanges throughout the Day Area and E-bid Doard.
A notice of bid was also published in the A1ame~a Jo~rrral. Four contractors submitted
bids, and the bids were opened on July 17, 2009. After reviewing the documentation of
all bids, one bid was determined to be non-responsive because the required submission
of Exhibit ~ 5 ~H}, Good Faith Effort, was not included. The list of bidders, from lowest to
highest total project costs, is.
Special City ~®un~il
A-e~da Item ~2®A
07-~ ~a~
Honorable Mayor and July 2~ , 2009
Members of the City Council Pa e 2 of 3
idd~r L®cati~n ~Id Am~un~
Calla her ~ Burk, Inc Oakland, CA ~~,133,672
C. F. Archibald Pavin ,Inc. Non-Responsive Redwood Cit , CA ~ ~ , ~ 43,935
Ghilotti Brothers San Rafael, CA $1, ~ 49,959
Top Grade Construction Livermore, CA ~1, ~I 92,780
The contract has an Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise ~UDBE} goal of
~ 0.56°/°. In accordance with Caltrans requirements, City staff has certified that the
apparent low bidder has made a concerted, good faith effort towards meeting this goal.
Staff contacted several references provided by the low bidder and received positive
feedback about the requirements and quality and timeliness of their work. Staff
proposes to award a contract to Gallagher ~ Burk, lnc. for a total amount of ~~,247,039,
including a 10°/a contingency. A copy of the contract is on file in the City Clerk's office.
Funds for the City's annual resurfacing program are identified in the Capital
Improvement Program, for FY 08-09 Pavement Management Program, Phase 29,
Project No. 82-01-29, and FY 09-10 City of Alameda Various Streets Rehabilitation
Project, Project No. 09-02. Sources for the project include ARRA funds, RAC grant
funds, and Fund 24.'1 monies. There is no impact to the General Fund.
This action does not affect the Alameda Municipal Code.
In accordance with the California Environmental Act ~CEQA}, this project is
Categorically Exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section ~ 530 ~c}, Existing Facilities. an
April 13, 2009, Caltrans issued a Categorical Exclusion for this project in accordance
with the National Environmental Protection Act ~NEPA},
I~onorable Mayor and
Members oft~he City Council
July 2~, 2009
Page 3 of 3
Appropriate $~,~04,000 in Federal American Recovery and Roinvestment Act of 2009
Funding, $5g,ooo in Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Grant Funds, and $7~ ,ooo From
fund 274,x, and Av~ard a Contract in the Amount of ~~,247,0~9, Including
Contingencies, to Gallagher ~ ~url~, Inc,, for the City of Alameda Various streets
Rehabilitation Project Central Avenue No. P.vll, 02-0904},
Respectful y submitted, Approved as to funds and account,
Matthew T. Naclerio Glenda D, Jay
Public Warks Director Interim Finance Director
By ~~
Associate Civil Engineer
cc: Watchdog Committee