Cal Land Venture, LLC 461Major Donor and M AJOR DONOR AND INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE STATEMENT Independent Expenditure Committee Typ o r print i n ink. "Y. Da to Starr Campaign Statement J (Government Code sections 84200 84216.5) Statement covers period Date of election if applicabl JUL 3 L 2009 pa of 7 (Month, Day, Years from 01/0 For Official Use Only .gyp P iWdw� L%k qL 1� SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through D6 3 0/2009 F 1. Name and Address of Filer 3. Summary NAME OF FILER (Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars.) (Include name(s) of all affiliated entities whose contributions are included in this statement.) Cal Land Venture, LLC including aggregated contributions of SCC Alameda 1 Expenditures and contributions Point, LLC (a company under contract with City of Alameda to Master Plan i ncl u ding loans of $100 or more g IA AILING ADDRESS (Nn. AND STREET) made this period. (P art 5.) S ,871.11 2. Unitemized expenditures and CITY STATE ZIP CODE contributions (including loans) under $100 made this period....... 0 CA 92614 RESPONSIBLE OFFICER AREA CODE/DAYTIME PHONE 3. Total expenditures and contributions (If filer is other than an individual) made this period. (Add Lines 1 2.) SUBTOTAL 5 63,871. 11 Bruce Cook (949) 777 --4032 4. Total expenditures and contributions 2. Nature and Interests of Filer (Complete each applicable section.) made from prior statement. (Enter amount from Line 5 of last statement A FILER WHO I5 AN INDIVIDUAL MUST LIST THE NAME, ADDRESS, AND BUSINESS INTERESTS OF EMPLOYER OR, IF SELF EMPLOYED, THE NAME, ADDRESS, filed. if this i the fast statement for AND NATURE OF THE BUSINESS NAME OF EMPLOYER/BUSINESS BUSINESS INTERESTS the calendar ear, enter zero. Y 0.00 5. Total expenditures and contributions including loans} made since ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER/BUSINESS January 1 of the current calendar year. (Add Lines 3 4.) TOTAL 563, 0 A FILER THAT IS A BUSINESS ENTITY MUST DESCRIBE THE BUSINESS ACTIVITY IN WHICH IT I5 ENGAGED Real Estate Development and planning A FILER THAT IS AN ASSOCIATION MUST PROVIDE A SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION OF ITS INTERESTS 4. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed the statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 4 tie Execu to d a n z By El A FILER THAT IS NOT AN INDIVIDUAL. BUSINESS ENTITY, OR ASSOCIATION MUST DESCRIBE THE COMMON ECONOMIC INTEREST OF THE GROUP OR ENTITY El Amendment (Explain): b ArE SIGNATURE OF INDIVIDUAL DONOR OR RESPONSIBLE OFFICER IF OTHER THAN AN INDIVIDUAL FPPC Form 461 (Jan106) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 866/275 -3772 Major Donor and Independent Expenditure Committee Campai Statement SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE AND MAJOR DONOR COMMITTEE STATEMENT T or print in ink. Statement covers period A Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. from 01 throu 06/30/2009 Pa 2 of 7 NAME OF FILER Cal Land Venture, LLC includin a contributions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC (a compan under contract with Cit of Alameda to Master Plan Alameda Po. 5. Contributions (includin Loans, For of Loans, and Loan Guarantees) and Expenditures Made (if more space is needed, use additional copies of this pa for continuation sheets.) FPPC Form 461 (Jan/06) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 8661275-3772 DESCRIPTION OF CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, CUMULATIVE AMOUNT DATE NAME STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE TYPE OF PAYMENT PAYMENT MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, AMOUNT THIS RELATED TO THIS OF PAYEE IF OTHER THAN MONETARY OR COMMITTEE PERIOD CANDIDATE, MEASURE, IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) Monetar CONTRIBUTION OR LOAN) media consultin Revitalize Alameda Point 7,875.00 OR COMMITTEE 563,871.11 03/03/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with major fundin b Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliat=ed Entities, throu SCC Alameda (41316167) on Contribution service5 a committee with major fundin b Cal Land Venture L Affiliated Entities, throu h SCC Alameda Point LL Non-Monetary a compan under contract Contribution with Cit of Alameda to Master P Alameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure Expenditure El Support El oppose contribution made in kind to Sin Associates, Inc., 14) Ser-and 6th i'loor, San Francisco, CA 94105-3738 03/05/2DO9 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with major fundin b Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliated Moneta El Monetary Revitalize Alameda Point 29,365-00 563,871-11 Entities, throu SCC Alameda (41316167) Contribution a committee with ma fundin b Cal Land Loan Venture LLC Affiliated Non- Monetary Entities, throu SCC Alameda Point L C, a Contribution com under contract wit City of Alameda to Master P an lameda, CA 94501 Independent Q Support El Oppose Expenditure Payment occurred via intermediary First American Title y 03/30/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with ma r Monetar MX emplo Revitalize Alameda Point 39,142.28 563,871.11 fundin b Cal Land venture LLC Affiliated Contribution compensation (FPPC a committee with major Entities, throu SCC Alameda (41316167) Re 18423) fundin b Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliated Loan Entities, throu SCC Alameda Point LL a Non-Monetar compan under contract Cit Alameda to Contribution with of Master Plan lameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure Support Oppose 04/01/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with major fundin b Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliated Monetar Revitalize Alameda Point 8, 000-00 563,871.11 Entities, throu SCC Alameda (#1316167) Contribution a committee with major fundin b Cal Land Loan Venture LL Attilfated Ent throu SCC Non-Monetary Alameda Point LL a com under contract Alameda, CA 94501 Contribution wit Cit of Alameda to Master P an Independent Expenditure support oppose Ipa occurr-ed via intermediar F American '1'itle clmpan Z SUBTOTAL 84,382.28 FPPC Form 461 (Jan/06) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 8661275-3772 Ma Donor and Independent Expenditure Committee T or print in ink. Amounts ma be rounded Campai Statement to whole dollars. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE AND MAJOR DONOR COMMITTEE STATEMENT Statement covers period from 01/01/2009 through 06/30/2009 Pa 3 of 7 NAME OF FILER Cal Land Venture, LLC includin a contributions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC (a compan under contract with Cit of Alameda to Master Plan Alameda Po. 5. Contributions (Includin Loans, For of Loans, and Loan Guarantees) and Expenditures Made (if m ore space is neede use additional copies of this p a g e for con tin ua tion sheets.) DATE NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE TYPE OF PAYMENT DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT CANDIDATE AND OFFIC E AMOUNT THIS CUMULATIVE AMOUNT MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, RELATED TO THIS OF PAYEE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER 1.0, NUMBER) (IF OTHER THAN MONETARY CONTRIBUTION OR LOAN PERIOD OR COMMITTEE CANDIDATE, MEASURE, OR COMMITTEE 04/13/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with major Monetar El illustration Revitalize Alameda Point 1,500-00 5G3,871.11 fundin b Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliated service a committee with major Contribution ,Entities, throu SCC Alameda (4L316167) on fundin b Land E] Loan Venture L Affiliated Entities, through SCC Non-Monetar Alameda Point LL a com under contract Contribution wit Cit of Alameda to Master Plan Alameda, CA 94501. El Independent Expenditure E] Support Oppose cantribution made in kind to Udinsk AZ'Chitecture, 2941 rele Ave-, Berke -e CA 94705 04/23/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with major Moneta Moneta fundin b Cal Land Venture LLC L Affiliated Revitalize Alameda Point 82,165.00 S63,871.11 Entities, throu SCC Alameda (4'.316167) Contribution a committee with major fundin h Cal Land Loan Venture LLC Affiliated Entities, throu SCC Alameda Point LL a Non-Monetar compan under contract Contribution with Cit of Alameda to Al ame da, CA 94501 Independent Master P an Expenditure E] Support E] Oppose a e nt o ccurred p i via intermediary First. Amerman Title C mDanv 04/23/2009 Reritaliz,=_, Alameda Point a committee with ma Monetar fundin b Cal Land venture LLC Affiliated El public relations Revitalize Alameda Point 9,975.00 563,871.11 Entities, throu SCC Alameda (41316167) Contribution services a committee with major fundin b Cal Land Loan Venture C Affiliated Entities, throu SCC Alameda Point LL a El Non-Monetar y Contribution compan under contract with Cit of Alameda to Master Plan lameda, CA 94501 Independent cant ribut E ion made in kind to The Next Generation, 1904 Fcanklin S reeltuwG9, Uakland, CA 94612 El Support El oppose 04/30/2009 1,,italize Alameda Point a committee with maj monetar fundin b Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliated emplo Revitalize Alameda Point 58,713.30 563,871.11 EnLities, throu SCC Alameda (#1316167) Contribution compensation (FPPC Re 18423) a committee with major fundin b� Cal Land Loan Venture L Affiliated Entities, throu SCC Alameda Point LL Non-Monetar a compan under contract Contribution Alameda, CA 94501 wiLh Ci t y of Alamedd Lu Master P Independent Expenditure E] Support Oppose SUBTOTAL 152,353-30 FPPC Form 461 (Jan/06) FPPC Toll-Free Helpfine: 8661ASK-FPPC 8661275-3772 Major Donor and Independent Expenditure Committee Campaign Statement INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE AND MAJOR DONOR COMMITTEE STATEMENT Type or print in ink. Statement covers period A Is Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. from 0 1 0 1 /200 9 SEE INSTRUCTIONS O N REVERSE through 06/30/2009 Page 4 of 7 NAME OF FILER Coral Land Ven ture, LLC including aggregated contributions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC (a company under contract with City of Alameda to Master P an Alameda Po. 5. Contributions (Including Loans, Forgiveness of Loans, and Loan Guarantees) and Expenditures Made (If more space is needed, use additional copies of this page for continuation sheets.) NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, AMOUNT THIS AMOUNT CUMULATIVE AMOUNT RELATED TO THIS O F PAYEE TYPE OF PAYMENT PAYMENT MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, PERIOD (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I.D. NUMBER) (IF OTHER THAN MONETARY ;pNTRIEUTION OR LOAN) OR COMMITTEE CANDIDATE, MEASURE, OR COMMITTEE 05/22/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with major Monetary illu stration Revitalize Alame Point 10,000-00 563, 871.11 funding by Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliated services a committee with major Entities, through SCC Alameda #1.315167 Contribution funding b Cal Land Loan Venture LLC Affiliated Entities, throe h SCC Non- Monetar y ry C Alameda Point LLC, a com any under contract with Cit of Alameda to Master Plan A l ameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure F1 Support E] oppose ccntri.huti.on made i,n kind to Architecture Desi n illustr t4an LL, All in. 5o Fairview Read, Lynr field, MA 01940 kevitalize Alameda Point a committee with major funding by Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliated Monetary illustration Revitalize Alameda Point 1,500.00 563,871.11 Entities, through SCC Alameda 41316167) Contribution Services a committee with major funding b Cal Land L oan Venture LLC Affiliated Entities, thrcu h SCC Alameda Point LLC a Non-Monetary "m any under contract Contribution with Cityy of Alameda to A lameda, CA 94 5 0 l Independent Mas ter P3 an E] Support E] Oppose Expenditure contribution made in kind to Udkinsk Architecture ?941 Tele ra Avenue Be kele CA 94700 05/22/2009 Revitalize Alameda Paint a committee with majo El Monetary media services Revitalize Alameda Point 8,460.00 563,871.11 funding by Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliated a committee with maj Entities, through SCC Alameda (##131.6167) Contribution funding by Cal Land Loan Venture LLC Affiliated Entities, through SCC Non- Monetary Alameda Point LLG, a company under contract with City Alameda to Contribution of Master P an 1 ame d.a CA 94501 Independent [Revitalize Q Support Oppose arxtribuL -Ian nude in kind La Wired Hat Interactive, 250 Fvendgure Ombar ulte 7, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Alameda Point a committee with majo 05/22/2009 funding by Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliated M Monetary media services Revitalize Alameda Point 300.00 503,871.1.1. Entities, through SCC Alameda I 131.61.6 7) Contribution a committee with mayor funding by Cal Land El Loan Venture L Affiliated Entities, throe h SCC Non Monetary Contribution Alameda Point LLC a company under contract lameda, CA 94501 with City of Alameda to Master Plan Independent El Support E] Oppose conti made in kind Lo Wired Hat TnreraoCi.ve, 250 ,R end ,ombar S sh _e 7, IThousand Oaks, CA 91360 SUBTOTAL 20,260-0 FPPC Form 461 (Jan/06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 8661276 -3772 Ma Donor and Independent Expenditure Committee Campai Statement INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE AND MAJOR DONOR COMMITTEE STATEMENT T or print in ink. Statement covers period A Amounts ma be rounded to whole dollars. from 01 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 06/30/2009 Pa 5 of 7 NAME OF FILER Cal Land Venture, LLC includin a contributions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC (a compan under contract with Cit of Alameda to Master Plan Alameda Po. 5. Contributions (Includin Loans, For of Loans, and Loan [guarantees) and Expenditures Made (If more sp a ce is neede use additional copies o this pa for continuation sheets.) FPPC Form 461 (Jan106) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC 8661275-3772 DESCRIPTION OF CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, CUMULATIVE AMOUNT DATE NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE TYPE OF PAYMENT PAYMENT MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, AMOUNT THIS RELATED TO THIS OF PAYEE (IF OTHER THAN MONETARY OR COMMITTEE PERIOD CANDIDATE, MEASURE, (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER I. NUMBER) CONTRIBUTION OR LOAN) OR COMMITTEE 05/30/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with major Monetar emplo Revitalize Alameda Point 60,670.41 563,871-11 fundin b Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliated Entities, throu SCC Alameda (413161G7) Contribution ion (FPPC a committee with major funding b Cal Land Loan Re 1842 3) R 1842 Venture LLC Affiliated Entities, throu SCC LL C, Non-Monetary Alameda Point a company under contract with City of Alameda to Contribution Master Pl Alameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure Support F 1 Oppose 06/01/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point j a committee with maor nx Monetary Revitalize Alameda Point 24,500-❑0 563, 871. 11 fundin b Cal Land VttnLuz-e LLC Affi'.iated Contribution a committee with major Entities, throu SCC Alameda (#1316167) funding b Cal Land Venture by Affiliated Loan Entities, tntoLLG Non-Monetao ry Ala a company under contract Contribution with City of Alameda to Alameda, CA 94501 E] Independent Master Plan Expenditure F Support oppose Payment occut'red via intermediar American Title CDmpanv 06/08/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with major Monetary legal services Revitalize Alameda Point 15,120.00 563,871.11 fundin b Cal Land venture LLC Affiliated a committee with major Entities, throu SCC Alameda (#1316167) Contribution funding b� Cal Land Loan Venture L Affiliated Ent 4ties, through SCC Alameda Point LL a Non Monetary company under contract with City of Alameda to Contribution Master Plan Alameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure El Support El Oppose contxi-but �an made i-n kii to Peter A. Ba Esa. OG/08/2009 1,,ilalize Alameda Point a committee with major fundin b Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliated El Monetary legal services Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with major 17,720.00 563,871.11 Entities, throu SCC Alameda (#1316167) Contribution funding bK Cal Land Loan Venture LL &Affiliated Entities, throu2h SCC Non-Monetary Alameda Point LL a company under contract Contribution with City of Alameda to lameda, CA 94501 Independent Master P Expenditure Support Oppose 1contribution in kind to Bar Padem, w SUBTOTAL 118,010.41 FPPC Form 461 (Jan106) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 8661ASK-FPPC 8661275-3772 Major Donor and Independent Expenditure Commi Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded Campaign Statement to whole dollars. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE AND MAJOR DONOR COMMITTEE STATEMENT Statement covers period W A is from 01/01/2009 through 06/30/2009 Page 6 of 7 NAIVE OF FILER Cal Land Venture, LLC including aggregated contribur. ions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC (a company under contract with City of Alameda to Master Plan Alameda Po: 5. Contributions (Including Loans, Forgiveness of Loans, and Loan Guarantees) and Expenditures Dade (If more space is needed, use additional copies of this page for continuation sheets.) DATE NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY STATE AND ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, CUMULATIVE AMOUNT AMOUNT THIS RELATED TO THIS OF PAYEE TYPE OF PAYMENT PAYMENT MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, PERIOD CIF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER 1_q° NUMBER) (IF OTHER THAN MONETARY CONTRIBUTION OR LOAN) OR COMMITTEE CANDIDATE, MEASURE, OR COMMITTEE 06/25/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with majo funding by Cal Land Venture LLC Affi�iated Monetary public relations Revitalize Alameda Pint 355.22 563, 871.11 Entities, through SCC Alameda #131.6167) Coratributir�rt services a committee with major funding b Cal Land Loan Venture LLC Affiliated Entities, throw h SCC Non-Monetary 'y lameda Point LLC, a com any under contract Contribution with City of Alameda to Master Plan A lameda, CA 94501 Independent Expenditure Support oppose contribution made in kind to The Next Generation, 1904 Franklin Street: ##609. C akland, CA 94612 06/25/2009 Revitalize Alameda Paint a committee with majo funding by Cal, Land venture LLC Affiliated Monetary public relat Revi talize. Alameda Point 11, 382 50 563,871-11 Entities, through SCC Alameda #131.6167) Contribution services a committee with major funding b Cal Land L oan E Venture LLC Affiliated Entities through SCC Alameda la eda pint LLC, a Contribution comp any under contract wits City of Alameda to A lameda, CA 94501 Independent Master Plan Expenditure xl Support appose contribution made in kind to The Next Generation 1904 Franklin Street 609 akland, Ca 94612 06/25/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with majo funding by Cal Land venture LLC Affiliated Monetary public relations Revitalize Alameda Point 11, 382.50 563,8'71.11 Entities, through SCC Alameda #131616 Contribution services a committee with major funding by Cal Land Loan Venture LLC Affiliated Entities, throu h SCC Nan Monetary Alameda Point L C, a company under contract Contribution with City of Alameda to Master Plan A lameda, CA 94501 Independent Supp Oppose c 7s7iribui, ian made in kind to The Nex Ge neration, 1904 Franklin �S't�ree[ %109, Oakland, CA 94612 06/29/2009 Revitalize Alameda Paint a committee with majo Land Venture LLC Affiliated funding by Ca Affiliated ry El Revitalize Alameda Point 32, 000.00 563, 871.11 Entities, through SCC Alameda (#1316167 Contribution a committee with major funding b Cal Land Venture Loan E] LKC Affiliated Entities, throw h SCC Alameda Point L Non Monetary a com under contract Contribution with City of Alameda to A lameda, CA 94501 Master Plan Independent a meat. occurred v.la int-ermediary First American 'Title Mnnpapy Expenditure xx Support E] oppose SUBTOTAL 55, FPPC Form 461 (Jant06) FPPC Toll -Free Helpline: 866 /ASK -FPPC 8661275-3772 a M INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE AND wia Donor and MAJOR DONOR COMMITTEE STATEMENT Independent Expenditure Committee T or print in ink. Statement covers period Amounts ma be rounded Campai Statement to whole dollars. from 01/01/2009 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE through 06130/2009 Pa 7 of *7 NAME OF FILER Cal Land Venture, LLC includin a contributions of SCC Alameda Point, LLC (a compan under contract with Cit ol'_' Alameda to Master Plan Alameda Po. 5. Contributions (includin Loans, For of Loans, and Loan Guarantees) and Expenditures Made (If more sp a ce is nee de d*, use additional copies of this pa for continuation sheets.) DATE NAME, STREET ADDRESS, CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE TYPE OF PAYMENT DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, CUMULATIVE AMOUNT AMOUNT THIS RELATED TO THIS OF PAYEE IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER 1.0- NUMBER) (IF OTHER THAN MONETARY CONTRIBUTION OR LOAN OR COMMITTEE PERIOD CANDIDATE, MEASURE, OR COMMITTEE 06/30/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with major fundin b Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliated Monetar consultin fees, Revitalize Alameda Point 61,220.30 563,871-11 Entities, throu SCC Alameda (41316167) Contribution printin ,posta photocop a committee with major fundin bCal Land Loan parkin ad Venture LLC Affiliated Entities, throu LL SCC Alameda Point C, El Non-Monetary a compan under contract Contribution with City of Alameda to Master P Alameda, CA -94501 Independent an Expenditure Support Oppose ayment cwcurred via intermediar First American Title dmipany 06/30/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with major fundin b Cal Land VenLuie LLC Affiliated Moneta El Monetary emplo Revitalize Alameda Point 58,733-30 563,871-11 Entities, throu SCC Alameda (#1316167) Contribution compensation (FPPC Re 18423) a committee with major fundin b Cal Land Loan Venture L C Affiliated Entities, throu SCC Alameda Point LL a Non -Monetar compan under contract Contribution with Cit of Alameda to Alameda, CA 94501 Independent Master Plan Expenditure F X J Support Oppose 06/30/2009 Revitalize Alameda Point a committee with major fundin b Cal Land Venture LLC Affiliated El Monetar consultin fees, Revitalize Alameda Point 13, 791-30 563,871.11 Entities, throu SCC Alameda (#13161 67) on on Contribut printn posta photocop a committee with major fundin b� Cal Land Loan parkin ad Venture L C Affiliated Entities, Llirou SCC oint. Non-Monetar Contribution Alameda P LL a comp an under contract wit Cit of Alameda to Alameda, CA 94501 Independent Master Plan Expenditure El Support Oppose p occurred via intermediar SCC Alameda Point Monetar Contribution Loan Non-Monetar Contribution Independent Ex penditure Support ❑Oppose SUBTOTAL 133,744,90 I FPPC Form 461 (Jan/06) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 866/275-3772