TUESDAY- -JULY 7, 2009- -7:30 P.M.
Mayor Johnson convened the Regular Meeting at 8:09 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers deHaan, Gilmore,
Matarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5.
Absent: None.
(09 -268) Presentation of Certificates of Service to Toby Berger,
Commission on Disability Issues; Randall Miller, Historical
Advisory Board; Nancy Gormley, Housing Commission; Margaret
McNamara, Planning and Building Board; Ruth Belikove and Dr. Alan
Mitchell, Library Board; and John Knox White, Jane Lee and Eric
Schatmeier, Transportation Commission.
Mayor Johnson presented Certificates of Service to Toby Berger,
Randall Miller, Nancy Gormley, Margaret McNamara, Ruth Belikove,
and John Knox White.
Ms. Belikove thanked the Council for the opportunity to serve;
stated that she enjoyed serving on the Library Board.
Ms. Berger stated making Alameda accessible to everyone is
wonderful; thanked the Council for support.
Mr. Miller stated that serving on the Historical Advisory Board has
been a positive experience.
Ms. Gormley stated that she has enjoyed serving on the Housing
Mr. Knox White stated that working with staff has been wonderful.
Ms. McNamara thanked the Council for support received and
opportunity to serve.
Mayor Johnson called a recess at 8:20 p.m. to hold a Special
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Meeting and reconvened
the Regular Meeting at 8:25 p.m.
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Vice Mayor deHaan moved approval of the Consent Calendar.
Councilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an
asterisk preceding the paragraph number.]
( *09 -269) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council and Public
Utilities Board Meeting, and the Regular and Special City Council
Meetings held on June 16, 2009. Approved.
( *09 -270) Ratified bills in the amount of $4,484,975.04.
( *09 -271) Transmittal of Certificate of Sufficiency of an
Initiative Petition Entitled "Fire and Emergency Medical Services
Minimum Protection." Transmitted.
( *09 -272) Recommendation to Accept the Work of D'Arcy & Harty
Construction, Inc., for the Cyclic Sewer Replacement Project, Phase
5, No. P.W. 10- 06 -22. Accepted.
( *09 -273) Resolution No. 14358, "Authorizing the Filing of an
Application for Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
2009 (ARRA) Funding for Certain Streets Rehabilitation, and Stating
the Assurance to Complete the Project (Buena Vista Avenue)."
( *09 -274) Resolution No. 14359, "Approving a Fourth Amendment to
the Agreement from the California State Coastal Conservancy to
Implement Spartina Eradication and Mitigation Measures and
Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute All Required
Documents." Adopted.
( *09 -275) Resolution No. 14360, "Requesting and Authorizing the
County of Alameda to Levy a Tax on All Real and Personal Property
in the City of Alameda as a Voter Approved Levy for the General
Obligation Bonds Issued Pursuant to a General Election Held
November 7, 2000." Adopted.
(09 -276) State Budget Update
The Deputy City Manager provided an update.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether an interest rate has been set on
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IOU's, to which the Deputy City Manager responded the interest rate
has been set at 3.750.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether the $26.3 billion [State] deficit is
the amount at the end of the current fiscal year.
The Deputy City Manager responded the $26.3 billion deficit covers
an eighteen -month period.
Councilmember Gilmore stated the League of California Cities has
been successful in lobbying not to have property taxes taken away;
inquired whether anything is fair game now, to which the Deputy
City Manager responded in the affirmative.
Councilmember Tam stated that she attended the League of California
Cities Policy Committee Meeting; ten mayors from the largest cities
in California sent a letter to the Governor stating that they would
prefer the State to consider borrowing instead of straight
takeaways, such as the gas tax.
The Deputy City Manager stated taking gas tax money would be a
problem; the property tax money would be borrowed because of
Proposition 1A.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the State's bond rating is BBB; two more
steps down would be considered junk bonds.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether there has been any talk
regarding some cities potentially going bankrupt.
The Deputy City Manager responded that she has not heard anything;
stated a lot of cities have passed a Resolution of Hardship.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the matter is extremely concerning,
particularly with unemployment hitting record highs.
Councilmember Matarrese stated revenue projections need to be
addressed; going with prior year plus growth cannot be done
anymore; that he is disturbed that five people in the State are
running the show.
Councilmember Tam stated Alameda is heavily dependant on property
taxes; 900 of State income tax revenue comes from the top 100
income earners; the League of California Cities, California State
Association of Counties, and School Board associations are meeting
at a summit on July 18; the City is invited to participate.
In response to Mayor's Johnson's request for an update on the
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County lifting up the bridges, the Public Works Director stated the
County will need to review bridge operations if the gas tax is
taken away; the County is compensated by the State for the Harbor
Bay Isle Bridge and is compensated by the federal government for
the Railroad bridge; the other three bridges are the County's
responsibility; the County uses the gas tax to operate the other
three bridges; the bridges would need to be left in the up position
without the gas tax; the County Public Works Director initially
indicated that the bridges would be up at all times, but then
stated that the bridges would be up during off -peak hours; at a
recent meeting with County officials, Mayor Johnson advised that
keeping the bridges in the open position would be unacceptable; the
City gave some Measure B money to the County for bridge operation;
the County receives approximately $900,000 per year for bridge
operation which could have gone to the City for special projects.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether Council authorized
allocating said funds for the operation of the bridges; questioned
whether the City Engineer would have been authorized to negotiate
the matter.
The Public Works Director responded that he does not know; further
stated the County Public Works Director drafted a letter requesting
that the Army Corps of Engineers consider allowing the bridges to
remain down during the late evening and early morning hours; the
County thinks that a decision could take twelve months; the federal
government would need to approve the requested change in
operations; stated Mayor Johnson sent a letter stating that traffic
congestion and emergency services would be significantly impacted
and could not be mitigated; the County's attorneys are reviewing
the matter.
Mayor Johnson stated the Harbor Bay Isle Bridge does not have a
bridge tender during the middle of the night; one commercial
business needs to have the estuary bridged open; the federal
government could save a lot of money by allowing less than twenty -
four hour bridge tenders; that she made it very clear that the
bridges are the County's responsibility and the City cannot help
with additional funding.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the County acknowledged
receiving $900,000 in dedicated funding for bridge operations.
The Public Works Director responded in the negative; stated
everyone specified projects to fund when Measure B was
reauthorized; a decision was made by an Alameda County
Transportation Authority (ACTA) Policy Advisory Committee and
projects were selected; the County is contending that the greater
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County agree that funding bridge maintenance is important and that
the City did not provide any funding; there is no documentation to
prove either way.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired what is the Coast Guard's role in
controlling commerce activity during the late hours.
The Public Works Director responded the Coast Guard has a very big
voice which is why the County Public Works Director sent a letter;
the County is trying to make the point that there are not many
calls for bridges to be open in the late evening and early morning
hours; the aggregate company had seven late hour bridge openings in
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the Coast Guard was brought into the
discussion in 1994; the matter needs to be revisited.
Mayor Johnson stated the Coast Guard does not have a lot of
discretion regarding waterway access; changes are needed in federal
legislation; that she does not have the impression that the County
pursued all issues; the County believes one option is to have
Alameda pay for part of bridge maintenance and operation; the
County does not have detailed information on maintenance and
operation costs.
Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether Oakland is being asked to
participate in bridge maintenance and operation costs.
Mayor Johnson stated said issue was pointed out at the meeting.
The Public Works Director stated the County feels that the bridges
only serve Alameda.
Councilmember Tam stated the County recently adopted a budget with
significant cuts; the County is still assuming the gas tax funding
will be received from the State.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the current County budget
includes operators and bridge tenders, to which the Public Works
Director responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson stated the County receives a significant amount of
money from the City; Alameda does not receive a lot of direct
services from the County; people need to know how much of Alameda's
property taxes go to the County; inquired whether specific
information can be provided.
The Public Works Director responded that he will work with the
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Interim Finance Director; stated the County receives property and
gas taxes from the City.
(09 -277) Sales Tax Appeal Status Report
The Deputy City Manager provided an update.
(09 -278) Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) Funding- Status of
Validation Suit
The City Attorney provided an update.
(09 -279) Public Hearing to Consider Resolution No. 14361, "Amending
Master Fee Resolution No. 12191 to Revise Fees." Adopted.
The Interim Finance Director gave a brief presentation.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired what is the Consumer Price Index (CPI) .
The Interim Finance Director responded the CPI for the San
Francisco Bay area is 0.80; stated the Engineering News Record's
Construction Cost Index is 6.30; different indexes are used for
different fees.
In response to Mayor Johnson's inquiry, the Interim Finance
Director stated the Recreation and Park Department fees are
recommended by the Recreation and Park Commission; Affordable
Housing Unit fees were not increased because of current economic
conditions; ambulance fees are based upon the County's fee
Mayor Johnson inquired whether permit fees would be affected, to
which the Interim Finance Director responded in the affirmative.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether permit fees will be reviewed as a
whole at some point; stated some fees look reasonable if isolated,
but problematic when combined with other fees required for a
The Assistant City Manager responded the last permit fees were set
by a 2005 study; stated fees are reviewed continually; fees will be
reviewed again during the next fiscal year.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated activity becomes more concerning than
anything else; staffing will be determined by fee generation once
the Planning and Building Department has its own funding.
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The Assistant City Manager stated the City will need to be more
nimble than in the past; larger projects tend to subsidize smaller
projects; more money is spent on staff effort than what is received
in fees; fees may need to be raised for smaller items.
Mayor Johnson stated staff is spending an unjustifiable amount of
time on small projects; staff cannot go overboard on small
The Assistant City Manager stated process changes would be
Vice Mayor deHaan stated some fees are steep, such as $676 for a
The Assistant City Manager stated staff is looking at reducing the
amount of regulatory activity.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated current sport fees are $700; inquired
whether the Recreation and Park Department is seeing the same level
of activity.
The Recreation and Park Director responded the majority of sport
usage has been steady over the last five years; stated most fee
increases are tied to balls and official costs; each year fees are
reviewed by the Recreation and Park Commission.
Vice Mayor deHaan inquired whether soccer fees recoup costs.
The Recreation and Park Director responded in the affirmative;
stated $35 per hour covers costs; fees have been artificially low,
and efforts are being made to incrementally raise fees.
Mayor Johnson inquired what are youth baseball and softball fees.
The Recreation and Park Director responded the sports field use is
$5 per player; stated non - profits have the option to work off the
fee through in -kind services or purchasing supplies.
Mayor Johnson stated the City has to be careful not to charge too
much; there are no longer park leagues; children could be priced
out of private leagues if prices are too high; recreation and
sports should not be an elite activity; inquired whether there will
be any change in golf rates, to which the Recreation and Park
Director responded in the negative.
Councilmember Matarrese requested that both current rates and
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previous rates be provided side by side along with the amount of
the increase; stated permit fees are not set to make money but
ensure that public and private infrastructure remains in tact;
people will be encouraged to add things without permits if fees are
too high; permits and inspections ensure that things are done
Mayor Johnson stated the three components required for installing a
sauna add up to a lot of money; inquired whether total fees have
been compared.
The Assistant City Manager responded generally, permits are not out
of line with neighboring jurisdictions.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether staff costs are included, to which
the Assistant City Manager responded fees are flat costs.
Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution.
Vice Mayor deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
(09 -280) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal
Code by Amending Subsection 3 -28.10 (Return on Investment in
Enterprise Funds) of Section 3 -28 (Payment of Taxes) of Chapter III
(Finance and Taxation) to Reduce the Golf Fund's Return on
Investment from to to 0.43363° for Fiscal Years 2006 -07 through
2009 -10 and Exempting the Golf Fund's Return on Investment
Entirely, Effective Fiscal Year 2010 -11. Introduced.
The Assistant City Manager gave a brief presentation.
In response to Vice Mayor deHaan's inquiry, the Assistant City
Manager stated that Alameda Municipal Power's (AMP) Return on
Investment (ROI) would remain at 1%; stated the Sewer Fund is
exempt from ROI.
The Interim Finance Director clarified that AMP's ROI was collected
at the reduced 0.43363° rate; stated AMP's ROI would be collected
at to in Fiscal Year 2009 -2010; the City would recover the
difference between the 0.43363° and to for Fiscal Years 2006 -2007
through 2008 -2009.
Mayor Johnson stated Council made the decision to reduce the ROI
for Golf but the change was not reflected in the ordinance;
inquired how the Golf Course is doing.
The Recreation and Park Director responded the Golf Course is doing
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well; stated rounds have increased; substantial savings are
anticipated; numbers can be presented at the next meeting.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether any formal feedback has been
received from golfers.
The Recreation and Park Director responded Kemper Sports is
conducting a survey; stated information should be available within
a month; informal feedback has been positive.
Mayor Johnson stated the Golf Course condition has improved.
The Recreation and Park Director stated customer service has
improved also.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated the Golf Course is in better shape and
management has improved.
Mayor Johnson stated maintenance workers are at the Golf Course on
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the Golf Course is running
a deficit.
The Recreation and Park Director responded the deficit is not as
large as originally anticipated.
Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether Mif Albright numbers can
be provided.
The Recreation and Park Director responded in the affirmative;
stated numbers have been strong.
Mayor Johnson inquired what is the projected deficit, to which the
Recreation and Park Director responded the deficit should be half
of what was expected.
Mayor Johnson inquired what was the original projection, to which
the Recreation and Park Director responded $700,000.
Mayor Johnson inquired whether or not theft has occurred.
The Recreation and Park Director responded Kemper Sports has done a
good job on inventory control; stated inventory is performed on a
regular basis.
Mayor Johnson inquired about past break in issues, to which the
Recreation and Park Director responded window break ins have not
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Councilmember Gilmore stated passes were abused in the past;
inquired whether a better tracking system is in place.
The Recreation and Park Director responded tracking is tighter;
stated players are being checked.
Councilmember Tam inquired whether the Mif Albright figures would
include increased water rates, to which the Recreation and Park
Director responded in the negative.
Councilmember Matarrese moved introduction of the ordinance.
Vice Mayor deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous
voice vote - 5.
(09 -281) Councilmember Tam reported on two League of California
Cities sessions that she attended.
(09 -282) Councilmember Matarrese reported on the East Bay Green
Corridor Partnership meeting that he attended; stated Alameda is
one of seven cities joining the partnership; the major reason for
the partnership is to capture money aimed at green businesses;
Alameda will be part of the pool which has the ability to capture
regional federal dollars as well as private sector grants.
(09 -283) Mayor Johnson thanked the 4th of July Parade Committee;
stated the day was fun for Alameda.
(09 -284) Mayor Johnson stated complaints have been received
regarding vehicles parked on streets for a prolonged period of
time; inquired whether anything can be done to make enforcement
easier for the Police Department.
The Assistant City Manager responded times could be changed to 48
hour restrictions.
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Mayor Johnson inquired whether a differentiation can be made
regarding vehicle size.
The City Attorney responded the City has an ordinance prohibiting
storage of recreational vehicles and boats on City streets; stated
the issue is a matter of noticing the violation and enforcement;
currently, someone needs to move a vehicle an eighth of a mile
after being parked at the same location for seventy -two hours; the
distance could be changed to a greater amount.
Mayor Johnson stated the ordinance needs to be tightened so the
City is not burdened with preventing people from storing vehicles
on the street.
Vice Mayor deHaan stated a lot of resources are being used to play
games; fines should be increased for continued violations.
Mayor Johnson stated that people complain about vehicles stored on
the streets for months.
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
Regular Meeting at 9:41 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lara Weisiger
City Clerk
The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown
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