2009-08-03 4-D Power PointCity of AlamedaCalifornia
Resource Allocation Plan
Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Annual Budget
Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Budget Forecast
I.Budget Overview
II.Financial Summary
III.Program Highlights
IV.Management Initiatives
V.Action Plan
Budget Overview
Organization Format
Executive Summary
City Profile
Financial Summaries
Department Program Budgets
Budget Goals
A document –one which reflects
coherent, entity wide mission statements, goals
and objectives of organizational units
A plan –one which includes and
describes all operating, capital and debt
services funds including resources,
expenditures, and cash balances
An guide –one which describes
activities, services, organizational units and
A device –one which is clear
and transparent to public by defining terms and
summarizing complex analytical data
Budget Foundation
Focus on “Managing for Results” with
an articulation of organizational values
Program-performance-based cost
Basis for sound policy discussion on
core services and costs by 1/10
II. Financial Summary
Total Budget –$288,544,650.
General Fund$68,732,150
Special Revenue Funds$61,403,740
Capital Project Funds$18,391,670
Debt Service Funds$ 7,909,880
Enterprise Funds$16,477,430
Internal Service Funds$10,687,640
Trust and Agency Funds$15,856,140
General Fund
Balanced projected revenues with
projected expenditures
Protects $8.8M available cash balance
Reflects core revenues and
expenditures, eliminating transfers in
Special Revenue Funds
Largest fund group reflecting volume of
restricted dollars
Funds with negative cash balances include
Police/Fire Construction Impact; FISC Lease
and APIP
City funds reduced cash balance by $2.1M
CIC funds reduced cash balance by $100,000
ARRA funds reduced cash balance by $2.1M
Capital Project Funds
All funds stable with no negative cash
$2.2M in various cash balances utilized
for capital projects
$21M still available to match with future
revenues for new or continued capital
Debt Service Funds
City reserve funds are sound
CIC reserve funds stable
ARRA reserve fund stable
Debt service first claim on expenditures
in operating funds
Monitored quarterly for refinancing
Enterprise Funds
Anticipates ferry transfer to WETA by
fiscal year-end
Substantial sewer fund cash balances
net of “Stargell” loan
Golf course with $275,590 cash balance
at 6/30/10
Internal Service Funds
Reduced negative cash balances from
$3.4M as of 1/09 to $860,280 by 6/10
Built in reserves and contingencies to
avoid negative spiking
Budgeted $750,000 in various
equipment replacement
Includes $385,000 to replace phone
Includes $200,000 in computer upgrades
Trust and Agency Funds
OPEB of $2.1M
Pension Plans 1079/1082 of $2.5M
Debt Service for various conduit
financings such as Marina Village;
Harbor Bay Marina Village and CFD
III. Program Highlights
General Government
Allocation of costs to Intergovernmental
Reallocation of Assistant City Manager to
Community and Economic Development funds
Centralization of ARRA agendas with City Clerk
Organizational reporting of Information
Technology to City Manager’s Office
Development of Program Budget oversight unit
Administrative Services
No changes in personnel resources
Evaluation of business license software
Extensive resources dedication to MOU
Evaluation of alternate
personnel/payroll software module
Analysis of OPEB and PERS
Community Services
Funding of part-time position for education
linkages program in Library; no personnel
increases in Recreation and Parks
Library transfer increase to off-set cost
allocation –still nets to $1.5M
Implements ‘Go Library’
Re-evaluation of field use policy
Final implementation of golf privatization
Development Services
Requires use of Community Planning fees to
balance fund
Evaluates cross-training building inspection
and code enforcement
Requires RDA State “take” to be addressed as
budget amendment by 9/09
Centralizes and relocates development
services staffing to City Hall
Re-evaluates housing program operations in
conjunction with Housing Authority
Public Safety Services
Maintains 92 sworn in both Fire and Police
Implements parallel command structure in
Fire as in Police
Implements ICMA recommendations as
Evaluates/implements relocation of animal
shelter facility
Implements Code Red
Enhances disaster preparedness
Public Services
Implements alternative fuel program
Develops a formal, five-year Capital
Improvement Plan parallel with five-year
Business Plan
Evaluates relocation of maintenance services,
engineering and administrative staff to new
Completes revised impact fee study and
calculations to leverage funds
Implements revised City Hall parking
IV. Management Initiatives
Policy/Advisory Boards Structure
Organizational Streamlining (efficiency
and effectiveness of people and space)
Green Initiatives (alternate fuels; green
department programs; economic
Telecommunications Improvements
(phones; computers)
OPEB Financing (savings; offsets)
Program Performance Based Budget
(leadership training; performance
Municipal Code (outdated ordinances)
Employer-Employee Team Solution
(MOUs; cost-savings incentives)
Classification and Compensation Study
Targeted Development Opportunities
School District Linkage (housing;
library; recreation and parks)
City Branding (logo; website)
Disaster Preparedness Exercise
City-wide Mid-management Training
Relocation of City Facilities (corporate
yard; animal shelter; public works)
V. Action Plan
City Council Policy sessions September-
December on defining core services
Management diligence in accurately
reporting and refining programs and
performance measures
Long-term financial decision making
January 2010 to set course for five-year
fiscal plan FY10-11 –FY14-15